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Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP)

Working Hours Action Plan

General Guidelines
These guidelines are for both facilities and auditors.
1. All WHAPs shall be submitted in WORD format. Auditor upload WHAP to WRAP’s
Certification Management Platform when submitting REC Report.
2. All numbers reported shall be either in a whole number or rounded up to the nearest ONE
decimal place.
3. Reduction target in 7e (and/or 8e-12e) shall be realistic and achievable. This is the target
facility must aim to reach by next certification cycle. It will not help if the facility sets a very
aggressive target, but then fails to reach it.
4. In any case, the new reduction target must show improvement over last year’s number.
5. When proposing improvement actions, facility should be very careful not to make any
discriminating statements. For example, “hire more male employees” or “will not hire
employees over 50 years old”.
6. Auditors must review Sections I-III and provide assessment in Section IV. Refer to this section
for the detailed instructions on how to assess a WHAP.
7. WRAP assesses WHAPs based on a basket of factors; for example, has reduction target(s)
been achieved? If not, is it by a big margin? Most importantly, has facility put in effort and
taken improvement actions?

1. Facility name:
2. Facility WRAP ID #: 3. Country:
Recertification Lapsed
New certification
Certificate expired for
A returning facility that
4. Facility type: A facility applies WRAP more than 12 months and
is/was certified within the
for the first time no audit activities took
past 12 months
place during the period
5. Latest on-site audit No
The most recent WRAP 6. WHAP from prior
date(s): If you have submitted
audit date certification cycle:
e.g.: July 18 - 19, 2018 WHAP before, check Yes.
Otherwise, check No.

2019-01 Working Hour Action Plan (WHAP) 2.0 General Guidelines 1

Section I. Weekly Working Hours, Observations Noted, and Reduction Target

d. Average
c. Any excessive weekly hours
b. Legally overtime hours incl. overtime
a. Regular
allowed raised as across all e. Reduction
overtime observation samples (taken target
hours (Yes, No or from Principle
N/A) 6 in Audit
The number must Refer to
be taken from General
“Hours of Work Guidelines 3.
Analysis” table
Refer to Q6.6 in
under Principle 6 This is the
audit report and
7. Weekly: in audit report. target for all
provide whichever
See below
screenshot from Must show
the section of the improvement
audit report. from 7d.

Screenshot of Hours of Work Analysis from Principle 6

2019-01 Working Hour Action Plan (WHAP) 2.0 General Guidelines 2

Section II. Other Working Hours, Observations Noted, and Reduction Target (if applicable)

c. Any
excessive d. Highest hours
b. Legally overtime (incl. OT)
a. Regular hours raised
allowed (Taken from e. Reduction
working as
overtime Q6.6 under target
hours observation
hours Principle 6 in
(Yes, No or Audit report

Refer to General
Refer to local This number shall Guidelines 3.
law. If there is be exactly the
If the daily Refer to Q6.6 in
a limit on daily same as the This is the target
regular hours audit report and
overtime observation for all
8. Daily: are NOT 8, provide
hours, provide description in departments.
provide whichever
the number. Q6.6 under
explanations. applicable.
Otherwise, put Principle 6 in Must show
N/A. audit report. improvement
from 8d.
This number
shall be exactly
the same as the
Must show
Fill this out if Fill this out if improvement
9. Monthly: Same as above. description in
applicable. applicable. from 9d, if
Q6.6 under applicable.
Principle 6 in
audit report, if
Must show
10. Quarterly: Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. from 10d, if
Must show
11. Yearly: Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above.
from 10d, if
Must show
12. Others: Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above.
from 12d, if

2019-01 Working Hour Action Plan (WHAP) 2.0 General Guidelines 3

Section III A. List Three (3) Main Processes with HIGHEST Working Hours
(No need to list the processes if the hours do not exceed legal limit.)
a. Processes b. HIGHEST working hours
13. Process 1: The highest working hours of the process as in
13a. Refer to Section II above and report
The purpose of this Section is to help you
whichever observation has been raised.
identify “bottle neck” in production processes.
Note that if there were multiple observations
Provide the names of the top 3 processes that
raised, then there could be multiple numbers
have observations raised in Principle 6. For
example, sewing, linking or packing.
In China, for example, if observations were
If there are less than 3 processes having
raised in daily and monthly overtime, then you
excessive hours, put “N/A” in 14a and/or 15a.
need to put in the highest daily and monthly
hours of the process reported in 13a.
14. Process 2:
15. Process 3:

Section III B. Root Causes for Excessive Hours and Improvement Actions
17. Improvement Actions
16. Root Causes
(Actions must be specific. E.g., management will hire
Analyze the root causes of excessive overtime in
about 15 sewing workers within 30 days to reduce the
your facility and list them out one by one below.
hours in sewing department.)
a. For each root cause, there should be a respective
improvement action to help achieve the target you set in
section I & II above.

Your improvement actions must be relevant, specific and

detailed. For example, if you are planning to upgrade
your machines, list what type and how many machines you
are going to upgrade.

Maintain related documents and records so that WRAP

auditors can verify them during next recertification audit.
The facility representative responsible for taking
improvement actions and monitoring the process
18. Facility responsible person(s)’ name & date:
The date you submit this WHAP.

2019-01 Working Hour Action Plan (WHAP) 2.0 General Guidelines 4

Section IV. Recertification Status
Instructions for Auditors
Refer to last WHAP submitted by facility. If last certification was
done by another Monitoring Firm, you should email WRAP to
19. Recertification Target set in last WHAP:
obtain the previous WHAP before conducting the recertification

N/A (Select only if there was no previous WHAP)
20. Has facility achieved the recertification
target set in last WHAP? Compare the current daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly/ yearly hours
with the target set in last year’s WHAP and comment. If the last
WHAP was an older version, then auditor only needs to compare
weekly hours.

a. Review and comment if/how improvement actions proposed in

last year’s WHAP have been implemented. Request facility to
21. a. Provide any comments on the
provide evidence to substantiate that improvement actions
improvement actions taken by facility (as
have actually been taken.
compared with last WHAP):
b. Review and comment if this year’s proposed improvement
actions are acceptable for recertification facility)

b. If the answer is N/A for 20, are the
improvement actions acceptable?
Review and comment if this year’s proposed improvement actions
Provide reasons.
are acceptable for new or lapsed facility.

By printing his/her name and date reviewed here, auditor is

22. Auditor’s name and date reviewed: confirming that he/she has reviewed Sections I to IV thoroughly
and found them to be in accordance with WRAP Guidelines.

Section V. Interim WHAP Status

a. Interim status b. Date of Reporting
This is the average weekly hours of The date you are submitting this
all departments over the last six interim report.
23. Average weekly hours during the months. The purpose is to update
past 6 months: WRAP on your progress towards
achieving the reduction target.

This is the highest

24. Daily/monthly/quarterly/yearly
(whichever observation raised in
hours among all departments over
Section II c):
the last six months. The purpose is

2019-01 Working Hour Action Plan (WHAP) 2.0 General Guidelines 5

to update WRAP on your progress
towards achieving the reduction

2019-01 Working Hour Action Plan (WHAP) 2.0 General Guidelines 6

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