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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 4: Management and Operations (488)

Submission date 06/12/2021 Date received (1st submission)

Re-submission date Date received (2nd submission)

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1. Trần Minh Thi

2. Nguyễn Đức Quang Minh

Group number:
3. Trần Thị Ni

4. Trần Nhựt Hạnh Dung

5. Bùi Thị Lan Anh

Class GBS0908A Assessor name Huỳnh Ái Vân

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Table of content
I. Introduction
II. Management and Leadership concepts
1. Manager/ Level of manager/ Manager’s roles/ Manager’s skills
2. Managerial functions
3. Leadership
4. Differences between the role and characteristics of a leader and a manager
5. Organizations with and without manager/leader
III. Management and Leadership theories
1. Management theories
2. Leadership style
IV. Recommendation
1. How manager influence others
2. Comparison management theories/leadership style in different
3. Which management approach and leadership theory should be applied in the
chosen company
V. Conclusion
VI. Reference list
I. Introduction
In recent years, the Vietnamilk and dairy products production and processing industry has grown
rapidly, providing a wide range of products for the country's economic life and meeting domestic
demand, gradually replacing imported dairy products and participating in exports with a wide
range of models and types. Furthermore, the industry has produced considerable contributions to
the state budget, provided many jobs for employees, helped to secure people's lives and social
stability, and has established itself as a key link in Vietnamese agriculture. In this article, we will
show you how to manage and operate specific leaders and managers of companies like Vinamilk .
II. Management and Leadership concepts
1. Manager/ Level of manager/ Manager’s roles/ Manager’s skills
1.1. Manager
 A manager is someone who is in charge of a certain area of a corporation, or who manages the
company. Managers may be in control of an entire department as well as the individuals that
work there. The manager may be in control of the entire company in some situations (Joseph,
 A manager is a person who primarily performs managerial duties. They should have the authority
to recruit, dismiss, punish, evaluate performance, and keep track of attendance. They should also
be able to approve overtime and vacation requests (Joseph, 2013).

1.2. Level of manager

According to Launch (2020), the phrase "management levels" refers to the distinction that exists
between various managerial roles within an organization. The number of levels in management
grows in lockstep with the growth of the organization and employees, and vice versa. The various
levels of management can impact the chain of command within an organization, as well as the
degree of authority and, in most cases, decision-making power that all managerial roles have.
1.2.1. Top-level managers:
Include the board of directors, the president, the vice president, and the chief executive officer.
These executives are in charge of overseeing and controlling the entire company. They set the
company's goals, strategic plans, and policies, as well as make decisions on the company's future. In
addition, top executives are crucial in mobilizing external resources. Shareholders and the general
public hold top executives accountable (Lumen, 2021).

1.2.2. Middle-level managers:

 Middle managers include the general manager, branch manager, and division manager. For the
functions of their department, they must report to upper management. Top-level managers
devote more time to organizational and directional functions, whereas middle-level managers
devote more time to these functions. Their roles can be summarized as follows (Lumen, 2021).
 According to Lumen (2021), implement organizational strategies that are in line with company
policies and the objectives of senior management:
+ Identify and communicate information and policies from top to bottom management; and,
most importantly,
+ Inspire and guide lower-level managers to improve performance.
+ The following are some of their functions:
+ Create and implement effective team and intergroup work and information systems;
+ Identify and track group-level performance indicators;
+ Diagnose and resolve issues within and across workgroups;
+ Create and implement cooperative behavior reward systems.
1.2.3. Lower-level managers:
 According to Lumen (2021), low-level management positions include supervisors, department
heads, and foremen. These supervisors are primarily concerned with command and control.
Lower-level supervisors are usually in charge of:
+ Assign employees to tasks;
+ Supervise and guide personnel in their everyday operations.
+ Ensure product quality and quantity;
+ Make ideas and recommendations;
+ Improve employee problems.
 According to Lumen (2021), lower-level managers, often known as first-level management, serve
as role models for employees. These supervisors provide:
+ Basic supervision is required;
+ Inspiration;
+ A strategy for your future;
+ Criticism of performance;
+ Managing and supervising employees.
1.3. Manager’s roles:
According to Duong (2021), roles in communication and relationships:
+ To the outside world, that person represents the collective that he or she is in charge of.
+ On the inside, there is a leader who brings people together to achieve a common purpose.
+ Collect information from subordinates as part of the information function.
+ Get information from superiors and disseminate it.
+ Provide outsiders with information.
- Determinant role:
+ The manager's most crucial responsibility.
+A manager is someone who has decision-making authority and is accountable for their actions.
1.4. Manager’s skills:
 According to Talentbold (2021), management skills are defined as each manager's knowledge and
ability to fulfill specific company tasks. Work or people management activities are examples.
 Self-study and everyday practice help to develop management skills. Either by carrying out
appropriate professional actions and responsibilities. As you continue to learn and gain practical
experience every day, your management skills will gradually improve (Talentbold, 2021).

2. Managerial functions
Managerial functions, or activities, are perhaps the most common manner of classifying a
manager's job. Individual roles, or activities, are separated into the management work according
to this notion (Mania, 2016).
2.1. Planning:
According to Editorial (2021), managers set organizational goals and devise a strategy to attain
them during the planning stage. Management makes strategic decisions to set the organization's
direction throughout the planning phase. Before deciding on the best course of action, managers
can discuss many options for achieving the goal. Managers often conduct an in-depth
examination of the organization's existing state of affairs while planning, taking into account the
organization's vision and mission and assessing the resources available to accomplish
organizational objectives.
2.2. Organizing (and Staffing):
The goal of organizing is to divide resources and delegate responsibilities to individuals in order to
meet the planning stage objectives. To organize the budget and personnel, managers may need
to collaborate with other departments inside the company, such as finance and human resources.
Managers aim to create a productive working atmosphere during the organizing stage. Managers
often consider an employee's motivation and aptitude when assigning them to positions and
responsibilities that are a good fit for them (Editorial, 2021).
2.3. Leading:
Leading entails encouraging and influencing employees' behavior in order to achieve
organizational goals. Rather than focusing on tasks, leading focuses on managing people, such as
individual employees, teams, and organizations. Although managers can guide their teams by
providing orders and instructing them, great leaders frequently connect with their people by
using interpersonal skills to encourage, inspire, and motivate them to perform to their full
potential (Editorial, 2021).
2.4. Controlling:
According to Editorial (2021), controlling is the process of assessing the plan's execution and
making necessary adjustments to guarantee that the organization's goal is met. Managers
execute activities such as educating staff as needed and monitoring deadlines throughout the
controlling stage. Managers keep an eye on their personnel and assess their performance. They
can conduct performance reviews and provide feedback to employees, including compliments on
what they're doing well as well as suggestions for improvement. They may also offer high-
performing staff pay rise incentives.

3. Leadership
 An individual's or a group's capacity to influence and guide followers or other members of an
organization is referred to as leadership (Mary, 2007). Making smart — and often tough —
decisions, communicating a clear vision, defining attainable objectives, and providing followers
with the information and skills they need to reach those goals are all part of leadership. From
business to politics to region to community-based groups, leaders are found and necessary in
almost every sector of life. Self-confidence, good communication and managerial abilities,
creative and inventive thinking, tenacity in the face of failure, readiness to take chances,
openness to change, and level headedness and reactiveness in times of crisis are all traits of an
effective leader.
 Individuals that exhibit these abilities in the workplace can move to executive or C-level roles
such as CEO, CIO, or president. In Vinamilk's dairy sector, notable individuals have displayed
excellent leadership. The devotion and contributions of all members of the firm, under the
exceptional leadership and management of key employees, have resulted in Vinamilk's strong
development and success over the last 45 years. Not only is bright and bold, but he also cares
deeply about the company's accomplishments (Vinamilk, 2021).
 Each stage has its own distinct features. The corporation estimates exports while stabilizing
domestic parts. This strategy was put into action in 1997, when CEO Mai Kieu Lien traveled to
Iraq's combat zone to execute a contract with a partner. This is a significant challenge. However,
the people here have tried and embraced Vinamilk's goods, which is the most significant benefit
of the first export cargo. Vinamilk's double-digit export growth rate, worth around $300 million
per year, is built on this first achievement. She also led the firm through a critical turning point in
the late 1990s when she declined the joint venture. Vietnam was one of the most appealing
markets for foreign-invested businesses at the time (FDI). Acquisitions and mergers are more
fascinating than ever. Vinamilk had to decide whether to "sell yourself" or "keep yourself."
 If the partner owns 70% of the firm, the remaining 30% is owned by the partner, which implies
the company has no say in management. If you accept the offer, the leader's remuneration will
be extremely high, but the workers' earnings would be quite low. Over the course of a year,
Vinamilk examined and debated with each other several times before deciding not to form a joint

4. Difference between the role and characteristics of a leader and a

In the corporate sector, the terms "leader" and "manager" are interchangeable, although their roles are
distinct (Rahaman, 2021). For every business, managers determine the vision, mission, and objectives,
and leaders convey the vision, mission, and objectives to the people. Leaders' primary responsibility is to
communicate company ideals and objectives to employees. The following are the differences between
the roles and traits of a leader and a manager:

Leaders Managers

Managers will develop business objectives for

Leaders will focus on objectives which are the
developed by managers. organization.

A leader interacts with the employees. A manager interacts with the leader.

A leader works with a team. A manager gives instructions to groups.

Leaders implement the ideas of the managers Managers invent the ideas.

They focus on employees They focus on resources.

Their main responsibility to inspire employees Their main function to develop plans

They motivate workers for the performance They instruct the subordinates to perform
improvement. better.

Leaders can influence employees to give the Managers encourage the leaders to motivate
best the
outcome. employees

5. Organizations with and without manager/leader

a. The contrast of an organization with and without leadership
Leaders are among the most important jobs in the organisation, as they must always possess self-
confidence and humility in order to inspire and guide their subordinates, intelligence in order to face
various obstacles, and reliability and honesty designed to persuade others and create a safe (CFI,2015).

With Leader The operation will go off without a hitch and in the direction that has been established.
Furthermore, staff productivity and morale are improved. Furthermore, employees give
their all for the company, which boosts employee productivity and morale while also
increasing profits. As a result, executives will steer the organization in the proper
direction and encourage employees to achieve their objectives.

Without If there is no leader, the company's operations would be completely chaotic since the
Leader employees will be without direction and will have no goal to fight for. This indicates that,
in comparison to its competitors, the firm will find it difficult to run, sustain, or even
survive with such obsolete practices. Furthermore, there is no one to inspire the person
and help them do better at work. Overall, the company's inability to run and flourish is
hampered by a lack of leadership.

The leader is responsible for setting a clear vision for the business, encouraging employees, guiding
them through the employment process, and boosting morale. They offer direction to all employees to
ensure that they carry out their responsibilities. They also guarantee that employees feel empowered to
perform successfully in order to meet the company's objectives. Without a leader, the company will be
lacking in direction and purpose, making it difficult to strive towards and flourish.
Vinamilk has been managed by Mai Kieu Lien for almost 40 years, making it the most successful instance
of state-owned firms during the restoration period. Revenue, profit, and return on equity all increased
steadily and strongly for the dairy industry's top company.
Many indices demonstrate that company performance has been at an all-time high throughout the
years. Revenue was 51,041 billion VND in 2017, with a market capitalization of 302,773 billion VND, or
more than 13 billion USD. This is the third year in a row that the firm has been the most profitable in the
stock market. The company's goods are sold in more than 40 countries.
Vinamilk's road to capturing customers, with billions of dollars in sales over four decades, was told by the
dairy industry's "female general."

b. The contrast of an organization with and without management

Management skills are characteristics or talents that an executive should have in order to do
various jobs in a company (CFI,2015). They include the ability to carry out executive functions in an
organization while avoiding crises and quickly resolving difficulties when they arise.

Learning and practical experience as a manager can help you build management abilities. The abilities
enable the manager to relate to their coworkers and know how to deal effectively with their
subordinates, allowing the organization's activities to run smoothly.

With The company's mission and vision will be broken down into smaller, more manageable
Manager objectives that will establish a clear route to the final goal. Furthermore, employees will be
rigorously allocated to the most appropriate job and will receive prompt assistance and
coaching. Managers also assist the organization in monitoring and ensuring the progress
and outcomes of its employees after they have completed their task. In general, a manager
is someone who has a certain vision for their department and represents them in order to
interact with other units in order to achieve the company's objectives.

Without Because there is no one to keep them in line, there is a drop in corporate morale as well as
Manager staff productivity. Furthermore, without a manager, the company's earnings would suffer
owing to a lack of organization and control over its employees. Overall, a lack of
management might cause the organization to collapse.
Managers play a critical part in an organization's scheduling and decision-making processes, working
as supervisors who manage and monitor workers to ensure that they are moving in the proper direction
while also promoting their spirit and effort. Managers are also in charge of disseminating the
organization's short-term goals and encouraging long-term measures in accordance with the
expectations of the senior executive team. Finally, without any supervisors, the company would not run
=> If Mai Kieu Lien only worked as a manager for Vinamilk, she would not have the power to make all
major decisions in the company and could not lead Vinamilk to develop as it is today.

III. Management and Leadership theories

1. Evolution of Management theories
Management theory is a system of ideas and concepts: summarizing and explaining management
activities practiced in the real world. Management theory is also based on practice and has been
systematically studied through the ages, especially since the 19th century (UKEssays, 2018). As a result,
humans have a huge and rich heritage of management that managers have inherited today.
It can be said that governance is the same age as human civilization. Five thousand BC the Sumerians
(modern-day Iraq) perfected a complex system of commercial processes with a system of scales
(UKEssays, 2018). The Egyptians founded the state 8000 BC and the pyramids are a vestige of the level of
planning, organization, and control of a complex structure (UKEssays, 2018). The Chinese also have tight
governmental institutions, exhibiting a high level of organization (UKEssays, 2018). In Europe, techniques
and methods of management began to be applied in business from the 16th century, when commercial
activities were flourishing (UKEssays, 2018). Before that, management theory had not been developed in
business because the production and business were limited to the family.
By the 18th century, the industrial revolution had moved production from the household to the factory
(UKEssays, 2018). As the scale and complexity increased, the study of management began to become
urgent, but it also focused on production techniques rather than the content of management activities.
In the 19th century, the interests of those directly managing production and business establishments and
of scientists to manage activities were really exciting (UKEssays, 2018). While still focusing heavily on the
technical aspects of production, it also paid attention to the labor aspects of management, as Robert
Owen sought to improve the working and living conditions of workers. In terms of management, Owen's
work has laid the foundation for management studies, especially studies on the relationship between
working conditions and business results. Since the late 19th century, efforts to research and develop
management theories have been conducted extensively. And it was Frederick W. Taylor at the beginning
of the 20th century with his scientific management thought that laid the foundation for modern
management and since then, management theories have been developed rapidly, contributing positively
to modern management. the miraculous development of human society in the 20th century.
1.1 The classical approach
The classical management philosophy is founded on the notion that employees have primarily physical
and economic needs (Buffington, 2009). It disregards social demands and work happiness in favor of
specialization of labor, centralization of leadership and decision-making, and profit maximization. This
idea was developed only for the goal of simplifying operational procedures, boosting productivity, and
profitability. Classical management theory was developed in the late 1800s and was widely used in the
first half of the twentieth century (Buffington, 2009). Although the theory is no longer extensively used,
some of its ideas are still applicable in small manufacturing-related enterprises.

Strengths Weaknesses Application

 The classical approach has a  Many of the assumptions Classical management is a

clear organizational made by classical writers were simple idea to grasp: it is a
hierarchy with three based on value judgments that leadership role that strives
separate management conveyed what they regarded to maximize benefits for
levels, which is one of its to be good life-styles, moral workers, investors, and
advantages. Each codes, and attitudes toward consumers to fair and
management team has achievement, rather than consistent levels. In 1908,
distinct goals and duties. scientific testing. Henry Ford achieved this
 The division of work is one  Failure to consider the informal goal by pricing the Model T
of the advantages of the organization - In their cheaper than his
traditional management emphasis on formal competitors' automobiles.
method. Projects are organizational relationships, He also raised workers' pay
divided down into smaller, classical approaches often to double what the market
more manageable jobs. The overlook informal rate was. "Every time I cut
tasks and expectations of relationships, which are the price by a dollar, we
employees are clearly characterized by social attract a thousand more
outlined. This method interchange among employees, consumers," Ford claims.
permits workers to the emergence of group
concentrate on one topic leaders other than those
and restrict their scope of designated by the formal
knowledge. organization, and so on.
 Employees should be  Classical approach gives the
motivated by monetary notion that the organization is
incentives, according to a machine and that employees
traditional management are merely components to be
philosophy. In other words, placed into the machine to
if they have something to make it function efficiently,
look forward to, they will with the premise that workers
work more and be more would conform to the work
productive. This allows environment provided the
management to have a financial incentives are
tighter grip over the satisfactory.
workers.  Organizations are impacted by
 Classic management external variables that often
philosophy revolves around change over time, yet
the autocratic leadership conventional management
approach. It argues that an theory portrays a picture of an
organization should have a organization that is unaffected
single leader who is by external forces.
responsible for making
decisions, organizing, and
directing personnel. All
decisions are taken at the
top and relayed to the rest
of the organization.

1.2 The behavioral approach

The behavioral approach to management originated mostly as a result of practical managers discovering
that the classical method assumptions failed to achieve total efficiency and workplace harmony. The
behavioral approach to management emphasized what traditional proponents disregarded - the human
factor. The classical thinkers saw the organization from the standpoint of production, whereas
behavioral proponents viewed it from the standpoint of the person. The behavioral approach to
management emphasized individual behavior and group dynamics, as well as the significance of
behavioral activities at work. The Hawthorne investigations, conducted in the late 1920s and early 1930s,
contributed to the credibility of the behavioral approach. The human relations approach and the
behavioral science approach are two subdivisions of the behavioral approach.
 The human relation approach
The phrase "human relations" refers to how managers interact with their subordinates. Managers
encounter several challenges since employees rarely adhere to established and balanced patterns of
conduct. Supporters of the human relations approach believe that management should recognize
employees' demand for social acceptability and acknowledgment. The work group should be viewed by
management as a positive force that can be utilised successfully. As a result, managers must be skilled in
both human relations and technical abilities.
 The behavioral science approach
The Human Relations Approach is an extension of the Behavioral Science Approach. It assigned a
monetary value to the attitudes, conduct, and performance of individuals and groups inside
organizations. Advocates of the behavioral science method believe that people are far more complicated
than the classical approach's economic man description and the human relations approach's social man
description. This approach focuses on the nature of employment and the extent to which it satisfies the
human urge to demonstrate skills and competence.
This strategy incorporates communication, motivation, participatory management, leadership, and group
dynamics to improve employee performance. The behavioral approach recognizes leadership quality as a
critical factor in managing performance. It focuses on group dynamics and acknowledges the role of
individual attitude and group behavior in corporate efficiency.

Strengths Weaknesses Application

 Contributed to a greater  The method Vinamilk is a company with a tendency to

understanding of the impact emphasizes the manage according to this method,
of HR factors at work on significance of because the leader always creates all
organizational success, as labor to favorable conditions for employees when
well as the need of providing employees working in Vinamilk. The proof is Vinamilk
job satisfaction to workers. while ignoring consistently values its employees,
 Most theories aimed to money ensuring that they are totally pleased with
provide rules for practical concerns. benefits such as health insurance, social
managers to follow in order insurance, and unemployment insurance
to satisfy and encourage in accordance with state rules.
staff. Furthermore, the firm arranges regular
 Improve your productivity. health checks for all employees, provides
required equipment during the working
process (gloves, workwear, labor tools,
and other devices), office workers are
supported with laptops, and sales
personnel have phone costs subsidized.
Those who study while working are also
completely supported, with the goal of
providing the best opportunity for all of
them to improve.

1.3 Quantitative approach

Statistics, optimization models, information models, computer simulations, and other quantitative
techniques are used in the quantitative approach to management. The quantitative approach is based on
the idea that organizations are decision-making units (Devault, 2020). The employment of mathematical
models that convert fundamental factors into numerical terms can help make these decision-making
units more successful. The key branches of quantitative management are as follows:
 Management science:
This school of management theory is concerned with the creation of mathematical and statistical models
that serve as a simplified representation of a system, process, or connection in the form of models,
formulas, and equations. These strategies assist managers in making the best use of organizational
resources in the production of goods and services. With the advancement of computer systems and
computational powers, this discipline of management has expanded tremendously.
 Operation management:
Operations management is a branch of management that focuses on the efficiency, effectiveness, and
production of systems, processes, and functions utilized in the manufacture of goods or the provision of
services (Devault, 2020). It focuses on the operation and control of the production process (such as
resource utilization) that converts raw materials into completed goods and services. It also considers
how well the functional processes meet the demands and desires of the consumer. Operations
management is a subset of mathematical models that apply defined measurement methods to
operational settings.
 Management information systems:
Information systems enable more efficient information generation, administration, and communication
within and outside of organizations (Devault, 2020). By giving information in a more timely and relevant
format, the information enables more efficient management decision-making.
 Total quality management:
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management paradigm that emerged during WWII during Japan's
rebuilding. W. Edwards Deming was perhaps the most well-known proponent of this management style
(Devault, 2020). Total quality management (TQM) is a management strategy that focuses on the
following operational elements:
 Customer Service
 Enhancement of Value
 Employee Involvement
 Team Synergy
 Product Quality in the End
 Rather than finding flaws, problems should be avoided.
 Quality is a universal obligation.
 Continuous Enhancement
 Statistical evaluation
 Process-Oriented
 Continuous improvement and learning
 Education and Training
 Measurement Precision

Strengths Weaknesses Application

 It creates linkages  Individual behaviors and Vinamilk is one of the companies

between quantifiable attitudes cannot be that use this method to manage
elements in decision- adequately accounted for by the company. Specifically, Vinamilk
making situations and mathematical models. will collect statistical information
promotes disciplined  The time required to acquire as well as customer feedback about
thinking. quantitative abilities may the company's products. From
 By evaluating cause the development of there, the company will predict
complicated statistical other managerial talents to customer needs by quantitative
data, mathematical be delayed. method and come up with the
models aid in the  Mathematical models often most suitable strategies for the
generation of precise need a set of assumptions company's products.
and accurate that may or may not be
outcomes. feasible in an industrial
 It is beneficial in areas situation.
of planning and  Among the several
control where managerial responsibilities,
quantitative data is its application is confined to
accessible. Data and organizing, staffing, and
logic are used to make directing. It is more
decisions rather than commonly used in planning
intuition and and control purposes.
judgment.  It does not remove risk, but
 There are computer- rather strives to mitigate it.
based statistical  It presupposes that all
software available factors influencing the
that aid in the problem can be specified
examination of numerically, which is not
qualitative data as always the case.
well (dummy variables  Decisions are frequently
are used to analyze made based on little
the non-quantifiable knowledge.

1.4 The system perspective

The Systems Approach to management theory, widely regarded as the cornerstone of organizational
growth, sees the organization as an open system composed of interconnected and interdependent
pieces that interact as subsystems (Gordon, 2021). As a result, rather than researching the various
subsystems separately, they should be studied in tandem. The systems approach, in general, evaluates
the overall efficacy of the system rather than the performance of the subsystems. This enables the
application of system principles across organizational levels inside the company, rather than focusing
solely on the aims and performance of various divisions (subsystems). Organizational success is
determined by the interaction and interdependence of the subsystems, synergy among the subsystems,
and interaction between internal (closed system) and external components (internal system). This
approach acknowledges that an organization relies on its surroundings for critical inputs. Furthermore,
the environment serves as a channel for the outputs of the organism.

Strengths Weaknesses Application

 It aids in the  This method is somewhat Vinamilk's organizational chart is

investigation of the abstract and hazy. presented professionally and assigns
operations of  It might be challenging to departments in a logical and acceptable
complex apply to large, way, notably decentralizing the
organizations. complicated businesses. responsibility of each corporate member
 It is probabilistic as  It is not a prescriptive and department. The organizational
opposed to management theory in structure allows us to function in the
deterministic. the sense that it does not most efficient manner possible and
 It has served as the provide tools or allows departments to collaborate closely
foundation for new procedures for practicing in order to establish a strong Vinamilk.
types of managers.
organizations such  It does not address the
as project causes of power and
management social inequities.
organizations.  It makes no mention of
 It is possible to the nature of
bring out the inter- relationships or
relationships in interdependencies.
many functions
such as planning,
directing, and

1.5 The contingency approach

The situational method, also known as the contingency approach, is founded on the assumption that all
management is basically situational in nature (Aftab, 2019). The circumstances of a particular scenario
will influence (if not dominate) all managerial actions. Contingency theory expands on established
concepts of System Theory (Aftab, 2019). It recognized that an organization is an open system composed
of interconnected subsystems. It goes on to say that the behavior of individual subunits is dependent on
internal and external environmental factors. These might involve the interaction of two additional sub-
units or other systems. This is especially true when these internal or external units/systems have an
impact on a sub-desired unit's output. Contingency theory also suggests structural alterations or designs,
leadership styles, and management mechanisms in an organization that enable it to respond to
environmental contingencies.

Strengths Weaknesses Application

 It offers a realistic  It lacks a theoretical Vinamilk's preventative management strategy

perspective on foundation. is built on the concept that there is no one-
management and  Before acting in a size-fits-all solution. The term "backup"
structure. scenario that is not alludes to a circumstance that arises out of
 It rejects the always viable, the nowhere. Vinamilk, effective organizations
universality of executive is required must adjust their strategy, organization,
principles. to be aware of all leadership, and control to the conditions. As
 Managers are potential courses of part of a whole management scenario,
situational and action. Vinamilk managers will establish the
non-stereotyped.  It does not suggest a conditions of a task, the needs of
 It lends itself to a path of action. management activity, and connected
managerial style  Many elements can individuals. Leaders must then attempt to
that is original and have an impact on a incorporate all of these factors into the best
creative. scenario. It is tough to answer for a given issue.
evaluate all of these

2. Leadership style
The interrelationships between leaders and different functions in the firm are demonstrated by their
leadership styles and approaches. As a result, various theories on how to detect a leader and how a boss
interacts with others would be discussed.
2.1 Trait theory
The theory of character-based leadership says that leaders must be people with superhuman qualities,
must have values that are superior to the rest of the people, and the superlative qualities and
values themselves. Their inherent superiority has helped them become outstanding and become the
heads of a country, a tribe, a religion or an organization (Measom, 2019). Leadership scholars and
researchers of the period from the 1930s to the 1940s have conducted research and have found that
superiority, superior value such as extremely strong, extremely assertive , extremely strategic, having a
more strategic vision than people are the basic, key factors to help someone become a leader. Because
of that, the leaders of this period were people with unlimited power and they often controlled their
subordinates through that limitless power.

Strengths Weaknesses Application

 Trait Theory aided in  The leadership Steve Jobs, the previous CEO of Apple,
shifting the focus away attribute hypothesis was well-known for his attractiveness.
from the Great Man falls short of covering People admire him for his ability to
Theory of Leadership, all events and passionately convey ideas. Intelligence,
opening up new scenarios. self-confidence, honesty, and drive are
possibilities in the field  Because many writers some other characteristics of a good
of leadership studies. provide distinct sets leader. Leadership candidates are
 It resulted in of characteristics, the frequently subjected to personality
considerable theory becomes less assessments in order to identify their
advancements in the precise. strengths and weaknesses.
study of human  Other leadership
personalities and traits. factors are not taken
 Rather than restricting into account by trait
leadership to just a few theory.
behavioral leadership  There are no
types, as in the Lewin comparison results
leadership research, from trait theory.
the theory adds much-  There are no surveys
needed complexity. that illustrate how
 It advises leaders on varying degrees of
which attributes to the same attribute
work on further. influence a leader's
conduct and
 Finally, there are no
definitive tests for
measuring these

2.2 Behavioral theory

Behavior-based leadership theory was born in the 1950s after scholars, researchers, and practitioners
began to feel the weaknesses and limitations of the theory of leadership. Leadership is based on
qualities. Behavior-based leadership theory holds that anyone who, by his actions and behavior, causes
others to follow his or her intentions, is truly a leader. Behaviors can be tailored in such a way that one
can have specific responses to particular triggers.
As a result, leaders are born, based on the ability of people to measure their leadership potential
through psychometric measurements. Then the people who can become a leader are the ones who
teach others the most appropriate behavioral responses to any given situation.

Strengths Weaknesses Application

 Behavior theory  It disregards the Looking at a task-oriented PNJ leader vs a people-

influences mental oriented leader is an excellent illustration of
behavior. processes behavioral theory in action. Whether there is an issue
 It boosts self- involved in with a team, a task-oriented leader will assess the
esteem. learning. process to determine if the workflow needs to be
 It dismisses the altered. A people-oriented leader will approach
possibility of individuals and ask them what the problem is.
biological forces Regardless of the behavior you pick, behavioral
playing a role in leadership theory, as cited by PNJ, helps leaders focus
human behavior. on their actions and use their decisions to become
great leaders.
The Fami Product Manager has monthly soy briefings
for anybody who has problems, questions, or ideas on
how to improve or use the product. This is the
moment for leaders to address needs and assist
individuals who are utilizing the product in whatever
manner. It is possible to remove behaviors that may
have an impact on product quality.

2.3 Participative theory

The Participate Theory is centered on a leader who prefers to work with others in setting objectives and
allowing employees to participate in organizational choices. There are three types of leadership.
Autocratic leadership expresses authoritarianism when leaders make final decisions on their own
without consulting employees. The democratic model encourages debates to generate many elements
for decision-making, but the ultimate ideas are decided by leaders. This is regarded as the finest
leadership style in a company. Laissez-Faire allows employees to be creative and empowers members
and departments to make their own decisions on how to operate efficiently.
Strengths Weaknesses Application

 Boost team morale. Participative  Time costs have Microsoft / Bill Gates: Bill
leaders offer every team member a risen. Gates, the creator of Microsoft,
chance to speak up. Employees are  In high-stakes recognized the importance of
more motivated and engaged with circumstances, it is empowering people and
their job because they have an inapplicable. discovered that the best
active role in the company's  Deadlocks in approach to surpass market
success. decision-making competition is to include
 Encourage cooperation. Employees  Accountability is competent team members in
are given the freedom to lacking. decision making. You can agree
collaborate to achieve goals, with me that he was successful.
establish strategies, and assist one
another. Collaboration helps to
boost morale and increase
communication among team
 Find innovative solutions. Because
employees are encouraged to
interact, there is a free-flowing
interchange of ideas, which
frequently results in inventive
 Decisions are accepted more
readily by teams. Employees are
more confident in the final product
when they know that each team
member contributed to the
decision-making process.
 Enhance employee retention.
Participative managers create an
environment in which employees
feel really valued. They provide
staff with several growth options,
demonstrating that there is the
opportunity for advancement
within the organization, as well as
opportunities to put their ideas
into action. This has a tremendous
impact on staff retention.

2.4 Contingency theory

One of the best-known and well-studied situational theories introduced in the 1960s was Fred Fiedler's
theory also known as stochastic theory. Contingency theory suggests that group performance depends
on the interaction between leadership styles and how favorable (or unfavorable) the situation is. First of
all, about leadership style, Fred Fiedler believes that there can be two leadership orientations: Task
orientation and Relationship orientation. A relationship-oriented leader cares about others, focuses on
human relationships, is sensitive to the emotions of others, and cares about enabling followers to
participate. Solve problems of groups and organizations. Task-oriented leaders focus on directing work
for subordinates, care about work structure, are goal-oriented, and care highly about performance. Fred
Fiedler proposed that the success of task orientation or relationship orientation is depending on the
degree of advantage or disadvantage of the scenario after establishing two leadership directions.

Strengths Weaknesses Application

 The contingency strategy is  A sophisticated Restaurant Manager at Pizza Hut

fluid in nature. As a result, technique is used in the In this circumstance, we may
it varies depending on the contingency strategy. assume the following situational
circumstances. It enables The approach's idea is factors:
managers to adapt policies relatively basic, but in There will be little trust. Because
to changing circumstances. practice, it becomes you are new to the position, your
 The contingency strategy more difficult. team will not trust you. Second,
assists managers in  The contingency strategy because worker turnover is
improving their leadership is fundamentally significant, it will be difficult to
and decision-making reactive. Managing establish solid ties.
abilities. problems can be difficult The task structure is complex. This
 The contingency strategy for managers at times. is due to the fact that there are
gives employees  The contingency strategy incredibly explicit operational
alternatives, which allows suffers from a lack of protocols to follow, which include
them to grow and share literature. It is not everything from how to cook each
their ideas with the enough to argue that "a pizza to how to greet guests at the
company. managerial action is restaurant.
 It aids in the creation of dependent on the Position power is really strong. You
organizational structures context. have the authority to recruit and
and the planning of fire employees, as well as to
information decision reward and punish them as
systems. needed.
A relationship-oriented leader is
most suited to this sort of
function, according to Fiedler's
Contingency Theory of Leadership
and our table above.

2.5 Situational theory

This notion is about the adaptability of a leader's judgment in different situations in order to discover the
best answer (Measom, 2019). As a result, no one is a good leader in all situations. Hersey and Blanchard
recognized four unique leadership styles based on the preparedness of followers. According to the
diagram below, while delegating is appropriate for exceptional and eager followers in order to allow
them to freely produce and build various values for the organization, leaders must direct or explain
explicit instructions and provide monitoring for untrained and insecure ones. Leaders should collaborate
with those who have low confidence but high qualification, or vice versa, to encourage or train them to
finish their incompleteness.
(situational, 2014)

Strengths Weaknesses Application

 Leaders can employ  Situational leadership may During World War II, Dwight D.
whichever leadership generate uncertainty inside Eisenhower served as the
style they think is most an organization because a supreme allied commander. He
appropriate in a given situational leader may vary was later elected President of the
scenario. their approach to meet the United States. His success in each
 For good leaders who demands of each team or of these jobs is generally credited
know how to use it, a individual. to his ability to use diverse
situational leadership  Situational leadership is prone leadership styles in each setting.
style might be more to focusing solely on short- During the conflict, he was noted
comfortable. term objectives, and as a for his ability to juggle "the
 This form of leadership result, may ignore long-term interests and egos of a galaxy of
style is extremely objectives. generals and political leaders." He
straightforward, as all  Situational leadership does was also known to wander among
that is required is the not always function well when the troops, shaking hands and
capacity to analyze and repetitive tasks must be lifting morale. His ability to adapt
respond to a situation. accomplished since this style to different settings and
 Employees will feel of leadership is adaptable, individuals aided him in becoming
more at ease in a whereas many task-driven a superb diplomat and leader.
situational leadership organizations are not.
setting since the  Situational leadership is
leadership style used dependent on the leader's
will often meet their capacity to assess an
demands. employee's degree of
 This form of leadership maturity. Some leaders are
takes into account unable to do so successfully
employees' varied and may, as a result, give a
degrees of growth and leadership style that does not
helps to meet each fit a certain individual or
employee's skill level team.
and needs.

2.6 Transactional theory

The transactional leadership style is concerned with the fundamental management processes of short-
term control, organization, and planning. Transactional leadership inspires and guides subordinates
largely in the interest of self-interest (VietnamBiz, 2019). Transactional leaders have influence because of
their official authority and duty inside the organization (VietnamBiz, 2019). The basic purpose of
subordinates is to obey the leader's directions. Leaders feel that encouraging others through a system of
incentives and punishments is effective. If the subordinate follows the leader's instructions, he or she
will be rewarded. He will be penalized if he does not comply. To attain daily goals, the interchange of
task performance, incentives, and penalties occurs regularly.

Strengths Weaknesses Application

 Clear structure: A  Working under a specified Bill Gates was born in 1955 in
department led by a framework might diminish a Seattle. He met Paul Allen in
transactional leader has company's preparedness to his early teens at Lakeside
clear duties and lines of adapt when necessary, since School, where they both built
command so that employees may be unused to computer programs as a
employees know whom to deviating from a prescribed pastime. Allen went to work
report to or go to when structure. Giving instances of as a programmer for
they have a query or when it is okay to change Honeywell in Boston when
complaint. Employees can plans can assist employees in Gates went to Harvard. They
be more efficient as a result identifying changes to founded Microsoft in 1975,
of this since they can focus enhance performance and and by 1978, when Gates was
on following the framework fulfill objectives. 23, the business had
rather than deciding how to  Devalued creative generated $2.5 million.
continue. expression: Employees in a Microsoft released Windows
 Employee motivation: transactional system are in 1985. Bill Gates is currently
Because a transactional seldom required to come up one of the world's wealthiest
leadership structure with their answers to issues persons. He used to visit new
removes personal because the system specifies product teams and ask
sentiments from how to respond. As a result, uncomfortable questions
evaluations, incentives, and workers may be less until he was happy that the
punishments, it may creatively developed, teams were on track and
establish an equal working therefore including team understood the aim(STU,
environment for all members in brainstorming 2014).
employees. This makes it and planning may create an
simpler for employees to opportunity for staff to be
stay motivated to do their creative and acquire new
best work since they know abilities.
that doing so is the greatest  Unfair responsibility: In a
way for them to succeed in transactional paradigm,
their careers. employees may be held
 Fair treatment: By using a accountable for work
transactional approach, you practices that are not their
may isolate your sentiments chosen strategy, which can
for any workers from any lead to dissatisfaction if they
decisions such as job fall short of performance
distribution or vacation standards. When evaluating
time. This makes it easy to outcomes, it is critical to
treat all employees fairly, evaluate if the reduced
regardless of any personal production was due to an
friendships that exist employee's performance or
outside of your employee- the framework you gave to
supervisor relationship. find areas for improvement.
 Setting fair and recognized  Impersonal method:
benchmarks may be an Transactional management
efficient method to help necessitates a detached
your employees perform at attitude to rewards and
their best. With a punishment; nonetheless,
transactional approach, you this might result in a work
describe your expectations culture in which employees
for workers openly and in feel undervalued. It's still
concrete terms, allowing crucial to try to get to know
each employee to your employees and make
understand what you want them feel valued and
from them and setting an respected.
attainable aim for them to  Lack of development: While a
strive towards. structured approach helps
 Fiscal responsibility: Setting keep employees informed of
clear norms and your objectives and work
expectations for your practices, it may not create
employees will help you opportunities for them to
reduce inefficiencies in your further their careers.
team. When your Offering fresh possibilities to
employees work more employees and being open to
efficiently, you may cut their suggestions for more
your operational costs, efficient methods of working
allowing you to either can stimulate creative
reduce the cost of running thinking within a
your department or boost transactional system.
production from a set  Rotate job responsibilities:
budget. Employees who work under a
 Easier training: One of the transactional leader may
key reasons firms focus on discover that their daily
employee retention is duties become monotonous,
because employing a new which may be detrimental to
employee might necessitate morale and productivity.
investing money in training Breaking repetitive cycles,
the new employee to get such as enabling employees
them ready for their role. A to switch positions or
structured system, when organizing team events that
used in conjunction with a take employees out of their
transactional management typical duties for a day, may
strategy, may make it keep work interesting and
simpler for new members employees pleased.
to become acquainted with
their new function since
they have fewer queries or
misconceptions as they
become acclimated.
 Short-term productivity
boost: The installation of
transactional leadership
practices does not have to
be permanent to have a
good impact on your firm.
Implementing a time of
transactional leadership,
structure, and review can
result in higher productivity,
allowing a firm or
department to fulfill
enhanced objectives during
a busy phase or recoup
after a slower segment.

2.7 Transformational theory

Transformational leadership theory is a leadership style that affects both individuals and societal
systems. This strategy, in its optimal form, produces meaningful and positive change in followers, with
the ultimate objective of assisting subordinates in developing into leaders (VietnamBiz, 2019).
Transformational leadership improves subordinates' motivation, morale, and performance through a
number of ways, including matching subordinates' awareness and selves with their tasks and selves.
corporate identity, express inspiration, identify subordinates' strengths and limitations, and assign
suitable responsibilities to them. Transformational leadership may occur at any organizational level,
including teams, departments, divisions, and the entire company. Visionary, inspiring, courageous, risk-
takers, and mature thinkers are characteristics of such leaders. They have a seductive attraction.

Strengths Weaknesses Application

 Since the 1970s,  Lacks conceptual clarity - As evidenced by a recently recovered

much study has parameters are difficult to 1999 interview with the Amazon
been conducted describe founder, Jeff Bezos has always known
from a variety of  The assessment scale does that the key to running a successful
angles. not often clearly business is to focus on the customer.
 It has intuitive differentiate between Despite the reporter's objections in the
appeal as a concept components (for example, video, Bezos provides a daring vision of
(compatible with idealistic stimulation, what the world's greatest online store
the general public's inspiring motivation, will someday become — and how he
perception of what intellectual stimulation, would deliver it. In many respects,
leadership entails). and individualized Amazon is the ideal paradigm of
 It provides a more consideration are all transformational leadership,
comprehensive comparable). demonstrating that by focusing on a
view of leadership  It can be viewed as a succession of short-term objectives (the
that complements personality feature or firm began as a bookshop, after all), it is
existing leadership personal disposition rather feasible to achieve things on a larger
paradigms. than a behavior that can be scale.
 It places a heavy taught.
focus on the needs,  It has the potential to be
values, and elitist and antidemocratic
morality of its since it provides the idea
adherents. that the leader is operating
 This notion is independently of the
supported by followers.
evidence — it  It favors courageous
works. leadership.
 It has the possibility of
being abused.
 It only works in
circumstances where there
is a need for change! This
may not work in an
organization that is not
receptive to change.

2.8 Chaos theory

Chaos theory is a complicated and contentious mathematical theory that attempts to explain the impact
of seemingly small causes (VietnamBiz, 2019). Some believe that chaos theory may explain the
occurrence of chaos or unpredictability, and it is frequently applied to financial markets. Chaos systems
can be anticipated for a short time before becoming virtually random.

Strengths Weaknesses Application

 Improve a leader's leadership  Theory places a great value on a Thai Airways has just
for the organization. This leader's abilities, talents, and filed bankruptcy in
hypothesis demonstrates the experience in managing order to overcome the
leader's abilities as well as organizational transformation. deficit caused by
expertise in dealing with As a result, leaders will require COVID-19, a dangerous
difficult situations. These will a significant amount of time to choice made by their
also assist organizations in teach themselves. This also CEO in order to save
dealing with unforeseen makes it harder for employees the company.
challenging situations. to work.

IV. Recommendation
1. How manager influence others
The manager's position in Vinamilk's corporate environment is that of a representative, responsible for
developing relationships with businesses and business partners, expanding commercial prospects, and
developing. Managers link corporate personnel, communicate with employees about work, and, most
crucially, have decision-making authority. Managers must synthesize workers' opinions in order to
assess, consider, and make a final decision based on those opinions. Managers must accept complete
accountability for the decisions they make. Managers are responsible for doing fundamental tasks such
as planning, organizing, leading, regulating, and assessing results. Managers must define goals and
activities to attain those goals in order to plan work. Conduct human resource allocation to each specific
department and role; assist each department in precisely determining job goals and effectively
completing each of those specified goals. Management is a primary role of the administrator in a
business. Managers are responsible for establishing standards, guidelines, and policies that are geared
toward the growth of the firm, therefore the administrator must be a visionary with professional
credentials. high. Workers are the ones who put the managers' rules and instructions into action;
whether or not the work is excellent depends a lot on the employees' ability. As a result, "all
management processes are ultimately the management of people." Management helps to solve the
labor problem's socioeconomic components. Management has a significant function to play in an
enterprise's business operations; it is a deep activity that is buried within the business yet impacts the
business's results. (Timviec365, 2021).
 Example: Manager
People's Express, a low-cost airline that thrived in the early 1980s. People's Express dominated the
market by giving exceptionally inexpensive fares. New airline company Cheap-cost airlines was able to do
so because they provided employees with low pay as well as business shares as part of their
remuneration. During this time, the firm made a significant profit, and its stock increased fast. As a
consequence, People's Express staff are pleased with their salary and excellent client service. However,
when the airline industry's development stalled in the mid-1980s, People's Express's stock price began to
fall, along with the company's total worth, leading the value of employees' shares to fall dramatically.
greatly lessened The personnel became dissatisfied and delivered bad service. This condition endured for
a long time before People's Express declared bankruptcy in 1987.
McDonald's is a contemporary example of a business that employs scientific management. Since Chris
Kempzinski took over as CEO, he has made McDonald's a well-organized and professional organization.
Because the firm intended to expand across the world in order to remain successful, Chris desired that
there be a standard procedure for its manufacturing and that they be able to retain all of their
employees properly. Furthermore, in order to achieve unity of command, McDonald's employs a
structure in which each employee reports to a single manager. That manager is then responsible to the
branch manager. Staff functions and responsibilities are clearly defined, and the procedure for ordering
and delivering a product to a customer is the same throughout all stores. Staff service, shop service, and,
eventually, consistent branding. Furthermore, workers perform a variety of roles inside the business,
which contributes to the firm's overall efficiency and production. Work should be focused on achieving
goals rather than on the urge to innovate and create. (McDonal, 2018)
 Example: Leadership
Dr. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, Biocon's president, began his company with little expertise and numerous
hurdles. She was able to create Biocon as a global brand because of her active leadership style. She has
motivated her workforce through empowering, trusting, facilitating, and mentoring leaders at various
levels of authority (Bhavana, 2014). Giving employees adequate opportunity to develop their leadership
potential in their professions helps foster a feeling of ownership among team members, helping them to
accomplish their vision and goals. It has aided her in establishing a trustworthy network of individuals
who, like them, support Biocon's goal. (Biocon, 2020)
Microsoft's founder, Bill Gates, is a classic example of participative leadership. He is well-known for
openly taking recommendations from coworkers and organizations. He understands the significance of
appraising team members' knowledge and abilities. Speaking in front of his high school in 2019, Gates
stated that the right to work was not easy for him in the early days of building Microsoft (Inc., 2020). He
understood his view of the program wasn't all-encompassing, and he needed to learn to trust the skills of
others to create the software if the firm was to expand. In a nutshell, Gates must learn to listen and
share certain decisions on his own with other individuals who have more expertise and understanding
dealing with work in other divisions. When Microsoft grows in size, he is also given managerial duties.
That's when he realized he, too, needed to learn how to transfer his own weaknesses - such as
controlling the edge of a corporation - to the strengths of others. Bill Gates was able to expand
Microsoft's global reach by enlisting the vital involvement of its members and employing participatory
leadership. Microsoft Firm is a global technology corporation based in Redmond, Washington that
manufactures computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and associated services.
The Microsoft Windows family of operating systems, the Microsoft Office suite, and the Internet Explorer
and Edge web browsers are among its most well-known software products (Microsoft, 2021).
2. Comparison management theories/leadership style in different industry
To show the difference between the diary style of management and leadership, the logistic and
hospitality industry leadership styles will be listed out in this section of the article.
Dairy industry: The two most common types of leadership used in the dairy industry are bureaucratic,
which is primarily concerned with individuals carrying out their responsibilities, and transactional, which
is concerned with performance. Because dairy is a food product, not only does the industry have to
provide an excellent taste for the consumer to stick to their product, but they also have to ensure the
safety of the product for the consumer. This is why a leader has to lead with a command chain and strict
regulations, which are a part of bureaucratic leadership (Lee,2020).
Hospitality industry: For the hospitality industry, the way they earn reputation and profit is through the
service they bring back to their customers, for example, comfort and new experiences. The best
leadership, and also the most commonly used one, is democratic leadership (Mukhles, 2013). This type
of leadership is also one of the most commonly used in a lot of businesses, schools and even
governments. Democratic leadership, also known as participative leadership or shared leadership, is a
sort of leadership style in which group members participate more actively in decision-making
(Kendra,2020). A hospitality business that can use this leadership style well can come up with more
creative decisions with fewer mistakes thanks to the participation of members in the process (WGU,
Logistics industry: As for logistics, the most commonly used type of leadership is autocratic. Logistic
management focuses on the quickness and information sharing between members. Absolute,
authoritarian control over a group is the hallmark of autocratic leadership (Kendra,2020). Using
autocratic methods can help leadership put employees in order. This leadership style focuses on the
quickness of decision-making. However, the drawback is that the responsibilities put on the leader's
shoulders are heavy. That is why logisticians should also consider democratic leadership, getting
suggestions from employees (Svit,2016).
3. Which management approach and leadership theory should be applied in the
chosen company
Vinamilk is a dairy company, so the most common type of leadership for this company is a bureaucratic
and transactional leadership style. However, another suggested type of leadership for Vinamilk leaders is
transformational leadership. The term "transformational leadership" refers to a leadership style that
affects both individuals and social systems. It promotes valuable and good change in followers in its ideal
form, with the eventual goal of growing followers into leaders. Transformational leadership, in its purest
form, improves followers' motivation, morale, and performance through a variety of techniques. Ms.
Kieu Lien should open her mind and consider that every employee can possibly become a leader. With
this, Vinamilk can then train everyone to be a leader for themselves (Halford,2019). With the
improvement of leadership potential in employees, the responsibilities of leaders will be lessened. There
will be fewer mistakes made and this will improve the overall quality of the product as well as ensure
product safety for the industry.
V. Conclusion
This report is the first of its kind on management and operations, and it was written after Vinamilk
encountered difficulties with an increasing number of competitors, which quickly led to a domestic
market crisis in the dairy industry, in order to emphasize the dairy industry's leadership role and
Vinamilk's management was essential in its development. The following context illustrates contrasts
between those ideas as well as examples of evaluation and analysis. Many Recommendations for the
future of technology application in business operations, as well as ways to overcome COVID-19 by 2020,
can be utilized to emphasize the relevance of a leader and manager to Vinamilk.
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