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If you are missing an arm, you cannot do anything that

JASHINIST CLAN would require you to have two hands, such as dual
wielding or using a two-handed weapon. If you are
In sacrifice we are blessed with flesh undying, a gift granted missing a leg you are always prone unless another
to free the world of its fear. There can be no greater bond creature aids you in standing using the help action, and
must be within 5 feet of you. If you lose your head, your
that that of blood, pain, and death; For only through shared
speed becomes 0 and you cannot take any action except a
pain can one truly understand thy neighbor. With this body free action to speak. Once a body part is removed you
blessed by our Lord Jashin, spread his word, share in pain, have 8 hours to reattach it, or the cells in that part die
and it becomes an inanimate hunk of flesh. If this is your
release lost souls of their fears by sweet embrace of death.
head you instantly die.
—Unknown Author, To reattach a body part you must have both arms, and
your head still attached to your body, otherwise another
-Scripture of Jashin.
creature must do it for you. To do so the creature must
have a medkit, and must make a Medicine check to
WORSHIPERS OF JASHIN reattach each limb. The DC for each limb is as follows
The Jashinist are a clan not of blood, but ideals and ritual • Arm: DC 20 Medicine Check.
who come from all different walks of life. They worship • Leg: DC 25 Medicine Check
the God Jashin, sacrificing in his name. They believe that • Head: DC 30 Medicine Check
you can only truly understand someone by feeling they Each attempt takes 1 hour to complete, and uses up a
pain they do, and that they are doing a service to the single use of the medkit, regardless of pass or fail. Once
world, freeing them of the fear of death by killing them. completed you must finish a Full-Rest to allow your
Sometimes, with enough sacrifice, Jashin deems it fit to body to fully rejoin and heal. If you take any damage
bless one of his followers with a pseudo immortal body, before then you must make a Constitution saving throw
allowing them to continue sacrificing in his name. For to hold your body together, the DC of this saving throw is
some this comes as soon as the ritual of sacrifice is equal to half the damage taken, or 15 (Whichever is
complete, for others they must prove they are worthy of higher) On a failed save the body part is detached once
his blessing. more. If multiple body parts have been reattached roll on
the table until one of the reattached limbs comes up.
CLAN TRAITS Beginning at 11th level you only need to finish a Long
Rest before your limbs are fully healed once reattached.
Ability Score Increase: +2 Con, +1 Str or Dex.
At 18th level you only need to finish a short rest.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Skill proficiencies: Martial Arts, Medicine.
Love the Pain: Beginning at 1 st level you learn how to
Jashinist Hijutsu: You know 1 additional Jashinist Clan
turn pain to further fuel your strikes. When you are
D-Rank Jutsu. This does not count against your Jutsu
hit with an attack roll, and it does not score a critical
hit, you can choose to allow the attack to be a critical

hit. When you do this, the next time you make an
attack roll, or use a Hijutsu, that would cause damage
Jashinist Clan Jutsu: The Jashinist have access to a to that creature they instead take double damage. You
separate list of Jutsu unique to their Clan. You can add can do this twice per long rest.
these Jutsu to your Jutsu list instead of selecting Jutsu At 7th level your tolerance for pain increases beyond
from the Normal Jutsu list. normal limits, revitalizing you as you relish in the
pain caused. Whenever you take damage, but are not
Blessed in Flesh: If your body is ever no longer made of reduced to 0 hit points, you can regain a number of hit
flesh and bone for whatever reason, the blessing of points equal to double your constitution modifier. You
Jashin leaves you, reverting you to your true origin. (This can do this a number of times half your proficiency
becomes non-clan if you do not have the latent bloodline bonus (rounded down) per long rest.
feat. If you do have the latent Bloodline feat your clan
becomes whatever choice you made when taking the Bleeding Weapon: Starting at 3 rd level, learn how to
feat, and may select a different feat in its place.) make your weapon far more deadly at the sacrifice of
your own vitality. As a Bonus Action you can expend 5 hit
Life Everlasting: Due to the ritual performed on you to points to coat your weapon in your own chakra enhanced
become one of Jashin’s chosen, death does not come as blood. The next 3 Melee Weapon Attacks or Taijutsu
easy to you as it does to others. Whenever you fall to 0 Attacks you make against a creature have a chance to
hit points, you do not fall unconscious or die. You inflict the Bleeding condition. When a creature is hit by
instead fall prone and are considered paralyzed, but may one of these attacks they must make a Constitution
still speak. While in this state if you take damage of any Saving Throw vs your Taijutsu or Ninjutsu (Your choice)
kind part of your body is torn away, leaving you without DC or gain a 1 stack of Bleeding. Beginning at 7th level
an arm, a leg, or even a head. Roll 1d6 and consult the you can spend 7 hit points to make this effect last for 5
table below to determine which part of you body is lost. attacks. At 15th level you can spend 10 hit points to make
this last for 10 attacks.
1. Head
2. Left Arm
3. Left Leg
4. Right Arm
5. Right Leg
6. Head

Components: W (Any melee Piercing weapon or Kunai)
Cost: 4 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Bukijutsu.
Description: You turn your weapon on yourself,
plunging it deep within your flesh. You take your
weapon’s damage + an additional 4d6 necrotic damage.
If you are currently suffering the effects of a Genjutsu,
you have advantage on the next saving throw you make
to end it.
At higher ranks: For each rank you cast this Jutsu
above C-Rank increase the cost by 3 and the necrotic
damage by 2d6.


Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action.
Range: 60 feet
Duration: Special
Components: HS, CM, A drop of blood from your ally
Cost: 5 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu.
Description: As part of the activation of this Jutsu you

CLAN HIJUTSU must have taken a single drop of blood from the ally you
wish to target within the last hour. You tap into your

ability to share pain and are able to alleviate your ally of
some of theirs. Select an ally you can see within range,
and select one condition they are currently suffering
WIRE BIND from. The condition is removed from them and applied
Classification: Hijutsu to you as if it was originally applied to you. If the
Rank: D-Rank condition has multiple ranks, you gain all the ranks they
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action previously had. If the creature is suffering multiple
Range: Self conditions, you must choose which condition to take on.
Duration: 1 minute
Components: W (Battle Wire and any melee Slashing or C-RANK:
Piercing Weapon), CM
Keywords: Hijutsu, Bukijutsu. Classification: Hijutsu
Description: You use your chakra to bind some wire to Rank: C-Rank
the end of your weapon, allowing you to swing it with Casting Time: 1 Reaction (Which you take when you take
greater reach. For the duration your weapon gains an damage from a creature)
additional 10-feet of reach and the trip property. Range: 60 feet

Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM, Blood.
Classification: Hijutsu Cost: 9 Chakra
Rank: D-Rank Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu.
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action. Description: You learn how to make others feel a portion
Range: Weapon’s Reach of the pain they inflict upon you. As a reaction when you
Duration: Instant take damage from a creature you have applied the
Components: W (Any Melee Slashing or Piercing Bleeding condition to with a weapon attack or Bukijutsu,
Weapon) the creature must make a constitution saving throw or
Cost: 4 Chakra take damage equal to ¼ of the damage you took on a
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Bukijutsu failure, or half as much on a success.
Description: You stab or cleave forward in a devastating At higher ranks: For each rank you cast this Jutsu
attack, making your opponent gush blood and lowering above C-Rank increase the cost by 3 and increase the
their fortitude briefly. Make a Melee Taijutsu attack damage they take by one step 1/4 > 1/3 > 1/2 > 1/1.
against a creature within your current weapon’s range
reach. On a hit you deal your weapon’s damage and the CURSE TECHNIQUE: GIFTED PAIN
target has disadvantage on Constitution saving throws Classification: Hijutsu
until the end of your turn. Rank: C-Rank

Casting Time: 1 Action.
Range: 60 feet
Classification: Hijutsu Duration: special (See text)
Rank: D-Rank Components: HS, CM, Blood
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action Cost: 9 Chakra
Range: Self Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu.
Duration: Instant

Description: You learn to share your current ailments CURSE TECHNIQUE: OUR PAIN
with those you deem fit. As an action select a creature
Classification: Hijutsu
you can see within range that you have applied the
Rank: B-Rank
Bleeding condition to with a weapon attack or Bukijutsu,
Casting Time: 1 Action
the selected creature must make a Constitution saving
Range: 120 feet
throw or gain one condition you are currently suffering
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
from. If your condition has multiple ranks, you apply as
Components: HS, CM, A drop of blood from your ally
many ranks as you currently have to them. If you are
Cost: 14 Chakra
suffering from multiple conditions, you must choose
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu.
which condition they take. If they condition ends on you,
Description: As part of the activation of this Jutsu you
it also ends for the target your chose, otherwise it
must have taken a single drop of blood from the ally you
remains for as long as your condition remains.
wish to target within the last hour. You swallow the

CURSE TECHNIQUE: UNBURDENED PAIN blood of your ally, binding yourself with them. For the
duration of this Jutsu whenever your bonded ally takes
Classification: Hijutsu damage they take only half as much damage as the other
Rank: C-Rank half is instead dealt to you. Damage you receive this way
Casting Time: 1 Reaction (Which you take when an ally cannot be reduced by any means. If the damage split is
takes damage.) uneven you take the bigger half.
Range: 30 feet
Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM, Blood from your allies
Cost: 8 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu.
Description: As part of the activation of this Jutsu you
must have taken a single drop of blood from the ally you
wish to target within the last hour. You unburden your
ally with the pain they’re about to feel, as a reaction
when an ally you can see within range takes damage, you
can use your reaction to swallow their blood and instead
have any damage they would take that turn inflict you
instead. Damage taken this way cannot be reduced by
any means.

Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: B-Rank
Casting Time: Full-Turn Action
Range: 60 feet. A-RANK:
Duration: Special (See Text)
Cost: 16 Chakra
Classification: Hijutsu
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu.
Rank: A-Rank
Description: To activate this Jutsu you must have a
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action.
applied the Bleeding condition to a creature using a
Range: Self
weapon attack or Bukijutsu within the last hour. You
Duration: Concentration (Special)
allow the blood to drip on the floor, using your foot to
Components: CM
draw a circle, joined by a triangle in the middle. This
Cost: 20 Chakra
symbol takes up a 5-foot space which you are standing
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu.
on. Once the circle is complete your life force is
Description: As part of activating this Jutsu you must be
connected to the creature whose blood you used to draw
under the effects of Curse Technique: Death Controlling
the circle, so long as they are within 60 feet of you.
Possessed Blood. You lick the blood dripping from your
Whenever you take damage the creature you are bonded
weapon, your skin turns a pitch black, with white
with takes the same amount of damage regardless of
overlaying markings that look like bones. For the
type. This circle lasts for as long as you are inside it, if
duration of this Jutsu, you whenever you would be
you leave the circle for any reason, or it is destroyed, this
reduced to 0 hit points, you are instead reduced to 1 hit
Jutsu immediately ends and the bond is broken.
point. This Jutsu lasts so long as your Curse Technique:
If you cast this Jutsu at S-Rank and leave the circle,
Death Controlling Possessed Blood Hijutsu. If that Jutsu
the circle will remain until the end of your next turn, at
ends, so does this one.
which point it will vanish if you do not return to it. If you
do return the Jutsu continues.
At higher ranks: For each rank you cast this Jutsu
above B-Rank increase the cost by 3 and increase the
range of the Jutsu to 500 feet for A-Rank and 1 mile for

Bloodline, Latent and Realized Chart

Feat Feature Name Feature Effect

Latent Latent Chosen Body You gain access to the Life Everlasting Feature with the following changes, gaining
the 11th level feature at 18th level and do not gain the 18th You also gain the 1st level
feature of Love the Pain but may only use it once per Long Rest,
Realized Realized Chosen Soul You gain the Blood Weapon feature, with an increased hit point cost of 3. You also
gain the 7th level Love the Pain feature but can only use it twice per long rest.



Category: Clan
Prerequisite: Jashinist Clan, Level 4+

You learn pain is not something to be avoided but should
be embraced. Further enhancing your ability to take and
deal pain.
• Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum
Designer: Zorat
of 20.
Editor: Zorat and the homies.
• You gain an additional use of the 1st level feature from
Art: Various
Love the Pain.
Naruto Games.
• When you use the 7th level feature of Love the Pain you
Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template by Laura
add 1d4+1 to the hit points you regain.
Cover Illustrator: unknown.
Special Thanks: King for creating the system.
UNDYING FORM Playtesters: None, yet.
Category: Clan
Prerequisite: Jashinist Clan, Level 8+
Your body has been cut, stabbed, squashed, and battered
so many times that you’ve grown a little more sturdy,
and even harder to kill.
• Increase your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution
(your choice) score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• When you fall to 0 hit points, you must lose all 3 death
saving throws via damage before you begin losing
• You reduce the cost of your Bleeding Weapon feature
by 3 hit points.

Category: Clan
Prerequisite: Jashinist Clan
You learn how to use your blood to channel your Cursed
• Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum
of 20.
• You may use your Constitution in place of Intelligence
for you Ninjutsu modifier for your Jashinist Clan
• When casting a Jashinist Clan Hijutsu, you may use
your Hit Points in place of Chakra. For every 2 hit
points you spend on casting a treat that as spending 1

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