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* to be announced...

Students’ Event Guide

& Literary Journal
University of Hamburg
T able of C ontents

3 meet the tba-family: juliA

C ategories
4 I see red! i see rote florA!
5 Wreck this club...
university life 6 Preview: farbe lilA @ kaiserkeller/logo
Outrospective: berlin - hamburG

film/cinema Sitting on the Monbijou Brücke over Locations attain significance be-
7 Interview: farbe lilA
the Spree, with the Bode Museum cause of associations, new and old...
exhibitions 9 tba goes commerciaL at my back and the last of the week- the building where you first lived,
market 10 The essence of souvenir tradE end’s sun beating down on me doesn’t the park where you first kissed your
initially seem to be the best place girlfriend, the club where you saw
music 10 Circus from the balkanS
from which to write about Hamburg. your first gig in the city.
11 ParashuramA
locations But being a part of Germany’s Hamburg is recreated in the mind
12 Human fate in a soup bowL “dynamic & flexible” labour force of each one of her inhabitants.
14 A dollar is what i neeD requires many people to move Memories and experiences are there,
creative corner around the country in search of work. floating in the future... just waiting
15 Birdland’s vocal sessionS
Pendlers pendle incessantly across for you to reach out and make them
16 Immergut - quicken your heart the country, living between two cities, your own.
doing their best to make ends meet.
17 Preview: Toro y moI @ grüner jäger
18 tba - Around the worlD Many people come to Hamburg With each edition of tba, we do our
You are welcome to join
the tba-team with your
to work and to study, for love or best to show you our Hamburg...
spirit and knowledge,
19 Review: the wombats present... adventure while others have to leave the city we live and love each day.
whatever it may be! Meet the banks of the Elbe in search of a So let’s leave Hauptstadt to the
us every Wednesday, 6
20 Review: Winter’s bonE
pm at the Anglarium bill-paying job. Each city has its own doughnuts, and revel in Germany’s
(Phil-Turm, 1st floor,
21 Arsenic and old lacE special atmosphere... enriched by the finest city.
room 171) or mail to: experiences and memories you cre-
22 Floral thoughtS Lg aus Hauptstadt,
ate with each concert, stroll or party.
23 Short cutS Your editor

24 Imprint & the tba-familY

Meet the tba-familY

Hamburg is my kismet. I was born on the coast of the Baltic Sea, lived
by the North Sea for many years and moved here in 1999. I am definitely a
Northern Soul who needs to taste the saltwater in the air on a cloudy day in the
tideland. However, I am also a city Mensch who feels suffocated by the quaintness
of small towns. I need more than a limitless sky above me, I need a pavement littered
with cigarette butts and chewing gum to keep me balanced. The city girl in me gets her
satisfaction from the never ending stream of impressions that Hamburg has to offer. This

Source: Sarah Kaufmann

pearl really has more facets than a diamond, and having lived in neighbourhoods as diverse
as Barmbek and St. Pauli, I have come to know quite a few of them.

I couldn’t imagine living without the Stadtpark close by, where we fearlessly jump into the
muddy lake on sultry Summer days. Precious are my memories of watching the sun rise on
that weirdly shaped building at the harbour. This city has the scenery for the kind of film that
you’d like for your life story with the roughness of the streets, soft showers of blossoms along
the copious canals and romantic old shacks on the Elbe. Speaking of films, I adore the little
pearls of the cinematic kind such as the Holi, 3001, Metropolis and B-Movie, independent Lichtspielhäuser that have been
giving the finger to the large multiplex cinemas for numerous decades. Hamburg is so much more than what the tourists get
to see.

The other day I met a woman in the subway who was born in Ghana, raised in San Francisco and had studied in
Sweden. My roommate looked at me and said: “This is why I love this city, can you imagine this happening
in my hometown of 20,000 souls?” This city can do anything. And you can do anything in this city.
Maybe I am too much in love with it, because I am reluctant to leave for anywhere else.
Hamburg is my city… what other city could compare?

owner, Klausmartin Kretschmer, decides to sell, the centre is going to
close for good. The next demonstration will be shortly after the first
I see red! I see rote florA!
one - remember the political tension between left and right will still
Where? Schulterblatt 71 (U/S Sternschanze) be present. Good timing!
How are you go- The police is of course concerned. If these masses of protestors
Read more: Rote Flora page
ing to spend cel- start to vandalize like in 2008, when about 40 police officers were in-
ebration from April 30th to Mai 1st? With your family? Friends? Or jured during street riots, it might be a disastrous celebration. However
maybe you decide to pay the “Rote Flora” a visit. The cultural centre the police stated that they will observe the events. For now, all they
is actually a wonderful place which offers many can do is to be prepared as best as they can
activities to celebrate various events. So the “red with the hope that nothing is going to hap-
flower-world” may be a smooth change from the pen. Let’s hope they’re right.
traditional May–fire, don’t you think!? Unfor- There has been a turn of events though,
tunately, there’s also a dark side involving the concerning the demonstrations in front of the
“Flora”. It’s quite known that the area around the “Rote Flora”. Since it might turn out to be
cultural centre is, well, quite “thriving”. Let tba a catastrophic disaster authorities decided to
explain this shut the doors of the “Rote Flora” for this day.
“thriving-activity” around the centre: It seems that there would have been too many
It seems to have gone on and on for years now – about 20 years people demonstrating their various views which most probably would
actually - that groups with different, sometimes even outrageous, po- have escalated into not just political but - more importantly - physical
litical views come together and “thrive”. As a matter of fact: It’s not fights. Who knows what the damages could have been if authorities
“thriving”, it is bestial brutality against each other because of different had not decided to take this action, which is actually a first in 21 years
political views. If you have a strange sense of humour you might more of existence of the “Rote Flora”.
or less call it a “clash of the titans”. However, the important thing is Well, if you planned to go to the cultural centre you will be
that in Hamburg the place of confrontation often is the “Rote Flora”. disappointed since it will be closed. At least you now know why. For-
This year will be quite exciting since this place is going to be tunately for you: You are reading our beloved tba journal which will
the focal point of a few demonstrations altogether. Among other po- provide you lots of other interesting activities. As to the celebration of
litical schisms between left and right will be one particular demonstra- May 1st, it seems you have to spend this event with friends and (tba-)
tion organized by the “Rote Flora” itself. The reason for their anger is family after all...
the disposal of the cultural centre to private investors. If the present K.B.

Logo: wreck this club - and with it another piece of our culture?!

Where? Grindelallee 5 (U/S Dammtor)

Read more:

Last month’s announcement that one of Hamburg’s most legendary live clubs, Logo, could be torn down and re-
located, annoyed me and made me reflect on Hamburg’s culture. Established in 1974, several famous bands such
as The White Stripes, Sebadoh, The Flaming Lips and Dredg have played in this cosy shed. Initially intended
as a furniture shop, the location soon became a place for students and live-music. But with the growing need for
living space, the property caught the interest of investors. Therefore “the loudest sauna in the city” is to be torn

Source: Milena Vanessa Rizo Blandon

down and replaced by the district authority. The new club should be done before the old gets wrecked. A suitable
location could be the area in front of the district exchange Eimsbüttel, close to the skate park. But would this
replace the Logo as we know it? Is it okay to let a piece of music history go in order to create new living space,
which students urgently need? Although I consider it to be important to build new flats, I still believe it should
not be at the cost of beloved
cultural institutions. The near
future promises to be interesting because the future of Logo
is hanging in the balance... but in the meantime, the sweaty
Rock’n’Roll continues.

Source: Milena Vanessa Rizo Blandon

P review : F arbe lil A @ K aiserkeller / log O

When? 21.05 - ??? pm // 11.06 – 8pm

Where? Kaiserkeller // Logo

How much? ??? € // 5,- €

Source: Julia Tegtmeyer

Indie has a problem. The problem
Read more:
might be that every new pop band
that pops up on the scene uses the prefix “indie” because their management wants
to indicate that they’re absolutely unique and kids should buy their CDs. There
are, however, still bands around that try and make themselves popular without a record deal, with handmade music, self-designed publicity
and like to control every step of their career themselves. Farbe Lila (no relation to the novel) is one of those Indie bands; formed by the
brothers Kjell and Leif and their friend Freddy who have known each other since sandbox times and fourth member, Kjell, they picked
“because of his looks and talent”. All being of a virgin age between 18 and 22, they are still idealistic about their work, want to plan and
create their own projects and not let a record label interfere with their ideas. The band has created a steady fan base in Northern Germany,
especially in Hamburg, and they are diligently working their way through every possible
social network to promote their unabashedly optimistic and positive German Indie Pop.
Hell, they even have their own YouTube-channel called “FarbeLilaTv”. These boys bring
agility and vibrancy to the stage that is beyond comparison and makes people in their
mid-twenties feel like grannies with rheumatoid arthritis. In May and June they will pay
their favourite city in the northern hemisphere a visit and rock the small and intimate
venues of Kaiserkeller and Logo. Let them put a smile on you face, because there is still
hope, there is still joy in music and there is
another band with matching haircuts.
• Unbesiegbar (Lila Welt)
• Licht an (Lila Welt)
Source: Julia Tegtmeyer

• NeinNeinNein (Lila Welt)
• Erleben und behalten (Lila Welt)

I nterview : F arbe lil A

tba: How did you guys come to be musicians? we can all agree on Two Door Cinema Club and The
Farbe Lila: The two brothers were violently forced to play
instruments in their early toddlerhood. How- tba: How do you want to proceed in
ever, so far they haven’t regretted this. Kjell the future? Are you aiming for a major
plays the piano, Leif plays virtually anything, record deal?
and Freddy plays the violin, guitar and bass FL: We have come to realize that we
guitar. Kiwi is learning to play the drums. are only ever completely happy when
Luckily, three of us were also born with an- we plan and complete our projects our-
gelic voices. Verb helfe indes. By now only selves. That’s why we are only working
half of us are taking music lessons any more. with a booking agency at the moment;
tba: Did your band name originate from the the rest is completely handmade and –
novel by Alice Walker? planned by the four of us.

FL: Actually not. People ask that all the time. tba: You seem to have won quite a few
We only watched the film a while ago but since it really competitions. Why is that?
impressed us, we now use an excerpt from the movie as the FL: Well observed, competitions are definitely our thing.
intro to our live shows. Must be because we tend to flirt with the female jury mem-
tba: Why the heck do you guys all have the same hairstyle? bers and the elderly gentlemen seem to get nostalgic be-
cause our looks remind them of the Beatles. That’s always
FL: Oooh, that’s because we never go to the hairdresser
a plus, so we can’t really complain.
and all use the same shampoo. Ok, it’s really just a coinci-
dence… except for Tiwi, he was chosen solely for his hair. tba: Would you humour us with a little anecdote from one
of your concerts?
tba: Which bands impress you musically?
FL: In retrospect, we really love that story about Freddy. We
FL: That’s really different for each one of us, but I think

took part in a contest where we performed as the opening family and of course: girls. We believe in lyrics that don’t
band. After that we had a few beers, only Freddy seemed to give away their meaning at first glance and that you have
have had one over the eight. After 6 other bands, the award to engage in to get it completely. Of course that’s not true
ceremony ensued but unfortunately Freddy was unable to for all our texts.
attend, because he was absolutely convinced that tba: What does Hamburg mean to you?
he was the guardian of the last beer crate. He just FL: We love this city, and most of our gigs are
stood in the door and kept on drinking. As luck here, because the scene is just so much bigger
would have it, we won and had o get back on stage and more affectionate. In Kiel, were we come
to perform again. Somebody actually managed to from, most organizers are narrow-minded and
separate Freddy from his beer crate, only did he intolerant. By now, we even have more fans in
jump off the stage after the second song, bass gui- Hamburg than anywhere else.
tar in hand, and let the crowd carry him back out-
tba: do you have any tips for aspiring indie bands?
side so he could be reunited with his beer. That’s
it, we had to cancel the rest of the gig. And we FL: My friends, you have arrived in just the right
laughed at him. genre. Keep going, never give up and try to put
out new stuff. Use all online networks to reach
tba: What does the process of songwriting look
your fans, put videos, songs and photos online
like with Farbe Lila?
and reach more people this way. Make them get
FL: For the most part, Leif writes the texts and their asses in gear and go to your concerts.
brings ideas into the process. However the whole
tba: What makes Farbe Lila so unique?
song is always completed in our practice sessions.
It takes us quite a long time until we have a new FL: Our live performances. You have to see them
song, because we always knock something on the head and to know what we are talking about.
start anew until we really like what we have written. The tba: Thanks a bunch and all the best wishes for your future!
lyrics reflect our personal experiences, dreams, friends,

Credits for fishing those pearls from
the vast sea of the Interweb go to J. :)

tba goes commercial

T he essence of global souvenir trad E C ircus from the B alkans
Where? Harrys Hamburger Hafenbasar When? once/month: 05/27, 06/24, 07/22
Erichstraße 56 (U3 St.Pauli) Where? DOCKS, Spielbudenplatz 19
(U3 St.Pauli)
Hamburg – gateway to the world. The harbour of Hamburg – a
place where people who have seen lots of different skin colours, How much? 6,-€
temperatures and cultures, meet.
The circus is home to all kinds of people: artists who are strong
If you’d like to rifle through all and lift huge weights or tiny and pile up to huge pyramids;
kinds of sailor’s memories or if animal tamers playing with wild beasts; clowns, who are funny
you are looking for an unusual and lubberly or doleful and melancholic; contortionists, whose
souvenir or birthday present bones seem to consist of rubber... Once a month there is a cir-
from Germany’s most beauti- cus at the Reeperbahn as well: The “Kiezzirkus” party at Docks
ful harbour city, we strongly presents artists from all over Germany and from Hamburg, live
re-commend Harrys Ham- bands and DJs create Balkan flair and the potpourri of a circus
burger Hafenbasar. This highly show for their audience.
endangered shop and museum It’s not just the music that varies; from Gypsy Brass and Ska to
Source: Vera Struckmann contains treasures from all over Electro Swing and Bellydance music, but this night attracts a
the world: clay figures from Egypt, wooden masks from Africa, colourful bunch of revellers
shrunken heads and voodoo dolls from South America and the from all over Hamburg: Stu-
classic Buddelschiff. You can just have a look or buy anything dents, pupils, parents, grand-
you like – all you have to do is stop by during your next Kiez or parents and a few tourists,
habour tour. all of them being part of the
V.S. circus audience.
Hereinspaziert! – Step right
Source: Julia Tegtmeyer


P arashuram A
Where? 02.05.2011 live @ Astra Stube | Campus Open Air Battle
19.05.2011 live @ Kir | Campus Open Air Finale
28.05.2011 live @ Stadtfest St. Georg (entrance free)

Read more?

Source: Ella Sloman

“Fountain Pens and Four Pages of Blank Papyrus” is called the new
EP from the four- headed Hamburg band Parashurama : John (24):
Guitar/Vocals, Lukas (22): Bass, Ivo (21): Keys/Cello
and Nando (21): Drums.
Still, no grudges are held, for Parashurama are indeed aware
The title of the EP sounds poetic, the band name is quite remark- that their Post-Psychedelic-Rock is not as mainstream as
able and a tongue twister to boot. Their lyrics deal with self- the style of the other participating bands and therefore not
discovery, achieved despite many obstacles and social injustices. really suitable for contests. There is, however, a little drop
If this is not reason enough to get curious, then listen to them of bitterness for them, as they will not be able to perform at
and you will quickly be drawn in by their charm. And there are the Hafengeburtstag, which would have been superb. Why
certainly enough opportunities to get to know them. Their lat- the Hafengeburtstag? This is where the finale of “Hamburg
est appearance was at “Hamburg Rockt”, a battle-of-the-bands Rockt’”will take place on 8 May. And what are Parashurama
initiated by the Hamburger Morgenpost and 917xfm. The prize? doing in the meantime? They never rest, they do what they
The winner will be signed by the record label “Ferryhouse”. But can do best - captivating the audience with their dynamic
that was not the reason why Parashurama participated; they saw and, at the same time, deeply emotionally charged melodies.
this more as an opportunity to gain more popularity. Unfortu- In May there are several opportunities for you to be con-
nately they didn’t quite make it to one of the semi- finals; they vinced by their live performances. Lean back and enjoy!
lost their battle against the befriended band The Knights. This is
not as negative as it might appear at first, just consider that there S.R.
were hundreds of applicants and they made it among the top 16!

D er goldene drache – human fate in a soup bow L

Where? Schauspielhaus Hamburg,

Kirchenallee 39 (S/U Hauptbahnhof )

When? 07.5 / 13.5 / 28.5 – 8pm

Hiw much? students: 9€ // others: 11-45€

Read more?

Every child knows the fairy tale of the little cricket who spent her entire summer dancing

Source: Sebastian Hoppe

and making music instead of collecting food. When the winter came, the cricket had no-
where to stay and nothing to eat and went to the ant to ask for a share of the ant’s food. In
the fairy tale the ant refuses the cricket but another kind animal offers her shelter and food
in exchange for music. In real life, the cricket becomes the sex slave to the cruel ant and is mutilated by many men over a long time.

This surreal scenario is a parable embedded in the terrific new play by Roland Schimmel-pfennig. Five actors embody 17 roles that
couldn’t be more different. All these persons live or work in the same house that is the home of the “Thai-China-Vietnam”-restaurant
“Der Goldene Drache” (“The Golden Dragon”) around which the story revolves.

The completely modern and abstract stage design consists of a larger-than-life alu-
minium take-away box that serves as the overheated kitchen, in which the five cooks
of the restaurants prepare the meals. Those meals are also dropping from the ceiling
permanently, hit the floor with a thud and are greeted by
the cooks with a negligible comment:
“No. 23, Thai soup with chicken, Thai basil, ginger, coconut milk and peppers”.
The sterile silver scenery however, plays only a supporting role next to the incredible
Source: Sebastian Hoppe

performance of the actors. With a swift movement, they shed a shirt or an apron like

a snake its skin and turn from illegal immigrants from china into drunk, cuckolded husbands,
from rheumatic pensioners to delicately dancing crickets. Female actors become “Barbie fuck-
ers” and male actors move with the grace of prima ballerinas. Each transformation is unex-
pected and persuasive.
Especially the performance of skinny 32-year-old Sören Wunderlich is so painfully heartbreak-
ing on the one hand and thoroughly repulsive a minute later that you want to run on stage and

Source: Sebastian Hoppe

do something. Make the pain stop, or inflict some pain where appropriate. The fate and fortune
of a Chinese boy without health insurance but with infected teeth, people in power- and love-
less relationships, lonely men, despaired women, lonely women, despaired men, they all merge
at “Der goldene Drache” into a colourful prism of a society of conflicting opposites.

I can’t remember the last time that a play made me laugh, cringe and gasp within seconds. Just as it covers all variations of human
misery and fate, it also manages to pack the gamut of emotions into this piece brimming over with black humour. Touching but not
soppy. Nasty but not exaggeratedly so. You might feel the urge to sneak a
peek of your local Asian restaurant’s kitchen, because who knows what the
cooks are doing there with the big red pipe wrench?

This is not a “maybe-you-should watch-this”, but a “watch!this!now!”.

Source: Sebastian Hoppe

“A doll ar is what i need ...”

Most part-time jobs for students are either interesting and look
good on your CV, or are well-paid. (Ed – irony?) In addition,
you have to find enough time to get all your assignments done
ably include the
for your next seminar session
suggestion to
which includes reading ap-
read the exercise
proximately 200 pages of cap-
again. And as the
tivating text. Unfortunately,
pupils are sup-
this often means that other
posed to be quiet,
areas of your life tend to suf-
you have time to
fer– your job, your studies or
do your own university swork and earn money while doing
that – around 12 € per hour. And if you belong to the count-
If you want to become a teach- less wannabe-teachers of Hamburg University you can find
er someday or if you just like out if this is really what you want to do for the next 50 (?)
to work with kids, here comes a solution: homework assistance. years. Just search for the closest primary school in your urban
district and ask for a job – it might just make your life a lot
As more and more schools finally start to react to the needs of
more manageable.
working parents, the children stay in school after classes and do
their homework there – supervised and helped by you. Of course V.S.
this is not for everybody, but you can test sitting in front of a
class, get used to being called “Frau Struckmann” (Ed – well,
most of you won’t have to get used to that) and having to act as a
role model. Helping the students with their homework certainly
exercises your patience, although your first advice should prob-

B irdl and ’ s voc al sessions

Where? Gärtnerstraße 122 (U2 Osterstr)

When? Next Vocal Session: June 1

Next Jam Session: June 2
two songs. So even if you just started singing you can come and
Read more? try in front of an audience. The songs should preferably be jazz,
soul, funk or swing.
One of Hamburg´s best known Jazz-clubs is in the mood for
music. Located in the basement of a four-storey house with a As a non-singing guest you can experience an (inexpensive) even-
music store on the ground floor. ing full of surprises and amazing music. Surprising, because the
singers and their voices are as different as the listeners. Young,
The club has a small stage including a grand piano and a bar, run old, black, white, male, female, gentle, powerful. Inexpensive,
by the members of the association. The club and all concerts are because on Session nights admission is free and the prices for
organized by the Jazz Federation Hamburg e.V. , a non-profit drinks are a pleasure to students’ purses.
association. The furniture is of dark wood, as well as the walls,
which are panelled. With the dark ceiling, it Every Thursday, at the Birdland´s
gives you a feeling of entering a comfortable Jam Session, musicians can show
cave. Warm lights and painted portraits of what they have got. Of course,
well-known Jazz musicians create a homey you can also show up with your
atmosphere. entire band and if you have
someone to accompany you as
Every first Wednesday of the month, the stage a singer, you can perform there
and the band (piano, drums, guitar and bass) as well. The Birdland is recom-
belong to whoever has the guts to get up and mended to everyone who prefers
sing – professional or not. The evening starts live music on an easy-going, re-
with an arranged performance and afterwards laxed evening with friends..
each singer has the opportunity to present Source: Birdland homepage


I mmergut - Q uicken your heart and dance dance danc E

Where? Neustrelitz (North of Berlin) Stefson,Station 17, Those

Dancing Days, Tino
Read more:
Go find your sleep- Hanekamp, Touchy Mob
ing bag and the old tent, the sun is out. Pack your bags, cheap and Who Knew. More to

Source: Sarah Zimmermann

wine and dancing shoes, it is festival time. follow.
Immergut in Neustrelitz is a small festival known for its Indie- A few fun facts to round
Electro music and has, with only 5000 visitors, a nice familiar the whole thing up a bit.
atmosphere. If you come by car you have to car share to get the best park-
The line-up is admittedly not as overwhelming as your average ing places. (Cars with only two passengers for instance will
MTV festival, but you might get the chance to see some bands have to park farther away from the camping site) If you want
that still need your support, bands that are still unknown and to partake in the art exhibition you can mail your ideas to the
bands that still want to get known organizers and become famous.

Alongside a football tournament, an art exhibition you can take The actual festival takes place on the last weekend of May,
part in, readings as well as your usual festival gigs and club this official start is Friday 27th at 2.30pm and tickets are 50€ for
festival should be marked tba-red in your calender. three days of pure bliss…

The line-up goes as following: for we were dancers all along, dance
dance dance.
 Brandt Brauer Frick, Darwin Deez, dEUS,
Frank Spilker, Gisbert Zu Knyphausen, Hans Un- S.R.
stern & Band,
Herrenmagazin, Jason Collett, Jürgen
Kuttner, Mogwai, Nagel, Nôze, Ra Ra Riot,

Source: Sarah Zimmermann

R ide the wave with toro y mo I @ grüner jäger

Where? Grüner Jäger (U3 Feldstr)

Source: Official website

When? Wed, 11 May, 9pm

How much? 9-11€

From the chaotic jumble of different music styles the analogue, lo-fi aesthetic and
to be found under the non-descriptive label ‘Indie’, throughout the album, his warm,
new subcategories come and go all the time. One of hand-played keyboard and guitar
those to gain wider attention in the last few years sounds are accompanied by sam-
goes under the name of Chillwave. The wave be- ples, loops, and other effects which
gan in the summer of 2009, when the music blog provide the funky, 70’s sound with
Hipster Runoff drew a connection between a handful of a distinct 2011-feel. Toro y Moi is both music for long,
guys spread across the United States making dreamy, 80’s sunny afternoons of reminiscing, and also upbeat funki-
inspired, melodic beats on their laptops. One of the un- ness for summer parties where new memories are made.
derground acts in the front line of this massively hyped
new sound was Toro y Moi, a 24-year old guy from South Get to know the band – and the genre – with these songs:
Carolina, who wooed and won the hearts of music bloggers
Chillwave anthems
and mortals alike with his funky but mellow mix of lo-fi • Washed Out: “Feel it all around”
pop and dusty Shoegaze. Since 2009, all the chillwavers • Neon Indian: “Deadbeat Summer
have moved out of the confinement of their bedrooms and • Small Black: “Despicable Dogs”
played shows across the US and Europe and released both
Toro y Moi
EPs and full lengths. Toro y Moi is on his second album, • Blessa (Causers of This)
‘Underneath the Pine’, which came out in March and he is • How I know (Underneath the Pine)
also playing in Hamburg for the second time. With his new • Still Sound” (Underneath the Pine)
album, studio recordings and real instruments have replaced
the laptop recordings of his first tracks, but he has kept
Source: Official website

tba around the world - C openhagen

All Pictures on this page:

Source: Marius Städler

R eview : T he W ombats P roudly P resent : T hemselves ! @ docks
They were there. They were loud and full of energy. They were • Let ’s Dance to Joy Division
throwing drumsticks in to the crowd. They couldn’t stop jump- • My First Wedding
ing around. The Wombats fulfilled the expectations of their au- • Kill The Director
dience. Oh, and I didn’t catch the water bottle that Matthew • Party in A Forest ( Where’s Laura?
Glitch” which
Murphy threw into the crowd – and I was so thirsty!
is released on April 29. Sometimes, their songs appeared darker
When the band from Liverpool played at the Docks they ap- than they sound on their CDs. You’ll find that the focus was
peared to be really busy on stage yet underemployed. Matthew more on the ‘This is my First Wedding – He’s pissed’-part and
Murphy was singing lead vocals, playing the guitar and the ‘We know how to play the bass guitar’ than on all the ‘Hu Hu’s
keyboards, sometimes all three of them in and ‘Oh Oh’s which they are well-known
one song. But an even more noticeable part for. Fittingly they had an oversized, strange-
was performed by Tord Øverland-Knudsen, looking and somehow scary puppet head on
who is their bassist and sings backing-vo- the amp which they at times used as a mask.
cals: He seemed to have some kind of anti- The Wombats fascinated the concertgoers
falling protection. He bounced and skipped, and they knew it. This is possibly why they
ran and vibrated. At the end of the songs he showed off a bit – by making everybody
would suddenly start balancing his bass gui- wait for two hours and then playing from
tar on his head. The next moment he holds it exactly 9 till exactly 10. Then they took a
at arm’s length and rotates. At certain points Source: Official website
five-minute break and played two more
the band members even added a solo which gave everyone the songs, the last song being, obviously, ‘Let’s Dance to Joy Divi-
special ‘Yeah, we’re at a concert and can hear special things you sion’ – their most popular song which everybody was longing
other people don’t and will never know about’-feeling. And nev- for. But they knew they could behave like this because they are
ertheless the songs were played accurately, synchronically, rhyth- valued so highly by their fans. The spectators appreciated the
mically. The eight-year old indie rock band played a healthy Wombats’ concert, trying to give the band some of their tangi-
mixture of all of their songs and presented some pieces from ble energy back: Let’s Dance to the Wombats!
their new album “The Wombats Proudly Present: This Modern
R eview : winter ’ s bone – hard - as - bone indie cinem A

Hidden deeply in the woods of southern Missouri there is a whole poverty of her family and the total lack of perspective in her future,
different world that most people don’t know about. This world is a nor the cruel treatment of her less than talkative fellow country
place where the few sparsely scattered ramshackle houses are drug bumpkins can stop her. One can hardly comprehend where Ree
dens for people cooking up crystal meth. Most of your neighbours takes her strength from when facing the hopelessness of her life.
are likely to be related to you in some way (and cooking meth) and Without spoiling the end for you, I can warn those of you who are
shooting squirrels when their meth business hoping for a soppy disney-like family reunion.
fails to provide them with enough meat in the It’s not going to happen. Winter’s Bone is not a
grim Missouri winters. Also, they all look like feel good-movie in the classical sense. When
they directly came from the “Faces of Meth” the only member of the family that is willing
posters. to help you is called Teardrop and hooked on
This is life as Ree Dolly knows it. As her meth, you have low expectations in life. The
mother is unable to take care of the children, film, however, exceeds even high expecta-
the 17-year-old girl has to make a living for tions… you might leave the cinema shudder-
herself and her two younger siblings. Into the ing and trying to shrug off the feeling of cold
bargain, her meth-cooking father has posted their shabby home as mist and dirt of the Missouri forests because of its scary intensity.
bail bond and not turned up at court. Ree desperately has to find
The only reason why this film did not win any of the four Academy
her father –or prove that he’s dead. Unfortunately, her fellow Ozark
Awards it was nominated for is probably the brutality, the dirt, the
inhabitants are less than helpful with her pursuit -to be precise, she
craggyness of it. It’s not easy to see why Ree would want to defend
can be lucky if she only gets insults thrown at her. There seems to
her dirty little home, the lack of prospects instead of just giving her
be a hillbilly code of conduct that keeps her dearest inbred rednecks’
siblings into foster care. Blood really seems to be thicker than water
mouths shut.
and life in the Ozarks amongst your quasi-outlaw relatives more
To say that Ree is a tough cookie would not do the film justice. The
desirable than a more prosperous life somewhere else.
girl must either be completely jaded or a born survivor. She has her
mind set on her mission and neither the bleak Missouri nature, the

A rsenic and old l ac E

Where? Theater an der Marschnerstraße who are unfamiliar with the

Marschnerstraße 46 (U3 Hamburger Str) Hamburg Players this would

Source: Henrik Zawischa

be a great choice for a first
When? 11 - 14 and 18 - 21 May
visit because in my opinion
How much? students 7,-€, everybody else 10-15€ ‘Arsenic and Old Lace’ is the
Read more? kind of play that shows them
at their best and for the regulars this is a good opportunity to dis-
Ever felt like seeing a get-together of Teddy Roosevelt, cover some new talents alongside the beloved
Boris Karloff and Dr. Einstein? Probably not. However, old ones. Oh, and while you’re at it, look out
if we have aroused your interest, you should visit Theater for Mr. Spenalzo’s shoes.
an der Marschnerstraße this May where the Hamburg
... and who now are the Hamburg Players?
Players will offer their rendition of Joseph Kesselring’s
iconic play: ‘Arsenic and Old Lace’. For those unfamil- The Hamburg Players are the city’s best-known
iar with the play or the 1944 film adaptation featuring English-speaking amateur theatre group and
Cary Grant: It’s a classic, farcical black comedy revolv- currently playing their 46th season. To provide
ing around the protagonist and soon-to-be-married Source: Henrik Zawischa a taste of their scope: in recent years they have
Mortimer Brewster’s return to his childhood home. Upon arrival he performed A Christmas Carol, Much Ado about Nothing, Murder
is confronted with his aunt’s peculiar take on charity, a brother who on the Nile and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof among other plays. General-
believes himself to be Teddy Roosevelt, another brother who turns ly speaking the Hamburg Players perform three different plays a year
out to be a serial killer and bears a strange resemblance to Boris between November and June and do so with a cast made up of na-
Karloff and his alcoholic plastic surgeon Dr. Einstein. While Mor- tive but also foreign speakers. For anyone interested in the Hamburg
timer is busy keeping the police out of the basement/family morgue, Players, getting involved, on- and off-stage, or their other activities,
coping with his brothers’ respective forms of insanity he also has like the improv workshop, I strongly recommend visiting the website.
to ponder the question of whether insanity runs in the family and
if keeping his marriage promise is really a good idea. For all those

B lume ahoi - floral thoughts , 365 da ys a yea R

Where? Hoheluftchaussee 75

When? Mo, noon - 6pm // Tue-Fri, 10am-8pm //

Sat, 10am - 6pm

How much? 10 gerbera for less than 3€ and nice. You also won’t find big bouquets with green stuff
and here a this and there a that. Flowers and that’s it. And it
We at tba are trying to make every day special. Make it all count
and enjoy it As much as we can. Things that make us happy By the by, the shop itself is incredibly beautiful and when you
help with that, and things that help are mainly other leave, with ten gerbera in your hand and the
people, chocolate and a sweet little gesture. sun shining, it feels as though every-
one around you could just break out
Consider this little gesture being a flower.
singing at the top of their lungs,
365 days a year. And it does not have to be dance around a street lamp... and
Valentine’s Day for a flowery gift. the world’s worries are mo-
mentarily lost in the beauty of
I want to draw your attention t oa
Fresh flowers.
small flower shop in Hoheluft where you
can buy pretty flowers for prettier prices. S.R.
The owner, or so one of the sales assistants
told me, drives to Holland every week to
get cheap but also fresh and good quality
flowers and brings them directly to the shop,
no in-betweeners at all. The sale assistants
themselves are not trained florists, but still helpful

S hort cuts - some beautiful af terthought S

What? Almanya
If we had a staff of 50 and the ressources
of DER SPIEGEL, these are some of Where? Abaton (S Dammtor)
the events we would have covered When? 3 - 11 May
in more detail... Free? 5 - 7.50 €

What? Documentary: “Auf vielen

What? Read Out Stühlen - Ein Leben in
Where? R701, VMP6
When? Tue, 10 May, 6pm Where? Metropolis Kino
Steindamm 52 (U/S Hbf )
Free? Yes
When? 21/24 May, 7pm
Free? No
Once again f rom the renegade master... Banksy!
What? Oneohtrix Point Never
Where? Prinzenbar (U3 St. Pauli)
What? “Atomkraft: Schluss!”
What? The Betterwisser Quiz When? 30 May, 9pm

Sponsor? tba Free? 8€ Where? Jungfernstieg,
Ecke Balinndamm
Where? University of Hamburg, Anglarium (R171)
When? Sat, 28 May, 11.30am
When? Thur, 19 May
What? DJ Shadow Free? Yes
Free? Yes (Beer: 1€)
Where? Uebel & Gefährlich (U Feldstr)
When? Sun, 15 May, 8pm
Free? 24€

Imprint - the tba familY

editor-in-chief p.p. Marc-Liam Toolan

Tobias Steiner, Julia Tegtmeyer, Meet the familY
Hannah Tvede, Catherine Schwerin
Behm Björn (p. 21)
Bortel Klaudia (p. 4)
Füllenbach Kim (p. 19)
Groeneveld Rika (p. 15)
Reichelt Susan (p. 16, 22)
authors Richter Stephanie (p. 11)
Rizo Blandon Milena (p. 5)
Struckmann Vera (p. 10, 14)
(p. 3, 6-8
Tegtmeyer Julia
12, 20)
Tvede Hannah (p. 17)
photography - see picture credits -

Source: Sarah Kaufmann

layout Tobias Steiner
tba - to be announced
2011, all rights
copyright Students’ Event Guide
reserved & Literary Journal
University of Hamburg

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