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Connect the following sentences using the link

1. River Community college should open more parking lots for students so the students will not be late
for class. (so)

2. Sanyi Thera has to park her car far awav from the classroom building therefore She is always late for
her class. (Therefore)

3. You can speak with the director at the meeting, or You can e-mail if you cannot attend. (or)

Santo's paragraph to the college president

Dear president Smith,

I would like to express my concern about the severe parking problem that students face at river
community college. There are several reasons why am concerned about this problem. First of all,
students miss essential instructional time as a result of having to drive around the crowded parking lots
looking for a parking space. These tuition-paying students miss quizzes and tests and also do not know
what is going on in class when they arrive late. As a result, they do poorly in their classes. Also, it is
dangerous for evening students to have to go far away to park their cars and to walk long distances to
their classes. Another reason am concerned is that some students have become so frustrated over the
limited parking that they have begun fighting over parking spaces. Other frustrated students park their
cars illegally in fire zones, which would be catastrophic if an emergency occurred. If you do not realize
how difficult the situation is for the students, you should, for one week, cancel all reserved parking
spaces that are for college staff and have all the staff try to find parking. I think you should try to resolve
this major problem by building a parking garage or by providing free shuttle buses from distant lots.

Read these two paragraphs written by Santo, the student at River Community College.

- Find the differences in the paragraphs.

The first letter follows a specific format, while the second letter has no format. The tone of the first
letter is professional and official, while the tone of the second letter is friendly. The first letter focused
and concise and do not include filler or fluff. Unlike the second letter, the first letter do not include
grammatical trends like slang or idioms.

- How did Santo adjust his vocabulary to the different audience?

In the first letter addressed to the College President, Santo used professional and official words,
while in his letter to his friend, he used friendly words or language.

- What difference in sentence type and length do you notice?

In the first letter, it is what we call the formal letter, The second one is an informal letter. The
formal letter is written with a specific goal in mind for business or professional purposes. It
employs straightforward language that is simple to read and comprehend. Informal letters, on the
other hand, are written in a casual or emotional tone to friends and relatives for personal
communication. The first letter is longer than the second one, but it should not be more than one
page while the second one has no particular length.
Exercise Student Sample 2

Santo’s email to a friend

Hey what’s up, do you know how bad to find a parking spot in school man???? It gets worse every time I get
there yo… man my class stars at 9:30 and I gotta come to school like 1 or 2 hours early to find a good parking spot.
If I get there at like 9 or something I end up with parking at like all the way in the back and walk for another like 30
minutes or more……anyways, I’m out yo, peace.

1. Read this student sample

2. Write a paragraph about a problem at your University

I would like to formally express my concern regarding the broken lights inside the campus library. It has been
almost half a semester since the lights at the campus library have burned out. I, together with a number of students,
have found it very difficult to study and make use of the services of the library when we can barely see the words of
the books we are reading. This has greatly affected our academic journey in the university as one of the greatest
pillars we depend on for education and knowledge, the campus library, is not well equipped with the facilities it
needs to provide its services. I fervently hope that this concern is made the top priority for repair and maintenance,
after all, student fully pay their tuitions, and at the very least, we expect a fully functioning campus library.

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