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? What is Synod of Diamper? to the Syrian Diocese of Ankamali by the king
The most important event in the history of of Portugal in exercise of the powers vested
the Kerala Church in the Portuguese period was in him in this regard by the Pope (Padroado)
the Synod of Diamper (Udayamperur) was resented by the Syrians, though, they
convented in June 1599 with a view of acquiesced in it under pressure at the Synod
extirpating what was called “Nestorian heresy” of Diamper. The Syrians badly felt the need
and bringing the Christian community of the for a Bishop of their own rite. In 1653 the
land under the supremacy of the Roman Jacobite Patriarch of Babylon sent to Kerala,
church. Alexis De Menezes, the Archbishop in response to a request by the Syrians, a
of Goa, presided over this Synod which was Bishop named Ahatalla. The Portuguese
attended in all by 813 delegates of whom 133 detained him at Mylapore on his way. The
were Kattanars or priests, 200 deacons and news of the detention of Ahatalla created
660 laymen chosen by members of each parish. indignation in Syrian quarters and large
The Syrian books were scruitinised and numbers of Syrian Christians stormed the gates
offending passages expunged by the Synod. of Portuguese Cochin. A rumour also spread
Heretical books were burnt. The mass of the that Ahatalla was drowned by the Portuguese
Syriac liturgy was altered in conformity with authorities. The excited Syrians assembled in
the Latin Mass. The Synod severed the age thousands in front of an ancient Cross in
long connection of the Kerala Church with the Mattancherri, tied a lengthy rope on it and
Patriarchate of Babylon and extablished the holding on to it swore that they would never
supremacy of the Roman Pontiff over the more obey the Latin Archbishop or the Jesuits.
Kerala Church. Those who followed the Latin
This is known in history as the “Oath of the
rite comprised the Cochin Diocese and those
Coonan Cross”. The Syrians then proceeded
who still clung to the Syriac rite continued in
to Alangad and consecrated their leader
the old Syrian Diocese of Ankamali. After the
Archdeacon Thomas as their Metropolitan.
Synod of Diamper Archbishop Menezes
This event marked a turning point in the history
accompanied by five Jusuits visited all the
of the Kerala Church as it led to the emergence
important churches as far as Quilon and he
left for Goa in November 1599. of two distinct sections among the Christians,
viz., the Romo-Syrians who continued to owe
? Write a short note on Revolt at the allegiance to the Church of Rome and the
Coonan Cross. Jacobite Syrians who denounced the authority
There arose a violent quarrel between the of the Pope. The former came to be popularly
Syrian Christians and Portuguese authorities. called Pazhayakuru and the latter Puthankuru.
The appointment of European Latin Bishops The Revolt of the Coonan Cross had its impact
on the loyalties of the Syrian Christians all over 1856 an English school in Tellicherry. The
Kerala. Out of about 2 lakhs Syrian Christians name of Dr.Gundert deserves special mention
only 400 continued to owe allegiance to the in connection with the work of the B.E.
Latin Archbishop. The Archdeacon was widely Mission in Malabar.
regarded by the Syrians as their only The work of the Christian missionaries and
Archbishop and they continued to conduct the spread of Western education helped to bring
their worship under him according to the Syrian about a radical social change. Moreover, the
rite. Thus the Portuguese attempt to Latinise special attention bestowed by the missionaries
the Kerala Church was only partially on evangelical work among the backward
successful. classes in Hindu society and the large number
? Write short note on Western Educa- of conversions that took place to Christianity
from among the ranks of the Hindus served to
tion and the Work of Christian
highlight the evils in Hindu social organisation
and to create an atmosphere in favour of radical
In Travancore and Cochin several religious and social reform. In the meantime,
Protestant Missions started work in the early the opening of factories in urban centuries, the
decades of the 19th century under the increasing migration of population from rural
patronage of the local rulers. A Prussian to urban areas and the rapid expansion of the
missionary by name W.T.Ringletaube means of communication also helped to usher
established schools in Nagercoil and some in an era of social mobility and to mitigate the
other centres in South Travancore between evils in the traditional Kerala society.
1806 and 1816. The most distinguished of
? Write a short note on Sri Narayana
the Christian missionaries who worked in South
Dharma Paripalana Yogam.
Travancore was Rev. Mead of the London
Mission Society. During the period 1817–1873 The S.N.D.P. Yogam came into existence
he devoted his whole energy to educational on May 15, 1903, under the inspiration of Sri
work. The C.M.S. Mission was active in Narayana Guru, its first annual session having
Kottayam since 1813 when the Syrian been held at Aruvipuram in 1904 under his
Christians set up a college and a seminary at guidance. Among its moving spirits in the early
the place for the training of their priests and days were Dr. Palpu and Kumaran Asan. It
ministers. The missionaries set up a Grammar developed before long into the representative
schools at Kottayam in 1821. Among the organisation of the Ezhava community and
C.M.S.missionaries who did pioneering work made a substantial contribution to the all-round
in Kottayam, Bailey, Baker and Fenn deserve progress of the Ezhavas. The basic aim of the
special mention. A school for girls was set up Yogam has been to popularise the message of
at Alleppey by the C.M.S. missionaries even Sri Narayana Guru and bring about the social
prior to the year 1825. An English school was and spiritual regeneration of the Ezhavas and
opened at Mattancherri by the British
other backward communities.
missionary, Rev. J.Dawson, in 1818 with
financial aid from the Cochin Government. Apart from the SNDP Yogam,
The credit for having laid the foundations of newspapers like Sujananandini started by
Western education in the Malabar area goes to Kesavan Asan from Paravur in 1891 and Kerala
the Basel German Evangelical Mission. In 1848 Kaumudi started by C.V.Kunhiraman from
they started a primary school in Kallayi and in Mayyanad in 1911, also helped to spread
Sri Narayana Guru’s message of social reform ? What is Shanar Agitation?
among the masses. The noted Ezhava leader,
The Shanars of South Travancore agitated
K.Ayyappan founded the Sahodar Sangham at to secure for their womenfolk the same rights
Cherai in 1917 with the object of eradcating in regard to dress as were enjoyed by the upper
the evils of caste and popularizing the idea of sections of the Hindus. The struggle also called
misra-bhojanam (interdining) among the the “Breast-Cloth Agitation”, had the support
Ezhavas and other castes considered inferior of Christian Missionaries. The military and
to them in the social scale such as the Arayas, the police had to be rushed to that area to deal
the Pulayas, etc. with the situation arising from serious breaches
? Write a short note on Nair Service of law and order. During the Diwanship of
Society. Col. Munro an order was issued permitting
the Shanar women who became converts to
The N.S.S. was founded on October 31, Christianity to cover their bodies with jackets
1914, by Mannath Padmanabhan and a band (Kuppayams). Not satisfied with this order
of zealous young men under his leadership. It they began appearing in public wearing not only
was organised on the pattern of the Servants jackets, but also an additional scarf over their
of India Society of G.K. Gokhale and its motto shoulders in the manner of the Hindu women
was service to the community in general and of the upper castes (Brahmins). It was this
the Nairs in particular. In the early years it action of the Shanar women that provoked
provided effective leadership to many a attacks on them by Hindus and led to breaches
movement for social reform like the eradication of peace. The agitation of the Shanars
of the barriers of subcaste, the abolition of old, eventually led to the Royal Proclamation of July
decadent and wasteful practices like 26, 1859, abolishing all restrictions in the matter
Talikettukalyanam, Tirandukuli, etc., and the of the covering of the upper parts by Shanar
mitigation of the evils of the joint family system women, though there was still the stipulation
among the Nairs. Elimination of the evil of that they should not imitate the dress of the
untouchability and removal of disruptive social women of upper castes. Even this stipulation
tendencies were some of the other fields in was subsequently removed at the instance of
which the society. worked effectively. the British Government. Thus social changes
? Write a short note on Yogakshema of a far-reaching character were introduced
Movement partly on the initiative of the administration and
partly on the initiative of the administration and
The Yogakshema movement was started partly under the pressure of circumstances.
among the Namboothiris in 1908 in order to
agitate for the marriage of all the junior ? Write a short note on Vaikam
Namboothiri males within the community itself, Satyagraha?
to popularise the study of English and to abolish The aim of Vaikam Satyagraha was to get
the purdah system from among the the approach roads to the Vaikam temple
Namboothiri females. Among the leading lights opened for the Avarnas of the Hinduc
of the Sabha in its early days were E.M.S. community. In addition to T.K.Madhavan
Namboothiripad and V.T.Bhattatiripad. The several other top leaders like K.P.Kesava
slogan of the Yogakshema Sabha in those days Menon, Mannath Padmanabhan,
was “Make Namboothiri a human being”. Changanacherry Parameswaran Pillai,
C.V.Kunhiraman and K.Kelappan were on Guruvayur to extend help to the
associated with the Vaikam Satyagraha. One Satyagrahis. The Zamorin, who was the trustee
of the highlights of the Satyagraha was the of the temple, adopted an uncompromising
Savarna Jatha organised under the leadership attitude towards the demand for temple entry.
of Mannath Padmanabhan, by the caste Hindus T.Subramanian Tirumumbu, the captain of the
who supported the movement. The members temple entry campaign, was arrested on
of the Jatha came to Trivandrum and November 7. P.Krishna Pillai was brutally
submitted their demand before the Regent Setu assaulted by the temple officials for ringing
Lakshmi Bai. The Vaikam Satyagraha and the the bell in front of the Sri Kovil, a privilege
Savarna Jatha helped to influence public opinion enjoyed by Brahmins only. One of the major
in the State in favour of temple entry. Though incidents connected with the Satyagraha was
the Satyagrahis at Vaikam were arrested and the assault on A.K.Gopalan on December 26
harassed in many ways during the 20 month by the opponents of the Satyagraha movement.
old struggle, the Satyagraha finally ended in It roused the passions of the people and they
attempted to force entry into the temple by
success in 1925. Gandhi paid a visit to
removing the barricades. The temple was
Travancore and held discussions with the Rani
closed and all Pujas suspended for about a
and state officials and also met Sri.Narayana
month. The Satyagraha had run its course for
Guru at Varkala. The approach roads to the
10 months when K.Kelappan entered on an
temple were formally opened to all Hindus,
indefinite fast before the temple on September
irrespective of caste. But this concession was 21, 1932, but he gave up the the fast on October
not extended to the Avarnas in the case of other 2, 1932, on Gandhiji’s advice. A limited
temples in Travancore. Hence movements for referendum was held thereafter under the
getting the approach roads opened to the auspices of the Congress among the Hindus
Avarnas were organised in such centres as of Ponnani taluk in order to ascertain the views
Ambalapuzha, Tiruvarpu, Suchindram, etc., of the people on the issue of temple entry.
during the period following the successful About 70% of the people signified their approval
termination of the Vaikam Satygraha. By 1928 of temple entry for Harijans. The majority
approach roads to all temples were thrown among them were women who were
open to all Hindus, irrespective of caste, in the traditionally conservative. Thus, though the
whole of Travancore. Guruvayur Satyagraha failed to achieve its
? Write a short note on Guruvayur immediate objective, it had helped to create a
Satyagraha. climate in favour of the eradication of
One of the most important struggles
connected with the campaign for the ? Write a short note on Temple Entry
eradication of untouchability was the Proclamation.
Guruvayur Satyagraha (1931-32). The The movement for temple entry registered
Satyagraha was started on November 1, 1931 its crowning victory when Sri Chitra Tirunal
under the auspices of the Kerala Provincial Balarama Varma, the Maharaja of Travancore,
Congress in order to get the Guruvayur temple issued his famous Temple Entry Proclamation
opened to all Hindus. The leader of the on November 12, 1936. The Proclamation
Satyagraha was K.Kelappan and the Captain which is the first of its kind in India is a historic
of the Volunteer Corps A.K.Gopalan. The document. Gandhiji hailed it as “a micracle of
Satyagraha attracted countrywide attention and modern times” and “a smriti which is the
political workers from all over India converged people’s charter of spiritual emancipation”.
The Temple Entry Proclamation of the and non-Hindus also got the right to walk along
Maharaja of Travancore came as a bomb-shell the Paliyam road.
in orthodox Hindu circles, but it gave a message
? What is Pandara Pattam Procla-
of hope and good cheer to the down-trodden
Harijans and other backward classes. It
brought about a silent and bloodless revolution The complicated relationship between the
in Hindu society. However, it took one more landlords and tenants in Kerala necessitated the
decade for the reform to be introduced in introduction of land reforms from the 19th
Cochin and Malabar. The Temple Entry century onwards. One of the earliest pieces
Authorisation Proclamation V of 1123 (1947- of land legislation in Travancore was the
48) issued by the Maharaja of Cochin opened Pandara Pattam Proclamation of 1040 Kollam
the temples in that State to all Hindus, Era (June 1865) which was hailed as “the
irrespective of caste. The Madras Temple Magna Carta of the Travancore ryots”. It
Entry Act of 1947 extended this reform to the enfranchised Sirkar Pattam lands, conferred
Malabar area. With the dawn of Independence, proprietary rights on the holders of Pandaravaka
untouchability has been abolished by legislation (Sirkar) lands and protected the tenants from
and those who practise it have been made liable the fear of aribitrary eviction.
to punishment. ? Write a short note on Malayali
? Write a short note on Paliyam Memorial.
Satyagraha. Towards the closing decades of the 19th
The road in front of the main residence of century the educated middle class in
the Paliat Achan, the erstwhile hereditary Chief Travancore asserted itself. There was
Minister of Cochin, at Chennamangalam was widespread resentment among the educated
not open to Avarnas and non-Hindus. The main classes against the Government’s policy of
political parties and social organisations of the importing persons from outside, particularly
State formed an Action Council to organise a Tamil Brahmins, to hold the most important
Satyagraha to force the Paliyam family to throw posts in the public services even when persons
open the road to all people, irrespective of caste with similar qualifications were available inside
or religion. The Satyagraha went on for the State.
hundred days during the period December- In 1882 three students of the Maharaja’s
April 1948. The volunteers who took part in it College, Trivandrum, were expelled from the
were subjected to repressive measures like college on suspicion that they had contributed
arrest, lathi-charge etc. The one redeeming articles to newspapers protesting against the
feature of the movement was that it evoked policy of the State Government in appointing
the willing participation of even the princes of non-Travancoreans to the State service. They
the royal families of Cochin and Kodungallur were G.Parameswaran Pillai (Barrister
as well as of several members of Namboothiri G.P.Pillai), R.Ranga Rao (son of Diwan
families. On the hundredth day of the Peishkar R.Ranganatha Rao) and N.Raman
Satyagraha a freedom fighter by name Pillai (son of former Diwan Nanu Pillai). The
A.G.Velayudhan met with tragic death in a police order of expulsion of these students was issued
lathi-charge. The Satyagraha was suspended. by the Diwan Rama lyenger with the special
Meanwhile, on Vishu day in 1948 all temples sanction of the ruler in disregard of the
in Cochin were thrown open to all Hindus, objection raised by the College Principal John
irrespective of caste. As a result the Avarnas Ross, an Englishman.
The resentment of the people against the result. Neverthless, the Ezhava Memorial
policy of appointing outsiders to Travancore agitation helped to rouse the social and political
service found concrete expression in the consciousness of the Ezhavas and prepare them
“Malayali Memorial” submitted to the Maharaja for future struggles in the cause of social
on January 1, 1891. The petition which was justice.
signed by 10,028 persons belonging to all ? Write a short note on Kurichiya
castes and creeds drew the attention of the
Maharaja to the exclusion of the educated
natives from the higher grades of the public During the period of Velu Thampi’s revolt
service and pleaded that rules be enacted to there was practically no disturbance in Malabar.
provide them with a fair quota of Government However, in 1812 the Kurichiyas and
appointments. Kurumbars of Wynad rose in revolt as a protest
against the British Government’s policy of
? Write a short note on Ezhava collecting revenue from them in cash rather
Memorial. than in kind. They besieged the British
The “Ezhava Memorial” signed by 13,176 garrisons at Sultan’s Battery and Manantoddy.
members of the Ezhava community under the The British moved troops into Wynad from
leadership of Dr.Palpu was submitted to the Mysore and the coast and put down the
Maharaja on September 3, 1896. The Ezhavas insurrection. The Kurichiya revolt was the last
and other backward communities were then of the early revolts that broke out in Malabar
being denied the right of admission to against British supremacy.
Government schools or entry into public ? Write a short note on Nivarthana
services Dr.Palpu himself had to seek Agitation.
employment in Mysore service after being
denied entry as a Doctor in the Travancore The agitation known as Nivarthana
Medical Department. The Ezhava Memorial (Abstension) movement was started as a
requested the Maharaja confer on the Ezhavas protest against the constitutional reforms of
the same rights and privileges which were being 1932. It was feared by the Ezhavas, the
enjoyed by those of their caste who had Muslims and a section of the Christian
community that under the new scheme they
become converts to Christianity. The response
would get only a lesser number of seats in the
of the Travancore Government to the Ezhava
State Legislature that they were entitled to on
Memorial was negative. This disappointed the
a strict population basis while the Nairs, being
the largest body of tax-payers, would get more
A second “Ezhava Memorial” was therefore seats than what they really deserved on the
presented by the leaders of the Ezhava basis of their voting strength. These
community to Lord Curzon, the Viceroy of communities, therefore, demanded that they
India, during his visit to Trivandrum in 1900. should be given representation in the Legislature
It drew the attention of the Viceroy to the in proportion to their numerical strength. As
manifold grievances of the Ezhava community the demand was not immediately conceded,
and sought early redress. They Viceroy took they formed an organisation of their own called
the stand that the Paramount power could not Samyukta Rashtriya Samiti (Joint Political
interefere in such “ minor details of Congress) and exhorted the voters to abstain
administration”. Thus the second Ezhava from voting in the elections held under the new
Memorial also failed to produce any positive scheme. The organisation was led by such
leaders as N.V.Joseph, T.M.Varghese and ? Write a short note on Reform of the
C.Kesavan. Laws of Inheritance and Marriage.
The Nivarthana (Abstention) agitation Another movement of socio-economic
spread to all parts of the State. C.Kesavan importance was the agitation for reform of the
was arrested in June 1935, following a speech laws of inheritance and marriage. The Kerala
he made at Kozhancheri. He was tried for society comprised of several castes like the
sedition and sentenced to two years’ rigorous Nairs the Ezhavas, the Nanjanad Vellalas, the
imprisonment. Meanwhile, the Govern-ment Mappilas of Malabar, etc., who followed the
appointed a Public Service Commissioner to Marumakkathayam system of succession and
ensure fair representation for the backward inheritance.
communities in the public services on the basis A movement for the abolitionof the system
of a scheme of communal rotation and also was started in Travancore under the auspices
widened the franchise by reducing the property of the Nair Service Society. The question of
qualification. A specific number of seats were change in the law of inheritance engaged the
allotted in the Ezhava, Muslim and Christian serious attention of government. The first Nair
communities. The changes in electoral law Act passed into law in 1912 was the first
were formally announced by the Government important piece of legislation on the subject.
in August 1936. In the elections held to the It did not give complete satisfaction to the
reformed Legislature in April-May 1937 the progressive sections of the community
candidates put up by the Joint Political because it did not provide for individual
Congress came out successful from a large partition of the Nair tarawads but only for
number of constituences. tavazhi partition. Moreover, it sanctioned half
the self acquired property of a male to his
? Write a short note on Electricity
children and other half to his nephews. The
Agitation (1936).
second Nair Act passed in 1925 provided for
The most spectacular of the agitations in individual partition and also deprived the
Cochin was the one organised in Trichur town nephews of all claims to the properties of their
in 1936 as a protest against the decision of uncles. The Act also made polygamy illegal.
the Cochin Government under the Diwan Sir The Nair Act was followed by the Ezhava Act
R.K.Shan-mukham Chetti to entrust the (1925) and the Nanjanad Vellal Act (1926)
distribution of the electric power in the town providing for similar changes in the law of
to private company. The agitation, in spite of inheritance and imposing legal prohibition in
its localised character and limited objectives, the matter of polygamy.
helped to bring the people of all castes and The Cochin Nair Regualation of 1095 K.E.
communities on a common platform and as (1919-20) imposed curbs on the karanavar and
such it was a truly popular movement. facilitated the partition of joint families. It
Lea ders like E.Ikkanda Warrier and legalised customary marriage and declared the
Dr.A.R.Menon came into the limelight during wife and children as being entitled to
this agitation. The Government of Cochin maintenance by the husband or father. The
Regulation also prohibited polygamy. The
adopted repressive measures to put down the
Cochin Nair Act of 1113 (1937-38) which
agita tion and ultimately it fizzled out.
superseded the Nair Regulation of 1095 brought
However, it served to bring the influential about the complete disruption of the institution
Christian community of Trichur into the of Marumakkathayam. It laid down that the
National movement in the State. wife and children of a husband or father were
his legal heirs and as such entitled to get his ? Write short notes on Agrarian
properties. The Act provided that every reforms of Cochin.
member of a tarawad could claim his share of In Cochin land reforms were introduced
the properties of the tarawad by demanding first to prevent evictions and grant permanent
individual partition. The Act also prohibited rights to the tenants. A royal writ or Titturam
the marriage of a female under 16 years of age issued in 1038 K.E. (1863) prevented eviction
or of a male under 21 years of age. of Kanam tenants before a period of 12 years.
As for the Malabar area, the Madras But it was only a temporary palliative and in
Marumakkathayam Act (1933) allowed 1915 the Tenancy Act of 1090 K.E. was enacted
partition of tarawad property and legalised to grant fixity of tenure to those who took
inheritance from father to son. The Mappila Kanam holdings before 1885 and to provide
Marumakkathayam Act (1939) conferred on for payment of compensation to tenants for
the Muslim members of the Marumakkathayam the improvements effected by them. The
families the right to claim partition of their Cochin Tenancy Act of 1113 K.E. (1938) which
tarawad and the property which they thus superseded the above Act conferred security
came to acquire was thereafter to be governed of tenure on Kanams created between 1885
by the Shariat law. Further, in 1949 the Madras and 1915 and imposed further restrictions on
Legislature passed an Act extending the eviction of tenants. Yet another piece of land
provisions of the Shariat Act passed by the reform in Cochin was the Verumpattamdars
Central Legislature in 1937 to properties Act (1943) which protected the interests of
owned by Muslims in Madras State and the tenants-at-will and granted security of
thereafter, the Muslims of Malabar who tenure to lessees and sub-lessees in respect of
followed Marumakkathayam also came to be their holdings.
governed by the patrilineal law of inheritance ? Write short notes on Agrarian
observed by Muslims everywhere. reforms of Malabar.
The Madras Namboothiri Act (1933) In Malabar the frequent evictions and levy
brought about changes in the law of inheritance of excessive rents strained the relations
governing the Namboothiris of Malabar. It between the landlord and tenant and led to
provided that every member of an illam, serious disturbances which marred the peace
whether male or female had an equal share in of the district. Mr.Logan who enquired into
the family property. The Junior Namboothiris the causes of the Mappila outbreaks
were also permitted to marry Namboothiri girls recommended the grant of fixity of tenure to
and thereby the children of all the junior certain classes of tenants and on his
member of an illam became the legal heirs to recommendation the Malabar Compensation for
the property of the Illam. Tenants Improvement Act of 1887 was passed
The last in the series of legislative measures to prevent the growing practice of eviction. It
intended to reform the system of inheritance was amended in 1900 to rectify certain defects
is the Kerala Joint Hindu Family System but rack-renting and eviction continued still on
(Abolition) Act, 1975 passed by the Kerala a large scale. The Malabar Tenancy Act of
Legislative Assembly. It has ensured the 1930 contained elaborate provisions to confer
disintegration of the Marumakkathayam security of tenure on several categories of
system and ushered in the Makkathayam tenants and to enable the aggrieved party to
system. have the fair rent fixed by civil courts. The
Act was amended in 1945, 1951 and 1954 in Social Reformers of Kerala
order to prevent eviction and safeguard the
interests of the tenants more effectively. ? Sri Narayana Guru
? Write short notes on Agrarian Sri Narayana Guru made
reforms after independence. a solid contribution to the
The introduction of agrarian reforms social change in Kerala.
received the special attention of Government Like Chattampi Swamikal,
since the achievement of Independence. The he too revolted against
Travancore-Cochin Government passed the Brahmin ascendancy and
Stay of Eviction Proceedings Act (1950) to campaigned for the
give protection to the ryots from arbitrary mitigation of the rigours of
eviction. On the formation of Kerala State the caste. He consecrated shrines in several
Kerala Stay of Eviction Proceedings Act (1957) parts of Kerala primarily for the worship of
was passed to prevent eviction of tenants, the Ezhavas and permitted entry into them by
Kudikidappukar and certain other classes of the Pulayas and other low castes considered
cultivating tenants. The Kerala Agriculturists inferior to the Ezhavas in the social scale. To
Debt Relief Act (1958) and the Kerala those who questioned his right as an Ezhava
Compensation for Tenants Improvements Act to consecrate temples Sri Narayana Guru gave
(1958) were also importants enactment the challenging reply that he was consecrating
intended to confer benefits on the agriculturists. “the Ezhava Siva and not the Brahmin Siva”.
The Kerala Agrarian Relations Act (1960) was The Ezhavas themselves officiated as priests in
a revolutionary piece of land legislation which
the temples founded by the Swamiji. He also
sought to fix a ceiling on the extent of land
campaigned against the observance of such
that could be owned by a family or adult
practices as Talikettukalyanam, Tirandukuli, etc,
married person and to distribute among the
among the Ezhavas and achieved a large
landless all the lands available in excess of the
ceiling. The tenants were also given fixity of measure of success in persuading them to give
tenure, freedom from eviction and the benefit up these practices. Sri Narayana Guru had a
of fair rent to be fixed by Land Tribunals. As highly eclectic outlook in religious matters as is
the Act was struck down by the Kerala High evidenced by his famous saying “One Caste,
Court in 1962, the Kerala Land Reforms Act one Religion, one God for man”. He has been
(1963) was enacted. This Act bans the creation hailed as “ the father of Modern Kerala
of fresh tenancies, confers on the tenant the Renaissance”.The work of Chattampi Swamikal
right to purchase his owner’s land and and Sri Narayana Guru helped to rouse the
prescribes a ceiling in regard to the extent of Hindus from their age-long slumber and to give
land that can be owned by a family, Amended the Hindu religious reform movement in Kerala
in 1969, it abolishes the Janmi system in Kerala a social bias and a practical turn.
and confers full rights of ownership on the
tillers of the soil. Kerala has turned out to be
? Chattampi Swamikal
one of the few states in India where the slogan Chattampi Swamikal
“Land to the Tiller” has become a reality. Thus revolted against the existing
the series of land reforms introduced in Kerala social order in which the
since the latter half of the 19th century have Brahmins enjoyed a
helped in accelerating the pace of the social monopolistic position. He
and economic progress of the State. wanted the major Hindu
communities like the Nairs and the Ezhavas to personality and teachings of Brahmananda
play their legitimate role in society. The work Sivayogi exercised, a profound influence on a
of Chattampi Swamikal was mainly confined social life of Kerala.
to the ranks of the Nair community, for he
? Swami Vagbhatananda
believed that a social awakening among them
would serve as an inspiration to the non- Vagbhatananda Gurudeva, (1885-1939)
Brahmin castes and set the pace for the great played a decisive role in the social reform
social change. As a social and religious movement in modern Kerala. His charismatic
reformer, his main achievement was that he personality and oratorical skill attracted
could rouse the social consciousness of the towards him a large number of followers
Nairs and make them fight against the social including those of the Savarna castes. Early
evils that had crept into their ranks. These in his career he was drawn towards the Brahma
evils included untouchability, sub-caste barriers Samaj, but subsequently he founded his own
and observance of irrational social practices Atma Vidya Sangham in order to propagate his
like Talikettukalyanam, Tirandukuli etc. which teachings. He denounced caste barriers and
impoverished many a middle class Nair family. idol worship and exhorted his followers to
In fact, Chattampi Swamikal worked in close abjure such practices. He also campaigned
co-operation with Sri Narayana Guru in the vigorously against addiction to liquor and
common cause of Hindu social and religious championed the cause of prohibition. The
regeneration. teachings of Vagbhatananda helped to
? Brahmananda Sivayogi strengthen the base of the nationalist movement
particularly in north Kerala.
Brahmananda Sivayogi
(1852-1929), the founder ? Vaikunta Swami
of the Sidhasramam at Vaikunta Swami (also known as Muthukutti
Alathur in Palghat district, Swami) (1809-1851) was a man of progressive
was a believer in the Yoga social outlook, he founded in 1836 an
system of philosophy organisation called “Samatva Samajam”in order
which stands for discipline to fight for the redressal of the grievances of
of a high order for the the Avarnas as well as against the shortcomings
body and the mind. He condemned caste and lapses in the state administration. The
barriers, penance, pilgrimages, idol worship Samatva Samajam seems to be earliest social
etc. practised by the Hindus as irrational. The
organisation in Kerala and Vaikunta Swami a
Hindu scriptures which sanctioned these
pioneer among social revolutionaries. He was
practices were also denounced as pernicious.
arrested in 1837 during the reign of Swati
Sivayogi championed the cause of social
Tirunal and lodged in the Singarathoppu jail in
reform among the Hindus by advocating
Trivandrum. Ayyaguru who was the Jailor at
change in the Marumakkathayam system of
the time accepted Vaikunta Swami as his Guru.
inheritance, widow marriage, prohibition of
liquor, female education etc, He laid stress on The work of Vaikunta Swami in the cause of
non-violence, peace, acquisition of knowledge social equality was one of the primary causes
(Jnana), social equality, happiness (ananda) etc. behind the “Breast-Cloth Agitation”His works
as being essential for the welfare of mankind. in Tamil entitled Akilathiruttu and Arulnul are
He expounded his radical views in his works noted for their historical, biographical and
like Mokshapradipam, Anandasutram etc. The philosophical content.
? Ayyankali Islamic practices, to take to English education
in increasing numbers and to play an active
Ayyankali (1866-1941), part in modern progressive movements. The
born in the Pulaya community Maulavi Sahib has an honoured place in the
gave leadership to the history of journalism in Kerala. He edited such
movement started by the periodicals as the Muslim and the Deepika, the
Pulayas and other depressed latter carrying in every issue the translation of
classes for their own social advancement. The a few verses from the Koran. The
activities of organisations like the S.N.D.P. swadeshabhimani edited by K.Ramakrishna
Yogam and social reformers like Sri Narayana Pillai was owned by him. Abdul Khadir Maulavi
Guru inspired Ayyankali to start organisational also popularised Arabic-Malayalam by
work among the Harijans and agitate for rights publishing an Arabic-Malayalam monthly called
that had so far been denied to them. It was as Al Islam. On the pattern of the communal
a result of his endeavours that the Pulaya organisations started by the Ezhavas and the
community secured the right to walk in Nairs, the Maulavi Sahib also founded such
freedom along the public roads in Travancore. organisations as the Travancore Muslim
In 1907 he founded the Sadhu Jana Paripalana Mahajana Sabha and Chirayinkil Taluk Muslim
Yogam after the model of the S.N.D.P. Yogam Samajam for carrying on active work for the
and before long, it came to have a wide social uplift of the Muslims and dissemination
network of branches all over the State and of liberal ideas among them. The progress of
initiated a vigorous campaign for the uplift of the Muslim community of Kerala in the
the Harijans. In recognition of his outstanding educational and social fields is largely due to
services to the Harijan community Ayyankali the pioneering work done by the Maulavi Sahib.
was nominated by the Travancore Government
as a member of the Sri Mulam Praja Sabha ? Swadesabhimani Ramakrishna Pillai
and this provided him with a respectable forum The reign of Sri Mulam
wherefrom he could carry on his fight for Tirunal was a period of political
social equality and justice with the goodwill unrest. The policies of the
and co-operation of the leaders of other Diwan P.Rajagopalachari
communities. Whatever progress the Harijans created resentment among
have achieved in recent decades in Kerala is in certain sections of the
no small measure due to the untiring and population. K.Ramakrishna
selfless efforts of Ayyankali. Pillai, the editor of the Swadeshabhimani,
? Vakkom Abdul Khader Maulavi owned by Vakkam Abdul Khadir Maulavi, the
popular Muslim leader published a series of
The social reform movement articles criticising the Diwan. The Government
in Kerala was not confined to the took serious notice of these articles and
Hindu community alone. The deported Ramakrishna Pillai from the State by
Muslims who were educationally a Royal Proclamation issued on September 26,
backward were also affected by 1910. The publication of the periodical was
the winds of change. One of the banned and the press from which it was
most important of the Muslim social reformers published was confiscated to the Government.
was Vakkom Abdul Khader Maulavi (1873- The action of the Government evoked universal
1932). A scholar in Arabic, Persian, Urdu and opposition. Ramakrishna pillai died in political
Malayalam, he laboured hard for the social exile at Cannanore in April 1916 after a
uplift and moral regeneration of his community. protracted illness.
He exhorted the Muslims to discard all un-

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