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Complete the sentences. wedvag tes fore sedge My sake 1 There are'a lot of trees ina _forest rope rds a ss Fs ie af 4 We can use woot ard plats t0 make hc) ogo sleep ‘4 We can make baskets by weaving thn SLs, 5 We can make.lothes lees 6 We use a process called 41 two things that people made out of stone tems Palaces 2 eae by weaving 3 ‘wo things that you cen make with clay 4 azole metal and 3 hard metal ‘Answer the questions. 11 What id early people ute to make clothes? ‘They weed snimal Gur and 2 What did they et? 2. Whyis ey god Sr evoking and etna Fee Boobie 5 How did people make branze? ‘6 What eid people make fom bronze and ror? ead pages 20-23. ir 1 Write the words. / ; tether eilor sky by re threads. nisi) s Dyes A someting iat ints lgucorasous eg G ‘te colors that yeu can ue wit ‘ae. yee om 2 something that you bum 6 Weusea ‘¥0e of paper called cara rate co 3 wherewe ot ites cumicas romok regener (orcad) E A omesueins onda pans gow Excel 4 Answer the questions, t 5 hox tot something is 1. What things can we make from cotton? 2 Complete the diagram. agen fee pak Hastie ys A it gobthenebas 6 New Materials aman, 1 Complete the sentences, re ; a 1 wean sts flip 2) ten tin ee ‘3 We ise Uquid caystats to make pictures on television anc computer S21 4 Diterect materials have citer roe 3 Pept lacrilr in very hot paces. Sprcalelathes POE police offers tom peonle ‘wthweapons. 2 Wate correct sentences 1 Lott ens gla i ahs wanparent Nod ee ee FS colpeats matefas ae stop and Qu nay, soo 5 Complete the puzzle. Then mite te screws. ‘ congurters rave los of Svdecticd spaces, : eeasen aweuse_caeto 2 (Castes a you ematical =[0F] CTT ae 4 dak ae 1 cormoteompune ident aoenenele «Weemn _ materials arduse ther again | comes sn. TT) 4 wht do we tse the mater for Match ‘to lack inside people's badies = co make plewres oa scree, te mae tiny parts fer computers fiberoptic cabias —~ te li planes 5 cd eystals to Insulate tgs Answer the questions. 11 Why do we need foinvent new mates? Récause le ame) 2 way are comauters smaller now than Inthe past? € Reid pages 20-31. 1. Write the words. 2 Complete te sentences. a comet a ks 7 thes eg eee is Sica a note Inthe ground 0 Wook for oil jae ies eon lets 4a st der the aroun. 5 People bun PRBS ® heat their Fomes. 5 — In tunnels underthe ground.

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