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Electrical Technology
Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering

Prof. Alejandro Rolán, Ph.D.


• Synchronous machines rotate at the same speed as the one of the
magnetic field (synchronism), which is given by the grid frequency.

• They usually operate as generators (alternators) by means of

primary energy sources (hydraulic, thermal or nuclear energy).
• They are high-power generators (around several MW).
• At low scale, they are used as UPS (uninterruptible power supply):
diesel motor + alternator as emergency equipment for hospitals,
airports, PC rooms, and so on. They operate when there is a failure
in the grid voltage.
• Synchronous motor: industrial applications with constant speed.
• Synchronous capacitor: synchronous machine with capacitive power
factor, in order to improve the power factor of the grid.
Unit 5. Synchronous machines

1. Constitutive aspects

2. Principle of operation

3. Equivalent circuit

4. Connection to an infinite-power grid

5. Alternators working in parallel

6. Alternators and transformers in an EPS 3

1. Constitutive aspects
• Field winding (rotor):
– Placed in the rotor slots.
– Fed by direct current (exciter circuit) by means of
– It constitutes the machine poles.

• Armature winding (stator):

– 3-phase winding.
– Alternating current.

1. Constitutive aspects
• Salient poles vs. cylindrical (round) rotor:

Used for generation at low speed: Used for generation at high-speed:

- Hydropower (Pelton, Francis and - Thermal power: turbo generators
Kaplan turbines). (steam turbines). 5
- Large diameter and low axial length. - Low diameter and large axial lenght.

1. Constitutive aspects
• Salient poles vs. cylindrical (round) rotor:

Hydro generator Turbo alternator

1. Constitutive aspects
• Exciter:
– DC generator which feds the field winding (poles) in
the rotor.

1. Constitutive aspects
• Exciter:
– In order to avoid the use of DC machines as exciters (due to the
problems associated with the commutator at high speeds) it is
desirable to excite in AC and rectify the sinusoidal wave (i.e.,
change it from AC to DC) by means of a rectifier.

Unit 5. Synchronous machines
1. Constitutive aspects

2. Principle of operation

3. Equivalent circuit

4. Connection to an infinite-power grid

5. Alternators working in parallel

6. Alternators and transformers in an EPS 9

2. Principle of operation
• No-load operation:
– The field winding (rotor) is fed with DC.
– DC is not time variant → It cannot induce voltages in a winding
because the flux is constant (Faraday’s induction law).
– However, if the field winding rotates, then it will create a rotating
magnetic field. In other words, the magnetic field becomes time
variant → The flux is time variant → The other winding will have
induced voltages.
– Remember: Faraday’s law (induced e.m.f.):

2. Principle of operation
• No-load operation:
– The field winding (rotor) is fed with DC. When it rotates, it will
induce e.m.f. in the stator winding:
Mean value of the e.m.f. in each phase:

– The e.m.f. variation must be sinusoidal (otherwise, the

generated currents will not be sinusoidal). To achieve that, it is
necessary to have a sinusoidal distribution of the magnetic 11
induction in the airgap → Poles shape must be modified.

2. Principle of operation
• No-load operation:
– Sinusoidal distribution of the magnetic induction in the airgap:

Uniform airgap Variable airgap

(bell-shaped distribution) (sinusoidal distribution)

• Note: in cylindrical-rotor machines, the sinusoidal distribution of the

magnetic induction in the airgap is achieved by the correct placement of
the field winding through the periphery of the rotor.
2. Principle of operation
• No-load operation:
– No-load curve:
• E.m.f. in the machine terminals,
with no-load operation, in fuction of
the excitation (field) current.
• It is obtained by making the machine
rotate at the synchronous speed (by
means of the primary source) and the
excitation current is changed from 0 to
a maximum value.
• The no-load e.m.f. and the excitation
current are measured and the curve
is depicted.
• Note: this curve is quite similar to the
iron’s magnetizing curve, due to the


2. Principle of operation
• Load operation:
– Armature (induced) reaction:
• Alternator at no-load operation: voltage at its terminals = E0.
• If a load is connected between its terminals: voltage at its terminals < E0.
• This is due to the emergence of a current in the armature which causes a
voltage drop in the circuit:
– Leakage reactance:

Effect of the leakage reactance:

With no-load:
With: load:
2. Principle of operation
• Load operation:
– Armature (induced) reaction:
• Note that in the armature (induced) winding, from which a current circulates
when a load is connected, creates a m.m.f. (right-hand rule) wich reacts with
the m.m.f. created by the field winding. This is called the “armature reaction”
and it modifies the flux shape in the airgap.


2. Principle of operation
• Load operation:
– Armature reaction. Resistive load:

With a resistive load, the

armature m.m.f. is
shifted with respect to
the field m.m.f.

2. Principle of operation
• Load operation:
– Armature reaction. Inductive load:

With an inductive load,

the armature m.m.f. is
reduced (the airgap flux
is reduced).


2. Principle of operation
• Load operation:
– Armature reaction. Capacitive load:

With a capacitive load,

the armature m.m.f. is
increased (the airgap
flux increases).

2. Principle of operation
• Load operation:
– Phasor diagram of an alternator: Resulting m.m.f. = field
(excitation) m.m.f. +
armature reaction
(induced) m.m.f.


2. Principle of operation
• Load operation:
– Regulation in a synchronous machine:

• It represents the change in the voltage at the generator terminals from no-load
operation to full-load operation for a given excitation.
• For both resistive and inductive loads: ε > 0.
• For capacitive loads: ε < 0.

2. Principle of operation
• Load operation:
External characteristic (voltage at the Regulation characteristic (field (excitation)
terminals in function of the load current): current in function of the load current):


Unit 5. Synchronous machines

1. Constitutive aspects

2. Principle of operation

3. Equivalent circuit

4. Connection to an infinite-power grid

5. Alternators working in parallel

6. Alternators and transformers in an EPS 22

3. Equivalent circuit
• Assumption: synchronous machine with cylindrical rotor.
• Physical behaviour:


3. Equivalent circuit
• There are 3 kinds of fluxes in a synchronous machine:
– Leakage flux : it is obtained in the windings’ heads (leakage
through the air), giving rise to a voltage drop in the leakage

Note: this voltage drop leads 90º to the armature (induced) current.
– Excitation flux : it is given by the excitation m.m.f. (Fe) in the
field winding. This is the flux which causes the e.m.f. with no-load
operation: E0.
– Armature reaction flux : it is caused by the m.m.f. of the
armature (induced winding) (Fi), which gives rise to an e.m.f. which
is delayed 90º with respect to the armature current:

• Xp is the reactance of the armature reaction.
3. Equivalent circuit
• Phasor diagram:


3. Equivalent circuit
• Idea:
– Electro-motive forces involved in a synchronous machine:

– Substituting Er in the general equation:

– We obtain:

3. Equivalent circuit
• Idea:
– Grouping terms:

– The synchronous reactance is defined as:

• Note: it is a fictitious reactance (it does not exist) and it represents in a single
term the combined effects of both leakage flux and armature reaction.

– It results in:

Synchronous impedance: 27

3. Equivalent circuit
• Equivalent circuit:

– Usually: Xs >> R → R can be neglected.

– Then, for practical purposes, it would be sufficient to consider the
synchronous reactance.
3. Equivalent circuit
• No-load and short-circuit characteristics:


3. Equivalent circuit
• No-load and short-circuit characteristics:
– To obtain the machine parameters: and .
– No-load test:
• The machine is rotated at the synchronous speed by means of a primary
energy source.
• The field winding is fed by a DC source.
• Measurements: field (excitation) current (Ie) and voltage at the generator
terminals (E0) → No-load characteristic: E0 = f(Ie).

3. Equivalent circuit
• No-load and short-circuit characteristics:
– No-load test:


3. Equivalent circuit
• No-load and short-circuit characteristics:
– Short-circuit test:
• The machine is rotated at the synchronous speed by means of a primary
energy source.
• The armature winding is short-circuited (zero voltage).
• The field (excitation) current is increased from 0 to the value that corresponds
when the armature current = 130% of the rated (nominal) current.
• Measurements: field (excitation) current (Ie) and short-circuit current (Isc) →
Short-circuit characteristic: Isc = f(Ie).

(Synchronous impedance calculation).

3. Equivalent circuit
• No-load and short-circuit characteristics:
– Short-circuit test:


3. Equivalent circuit
• No-load and short-circuit characteristics:


3. Equivalent circuit
• Exercise 1:

A 3-phase alternator is star-connected. Its rated parameters are: 165 kVA, 950 V
and its amature resistance is 0.3 Ω. A field current of 15 A produces a current in
the armature of 200 A in short-circuit and an e.m.f of 780 V (phase-to-phase) in
open circuit. Obtain:
a) Synchronous impedance and synchronous reactance.
b) Regulation at full-load operation with inductive power factor = 0.8.

a) Zs = 2.25 Ω , Xs = 2.23 Ω
b) ε = 32.16 %


3. Equivalent circuit
• Power balance in a 3-phase generator:

Pmec = Tmec ⋅ wmec

Pelec = 3 ⋅V ⋅ I cos j

Mechanical losses
Copper losses (friction + ventilation)
Iron losses
Field losses Pm
Pcu = 3 ⋅ Ri ⋅ I 2
Pexc =Vexc ⋅ Iexc
(DC circuit)

3. Equivalent circuit
• Exercise 2:

A 3-phase synchronous generator has the following rated values: 1000 kVA and
4600 V. Its armature winding is star-connected and the synchronous impedance
is 2 + j·20 Ω/phase. The no-load characteristic is given by the following
(E0 is the per-phase induced e.m.f.):

The iron losses and the mechanical losses are assumed to be 40 kW (both of
them) and the field system is fed by an exciter of 125 V. Obtain:
a) Voltage regulation (in %) from no-load to full-load operation, for a 3-phase load
with an inductive power factor = 0.85.
b) Efficiency of the generator for full-load condition with the previous power factor.

a) ε = 74.89 %
b) η = 84.85 %

3. Equivalent circuit
• Exercise 3 (1/2):

A 3-phase synchronous generator, which is moved by means of a steam turbine,

has the following characteristics: 1000 kVA, 690 V, 50 Hz, 2 pole pairs. Its no-
load characteristic is given by the following table (where E0 = phase value):
E0 (V) 0 120 260 370 450 510 540 560 580 590 595
Ie (A) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The per-phase values of the resistance and synchronous reactance are 0.015 Ω
and 0.1 Ω, respectively. The mechanical losses are 35 kW, the losses in the
magnetic circuit are 25 kW and the losses in the exciter circuit are neglected.
a) The speed of the generator.
b) The required field (excitation) current to get the rated voltage at the generator
terminals with no-load condition.
3. Equivalent circuit
• Exercise 3 (2/2):

The generator feds 2 loads with the following conditions: 500 kVA, cos φ= 0.8
(inductive) each. Obtain:
c) Field current required to ged the rated voltage at the generator terminals.
d) Delivered power from the turbine to the generator and its efficiency.
e) Torque applied by the turbine to the generator and internal electromagnetic torque
of the generator.
f) Line (phase-to-phase) voltage in the generator if both loads are suddenly
a) 1500 rpm
b) 3.35 A
c) 4.21 A
d) 891.51 kW, 89.74 %
e) 5675 Nm, 5092.96 Nm
f) 800.98 V 39

Unit 5. Synchronous machines

1. Constitutive aspects

2. Principle of operation

3. Equivalent circuit

4. Connection to an infinite-power grid

5. Alternators working in parallel

6. Alternators and transformers in an EPS 40

4. Connection to an infinite-power grid

• Coupling an alternator to the grid (synchronization):

– Phase sequence of the alternator voltages = phase sequence of
the grid voltages.
– RMS (root mean square) value of the generator voltages = RMS
value of the grid voltages.
– Angle of the generator voltages = angle of the grid voltages.
– Frequency of the generator voltages = frequency of the grid


4. Connection to an infinite-power grid

• Coupling an alternator to the grid (synchronization):

– Synchronoscope:

4. Connection to an infinite-power grid

• Coupling an alternator to the grid (synchronization):

– The alternator is rotated by means of a prime mover at ≈ 60·f / p
(synchronous speed).
– The field winding (rotor) is fed by DC current from 0 until reaching
the rated voltage at the machine terminals.
– If the sequences of the 3 voltages of the generator are the same
as the ones of the grid, the 3 lamps of the synchronoscope are
lighted up in a rotating way, at speed ω – ω’ (grid – generator):
• If lamps are lighted up in sequence 1-2-3 → ω’ > ω → fgenerator > fgrid → the
alternator speed must be reduced.
• If lamps are lighted up in sequence 1-3-2 → ω’ < ω → fgenerator < fgrid → the
alternator speed must be increased.
• When ω’ ≈ ω → fgenerator ≈ fgrid → Lamp 1 is not lighted up (because it is
connected between counterpart terminals R – R’) → The alternator is already
coupled to the grid → The synchronoscope is disconnected.
– Modern synchronization method: power converters + PLL 43
(phase-locked loops).

4. Connection to an infinite-power grid

• Infinite-power grid:
– Constant voltage and constant frequency (imposed by the grid).
– Any generator connected to this grid cannot change neither the
voltage nor the frequency of the grid.
• Equivalent circuit (neglecting the armature resistance) and
phasor diagram:

4. Connection to an infinite-power grid

• Active power and reactive power:

δ = power angle (load angle)


4. Connection to an infinite-power grid

• Power angle or load angle (δ):

If δ > 0: Positive power (synchronous generator).
If δ < 0: Negative power (synchronous motor).

4. Connection to an infinite-power grid

• Power angle or load angle (δ):

– δ represents the stability limit of the machine.

– P = Pmax if δ = 90º.

– Usually: δ < 30º.

• If: → Q > 0: overexcited machine (it delivers power to the grid).

• If: → Q < 0: underexcited machine (it receives power from the grid).


4. Connection to an infinite-power grid

• Effect of the field variation:

– Floating mode: the instant in which the connection to the grid is
done (E0 = V). The generator neither delivers nor receives power
(neither active power nor reactive power):

4. Connection to an infinite-power grid

• Effect of the field variation:

– If the field current increases → The induced e.m.f. increases
(E0 > V, overexcited machine):

– The generator delivers reactive power to the grid (Q > 0), but not
active power.

4. Connection to an infinite-power grid

• Effect of the field variation:

– If the field current decreases → The induced e.m.f. decreases
(E0 < V, underexcited machine):

– The generator receives reactive power to the grid (Q < 0), but not
active power.
4. Connection to an infinite-power grid

• Effect of torque regulation (speed regulation):

– Delivered power to the grid: it depends on the mechanical power
delivered by the turbine.
– In steady-state and neglecting the power losses: generated
electrical power = turbine mechanical power.

When the turbine speed varies → The delivered active power by

the synchronous generator also varies → If the field current
remains constant (constant E0 ) → δ changes → P = Pmax
when δ = 90º. Underexcitation or overexcitation. 51

4. Connection to an infinite-power grid

• Exercise 4:

A 3-phase alternator (star-connected) has the following synchronous impedance:

0 + j·10 Ω/phase. It is coupled to an infinite-power grid whose rated voltage and
frequency are 11 kV (line voltage) and 50 Hz, respectively. For a given field
current, the machine delivers to the grid a current of 250 A with unitary power
factor. Later, and keeping constant the active power, the field current is increased
until the delivered current is 300 A.
a) Power factor when the machine delivers 300 A.
b) E.m.f. (line voltage) and load angle in both cases (250 A and 300 A).
c) Active power and reactive power delivered to the grid in both cases.

a) 0.83 (inductive)
b) Case 1: 11821.6 V, 21.5º ; Case 2: 14532 V, 17.34º
c) Case 1: 4763 kW, 0 kVAr ; Case 2: 4763 kW, 3159 kVAr
4. Connection to an infinite-power grid

• Exercise 5:

A 3-phase synchronous motor is star-connected and its synchronous impedance

is 0.6 + j·6 Ω/phase. It is coupled to an infinite-power grid whose rated voltage
and frequency are 2200 V (line voltage) and 50 Hz, respectively.
a) E.m.f. (line voltage) when the motor receives an electrical power of 200 kW with
cos φ = 0.8 (capacitive).
b) Load angle of the machine.

a) 2620.6 V
b) -13 º


4. Connection to an infinite-power grid

• Exercise 6:

A 3-phase synchronous generator is star-connected. Its synchronous impedance

is 10 Ω/phase and it is connected to an infinite-power grid, whose rated voltage
and rated frequency are 11 kV (line voltage) and 50 Hz, respectively. The
machine delivers 230 A with unitary power factor.
Without modifying the input of mechanical torque in the synchronous machine,
the induced e.m.f. in the armature (E0) is increased 25 %. Obtain:
a) Line current in the armature winding and power factor under that condition.
b) Maximum active power that the generator can deliver to the grid before losing its
c) Line current in the armature winding and power factor in the condition of the
previous question.

a) 290.4 A, 0.792 (inductive)
b) 16086.3 kW 54
c) 1056.5 A, 0.799 (capacitive)
Unit 5. Synchronous machines
1. Constitutive aspects

2. Principle of operation

3. Equivalent circuit

4. Connection to an infinite-power grid

5. Alternators working in parallel

6. Alternators and transformers in an EPS 55

5. Alternators working in parallel

• Alternator connected to an infinite-power grid:
– Both voltage and frequency are constant (imposed by the grid).
– The delivered active power from the generator is controlled by
means of the speed regulator.
– The delivered reactive power from the generator is controlled by
means of the field current.

• Connection of another alternator in parallel:

– It must have the same rated power and rated voltage as the other
– P and Q delivered by alternator 1 + P and Q delivered by alternator
2 = P and Q required by the load.

5. Alternators working in parallel
• Equivalent circuit:


5. Alternators working in parallel

• Exercise 7 (1/2):

A 3-phase synchronous generator of 20 MVA and 11000 V is star connected. Its

no-load characteristic is given by the following table (where E0 = line value):
E0 (V) 7771.64 8827.04 9610.09 10214.15 10694.30 11085.13 11409.42 11682.85 11916.51 12118.48

Ie (A) 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

The generator is connected to an infinite-power grid of 11 kV and it delivers an

active power of 20 MW and no reactive power. If the field excitation is 200 A,
a) The synchronous impedance of the generator if we know that it is purely inductive.
We have another 3-phase generator with the same rated values as the previous
one, which is connected in parallel with it. This generator has the same field
current as the other one. If both generators deliver an active power of 36 MW
(equally distributed for each generator) and the voltage at their terminals is
the rated voltage, obtain:
5. Alternators working in parallel
• Exercise 7 (2/2):

b) Induced e.m.f. (line value) in each generator and the overall current which is
delivered to the grid. Assume cos φ= 0.9 (inductive).
If the induced e.m.f. of one generator is reduced in a 10% and we want to keep
constant the mechanical torque applied by the turbine in each generator as well
as the overall power factor, obtain:
c) Induced e.m.f. (line value) of the other generator to satisfy that condition.
d) Line currents delivered by each generator and their power factors.

a) 2.16 Ω
b) 13194.02 V (for both generators), 2099.46 A
c) 14523.47 V
d) Generator 1: 949.04 A, 0.996 (inductive)
Generator 2: 1254.35 A, 0.753 (inductive) 59

Unit 5. Synchronous machines

1. Constitutive aspects

2. Principle of operation

3. Equivalent circuit

4. Connection to an infinite-power grid

5. Alternators working in parallel

6. Alternators and transformers in an EPS 60

6. Alternators and transformers
• From the perspective of an electric power system:
Equivalent circuit
Element Symbol
(per phase)

3-phase transformer Rcc Xcc

+ R Xs
3-phase synchronous
generator (alternator) 3 E0


6. Alternators and transformers

• Exercise 8 (1/2):

The following circuit represents a whole electrical power system: generation +

step-up transformer + transmission line + step-down transformer + load.

Synch. generator: Step-up transformer: Transmission line: Step-down transformer: Load

Y connection Yd connection Longitude = 20 km Dy connection
SN = 2.5 MVA SN = 2.5 MVA X = 0.5 Ω/km SN = 2 MVA
UN = 3.3 kV UN1 = 3.3 kV (per phase) UN1 = 11 kV
7250 I UN2 = 11 kV UN2 = 400 V
E phase εcc = 7% εcc = 7%
75 I
Ie (short-circuit test) = 23.86 A

6. Alternators and transformers
• Exercise 8 (2/2):

a) Draw the equivalent per-phase circuit and obtain the value of the overall impedance
of the system reduced to the voltage of 11 kV.
b) The field current that has to be applied to the synchronous generator in order to get
the rated voltage at the secondary of the step-down transformer when the load is
c) The load is now connected and we want to obtain the field current in order to get
the rated voltage in the primary of the step-down transformer.
d) The field current when we want to get the rated voltage at the load terminals.

a) j·57.07 Ω
b) 26.74 A
c) 63.07 A (real), 63.06 A (approximate)
d) 63.07 A 63

6. Alternators and transformers

• Exercise 9 (1/4):

The following power system is fed by 2 synchronous generators which are moved
by diesel motors. They are excited with the same field current and deliver equally
the same power. The transmission line is modelled by means of an impedance ZL
and the transformer placed at the end of the line reduces the voltages.

̅ 0.5 0.5 Ω
(Per phase) Dy connection
SN = 6300 kVA
UN1 = 11 kV ; UN2 = 400 V
Each generator: εcc = 7 %
Y connection εRcc = 0.7 %
SN = 3150 kVA ; E0 (phase) = 75·Ie
UN = 11 kV ; Ie (short-circuit test) = 17.64 A
6. Alternators and transformers
• Exercise 9 (2/4):

a) The values of Rcc and Xcc reduced to the primary.
b) The line voltage at the load terminals if we want to get the rated voltage at the
generator terminals.
c) The field current of both generators to satisfy the previous condition.

a) 0.134 Ω, 1.34 Ω
b) 371.33 V
c) 94.5 A


6. Alternators and transformers

• Exercise 9 (3/4):

We want to get 400 V (line voltage) at the load terminals (transformer’s

secondary). To get that voltage we can do 2 performances:
d) To install a capacitor bank at the end of the system (in parallel with the load).
Obtain the reactive power needed for that purpose.
e) To vary the field (excitation) current in both alternators. Obtain that current to
satisfy the aforementioned condition (400 V at the load terminals).

d) 4380.95 kVAr
e) 99.35 A

6. Alternators and transformers
• Exercise 9 (4/4):

If the system operates in the conditions specified in question b) (rated voltage at

the generator terminals) and the field current of one generator is reduced 15%
from its initial value, obtain:
f) The field current of the other generator to avoid a change in the load voltage.
g) Is it posible to keep ad infinitum the previous operating regime? Why? Why not?

f) 103.06 A
g) It is not possible.


6. Alternators and transformers

• Exercise 10 (1/2):
The following power system is fed by a CHP plant (combined heat and power or
cogeneration), which includes a synchronous generator and a transformer.

Transformer (electrical substation): Transformer (CHP plant):

Dy connection Dy connection
SN = 1000 kVA SN = 6 MVA
UN1 = 20 kV ; UN2 = 400 V UN1 = 20 kV ; UN2 = 11 kV
No-load test: εcc = 8%
P0 = 2 kW εRcc = 0.8 %
I0 = 2% Generator:
Short-circuit test: Y connection, only delivers P
Pcc = 10.5 kW SN = 6 MVA
εcc = 6% UN = 11 kV
3500 kW, 400 V
cos φ= 0.8 (ind)
E0 (phase) = 75·Ie
Xs = 10 Ω 68
R = neglected
6. Alternators and transformers
• Exercise 10 (2/2):

a) The efficiency of the 4 transformers in the electrical substation.
b) The reactive energy which is consumed during 1 hour by all the transformers in the
electrical substation.
c) Due to a failure in the grid, the switch DYR is open. Then, the active power
delivered by the generator is reduced in order to adapt it to the requirements in the
industrial consumption. If we want to keep constant the voltage in the industry (at
400 V), which is the variation in the field current of the generator?
d) DYR is connected again but the grid voltage is now 18.9 kV (not 20 kV). If the
industry keeps consuming the same power, obtain the reactive power that the CHP
plant has to deliver.
a) 98.36 %
b) 362.28 kVArh
c) 110.05 A (variation of 11.97 %) 69
d) 3058.96 kVAr


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