Marketing Jargons: A/B Testing

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Marketing Jargons

A/B Testing

Trying out two marketing strategies which are identical but for one part - so you can see
which does better.

Above the line

 A form of advertising - press, radio, and television that earns a commission for the
advertising agency, that contracts the advertising space and broadcast time on behalf of a

Ad copy

The words in an advert.


The placement and purchase of announcements and persuasive messages to publicise a

company or product.


An advert which looks like a news article or editorial.

Affiliate marketing

Performance-based marketing where a business pays an affiliate for each visitor or customer
introduced via the affiliate's efforts, e.g. PPC


Discovery of meaningful patterns in data.

B2B advertising

Business to business advertising

B2C advertising

Business to customer advertising

Below the line

Promotional methods such as catalogue marketing, direct marketing, and trade fair marketing
that are under the direct control of the marketer or client and earn no commissions for the
advertising agency.

Legally called a trademark: something that identifies one company's services/products as
distinct from its competitors.

Brand equity

The financial impact of the brand on the bottom line profits.


Instructions of what a client wants.

Call-to-action "CTA"

This is the name for wording and links on a website which drive you to do something, like
"click here" "read more" "buy now".

CIM "Chartered Institute of Marketing"

The world's leading professional marketing body, representing and developing marketers,
teams, leaders and the profession as a whole. They offer a range of professional marketing
qualifications recognised throughout the profession.


An article, video, image etc which exists to be seen and engaged with. For example, this list!


Context is making sure that the content reaches the right audience.

Data Capture

Capturing the details of users, for example contact details and preferences.

Direct marketing

Advertising directly to consumers, for example via emails, rather than through a mass


 Double page spread of advertising in a print medium

Dynamic content

Dynamic content is having content which reaches different users depending on what
information the website already knows. For example, if a website has recorded that you like
black skirts, it will show you content related to black skirts.

Eighty-twenty rule
80% of products are bought by 20% of the consumers.


Person who uses the product, not necessarily analogous with the purchaser.

Inbound marketing

Marketing which focuses on pulling in a consumer by the means of content.

Lead nurturing

The act of providing contextually relevant content to the right audience at the right stage in
the buying cycle to channel them into becoming customers.

Marketing automation

Its purpose is to streamline marketing campaigns by replacing manual processes with

automated solutions. For example, tracking codes can track what the user does and feedback
to the marketer.


An idea which spreads from person to person. They are cultural analogues to genes in that
they self-replicate, mutate and respond to selectivity. On the internet, memes are typically
funny images or phrases. The word itself derives from the Ancient Greek for imitation, like a

Outbound marketing

Marketing which focuses on buying ads, email lists etc.


The imaginary profile of a target customer.

Qualified lead

A user which has opted in to receive communication from you, such as a newsletter

ROI "Return on Investment"

The measure of the success of a marketing spend.


A term created by our partners at HubSpot, Smarketing refers to aligning sales and
marketing. This is a critical aspect of Customer Success – making sure that multiple parties in
your business are coming together and are updated with each others’ goings on. This will
allow your message, brand and goals to remain consistent throughout your sales process, and
allow you to perform things like closed-loop reporting

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