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Part 6

Crib Walls1

— 1997 —

Section/Article Description Page

6.1 G eneral.................................................................. 8-6-2

6.1.1 Scope (1997).............................................................. 8-6-2
6.1.2 Definitions (1997) .................................................... ..... 8-6-2

6.2 D esign of C rib W alls ....................................................... 8-6-2

6.2.1 G eneral(1997)............................................................ 8-6-2 1

6.3 Specifications for R einforced C oncrete C rib W alls............................. 8-6-3

6.3.1 G eneral(1997)............................................................ 8-6-3
6.3.2 M anufacture (1997)........................................................ 8-6-4
6.3.3 Installation (1997)......................................................... 8-6-4
6.4 Specifications for M etal C rib W alls .......................................... 8-6-5
6.4.1 G eneral(1997)............................................................ 8-6-5
6.4.2 M anufacture (1997)........................................................ 8-6-5
6.4.3 Installation (1997)......................................................... 8-6-5

6.5 Specifications for T im ber C rib W alls......................................... 8-6-6

6.5.1 G eneral(1997)............................................................ 8-6-6
6.5.2 M aterials (1997)........................................................... 8-6-6
6.5.3 Installation (1997)......................................................... 8-6-6


Figure Description Page

8-6-1 T ypicalSections through W alls ofT im ber Cribbing .................................. 8-6-7

8-6-2 W alls ofO pen-Face T im ber Cribbing .............................................. 8-6-7
8-6-3 W alls ofClosed-Face T im ber Cribbing ............................................. 8-6-8

R eferences,Vol.49,1948,p.244;Vol.50,1949,pp.290,757;Vol.62,1961,p.438,861;Vol.70,1969,p.223;Vol.71,1970,p.231;Vol.88,
1987,p 62.

© 2004, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association 8-6-1

Concrete Structures and Foundations


6.1.1 SCOPE (1997)

T hese specifications cover the design,m anufacture and installation ofcrib w alls as defined hereinafter.

6.1.2 DEFINITIONS (1997) Crib Wall

a. A “Crib W all” is an earth-retaining structure,m ade up ofrigid m em bers that are fabricated in the shape
ofopen squares,open rectangles or other open shapes,or are assem bled in the shape ofsquare or
rectangular cells,or cells ofother shapes.T he cells are filled w ith granular m aterial.T he structure of
cells and granular infillallact together as a gravity structure,obtaining its safety and stability from the
proper proportioning ofits shape and w eight.

b. Crib w allm em bers can be ofconcrete,m etal,or tim ber.T hey can form cells w ith solid-surfaced w alls
(know n as “closed face” w alls) or w ith slotted openings (know n as “open face” w alls).T he m em bers
should interlock w ith each other,or otherw ise be connected in such a w ay as to resistthe pressures of the
granular filland the retained earth m aterial.Crib w alls can be a traditionalcribbing as described in
,or ofother units that behave in accordance w ith this definition. Cribbing

“Cribbing” defines a traditionalassem bly ofheaders and stretchers,used to form the m ost com m on kind ofcrib
w all.


6.2.1 GENERAL (1997)

a. Crib w alls shallbe assum ed to act as a unit and shallbe designed toresist the overturning and sliding
forces specified in Part 5,R etaining W alls,A butm ents and Piers.

b. T he w allsection resisting overturning shallbe taken as a rectangle having a height equalto the total
height ofthe crib structure and a depth,norm alto the front surface,equalto the distance betw een the
front and rear outside faces ofthe crib structure.

c. T he unit w eight ofthe crib w allsection w ithin the above lim its,including the w eight ofthe crib
m em bers,m ay be assum ed to be equalto that ofthe com pacted filling m aterial.

d. In general,crib w alls shallhave a batter of2:12 on the face,except that low w alls,1.8 m eters (6 ft)high
and under,m ay be m ade w ith a plum b face. For w alls over 3.6 m eters (12 ft)high,supplem entalcrib
units m ay be added to provide stability in order to m eet design requirem ents.Crib w alls shallgenerally
not exceed 7.2 m eters (24 ft) in height. Higher lls shal
wa lreceive specialengineering considerations.

e. T he w allshallbe so located that no track tie w illbear directly on any crib m em ber.

© 2004, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association

8-6-2 AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering

Crib Walls

f. Crib w allfoundations shallbe designed not to exceed safe soilpressures specified in Part 3,Spread
Footing Foundations,Section 3.4,Sizing ofFootings. The possibility ofa deep shear failure of the
em bankm ent shallbe considered sim ilar to the failure illustrated in Part 20,Flexible Sheet Pile

g. A llstructuralcrib units,including stretchers,headers,or other units,shallbe so designed that they w ill

resist the tensile,bending and shearing stresses im posed on them and shallprovide adequate bearing at
allcontact surfaces.For w alls ofcribbing,stretchers at the rear ofthe cells shallhave the sam e bearing
area as those at the front in the sam e courses.

h. T he headers and stretchers or other units shallbe so designed that w hen assem bled in a w all,they form
a cellular structure that w illbe flexible enough to w ithstand a reasonable am ount ofdifferential
settlem ent.T hese flexibility requirem ents w illgenerally depend on the use ofthe w alland on the
designer’s judgem ent.H ow ever,any crib w allcellw illbe expected to w ithstand a differentialdeflection
ofat least 0.015L w ithout dam age,w here L is the length ofthe cellas m easured along the face ofthe
w all.

i. T he verticalopenings w ithin the front face ofthe assem bly shallbe sm allenough to retain the fill
m aterial,placed as described in A rticle,A rticle,or A rticle

j. Crib w alls shallbe designed in sections usually not to exceed 30 m eters (100 ft) in length.Ifthe soil
conditions vary considerably along this length,it m ay be necessary to build the ib w
crallin sections that
are shorter than 30 m eters (100 ft).

k. Provision shallbe m ade for drainage,ifnecessary,behind or w ithin cells by m eans ofFrench drains or
other approved m ethods,and potentialhydrostatic pressure shallbe taken into consideration in the w all


6.3.1 GENERAL (1997)

a. Crib w allunits defined as cribbing shallbe rectangular in cross section w ith allexposed edges beveled.
E ach cribbing unit shallbe reinforced w ith deform ed bars or w ith w elded w ire fabric,proportioned in
accordance w ith Part 2,R einforced Concrete D esign.H ow ever,the area ofreinforcem ent for each unit 4
shallbe not less than 0.9 percent ofits gross cross-sectionalarea.

b. M em bers shallbe provided w ith effective locking devices.T hey shallbe ofa type w hich w illperm it a
slight m ovem ent in the w allw ithout dam age to the crib units.

c. T he headers and stretchers shallbe so designed that w hen assem bled in a w allthey w illbear at tw o
points only,w ith bearing points for other kindsofunits subject to the engineer’s approval.T he
arrangem ent m ust form a cellular structure flexible enough to w ithstand a reasonable am ount of
settlem ent.

© 2004, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association

AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering 8-6-3

Concrete Structures and Foundations

6.3.2 MANUFACTURE (1997) General

T he m aterials,proportioning and w orkm anship shallconform to Part 1,M aterials,Tests and Construction
R equirem ents,w ith the follow ing m odifications:

a. A ggregates.T he m axim um size ofthe coarse aggregate shallnot be m ore than 25 m m (1 in).

b. Class ofConcrete.A ir-entrained concrete as specified in Part 1,M aterials,Tests and Construction
R equirem ents,shallbe used,having a m inim um com pressive strength of28 M pa (4,250 psi)at 28 days.

c. W orkability and Placem ent.T he concrete m ixture shallbe ofa w orkable consistency and placed to
prevent honeycom bing.Vibrating equipm ent shallbe used in the m anufacturing process.

d. C uring.Curing shallbe started as soon as possible after com pletion ofplacem ent ofthe concrete and
shallcom ply w ith the A rticles on curing in Part 1,M aterials,Tests and Construction R equirem ents. Defects

A llm em bers shallbe true to size,and free ofdepressions and ofspalled,patched or plastered surfaces or other
defects that m ay im pair strength or durability. Handling

M em bers shallbe handled carefully.D ropping or severe jarring shallbe avoided.A ny cracked or otherw ise
defective m em bers w illbe rejected.

6.3.3 INSTALLATION (1997) Preparing Base

a. T he foundation or bed for the crib w allshallbe firm and as uniform as possible,and shallbe approved by
the E ngineer before any m em bers are placed.Ifany m em bers are located directly above rock,a cushion
ofsand or gravelnot less than 200 m m (8 in) thick shallbe provided.

b. T he foundation shallbe sloped at a right angle to the batter on the face ofthe finished crib w all. Placing

a. Stretchers or equivalent m em bers shallbe used to provide adequate support ofthe low est course,front
and back.

b. Crib m em bers shallbe carefully handled and installed in such a m anner as to avoid any dam age due to
shock or im pact.A ny m em ber w hich becom es cracked or otherw ise dam aged during erection shallbe
rem oved and replaced. Filling

a. T he filling ofthe interior ofthe crib w allshallfollow closely the erection ofthe successive tiers ofunits,
and at no tim e shallthe w all be laid up higherthan 1 m eter (3 ft) above the backfilled portion.

© 2004, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association

8-6-4 AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering

Crib Walls

b. A pproved fillm aterialshallbe pervious,free draining,preferably crushed stone,gravel,or other coarse

granular m aterial,w ellgraded from a m axim um size of100 m m (4 in)dow n,and shallbe placed
com pacted in the cells and for 600 m m (2 ft)im m ediately behind the cellin such a m anner as to provide
a m inim um ofvoids.A llorganic m atter shallbe excluded from the fillm aterials.T he fill and backfill
m aterialshallnot contain any elem ent detrim entalto concrete. Drainage

See A rticle 6.2.1k,for any specialconditions.


6.4.1 GENERAL (1997)

a. T he sheets from w hich allm em bers are m anufactured shallbe m ade ofa base m etalm eeting the
requirem ents for chem icalcom position and zinc coating as specified by the E ngineer in conform ity w ith
Chapter 1,R oadw ay and B allast,Part 4,Culverts.

b. A lum inum m aterials m ay only be used w ith the engineer’s specific approval.

6.4.2 MANUFACTURE (1997) 1

a. A llm em bers shallbe prefabricated in the m anufacturer’s plant prior to shipm ent to the site.Ifspecified
by the E ngineer,the crib m em bers shallbe specially coated.

b. H eaders and stretchers and other m em bers shallinterlock or be joined together by m eans offlexible
bolted connections.B olts shallbe ofproper length,m ade ofsteel,and galvanized.
c. T he various m em bers shallbe constructed ofa base m etalofthe gage show n on the plans and not less
than 1.5 m m (16 ga) for w alls up to 10 feet in height and ofheavier gage for higher w alls.

d. T he m em bers shallbe so fabricated that units ofthe sam e nom inaldepth and length shallbe fully
interchangeable.A llm em bers shallbe straight andtrue before assem bly,and the galvanizing or other
coating shallnot be dam aged.A ny bent orotherw ise defective m em bers w illbe rejected.
6.4.3 INSTALLATION (1997) Preparing Base

a. T he foundation or bed for the crib w allshallbe firm and as uniform as possible,and shallbe approved by
the E ngineer before any m em bers are placed.Ifany m em bers are located directly above rock,a cushion
ofsand or gravelnot less than 200 m m (8 in) thick shallbe provided.

b. T he foundation shallbe sloped at a right angle to the batter on the face ofthe finished crib w all. Placing

Crib m em bers shallbe carefully handled and installed in such a m anner as to avoid dam age.A ny m em ber
w hich becom es bent or otherw ise dam aged during erection shallbe rem oved and replaced.

© 2004, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association

AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering 8-6-5

Concrete Structures and Foundations Filling

a. T he filling ofthe interior ofthe crib w allshallfollow closely the erection ofthe successive tiers ofunits,
and at no tim e shallthe w all be laid up higherthan 1 m eter (3 ft) above the backfilled portion.

b. A pproved fillm aterialshallbe pervious,free draini ng,preferably crushed stone,gravel,or other coarse
granular m aterial,w ellgraded from a m axim um size of100 m m (4 in)dow n,and shallbe placed and
com pacted in the cells and for 600 m m (2 ft)im m ediately behind the cellin such a m anner as to provide
a m inim um ofvoids.A llorganic m atter shallbe excluded from the filling m aterials. T he filland backfill
m aterialshallnot contain any elem ent detrim entalto m etal. Drainage

See A rticle 6.2.1k,for any drainage requirem ents.


6.5.1 GENERAL (1997)

T im ber crib w alls are m ade oftim ber cribbing,as defined in Article
and no other kinds oftim ber units
are considered or included herein.E ach crib unit shallbe rectangular in cross section.

6.5.2 MATERIALS (1997)

a. T im ber used for cribbing shallbe saw n,and new tim ber shallconform to the requirem ents ofChapter 7,
T im ber Structures,Part 1,M aterialSpecifications for Lum ber,Piles,G lued Lam inated T im ber and
Fasteners for the grade and species specified.T im ber shallbe treated in accordance w ith the
requirem ents ofChapter 30,T ies.

b. A llcutting and fram ing indicated on the plans shallbe com pleted before treatm ent.A llfram ing shallbe
done in a w orkm anlike m anner,true to line and angle.W hen any field fram ing,boring,and cutting of
treated m aterialis required,allsuch fram ing and cuts shallreceive a thorough coating ofapproved
preservative before assem bly.

6.5.3 INSTALLATION (1997) Preparing Base

a. T he foundation or bed for the crib w allshallbe firm and as uniform as possible,and shallbe approved by
the E ngineer before any cribbing is placed.

b. T he foundation shallbe sloped at a right angle to the batter on the face ofthe finished crib w all. Mud Sills

W hen m ud sills are used,they shallbeset at right angles to the face ofthe crib w alland bear firm ly and evenly
on the foundation m aterial(see Figure 8-6-1).M ud sills shallbe leveled to fit the base tier offace tim bers
resting directly on them .

© 2004, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association

8-6-6 AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering

Crib Walls Timbers

a. T he tim ber in the base tier and in alternate tiers above the base shallbe as long as practicable.
Preferably they shallhave a m inim um length of2.5 m eters (8 ft).Joints in each tier shallstagger w ith
joints in adjacent tiers.Crib w all faces shallbelaid closed or open as indicated on the plans.

b. Care shallbe exercised in the installation ofcrib w alls to produce a true and even face built to the line
and grade show n on the plans.A llface tim ber shallbe set horizontally (See Figure 8-6-2 and Figure 8-6-

c. H eaders shallbe spaced not m ore than 2.5 m eters (8 ft) center to center in any horizontaltier if
staggered w ith the headers in tiers above and below.Ifheaders are not staggered,they shallbe spaced
not m ore than 1.8 m eters (6 ft)center to center.T he verticalspacing betw een headers in the sam e
verticalplane shallnot exceed 900 m m (3 ft).

Figure 8-6-1. Typical Sections through Walls of Timber Cribbing 3


Figure 8-6-2. Walls of Open-Face Timber Cribbing

© 2004, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association

AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering 8-6-7

Concrete Structures and Foundations

Figure 8-6-3. Walls of Closed-Face Timber Cribbing Fastenings

a. E ach successive tier ofclosed-face cribbing shallbe drift bolted to the one upon w hich it rests by drift
bolts not less than 19 m m (3/4 in) in diam eter and ofsufficient length to extend through tw o tiers and
not less than 100 m m (4 in)into the third tier.D rift bolts shallbe staggered and not m ore than 2.5
m eters (8 ft)center to center in each tier.

b. A llend joints and splices shallbe lapped and drift bolted at the center;headers shallbe drift bolted to
face tim bers in like m anner (see Figure 8-6-3).

c. E ach tier ofopen-face cribbing shallbe drift bolted to the tiers beneath at each header using 19 m m (3/4
in)drift bolts at each intersection w here no splice occurs or at lap joints,and tw o 19 m m (3/4 in)inch
drift bolts at butt joints.D rift bolts shallbe long enough to extend through one tier and at least three-
quarters ofthe distance into the next tier.D rift bolts shallbe staggered from tier to tier (see Figure 8-6-

d. In treated tim ber cribbing,the hardw are shallbe galvanized. Filling

a. T he filling ofthe interior ofthe crib w allshallfollow closely the erection ofthe successive tiers ofunits,
and at no tim e shallthe w all be laid up higherthan 1 m eter (3 ft) above the backfilled portion.

b. A pproved fillm aterialofpervious,free draining,preferably crushed stone,gravelor other coarse

granular m aterial,w ellgraded from a m axim um size of100 m m (4 in)dow n,shallbe placed in the cells
in such a m anner as to provide a m inim um ofvoids.Larger stones m ay be included ifcarefully
em bedded.A llorganic m atter shallbe excluded from the filling m aterial.Clay or m aterialhaving a large
percentage ofclay shallnot be used as fill. Drainage

See A rticle 6.2.1k,for drainage requirem ents.

© 2004, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association

8-6-8 AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering

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