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7.1 comparatives
1 Complete the text with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets.
Race across London
Which is faster – public transport, cycling or driving? In this week’s Travel Challenge three
reporters travel across London in a race to be the fi rst person to the London Barrier. But whose
form of transport is 1BETTER (good)?

Alfi e: I’m completing the challenge in my car. It’s quicker, 2 more comfortable (comfortable) and
a lot cheaper than public transport. And who says it’s 3 dirtier (dirty) than public transport? Look
at the pollution from buses!

Tessa: I know cycling is 4 lower (slow) than

the other two on a clear road but London has a lot of tra- c and it’s 5 busier (busy) in the

rush hour when we’re racing. The quickest form of transport isn’t important in these conditions –
it’s the smartest way to travel. Unfortunately, it’s also 6 more dangerus

(dangerous) than the others.

Troy: I need to think quicker than the others and get my times right. I’m using public transport so
missing a bus or tube is a 7 bigger (big) problem than the traffc for me.

2 Read the text in Exercise 1 again and write correct

1 Alfi e thinks public transport is cheaper than a car.

Alfie thinks that public transport is more expensive than a car. / Alfie thinks car is cheaper than
public transport.

2 Alfi e thinks his car is dirtier than public transport.

Alfie thinks public transport is dirtier than his car

3 Tessa thinks public transport is more dangerous than cycling.

Tess thinks cycling is more dangerous than public transport.

4 Tessa thinks using the quickest form of transport is more important than choosing the smartest
way to travel.

Tessa thinks that choosing the smartest way to travel is more important than using the quickest
form of transport
5 Troy thinks tra- c is a bigger problem than missing a bus.

Troy thinks that missing a bus is a bigger problem than traffic. / Troy thinks that traffic is a smaller
problem than missing a bus.

3 Look at the table and write sentences. Use the

adjectives in brackets.
1 plane/bus (fast) v

The plane is faster than the bus.

2 car/plane (comfortable)

The car is more comfortable than the plane

3 train/bus (expensive)

The train is more expensive than the bus

4 bus/car (slow)

The bus is longer than the car.

7.2 superlatives
1 Complete the questions with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets .
1 Which is the fastest (fast) way to travel?

2 Which is the slowest (slow) way to get there?

3 Which is the most expensive (expensive) form of transport?

4 Which is the cheapest (cheap) form of transport?

5 Which is the most comfortable (comfortable) way to get there?

6 Which is the best (good) way to get to Ankara?

7.3 giving, checking and correcting

1 Look at the map and underline the correct


1 To get to the hospital, turn left/right at the corner and it’s on your left/right.

second, left
2 For the cinema, go straight up/on here, go after/past Duke Street and turn left/right into James
Street. Then turn left/right into Wood Street

– the cinema is on the left/right.

near, corner

3 The bank is on/in the corner to/of Wood Street and Gower Street. It’s next to the cinema – you
can’t/don’t miss it!

left, right

4 A clothes shop? Yes, there’s a clothes shop ahead/near here. It’s in/at Gower Street, ahead/past
the sports shop.

next, left

2 Look at the map and complete the conversations

with one word in each gap.
1 A: Excuse me, is go straight on a café near here?

B: Yes, there’s a café in turn left Street. It’s

straight-ahead the corner.

2 A: How can I get the second the museum,


B: Um, let me think. OK, you go past Duke Street and turn go straight on into James Street. Then
go on your right on, and the museum is on your.

3 A: OK, so for the clothes shop, I past r,

right into Gower Street and go past the bank?

B: No, you turn corner. And then you go straight on and it’s on your (turn) left.

4 A: So the university is in James Street Go straight on, the museum, on my right?

B: Yes. It’s very big – you can’t turn right it!

1 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs and adjectives in the
do –expensive- far- fast- go (x2)- leave
near- tell- turn
A: Excuse me, do you speak English?
B: Yes, I 1 do

A: Can you 2 best me the best way to the railway station?

B: Well, the best way is to walk. Go straight on here, past the church, then turn left and

3 go straight on for about a kilometre.

4 turn left again at the river. It’s a lovely walk.

B: How far is it?

A: It’s 5 further than you think – it’s about thirty minutes to walk.

B: Oh. My train 6 leaves in twenty minutes.

A: The 7 fastest way is by taxi.

B: That’s probably 8 more expensive than a bus.

A: Yes, it isn’t cheap. Look, the bus is quite close. The number 8 9 goes very o en and it’s faster
than walking.

B: Thanks – where’s the bus stop?

A: The 10 nearest bus stop is just at that corner over there.

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