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Seminar Paper # 2


Learning Model Concept, Analysis


New Learning Model Generation

Submitted To Submitted By

Sir Farooq Mughal M. Atif Raza


Submission Date Word Count

28-04-2011 4200

Comsats Institute Of Information Technology

Comsats Institute Of Information Technology

This paper is a contribution to the library of learning and I have tried to clarify the concept of learning,

its different aspects which include learning as a product of every process, it relevance with other

researchers concepts and how it can be studied in contrast with Human Resource Development. The

concept of learning is viewed and explained by a number of writers related to different fields of life. I

have specifically tried to discuss this concept with reference to Human Resource Development. The

subject is so wide that it is almost impossible to cover all the aspects of this concept in a single paper.

The concept is further supported by some learning theories and models from well-known authors and

researchers. These models and theories are well known to students and we too have studies some of

these theories in our syllabus of MBA, so it is rather easy for me to give an analytical as well as critical

review of these concepts by using my knowledge on this subject.

After reading a lot of papers on theories and models of learning I am in a good position to either develop

a new model or change the preexisting model of learning on my own. The new model is a combination

of Problem Based Learning Model and ARCS Motivational Model and is well capable of fulfilling the

ambiguities of these two models as my knowledge is concerned. The developed model is an inspiration

of the discussed models of old researchers.

After reading this paper one will be in a good position to understand the concept of learning and the

critical reviews of this concept. This will also clarify the type of connection present between the learning

and organization as well as learning and an individual.

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What is Learning?
Leaning as a term means to acquire or modify the existing knowledge that an individual is having with

him or her. It means that when someone learns something, it is always new to him. He can wither

acquire or get something new or he can replace his existing knowledge with the new one. It is defined

by a number of scholars in their own way. Some of the well-known and easy-to-understand definitions


“Learning is acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or

preferences and may involve synthesizing different types of information.”


“Learning is the lifelong process of transforming information and experience into

knowledge, skills, behaviors, and attitudes.”


It can be summarized by saying that:

It is a continuous and unconscious process by which an individual observes, gather

information from its environment and analyses this information to increase its learning.

Learning as a Product
Learning can somehow be categorized as a

product as well. If we refer to the textbooks

of 60s and 70s, we’ll see that learning is

referred as a change in the behavior on an

individual and it is assumed to be an outcome of a process. So it was termed as a product; as product is

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the outcome of any process. The process of analyzing and getting something out of it will be the


By contrasting this concept of learning in 60s and 70s with the advance definition of product with

reference to economics and other social sciences, we can conclude that learning is in fact the ultimate

product of every process. Let me take an example of a process, i.e. solving a Rubik’s Cube. If I spend a

month trying to solve the cube and I only manage to solve 30%of it, the ultimate learning can be for

instance “it is difficult but not impossible to solve it”. The learning would be the skill that I grabbed from

the process of solving the Rubik’s cube. And if somehow I manage to solve the cube in 1 month, the

ultimate ‘product’ will be the knowledge or trick that I got from solving the cube.

Conclusive statement of this example can be:

“The ultimate product of every process is learning whether you fail or pass the process.”

Background of the concept and theories of learning

History of learning is as old as mankind. The learning has always been a vital characteristic associated

with the survival of the mankind from the day he came to this universe. It is leaning which enabled him

and prepared him to survive throughout years till now. The humans started observing the environment

and learned the tacks and tricks to survive in

As we go into the formal history of learning styles we will see that the historical researchers and

philosophers focused on the relationship between ‘memory’ and ‘oral or visual methods’. In 1904,

Alfred Binet (a French psychologist) developed an intelligence test, which was based to learn about the

differences between individuals. In 1907, Dr. Maria Montessori used materials to enhance the learning

styles for humans. In 1956, Benjamin Bloom developed Bloom's Taxonomy, which defined learning style

differences and distances. Isabel Myers-Briggs and Katherine Briggs developed the Myers-Briggs Type

Indicator (MBTI) in 1962. In 1976 a model called Dunn and Dunn Learning Style Model was introduced

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was created a base for a lot of further studies. These models led to the new study of learning styles from

1980s to the present day. In 1984, David Kolb published his learning style model which I will discuss in

the later part of this paper.

How Learning Takes Place?

All Humans and Animals have the ability to learn from its environment. The learning ability of some

animals is exemplified whenever there is a debate on learning. Gorillas and dolphins are two of the best

learners in the animal kingdom. There are some machines developed which have the built in ability to

learn from its environment. Automatic Air Conditioners are a good example which senses its

environment to adjust the temperature of the room and the Japanese built robots are also leaners of


However the ability of humans is greater than animals and machines when learning is discussed. The

learning ability of animals is restricted to a limit, and the ability to increase the learning ability of the

machines is restricted to ability given by humans; but the ability of human beings to learn can be

increased. A number of theories, models and techniques have been developed which helps a lot to

increase the learning abilities of human beings. These techniques have developed from time to time

keeping in view the needs and wants of human beings. Generally speaking, the basic techniques to

enhance ones learning abilities can be:

 Teach someone else what you are learning

 Ask questions
 What is in it for me?
 Describe it in your own words
 Draw a picture of your learning
 Test your knowledge regularly
 Imagine the end results

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Apart from these general guidelines, there are a number of models and theories; which are developed

by experts from different school of thoughts and fields; regarding learning styles and learning

techniques which helps an individual to enhance and speed up the learning process. These models are

followed by organizations as well as individuals when needed.

Learning and Human Resource Development

Human Resource Development practices are now being identified and acknowledged in the modern era.

It is being discussed as an integral component of a successful recipe for a progressive organization.

However every department is important but Human Resource is one department that works

continuously for the progress and development of the organization and the individuals working in the

organization as the same time. None of the other departments work for the development of the

individuals, they only work for the organization; organization’s profit preferably. It was thought to be a

‘revenue consumer’ only in the past few decades but now it has proven its worth by working as a

‘revenue generator’ in the organizational setup. Major functions of an Human Resource Development in

an organization could are:

 Training and development (T&D)

 Organizational development
 Career development

 Learning is well connected with the concept of development of individuals. One of the basic

functions of Human Resource Development is Training and Development, which is connected to

learning. This includes giving training to the individuals who are new to an organization, new to a

specific department or new to a specific job. A part from this it is the function of the Human

resource Development to keep the workforce updated with new technologies and up gradation in

the environment. For this the Human Resource Development should know the importance of

learning in the Human Resource Training Program. The more the aspect of learning in the training

program the more effective will it be for the organization.

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 The concept of learning is also very closely connected to organizational development through the

concept of learning organization. A learning organization is the one which facilitates the learning of

its members and keeps on changing itself with the changing environment.

 Career Development is the process of developing and keeping the pace of one career throughout

his practical life. The component of learning cannot be neglected in this function also. An individual

who learns from the environment can develop his career better than those who are not that much

attracted by the concept of learning. Apart from this, good learners develop their career early as

compared to those who are not good learners.

Keeping is view these functions and their connection with the concept of learning, it can be concluded

that learning is bounded with Human Resource Development or they go side by side in an organization.

They cannot be separated from each other, because practically they will not work as desired if kept

apart. So an organization and as well an individual should develop learning abilities in itself if he wants

to develop, progress and run with the pace of the environment.

Some Famous Learning Theories

A lot of work is already there in the libraries and over the internet regarding the learning models. These

models are of high quality but nothing is perfect in this world is a famous saying. Some of the famous

learning models and theories which are said to be the most effective among others are discussed below.

Based on the ambiguities in these models one can modify these models. As learning is a social science

and it varies from ‘time to time’, ‘place to place’ and ‘person to person’. So it can be modified to fit the

time, place and person accordingly.

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Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model:

This model is the most famous model when we talk about learning. The model is named on the name of

its developer David A. Kolb (born 1939). He was an American who had a lot of work on experiential

learning in the 20th century. He is the founder and chairman of “Experience Based Learning Systems,


The model classifies the learning styles into 4 types and is based on the fact that different types of

people can adopt different learning styles. He assumed that there are 4 kinds of people which differ

from each other on the basis of learning styles. The four types of people are:

 The people who learn by Feeling

 The people who learn by Observing
 The people who learn by Thinking
 The people who learn by Doing


These people look at things from different angle. They are mostly sensitive and they watch more as

compare to actually do something. They are intuitive and use imagination and assumptions to solve a

particular problem. These people seek careers in Art, entertainment, social working and kind of jobs

which require more imagination rather than physical abilities. Their flaw is that they are assumed to be

the ones who miss too many opportunities.


These kinds of people have mental approach towards matter on the whole. They are more conceptual

than the diverging people. They require a good logical approach towards the matter instead of just

assumptions. They seek careers in teaching, research and education. They are ones who are good in

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developing new ideas and new inventions. The big flaw associated with Assimilating people is that they

repeat mistakes.


These types of people are mainly the problem solvers and they have a better practical approach as

compared to the other type of people. They are good at finding practical uses for ideas and theories.

They are suitable for technical tasks and problems than conceptual and theory based jobs. They seek

careers in technical fields, engineering, and computer side. The major flaw connected to these types of

people is that they actually switch their concentration to unimportant issues and mostly solve wrong



They are the self-listeners and often follow their intuition rather than logic. They always have a practical

approach based on intuition and experience. People with an Accommodating learning style are task

oriented and they are good team workers. They seek careers in marketing and sales. They are also good

leaders but their flaw is that they waste their time.

ARCS Model of Motivational Design by Keller

This model is given by Keller who is a researcher of late 20th century; his major work is on motivational

designs. He gave this learning model in 1987 which is about the steps of learning. He stated that leaning

has 4 steps which run after one another. These steps start from the initiation of the learning to the

completion stage of the learning process. The four steps are:

 Attention
 Relevance
 Confidence
 Satisfaction

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In the first step the person start taking interest in the material that is being taught to them. This part is

the most crucial of all because it directs the other steps to move further. If the attention is not there in

the learner, the rest of the process is useless. The instructor should use of specified examples use

interesting style to catch attention of the learner. The individual should be invited to participate in the

discussion to increase the level of interest of the learner and the instructor must use a variety of styles

to keep the interest alive.


This step includes clearance of the subject matter. It is done by giving examples relating to the subject to

increase the relevance of the subject in the mind of the learners. This step also has some divided

strategies which are to ‘concentrate on telling the importance of topic’, add a task oriented approach’,

allow the learner to apply its knowledge to the process.


This is the motivational step of the process. This step includes giving confidence to the learner about the

fact of achieving the objective. The meaningfulness of confidence depends upon the liberty given to the

learner on the subject by the instructor. It also includes providing the feedback and support to the



The learning process should be rewarded in this step to motivate the learner to initiate learning in the

future. This could include inviting former learners which will increase the level of motivation in the

learners. A complete evaluation report (feedback) should be provided to the learners which will be

helpful for them in the future.

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Problem Based Learning from McMaster University in Canada

This is another good theory specifically for students in which they try to solve their own problem with

the help of a teacher (facilitator) who acts a guide through the process of learning and solving their own

problems. The theory has a self-directed and self-learning base which goes towards investigative as well

as instructional learning style.

This is a two way communication between the instructor (facilitator) and the students. It assumes that

the students will solve their own problems with the help of the facilitator who is an expert in the matter.

The instructor will not provide them with the solution of the problem but will only guide them through

the process.

The general steps of Problem Based Learning are:

1. Identification of the problem either by student or the facilitator.

2. The problem is then analyzed and discussed with the facilitator. This step is kind of a focused

group discussion lead by the facilitator.

3. Theoretical work is done on the problem to get hold of the problem.

4. A set of solutions are identified as a result of the study in the guidance of the facilitator.

5. The best solution is then presented and applied on the problem.

The basic steps tell us that it is kind of a self-paced learning that can enhance learning in a better way.

The motive is to guide you through the process instead of looking for a predefined solution of a similar

kind of problem.

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Analytical review of the Learning Theories

The theories that I’ve discussed above are all good and can be used as learning models for different

situations. However everything has something that we can talk about. Element of perfection is not

getable by us. So the gap between perfection and reality gives us a chance to criticize on it.

Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model

Human nature is not the same; they vary from time to time, place to place and person to person. Kolb

bounded the theory by making it strict and non-flexible as compared to actual human nature in his

model. He divided the model into 4 parts i.e. people who learn by ‘feeling and observing’, ‘observing and

thinking’, ‘thinking and doing’ and ‘doing and feeling’. What is a person learns by feeling and thinking?

Will he be there in both the categories? Will he be a Diverger, Assimilator, Converger or Accomodator?

According to him a person cannot be the one who learns by feeling and thinking at the same time, which

is actually not true. There are some humans who are of this nature; they are poets, writers and

philosophers. They learn by thinking and feeling.

ARCS Model of Motivation

This model is also a good approach towards learning techniques, but learning is a never ending process.

The theory should be in a continuous process and not just steps from 1 to 4. The hunger and thrust of

learning never stops and it should continue. Apart from this the model is very appropriate and to the

point and covers all the aspects of learning.

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Problem Based Learning

Problem Based Learning model is one of its kinds which are actually self-paced. Problem Based Learning

model is specifically designed for students, who are guided by a facilitator or mentor. The concept of

finding solution to your problems with the guidance of a mentor is good enough but this model fails

when you don’t have a facilitator or instructor beside you. What will be the direction of your learning if

you don’t have a facilitator with you? The model could have been designed by replacing the factor of

facilitator with some kind of self-paced or self-guided phenomena.

The process should be self-paced which will eliminate the constraint of ‘non availability of facilitator’

and will encourage self-based learning which will be long lasting. The direction of the individual’s

learning will be directed according to the person learning capability. The cycle will be completed when

the individual learns something from the situation.

The model which I am going discuss is a mixture of ARCS Model of motivation and the Problem Based

Learning Model. The resultant model will try to overcome the above stated ambiguities and will be more

appropriate for more situations than these models.

The New Model Generation (Self-Paced Experimental Learning Process)

The model starts with the identification of some problem, dissatisfaction and curiosity inside a person

regarding something of value for him. This curiosity and dissatisfaction inside him will lead him to start a

process to find solution and answer to this question and he will start the process of learning which will

ultimately result in solution, satisfaction and learning for him.

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The following diagram will help to better understand the process:

1. The first step is the emergence of dissatisfaction and
and Curiosity
curiosity. Here the person starts thinking about the

dissatisfaction and tries to sort out the reason.

Analysis of the
2. Next the person tries to analyze the reason behind the reason behind
dissatisfaction and curiosity. Dissatisfaction

3. The person after analysis, the person decides whether it

Is the reason
is an old reason which he knows or it is a new one. The NEW or OLD?
reason behind this step is to clarify the nature of the NEW

dissatisfaction. If the reason is old, he just tries to

Do Library
implement the findings to the dissatisfaction and if the OLD
Research &
problem is new to him, he starts doing library research.

4. The library research is the actual initiation of the learning YES

Apply Findings
process. The person will learn by looking at the relevant to the Matter

material himself and thus he go with the research

according to his learning ability, the pace of learning Is Curiosity

depends upon his mental ability. This step overcomes the Still There?

presence of ‘facilitator’ which was there in Problem NO

Based Learning. The person himself tries to identify the Satisfaction

solution to his problem. The ability increases at the time Level Achieved

passes and person start using self-paced learning theory.

This is the reason it is named as experimental learning. The model enables a person to

experience the library research again and again to increase the learning.

5. Library research may include:

 Case studies
 Books, journals and articles

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6. After the library research, the person applies the final findings to the matter to see if curiosity is

still there or not.

7. If he feels that the curiosity is not there now, he comes to the satisfaction stage; and if the

curiosity is still there, he goes to the 4th step which is library research.

Points to Ponder in this Model

 This model is in contrast to the ARCS Motivation Model and the Problem Based Learning Model.

There is a shadow of both the models which makes this model more effective and suitable for

every kind of problem and learning.

 This model overcome the non-availability of a facilitator and focuses on indulging one’s self in

learning process rather than move with the guidance of the facilitator.

 It encourages ‘experimenting’ the possibilities to increase learning with the help of repetitive

library research and personal experiences. The repetition of process occurs when the person

fails or doesn’t reach the level of satisfaction.

 The resultant learning will be more realistic, self-paced and long lasting as compared to problem

based learning technique. This is a living fact that this type of learning stays longer than the

learning which is given or told by someone.

 The model adds to the confidence and interest of one towards learning and experimenting

solutions himself. The person feels more comfortable in going for self-study when he sees that

he is able to overcome his dissatisfaction state himself.

 The model is a continuous process as thrust of learning never comes to an end. The person will

move towards his next need and this process goes on. And this process will keep on adding to

his learning stock as he will move along with the self-paced learning technique.

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Limitations of this model

 The model is a slow paced learning technique as there is no guidance by any mentor or

facilitator. There is always a slow start when someone gets into self-paced learning for the first

time. So it takes time to get along with the model and actually pace-up the learning process.

 The model can go into diversified directions as there is no mentor or facilitator. It can give you

very segregated kind of results as there is no controller who can control you direction and tell

you that whether you are going in line or not. This leads to unsatisfactory initial stage results.

 The person can come to a stage where he starts getting annoyed and bored with continuous

failures and dissatisfaction. The failure can demoralize the person and the person will mostly

stop the process with a perception that he can’t achieve satisfaction and learning on his own.

 The person may get a feeling of having limited knowledge as compared to other people when

he’ll see that he is failing again and again. He will feel as he is no capable of doing it on my own

and this thinking will not encourage him even to try self-paced learning again.

Some guidelines when using this model

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History of Learning Styles |



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