Reza Pratama Putra - Speaking 3 - Becoming An A MC

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Name: Reza Pratama Putra

NIM: 205311023
Class: 2A-English Department

Assalamualaikum wr wb
Good morning and greetings to all of us.
By giving thanks to the presence of God Almighty because of His Grace we can gather at the
event we are looking forward to the most, namely the national seminar on the dangers of
First of all, I would like to welcome Mr. Aris Nugraha and the members of BNN.
Welcome to Mr. Kapolda Lampung,
Welcome to Mr. Gdt Wijaya, as a HOSPITAL doctor in medicine.
Once again we thank you for your presence. Ladies and gentlemen, before we start this event,
let us pray according to our respective beliefs, may God make this event beneficial for all of
Prayer begins
Dear guests, before we enter the core of the event, I will read out our agenda for this day. The
following is today's agenda:
1. Opening
2. Speech from the Chair
3. Drug Seminar which will be led by Mr. Aris Nugraha
4. Seminar on the Dangers of Drug Trafficking by Mr. Kapolda
5. Seminar on drug hacking for health by Mr. Wijaya
6. Question and answer session
7 Testimonials from former drug addicts
8. Oath to fight against drugs
9. And closing
Ladies and gentlemen, I only invite the Chairperson to give his speech.
(After the Reception is over)
Thanks to the Chairman for his remarks, let's go to the main event, namely the national
seminar on drugs.
The first seminar on drugs will be led by Mr. Aris Nugraha as a speaker. He is a very
persistent figure in the fight against drugs. Let's welcome Mr. Aris Nugraha.
(After completion)
That is all that can be conveyed by Mr. Aris Nugraha, thank you for your time. Then the next
seminar will be led by Mr. Kapolda as a speaker in a seminar on the dangers of drug
trafficking. He has devoted himself for decades to the fight against drugs. Let's welcome, Mr.
(After finishing)
Thank you to the Kapolda, may you always be given health so drugs in this country are lost.
Ladies and gentlemen, the last seminar is an explanation about the dangers of drugs to health
which will be delivered by Dr. Wijaya as a speaker. He is a doctor who treats drug sufferers.
(After completion)
Thanks to Dr. Wijaya, may you always be given health in carrying out your duties.
Ladies and gentlemen, let's give our speaker a big round of applause. The next event is a
discussion or question and answer session which will be guided by Komang Saputra as
moderator. To Komang Saputra, I invite you
(After finishing)
Further testimonials from drug addicts about their experiences in black circles, drugs. They
are survivors of drugs and are now devoting themselves as members of the National
Narcotics Agency. To BNN, I invite.
I would like to express my gratitude to BNN for the testimonials that may be useful for all of
us. The next event is the Anti-Drug Oath which will be led by Mr. Aris Kurniawan. Attendees
are welcome to stand.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have finally arrived at the end of the event, which is the closing. I
as the host apologize if there is an error in bringing this event and let us close this event with
a prayer. Hopefully the events that we have to solve will be useful for all of us.
Pray start…
Stay away from drugs because drugs destroy the nation! Thank you for your attention!
Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb


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