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S. N Name Employee Number ORN Remarks

1 Not Activated
Metlapalli Srinivas 16241888 8591749277 NO0000I6V64M Not Working
(HPOC IS Phone)
Immadisetty Suresh Srinivas Sim
2 10015240 8591749278 NO0000I6V64N Working
Kumar Inserted for
Activation purpose)
In IS Phone
3 Arik Paul 10057286 8591749279 NO0000I6V64O Working WLL (1152)
4 Manikumar
10035108 8591749280 NO0000I6V64P Working Available
5 Sateesh Are 10030433 8591749281 NO0000I6V64Q Working Available
6 Shivam Singh 17000045 8591749282 NO0000I6V64R Working WLL (5138)
7 Bishnu Mishra 10023770 8591749283 NO0000I6V64S Working WLL (1087)
8 Soumyendra
10021151 8591749284 NO0000I6V64T Working WLL (1210)
9 Given to
Vijaya Maddipatla 17000029 8591749285 NO0000I6V64U Working
Rajeshwara Rao
10 Given to
Rajeshwar Rao 37102091 8591749286 NO0000I6V64V Working
Rajeshwara Rao
11 Given to
Mukul 10020244 8591749287 NO0000I6V64W Working
Rajeshwara Rao

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