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o Where offshore radio is available: panicked message regarding loss of power
o Where no radio available: Phone call from EERV Vector Rescue (VR) reporting
PSV Red Supplier (RS) has collided with Pelican Explorer (PE)
o PE calls reporting heavy contact between RS and PE- damage unknown, detail to
follow initial assessment.
o No contact with RS other than radio

o Wind 35kts 093° Gusting 45kts
o Mean sea height reported 3m 120°
o Max sea height 4.5m 175°
o Pelican Explorer (PE) is a drilling vessel currently drilling and held in position by
anchor pattern
o PE is located 17.5Nm @ 123° from X
o Other vessels as per real conditions
o All other environmental factors as per real conditions at time of exercise
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o Begin Log
o Call On call numbers and inform client + marine tech
o Collate WX and tidal conditions (only possible if charts are available at their
o Note position of all on hired vessels and calculate best speed steaming times to
incident location (allow for WX and Sea when estimating best speed)-avoid
discussing with other vessels to prevent information leaks
o Collate and prepare telephone numbers of EERV + PSV on site and available
o Collate and calculate information as may be required by nature of incident
o Contain any information leak
o Follow instructions from ERT


o Activate appropriate ER plan

o Call out team members
o Establish POB from X
o Call coast guard
o Begin comms with PE, VR and RS- (if appropriate)
o Activate initial notice for pollution prevention contract
o Call vessel broker and establish availability of AHV
o Open comms with RS and PE management company
o Establish vessel likely drift direction-Info from X
o Begin media management plan
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o VR reporting RS has made heavy contact with PE-RS is hard up against the beam
of the PE and is being driven against the hull by the waves and wind
o PE-report contact as above and include that damage teams are making way to
inspect for underwater damage-no report yet
o Only radio comms with RS
o ERT-initial information share
o 3mins in, RS has drifted off the PE and is now drifting-X to begin calculating likely
drift and looking at potential 2ndry collisions with other platforms-Real world
locations etc.
o 5mins in, VR phones reporting MAYDAY from RS. Vessel has lost all power and is
drifting. ABZ coast guard have responded and received initial information.
o ERT.
o VR call reporting fire onboard PE and loss of comms
o ERT call saying loss of contact with PE-X expected to report info from VR
o VR report comms established via radio with PE and fire under control-3 injured, 1
need medi-vac-------This needs to be communicated with the ERT-call from ERT if
prompt needed
o ERT request berths for 3 AHV ASAP for loading of emergency equipment-X to call
operations and request berths ASAP due to an emergency-no detail should be
disclosed (this call can be done in theory with EC in room)
o VR reports oil slick (estimated size of slick is 300m by 200m and increasing)
coming from PE
o PE calls to report same
o ERT call for update regarding berths-X should pass on info regarding oil
o RS call reporting power re-established, 1 minor injury being treated onboard,
vessel under control. Damage control complete, they have a hole in the hull.
Vessel has dumped all PW and DW and is now sitting high enough in the water to
prevent ingress. Vessel will make way to ABZ steaming time 32hrs.
o ERT call reporting that oil control is being mobilized along with AHV. Medi-vac en-
route and no additional support required at this time.

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