Samapon Dey HRM 602.1 Report

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North South University

Examining Succession and Replacement Planning in Work Organizations

Course Code: HRM 602
Course Title: Human Resource Planning and Staffing

Submitted To
Dr. Kamal Uddin Ahmed
School of Business & Economics
North South University

Submitted By
Samapon Dey
ID: 2025082660
Sec: 01
Date of Submission
December 22,2021

Dr. Kamal Uddin Ahmed

School of Business & Economics
North South University
Subject: Letter of Transmittal
Dear Sir,
With due respect I, the undersigned students of MBA 202 batch have reported on “Examining
Succession and Replacement Planning in Work Organizations” under the course: Human
Resource Planning and Staffing.

Though I am in learning curve, this report has enabled me to gain insight into the core fact of
Succession & Replacement Planning. So, it becomes as an extremely challenging and interesting
experience. Thank you for your supportive consideration for formulating an idea. Without your
inspiring this report would have been an incomplete one.

Lastly, I would be thankful once aging if you give your judicious advice on effort.

Yours’ Sincerely

Samapon Dey
ID: 2025082660
Human Resource Planning and Staffing (HRM602.1)
Department of MBA


I would like to acknowledge and give my warmest thanks to my supervisor Professor Dr. Kamal
Uddin Ahmed who made this work possible. His guidance and advice carried me through all the
stages of writing my report.

I would also like to give special thanks to my parents for their continuous support and
understanding when undertaking my research and writing my project. Your prayer for was what
sustained me this far.

Finally, I would like to thank God, for letting me through all the difficulties. I have experienced
your guidance day by day. You are the one who let me finish my project. I will keep on trusting
you for my future.

Table of Contents Page No

1 Executive Summary ...............................................................................................5

2. Introduction ............................................................................................................6
3. Background ............................................................................................................7
4. Analysis and Findings ............................................................................................8
5. Distinguish between Replacement and Succession Planning ..............................12
6. Succession Planning and Organizational Performance .......................................13
7. Replacement Planning and Organizational Performance ....................................16
8. Conclusion ..................... .....................................................................................16
9. Recommendation .................................................................................................17
10. References ......................................... ................................................................17

1. Executive Summary

Major Findings: Succession planning and replacement planning, both strategies are
incredibly important in the life line of any organization. Succession planning is also a
deliberate task a systematic effort by the organization to ensure leadership to continue in key
positions, maintain and develop intelligence as well as money for knowledge of the future,
and to encourage each individual development. Replacement planning is a process of identify
short-term and long-term emergency backups to complete critical positions or to replace
critical people. This the paper explores the role of succession and replacement planning to
improve organizational performance. It established value; types; features and objectives of
work. The paper came together replacement and succession planning work, has established a
reorganization program explores how succession and replacement planning help better
performance of the organization. Paper identifies alternatives two different strategies;
succession planning is inclined about human development through training, mentoring,
coaching, while replacement planning instead focuses on meeting emergency requirements in
the organization. The paper continued identify that from a workplace perspective of
replacement planning helps the organization to achieve the key with the key position, reduces
risk with appropriate compensation, respect and management, as well as ensuring readiness
follow-up by identifying and training top skills staff. The paper concludes that these
strategies are incredibly important in any life line of an organization as they both help to
improve organizational performance. The paper recommends that Organizations should make
use of replacement planning and succession planning; together they can mitigate the risks of
any organization going out of business.

Conclusion: Despite the fact that organizations are working hard to hire, share, and retain the
best talent, be it ignorance imagine that the workers will never leave. From the available
replacement planning the replacement and succession is excellent. Although they have been
used interchangeably, but they are different in each system; provide a recovery plan
organization and comfort that at the last-minute resignation, retirement, or employee illness
will not go away a disadvantaged company and also provide an organization that feels the
investment they will need to do if we need a backup copy. Succession planning is active and
focused on the future, make managers evaluate and develop a collection of talents people
who are willing and able to fill positions if required. It is a tool to meet the necessary staff
needs of organization/department, it doesn't just take value available candidates are
considered, but also focused on the quality of the candidates for baptism, by word-of-mouth
skills and space skills.

Recommendation: Organizations should use flexible replacement and succession planning;
together they can reduce the risk of any organization out of business. Organizations should
take steps to reduce the risk of gaps, ensuring that staff have the ability to meet the needs of
organization, facilitating the transformation of leaders into youth positions, and the
distribution of talent throughout the organization. These strategies are equally important and
should always be integrated to ensure that the organization has talent for future needs.

2. Introduction

Despite the current global economic challenges leaders of foresight organizations, are
concerned with acquisition, development and retention. The next generation of leaders in the
economic situation in the end better. When they do improve, expectations a wave of
retirement is possible. When skilled people leave the organization as the result of unforeseen
circumstances. The first organization replaces the key employees behind them which may
have left the organization. These were common mistakes made by early organizations in the
past, changing employees instead of developing them. Therefore, problems produced as a
result of a process of change, which includes difficulty to find a suitable employee for this
new position in short time; especially when organizations do not get it the right person
among the organizations, they employ without further increasing the cost of replacement. In
the past, the first organization talked about succession planning was about specific people,
not talented either a skilled worker needed for the future of the organization. Then the only
purpose of succession planning was the marking and identification of needed followers
instead of key employees who go out to do a particular job. There the vision of Succession
planning was focused on senior leaders and business owners in large corporations. This
proves that, in the early years of companies, succession planning was not given our attention
which is appropriate because of the important role that employees play organizational
success. In recent years, organizations have realized that they can find their key future
employees internally, using succession planning. Right now, succession planning is no longer
just an issue instead of key managers but also includes strategic talent managers, which
ensures organizations at all times should make their skilled workers who can help the
business to adapt and respond more effectively to success in a dynamic business
environment. Succession planning focuses on allowing organizations developing general
skills and leadership skills in all levels of the organization to promote growth and survival.
For organizations to live and prosper in today's most powerful and competitive business
environment, they must have dynamic and high energy a team of workers at all levels of the
organization. Next, Succession planning and replacement planning are both amazingly
important strategies which are the life line of any organization. However, these two processes

are different and used interchangeably over the years, often confusing, even for adults’
organization leaders. Succession and replacement planning are the part of organizing the
continuity of the organization; it is so neglect due to emergency planning, finance, resources
and data. So, this paper has been examined succession and replacement planning, in
establishing importance; types; features and objectives to arrange the succession at work. The
paper further examined succession and replacement planning in the workplace, establish the
development plan for replacement planning and finally checking that succession as well as
replacement planning helps improving the performance of the organization.

3. Background

Main aim of the Succession planning: It is a process that ensures continuous and effective
operation of organization by establishing a development process as well reinstate key
employees over time. Succession planning as an important strategy which is to ensure the
continuity of the essentials staff knowledge and skills especially, when necessary, workers
left the organization. Succession planning is a purpose as well as a systematic effort by the
organization to ensure leadership to continue in key positions, maintain and develop
intelligence and future information funding, and encourage individual development.

The main purpose of the succession planning is to ensure that suitable managers are available
to fill vacancies created by promotion, retirement, death or departure and to ensure that a
management framework is available to fill future appointments. Also, the important purpose
of Succession planning is to match the organization's available talent with its much-needed
future talent. Another goal is to help the organization address the strategic and operational
challenges it faces by having the right people in the right place and at the right time to do the
right thing. It furthers the business by filling in the gaps with good people to ensure that all
levels of leadership have plenty of these artists to be taken from them, now and in the future.

Objectives of Succession Planning:

I. Succession Plans Development

II. Listing Skills and Competencies
III. Identifying Internal Potential
IV. Providing Training

Main aim of the Replacement planning: Replacement planning is the process of
identifying short-term and long-term emergency backups in order to achieve what is
important positions or to replace critics. Replacement planning is a temporary change which
is based on acquisition backups when an important person is out for a short time, because for
example on vacation with or without illness. Long-term replacement planning focuses on
getting backups to fill critical positions or filling in for critics if they are not present for a
long-term, or perhaps forever, as a direct result a death, disability, sudden cancellation, or
other sudden loss for example getting caught.

Steps in Developing Replacement Planning

I. Identifying the Key Positions

II. Identifying the critical skills for each position
III. Assessing the skills of the current employee
IV. Match the critical skills to the current skills of employees
V. Pay attention to jobs that don't have matches
VI. Develop a plan to address gaps
VII. Evaluate the plan

4. Analysis and Findings

Succession Planning

With a new perspective of succession planning, each person in the organization is a leader.
Successful Succession planning demonstrates corporate commitment extraordinary leadership
development programs, staff development and interventions looks at. Succession planning is a
program in which one or more people follow identified by key posts or a group of similar key
posts, as well as movement and / or development activities are planned the following.

Types of Succession Planning: Three types of succession planning as designated replacement,

target replacement and situational replacement.

I. Designated Replacement: Designated replacement succession planning may be partial

the exit strategy of a small business owner or type of continuous business continuity
insurance. Sometimes it is said name in the order of the envelope succession, this type is
focused in choosing who will replace the owner, CEO or another senior officer. The
replacement chosen just trained and qualified, we can get in again immediately complete
the role if, for example, a business owner passing or have been temporarily or
permanently disabled.
II. Target Date Replacement: The second type of succession planning is the same as
selected designated replacement succession planning without those multiple programs
they usually appoint more than one employee and do not need them employees that they

have been trained. Target date succession planning is used when the business knows in
advance when a key employee will leave the company, usually due to retirement. This
allows the business to follow a more systematic approach to the identification of potential
replacements and adherence to the training program. As target date is approaching,
candidate field always decreases until one candidate is selected instead.
III. Situational Replacement: Situational succession planning systems focus on uncertainty,
an unexpected or sudden departure or deteriorating condition. Differences in fixed and
targeted species that create succession planning to complete a certain role, planning a
change of status does not specify a specific role. Rather, it involves the demanding of
services exploring and creating a collection of various candidates Graduates, each of
whom has the potential to move on one or more roles. Skills surveys, performance
reviews and tracking the results of internal and external training systems are often used to
identify potential pool candidates. Situational succession planning saves both time and
money, as internal renting usually reduces rental the timeline is also less expensive than
hiring candidates.

Objectives of Succession Planning: The objectives of succession planning in an organization,

as one of the most important HR strategic processes. An organization with a strong tracking
system in place good communication and execution builds strong competitive advantage. As
employees know importantly, they are often reluctant to be offered a job from rivals. They know
they can be promoted inside; they don’t have to look for a new job opportunity.

I. Succession Plans Development: New development and management of succession

planning is very important. This is where human resources should keep the minds of the
leadership team in mind across all programs, and should describe the processes and
procedures for the renewal of implementation progress. It should combine new skills, and
staff should be eliminated who no longer participate in the program. Design of the
operating system is usually the primary target of HR Experts in this area.
II. Succession Plans Execution: The second goal of the succession planning specialist is
about program implementation. Excel spreadsheet with tons of words can be in place, but
it does not mean a word about effective process management.
III. Top Talents Identification: The Department of Human Resources should simplify the
process, and we have done it choosing the right people to promote at the right time. These
are the staff in charge and to show the most important elements in our organization and
they are ready to enter the role.
IV. Top Talents Retention: The following should be kept in a loop; should see a real
opportunity to promote in a timely manner. The organization is unable to select its best
talents and allow them they left the company because employees see it are informed.
Most employees can get a better job with high salary when they talk about the succession
planning system. Therefore, Human Resources departments should make sure all self-
improvement programs are executed, and participants are encouraged and happy. It is a

difficult goal but the leadership team always balances the program success with large
V. Promotions and Success Stories: The general goal and the purpose of the succession
planning is about success stories. The process needs to be based on the success story
linking to organization. Employees should feel good vibrations if the manager tells them
they will take part in system. It is a great privilege for everyone in the system installed. It
is the role of Human Resources to post positive and exciting messages to all audiences.

Features of Succession Planning: Features of succession planning as identifying succession

needs, listing skills and competencies, identifying internal potential, providing training:

I. Identifying Succession Needs: Succession planning requires continuous processing

company areas that may be at risk of losing the key individuals. The first step in this
process is identification important positions in the company that contributes the most
continued success. Although all positions are obvious importantly, some are more critical
than others. Critical positions may be senior leadership positions, which are difficult to
fill new positions or positions that may be required due changes in the area or type of
business. More than just exercise, this should be legal a planning session involving senior
leaders and people resource workers in companies with human resources departments.
Clearly identifying areas at risk of succession due to drowning, retirement or the need for
new skills which is an important step in large and small companies.
II. Listing Skills and Competencies: Planning a successful succession requires a
specification consideration of essential skills and skills the organization will need. Apart
from just identifying positions which may be vacant, businesses need to look types of
skills gaps that may exist when employees move or retire or when new business needs
arise. For example, an increase in the visibility of social media platforms many
organizations means that skills in this area it is important.
III. Identifying Internal Potential: One of the most important benefits of succession is to
provide an opportunity for internal growth and development. By comparing skills
requirements with energy availability internal elections, companies not only reduce their
risk, but also provides valuable opportunities for employees. Identifying strong internal
talent is possible through collaboration; managers may ask employees to identify
themselves, to demonstrate areas of interest in which they would like to improve.
IV. Providing Training: Once identified, those with the ability to enter future open positions
may have training and development the requirements for the company to deal with
training, coaching and educational opportunities. To give those opportunities are an
important way to ensure that candidates will be able to enter positions as they become

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Replacement Planning

Replacement planning is the process of identifying short-term and long-term emergency backups
in order to achieve what is important positions or to replace critics. Planning a temporary change
is based on acquisition backups when an important person is out for a short time, because for
example on vacation with or without illness. Long-term replacement planning focuses on getting
backups to fill critical positions or filling in for critics if they are not present for a long-term, or
perhaps forever, as a direct result a death, disability, sudden cancellation, or other sudden loss for
example getting caught.

There are seven steps to developing a replacement plan

I. Identifying the Key Positions: Because every job is important, certain roles within an
organization can have a huge impact on a business if left unchecked open longer.
According to SHRM, the rate the time to fill an open space is 42 days. To use that as our
own benchmark, what positions should be filled in the short term? Ideally, we would like
the entire project to be completed as soon as possible, but point out those should be
priorities. Those important positions are location to begin with. This information is
available from the company personnel system.
II. Identifying the critical skills for each position: Information required to identify
essential skills each position is derived from the company's staff analysis. By doing this it
is good to count the qualities of everyone a recommendation to hold this position should
be. Because this a replacement plan is not a wish, any basic job skills, should learn other
skills or knowledge required for position.
III. Assessing the skills of the current employee: In assessing the skills of current
employees the analysis should contain this information. Otherwise, it could be obtained
in the form of training records, performance reviews, training response, and 9-box grids.
Moreover, it is good as this can be helpful looking at skills freelancers and consultants
currently working with organization or former employees who may be is interested in
IV. Match the critical skills to the current skills of employees: This step is where
organizations may be tempted to think that copy-keepers are currently at the door for
example, an accounting manager is an open backup for financial director. However, a
recent transfer may make her want to return to him front door. Keep the planning work
focused on its skills, not current job qualifications.
V. Pay attention to jobs that don't have matches: During the transition process exercise
may reveal some of the tasks it requires immediate attention, which means nothing takes
place available. It is best to get this information in a timely manner the planning function
is rather than trying to complete the opening. That’s why hiring should be part of the
conversation so there are no surprises.
VI. Develop a plan to address gaps: This plan could include development plans, directing,
training, and potential employees or a combination of all these systems. By replacement
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planning, organization does not have to identify one instead. Use skill pools to develop
transferable skills in many positions.
VII. Evaluate the plan: Always check the system to make sure company requirements may
still be met. In key positions, the people who currently hold those positions can be given
a job to assist in identifying and training their successors. This strike can be part of a
review of their performance

5. Distinguish between Replacement and Succession Planning

Split the order in this order rearrange and state the purpose of the succession planning is the
identification, retention, and preparation of executives it can be a reliable replacement for
emergencies. In the sequence of succession planning, the switch is at the end and succession
planning on the other hand. Defines replacement planning as the process of identifying other
appropriate high-level approaches organizational management. This is just a prediction of
individual performance in the future. In this way, the idea is that the current manager is qualified
a model for future managers, which does not seem to be true in today's uncertain world,
characterized by rapidly changing strategies and processes.

Replacement planning may not be available at all treatments problems as they affect the
continuity of the organization; rather it is based on the premise that an organization chart will do
remain the same over time. Usually identifies backups at all senior positions in the company. See
are identified on the organization chart and stand there. Everything Typical dynamic charts list
three people as backups for each high-level area and directions how far backups are ready to take
on the role of currently in charge. Replacement planning focused on meeting the needs of
emergencies in organization. It can avoid long delays especially, when an important decision has
to be made as well the person performing it is no more. It usually focuses on searching for
backups within organization. So, it works well in corporate culture characterized by strong
monsters. Understanding the changing chart shows that the names of each person are written and
listed in their view the readiness to go up. RN it means they are ready now; R1 means they are
ready by 6 months for proper preparation / development; and R2 means they are ready in 6
months to 1 year.

Succession planning is different from planning to change; directed around to develop people
instead of just exposing them replacement. The goal of succession planning is to the power of a
deep bench throughout the organization, so that whenever a position is vacant, there are enough
professionals to be selected from the company, which can be considered development. For
example, it is not focus on getting internal backups within doors; rather, it assesses needs by
standard (such as travel from the middle to the main manager). All skills in each level included.
Skills lakes are therefore defined as all such people is considered a promotion to the next level
inorganization chart outside the door.

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When the need arises and all members in the group (such as senior executives) has or near the
age of retirement then special focus may be placed on accelerating the development of a pool of
talents. Such a group, to which it is directed rapid development, called acceleration pool.
Understand the sequence planning chart it simply shows that the positions are not the focus
attention; rather, standards are the main focus. Everything people who show interest in
consideration promotions are put in place for talent

6. Succession Planning and Organizational Performance

Succession planning is the preparation of staff development, to ensure that it continues or, in
some cases, to restore high quality performance as the following progress in key positions
following retirement, promotion, removal or removal of officers. From the organization’s vision
helps to access the key to the key position, reduces risk with appropriate compensation, respect
and management, as well as ensuring readiness follow-up by identifying and training top skills
staff. This strategy is amazing it is essential to the lifestyle of any organization as it helps to
promote organizational performance. For sequencing to produce the results we want, we should
focus on combining organizational knowledge and expertise among organizational staff, by
training and development, counseling and training; to empower staff to follow developmental,
and motivating approaches learning within the organization.

I. Training: Training is a learning program that aims to make it permanent to develop the
capacity and discipline of employees so that they can acquire new skills, knowledge and
attitude for more efficiency. Training is important for staff development in the
organization. It can be described as a car it takes editing until it gets to its destination
within the specified Time frame. Three types of training or knowledge, directly related to
its return rate and population; they are at work training, school, and specialized training.
In the workplace the training is aimed at developing old skills as well as provide new
skills while employed by the company. These skills are transferable or direct. In job
training provided by the company and used to maximize the results of strong and increase
per capita income. This type of training was informed the time and effort of trainees,
pedagogical teaching, and equipment and consumables. These are costs incurred reducing
current production to maximize future production. Specific training refers to training
provided by a firm with limited transfers and only increases productivity within the
context setting. For example, when a company hires new employees multiple times, they
are guided by tradition, directly policies and procedures, and other procedures new
employees and their organization. This is a form of training it is correct because the
information obtained goes up production in a company that provides information rather

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than in other firms. Some training may not be helpful in one company or in many firms,
but in a group of firms defined by product, type of work, or location. For example,
French legal training would not be so great is useful in the United States, but can be very
helpful in France.

School training is completed out of work again an institution that specializes in one skill
or multiple skills. Schools often replace workplace training in the company. This is proof
of a change in training programs from company to school as a formal job training to law
school, and experience in engineering work to engineering schools.

II. Job Rotation: Rotation of job is defined as the formal movement of employees move
from one job to another at scheduled times. It involves periodic change of employees
from one job to another where each job requires different skills and later improves their
performance. Define job fluctuations as the movement of employees within different
functions and positions that may be the same nature. Different organizations take turns
workers move from one job to another in various locations departments for many reasons
depending on something organizational needs.

Work rotation is an important aspect of succession planning. The organization will have
the opportunity to fill vacancies created as a result of promotions, transfers, retirees,
deaths and profitability through job exchanges. The work circulation is beneficial to man
as well as organization. Job change is a form of job training empowers management
professionals from one department to others to expand their understanding in all parts of
business. A trainee usually a recent college graduate may to spend a few months in each
department but more he is usually fully involved in his activities. Trained learns business
by doing or involving sales, production, finance or other occupation. Job changes in the
organization allow employees to varied their activities, avoid boredom and back

There are two types of vertical and horizontal rotations. Straight means promotion and
downgrade. Yet job rotate in a variety of horizontal or lateral directions transfer. The
horizontal job transfer should be established in a systematic way, by training a system in
which employees spend two or three months at work and then transferred to another job.
It increases the range of staff and provides them with a range experience. At the same
time the organization. The extension of this is called job pathing, which means to choose
carefully planned tasks.

III. Coaching: Coaching is defined in many ways. The International Coaching Federation
(ICF) defines coaching as a collaboration with customers in thought as well a creative
process that encourages them to develop their potential personal and professional strength
(International Trainer Federation, 2010. The sole purpose of coaching is to read once
human development, an inclusive process change. Coaching is easy right now an

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effective form of personal development in which the Client and the Instructor form a
partnership that encourages and sustains us personal growth and ability. This is powerful
the relationship allows the Client to discard the identity they want to be.

Important on-the-job coaching for staff performance is defined as the means by which
information is transmitted given to employees as an integral part of purpose developing
staff skills and work environment performance. Coaching is a powerful 21st century’s
workplace strategy, is a decision of an effective firm, and it helps to clear the concept of
individual values of all employees and their alignment policies and those of the company.
Coaching helps people to improve their performance and improve their quality of life.

IV. Mentoring: Mentoring refers to the process of formal development relationships

between young and old organization. Includes the establishment of formal relationships
between highly experienced employees and less experienced employees. Official
relationships are built to improve the work of employees. Similarly, training leads
increased job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job success.

Mentoring encourages employees with less experience to get knowledgeable staff

knowledge thus leading to improvements in their performance. Mentoring is a good form
of training because it can be submitted to suit the needs of each job. The counseling
process is one of the most important training methods for development of employee
productivity and directing individual goals and company policies. In addition, clear
regulatory policies are guided to the success of many organizations because of the staff
gain more skills leading to improved productivity.

V. Career Development: Career development is a systematic planning process used to link

the objectives of employee work to business organizational. It includes activities
performed by the employees themselves and organization to achieve career and career
goals requirements. Career development is an important strategy for the consideration of
all organizations regardless of size, sector, market or profile.

Organizations wishing to succeed in the present highly competitive markets need four
workers the right skills to help achieve the competitive edge industrial. Human resource
development has a major impact in efficiency and effectiveness, morale and profitability
of organization. Career development is the foundation of work confidence and ability.
Organizations that help job development close the gap current performance and future
performance expected.

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7. Replacement Planning and Organizational Performance

Replacement planning takes stability and consistency of organizational structure, which

promotes thinking about talent from many circumstances; the change comes from a special place.
Planning a replacement is a strategy to environment but is very important for all companies,
regardless size. Replacement plan ensure the continuity of business performance as it focuses on
how important it is positions will be filled with a short notice to be maintained business mobility.
This is applying the steps to developing a replacement plan as earlier stated above.

8. Conclusion

Despite the fact that organizations are working hard to hire, share, and retain the best talent, be it
ignorance imagine that the workers will never leave. From the available books planning the
replacement and succession is excellent. It is important for all organizations regardless of size.
Although they have been used interchangeably, but they are different in each system; provide a
recovery plan organization and comfort that at the last-minute resignation, retirement, or
employee illness will not go away a disadvantaged company and also provide an organization
that feels the investment they will need to do if we need a backup copy. Succession planning is
active and focused on the future, make manager evaluate, and develop a collection of talents
people who are willing and able to fill positions if required. It is a tool to meet the necessary staff
needs of organization / department, it doesn't just take value available candidates are considered,
but also focused on the quality of the candidates for baptism, by word-of-mouth skills and space

The report also outlined steps for improvement switch system and sequential editing elements to
improve organizational performance; training, mentoring, coaching, company development and
job exchange are tools used to increase staff skills while simultaneously increasing
organizational performance. Therefore, it is necessary to say that the succession planning and
replacement planning in both strategies are incredibly important in any life line organization as
they help to grow the organization performance; with good use once the use of these elements
and the steps mentioned above.

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9. Recommendation

Organizations should use flexible Replacement and Succession planning; together they can
reduce the risk of any organization out of business. Organizations should take steps to reduce the
risk of gaps, ensuring that staff have the ability to meet the needs of organization, facilitating the
transformation of leaders into youth positions, and the distribution of talent throughout the
organization. These strategies are equally important and should always be integrated to ensure
that the organization has future talent needs.


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