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Name: Areeba Amir
Class: BBA-3C
Submitted to: Mam Talat Rehman
Case Incident-1


National Cadet Corps (NCC) is a national organization having junior wing and senior wing both for girls and
boys. Junior wing NCC is meant for secondary school level and senior wing is applicable for college
students. The objective of NCC organization is to inculcate discipline for the youth of our nation. An Army
Officer of the rank of Lt General called Director General (DG) heads NCC organization at national level. The
organization has a vast network at each state levelheaded by an officer of the rank of Brigadier known as
Deputy Director General (DDG) of a particular state. In every state there are number of Group
Headquarters located at important cities depending upon school and college density and compositions.
Under Group Headquarters there are number of NCC Battalions (Boys/ Girls). Number of battalions in each
Group Headquarters varies depending upon the size of the area. In the same fashion, number of groups
under a DDG varies.

DDGs, group commanders and battalion commanders organize various events round the year.
These are as under:

(a) Participation in professional training that includes the following:

– Drill. – First aid training in various contingencies.

– Basic field craft and guard duties.

– Basic battle craft at a level of a section (section comprises of ten men)

(b) Organization of training camps where teamwork, comradeship, cooperation, and events
mention in (a) above are practiced. The training camps are generally of the duration of two weeks. Such
camps are held twice a year.

(d) Individual having C certification (which is achieved after four years of NCC training) gets six
months seniority in defense services.

(e) NCC is considered as one of the best organizations of our country. The organization has
produced better citizens.

The training in the organization is a costly affair to the exchequer of the state government. NCC
officers have to interact with civil administration at state level, district level, and with principals/ directors
of the colleges. They have to deal with local population, medical authorities, RTO, and all agencies related
with civil administration. This involves advance planning, good communication and inter-personal
relationship. Social, cultural, and ethnic activities are promoted in the NCC. Annual training camps are held
at state or national level. Cadets, develop friendship with various individuals and learn to live in a
community environment during training camps. NCC covers land, air and naval branches and all cadets are
put through training in the skill development of respective wings.
Discussion Questions
Q. 1. Why NCC is considered as one of the best organizations.
NCC is considered as one of the best organizations because of its good infrastructure. This is a
national level organization, and their main objective is to inculcate discipline and national unity
amongst youth. They work with a proper purpose in shaping youth the responsible citizens of the
country. They are given necessary Army/Defence training to act as useful citizens in the time of
war, disaster, or any law-and-order situation.

Q. 2. How does the organization relate to field of organizational behavior? What are various
agencies that the officials have to interact?
The organization does relate to the field of organizational behavior because they work with proper
planning and have vision. They have to be punctual, truthful, and disciplined all the time. They
have to be obedient and respectful to their instructors and fellows Secondly, they have a proper
hierarchy that in national level Director Lt. General is responsible, under this command Brig
(Deputy DG) is responsible in state level, Under Deputy DG, there are number of group
headquarters in every state and under GHQ there are number of NCC Battalions at school and
college level. Which is very effective hierarchy level and is required for an effective organization.
All these levels work effectively and perform their responsibilities with harmony and dedication.
NCC officers have to interact with
• Civil Administration at state level, district level
• Local population of community heads
• Medical Authorities
• Principles/Directors of colleges
Q. 3. What are the benefits of NCC?
• Teamwork, comradeship, cooperation is practiced amongst youth
• After completing two and four years of training, B and C certificates respectively are
awarded to the cadets
• Individuals having C certificate gets six months seniority in defense services
• Individuals are given defense training so that they may be called in time of war, disaster, or
any law order situation
• Cadets learn valuable things like selflessness, honesty, hard work, discipline, and leadership

Q. 4. How does the management interact with external environmental forces?

• NCC cadets are given projects where they have to work in closed contract with different
sectors of the society and in this way, they interact and have to work under various
environmental affects and influence.
• They are also given exposure with the land, air, and naval environmental factors to perform
effectively under all circumstances
Case Incident-2
Lesson for Undercover Bosses
Executive offices in major corporations are often far removed from the day-to-day work that most
employees perform. While top executives might enjoy the perquisites found in the executive
suite, and separation from workday concerns can foster a broader perspective on the business,
the distance between management and workers can come at a real cost: top managers often fail
to understand the ways most employees do their jobs every day. The dangers of this distant
approach are clear. Executives sometimes make decisions without recognizing how difficult or
impractical they are to implement. Executives can also lose sight of the primary challenges their
employees face.
The practice of “management by walking around” (MBWA) works against the insularity of the
executive suite. To practice MBWA, managers reserve time to walk through departments
regularly, form networks of acquaintances in the organization, and get away from their desks to
talk to individual employees. The practice was exemplified by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard, who
used this management style at HP to learn more about the challenges and opportunities their
employees were encountering. Many other organizations followed suit and found that this style
of management had advantages over a typical desk-bound approach to management. A recent
study of successful Swedish organizations revealed that MBWA was an approach common to
several firms that received national awards for being great places to work.

The popular television program Undercover Boss took MBWA to the next level by having top
executives from companies like Chiquita Brands, Direct TV, Great Wolf Resorts, and NASCAR work
incognito among line employees. Executives reported that this process taught them how difficult
many of the jobs in their organizations were, and just how much skill was required to perform
even the lowest-level tasks. They also said the experience taught them a lot about the core
business in their organizations and sparked ideas for improvements.
Although MBWA has long had its advocates, it does present certain problems. First, the time
managers spend directly observing the workforce is time they are not doing their core job tasks
like analysis, coordination, and strategic planning. Second, management based on subjective
impressions gathered by walking around runs counter to a research and data-based approach to
making managerial decisions. Third, it is also possible that executives who wander about will be
seen as intruders and overseers. Implementing the MBWA style requires a great deal of foresight
to avoid these potential pitfalls.
Discussion Questions:
Q 1. What are some of the things managers can learn by walking around and having daily contact
with line employees that they might not be able to learn from looking at data and reports?
• Active employees always have better and original ideas for the progress of the
organization it is important for the managers to contact their employees and discuss their
ideas and as a leader you can generate these ideas for the organization
• It is significant for the managers to contact their workers and talk about their thoughts and as a
pioneer you can produce these though for the association.

• They can Learn more about the opportunities and challenges the employs are encountering,
Managers can know how difficult the job is for employs in organization and how much skill is
required to perform and they can inspect the areas where there is a need of some improvements.

• They can even know how much skills were required to perform even for the lowest rank job by
just walking and having a discussion with the employees.

• Getting feedback from the employees help you become more effective manager for the people.

Q2. As an employee, would you appreciate knowing your supervisor regularly spent time with
workers? How would knowing top executives routinely interact with line employees affect your
attitudes toward the organization?
Yes, I would definitely appreciate as an employee that my supervisor regularly spent time with us
and listen our ideas and complains and vision towards the organization.
As an employee seeing that manager is spending time and listening to his workers will obviously
motivate us and we will do our job more preciously and with honesty in a best working
environment provided by the manager and will appreciate him the way he treats his employee and
spend time with them.

Q3. What ways can executives and other organizational leaders learn about day-to-day business
operations besides going “undercover?”
The most effective way to learn about day-to-day business operations besides going undercover
is to make the use of MBWA (management by walking around). According to it the managers
have to spend some time on regular basis with their employees of different department which
will help executives and leader to talk individually to the employees. It makes the managers to
walk around different department randomly to check the employees, equipment’s, and ongoing
processes and sometimes the walking in different departments in unplanned. Other ways are

• Company hearing

• Company gathering
• Playing sports games

Q4. Are there any dangers in the use of a management by walking around strategy? Could this
strategy lead employees to feel they are being spied on? What actions on the part of managers
might minimize these concerns?
Yes, Following are the dangers in the use of management by walking around (MBWA) strategy.
• The managers cannot focus on the relative core job if they randomly walk around

• It will make the employees feel unsafe that they are being spied by the manager which
destroys the environment.
To minimize these problems the managers should be very friendly and open minded towards the
employees and help them in every case to finish misunderstanding between them. Talking to
employees in a good way helps to minimize the danger in use of management by walking around


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