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Single best answer question-writing tips for clinicians

J L Walsh,1,2 B H L Harris,2,3 P E Smith2
Vascular Medicine ABSTRACT The most clinically applicable SBA questions
Programme, American Assessment is essential for progression in medical present a scenario, with relevant and plausible
University of Beirut Medical
Centre, Beirut, Lebanon
careers. Thus, an important aspect of developing as a options (at least to the mind of a borderline candi-
Cardiff University School of clinical teacher is the ability to produce high-quality date); the ‘best’ answer might be judged as 80%
Medicine, Heath Park, assessments for junior colleagues. The single best correct and the distractors perhaps 20–30%
Cardiff, UK answer (SBA) question format is becoming ubiquitous in correct. While students in clinical practice obvi-
St Anne’s College, University the assessment of the application of knowledge in ously do not have the prompt of possible options,
of Oxford, Oxford, UK
clinical medicine; writing this style of examination SBAs do encourage students to work with condi-
Correspondence to question can be a challenge. This concise guide tional probabilities that compare to real clinical
Professor Phil Smith, The Alan highlights key SBA question-writing tips, aiming to help practice.
Richens Epilepsy Unit, aspiring clinical teachers set high-quality knowledge The language and scientific content of questions
Department of Neurology,
University Hospital of Wales, assessments. must show clarity, precision and economy to ensure
Heath Park, Cardiff CF14 4XW, that they test only knowledge and application of
UK; knowledge rather than the interpretation of lan-
INTRODUCTION guage and syntax. Furthermore, every question
Received 10 December 2015
The National Board of Medical Examiners must pass the best practice cover test, which
Revised 7 April 2016
Accepted 31 May 2016 (NBME) item-writing manual is a mainstay of guid- involves covering the answer options and attempt-
Published Online First ance for question writers aiming to produce high- ing to answer solely from the stem (the scenario)
1 July 2016 quality questions. It gives advice for developing and lead-in question (eg, what is the most likely
many multiple-choice question formats, including diagnosis?).1 This ensures a truly ‘best of ’ question
multiple true/false, single best answer (SBA) and style: the good candidate knows the best answer
extended-matching questions (EMQs). Since the already, without needing the prompt of possible
item-writing manual was commissioned, most options. A question such as ‘Which of the follow-
medical examinations of knowledge have adopted ing statements is correct?’ followed by a series of
the SBA format. The reasons SBAs have become so options comprising one true and four false state-
widely adopted are varied, but include the pitfalls ments inevitably fails the cover test and is therefore
of the other formats. Multiple true/false questions not a true SBA question.
are the easiest to construct but may comprise We now offer guidance to aspiring question
simply a series of sometimes unrelated statements. setters looking beyond the cover test to improve
However, they rarely reflect the real-life practices further their SBA question writing.
of medical diagnosis and management, which come
in multiple shades of grey. EMQs assess application FOLLOW A HOUSE STYLE
of knowledge rather than simple recall but are hard Candidates welcome assessments written in a con-
to write well. It is exceptionally difficult to con- sistent and predictable style (table 1). This allows
struct EMQs with a suitable number of distractors them to concentrate on the topic of the question
applicable to all scenarios without undue redun- rather than being distracted by unexpected lan-
dancy. In contrast, well-written SBA questions can guage or by findings and investigations presented in
concisely assess the application of clinical knowl- an unexpected order. A formal house style docu-
edge, sampling widely from potentially hundreds ment is very helpful,6 specifying several minimum
of learning outcomes in a single easily marked requirements:
assessment. These characteristics have led them to ▸ Question length: In most SBA exams, candidates
become the most widely used multiple-choice ques- answer each question in 60–90 s. Thus, each
tion format in medical schools.1–5 stem should comprise no more than 5–10 lines
The NBME item-writing manual provides valu- (including investigation results) and fewer if
able advice on constructing SBA questions.1 Here, there is also a table or picture. More detailed
we highlight and elaborate upon its key points and stems do help to make each answer option more
offer additional advice derived from writing plausible (and so make a ‘better’ question).
experience. Longer questions are certainly more difficult but
surprisingly are not more reliable.7 It is also
SOME GENERAL POINTS important to remember that very long questions
The assessors’ work for multiple-choice question reduce the total number of questions in a paper
examinations is almost entirely in their preparation, for a given testing time, and therefore reduce
rather than in their marking. SBA papers can be the reliability of the test as well as restricting the
prepared many months in advance and avoid the breadth of knowledge tested.
To cite: Walsh JL, postexam frenzy of essay marking. However, it can ▸ Present tense: A question written in the present
Harris BHL, Smith PE. be very challenging to produce high-quality, dis- tense often feels more relevant and fresh than
Postgrad Med J criminating SBA questions that ensure fair, valid one written in the past tense; it also avoids
2017;93:76–81. and reliable assessments. clumsy pluperfects, such as ‘he had had’, and
76 Walsh JL, et al. Postgrad Med J 2017;93:76–81. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133893
Original article

less important that they exactly reflect data from a specific

Table 1 Summary of advice for question writers
laboratory or website but more that they are consistent
To be encouraged To be avoided throughout the paper(s).
▸ Blueprinting: Studying the in-house syllabus and adhering to
Sticking to a ‘house style’ Straying from the standard order of case
course learning objectives allows questions to be tailored to a
Using clear language Using unnecessarily long stems
specific course and to avoid unnecessary inclusion of rarities.
Blueprinting questions Using negative questions
This focused approach also helps writers in choosing distrac-
Targeting the appropriate cognitive Using data formulations
tors. The act of blueprinting and tagging questions to learn-
level ing outcomes allows easy indexing and helps to avoid topics
Using present tense and active sense Sticking rigidly to ‘But it was an actual that are over-represented or absent from the question bank.8
case!’ philosophy
Using standard normal values Omitting the best answer from the
Using the traditional cover test and/or Tipping off test-wise candidates
the science cover test Candidates should expect to find the presenting complaint and
Peer reviewing questions Using options such as ‘none of the its duration (the central topic of the question) in the first line as
above’ and ‘all of the above’ this best reflects real-life clinical practice. Question writers often
overlook this aspect, for example:
A 26-year-old man undergoes major surgery to his thigh after a
motorcycle crash. He has asthma and takes a salbutamol inhaler
makes the question slightly shorter. Questions in the present regularly. Three days later, he collapses suddenly on the ward.
tense still need careful proof reading, for example, changing On examination, ….
‘the day before’ to ‘yesterday’, and ‘two days previously’ to This question becomes clearer and more relevant with the pre-
‘two days ago’. senting complaint placed first:
▸ Active sense: Questions written in active sense are easier to A 26-year-old man collapses suddenly on the ward. Three days
understand, less formal and often shorter than those written ago, he underwent major surgery to his thigh after a motorcycle
in the passive sense. crash. He has asthma and takes a salbutamol inhaler regularly.
▸ No negative questions: Although easy to write, negative ques- On examination, …
tions typically have little intrinsic value when testing clinical
medicine. A doctor’s knowledge of the ‘least likely’ diagnosis
rarely helps a patient. A negative question also fails the cover PROVIDE RAW DATA RATHER THAN A FORMULATION
test spectacularly as candidates have little hope of identifying Providing actual data or pictures (rather than summary formula-
a wrong answer (from an infinite number of possible wrong tions) increases the authenticity of a written assessment of clin-
answers) without seeing the options. Negative questions can ical knowledge. For example, ‘His temperature is 38.9°C’
sometimes be salvaged by using lead-ins such as ‘What clin- requires more knowledge than ‘He has a pyrexia’. Similarly,
ical feature most strongly suggests an alternative diagnosis?’ ‘Her body mass index is 34.2 kg/m2, is preferable to ‘She is
or ‘What investigation is most likely to be normal?’ obese’. Using data better reflects clinical practice and requires
▸ Ordering information: The order of presented material candidates to draw their own conclusions from the clinical
should reflect an assessment in clinical practice. Thus, age, information. Furthermore, formulations such as ‘end-inspiratory
sex and presenting complaint should precede past, family crackles’ or ‘low-pitched rumbling diastolic murmur’ can cue
and social history; the examination and investigations should the answer. Similarly, pathognomonic terms such as ‘the chest
then appear in a predetermined order. X-ray shows the sail sign’ or ‘there are Koplik spots’ provide an
▸ Lead-ins expressing uncertainty reflect real clinical practice: interpretation beyond that expected from a real clinical encoun-
Thus, a lead-in should seek the ‘most likely’ diagnosis, the ter. Seeing a chest X-ray with left lower lobe collapse or the
‘best’ investigation or ‘most important next step’ in manage- palate of a child with measles better tests candidates’
ment (noting that this differs from the ‘next most important understanding.
step’, which actually seeks the second-best answer). Such
questions are likely to test application of knowledge rather ENSURE THE BEST ANSWER IS AMONG THE OPTIONS
than just recall. An option list omitting the best answer not only fails the cover
▸ Consistent writing style: Style should be consistent and test but also does not reflect best practice. Question writers
written to an agreed style guide (even where authors’ opi- sometimes omit the truly best answer—perhaps because it seems
nions may differ). For example, age may be indicated as a too easy and the setter seeks the second-best answer. For
hyphenated adjective (eg, an 86-year-old man) or unhyphen- example:
ated, and sex as ‘man’ or ‘woman’ (not ‘gentleman’ or A 15-year-old boy develops myoclonic jerks and has a general-
‘lady’), or ‘boy’ and ‘girl’ if aged below 18 years. Spelling ised tonic-clonic seizure. The doctor discusses the best long-
should be consistent, for example, ‘fetus’ or ‘foetus’, as term antiepileptic treatment
should hyphenation versus en dash between disease names of What treatment is most likely recommended?
eponymous attribution, and on standardised medication A. ethosuximide
names. Question writers should avoid an excess of italics or B. lamotrigine
underlining owing to their difficulty for people with dys- C. levetiracetam
lexia; nevertheless, most authors will still write bacterial and D. phenytoin
gene names in italic script. E. topiramate
▸ Consistent normal values: Including normal values in ques- Answer C: levetiracetam.
tions reflects the real clinical situation; authors need an The best (or equally good) answer would be sodium valproate
agreed, consistent and frequently updated list of these. It is but it is not a presented option; perhaps the question writer was
Walsh JL, et al. Postgrad Med J 2017;93:76–81. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133893 77
Original article

trying to assess more subtle knowledge of second-line treat- Although examples of poor clinical practice are (regrettably)
ments. This is easily solved: realistic, questions should, where possible, reflect good practice
A 15-year-old boy develops myoclonic jerks and has a general- and adhere to national guidelines. If a question writer wishes to
ised tonic-clonic seizure. He has previously tried sodium valpro- include a poor standard of care within a scenario, for example,
ate but this caused troublesome weight gain; he wishes to try a omission of a heel-prick test as a neonate leading to a childhood
different treatment. The doctor discusses the best long-term presentation of phenylketonuria, then this might involve chan-
antiepileptic treatment. ging the scenario to, for example, a patient who immigrated in
The lead-in and answer options remain the same but now childhood, or someone from a travelling family without access
contains the actual best answer. to regular healthcare.

CASES Distractors work best if drawn from the same domain and
Although many excellent questions are based on real clinical appear similar to one another. A common shortcoming is to
scenarios, question writers should not feel confined by the have distractors from different domains, reducing their potential
actual clinical narrative. Many authors protest, ‘But it was an for discrimination. The most obvious example is including both
actual case!’, thinking this somehow justifies designating an investigations and treatments among the options, for example,
unusual answer as the ‘most likely’. The question writer’s prior- ‘laparotomy’, ‘CT scan of abdomen’, ‘refer to haematologist’ or
ity is to create a good question, not to tell an interesting anec- giving both drug classes and specific drug options, for example,
dote. Trying to be faithful to an actual case is a common fault of ‘benzylpenicillin’, ‘trimethoprim’ and ‘aminoglycoside’. Answers
novice question writers and a block to producing excellent in different domains risk allowing two equally good answers
questions. from different domains to be equally valid, for example,
requesting a CT scan and inserting an intravenous cannula.

LEAD-IN AND OPTIONS Peer review undoubtedly improves question quality1 9–11
Where the same word or phrase appears in each option, this Question-writing groups work best if all members bring ques-
can move to the lead-in. For example: tions for discussion and peer review, and all experience having
What structure is most likely involved? their questions criticised and improved. It is constantly surpris-
A. axillary nerve ing (and appropriately humbling) how often an experienced
B. median nerve question writer’s ‘perfect’ question improves further with such
C. musculocutaneous nerve scrutiny. These groups must be carefully chaired to permit an
D. posterior interosseous nerve equal voice to all participants and to allow all group members’
E. ulnar nerve contributions to be equally valued, irrespective of seniority. No
This is more economical and clear as: member should fear exposing a knowledge blind spot (we all
What nerve is most likely to be involved? have these); on the contrary, not knowing something is an
A. axillary opportunity for all to learn. Peer review also checks for accurate
B. median content, standardises questions, ensures consistent formatting,
C. musculocutaneous punctuation, grammar and spelling, and limits superfluous
D. posterior interosseous information.
E. ulnar In clinical medicine, doctors must sort large quantities of
‘Which of the following …?’ is unnecessarily verbose. It is information, picking out that which is relevant. However, long
implicit in the multiple-choice format that the required answer questions are frustrating to read and reduce the breadth of
lies among the options given. This phrase may defend against a knowledge that can be tested in a given examination. Peer
candidate’s complaint that he/she knows the preferred answer review helps to strike this balance between making the question
but cannot find it among the options. However, if the ques- realistic while trimming redundant information.
tioner ensures the best answer is among the options (see above), On a similar note, it is important that a paper is proofread by
then ‘Which …?’ or ‘What …?’ suffice and avoid the more someone independent and experienced before its final accept-
wordy lead-in. ance: at this stage, question writers sometimes may be blind to
Incidentally, ‘Which?’ implies the choice lies only among the ambiguities or confusing terminology, particularly if the ques-
options presented (certainly true for written examinations but tion has gone through several iterations. In many assessment
not reflecting clinical practice). If a candidate must first see the programmes, this role falls to standard setting groups.
options to answer a question, it fails the cover test. By contrast,
‘What?’ passes the cover test by implying that all options are PROVIDE FEEDBACK AND REFERENCES FOR QUESTIONS
possible. Formative assessments provide an excellent vehicle for learning.
While faculty members may frequently provide formative ques-
REFLECT GOOD AND REALISTIC CLINICAL PRACTICE tions to students, they typically withhold their ‘best’ questions
A question’s clinical scenario should evolve as in real life. For for summative tests.
example, for a person attending with a rash after starting a new Formative questions should ideally include detailed written
drug, a lead-in such as ‘What drug is most likely caused the feedback, justifying the best answer and (in particular) using the
rash?’ is unrealistic as the doctor would know very well which evidence base to explain why other options are less correct; this
drug had been given. The scenario becomes more realistic if, for all reinforces the students learning.12 Including references to the
example, the patient presents to the emergency department literature also helps, for several reasons:
while on holiday, having started a new drug but unable to 1. ensuring that questions are accurate and supported by
remember its name. current evidence;
78 Walsh JL, et al. Postgrad Med J 2017;93:76–81. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133893
Original article

2. facilitating review (including answer key checks after the estimated glomerular filtration rate has fallen by 80% from
exam) and updating questions, for example, with new its baseline value. What is the best estimate of her current
national guidance; glomerular filtration rate?’ Incidentally, the increasing sophis-
3. checking that the author has not misinterpreted a source or tication of smart ‘cheating’ technology may mean that calcu-
used an outdated source; lation questions in future examinations will need to be
4. guiding further reading. answerable without requiring a calculator.
We also encourage students to set up their own question- ▸ Anatomy questions are easily made clinically relevant. For
writing groups to generate formative questions for their example, ‘A 19-year-old man develops a dropped foot after
peers.10 13 Another approach is to use a free online platform fracturing his fibula. What nerve is most likely affected?’
such as PeerWise, allowing anonymous authoring and critique ▸ Histology questions are also easily made clinically relevant
of questions,14 together with rich and well-referenced feedback. where a patient (with any disorder of any organ) undergoes
Feedback for summative exams is more difficult to provide in a biopsy that contains normal tissue, for example, ‘What cell
practice as many question writers do not have sufficiently large type most likely predominates?’
numbers of questions in their banks to allow dissemination of ▸ Biochemistry and physiology questions are generally more
detailed information about the questions used (they will likely difficult as patients are less likely to present to doctors with
be used again in future assessments). However, mapping ques- problems relating to normal function. Key exceptions might
tions to specific high-level learning outcomes and transmitting be the normal menstrual cycle, normal pregnancy and
this information back to students together with their perform- embryology. A physiology question might be, for example, a
ance is a useful compromise. 45-year-old man with breathlessness who undergoes an
investigation (eg, a treadmill test) and is told the result is
APPLY THE ‘SCIENCE COVER TEST’ normal. What maximum heart rate did he most likely
Writing basic science questions through the medium of a clinical achieve? A biochemistry investigation may relate to normal
case is challenging but necessary if students are to be assessed fluid balance or normal effects of starvation in an otherwise
on the basic science relevant to clinical medicine.15 How does healthy patient undergoing surgery.
one create a clinical scenario to test knowledge on, say, the ▸ Pathology and microbiology questions fit readily into clinical
endoplasmic reticulum? Simply asking, ‘What is the main role scenarios as they feature patients with certain diseases.
of the endoplasmic reticulum?’ is an admission that the knowl- ▸ Social science, ethics and professionalism questions. These
edge needed to answer this question is not sufficiently clinically discursive topics do not readily fit into multiple-choice
relevant to form part of a realistic clinical scenario: an uncom- formats and often require longer clinical scenarios to make
fortable message to send to an aspiring clinician. Conversely, them plausible. They remain a major challenge for SBA ques-
paying lip service to the need for clinical scenario might give a tions and may be better addressed in an EMQ, short answer
question such as: question or essay format.
A 12-year-old boy with muscle weakness undergoes a muscle
biopsy. The specimen is examined using electron microscopy BE AWARE OF TIPPING OFF TEST-WISE CANDIDATES
and the pathologist notes an abnormality of the endoplasmic It is sometimes possible to answer poorly written multiple-
reticulum. choice questions correctly without knowledge of their content.
What is the main role of the endoplasmic reticulum? Indeed, the NBME item-writing guide alludes to avoiding “tech-
The scenario here provides a clinical setting but is not neces- nical item flaws that provide special benefit to test-wise exami-
sary to the question. It fails the ‘science question cover test’, nees”.1 Question setters must be aware of such strategies (10 are
where the candidate can answer the question even after covering listed below) and carefully proof their questions to protect
the stem. The conscientious candidate will read it all and against these. Test-wise candidates might:
become frustrated by the unnecessary work. The test-wise candi- 1. Select the middle option in a list of options, especially with
date will quickly see the lead-in and ignore the scenario. Our a list of numeric options, since many question writers
challenge is to make clinical scenarios that are relevant to basic unthinkingly place a couple of numbers above and a couple
science questions. below their preferred answer. It is best to put options in
To ensure that the lead-in is not answerable as a freestanding alphanumerical ascending order, removing concerns around
question, it must refer to elements in the clinical scenario to candidates obtaining the correct answer by guessing,
ensure that the scenario is integral to the question. A rewrite of through selecting an over-represented middle option.16
this question that allows the question to pass the science cover 2. Use convergence strategy: If options each have two compo-
test might be: nents (eg, benzylpenicillin and gentamicin), choose the
A 12-year-old boy with muscle weakness undergoes a muscle option that contains the two that appear most frequently
biopsy. The specimen is examined using electron microscopy among other options. Thus, among the options:
and the pathologist notes an abnormality of the endoplasmic a+b
reticulum. a+c
What cellular function is most likely to be abnormal? a+d
QUESTIONS a and c appear most often and so a+c is likely to be the
Basic science questions can often be made clinically relevant and best option. The question writer has tried to hide a+c by
realistic: mixing other options with each of these but in doing so has
▸ Calculation questions are easily set into a clinical context, for cued the answer.
example, through prescribing a paediatric dosing regimen 3. Choose one of two opposites or one of two similar options
(mg/kg): ‘What is the best estimate of the dose given over (‘best of two’); question writers often try to balance their
6 hours?’ Another example, ‘The doctor explains that the preferred answer by offering its opposite.
Walsh JL, et al. Postgrad Med J 2017;93:76–81. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133893 79
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4. Ignore the answer that offers ‘x only’ or ‘y only’ when there draw more upon traditional treatment options (eg, the best man-
is an option of ‘x+y’; the question writer usually wants to agement of hyperkalaemia).
check that candidates know that both components are
5. Choose the longest, most elaborate, most complex or most SHARING THE LOAD
detailed answer, on the grounds that the question setter Writing large numbers of SBA examination questions can be a
would put this all in only if it were needed; similarly, daunting task. It is challenging to cover all course learning out-
choose an eponymous term if offered rather than a descrip- comes with fixed format questions to be completed in a set time.
tive term. Luckily, the approach to learning medicine is similar nationally
6. Choose ‘no treatment necessary’, ‘none of the above’ or ‘all and internationally, making collaboration in question generation
of the above’ if these are offered. Using these phrases as fruitful and increasingly popular. For instance, in the UK, the
options is not good practice. ‘None of the above’ severely Medical Schools Council Assessment Alliance has a collaborative
impacts on the functionality of the question and cannot test shared bank of questions, from which most UK medical schools
if the candidate actually knows the best answer. In addition, draw a proportion of their final examination written questions.18
a question with ‘all of the above’ as an option not only fails Question setters who feel overwhelmed by gaps in their database
the cover test, but risks being alphabeticised to the top! may find intra-institutional or inter-institutional collaboration
7. Select any answer that is cued in the question, for example, very helpful. Another option is to use or modify student-
‘What is the most appropriate treatment?’ might be fol- generated questions from free platforms such as PeerWise.14
lowed by four management strategies and one treatment.
8. Note questions on similar themes elsewhere in the same CONCLUSION
paper as one may give the answer to the other. SBA questions—if written well—can assess higher-order learn-
9. Avoid options containing absolutes such as ‘always’, ‘never’, ing and discriminate between candidates of differing ability.
‘must’, ‘invariably’, etc., since question writers typically Clinicians have an essential role in undergraduate and post-
qualify their best answer appropriately; options containing graduate assessments and their contribution towards producing
‘may’ or ‘could’ are more attractive. high-quality questions will help to ensure reliable and valid
10. Choose an answer written in language characteristic of a written assessments. Writing questions is challenging, requires a
particular examiner (eg, an idiosyncratic phraseology used careful and methodical approach honed through experience and
in lectures). an awareness of the approach of test-wise candidates.


When examining at different levels, it is important to pitch the
question at the right level for the candidate. Question construc- ▸ Single best answer questions are widely used in medical
tion requires an understanding of the cognitive level being assessment; well-written question items can effectively
tested, whether it be simply remembering a fact or analysing assess application of clinical and scientific knowledge.
complex data. Bloom’s taxonomy is one way to help to organise ▸ Question writing requires a systematic approach, with a
these thoughts.17 The best questions test application of knowl- consistent style, alphanumeric ordering of options, use of
edge rather than simply recall. A doctor who only recalls knowl- the cover tests and checking for question flaws that may
edge will help fewer patients than one who can apply, adapt and hint towards the correct answer.
flex that knowledge to an individual situation. A question such ▸ Peer review is a key step for optimising question quality.
as ‘What is the most common leukaemia affecting children?’ ▸ Mapping each question to a learning objective will ensure
simply tests recall, whereas a question that describes the typical questions remain germane to the curriculum and appropriate
presentation of a child with leukaemia and asks ‘What is the to the required level of learning.
most likely diagnosis?’ from a list of leukaemias ensures the can- ▸ Detailed feedback is essential for enhancing learning from
didate applies that knowledge to the specific scenario. formative written questions.
A higher level of question requires two or more mental steps
to reach the answer. For example, a candidate might first have
to determine the diagnosis before selecting an investigation or
treatment. In the main, early-level undergraduate SBAs focus on Acknowledgements The authors thank Professor D A Harris for proofreading the
the basic sciences and clinical diagnosis. Such assessments also article.
tend to have more questions assessing simple recall only. Contributors JLW and BHLH are joint first authors.
Conversely, SBAs in the final years of medical school focus more Competing interests JLW recently completed his academic foundation training in
on management plans after the candidate has synthesised the Wales. He is currently a research fellow in cardiology at the American University of
information within the stem. Beirut Medical Centre, Lebanon. He is active in educational research, undergraduate
and postgraduate medical teaching, writing and reviewing questions for medical
Postgraduate SBAs tend to focus on management but the stem school examinations and sits on the Programmes in Medical Education board at the
may have added complexities. For example, the patient whose American University of Beirut. He is co-founder of an online SBA question database
history in an undergraduate question suggests type 2 diabetes for medical student revision. BHLH has recently completed his academic foundation
mellitus, might, in a postgraduate examination have type 2 dia- training in Oxford. He teaches preclinical and clinical students in his roles as a
lecturer at St Anne’s College, Oxford and clinical teaching associate of Green
betes mellitus, hypertension, multiple sclerosis and tuberculosis, Templeton College, Oxford. He is co-founder of an online SBA question database for
having just returned from Iraq. Furthermore, postgraduate SBAs medical student revision. PES is a consultant neurologist and sub-dean for
tend to draw upon recent research and new changes in clinical Assessments at Cardiff University School of Medicine and is associate medical
guidance (eg, a subtle change in the British Thoracic Societies director for Quality for the Federation of Royal College of Physicians (UK).
guideline on bronchiolitis), whereas undergraduate questions Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

80 Walsh JL, et al. Postgrad Med J 2017;93:76–81. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133893

Original article

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