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Android Sensor


Name : Haneen Abed AL-Kareem Shakeer

Screenshot For Install App

Android Sensor

Gravity Sensor: A gravity sensor measures the direction and intensity

of gravity. Using such data, you can check the relative direction of a
device within a space. A linear accelerometer provides data on
acceleration, excluding gravity. In other words, a linear accelerometer
measures the acceleration, excluding the impact of gravity on a certain
object. Using this sensor, you can find out how fast a car is driving.
With a gravity sensor and a linear accelerometer, a navigation
application allows you to track the direction of a car.

Accelerometer Sensor : is one of the multiple sensors in a Samsung

device and its main function is to tell Android OS whether to put the
screen on Portrait or Landscape mode. It also ensures that the photos
are aligned properly on your device and not slanted or off-axis. This
functionality can be manually triggered by a user or by an app, like
when watching Netflix (which automatically changes the orientation
to Landscape).

Orientation Sensor : To say that another commonly used sensor in

Android should be the direction sensor. Use of direction sensor in
android the scene is wider than other sensors. It can accurately
determine the rotation angle of the mobile phone in all directions. Use
this from these angles, useful tools such as compass and horizon can
be written. The racing game where the device controls the direction is
also done using the direction sensor in android.


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