Disagree To Interviewer: Cure Is Better

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Set 1: Some people claim that for the success of the interview, the interviewee

should agree with what the recruiter believes while others think that the
interviewee should have their own opinions even though the opinions might
contrast the interviewer’s belief.

Interviewee should agree with what recruiter believes:

- Recruiter is the one gaining a lot of knowledge from practical cases in their

Ex: Those who work in HR profession => overcome + interview lots of pp

=> pờ rồ vjp =))

- Interviewee needs the job so they have to show that they want to adapt to
what recruiter told them => make the recruiter feel that he/she is studious

Ex: leave a friendly impression => recruiters will feel more open and
comfortable. => easy to talk or to share another experience.

- Show a perfect teamwork skill because (b/c) you can agree with someone’s
statements and then give them a compliment before you show your own opinion.

=> Ex: không biết =))) tới đó chém

Disagree to interviewer

- Show them you different in idea

Company need contrast idea to succeed

Debate,see different faces of problem

Ex: In a meeting boss show an idea. If everyone all agree, no one see the
mistake, the risk of Project

- Show you different in attitude

Ex: Most employee try to kiss boss ass =)))))))))))))))

Confident, ready to stand up for own opinion

Set 3: Some people claim “prevention is better than cure”. To what extent do
you agree or disagree with this saying? Give reasons and examples to support
your point of view.

Cure is better
- Health education has its limits. smoke smoke smoke skome sokme / don’t

Ex: discourage smokers by placing surgeon’s warnings and revolting pictures.

><smokers still light up => seriously questioning government endeavours of
prevention rather than cure.

Nevertheless, through the same period cancer treatment has improved considerably
even producing beneficial spin-off discoveries for asthma suffers.

- even if prevention has solid evidence of being effective there is the common
case of patients suffering by pure chance
- . For example, it is known that people can suffer from lung cancer having
never smoked anything whereas someone smoking twenty a day can escape
such illness.

Prevention is better:

- The cost for you to stay healthy is cheaper than the one you will use to treat a
serious illness.

Ex: just pay 200$/ month to go to the gym but pay millions to cure cancer.

- Compared with going to the hospital and taking antibiotics, eat clean or going
to the gym with the purpose of gaining your immune system is far more easier.

- Prevention can help you to prolong your age while cure force you to pay a
huge amount of money to hold your age day by day.

- Diabetes and heart diseases,cancer

=> imposible to cure

=> easy to prevent

Set 4: Nowadays, young people often send their parents who get old to
nursing homes. Do you think this is a positive or negative trend? Give
examples to clarify your viewpoint.

Negative trend:

- Parents are those who raise you when you are a child who doesn’t know
anything even walking so it is quite unfilial when you abandon them when they get

- Seniors are emotionally very sensitive, and they need love and support from
their family but when these old parents are sent off to nursing homes no one can
measure the amount of sadness and loneliness they feel.
- they mostly live in an environment surrounded by sick people. This leads to
increased chances of contracting infectious diseases as majority of the old people
have comparatively weakened immune systems.

positive :

- well equipped and provide professional care.

administration of medicines and record is also kept in case for future


Family cannot take care well

- Fun

Chidren go to work , school all day=> getting bored,mental problem => die
fast =))))))))

Friends same age, talk about life, play chess

ĐỀ 5 LẸT GÔ gô đề 5 bí r

Set 5: Recently, while young people often consider backpacking as a thrilling

way to travel, parents only see dangers out of this trend.

Advantage of backpacking

- explore their own world with their authentic self. conformist vs. rebel

- It gives them strength and confidence.

- They will be more open- minded. => Due to experiencing many different
cultures and events => different view on life

- Learn how to be flexible.

Parents only see dangers:

- Don’t have enough experience to survive when you decide to go backpacking

=> be lost or cheated in another country.

Ex : kidnap, rape, đát rai!

- cannot have a perfect treatment when you get sick. =>die ô cê

Ex: travel to some countries like India, China => dirty food => die again

- Young, curiousity => ready to try anything attractive or even dangerous => die

EX: dare to jump from waterfall =)))))))))))))) gud

đi ngủ

gudnight my friend pơ phẹc

<3 <3 <3

Set 6: Plastic bags should be banned completely to help protect the

environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give examples to
support your point of view.


- Some parts of many products in today world cannot be replaced by another

materials such as clothing fabric.

- Solutions for plastic bags are even worsen such as paper bags require us to
continue clearing forests and also carry a large carbon footprint

- Plastic bags are cheaper than paper bags so to some businesses they cannot
afford the cost of paper bags. Banning plastic bags can threaten the growth of their
- harmful to wildlife marine life
Turtle get trapped in plastic, bird eat => health infection and death
- Harmful to human
Human eat fish, fish eatplastic => consume chemical cancer serious condition
Food is stored in plastice bag => causing a hormonal imbalance

Set 7: People eat too much sugar and salt these days. To what extent do you
agree or disagree? Give examples to support your point of view.

- People nowadays care much more about their health => care about their daily
meal . Ex: VN is a case in point - 10 years ago there was not much gym
centers but after a decade, thousands of them have been opened => have a
right direction for people to control their staple diet.
- Eat clean is a trendy word nowadays. Ex: via social media, books and
magazine => people have a tendency to have a healthy lifestyle without using
salt and sugar excessively.
- With higher living standard, people tend to care much about their body shape
=> they know what they eat in order to have a perfect body.

- More fast food restaurant opened
- Want food delicious=> cook add more sugar and salt => avoid home cooking
- Obesity, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure
Set 8: Should schools teach subjects like art and music?
- Art improves academic achievement. => Ex
- Art and music enhance creativity in kids => Ex hates me and I hate them back
- Art and music create cultural and personal connections. =>

“ you can't judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree

- ( for right brain people) give art genius a chance to impress themselves since
=> They realize their ability, become pro
Exxx; teacher and students only clap hand and congrat student with and A
- ( for nomar people) if academic hard, then art and music to reduce stress
from it=> time for creativity,more emotional,motivate them to school

Set 9: Do you think foreign cultures threaten the identity of the nation? Give
examples to support your point of view.

- With some ancient civilisation, they can keep their own identity or even spread
them to the world. Tet holiday of VN or Kanji alphabet in Japan are inspired by
China but when pp look at some cultural aspects they still can distinguish the
difference between those countries.
- Foreign cultures create a diversity in tradition,it adds something new on the
old one but cannot eliminate the original identity of a country. Such as Vn is
conquered by France but they can keep their own xì tai.


- Confusion own identity if we do not have enough knowledge to own

culture.Copy from foreign cultures, lack of proper understanding



West: kid costume as a witch to ask for candy

Vn :adult dress creepily,full of blood, scare people

- No value on traditional culture.

Get bored with own tradion: tet holiday

Set 10: Are social skills more important than education when looking for a
job? Give examples to support your point of view. copy sợt gu gồ =))) ô cê


- Job skill can be taught. Ex: If you’re about to step into a new job, your
manager can teach you how to run a complex software program or maintain a
client account. But she can’t teach you how to be a kinder person, a better
conversationalist, or a stronger listener.
- Above friendship, under lò vé relationship with colleagues enhances the
efficiency in workplaces. ex: if people do not know how to get along with their
workmates , they would suffer from extra stress in their work . Furthermore ,
social skill assist people to enlarge the circle of friends and enrich their lives

Disagree : bái bai

- specific job : law, medicine ,teaching => require : level of qualification,
academic degree
need to have in depth knowledge and Professional skill
- Devote a lot of time to study and effort to study in order to attend an
advanced university => they prove that they are hard-won candidate
Not criteria but Standard to judge

step ahead of others, higher positon apply

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