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Full Name Date of birth Student ID Signature

Trần Thị Minh Giang 04/02/1999 17071054 100% X

Nguyễn Linh Trang 08/01/2000 18071245 100% X

Nguyễn Hoàng Hiếu 19/04/1999 17071064 100% X

Lê Mai Khanh 07/08/1999 17071088 100% X

Lý thị Hương 21/05/2000 18071114 100% X

I. Current marketing situation analysis...............................................................................................3

1. Background of VNU – IS................................................................................................................3

2. Student journey map........................................................................................................................4

3. Competitive analysis........................................................................................................................5

II. Context analysis.................................................................................................................................6

1. SWOT analysis:...............................................................................................................................6

2. PEST analysis..................................................................................................................................7

III. Data analysis:.................................................................................................................................8

1. Analysis of Facebook ads and Google analytics..............................................................................8

2. Analysis of the campaign to promote the English language major................................................11

IV. Main objectives............................................................................................................................12

V. E-marketing strategy.......................................................................................................................12

1. Search Engine Optimization..........................................................................................................13

2. Search Engine Marketing...............................................................................................................13

3. Pay Per Click.................................................................................................................................13

4. Email Marketing............................................................................................................................14

5. Content Marketing.........................................................................................................................14

6. Social Media Marketing.................................................................................................................15

7. Influencer marketing and Affiliate Marketing...............................................................................15

VI. E- marketing mix:........................................................................................................................16

1. Customer personal.........................................................................................................................16

2. Customer Insight............................................................................................................................17

3. Big idea..........................................................................................................................................18

4. 7Ps E- marketing Mix Application................................................................................................18

VII. Budget & action plan...................................................................................................................20

1. Budget...............................................................................................................................................20

2. Action plan........................................................................................................................................22

VIII. Evaluation and Control...........................................................................................................25

IX. Coclusion......................................................................................................................................26

X. Reference..........................................................................................................................................26
I. Current marketing situation analysis  

1. Background of VNU – IS

Proud to be a leader in undergraduate and postgraduate training in foreign languages,

having spent 15 years building and developing, from a unit that only implemented university
training programs in Russian when it was newly established. Established in July 2002, up to
now, the Faculty of International Studies has successfully built and implemented over 10
undergraduate training programs in English. Up to now, the International Faculty is currently
training many master programs such as Master of Business Administration (MBA, EMBA);
Master in Finance, Banking, Insurance (Vietnam and Southeast Asia); Master of Marketing
& Forecasting; Master of Information Management (MIM). All training programs of the
faculty are accredited and recognized. The faculty’s training programs are designed and
continuously updated to be compatible with advanced programs at home and abroad, meeting
the requirements of society, enabling learners to work in a dynamic environment. active,
fluent in foreign languages, deeply integrated; at the same time, creating many advantages
for learners to continue studying and working abroad.
According to the Decisions No. 1185/QD-ĐHQGHN and 1186/QD-ĐHQGHN dated
April 27, 2021 of the President of Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU), the Faculty of
International Studies is a unit under VNU that has been approved and approved the method
of enrollment for two new bachelor's degrees is the Bachelor of English Language
(Specializing in Business - Information Technology and Automation and Informatics
About Bachelor of English Language (specialized in Business & Information –
Technology: English is the most influential language in the world, English is a necessary
equipment for every person in the era of integration and the 4.0 Revolution. Faculty of
International Affairs - Vietnam National University, Hanoi, with the addition of an English
language major (specializing in Business - Information Technology) is creating a very unique
 Language of training: Vietnamese and English
 Training period: 4 years (8 semesters). 
 The enrollment quota of the English language major: 50 students, 
 The major code: QHQ09. 
 Selection combination: A00, A01, D01, D03, D06, D96, D97, DD0.

1. Training objectives
English language training program aims to train high-quality human resources in the field of
English language to meet the needs of agencies, organizations and businesses, with professional
practice skills and professional responsibilities., have the ability to adapt to the international
working environment to be able to work effectively, meet the requirements of society in the
process of international integration and be able to continue studying at a higher level. 
2. Possible positions after graduation
Regarding the Bachelor of English (Specialized in Business - Information Technology), students
can follow one of two narrow majors (business and IT) focusing on four specific career groups:
Interpreting and interpreting in English. in the field of business, and IT, Applied Linguistics,
Foreign Relations, and specialized English teaching in the field of business - IT at professional
educational institutions with a minimum English ability level 5 according to the Common
European Competency Framework
2. Student journey map 

Awareness Consideration Interest Decision Referral

University Visibility Engagement Build a Establish Recommendation
goal relationship trust
Filter Conversion
Student Find Universities Compare and Find best fit Prepare Share experiences,
goal which offer post- shortlist university and Application  give advice
graduate degrees universities that programme Convince
in English  offers the suitable Parents
Touch Social Media Website Email Face-to-face Social Media
points (Facebook, PR articles Phone calls conversation
Tiktok) Lead form
Brochures sent to

Content  University info Up-to-date study Email

Study program Program  enquiries
info Career Q&A
Life on Campus opportunities
Study Fee 
Offer mock tests/
value documents 

Tool  Facebook ads Website CRM 

Google ads Chatbot Call Center
Tik Tok ads Messenger Email 
Instagram ads Leadform
Retargeting PR articles on
prestigious news

3. Competitive analysis

In the process of international integration, English is considered an effective key to access the
treasure of knowledge and keep pace with the development of the world economy. Equipping
this global language has become an urgent requirement to help Vietnamese personnel improve
their competitiveness. Therefore, studying English is the goal of many young people. Besides,
there are also many universities that train in this major such as National Economics University,
University of Foreign Languages, University of Commerce, Polytechnic University, ...
With the strength of training according to international standards and models, English Language
at IS-VNU has become a subject that attracts the attention of candidates in the coming
enrollment seasons. Choosing to study this major, students have one of two narrow majors
(business, and IT) focusing on four typical career groups of a bachelor's degree in English
(Business, IT, and English language translation and interpretation). applied learning, foreign
affairs, and specialized English teaching in the field of business - IT at professional educational
institutions. In addition to the background and in-depth knowledge of language and culture,
students are also equipped with necessary complementary knowledge in economics, finance,
banking, international relations, tourism, and restaurants. hotel… so that you can confidently
work in most fields of the economy and society. The difference in IS - VNU is that students not
only learn in an international standard environment with good facilities, but also have the
opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities to help practice English. Students can
regularly participate in useful academic playgrounds such as interacting with international
students, participating in English speaking contests, creative startup contests, etc., at the same
time promoting and perfecting their communication skills. Continued under the guidance of
native teachers and experienced international school teachers. English language students of the
school have a great advantage when they have the opportunity to transfer to prestigious
universities in countries around the world… Maximizing their ability to acquire knowledge and
perfect skills language from the beginning will help students have a solid foundation before

II. Context analysis

1. SWOT analysis:

1. Strengths
 The training program is designed and continuously updated to be compatible with
advanced programs at home and abroad, meeting the requirements of society, enabling
learners to work in a dynamic environment. proficient use of foreign languages, extensive
integration; at the same time, creating many advantages for learners to continue studying
and working abroad.
 At IS-VNU, the teaching and learning is entirely in English with the participation of
about 100 lecturers and experts every year from many countries around the world,
creating a learning, research and working environment. dynamic, creative, modern and
highly integrated job. Is a good strength in English language for graduates who can
confidently work in foreign environments
 The Faculty's Bachelor of English Language program is different from the training
programs of other universities in that it is an intensive program of Business - Information
Technology, two majors are the development trend of the country as well as the world. .
Under the teaching of a team of excellent and professional domestic and foreign lecturers.
 Being educated and trained in the leading international education environment in
Vietnam - International School - Hanoi National University. An environment with well-
trained domestic and foreign lecturers who live, study and research with dynamic,
enthusiastic and creative students
2. Weaknesses
 The first year of English language training at the department, so there are no
achievements or successful students who have graduated, have not created a reputation
for training in English language.
 The campus is still small
3. Opportunities
 Vietnam's economy is gradually developing, there are remarkable leaps and
achievements, so the school has many events to connect students with large and small
companies that are opening more and more creating more opportunities. Job opportunities
for young people who are dynamic, enthusiastic and passionate about dedication. 
 To have contact with teachers/alumnus who have good leadership, good management
skills, experience and participate in movement activities in the school and the club.
 Education is gradually entering a new era, a new trend that is more modern and diverse.
Education is gradually integrating into the world. Therefore, a university environment
with international standards of teaching and international-standard lecturers is a great
 There are many opportunities to receive scholarships and exchange students with partner
schools abroad
4. Threats
  Due to the Covid situation, the International School - VNU has not had many face-to-
face introduction sessions to spread the knowledge to many new students about the new
training major.
 The English language major has long existed in the training ranks of many universities in
Vietnam, such as University of Foreign Languages, Foreign Trade University, University
of Commerce, etc., so the competition is somewhat difficult
2. PEST analysis

1. Political
Over the years, the State has gradually increased the idea of education and training from more
than 13% to 20% of the total state budget expenditure. With a proportional budget for education
as above, the country in the group of Vietnam has the highest percentage of budget expenditure
on education in the world. In addition, with increasing awareness, Vietnamese people are
increasingly interested in investing in their children's education, making the investment rate for
education rapidly increase over the years, especially in the university system. There are new
developments. With Vietnam joining the WTO and integrating into the world economy more and
more deeply, Vietnamese education is facing future formulas with full capacity, intelligence,
ability to learn and upgrade itself in an increasingly fierce competition environment
2. Economical
In the training process, there is a combination of many subjects from families to schools,
businesses, the state, society, international organizations, thereby helping to see the growing
socio-economic and political economy. The government invests more in the education sector,
focusing on and strictly managing the training process of universities, Thanks to the integration
ability of the economy, providing a healthy training environment, with the philosophy of
sustainable education, and development cooperation with advanced countries.
3. Social
The society is developing, the demand for university education of students and parents is
increasing, although the university system has been consulted for a great development in both
quantity and quality of training, diverse fields of study. study and improve training. The State
and people are increasingly interested in the form of training, the quality of training with the
desire to graduate with a good amount of knowledge to work, especially the desire to work in a
globalized environment. The more it is supplemented and modified to help learners have the
ability and appropriate learning speed to meet the subjects in the training program.
4. Technology 
Currently, it is widely applied in all areas of Vietnamese social life. Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) is performing well the goals of economic, social and
educational development. Universities, especially IS, have applied modern technologies in
teaching such as mechanical equipment and application software

III. Data analysis:

1. Analysis of Facebook ads and Google analytics

Campaigns and industry events have attracted a lot of attention from students. The average
number of visitors is 270/4272 (accounting for 6.03%) and new users are at 204/3786
(accounting for 5.39%). Instead, the campaign with a low bounce rate of 81.27% ranked second
only to the keyword "MIS" 75.96% average view time of the second highest 53s second only to
"MIS" with 1 minute 11 seconds. Show that the According to the statistics of both FB
advertising and google analytics, we can see similar statistics in terms of reach and engagement.
There are 6 age groups listed: 25 - 34 years old accounted for 27.94%, 35-44 accounted for
19.65%, 45 - 54 accounted for 12.43%, 55 - 64 accounted for 5.56% and over 65 years old with 2
,51%. The age group with the largest number of viewers is 18-24 (901 people, accounting for
31.91%). All metrics of this age group are superior to other age groups, the highest number of
new users is 759 (31.3%), the highest number of sessions is 1066 (32.51%). , the lowest bounce
rate 77.86%. and finally, the average session time 1 minute 10 seconds after just 45 - 54 (1
minute 45 seconds). All the numbers in the above statistics show us that the school's enrollment
campaigns are being carried out extremely effectively, targeting the users who have the highest
need to apply to the school (from 18 up to 24 years old)
These images are records of interactions, posting times, and titles of articles on the
school's fanpage. Based on the above data, we can see that the number of interactions of
the articles is quite good, reaching from 1 thousand to 5 thousand interactions for each
article. There are a number of articles with outstanding interactions such as "Happy
birthday to the BON VOYAGE club" with 6 thousand interactions, "It is fortunate that
the student awards conference went well...." with four thousand six hundred interactions.
Posts with high engagement are all posted during office hours from 8:30 to 5:30 p.m., all
of which attract a very high number of interactions, in my opinion if we were to post at
this time for example on August 8. or 9 am, about 3 hours later, it will be lunch break or
students or teachers can use the break between classes to update school news. Another
problem is that the posts with high engagement are all articles related to school-related
issues such as birthday clubs or organizing conferences for students, and also A hot issue
that has attracted the attention of students is the issue of the covid19 epidemic with 1 post
on the school's fanpage with 6.4 thousand interactions
This is a chart of the time users follow fanpage online, the time is unevenly distributed
over 2-time frames from 0:00 to 9 o'clock and from 18 o'clock to 24 hrs. Peak time frame
and at 7 am and 10 pm, according to this data and the number of interactions analyzed
above, we can draw the conclusion that we should post in 2-time frames, one on 8:00 am
at 5:30 - 6 pm will receive the highest engagement and the content that should be posted
at this time is school issues and the covid19 epidemic.
2. Analysis of the campaign to promote the English language major

English language major is one of the two new majors of the school that are receiving a lot of
attention from students. As you can see in the statistics table of Google Analytics, with 79.58%
new sessions and 974 new users (reaching 100%). The number of visitors to the page
"International School - VNU opens two new majors in English Language Automation and
Informatics" is 1352/15058 views (accounting for 8.98%), unique page views are 1225/11851
(accounting for 10.34 percent). ranks 4th in the list of visited pages. When students stopped at
page 1p36s, the number of visits reached 1224/9242 (accounting for more than 13%). The
number of visits above shows that students and students are very interested and want to learn
more about the new field of the school.
campaign articles have good content that attracts readers to stay to study the article but
need more attraction in the title or image to get more traffic.

IV. Main objectives

SMART objectives 
1. Specific: Attracting 1000 student (GPA7.0/10 minimum) who want to
apply Bachelor of English Language (specialized in Business & Informatic -
2. Mesurable: Increasing in the number of people interested in this major by
20% equivalent to 1000 students
3. Actionable: Implemented by the marketing campaign in the report
4. Relevant: Attracting this major will be a premise for IS-VNU to create
many potential students, they will have in-depth knowledge of the major of Business
and Informatic- Technology and attract more 12th graders to enroll in the field.
5. Time Based: within 6 months 

V. E-marketing strategy

To create an effective online marketing campaign VNU IS not only needs to understand the
customer insights as well as the selling point of the new curriculum, but also needs to combine
the effective digital tactics as follows:
1. Search Engine Optimization

Online search is a major factor in students’ discovery and choice of education institution.
Therefore, a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy to improve the quality and volume of
web traffic to the site is becoming more and more essential.
SEO consists of on-page factors (content, structure, and user-friendliness) and off-page factors
(links from other sites, social shares, authority). Thus, the first SEO strategy starts from making
sure the website presents the best overall experience for visitors. It is necessary to build an
independent landing page for the program so that visitors are not drowned in a huge amount of
information about different programs on the website. The interface of the landing page must be
user-friendly and make selling points of the program outstanding. Besides, students tend to
search for a non-branded term which is based on their demand, for example “international
program of English”; “career opportunities for students of English” – rather than a specific
institution. Thus,  it is important to choose suitable keywords linked with the customer insights
to promote. On top of that, based on the key words chosen, it is important to enrich creative and
useful content on the landing page that identifies the meeting points between the interests of
prospective students and the program’s brand identity.
On the other hand, SEO strategies involve adjusting certain elements of the website so it meets
Google’s requirements. Firstly, is keeping URLs clean by choosing simple, organised URLs with
keywords to indicate the topic of each page. It will help the page rank higher. At the same time,
some tactics could be used including choosing long tail keywords, choosing relevant headlines
and providing information on the images on the website. Moreover, leveraging social media is
also an essential part of SEO strategy. To be more precise, we should take advantage of the
program’s social media which enhances the coverage of keywords and links back to the site
through social media posts. Also, it is important to create fresh content for advertising on social
media channels and to make it easy for people to share content from the website with various
social media widgets.
2. Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing or SEM is the process of using paid search to gain website traffic.
Google AdWords is the most popular paid search platform and also chosen for the campaign.
The program has already identified its target market by location and thus, taking advantage of the
geo-targeting tool will help easily target our demographics by cities, provinces or even within a
radius from a specific location. As a result, the visibility of the program will be increased more
intentionally. In addition to geo-targeting, another strategy to be considered is to tailor keywords
by specifying the program. To be specific, because the program aims to recruit students with an
interest in the international environment and English specializing in Business and Information -
Technology, it is essential to set keywords accordingly, thereby targeting prospective students
not only by location, but by area of interest as well. Search engine marketing helps us to reach
exactly people who have the demand for the program and thus, helps bring more leads and more
3. Pay Per Click

Pay per click (PPC) marketing can be broken down into two main categories: paid search which
has already been mentioned above and paid social marketing. Paid social marketing refers to
different advertising platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok… It is clear that people
including the target students nowadays spend most of their online time on social media. Hence,
paid social marketing is as a result an unskippable part of the strategy, especially when these
platforms have made it more difficult to achieve organic views of marketing posts. These ads
platforms have many advanced features for creating ads to target the audience in many specific
ways such as the location, gender, education, connections, age, interests, etc. Different types of
content such as videos, photos, stories… must be used to show all selling points of the program
to the audience in the most vivid way. At the same time, we will use different types of ads to find
out which one is the most effective. Moreover, based on Facebook analytics, we continue to
figure out new customer insights and thanks to that can adjust messages properly. Besides the
power of advertising tools, content plays a vital role in the effectiveness of PPC campaigns.
Prospective students of the program tend to be concerned about academics, career outcomes,
international environment and facilities as well as ways to sign up which must be shown clearly
and appealingly through advertising. Furthermore, “retargeting” tool of PPC that helps to
advertise to people who have already visited your website but might not have converted yet is
also indispensable.

4. Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective types of digital marketing strategies. To
achieve the best outcomes of an email marketing campaign, the first priority is to optimize
emails for engagement. Tactics includes using scannable content for quick, easy reading,
incorporating a variety of different mediums, such as event invites, videos, and blog posts,
delivering a compelling call to action, designing the email responsively so that it displays
properly on mobile devices, as well as desktops and tablets.  Besides, personalisation is also an
important factor especially when a massive (or more difficult) audience is involved. This factor
can be shown by involving the name of recipients in the email subject line and salutation. An
even better approach is to use data about the recipients to craft content more specific to their
interests, location, or degree of interest. Furthermore, audience segmentation is also a useful
approach to email marketing personalization. In this case, the segmentation can be executed by
stage in enrolment process, subject of interest and location, etc.

5. Content Marketing

Using topics that are related to the students' problem which is "Difficult to find a suitable job
after graduation because of the inapplicable major in university" which is the hot topics that
would generate interest. VNU IS should build campaigns around those topics and paired them
with original stories of the graduates. Stories about how choosing the right field of study affects
future job orientation must be emotionally compelling to gain mass attention.
Furthermore, knowing that visual and interactive content are far more likely to catch attention of
high school Gen Z than text-only content, IS-VNU should focus on creating strong visual content
as humorous short clips which provide a sufficient amount of information about the curriculum,
as well as the massage of this campaign on Tik Tok. Using interactive content through content
mediums such as contests, quizzes, motion graphics in online media Facebook, Facebook Stories
would attract attention of Gen Z students, even let IS-VNU fully understand the needs of future
students for the program.

Because the Bachelor of English is a new discipline, it is highly important to get mass exposure
by securing fully informed and high-quality contents about the program on authority websites
which are suitable for the target audiences. Finally, producing a large database of content related
to topics: “international program”; “career opportunities for students of English” “career
opportunities for students of English”, adding hundreds of educational articles to improve the
search visibility.
6. Social Media Marketing 

A successful social media marketing strategy is a content-centric campaign. At the beginning of

the campaign, VNU IS should increase awareness of the new curriculum and its marketing
message by a series of shared video by the KOLs in the field of education, about the difficulty of
finding a job and the importance of choosing the right major and university to learn the most
relevant skills for the job of the future. Then, in the campaign phrase, it is recommended to
organize a contest for high school students on social media, the highschool students will record a
short clip to share on Tik Tok or Facebook about their point of views on the importance of
learning specialized English for the future career, the student with the most touching story will
receive a scholarship of the new English program. Those contents created by high school student
will be accompanied by the hashtag #VNUIS #BachelorofEnglish #ForTheFutureCareer to
increase awareness of the program, which will help VNU IS receive more earned media.

7. Influencer marketing and Affiliate Marketing

These two types of marketing are both new however effective and are becoming more and more
popular. VNU IS should combine these two types of marketing together to create the best results.
By booking a variety of influencers from KOLS to micro influencers in the field of education or
lifestyle KOLs who have a good English background. They will share their opinion about the
importance of not only English but also specialized knowledge in the workplace and all of this
content will be linked with a registration form for Bachelor of English on VNU IS website.
In addition, VNU IS can use affiliate marketing by seeding in community groups on Facebook
which share contents related to study for university exams and especially for university exams in
English, then with a link to the university's registration website.
Some of the traditional marketing strategies should also be applied to support the digital
marketing tactics: 
Target marketing strategy
To optimize marketing resources and get the most effective recruitment results, target marketing
is one of the most important strategies, especially when this is not a massive program that fits
different groups of students. To be more precise, the program is for higher education so the target
age ranges from sixteen to eighteen. Besides, it offers an international environment and
therefore, requires students to have good capabilities in English and mostly live-in big cities. On
the other hand, the faculty of foreign languages tends to attract more female applicants than male
ones. Thus, we define that most of our target students are female. Moreover, the tuition fee of the
program is quite high compared to public universities, therefore it is necessary that the family be
in good economic status to afford a high education cost. They also tend to highly appreciate the
career opportunities rather than other factors. This comes from the fact that they are cautious and
realistic as a result of Covid-19’s negative impacts. 
By the target marketing strategy, we can better tailor our messaging and appeal directly to the
persona’s needs, concerns, and motivations, which as a result enhances the effectiveness of
marketing campaigns.
Market penetration strategy
With the existing market, students have a high demand to choose English as their major in
university and the current product is the Bachelor of English specialized in business and
information - technology. VNU IS new major goal is to increase market share, attract potential
students who are interested in similar majors from other universities and enhance the value of
our program with academic advantages, the value of international faculty and its long-standing
brand Vietnam National University. In addition, adding value to customers - the potential
students through scholarships and having competitive tuition fees compared to similar
international standard programs.
Positioning strategy
The biggest challenge faced by VNU IS is to introduce a new curriculum, which awareness is
still low. VNU IS must persuade consumers to participate in this new program instead of many
English programs from many universities on the market. This challenge can be solved by the
positioning strategy. By determining the competitive advantage of the new English major
compared to the regular English majors at other universities, is the application of practical
specialized knowledge, suitable to the current labor needs. VNU has to establish the image
identity of the curriculum on digital channels so that consumers perceive it as outstanding
compared to other universities' English programs. Moreover, emphasizing the new curriculum,
VNU IS offering is unique and how it provides a distinct benefit in students' future career path.
Multi-channel communication strategy
Currently, the awareness of VNU IS's curriculum is low, it is necessary to widely communicate
on multi digital channels. Especially, VNU 's targeted customers are Gen Z high school students,
who use digital platforms with a great frequency. VNU IS must use multimedia to leave as much
physical evidence as possible so that students can perceive the new program message and
benefits, and also create a certain touchpoint to convert attraction into leads.

VI. E- marketing mix:

1. Customer personal 

1. Background
Giang is a generation Z-er, 17-year-old female student, studying in grade 12 at a top high
school in Hanoi, specialising in Math - Literature - English. Out of school, she is also an
active person both online and offline. She would love to participate in activities including
sports, music, movies and shopping. Her favorite digital platforms are Facebook,
Youtube, Instagram and Tik Tok.
2. Goals
 Looking for an international environment and qualifications. Develop her strongest and
also her favourite subject in high school – English.
 Choose the right field of study for university, which supports her future career, provides
great job opportunities after graduating and is suitable for the human resource market.
 Want to access up-to-date knowledge in university so as not to fall behind after
3. Challenges & Paint Points
 Even Though she’d loved to study in an international environment with foreign
standards, she cannot afford the costs of studying abroad.
 Passionate in English, however, afraid that English is a broad subject and does not have
specialized knowledge in any specific industry.
 Fear of a competitive marketplace, English is a popular major and has a high number of
well-trained personnel.
 Fear of studying in traditional disciplines with knowledge that is not regularly updated,
not practical, to apply to future jobs
4. Motivations
 At VNU IS, the Bachelor of English is specialized in business and information –
technology, which not only provides the in-depth knowledge of English but also expertise
in the current popular industries.
 VNU IS has cooperated with businesses and operations to fully understand the needs of
the human resource market and is able to provide suitable programs to help students
achieve recruitment standards when they graduate.
 High- quality teachers. VNU IS having 20 years of experience in teaching preparatory
English with both Vietnamese lecturers who are experienced doctors and masters and
foreign lecturers from USA, Canada. Furthermore, the Bachelor of English had
established the interdisciplinary research groups among 3 departments (Department of
Social Sciences, Economics and Management, Department of Natural Science and
Technology and Department of Preparatory Training) to attract experts to research and
teach in this program

2. Customer Insight

1. Choosing major and university 

 Experiencing the global crisis - Covid 19 and the rise in unemployment, Gen Z is the
least optimistic group of generations entering the workforce.
 Entering the workforce in a rapidly changing technology era, Vietnamese Gen Z faces a
widening skills gap in the face of continuously evolving requirements of the labor
 62% of Vietnamese of Generation Z who do not own a degree think that automation
brings more risks than opportunities. This result confirms that specialized skills are the
 Contrasted with Millennials, who crave for experiences, Gen Z is searching for a secure
and stable career.
 In Vietnam, high school students are always directed to a good role model who can grasp
everything. However, Vietnamese students are still limited in terms of knowledge related
to specific aspects.
 Asia's Gen Z are "more global in their thinking", they desire to solve world issues and
gain access to global knowledge.
 Gen Z attributes that can be leveraged towards collaboration and networking. Many Gen
Zers prefer a learning environment built as a kind of “networked discovery area”. 
 40.3% of high school students choose majors according to their personal interests.
2. Online behaviors
 The interactive and humourous content was the top reason for why Gen Z would not skip
a skippable pre-roll ad on online platforms.
 Facebook is the number 1 social network for high school students and this group is
especially fond of listening to music.
 High school students have a large number of Facebook friends. 2/3 of them have more
than 200 friends.
 Gen Z is always willing to try interesting experiences even if they have used familiar
brands often, this becomes a huge opportunity even for interesting, creative new brand,
new programs
3. Big idea

1. Piercing Insights
The target customers are Gen Zers high school students who are about to enroll in university.
Gen Zers choose their major and university based on their interests, dares to try new programs,
however, particularly concerned about job opportunities and competition in the labor market
after graduating
2. Brand Connection
A bachelor's degree in English has always been a popular subject. At present, the new program
of VNU IS having another plus point of having specialized subjects in business and informatics -
technology added to the curriculum, which ensures the in-depth knowledge of specific fields and
high application after graduation. Graduates from this discipline will have a variety of
employment opportunities
3. Big Idea
The new Bachelor of English of VNU IS ensuring future job opportunities for Gen Z with a
highly practical English program as well as specialized knowledge from the two largest
4. 7Ps E- marketing Mix Application

1. Product
The first element in the e-marketing mix of the campaign is the product which could be
understood as the program quality. This is one of the most important factors that influence the
university choice of students. Hence, selling points of the program including curriculums,
international environment, up-to-date materials, interactive teaching method, career
opportunities, etc must be easily accessible to all students online. Building an independent
landing page and social media channels including Facebook, Tiktok for this program under its
own brand name and identity will help to promote these selling points directly to our target
audience. Moreover, videos showing the interactive environment between students and
professors are also an effective type of content to attract the attention of gen Z students. Besides,
holding virtual classrooms should also be considered so that our target students have a chance of
experiencing the quality of the program. As a realistic generation, gen Z students must be shown
that compared to other universities of the same faculty, the program of VNU IS providing greater
certainty for future employment. Online communication channels should keep profiles of
professors in public to impress students and make it possible for them to connect with professors
2. Place
The element of place refers to all channels through which all information of the program is
exposed. To promote the program, the university should build owned channels for the program
such as landing page, Facebook fanpage, Tiktok channel which highlights its selling points as
well as other important information under its own brand name and identity, instead of being only
a small part in the university website and page. Moreover, we could build online forums or social
groups which are used for giving advice and clearing up queries of students. Intermediary
channels including prestigious online newspapers in education (PR articles), student social
groups (seeding posts) could also be used to enhance the image and coverage of the program. In
addition, it is important that the sign-up form and procedures are kept accessible with students
throughout both owned and paid channels. Besides, making it possible for students to register
online with a simple process and receive continuous support from the university staff.

3. Price
Pricing has a major influence on marketing strategy as most students and parents are concerned
about the financial implication of attending university. In general, compared to other public
universities of the same faculty, the program requires a higher level of tuition fee. However, it
provides high quality international education which is equivalent to studying abroad that charges
considerably higher cost. The factor of price is also presented by the transparency of the cost
structure and payment roadmap on public online channels of the program so that students and
their parents can easily get access.

4. Promotion
Promotion can very well have the central role in the marketing to higher education, which helps
enhance name recognition and provide online exposure for the university. Firstly, it is important
to build a brand name and identity for the program so that it can be easily recognized in the
digital environment. Secondly, implementing advertising campaigns on Facebook, TikTok is
also an unskippable activity to promote the visibility of the program among the target audience.
In addition, using key opinion leaders of our target market helps us to get access to their
audience and build trust in the program based on the prestige of famous people. These
influencers who have impressive higher-education results can share study tips, give advice in
career orientation. Besides, the university could offer free orientation courses, mock exams to
push its image among students. Offering tuition fee discounts for early online registered students
is also a technique of promotion for the program.

5. People
The people element of the higher educational e-marketing mix refers to the employees of the
university who students have contact with throughout the recruitment journey. The staff are
among the most crucial factors for successful service delivery. Thus, it is necessary to prepare
customer service scripts and practices that help to minimize the response speed as well as
guarantee the satisfaction of students on online platforms. The quality of staff’s social skills as
well as technical skills is a key factor that influences the affection of students towards the
university. Furthermore, the university needs to increase the capacity to answer inquiries, taking
advantage of automation around the peak search seasons.

6. Process
Processes refers to the way the university receives students from awareness to sign-up stage
including procedures, tools and the flow of activities. Students will be put into a digital
marketing funnel. The first stage is awareness in which students are aware of the program's
existence. For example, through ads on social media or ranking well in search engines. The next
stage is consideration in which the university builds trust of students by facts given on its owned
channels when students dig deep into the information and make comparisons with other
universities. Next will be the interest stage when students engage more deeply with the
university via customer service tools to get more information. This stage is a conclusive factor
that influences the experience and decisions of students. The final one is the sign-up stage when
students have totally been convinced to apply for the university. However, it is important to keep
the sign-up procedures convenient and simple to minimize the dropping rate.  
There will be a separate register link that can be shared to all online touch points between the
university and students. The platform-to-platform flow needs to be clarified from scratch to
avoid issues in the middle of the process. Automation also can be used in the form of chatbots or
emails with a view to enhancing the online experience of students
7. Physical evidence 
Physical evidence refers to all of the online items the university makes available to customers
ranging from posts, images, videos, interface of the website or landing page, along with the
customer service that is shown in the comments of social media posts. Physical evidence is very
important because it would give the first impression about the university. In addition, physical
evidence could also be understood as the voice of experts about the program quality and reviews
of students who have been well received through the recruitment journey. These personal
opinions displayed on owned channels will help to build trust of students on the program

VII. Budget & action plan 

1. Budget

A marketing budget is a balance between the cost of developing the advertising materials and the

revenue earned from the marketing plan. In order to control the expenses, we would employ

many several controls to audit our budget including expenses for the events, and the cost of

market research. All of these costs must be properly tracked to minimize spending and maximize

profitability. We estimated about 164.000.000 VND for the e-marketing, details is demonstrated

in the below table:

Contents Price by unit Number Price Number Total
of units by of
person persons

Pay per Paid Facebook 3.000.000/month 6     18.000.000

click social months
TikTok 3.000.000/month 6     18.000.000

Instagram 3.000.000/month 6     18.000.000


Youtube 3.000.000/month 6     18.000.000


Paid click 4.000.000/month 6     24.000.000


Social Costs to organize 15.000.000       15.000.000

media contests, minigames,
marketing …

Influencer KOLs Post 500.000 2   3 3.000.000

marketing with <
and 50k
Affiliate followers Video 2.000.000 1   3 6.000.000

KOLs Post 1.000.000 2   2 4.000.000

with 50k-
Video 4.000.000 1   2 8.000.000

KOLs Post 3.000.000 2   2 12.000.000

with >
Video 10.000.000 1   2 20.000.000

TOTAL 164.000.000

2. Action plan

To implement a successful marketing strategy, we will need to have a specific action plan for 6
  Objective Action Responsible

Awareness Raise Implement a SEO strategy  

about IS-VNU Advertise about the school and majors on  
and the new social media
Work with online newspapers to publish
information about IS-VNU and Bachelor of
English (specialized in business and
information - technology)

100,000 reaches Promote posts about Bachelor of English  

from total posts and IS-VNU on Facebook
on Facebook
Seeding posts in community groups on  

Create interactive content on Facebook  

(contests, minigames,…)

Consideratio 1,000 target Advertise on social media  

n students
registered Seeding posts about the course, career  
opportunities,… in community groups on

Create interactive content (contests,  


Book KOLs to promote through their  

contents which is linked with a registration

Offer online mock tests, documents for

career orientation

Continuously update the website, Facebook  

page with career opportunities, sharings of
the students/employers/lecturers…

Interest Make registered Send newsletters about the courses, Student

students believe supports, opportunities… that IS-VNU Affairs
that IS-VNU is offers
the right choice
Organize online Q&A sessions through Office of
Facebook live streams, community groups Academic
on Facebook Affairs
Virtual campus tour  

Action programmer

March April May June July August

We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We
ek ek ek ek ek ek ek ek ek ek ek ek ek ek ek ek ek ek ek ek ek ek ek ek
Task 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

ent a
Raise strategy
aware Advertis
ness e on
about social
IS- media
VNU Work
and with
the online
new newspa
major pers to
r of
and IS-
VNU on
100,0 Faceboo
reache Seeding
s from posts in
total commu
posts nity
on groups
Faceb on
ook Faceboo
e on
posts in
1,000 interacti
target ve
studen content
ts Book
regist KOLs
nts for
Make Send
regist newslett
ered ers
studen Organiz
ts e online
believ Q&A
e that sessions
is the Virtual
right tour
VIII. Evaluation and Control

To ensure that the marketing plan will be implemented effectively, the evaluation needs to be
conducted periodically. Besides, these marketing activities also must be controlled closely so that
we can achieve the mentioned objectives.
Performance framework
  Awareness Consideration Interest Advocate

Description How do people Do students find IS- Do students Do students

know about IS- VNU interesting? want to study recommend the
VNU and the at IS-VNU? school to
new major others?

Website Increase in Increase in: Increase in: Increase in the

measurement visitors and the - Search engine traffic - Return number of
advertising to the website visitors referral traffic
traffic to the - The total visitors and - Time on to the website
university’s pageviews website
website - The number of people
  register for further

Social media Increase in Increase in: Increase in Increase in:

measurement  number of - Number of people - Number of - Number of
people reached react to the posts (like, people react the mentions,
the posts share, comment) to the posts shares
- Number of people (like, share,
contact the fanpage to comment)
ask about IS-VNU and - Number of
the Bachelor of English people follow
To collect insights for evaluating this marketing plan, we will use the following tools:
 Google Analytics for website to evaluate the number of visitors, advertising traffic
 Facebook Business/Analytics for facebook page to evaluate the number of people reach
and react to the posts
IX. Coclusion 

Language in general and English in particular is a means for people to communicate with each
other in all aspects of life, so it is never "useless". English language never goes out of date
Although English is only third on the list of the most spoken languages in the world, because it
is spoken in more countries, its influence has never waned. No matter how the times change,
English language graduates always have many opportunities in the tough global labor market.
Therefore, expanding English language training at the International School - Hanoi National
University wishes to bring great opportunities to many generations of students. This will be a
field with a lot of potential for development in terms of self-development of students as well as
job opportunities in globalization.

X. Reference

 AFS Intercultural Programs 2018, The new power skills: intercultural understanding,
global competence and active global citizenship, AFS, 1 March, viewed 9 June 2021,
competence -and-active-global-citizenship/>
 Anurag, Tiwari, Ansari, M.A & Dubey, R 2018, ‘An Effective Email Marketing using
Optimized Email Cleaning Process’, International Journal of Computer Sciences and
Engineering, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 277-285
 Elsayed, F.A 2021, ‘Artificial Intelligence for Marketing Plan: the Case for E-marketing
Companies’, Marketing and Management of Innovations, vol. 1, pp. 81-95
 Havas Riverorchid Bamboo Team 2017, Insight of young people in career orientation,
BrandsVietnam, 12 July, viewed 11 June 2021,
dinh-huo ng-nghe-nghiep?fbclid=IwAR2-VoADiPzbBhrcGJ7M5kZQF8DNt-
OGTN4529qkBIPYDhnAjdn n18Kn7YE>
 Hughes, T, Gray, A & Whicher, H 2018, Smarketing: How to Achieve Competitive
Advantage Through Blended Sales and Marketing, Kogan Page Publishers.
 Huong Loan 2021, ‘What is Vietnam's youngest generation preparing for the digital
economy?’, VnEconomy, 20 May, viewed 9 June 2021, < m>
 King, J 2017, ‘No More Millennials Entering College: How Can We Facilitate Gen Z
Transformation?’, Uco, blog post, 14 December, viewed 11 June 2021,
gen-z-tran sformation/>
 Nielsen 2018, Connect with Generation Z in Vietnam, Nielsen, 26 September, viewed 9
June 2021, <
 PwC 2020, Is Generation Z ready for the digital age?, PwC, viewed 9 June 2021,
 Riserbato B 2021, ‘What Exactly Is Geotargeting & Should You Advertise This Way?’,
Hubspot, blog post, 19 January, viewed 10 June 2021,
 VNUIS 2021, Automation and Informatics vs English Language of the International
Faculty - which one would you choose?, Youtube, 6 May, VNUIS, viewed 11 June 2021,
 VNUIS 2021, The English language major attracts learners from the quality of training
and the attractiveness of extracurricular activities, VNUIS, 31 May, viewed 10 June
2021, <
dao-tao-va-hap- dan-ngoai-khoa-d-14614?

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