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Analysis of Fruits and Vegetables and their Products Submitted by:- Submitted To:- Nadika (4815) Dr. Gurpreet Kaur Shivani Rana (4835) Tamanna (4836) Ishita (4851) Harleen (4854) Vrinda (4871) Introduction * Fresh produce has become one of our most desirable foods because todays consumer perceives it as being healthy,tasty,convenient and fresh. All of these characteristics are strong selling points to a busy and health conscious consumer . * The fruits and vegetables industry has experienced a strong growth over past some years as illusterated by increasing Consumption and sales data and increasing space devoted to these in supermarket and on restaurant menus around the country. Fruits and veges as raw materials can vary in composition, color, flavour, structure, and nutrient content. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can help to ward off heart diseases and stroke, control blood pressure and cholestrol . * Although all fruits and vegetables likely to contribute to these benefits , green leafy vegetables such lettuce, spinach and mustard, cruciferous vegetables such as brocoli,cauliflower,cabage,brussel sprouts, and citrus fruits such as orange, lemons, grapefruits and their juices make important contributions * One of the wonderful components of fruits and vegetables is their indigestible fipre which can prevent constipation . ANALYSIS OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES : * Analysis of fresh raw fruits and vegetables is done at different stages : * Analysis at the grower’s service: at this stage, quality of the supplies such as seeds, fertilizers and pesticides is checked . ¢ Analysis at crop production level : here the quantities and fixing of irrigation, and chemicals applied Analysis at harvest level : to test the maturity in order to determine the exact time when the average quality of the lot harvested will be at optimum conditions or optimum level . at the industrial level during procurement of fresh raw fruits and vegetables following attributes are analysed — 1) Moisture content 2) Insoluble solid content 3) Alcohol insoluble content 4) Total soluble solid 5) Determination of acids 6) Fibre content 7) Color estimation MOISTURE CONTENT DETERMINATION- o * MOISTURE CONTENT ¢ Most Imperative & frequently used criteria of quality. * Related to to Total solids IWreEatieam ec, solids (%)| OO- total pl GRAPEFRUIT BLUEBERRIES METHODS FOR MOISTURE DETERMINATION- y&_AOAC method(Vacuum dehydration method)- ¢ Evaporation of water from samples * Temp- not more than 60 degree C, ¢ Pressure- under 40-50 mm Hg © Time- 6 hours * Vacuum oven used ¢ Weight of residue left after evaporation = water that represents total solids. % Distillation method- Rapid method ¢Time- Half an hour *Brown-Duvel apparatus is used ¢Moisture in sample is distilled & collected in narrow graduated cylinder. a + Brabender Moisture tester- *Most rapid method : Z eJust 10 minutes ig= ¢Sample of known weight is placed on a scale. ¢ Dried (High temp) Special calibrated scale is read. Percentage moisture/Total solids a ™ INSOLUBLE SOLID CONTENTS > PRINCIPLE- * Insoluble solids signifies the texture of fruits and vegetables. * Lesser the amount of insoluble solids, more ripen is the fruit and less ripen are vegetables which act as a quality factor. REQUIREMENTS- Fruit or vegetable sample(25-30gm), water(200mi), filter paper, METHOD- 1.Boil the given sample of fruit or vegetable with a known amount of water for half an hour. 2.Weigh the filter paper and then weigh the coagulate using it and the amount of residue gives the insoluble solids content and calculate the percentage. Ref- ALCOHOL-INSOLUBLE SOLIDS * PRINCIPLE- Alcohol insoluble solids gives the amount of solids which are not soluble in alcohol and obtained after extracting the sugar in blender and alcohol. * Alcohol insoluble solids content can act as important criteria in case of leguminous plants. As lower the value of Alcohol-Insoluble solids, less mature and more desirable the vegetable is and are fully ripened and desirable the fruit is. METHOD- * Alcohol insoluble solids can be determined by using Waring Blender apparatus. * About 30gm of sample is taken in a blender cup. After adding 200ml of water, centrifuge the contents for two minutes. * Take about 10gm of aliquot and then simmer it with 200ml of 80 per cent alcohol. * Then filter the contents and note the weight of left residue which gives the amount of alcohol insoluble solids content. Waring Blender Ref-fisherscise TOTAL SOLUBLE SOLIDS * The TSS value is defined as the amount of sugars and soluble minerals present in fruits and vegetables. * TSS content gives the indication of sweetness of the product which in turn indicates the maturity or ripeness. » SIGNIFICANCE * In fruits, higher the TSS value, the ripen as well as sweeter is the fruit. * In vegetables, high TSS value represents /ess mature as well as sweeter product. METHOD- * TSS can be determined by the use of Abbe or Hand refractometer. Mix the sample thoroughly and place 1 or 2 drops on the prism of refractometer and take reading. * gEfitw Refractometer Ref- Determination of Acids Acids in fruits Some of the most common organic acids in food are found within fruits. Many people are already aware that citric acid occurs in citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and limes . Many of the acids in fruits can provide benefits to your body if consumed in moderation, But some of the more specific benefits of each include : 1. Citric Acid: Citric acid found in the highest amounts in lemon and limes, it also occurs in many other citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits. Due to its strong, sharp taste and high acidity , it is often used independently as a flavoring in various foods and drinks. * Titration of fruits juice Procedure 1. Using 10 mL graduated cylinder, measure out 5mL of juice into the flask. 2. If the juice is highly colored , measure a smaller volume of (1 mL —2mL ) sample. 3. Dilute the juice to approximately 100mL with distilled water. 4. Add 5 drops of phenolphthalein indicator. 5. Record the initial volume of standardized NaOH solution obtained in last nearest 0.01mL . 6. Titrate the prepared juice solution to the phenolphthalein end point. 7. With color juice the endpoint is not as clear and may occur 3- 4 drops of titrate. 8. Record the final burette reading to the nearest 0.01mL. 9. Repeat the experiment at least once or until the percent difference is within 5% . 10. Obtain a sample of a different juice and perform at least 2 titration trails until they agree within 5%. 2. Malic acid : Malic acid is also in variety of fruits with stones at their center. This includes cheeries , apricots, peaches and watermelon , despite watermelon being classed as an alkaline fruit. While all acids mentioned in this list feature a sharp taste , malic acid may have the strongest. 3. Tartaric acid : Though not as common as its counterparts citric and malic, tartaric is still a common acid found in foods particularly in grapes and avocados. As with malic acid it is sometimes used as sharp flavoring in sour candies, but its predominant use is in wine . Color and Fibre Estimation Fibre Content and Estimation v Fiber represents the tough tissue that are not omitted by normal chewing. Estimation > Fibre can be determined by: "= Treating the sample with NaOH solution and then treating the residue with 2 % solution of HCI. The residue obtained is then washed and strained. "= The obtained residue is considered to contain Indigestible Fibrous Material Color Estimation ¥ Color of fruit and vegetables determines its ripeness and maturity. ¥ Color estimation of Pigments is generally determined by Solvent Extraction Method. Estimation of different Pigments 1. Chlorophyll * 1gm of fresh sample is taken and homogenized with 5ml of water. * The volume of homogenate is made 10ml by adding Water and then it is centrifuged. * About 0.5% pf aliquot is taken with 4.5ml of 80% acetone. * it is then centrifuged and optical density of supernatant is recorded at 480,645, 663 nm. * 80% acetone is taken as blank to validate the spectrophotometer. > calculation of chlorophyll can be done as: (0.0202)(0.D at 645nm)+(0.00802)(0.D at 663nm) Contd. 2. Lycopene + 5-10gm of sample is crushed with Acetone in Pestle & Mortar, until the residue left is colorless. Acetone extract is then transferred to separator funnel containing 10-15 ml of petroleum Ether. * Acetone is then transferred to 100ml volumetric Flask &Extract is also taken out repeatedly with Petroleum Ether until it is colorless. * Petroleum ether extract is combined with small quantity of anhydrous sodium sulphate & volume is made to 100ml with petroleum ether and measure the optical density at 503nm. Using petroleum ether as a blank. > Calculation of lycopene (3.1206)(O.D of sample)(total vol.)(dilution)*100/ (wt. of sample)(1000) Contd. 3. B-Carotene * 5gm of fresh sample is taken and crushed in 10-15ml Acetone, and few crystals of Anhydrous Sodium Sulphate is added in Pestle and Mortar. * Supernatant is taken out into a beaker and combine in separator funnel with 10-15 ml of petroleum Ether and mixed thoroughly. * 2 separate layers are formed and then the lower layer is discarded and upper layer is collected in 100 ml volumetric flask with 100 ml petroleum ether and Optical density is then recorded at 560nm. And Petroleum Ether is taken as Blank. > Calculation of B-carotene (O.D of Sample)(13.7)(10*)(100)/ (wt. of Sample)(560)(1000) ANALYSIS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLE PRODUCTS: = India stands 2" in producing vegetables in world(china 15),and in terms of producing fruits it stands 34 (brazil 1st USA 2"4).Since agriculture is labour intensive and seasonal phenomenon ;so the agricultural sector faces obstacles like crop failure, pest attack, transport facilities, inadequate cold storage facilities. = There has been an increase in demand of of fruit and vegetable products like jams,jellies,pickles,ketchups, fruit beverages in domestic market ,due to global competition at market demands. DEHYDRATED FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PRODUCTS: = Dehydration generally refers to the artificial drying under controlled conditions.dehydration is mainly carried out to increase shelf life,reduce surface area ratio,reduces chances of microbial spoilage.dehydration is carried out via different methods such as hot drying and freeze drying. MOISTURE CONTENT: Moisture content is an important criteria to determine the physical, chemical aspects which affects freshness and storage stability of the food item. SAMPLE PREPARATION: 4, 2: 3) 10g of sample is grinded. so that it can easily pass 250 micron sieve. 5g of ground material is weighed in tared dish. The dish is placed in an air oven maintained at 105+_2 c and is left for drying for atleast 2hours. .. Sample is cooled and dried in a dessicator and its weight is taken. . The process of heating,cooling and weighing is repeated until the difference in the weight of two successive weighings is less than img. . The lowest mass and the moisture percentage is calculated on the basis of lost weight. BULK DENSITY: bulk density is defined as the weight of substance held in a unit volume and is of particular importance in the packaging of the product. Bulk density=mass/volume = It is determined by filling the samples into the container of specified volume and then weighing the sample. = It is seen that freeze dried products have lighter bulk density than same products which are dehydrated by other methods, ultimate product density remains same . REHYDRATION RATIO: = It is defined as ratio of the mass of rehydrated and drained food to the mass of original material. = There is no standard method for measuring the rehydration ,hence suitable procedures developed in each plant are used for the evaluation of the product. = Rehydration ratio=MR:MD = Where MR=mass of reconstituted dehydrated sample, MD=mass of dehydrated material before cooking. ENZYME ACTIVITY TEST: = Dehydrated fruits and vegetables lacks enzymes such as peroxidase, polyphenols and catalyses which are responsible for browning ,these enzymes becomes inactive when fruits and vegetables are to check their efficiency following tests are conducted. 1.CATALASE TEST: 1. Dehydrated sample is taken in test tube,water is added into it and left for reconstitution. 2. Hydrogen peroxide is added and mixed 3. Evolution of oxygen in test tube shows catalase enzyme is active 2.PEROXIDASE TEST: 1. 25 gm of sample is taken and is converted to powdered, 2. 5gm of sample is placed on evaporating dish and guaiacol solution is added to wet all the cut surfaces,then equal amount of hydrogen peroxide is added ,the mixture is left undisturbed for 3 minutes. 3. In the end if reddish brown color developes it tests positive for peroxidase. CATALASE TEST PEROXIDASE TEST OTHER FRUITS AND VEGETABLE PRODUCTS: = It may include tomato products like tomato puree,tomato paste,tomato ketchup, jams, jellies,squashes,fruit nectar,marmalades etc. TOTAL SOLIDS AND TOTAL SOLUBLE SOLIDS: = It may be defined as the amount of total soluble solids in the unit is generally measured with help of refractometer,brix is the measure of total soluble solids. = It may be determined by drying sample in vacuum oven at 70 degree C. = Moisture content can be determined with help of abbes refractometer. FRUIT CONTENT IN PROCESSED PRODUCT: = For determining the soluble solids in the food, multiply the percentage by weight of product,dividing the result by 100,then subtracting from the quotient the weight of any other added solids and multiply the remainder by the factor for the fruit from which the product was obtained,the result is the weight of its content present in a particular processed product. TOTAL ACIDITY: = Total acidity is defined as the amount of acid content present in a food sample. = Itis determined by titrating the diluted sample with 0.1N sodium hydroxide solution ,with the sample aliquite prepared ,and phenolpthalin is used as an indicator. = Acidity of fruits and vegetables vary from 1-5% ,depending upon the acetic acid citric acid content present. ‘SUCROSE CONTENT: = Sucrose content within the sample is usually determined using polarimeter. solutions containing sucrose have the power of rotating the plane polarized light, degree of rotation depends upon the concentration of optically active substance ,path length of light, wavelength of light and temperature. ‘Sample preparation: 1. Take about 26 gm of sample add 100m! of petroleum ether and centrifuge,superanant is decanted, process is carried out 2-3 times till the sample is detached from the sides and the bottom of the bottom of the bottle.the bottle is then kept in water bath for 15 minutes at 85-90 degree C. 2. Sample is removed from the water bath and is then cooled,lead acetate(Sml) is added, the volume is made upto 110ml and is centrifuged,supernatant liquid is decanted with help of filter paper.excess of liquid is precipitated with dry potassium oxalate . The filtrate with an equal volume of water is diluted. This readings are multiplied by two to get direct reading”Pd” 50 ml of lead free filtrate is pipette into 100 ml volumetric flask and 25 ml of water is added into the flask with constant stirring and 10 ml of HClis also added. 6. The sample is placed inside water bath at 72+-2 degree Celsius for Sminutes,after that it is removed from water bath and left for cooling make up the volume upto 100ml and leave in the bath for atleast 30 minutes. wew Multiply this reading with 2 to obtain invert reading”Pi” So sucrose content is calculated as: Sucrose (percent by weight)=100(Pd-Pi)(100+X)/(143-t/2)(100-(M+f) rect reading Pizinvert reading X=0.2244(Pd-21d)/1-0.00204(Pd-21d) D=Pd-Pi/143-t/2 T=temperature in degree celsius at which the polarization was carried out M=moisture,percent by weight F=fat,percent by weight

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