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,,, TwI Welding lnspection Steels - WIS 5 l^naz/.

Welding lnsPection, Steels - WIS 5 t:l
Nlutti Choice Question Paper ( TWI 1)Rev I

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Duti6 nnd RBponsibililies

Visual Examination s:
1. The Standard thatspeciUedlhe NDTwhich incldes
a BS EN 287

q.' Bs EN 970

2 A Code ol Practce sr
a A standard forworkfiansh p qualily
b: Asel ol rlles for Designing ! specillc prcduct
c A specilicalon fora linshed product
d Alof the above

3 Vsual .specto. of a fabrcaled Ltem lhat meanl ior hirlh inlegrity

app icaton shou d coverl

a Berore and dlring weldLng

b Dlnng and Afterweld ng
c aeiore, Dlring ann Afterwedng
d UP tothe inspector to de'ide
W Weldinq lnspection, Steels -Wls 5

The [,lain responsib ltes of the w€ld]ng inspector are:

a Code compiiance and Msual nsPectan

b. code compiance, Workmanship and Documenratrdn contros '
c Prepare lnspecton Test Plan

5 Adlty not nomally undertaken Li 6 weldinq inspector is 1o1

a Check the.ondition otthe parerl malerial

b. check th€ condition oflhe @nsumables
a Measlre res dlal slress
d. Check caiblation cedincates

Awe d ng nspeclorsholLd have the qualitvslch as

Honest, lotegrry and be physicaly lll
Be a good commln cator and Knowedgeab e
Able to look after the welders

Alwe dinc machlnes must be che.ked f'r

! The display pare
b OPen Cncu tVo tage

d. caib.ationvaid ty

VisualExaminaton shal be catred out by

a The Vlelder foreman
b. A Olal led \rye di.g lnspector
c A Quained Welder
d Produclion Superuisor
TWI Welding lnsPection, Steels -WlS 5
which is not alowed bY the
lnspector thal deleds an rmperiecLon
p rcai on Standard should

Request lor turlher NDE appli€tion

Refer 10 h Sher aulhorry

Wnich oi ihe tems below is not the

b. Variols tYPe ofrelding sauses

c Flash or torch lights

d steelrule and measuing lape

Defects.nd lmoerfecrions

tl U.dercuts nomaLlv happens atthe "

:' Toes oftheweld
b cenlre ol the wed metaLonY
c OnlY althe rootofthe wed

d lnthe llerPasses

Lack of rool fusion occuired mostllkely
a Root gap being too la€e
b W'ong belel anqle Preparation
'c. I Linearmisaignment
d Wrong selecion olelecirodetvpe
welding lnspection, Steels -wls 5

13. The minimom st_ength requied of a weld is lhe:

a Leg lenglh
Desisn rhroat thickness
c. Depih oi ihe Penelralion
d Ali of the abde

€used by:
!{ exessive back p press u€ a nd shrin*age.

back purge pressu.e and very high heat inputs.

rooi gnnding and a slow lravel speed.
bol grinding and ercessive back plrge pEssu@.

15 inspeciing a cntcalcompone.t, ihe loes oia weld musl be:

[4ust always overlap ai leasi 1.5 mm onto lhe parenl mabnal.

Must always be inspecied using a cbck deteclion method (MPl.

None otihe above can be selecied - specin€ on requirements


W€ldino Processes

SMAW and GTAW are 2 arc welding process that opeEtes hanua ly.
What is lhe eleclrica characlerisiic ror lhese 2 process.
a. Constant Voltage characleristc
1 Constant Cuiieni or Droopino Cha€denstc
Aliemaling Cunent ChaEcterlstic
Reverse po arity Charaden$ic
TWI Welding lnspection, Steels -WlS 5

proess But ii is
1T spray l\,lode ol Transler is associated wilh GIVAW

'al Limitedto PA, PB and PC positjon

b. Gives high dePosition raie
c. Produed a lol oI spatter

pbcess comes
rhe mechanicalpropertes of Welds made with SMAW

d Tne mMu e olP"€nrMeldlwrn eectode @ ewr"

b. The Parent metaL only.
c. The coEwne ofthe eedode onlv
'/ The nux covenng oi ihe e eckode

is the colfect tem

ln an arc welding process which of the tollowirg
per mlnute?
used ior ihe amountofweld melal deposited

c Wdd deposluon


The HAZ of the welded ioint is the most criiical

area Thislsbecalse:
/i rthas unde.gone Microstrocture change
b. Nochansetak€s placedue to the welding heal
c. ltislhe lasi area 10 soidified
d. The hotlestarea in the W_'ld zone
W Welding lnspeclion, Steels - WIS 5

Distonion a.d Residual st€ss is the resull oi:

a. Alloying elements inthepa€nt metal.
b. Flux covenng il welded wilh SMAW pr@ss
V ErDansion and conkacton dle lo weldino Heat
d Arc sap beinq too larqe dunng welding

22. C.ld
Type of cEcking due io nainly of Hydregen
Lack orlusion between @ld metal and parent meial.
Type of cracking happened both in Wels and Parent Metals

23. Residual Element such as Sulphur, would

a Hydrogen rndlced cold Cracking
l/ soldiiicationorhoicrackino.
c lnier crystalline corosion
d FaIqle cEckinq

LamelarTeaing is the resu t ormatedalwith:

a Hiqh chromium Content.

Y Poorhrouqh Thchness Ducl i\

c Wed made usrnq hrghdlulon Pro(ess
d. Wed made usins wrons eleclrode.

What is the Arc Energy f the weld is made wlth:Amps = 125, Volts =
24 and lEvelspeed = 230mm/min
W Weldinq lnspection, steels -wls 5

Non-Deslruclive Testinos

26. Dye Pe.etrant Testing (PT) is good lordetects:

a That s buried underlhe weld suraace
lr With Sudace openng
c On Materias ofPorous characlehslic
d. A loilhe above

27 surhce defects o. Austenilic Slainless Steelis delectable wilh:

a. MagneticPadicleTestins(l',lT)
b. visual lnspecuon (vl)
c HardnessTesting (NT)

,dl Dye penetra nt ieslin s (PT)

23 Vaious methods of applying Magnetsm to Tesling componenls are:

a Flexble Cable

c. AC and DC yoke
d Allolthe above

29 The insirumeni Lsed to access lhe radograph qlally s

t: lmage Ouaily ndicator

W Welding lnspection, Steels -WlS 5

The Edography technique where 0re image is elpse and applled on

p pe with d ameler<100 mm is:

a. Doublewal Oouble lmaqe

b. sinsleWaLlSingelmage(Panoramlc)
c DoubleWal] Sngle mage
d Snglewal Single lmage

Which oilhe substance be ow is nol an lsotope:

U trasoncTestng s based on
a Radiatof pass ng ihrouqh the mater al

b Eleclr. Clrenl Pass nq throlgh lhe malera

c Coupla.i passing through the maieial
da Hlgh FEquency solndwave passing through the maienal

'".orr d i dovan€ga ovp 'ad oq dphv bPld _

Lr "irq
Itcan detect am nation n lhePlale
Itgood ior deiecllng nternaLLack olSdewal Flsion
It can be lsed for th ckness qaoq na
Welding lnspection, Steels -WlS 5

34. The different tPe of probes lsed tor Ult asonic lesting are:

-?: ComPre$ion ardShear Probes

) b. Square Probes
c Sinqle Cryslal Pobes
d. lwin Crysial Probes

35. Dis adva nlag e oI U ltras onic Testin g @mPareto Radiog€phvis:

/ N€ed a smoolh sudace P@Pa@lion

b Slrlace may contaminaiedLe to excess couplanl
c. can ldenbryDetudvpe

weldino Svnbols

36. Bs EN 22553 Welding symbols has ldenlifcation line (Dash line) to

a. Weld to be made on Arow side

b Weld to bemadeon Bolh side
r/ wed tobe fiade on olherside
d Wdd lo be made lntermttent

37 As per BS EN 22553, All symbo s placed on the lefi orlhe weld svmbol

a. LinearDmension
b. Nume calDimersion
I crc* ectDnaru mssm
d Noneoflheabove
w,qt Welding lnspection, Sleels -

Welds lo be made alsle. alround loes lo be b end are:

a: Supplementa ry Symbo s
b EemeniarySynbors
c Slpport symbos

No of Weld elemerts, Length olwed elements and pkh be^4een weld

eiemenis are cassiied as:
a Supp ementary Synbols
b Lnear oihension
c Cross Secliona Dhenson.
.l s.2le.ldmensio.

40 The conventonlorboth BS EN and AWs fo.lhe airowlneis:

a Affowlne musltouclr the pad where ioint to be made
b llsho!d not be par.lellothe bolloh oithe drawing sheet
c ll mlsl point 10 the part to be pr€pared t only sinlle pan
d Al oi the above

Weldinq Procedule and lVechanical Testinqs

4r The documenl used to carry oll Test Wdd ls caLed

a Weldjng Procenlre Approva Record
b Wddnq Procedure Specilication
c Weldng Procedure Ouarrcauon Record
dl Preimnary Weldins Procedue Spec icalion
W Welding lnspection, Steels - WIS 5

Weld ng Pro.edure Spe.llcal'on s used:

Glve lnrormalion lo the Welder

Guidance to Welding lnspeclor to carry out lnspecton
G ve cofsislentWed OualV ro matter where or when the weld

A OLa jfied We ding Pro@dure Specifcalion is Lhat has ben:

a Subjectlo MechanlcalTesting ior Mechan calpropFdies
b Resteintduring Testweld process
c chemica Cleanlng Afierwe ding
d Non Destrlctve Testng only

Mechan calTesl ng thal has Llnit of evallaton is termedas:

The d between Mlcroand Macro leslnq ar€:

a Magnlicaton for Mado is bv Microscope

b The Finish suriace ofmacro is polishedwilh 1000 macron !rt
c [,lacro ]s used lo revea the weld grain slrucllre
d None oltheabole
wn- Welding lnspection, Steels -WlS 5

Essenlia Variables in the Wedi.g Procedlre Specifi€lion is crtical

Gives dlfterentWe d resull every time the Welder is chanaed

It needs lne requallcalion rI s change beyond lhe alowabe

t chanse ihe dechancal propedies of lhe we!d, it ii is chanqe

beyond the alowable imits

Weldels Qua incafon shou d be wthdrawn t

a He has nol done any we ding wo&forthe pasl3 months
b. He has been abseftfrcmwo* ior lhe pastT monlhs
c H s repair rale has been below 1%

Weder Ouaiiiication Tesl s normaly cairied out usng non backlng

jojnt Ths is lor the purpose of
To save the testln! lime. and thus save cosl
To avoid theweld€rliom prod!. ng rn unacceptabe roor
To give a h gher Qualitical on range lo the welder
Therootperetraton s no mponanttowederQualilcation

Which of the iolowln! is not an essentia

Achange n Poslon from PBto PE

A.hange oiWedng Process
A.h.f!e from I proje.tto a.other
Welding lnsPection, Steels -WIS 5
50 Wdd ng Procedlre Speclicallon is nomaly Approved by:
a Welding Engineer
b QualityAssuGnceManaqer
ci The client
d any oi the above

General Technoloq!

ri q u.e_ ryp'c woLio /oL e/occr

whtrn of the iolowr lo bc Bed or

'ex-orlso rhm rirr* 1r'e Gwerdrlqproce"

d. ALI of ihe abov€

52 Whe.welding ol2 dilferent materla s ilis caled

a Difierent Metal We ding
b. lr/iied MetalWddng
c ComplexWeldlng
'd Transilion We d.g

53 When lhe HAZ is wider ihen specilled bv the wPs this shows thatlhe

a High Heal lnput

b Small Electrod€ Size
c Weld trave speed too slow
W. Weldinq lnspection, Steels -WlS 5

The 3 main iactors to be considered ard monlore.ldurirc condlcllnq

any Heat Treatmeni process are:
Mateialthickness method orapplying heat and Temperatue
Healing Rate, Temperature and Soaking time Coolng rate
l',4aierial ihickness, Soakinq lime and Temperal!re

55. lnstee lheelemenl

a Chromium
b. Manganese

procesc is increased the

Which of ihe folowin! best descrbes a .em automaic 4eld ng

The weder is resp.ns be tor lhe manlafinC lhe arc gap and

The weder is responslbe for trlvel speed only: arc aaD is kept
constanl by ihe weld ng plant
Both trave sp€ed ann arcgap is conkolled bytheweding pant
VnT-::Y:t:"- Welding lnspection, Steels -WIS

a welding sets electri@l cituio

58 What is purpose oi a redifie' in
a .o reep lhe d'c slab'e w5en Lqrrg
low cu r'

- To conled Ac euilent 1o Dc
c. To convert DC caileni lo AC
d To initiaie ihe arc al slari uP

ding plarl whrLn of the

4q \ hercalrb alinq a necl'an:sed -w

lolMnq applres (WFS =wtre reeospeeu"

a. check-WFS. cln€nt' volts and wire
gas now rale and WFs
b. check-WFs iointserup
? Check - Gas now rate' stck out lerglh

d. Allofthe above

prccess rs:
60. Themainlsage oi ihe ao air
a. The cuning ola weld Preparation
\,.' The Emoval oI defective weids
c Fot rl'e LJt'1g of'o' eloL mdLe'dlsolil
For lhe cutting of ieilous mate

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