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Modale-4: Controid and Moment gf Tner-tia CENTROID Gute ey : it ig the print at which =the total q tte bedy ig osfuumed to be Concent vated. ites a pend ot which the total weight f the body %& —athumed tebe balaneed (yteoid = A Contrord ig the point at which the yohole i* the plane figune ik atemed be Conauntated wig We Goateeid FRO i faby Considers a“ plane be on 1-9 plire af ghown tn fg. let it a P énall — aldnen’g af ghown in fy ©. The Gord: nate { aublant atl the fores re Ghown im Ai G) Acords te yp Uawignont — thoy on vesul fant 4 about any i axis ie ven we a gum moments f — individual port abint the kame duns, SATHISH Y A, Asst. Professor, SICIT, Chickballapur PageNo: (1) _| About Consi ded QO koment Yo Oxig Wr = WX F WX foe tee - tWyX, —O we fv 4 whew G2 Dotty ve volume = Axt Swe 6 (Axe) we SAE Axume tha deatity = and Hecker uniform throw -gh ont Bio (6a) c= GAD + GAD HEAD 4 + AG eno Mew = HL A + Aa Ag eat -- FAn tn] Am = A FAG the + o> t Andy Ax = z, An%n X: An en ale = fda cera A t e = i Ys 2, Oat ge Syda A A fag f dymmetry c- Te ig an axty whith divider the ant ints “two pants kuch — thet each pork i, murvov innage y the ote ig Axis d Synmnekey Y iv | ' a _ CT i —_ —- ~ Ss. | ; x LS a ee ee 1 Xx { x 1 _ | y | t Note '- 1 2 Tp te dvagvam = ig Syren erica abort x - aig oo they Y=0 U iv. sf tho. ding ram is general about — y- aig thn =0 SATHISH Y A, Aut. Profesor, SJCIT, Chickballapur a) Conveid of Reber Reomebrinl Figures » fedongle 7 Concer 0 rectangle af breadth and depth ‘d Mm L-Y plane ag ghown in fa Let uf Contd am olemnontal arta “daa width “band pth ‘dy at a dittane ‘y° Prom the k- owik y Elempod anta = daz byxdy WikT ae (ada dy 7 d ay = fy da 4 4 —— —__ - 9 ed aa i aes ° ‘fs fren Rectangle > bes] eras as 4 Age abide 2 xd 4 = Kd? — l ~ 4-4] wt z= 4] f:4! : 2 | a Tian i‘ Right aw el tangle (onside, | a ts aryl ba b ond gt ‘hon xy plane a8 ghown Tin Let Contd «an ehomental BP width by and depth at dxtone 4 from boaje (y-axis) SATHISH Y A, Asst. Professor, SICIT, Chickballapur From — Similok alt PAR & PST bi = 2 They h b, = bCh-¥) 7 1 Elumontal ana, da = bi x dy | Ana ¢ trande, A=dxbxh da = bled h WT, fle sy da A = h Ay = {9 bere dy 4 < ; é PN G- 2h. b a8 i pS . 5-4] nt Ol -+ | a 2 scosides wingle £ Equilatoal trang p. hey a4 Devivahon pont is ame 94 fie] [ee b x — a SATHISH Y A, Aust. Professor, SICIT, Chickballapur Page No: © a hom ancle (ontideh Sk bomccnele rt ga dit ‘ge which ix byrnmmebvion about ye axig af Chow in y Lt Gonida, an clementall ana ¢ Gide, 1d0 & de ot a distance'y’ — from 0, Gani rele i, tymmetereall abead yeasik tzz0 snd = ro Elemental aren = da = rdoxdv | Are Gf dw nce, ae mR WK-Ts gi Sy da * a Ay ae y tde dr Z TR =k [- asa + eo] : 3 - & [iti a jane ag = 28° * 3 a re ge 227 Ge = a ao as | § |=? SATHISH Y A, Aust: Profesor, SICIT, Chickbollapur Page No: (8) Guonter Gnd Consider a ane fa onde b yading, if feich i& not symmebial about any aig) on xy plang of ghown in Let wt contd an olumental ones. gidg do f de a distance rf rv Prom 0 bind {ge rsine] Elumntal awa y da = vd0xcde [ome ¢ goto, andl Re WE WekTs Voge fade at AY = Fr sino x rdoxde = [{ r’cine de dv 5 0 hy & Fle k = (sine do ac = { cing do [F] ° © % | 0 nr 3 4 wa 2 { sie de fe] ce \ sine de 0 2 3 Th ° 3 2 [ ae 3 oO 3p ia qy = fh _ WR ag = Efe) Asme i ae SATHISH Y A, Awe Professor, SJCIT, Chickbollapur Page No: © BS Sector i Consider a eer ef Grecke Symmetrical about x-axig , ab Shen in Lat at Consider an cleunectal ant ¢ Gids& vdeo &dv ata dgtonce x from 0 G6 = Aa 8 Syemy [a ree] elomendal sven =a = rdoxde | WT, He bude a ‘ Ax =(x da vdieo ( vdeo x dr) Ll 0 -*f (r*de) (se do) “Lo i nn al x [cine - (sin -)| -® Sie + sine] ee 25 | 0 na Ree ¢ an included angle fia _ otal le A- Ee oe z << Ae pea sae ee | SATHISHLY A, Aust. Profewor, SJCIT, Chickballapur Page Ne:() Ee < a : Pe 3 YoY TN } L x fl ” twee @ Circle RG = 2R Sind — 3x & (Geo Shape “and Figure Area Fe a @ Rectangle ) YR_b — Fe 7 Csame for syne $ @ triangle 7 = ine i bd ZT 4 ox Waet\t ger | & [a B * 2 3 DRGhY angled Fiona Tbh r h z 3 3 TR R R © Semi circle @) SATHISH Y A, Asst: Profesor, SICIT, Chickballapug Page No: @) Moment of nesta aa : dhe — Secondany moment of the axed op ayy \amina abouy an axs is called GS Moment OF Inog Tt can also be defined a9’ momen4 of dhe "momen oe eee —r——rrr—r——L—CLCL Lr of tnestia is one epdne propesty of Stouctusaf members — Sucnas lbeams, columns ete ba) Cee _ oh TNevtia of a uniform lamina:— us Consideyed a lam oF area Aas shown in b19- Let us divide tne ar ohine lamina mito components ©} area 494, 69,- bet ay ty ay-- ete ote be dne centooidal distances of the aseas ay) @,,0,- 24c. from y-arts wily +++ €te aze be 2 YY e = Ane cenisoical distances of me areas ay sa, ra,--- ede from a-axis, 7 ; inestig Dhen moment o},+ne componenis opshe areas etbout y-axis 16 Ax Fax + As Y-aris ete = Dax? ae = Zax? Yaris Similanly = Bay? L-axis Momeni of Inestia of the Naming found about centsoidal x-x and cent soidal y-y axis, ase denoted ag Tew and Tu veces Polay_axis poias axrs is dhe axrs WaAYch Passess 4thoough tne osigin of KX and y Axis in suth a Way jnat plane of xand y axis 1S pespendicalay “bo tnat axis. ny plone oh x-¥ ae 90 Oo peace ga R poiasoxls z Polas moment of Tneata: : tf dne moment of Tnedtia of Ane \amina . l found about potas oai$, dnen j+is called as Pollan moment of Inertia and thts denoted os Loe. Th 4ne Z-ans istne polos axts , then dhe ymorment OF ineatia %¢S called as and ts cenoted as Tz-z polan moment of Tneatia _axie Ineovem:- Pez pindicnlas Slates inat ' pelas momend of jement: 2his dheosem es of Inestia about * and ¥ axis” Meadhe Ma tically Test etax tives, uS consides - ax onsi ny ans asea da as shoun | we in cma y cre Jhe co- ovdinates of Ihe centre 0} Ane area da Moment of Tnesta obine loming T Polas axis about y-axis + = area x(centroidal distance) * Y-axis r = dax® yey & Momeni of Ineatia of 4thelomina arout x- Oris, 2 xt = da-y K-ayis : 7 2 oe cee een) Let % be 4ne distance Of ine cenize oy4he lamina from polaraus os fom “Ahe onigin oY ond y-axis. phen, Momeni of Ineotia of the lamina about peiaa axis 5 2 Ip = das 2 Ips Tz.,7 dav From dne Geometay of tne fig 9 aay 2 ve a9 = dary?) = dax*tday? ‘ hey co bsg ¥ay Pavalle! axis theovem:- Statement, ohis 4+neosem Slates dnat " moment of Tnestiq of a laminacie Plane qzea) dboul any ams 1S equal 4o sum of tne momentof Tneslia about ‘ne cenitvoidal axis{ mig axis snould be paraiiel tovhe ONS about Which mameni of inedtia 40 be found) plus , and the dhe psoduct of Ine casea opine lamina centroidal axe Square of lhe clistance beiween +the and ine axis about Which moment of ineaiia to ve found”, M atbemafically, “ z = Tet Ah Vany axis an Teqs Moment of Inegtia of ine -2- amine — abeut cenisoidal axis Faoof shape of tS Considey a lamina of agbitoosy in pia. Let @ bene of apex A a shown Centosoid © pane of dhe aveq. Let x-x bedne centyoidal Qas, avea - considey o SidiP Of atea da placed Paratiel nie) cenivoidal x-x ans atria astance y fxom it. Ler ap lbetne axis pavatlel +o the centroicda Axis x-x ala i afsiance 'W from x- x abou} Which moment of rmestia to ve found, Moment of Tnestia of tne SeBIP aboul x-%x aris x sea Ofine stop x DiSiame * = da.y? Momen} o}ine tneatia of Ane hole lamina about x ¥ A Ty = Bdoy? — = 6 7 2 Ty y Tq = 2@day —9) Similavy, moment of Fneatia oy,ine avsea about oy the steip an axis AB 2 asea of the stsip x DIStance da Cnry)* Moment oF Tneatia oy tne whole lamina about on axis AB rants da (h+y)” wv SZ dalhy7t+2hy) edah* + Zday*+ ada-2hy —»@) Tap = hada + Eday 4+ 2h 2-day whese Wtzda = h* A = Ah> +: gda=A = day? 2 Tg=Tx-x Poom eqn) a and Eday = Moment opthe Whole aye thous ane centovoi dal anys x-« © fox tne present case whren means Zdayso ted Idey* and 2nede Substiiuling the values op Neda, Y in Ane ean (27, Weget 2 tag = A+ Ty, +0 oR AB Node », -F An> “7 Tye, = Te Moment of jnestia of a lamina about an ant PASSing AnBough 4ne cenincid fs denoted as Te nO Momem of tneaiia of vavious qeomeisical Section: 4.0 Moment Of Tneatia of a Rectenguias section, CoNsidexs a Reciangulay lamina oy base b&b ana of depin das) shown in pig. consides a S4aip oD . thick ness. ‘dy’ Plated paprattet fo dnebase at a ajetame y foom 4. “ A omend Os imevira of ihe StvIP about tne base oy veclangle 2 a AveQ op stoip x distane 2 = Qo ay). y Moment of insvtia of the ine base Tes Lay = bf ay + 6 EP] Whole yectangle about 3, = $ [460] = oa 3 Moment of ineatia of 4he dectangulas Section About jis cenivoidal azavs can be found using pazollel axis Aneosem vlhich says 7 2 ao Te + An Neve any axis 2 base oh ee 7 Tez Trix of ane resonate 1 a 8 ep 2. Aver op veclangle = “| y Gq Te=tx-y'* ee ee a Distonce bln x-x ants | Bd and base of veciangle 42 = dj, Tyase= bd = eo ey os Ne sce 2 did q _ neat C1 oO) ne x-x +bd(d)} lay y RE ag that dstenc| = Ty y 4 ba} fyem a aiven axit uph a be point Where ihe enkye area ‘ amd ft iy = 3 3 1, Ogee A | a eee oe Concrudrae - KN f ayranon Radiat i 2. Moment of tneviia oa tian gulaa laring Conmsides a Bight anfled toiangle 2 se 6 d \ a : base and of heignt ‘hy’, Letus consicdes a wectangulas — stsip eparniekness “dy! placed papatier ee ace eee ay Soom ity as enown in H¢ i dE Midin o¥ine stvip = ny) Prom Stentor propesty 0} te iongies AXA OF SidiP = Hidth x Antacness io = a Biby) dy Moment of readia ©pthe otoip erbout the base Oy Aviangie z Axea 0} stoi p x vIStance 2 oS Ch-y).cty yp About the bh Moment of +viangle canbe aA above eqn vIn Cnedtia op the wWMnole found vy oO toh inegeating Ane the limits A SL bby) ayy? 2 b byray3 Ts J TO ary ry Cny*-y3) ay } a trang Shout ik bose = T - ~4~ {2 Moment of DTnevtia e598 triangle About centsidal axis can be found by making use o} Paraliel ANS theovem Which Says = Ig+ An® anyazis a Wheve Te = Mor. Sh Ahoiangie about centovictat A= azea ofthe axis. sr21ange = at . zoe Centmida) ans Cie base) = h_ H= Bistance bin vefese nce dhe aais ond x= = Let An? anyaats 2 base 7 Tt An x= % A x x 2 a es iohg ee hy? a Tx + Bh (B) 3 z ee Jon’ Tease bh? 1S b 2 . 3 “Ty = bh bw 2 1g Bon - 2 bh? = ee a oe I toh | Phe is Mot 2} the \ 36 [ tacrngie about shy centspidal axis. 4.0 wor O42 Adlangle about {8 base = oP \2 2. MOT oF a tavange about 1 cendmidal eis = n> consider a eiveulas laminae of tadius 'R. Let us consides a ctoculad conleniaic ving Op Ahickness Uy’ < concemsic AE a distance "x" foom ° ofete tne cenive o} dhe Cideulae lamina Consides Zz aais Cle polaw axis) dhsoug h dne centre ey rhe civcle Gig Ob) ear ho) of t+o4ne plane asea of civculay lamina onen = area op the elemental Ving= 2Nd-dy M-0.T 24 The wing about z- Axis Ge polas axis) is = = ATED Of dhe PINS x DiStance 5 20-day. g? = 27 sede M:0-T ©F the whole 4 . = Ty, + lee yen : ¥ Dye = TRY ie gh 3 \eir = RYT ~)6 Ss (et 4 Gee GONoa7) Ri 010974 Om tT = rere ; y-y = oe or Semicivcle abou} 2 BRB centwidal Y-y ans * NOTE wa Phe values of Px-x ane ly-y Pow a Semici rele are nol cansiang. TP dhe Alametral axis fA Semiciscle ts hovtzontaly then Ex-e 2 OURS anet 7 Cy-y =r} | Tyson Cf the diameual axis z 4 db 1S Veotical sthen Tx-« = TRYg an -_of & quastes of a _ciacle : ; Le}us consided tne quadsawic of padius 'R as snownin Pig. Me mot opa 3 quadvant cou) is centuvidal ads can ve found by Using parallel ants theasem 4 2 Tanyaxis = TaG+ An Wheve Tqsz Mot of a quadsany aboar iB eentwidal axis ( soy x-* ) Az Axea of quadvant = TR in pDistane win ne cenimidad aais (x7 and the sefevente axis C say diame tral avi a on -— MoT of c=! ecidcle about | > Th centvoldal x-x = TR rs Moment of -Tnertia of x | cqquadsant about ane Same Axts Cie Diometsal azis) E re = — aR ° le Wek T ~ I Boe fore ine any axis . 2 Diometiot = Px-y + AW aazis TR" " Tyex = R'* (0-055) € Tax = 0-055R" dhe value Oo) Tyy im case of a quadsant ts Same as Dx-x (4) Fos dveclanguias 1y a : 1 Sh | == & ee a z I deptn(at? Bye base(bs \> Fou telangulas Section. ® ie Trase = bh? j 12 x tepin 8 Whe x Chetgny => DE 12 @ For ctyculas section ory eee aT I+ qo Rov Semi-cinculas section, C When the diametial axrs Sf Diametratanis js G> — Hhen tne diometial axis ts veosicat: ry T pase = CieDA) x 7 of 7 Aos . eee anis ' Yer eal _ chase) (s) Foot quadsant : WANES ont = mR Diametral axis base [Ee Note. she values o% both Tx-x § Ty “ase. ‘equal ™ the case og a ctacle andinguarter of Q cincle- = yy =0-055R Y= posizont 4 ce Trase = TR! ~ W31 Cie base 0} Sem ch acle mee Dj amet ~ axtis bax Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics ~ 18C1V14/24 KINEMATICS AND KINETICS Module-5 : Sede duton In state the analy £ f te body it Gonidered of vest, Dynamih «the ganch mechanics which dealle with ¢ a ponticle. Dynamicg ig deuided the study ¢ motion two pl into arts. wh Kinematicg a Kinetich kinematics: Tt i@ the branch f dy namiex which dene with the study ¢ motion a bedy ov pantie without the Pact ¢ Pores Gos motion. dynamics which — deale particle with te kinchig ; Tt ig the bvanch a ee tnt definitions Diuplaement : the pusition occupied — by ponticle moving along a raight Line at any porticalan ingtant time" + from Uinitial —pesiton ig called — disp lacernent Tt ig a vector quantity a Distance provelled (5) + he distance —frovellid by particle bdween “fun —ingtanty ¢ fimirag ig called = dutan@- TF ig scalaw quantity SS velocity (v) 1 TF is defined of vate of change of dup efacement with —sretpect foie in specific divechon, Since it bos both nctude and — direction, thesefove cb % A vectir gpa - wcity = Daplaten ed - 1 Bueenge woelety + pvevge velecty ig defined os the “Gahe ¢ “ts total disp latument te the total time jcterwal the diaploument occurk, in which P : tal dizp lacem ent Average velouty = Total dp lawn a eles YA Sathish, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engg., SICIT, Chickballapur Page. 01 Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics ~ 18CIV14/24 5. Instantaneous velocity: It ig the vdbcity ¢ meus ponticee alo contain instant of sime, 0 Oo Speed + Tf it defined ng oct cf change dis placonsnt with segpect do Hime in any —divection, Sped ig direction Jeg. Tt bax only magnitude. T+ 4 @ Scaler mdity « ab Acceleration (a): Rott ¢ change velocity with ves pect to me ft ik called ‘acceleration. ae Yaru unit mt /cac? & Unifoenn qecelsrotion > the hoody raoving in such a wmy. that ji, velocity chang egal in magni de at qual / intowalls ¢ time is aid to be “in Uniform ace levadion > Variable acceleration: the body moving in na a way thet ibs — velocity chome ane aah in mi at vegulon ; interols of “ime caitd te be Yin “vawiable Aceloratio wo) Avdage acabrahin so i defired at the fabio 7 i A in twee fra a ea mud ‘nwo aren wb nccaler akon date ypaity = af a body ig allewed fat fre in Space it will be attracted by the ke ctahonal fore of the exth and moves with uniform —actleratin, the oceelduhon due te tocronet fore of the eanth Balled‘ accel eration duet vity, Tt vonieg from a7 & 483 mfscc? Howeveh it vray be Contid coed to be Rt mfsec*. 2 Deeelsrabion 6) Retardation + 1 ig the acceleration aihociated with decreasing velocity is called as “Decel tation’ @) ‘vetordahion . YA Sathish, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engg., SICIT, Chickballapur Page. 02 Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics ~ 18CIV14/24 Newtrs Laws Mahon Nowirrs fiver Law: Tt state that * evey bedy Continuent in its state ¢ vat or ¢ uniform motion in a straight re unles ib Compelled by an external ageney acting on it Newtons Second Haw > T+ Statet tak the ale ¢ cb ef momentum da a is disectly proportional to “the impretned Porce and it takes plac in the divechion ¢ the Pore ating om it Newton, third law : Tt state that fev euny action there ig on qual ond epposite — seaction. Nowting Law of Gyavitation : H stat Hat “the fore of. attva chin betwen any two bodies is divectly peo ovtional te then rsh and invently rept 1 OTe Square *? the distance betwwen then , Srna] 0 Sane Se roving of the outer edge of the sread along a cowe in Yorder to Guntoract she Pec of radi dl Contvifagal fora in Combination — with the frichion botwan the © Saw Paw and igre duelo ped in the Woferal — divection Necessity 69 vet ape Elevation iS nuwtralize the fect ys ct fore uh Equi distribub'en Loads iS Pyovide Cmooth — rack improvi parsenger Comfort. wh edu the tendency - she ned Vs ton @) skidding Counts Pug ve: Tt se the fect thot = fondg do move object from the contre of a Ginrcle it ef Hotei, ahont” a Congeg went of. inertia YA Sathish. Asst. Prof.. Devt. of Civil Eneg., SICIT, Chickballapur Page. 03 Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics ~ 18CIV14/24 Motion: A body 4 gid te be in motion P it iy changing 185 position with vetpect te a veferene point Type ¢ Motion te Rectilineah notion ad Curvilineah motion Be Projectile motion Rectitinesn __ motion : the — motien A ponticle or the body along straight — pot it” abled suctilinean mofien . Ex sy Path trad by a stone when dvepped from rt ain ght. x Path traced by a moving Gf alerg the Se ee dive ‘Sto " ' \ 1 | gap ‘ i sistance CS) 8 \ \ Pe ed trowelles i Figs Rechilinerhs__motton pequating ef Moin ming undr_Unfrm _peeinaton a v Comide, panicle = moving in eee ight dine from A te @ . s Str ee atlowten let uw Datta velocity of pond ath vo Final velocity f pantie at 6 a > Uniform — accel vation £ > Time dakin tr move from Ate > Distance — trawlad from Ate in time “€, YA Sathish, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engg., SICIT, ickballapur Page. Of Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics — 18CIV14/24 time 't” Seconde the velocity changes from ou tw y wnifesin — gude of accel eration Accondg we debinition , RY acceleration = change in_velaity time dt, as vou t ry V=utat J ® Hy 2 uty The average velocity pe Dstane = A velocity xX time wd soe ()xt substi tude V frome” @ S = (ututet Je 2 a @© ad © ae Glled Equations of vect lin toh wosion, f +© Equotion, «= @, YA Sathish, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engg., SICIT, Chickballapur Page. 05 Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics — 18C1V14/24 Motion a_ponticle uvdlen __Govity 2 when a panicle Jt dropped in pace twill be attvacted by the tational — once of earth and — moves with unifosm aedlewdion ge 9:81 mse? in votiod straight Line veut gt ve = 4 Sa ut t oie cose (is) when the particle ik meovg upwand ageinst quavitaivel Lovee aang All equations deived — previowlly holds gerd with © peplace — mont fa by 4 (ose (0) whan He particle moving down wands ast ve u-gt vw = 2948 = ut alt? Sau age 3 Non uniform motion ofa body 1 sf a particle or body ia not possible te nove with — uniform vdocity and auddahon — at wl) intervals ¢ time, 0 body smd to execake — non- artiform — makion when the —ellocity ev accelshah'ea are not same ak sagas intervall of dime. Mathods analysing non-uniform _ mation of a body a sibel atl Pn analyze > Sifpvantioh on a Integration - lg Detominahion ¢ valscity and _accelowtion by _dffountiabion the uation 4 motion i dome times expreteed ot Se pet tt te ----- © and ofked te determine velo city and — acceleration at Some pontinlor —_intorvol time + Te at vebsetty dffowntiah the above &) & substitute the “value of t ds = ve lt? put t7 ---- &) YA Sathish, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engg., SICIT, Chickballapur Page. 06 Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics - 18CIV14/24 To get acceleration at any portionles instant e Howe dffourdate oe (i) once again and Gubestitnte the value ft + du a= aut tle - rane Gi) ¥ Detominabon ¢ _ velocity cand diy plaument by Lnteasation “Some ke the epation mobon ig give in “terme q accel oration and time. urhoc'ty and = “distance may be detwrmined — by Succettive tae! ¢ the given eppotien. a Garvilinwh motion | (urwiliness — motion ig defined ob recto phat — occush — whin particle Avavels long carved path. the cowed path Can be in two dimension Cin & plane), or in thyee dimengio -W. Wis H pe ¢ moon ig mone Comp lex than oct Linton straight dine) motion. tr ase yectilinear motion the — mation ef a pankicle either in hovizontal =o iM vahial — dinech'en only Cut when ponticle ig prjeded ain at Some pontivler angle (other than ao write hevizontal) it is gubeted to 2 beth horizontal and — vertical —Gomporents of .} ' i : velocity the hovizontal Component f velocity — semnaing Constant — and impart horizontal motion for tie particle athe vorial Component of velocity 5 affected — by prouite tional force cont. Hence the path drawl by the ponticle i ‘parabolic YA Sathish. Asst. Prof. Devt. of Civil Engg., SICIT, Chickballapur Page. 07 Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics ~ 18CIV14/24 Trajectiry Tums med __in__ Projectile __ motion Projectile : Tt ig a panticle projected upwards with some inclination te the horizordal, it travels in the ah ond = tvacee a para bolic path and falls on the teaaeeelalae Ctotget) it abled “projectile . the path — traced by projectile is called “Trajectory. a> Velocity of _prejectien GW): Ht & he velocity with which projectile ig prajocted in the upward divechion with dome inclinaon the horizontal. a Angle af projection Co) : st i the angle with which ps is projected with respect te holbeotal. Sh Tire f_plabt Cr): Bi the data dine squied for the projecrle to trowel Prom the point ¢ projeckon te te point’ of dary s&s Horizontal ange Fe horizontal distance bowen the point ¢ prsjedtion and toryet point gh Vertical —eigit CH) + H is the void Catone veadhed by the projectile from the point d project \. YA Sathish, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engg., SICIT, Chickballapur Page. 0B Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics ~ 18CIV14/24 Equation fov_ the_path da Projectile 4 using UO@s6 A Gonsider a ponte “p incing she. path fa projecile let ue Velocity ¢ pesjecton Oe Arg le t prsjection Horizontal - Goponet of vcloctty = u coro vatiol Componed of wehecity = sino Let Po putin poricke after tine 4 Le Horizonte distance mowed ia time ¢ Y= vatial — distance moved in time E Considth ~verticd — motion ¢ porticle , wing se ut +d at? gt*| 4) Hovizontal velocity Suwon, Constant, wing’ ss= vt Q ; 6 @) t= _.oy . Uoss b Subst tang g" G) in @ = ugh a Y= using ae tad -449 ae 3h Equation projectile motion Page. 04 YA Sathish, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engg., SICIT, Chickballapur Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics ~18CW14/24 i) Time ¢ Eig he ¢ projectile on_hovizortal plane (x) phe ime = which «=the projectile pomained in the Space from —aloove discussions — we have ye using.t -1 gt™ when the particle § ot target , yro O= usnot -i9t usindt = dt ii) Horizontal Lange ¢__posstiole (8) R= Hovizontal Goonponent ¢ vebrcity x Hime U%8 x t OKO X ZU Sin€ cn Re UP sin2e J ii} Maxiraum height _attained by a projectile (Heer) whan the projectile guacho — maximum height the velocity in veil — direction will be zero Tritiall velocity in verti disection = u sing Final velocity when projectile saaches mov. height =o Mox. height moved = Hox d Using galation y>-wr” = Das 0? usin?g = -29 Hmoy YA Sathish, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engg., SICIT, Chickballapur Page. 10 Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics ~ 18CIV14/24 —_ Type 4: Moon of a bedy under unipem _accelera.tion eA Gr stonts with a velocity dm/sec and movek in o straight ine with" Constant — acelration. its velocty” atthe ond 5 seconds 18 6-5 m/sec, deted rane ih the uniform" acceleration ® Ostance travelled in 15 seconds Data ik Uni accolerah'on We 4m | eee % ea veut a t= 5 Sends “4 bse & + (ax 8) Ve 6S m/sec A ae? [a= 053 m/sec] iS s=? ii Distance avelled in 15 Seconds (eis sen) Usieg icra tet pat? Y gs x ws) td xoexis? S= M625 m oh Sorte from sutt and accelerates uniformly te A a ped 1s kimph or a — datanw cd 1o00m. Find acceleuhon of the Oh and ting token to atten ths peed. yoo fotrthen acetlorabion piah te ped to vo kmph in to Sec, find the naw ateelration and the Footer distance moved Sl”: GD) Aeceleration and dime — Faken to baa aban 15 Kmph — Speed vere rmph ac? H=0, Ve TERI = 76.05 mlsee S= (000m t=? . : ae o h ui Srellation v’-u= Jas pace a=? 20-83°-0 = 2x ax 1000 Page. O! YA Sathish, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engg., SICIT, Chickballapur Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics — 18CIV14/24 | Uiins veutat : 20.¢2 =0 +(o217xt) $= 96 See Gi) New accelwtion and further — dirtance moued in to Beck dy odoin — too. Kamp Ux 20.833 m/sec va goxtone = 24-11 m/pec , tals uni ve ut at 9 ott = 20.833 + @xio) A= 0694 m[sec® a Wem at? 5 = (2083310) +(1 xo-6ate xe) aS A bus lang Gh Storts at an accel eabion ¢f. am[sec>. A palica vigilant party Game oft 5 Sends and tnt So chote the Bug Gar with a unifhnm veloct ty ¢ 2om/sec. Find the time token in which the = pebie » van will overtake the oh GN: For Burglar Gr uso, a= 2m[sec> te Hme taken Py police van te ountake burglar, Gd io vigilont Game —afeh §— & Sees A eons Gr will be — motion for +s) Secs Uniform g veloce f police van <2om/sec i Gontidan motion + bug lads Gn aut + at! é =0 tbxoxtersy = tt+5)> — © ie ee motion ¢ pole. van Sz Uniform ne xt = 206 —@® Sd & © § tt8)" = ee ast ioe t?-(ot $25 £0 dia YA Sathish, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engg., SICIT, Chickballapur Page.02. Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics ~ 18CIV14/24 Type_2: motion af a _ponticle onder grauity te A chore as dvopped from — te Sepa a founh Som oboe — the ground Find the ucleoity with which it und and alto time ~ faeon by the steno strike, — the h guoch the spo. en i a Zy>= 248 DoE cong Uring 6 Vee = j ate Vo-0 = 2x981K SO [a=g aaa m/sec ' ia or 6" veut gt ete apa < ot Ca8ixt) Fou "(ESTAS oa NS A Stone se dvopped into well and the splash of found i heard — after eeonds. Debormine the height f dep fom the wate Surface. Agguume wc fan to be 330m/sec. Let t= time daken by Sire fp ht the woth — Gurface tr time taken by sound drew ' i ' from wrath dure tr HU the position these MF Sp “FE aay ; d= depth ¢ woth Surface some iN Conscdh notion ¢ Stone Wao a=@s gg) mse? a af Suet gt ec odd xaaixt? TL Consider — moon q Sound Lunifren velocity] J.Sevt ie [de a0la-t) | 3@ Equating §G" Of@ — geqosti® = 330 (4-4) 4-4ost?+ 330t, —2A710 = 2 rem . = oxxe ti= $03 beck | 2 Depth = teaetnges YA Sathish, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engg., SICIT, Chickballapur Page. 03 Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics ~ 18CIV14/24 3 Grstont —accelerahon oP 4 = 4-81 m/sec”. the found f ¢ Sore on bottom iy opty: ik ih dvopped. pth velocity of dourd it 4“. ww ae ' Let t= time taken by i” bh bid ' | tre time faken by Sound te top . Tse: da oop val a ee ee ae | fev Uso aa4e Fh) mfsc? | 1 ateh wed Using, gout +3 ge* = She u d= 0+ E x98) xt &h A Stone 4 ped m the ‘tp the wer 50” > A At the or tt aston Cant is thrown up 28m) sec « Ae what distance from the tp one A store deopped inte a well and falls vertical with heard 65 Seconds 236 mf see » how deep the well 7 [similar to 2™ pele} (f= e1ese"] —rO it Grtido motion af Seunch uniform velocity] i Se vt d= 236(6s-t) | © of © £0 bgosti® = 336(6s- ty) = 2184 —286¢1 4 eSt? + 336ty — 284 =O 2 (Ge SF bea a SEN eee, de waoexeat [tle Bim from the foot of the tower with a velocity of lap hor Let hes distance from the. ‘top hy! 4 tower Som | ' hr> distance from bottom af b Toweh | dP Ly ase hi th, = 50" vA Sathish, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engg., SICIT, Chickballapur Page. 04 Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics - 18CIV14/24 i) Considor. mption_ ne 1 [moving — dowsn wards)] Heo , at aage4 81 1tsec® 4 On no sow Me +e 74 hie ott Tyas xt = 90S 47 iS Consider — mwodion gf Sane 2 [moving upwerrdt] worm, Sch, @=- us Se ut -h4t™ 4 4 he = 26¢ —Lxag xe [na EET] oe Adding a" © &@ hth, = Mast? + 25¢ —Gepost™ GOs eels (EE 288] dytane from bp ¢ tower, hy = 908 x 2" hi= 14-62 Jm Type 3: Non - 1 waif rnd vaohion ¢ X body ty A particle, starting from vekt, move, ina straight whoxe pasion mohion uk giv by sq an ae eta, displacement, uelyccty and accelevation of te pont cle. aft § Sands. sp iS Ouplacmed, S= St 346 525th 346 25x5) ~ 31846 a mn S= 556M ae iis Uebity = a = Us 15tt be 1 Ge os [v= aes m/sec ] th Accel ation re = A= Zt-6 = 30Xe-6 [a= lel m/sec YA Sathish. Asst. Prof.. Dent. of Civil Engg., SICIT, Chickballapur Page. 05 Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics — 18C1V14/24 2) A train moves along | ht fine whose. equation motion is given by Saist p5t ae! where ‘sig in m and t gin Bed de. Determine — (7) Velocity and acceleration at start Gd peceleration, when wlhecity is zero SI". Eqnation for dittane = S= ISt +5t>~ at? Eqpaton fer velocity = ds = Ve IS tot - 9¢7 Equation & ee ae 1o-18t @ vebonity and _atcelerahon ot stant (et =0) Vz Ww t(oxo)-@ xo) = [15 m/sec Q = lo-(8 x0) = [to m/sec® Gi) acceloutien, wen vebowity is Zoro a 1S tot — > o= is t tot - 4 (or) 9t7-tot -I6 =0 2 t= 46 4 . Acceleration, when velacity 13 tore = A= lo -W XIE a= 25:28 m[ec?] . . ¢C ron) with voniable accebbaton and ite motion 18 given by he equation S= 25tt4t?—6t%, whee Ss’ 4 in Seconds. — Detoemine () the velocity mom ond and accelonabion at start () the fine, when the velvde — reached ia velooisy af the vehicle . [GP] Gal": gayation for digtane = S= 25t +4t*—6t8 Equation for wloxteg =ds = v= a5 + Bt 18% Equation for stalasin = fe HQ = 8-36t @) velocity and acceleration at got (ie of t=0) V= 2st @xo-(&xo = [28 m/sec a= 8-s6Ko = [8 m/sect DA which ty moving maximum — velocity: (2) HAL rraaat nw 8 Y A Sathish, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engg., SICIT, Chickballapur Page. O6 Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics — 18CIV14/24 (i) the_tine, when the _welicle peaches ite _moyimum vel the valacity will be mayimun — when du 4 “ we; B- 26t =o “ t= 0-222 ge | CG) maxi nwo velocety ¢ te vehicle [4 = 0.222 decd] wor = 26 + (Bx0-222) -(i8x0.22%) = [2580 mhed 4S the qpahen ¢ motion € a ponticle ay given by = 4-37 +6, whe a ib acceleration in m/eec? and t in dime th decond. the velocity of the particle at te [second 2 SO m/poc and displacement i Jom. Determine the displacement and velocity at 4 =5 Seeonds. Sl": as &t8 3t7 46 dy = 3-446 or dv= (4t?-2t746) dt it nseg rod above — eyuahon Ve att -2t? $6t +O 3 at ter ee ae ve Senltec gs ctte +6tq a so the ginal apation fry yebuity (y= t*-t°+6t -s pO) Equation © Gan be expritted of Ha thetse-s 6) de = Cte ees) dt Snsea tabi about. ep wnt cE £ nee. St + Ge + whi tel bec and displacim ont S=l0 Leek Lb t3-54G 2. (G=225] 2. Gensol expragion for “atone se 48 tt pati st +1205 5 e ays: Diplacimet and velbwty at — tos gee $5 = 5° SP shy axst —5x5 12-05 = [boo mJ Vs = stash 6x5 -5 = YA Sathish, Asst. Prof,, Dept. of Civil Engg., SICIT, Chickballapur Page. 07 Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics - 18C1V14/24 Problems on Pro} ectile Motion dA ~ pasticle ig peveued ot angle of 50 with the hovizertal . the hevizontal Range the — ponticle #2 @ kms. Find G) the velocity“ P projecton G) the woyimam oo poached by He &l? projectile Das id Ueloa'ty of projec cen o-0 using" - R=6kms = Go00m 4 4 R sue Sin28 6000 = i renee) i Maximum bait seadhed 4 the Pele ving 6" Umoy = U2 sin7® . 2eteG7 x sin >(s0) A 2x48) | trmoy = 1187-6 m Dh A particle tk preted hat with weleaity ¢ 120 wfeoc ot on angle af 30° with the hovizontal. Ddvmine (1) the hovizental sarge Gi) The rani height by the panticle Gi) the time 4" Tyla TaD) tea &I: We G) Horizewal Range we 120 m/sec sig R= uesin2® — 120° ¥sing x39) = Ww, i “3 4-8) R= j211-23m Gi) Moxinnum — eight by the ponticle Using Hay ='Sin’® _ Ja0?x gin®(30) 24 2x48) Foy = 183-49" YA Sathish, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engg., SICIT, Chickballapur Page. 08 Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics = 18CIV14/24 (ii) Time of Plight uli a aa! T= 2usin® — 2x20 $in30 aA particle Bt projected with a velocity ¢ 20 m/sec in ain at argle ‘at with the —hovizental. the x £ y Coordinates “ef point Lying on the trajectory af the idle with poset "point gP projection ane go and 8m respectively Find the angle ca preyechon ¢ the ponticle. (MS) Slr Dodx W=20m (cee @=a-? X= 20m" = &m \ Xe2om) Unie the oi ¢ path ¢ projectile Y= xtane — 1% 2u> Cah” © R= 2otana- %8l x20" 2X 20° xO €= 20tana— 440 = go tana — 44s See*a CKO, Z= 2otana — aoe (it tanta) $= Dotan a- 4-40S —4-Ystan™a &-Gostan a —2otana +1290" = 0 tana =327 => az tail(327) 5 & tana= 0003 oy a= tai'(0.803) = th Acct Prof Nent. of Civil Enrg., SICIT, Chickballapur Page. 09

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