Event Rundown Online Rev1

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Event Rundown for Online Participants

Day 1 - November 27th 2021(Bandung Local Time GMT +7.00)

07.15 - 07.40 Absensi peserta dan persiapan
07.30 - 07.40 Pembukaan oleh MC
07.40 – 07.50 Kata Sambutan Direktur PT Indonesia Bebas Nyeri
07.50 – 08.00 Kata Sambutan Ketua IKA FK Unpad
08.00 – 08.10 Kata Sambutan Ketua IDI Kota Bandung
08.10 – 08.20 Kata Sambutan Ketua IDI Jawa Barat
08.20 – 08.30 Kata Sambutan Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bandung
08.30 – 08.40 Kata Sambutan Walikota Bandung/mewakili
08.40 – 08.50 Kata Sambutan PB PERDOSRI
08.50 – 09.00 Kata Sambutan Wakil Ketua 1 Kolegium IKFR Indonesia
09.00 – 09.10 Kata Sambutan Ketua Kolegium IKFR Indonesia
09.10 – 09.20 Kata Sambutan Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Barat
09.20 – 09.30 Kata Sambutan Gubernur Jawa Barat/mewakili
09.30 - 10.00 Grand Opening Peresmian Klinik Utama BPRC oleh Gubernur Jawa Barat
Deklarasi Indonesia Bebas Nyeri (oleh Penanggung Jawab BPRC dr. T.C.T. Novy, SpKFR)
10.00 – 10.05 Doa Bersama
10.05 – 10.15 Foto bersama
10.15 - 11.15 Lecture:
dr. T.C.T. Novy, SpKFR., MKes., FIPP., CIPS
Overview USG Guided Pain Intervention
11.15 – 12.00 Lecture:
- Continuous Epidural Infusion (Amitabh Gulati, MD)
- SI Joint Arthropathy Intervention (Kok Yuen Ho, MD)
12.00 – 12.20 Lunch Break
12.20 – 12.50 Lecture:
Amitabh Gulati, MD, Anesthesiologist
World Academy of Pain Medicine United
“Peripheral Nerve Stimulation”
12.50 – 13.10 Reserved
13.10 – 13.25 Sesi Sponsor: PT Sonna Medika Jaya
13.30 – 14.00 Lecture
Prof Dr. Kris C.P. Vissers, MD, PhD, FIPP
World Institute of Pain
“Importance of Knowledge and Skills in Pain Intervention”
14.00 – 15.00 Workshop:
dr. T.C.T. Novy, SpKFR., MKes., FIPP., CIPS
“Overview USG Guided Pain Intervention on Real Patient”
15.00 – 16.00 Lecture
- PNS for Headache (Einar Ottestad, MD, FIPP, CIPS)
- Collaboration in Pain Management (Mary Suma Cardosa, MD, MBBS)
16.00 – 16.30 Lecture
Dr. Gautam Das, MD, FIPP (Daradia Hospital)
“Clinical pearls: How to make the right diagnosis for interventional pain management”
16.30 – 16.40 Sesi Sponsor: PT Amarox Pharma Global (Hetero – Pregex)
16.40 – 18.30 Lecture
- Interventional Pain: for Whom, by Whom (Dr. Michael Gofeld, MD)
Event Rundown for Online Participants
Day 2 - November 28th 2021(Bandung Local Time GMT +7.00)
07.00 – 07.45 Absensi
07.45 – 08.00 Foto Bersama
08.00 - 08.30 Lecture:
Dr. dr. Andi Muhammad Takdir Musba, Sp.An-KMN
Indonesia Pain Society
“Multimodal Multidisciplinary holistic approach in pain management”
08.30 - 08.40 Sesi Sponsor: PT Rajawali Medika Mandiri (Philips)
08.40 - 09.10 Lecture:
Muralitharan Perumal, MD, FIPP
World Institute of Pain - Chapter Malaysia
“The role of cryoanalgesia for chronic pain”
09.10 – 09.25 Sesi Sponsor: PT Sonna Medika Jaya (Wisonic – Live Demo Cryoablation)
09.25 – 10.05 Round Table Discussion
“Holistic Pain Management Update”
dr. Debora Hendra, Sp.N
dr. T.C.T. Novy, SpKFR., MKes., FIPP., CIPS
10.05 – 12.05 Lecture:
- IPM Workshop on Real Patients (Dr. TCT Novy, SpKFR, Mkes, FIPP, CIPS)
- Principles of PNS and SCS (Mark Friedrich Hurdle, MD)
12.05 – 13.00 Ishoma
12.45 – 13.00 Sesi Sponsor: PT Novell Pharmaceuticals
13.00 – 15.00 Lecture:
• Interventional Pain Physician's Approach for Refractory Cancer Pain (Chih Peng Lin, MD)
• Regenerative Medicine on Shoulder (Jeimylo de Castro, MD)
• Psychological Approach to Treat Chronic Pain (Zubaidah, MD)
• All about cluneal pain (Peter Courtney, MD)
15.00 – 15.15 Sesi Sponsor: PT Fujifilm Indonesia (Sonosite)
15.15 – 17.15 Lecture:
• Ultrasound as Pain Diagnostic Tools (Prof. dr. Tyng-Guey Wang)
• Shoulder Pain (dr. Leong Tong Choong, MBBS, FRCS)
• Pros and Cons Between USG and C-arm Guided IPM (dr. Jee Y. Moon)
17.15 – 17.30 Testimoni pasien baksos
17.30 – 17.40 Penutupan
17.40 – 17.50 Foto bersama

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