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Who is/are in charge of updating the Incident Record? Authorized End user First Level ‘Support Support Specialist When we request for [Authorized End Users to do certain workarounds, it falls under a) Investigation process b) Diagnosis process Onlya lonly b None of the a land b Which one of the following is nota core goal of information security? confidentiality Integrity Availability What international standard provides aconsistent set of security objectives for information technology? ISP 800-53 IIL. coBir Which one of the following items is not commonly found in an information security Rovernance framework? Security Security guidelines Security standards Information Security Enterprise IT Management is NOT3 ITservice Corporate : Management component of which of the [Management Governance following frameworks? [An end user in an organization opened an attachment e- I, which resulted Mpeg eeu Ae ae \meerere = |vuinerability [Threat Insider threat ransomware running on the end user's workstation. Thi an example of what? Contract Examine Inegotiation, services, Examine Whatis the correct sequence |"°8! lexamine contract services, of events when onboarding a 2 tiraparty service provider? Perv: negotiation, —_ identity risks, © lidentity risks, identity risks, |risk treatment risk treatment risktreatment What is Integrity of Wrong critical [Accurate information? Information __|inform Information Shared Informati Informati Whatis Confidentiality of [[nformation _ Information information 0° | ronnaion? available to available to ‘a ae individual _| Staff members bial : colleagues Information| ak Public What is Availability of available to all |N°t tO make information un | : available to information? the staff lopen to all at all anybody : members time To prevent from password Bnei Mille PasSWOCd | n paiscword [Keep password 2 on small sticky |" i : attack f in yourmind _jinyourmobile note Tell everybody tol the Talk business _|Discuss oneal How to prevent from : : lc place while B ; related things |business details : leavesdropping attack el discussing only on mobile |in Public S confidential things What will you do to handle any Don’t tell Try to solve the shut-down the ah pe lanybody that 14 — |malicious activity in your problem ‘computer and iter system provieminas yourself restart compu iP loccurred What will you do, ifyoufind [Readit - a Forward the as [Unexpected mail sayingthat_carefullyand ignore and [FOSS UE n lyou won Rs. 50000 and ask for provide your _|delete it eee your credentials? credentials. You are in hurry to attend your Leave Ask Boss to a my, x Shutdown your 16 — |boss’s call while working on immediately as |came to your monitor and go laptop; you will: Bossis calling |desk. |What is NOT the most common 7. Internet 3 v7 Email Portable media | aunehaseamm delivery method for viruses? download — [A clean desk policy ensures that all important documents, Which of the Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability (CIA) principles of the credit card file are violated? confidential letters, binders, Lock away books are removed from the documents and Store your desk and locked away when electronic IStore away passwords and the items are not in use. Itis media confidential important 18 one ofthe topstrategiesto |. ontaining k 7 hi : information information on utilize when trying to reduce iconfidential/pr the riskof security breaches. [Whennotin use loprietar [ns sticky notes 2 . poe lon the desk Company What are the general information lguidelines when adopting clean desk policy? [A hacker gains access toa we bserver and can viewa file Jon the server containing credit rd numbers. ag. [Somes lavailability | @aufielesmtfetanyp| inte grity cin Which of the following normally recognized as a type lof risk related toinformation 20 security? aandb band c jaand c la,bandc la) Business disruption b) Virus incidents lo) Unplanned server downtime Blocking Opening an 21 |Whotis tailgating? somebody's access door Jumping over Senne entry through lwith your own |the entry gate 'the access door access card Immediately inform the IT Immediately |Helpdesk Upon encounteringsuspected |Disconnectit ee Bouck shutdown the colleague and 22 |/ actual virusattack, what [from the involved then report it Ishould NOTbe your response? |network Ps computer jan Information Security Incident [A business unit intends to de ploy anew technology in a Pert manner that places itin Enforce the _|Change the . ann research to \violation of existing existing standard to 2B |. - a E " propose use of information security standards. |security permit the ter What immediate action should |standara deployment < technology an information security manager take? educate lensure that _|support the IThe PRIMARY goal in etrics [business legal and business 24 |developing an information process owners |regulatory _ objectives of security strategy is to: regarding their |requirements _|the duties lare met lorganization When identifying legal and : . egulatory issues affecting |e te separate Incorporate information security, which of J" 2" *°P © |policy Develop a 25 |the following would represent ae * Istatements __ compliance risk address eac the BEST approach to eeaatnn provided by —_ assessment deve loping information e re regulators security policies? Which of the following is the manager to remove one of the findings from the final report. This removal is an example of what? B ; ‘Technical a6 |MOSTimportantfectorwhen | fom Development os designing information security | the network —_| methodologies architecture? —_—s ‘Anew CSO ina financial service organization is working Obtain a listof to get asset inventory lObtain a list of [all assets from processes under control. The fall assets from |the security |Countall of the 27 \organization uses on-premis 1s [the patch event and servers ineach and laaS-based virtualization .|management information data center. servicos. What approach will platform. management most effectively identify all (SIEM) system, assets in use? ‘Arisk manager recently completed risk assessmentin an organization. Executive management asked the risk |Gerrymanderin Wee 28 Internal politics |Risk avoidance RiGIISEES/SESAG Determine the hie a ve Determine What steps must be completed | qualifications Ste isons) 2 29. [prior to the start of arisk lof the firmthat nowt applicability, lassessment in an organization? will perform veo the Jane purpose for the audit. peo the audit audit, Marie, acIso ata Develop a raci [Charter ee : P security Develop arisk | s@eunitye manufacturing company, is matrix that a steering management building anew cyber-risk defines committee process similar 30 |governance process. For this Jexe cutive roles consisting of IT |to what is Ing ofTT, process to be successful, what and aa aud he best fi f isthe bestfiststep for Marie. responsibilities or security ISO/IEC 27001. to take? leaders. Identify |What shouldbe the primary [Determine the |credible risks a 31 objective of a risk lorganization's [and transfer eae rss management strategy? risk appetite. them toan . external party. Knowledge of _ [Ability to Which of the following Knowledge of Icharacteristics is MOST information |. regulatory |™2"28° 2 technology fap Idiverse group limportant when looking at . environment ee 22 orospective candidates forthe [PMforms, — fexgamizationab | rojacg [OF individuals ee networks and | meedsito Brot land resources role of chief information evelopment | Samm management rrr Isecurity officer (CISO)? nl ltechniques methodologies |teennologies® lorganization Poli : Standards for [oO Ce Standards for Which of the following are addressing ‘hardening: password Idocument 33 likely to be updated MOST information length and retention and lrrequentiy2 security zy complexity ldestruction governance Who should be responsible for : IThe security 34 lenforcing access rights to Data owners herald steering —— 7 process owners 2 jadministrators lapplication data? committee Which of the followingis the [Update Conduct Approve access |Dewelopianm gg [MOSTessential task for a chief [platform-level |aisaster to critical TROTTED information security officer security recovery test [financial security |(CISO) to perform? settings Jexercises systems strategy In which of the following, a person is constantly |followed/chased by another person or group of several peoples? Phishing Bulling Identity theft 37 Which one of the following can be considered as the class of computer threats? Phishing Soliciting Both A and C Which of the followingusually lobserve each activity on the inte met of the victim, gather all information in the background, and send it to someone else? ja) Malware b) spyware ic) Adware Onlya Only ¢ a, bande 39 Itcan be a software program or ja hardware device that filters all data packets coming |through the internet, a network, etc. it is known as the Antivirus Cookies Malware In system hacking, which of the Information [cracking Writing 40 [following is the most crucial : Covering tracks e a lgethering |passwordim — | phishing mails activity? To create a fohide — To create a To obtain a Why woulda hackerusea —_|stronger aL ghost server on |remote access proxy server? connection eee ennoction lwith the target network To hide information inside a 1 ima 42 picture, what technologyis [Rootkits Bitmapping _|steganograpty |'""°2° Rendering used? |RONGVERIGEAED [To shutdown What is the purpose of a Denial SyStEMESOHRs |services by 43 lweaknessin _|Trojanona FS stack? |ROVSRESR® turning thi pe tenenatee Ithe TCP/IP stack] system ee Exploit a Toexecutea [operational _|off Identi TCP Installing and paring the lentify a sessions that lconfiguringa |TMalues of Implementing a How is IP address spoofing are initioted ah | sci? IOS that can al and firewall to the |i" : -. read the IP network oo complete header successfully 45 |Phishingis aform of [Spamming __|Identify Theft Scanning ag. [Servicestunningon asystem [The system's IP |The Active |The system's | espa are determined by address Directory network name | S8ighBe> Keyloggers are aform of Shoulder ‘ Social 47 |Spyware 2 Trojan . . surfing a lengineering What is the best statement for taking advantage of a 48 5 ss Threat Attack EXIGE [Vulnerability weakness in the security of an IT system? is weakness that|system with | S¥Ste™ jsyscemmumem —[SVstem witha 49 : : without strong can be exploited by attackers : [vulnerabilities firewall password is the sum of all the possible points in software or 50 _|system where unauthorized Attack vector | Attaclesurfacap |Attack point [Attack arena users can enter as well as extract data from the system. [Security bugs are also known as y security eee) obiems system defect software error The response time and transit 52 |timeis usedto measurethe Security Longevity Reliability |Performance of anetwork aac |itis@device Itisa device itis adevice installed at the installed at the Itisakindof fe cdot the Which of the following boundary of a ee wall built to ee 53 _|statementsis correct about the |company to prevent files ay Jorotect it * _ Jcompany to firewall? prevent form damaging fasainsthe prevent from unauthorized ithe corporate. pone physical access. Junauthorized — fire incidents Jaccess. 0 )Why are the factors lik Yee ane They helpin |Theseare the |u e [They help in Confidentiality, Integrity, ‘ 2 i Tc understanding |main elements s understanding 54 |availability, and authet . : . : the hacking |for any security |c the tracking the considered as the process breach etter breach fundamentals? In order toensure the security 55 ofthe data/ information, we | enmeeyptm [Decrypt Delete Decode need to the data In which of the following lexploits does an attackerinsert command 56 |maliciouscode into alinkthat |XSSmD iain SQLinjection |Buffer overflow appears tobe from a trustworthy source? lin which of the following Jexoloits does an attacker add ISL code toan application Command 57 xs |sowinjeetion® [Buffer overflow input form to gain access to injection resources or make changes to data? Which of the following isnot 58 OWASP stop bist Sensitive data [XMLexternal | quem) '"92Cure Jexposure _entities Jdeserialization application security risks? Web application firewalls (WAFs) help preventwhich application layer attack? a ss jaandb bandc laande Ja. bande Ib) SQL injection Ic) DDoS. co [Whichofthefoliowingisnot |e eaxss | SED ReflectedxSs|DOM-basedXSS jan example of an XSS attack? lAmruta is reviewing her lorganization’s business continuity and disaster recovery plans. Init, she comes across the following statement: © lenaeeventinarthe payro | Nara RP: SA system falls, the IT team must restore access within 48hours |toavoid unacceptable levels of damage to the business.” \What type of statement is this?| [Susan is the lead investigator Hora security incident and realiz she will n¢ ealizes that she will not be cate sll lable to complete her . ; fee ; business Jake the action investigation without causing |COMSUEWIEND Pale jossibility operations _|immediately to 62 _|severe disruption to the higher levels of |” : lbecauseit —_jimmediately _ protect the business. The ecion she fee's | r lexceedsher until she business she must take exceeds the authority \developsa plan authority granted to her under ee the lent response plan. |What should Susan do? Hulie is developing a compensating control to help her organization mitigate the Incident Bune fiskatsodsted with downtine |oeeteee ||nctifiction | [esas | |intemuption due to hardware failure. What |"@aaeane® | secure location Jinsurance control would best meet this need? Belinda is attempting to determine the RPO fora |The amount of |The amount of : : The cost to database server that she time required time that a uesuars ladministers. Which piece of _ |torecover a service may be |i information will best help her |service down ldetermine this value? Gary is collecting evidence from the hard drive of a system that was involved in a securi incident. What technology a pei Write blocker |@sRNVaIWE® — [Backup certificate IGary use to later demonstrate that the evidence was not tampered with after collection? Harold would like to plement a security solution that allows him to correlate information from a variety of Dw % |sccuritysystems andidentity [NAC — Ps potential security events. Which technology best meets |this need? Designate an . identify and . conduct Alert key What is the primary purpose of \dividual : , lessons learned individuals 67 —_|an incident management responsible for a andprevente |. sessions after |whenan rogram inform Eee Pe eee = haa dents incident occurs uri recurrence _ [Alan is concerned about the risk posed by attackers exploiting flaws in his lorganization’s web applications to gain access to | Installing a host installing 4 Patching the |Sestormnine es |? e . network . Jinput validation ithe underlying database Firewall Firewall web server Ithrougha SQL injection attack. What would be the most leffective control in this, scenario? An internal audit examination lof the employee termination process determined that in 20 percent of employee terminations, one or more lterminatedemployee user faccounts were not locked or removed. The internal audit department also found that routine monthly user access Noactionis necessary since Increase user _ Increase user access review access review process process frequency to _|frequency to reviews identified 100 percent | twice per week.| weekly. lof missed account closures, resulting inthose user faccounts being closed no more than 60 days after users were terminated, What corrective lactions, if any, are warranted? monthly user Jaccess review process effective. Which of the following consequences Insecure direct ely to \Cross-site Denial of | loccur due to an injection Spoofing request forgery iT object (a ject quest forgery gamle — | Farencos Jattack? most 70 Your application is created usinga language that does not Insecure direct |Failure to _ Insufficient gx _[supporta clear distinction a aia eecodt between code and data. Which] SeHOm jodie! ai mae pors lays wer - references access protection vulnerability is most likely to occur in your application? |A Web action AWeb Unvalidated [Or , performs an Which of the following input can be ae loperation on joes nol 72. |scenarios is most likely to distinguished behalf of the ae : validate a : cause an injection attack? from valid " luser without ; client's access stream instructions Icheckinga toaresource Ishared secret A user is able to pass malicious input that invokes control ae nae Insecure direct Failure to Insufficient codes in your Web application. ; : 73 Injection — lobject restrict URL transport layer Which vulnerability is most y eon references access protection likely to occur in your Web application? Validate Which of the following is the |SQLqueries | (RUEWAIGEIGh integer values : Memory size 74 |best way toprotect against. —|basedonuser | USING SNENOW before checks injection attacks? input list referencing arrays Which of the following is most Server B |vulnerable t Session1Ds |Resistry keys | sree [configuration attacks? files Insecure direct |°X" 75 |Whichofthe followingis an [eressesitem |Cross-site eck authentication odie: injection attack? scriptings §—_| request forge! and session 7 2 8° | references management 7 |Howdoes malicious inputflow |From serverto | ERGRIGHERER [From attacker [From victim to in a DOM-based XSS? client itself ito server server To ensure that HTo protect RSTBFOLECEED ea withentication To create credentials by authentication) tographicall usin eee er |systems from 78 |Why should you use CAPTCHA? | “YPt08"@P! 3s implement ly random Jencryption or Jautermatertier |"""P session IDs cryptographic | HIRES: ae saltand hash | attacks ee functionality f——Josestien a a Use persistent What should you do before credentials — Share the P 7 . i Accept session " cookies to 79 |passing credentials over the | witha» credentials ; _ |IDsfromURLs | ~ i manage session network? ‘cryptographic lwith the client [salt and hash IPs Even with two-factor 80 authentication, users may still Radiant Cross attack scriptin, (emt be vulnerable pine middle to, attacks |A dise ase that becomes lly widespread and a . Big || Ray creer et on Epidemic Jesneeimie® [spanish flu _ | typerendemic leven global in its reach referred to as Bhopal Gas Disaster is a kind of |Manmade- 22 P SGN Natural disaster] etiam —_|EPidemic Pandemic Disaster Management includes: B |a) Mitigation aandb lb andc ja and c a,bandc — b) Reconstruction |c) Rehabilitation The level of harm by ahazardis| \governed by 84 —|a) Magnitude of the hazard faand b bande laandc la,bande b) Frequency of the hazard Ic) Intensity at the impact point [The lovel of risk of adisaster depends on a) Nature of the hazard 85 |b) Vulnerability of the jaand b bande laand labande” elements which are affected Ic) Economic value of the elements which are affected |Which of the following is a man-made disaster 86 Ja) Terrorism laand b bande la and ¢ a,bande b) Major fire Ic) Pollution ‘Whatis the first step that individuals responsible forthe |. (@usiMESS Resource Legal and 87 _ development of a business fe SPRAIN requirements regulatory 8 selection : continuity plan should lanaiysiem = — [analysis lassessment perform? Once the BCP teamis selected, lap team {Business Resource — legal and 88 |what should be the firstitem : lorganization (rqUIRERIERED [regulatory placed on the team's agendar [ection lanalysis GRAVE — assessment What will be the major 89 [resource consumed by the BCP Hardware Software Processing time | RESORTED process during the BCP phase? 9. Whatis CMT in Business ecaernest IChief Manager a Icentrally Continuity Plan [Traffic Managed Tasks lteam Team

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