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Seminar Internasional 1st Mandala Waluya International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Practice (MW-ICPSP)"
Kendari, 18 Desember 2021


08.00-08.30 30 Minutes Registration and Coffee Break

Opening Ceremony
5 Minutes (1) Singing national anthem of Indonesia – “Indonesia Raya” and singing MARS of Universitas Mandala Waluya
10 Minutes (2) Traditional Dance
15 Minutes (3) Welcoming Remarks by Rector of Universitas Mandala Waluya : Dr. Ratna Umi Nurlila, S. Si., M. Sc.
Plenary Lectures (Moderator: Dr. Rer. Nat. apt. Adryan Fristiohadi, M. Sc.)
Plenary Speaker 1
Prof. Ibrahim Bin Jantan
09.00-09.25 25 Minutes Department of Natural Product Chemistry,
National University of Malaysia, Malaysia
Topic: Natural products research: scientific interests and advances, research approach, strategy and future directions
Plenary Speaker 2
Rathapon Asasutjarit, Ph. D
09.25-09.50 25 Minutes Department of Pharmaceutical Tecnology, Thammasat University, Thailand
Topic: Development of Pharmaceutical Ophthalmic Product by Using
Bioflavonoid from Natural Product
Plenary Speaker 3
Aamir Jalil, PharmD., M. Phil., Ph.D.
09.50-10.15 25 Minutes Department of Pharmaceutical Tecnology, Bahauddin Zakaria University,
Multan, Pakistan
Topic: Self emulsifying drug delivery systems A game changing approach in drug delivery.
10.15-10.30 15 Minutes Discussion
Plenary Lectures (Moderator: apt. Edwin J.B., S. Farm., M. Eng.)
Plenary Speaker 1
Prof. apt. Zullies Ikawati, Ph. D
10.30-10.55 25 Minutes
Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Topic: Evidence-based phytotherapy
Plenary Speaker 2
Prof. Vivi Kasim
10.55-11.20 25 Minutes
Molecular Biomedical Laboratory, Chongqing, China
Topic: Drug Discovery: Optimizing the Natural Products
Plenary Speaker 3
Dwi Syah Fitra Ramadhan, . M. S. Farm.
11.20-11.45 25 Minutes
Department of Medical Pharmacy, Universitas Mandala Waluya, Kendari, Indonesia
Topic: Computational Drug Discovery of Natural Products
11.45-12.00 15 Minutes Discussion
12.00-13.00 60 Minutes Lunch Break
Oral Presentation
Room A
13.00-14.50 100 Minutes
Moderator: Selpirahmawati Saranani, S. Farm., M. Si.
Room B
13.00-14.50 100 Minutes
Moderator: apt. Edwin Jeika Bunggulawa, S. Farm., M. Eng.
Room C
13.00-14.50 100 Minutes Moderator: apt. Jastria Pusmarani, S. Farm., M. Sc
Room D
13.00-14.50 100 Minutes Moderator: Wa Ode Ida Fitriah, S. Farm., M. Farm.
14.50-15.05 15 minutes Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology: Dr. Sri Anggarini Rasyid, S. Si., M. Si.

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