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Epicto is a wizard, friend named Draxton- Dwarf Soldier with great axe, Group called crystal

legends. Epicto is making potion, spell for him to tell the truth. Epicto’s wife is Glassity.

Ruken Receives a letter from gang member saying friend is has been taken captive at Port Talon
and needs help. Has been enslaved by Voodoo Lou-Lou at the docks for a two-month trial
period then will go to the highest bidder after that.

Carved into Clod’s foot is the name Dhoboki, on the other foot it has worn off the letters Copp
—s—n—( Copperspine)
Symbol carved into clod’s back is an anvil with flame at the top- Moradin- Dwarf god called the

Chromatic Elite- get all the rods to rule all creatures with no resistance
The Assembly- Get all the rods to eliminate the threat of their existence
The Overseers- trying to get a hold of coastal cities to find all the rods to contest the gods
Lich-The Forever Queen (has death night, simulacrum spell, has necromancer wizards that work
for her)
The Chain of OroKeph (Leader is a Beholder- evil guild with strong hold in politics)

Trying to collect 6 rods, they all connect to one another to make the Rod of Dominion:
 Rod of Elder Magic- Magic melee weapons cannot hit you while attuned to this. Can
sense magic within 100ft. of you.
 Rod of Memories (currently with overseers)- if you point this at creature with this rod
you know their deepest secrets and desires, no save to resist, and what memories made
those secrets and desires. You cannot be charmed, mind controlled or found by
abjuratiosn spells while attuned to this rod. You inherit all the memories of the one who
controlled this rod before you. Can cast modify memory (up to last 24 hours) and
phantasmal force once per day (WIS 18 save).
 Rod of Security (currently with lich)- While holding this rod, you can use an action to
activate it. The rod then instantly transports you and up to 199 other willing creatures
you can see to a paradise that exists in an extraplanar space. You choose the form that
the paradise takes. It could be a tranquil garden, lovely glade, cheery tavern, immense
palace, tropical island, fantastic carnival, or whatever else you can imagine. Regardless
of its nature, the paradise contains enough water and food to sustain its visitors.
Everything else that can be interacted with inside the extraplanar space can exist only
there. For example, a flower picked from a garden in the paradise disappears if it is
taken outside the extraplanar space. For each hour spent in the paradise, a visitor
regains hit points as if it had spent 1 Hit Die. Also, creatures don't age while in the
paradise, although time passes at 1.5 speed. Visitors can remain in the paradise for up
to 200 days divided by the number of creature’s present (round down). When the time
runs out or you use an action to end it, all visitors reappear in the location they occupied
when you activated the rod, or an unoccupied space nearest that location. The rod can't
be used again until ten days have passed. While attuned to this, you can see invisibility
within 30ft. Cannot be surprised while attuned to this.
 Rod of Lies- Can make a creature forget one of their highest level spells once per day,
can use bardic inspiration to debuff enemies. You have the ability to cast Mislead twice
per day attuned to this rod.
 Rod of the Dead (currently with the Assembly) (can turn into any weapon) +5 to hit,
does 2d8 + 2d8 necrotic damage. On a hit the target must make STR save 14 or be
vulnerable to necrotic damage for 2d4 rounds. Every 5 points of damage inflicted by you
heals you 1 point. Can cast Death spell once per day, if target has less than 30hp needs
to make a CON save 12 or instantly die. Can sense undead within 60ft. Will kill undead
instantly with 10 damage or more done by you with weapon in one turn
 Rod of the Dragon (currently with Chromatic Elite)- Dragon Breath has no effect on you
and feels as if you are just being breathed on. Can use reaction to absorb 20 energy
levels of spells, which you can use as spell slots. If the rod is ever depleted, it takes 7
nights for it to absorb more energy.

With 2 parts together the wielder can cast levitate at will, can affect up to 5 creatures total.
With 3 parts together can summon greater demon once per day.
With 4 parts together cannot be altered by magical means.
With 5 parts together can teleport 3 times per day.
With 6 parts together can plane shift at will.


Chromatic Elite- get all the rods to rule all creatures with no resistance

The Assembly- Get all the rods to eliminate the threat of their existence

The Overseers- trying to get a hold of coastal cities to find all the rods to contest the gods

Lich-The Forever Queen (has death night, simulacrum spell, has necromancer wizards that work
for her)

The Chain of OroKeph (Leader is a Beholder- evil guild with strong hold in politics)

The Order of the Sunflower

Description. A group of monks dedicated to removing hunger and sadness from the land by
planting sunflowers throughout the region. The sunflowers themselves are pleasing to look
upon, bringing smiles to the populace’s hearts, and their seeds can be used as food. The monks
defend their sunflower fields with martial vigor and are particularly known for a fighting style
known as the “spit seed hull technique.”
Motto. “A flower for every stomach.”
Headquarters. A floating monastery powered by the sun that appears as an intertwined mass
of sunflowers.
Ranks. Seed > Spitter > Flower > The Bringer of Bloom
Leadership. The current Bringer of Bloom is an awakened penguin named Sunny.

The Scales of Balance

Description. A group of dragonborn committed to gaining societal equality with the other races.
They are extremists who stop at nothing to achieve their goals, and recently they have taken to
planting bombs disguised as packages or gifts in public areas. (Christmas was noisy.) As a calling
card and a way to claim responsibility, they always leave a scale at the scene of an explosion.
Motto. “Balance the scales.”
Headquarters. They do not have a central headquarters. Instead, they operate in small,
independent cells.
Ranks. Each cell is composed of several “talons” who report to the “claw,” the leader of the
cell. The claws receive their orders from the “maw,” the faction leader.
Leadership. Unknown to the members, the leader is a kobold named Gary disguised as a
dragonborn who is actually trying to get the dragonborn exterminated. He feels that the
dragonborn are usurping the role of the kobolds in the world and are untrue to the will of full-
blooded dragons.

Description. This messenger service uses enchanted bees to carry messages. A swarm of bees is
entrusted with each message, and when it arrives at the recipient, it forms a magic mouth in
the air in the form of the sender which delivers the message. The cost is 1 gp per message
which is far cheaper than other magical means such as the sending spell. The bees can also get
places that might be warded against magic. The group is sworn to absolute secrecy to those
who use their service, and they use magical wards to further protect the message.
Motto. “Don’t swat the messenger.”
Headquarters. A building constructed in the shape of a hive and protected by swarms of giant
bees. A large field of flowers surrounds the apiary.
Ranks. Egg > Larva > Drone > Worker > Queen
Leadership. Queen Beatrice III, a female changeling who can assume the form of humanoid

The Mercury Messengers

Description. This group of evil gnome artificers kidnaps people, extracts their souls, and uses
them to power constructs they create. This group openly passes as a courier guild that delivers
messages for people between different cities. They use the constructs for delivering messages.
The courier guild is a front for them to gather as much information as they can about the
different people and governments in the world. Ultimately, they plan to use this information to
make money so that they can afford more mechanical parts for their constructs. Their ultimate
goal is to take over the Clockwork Plane.
Motto. “If we don’t get there in time, it would be a crime!”
Headquarters. An old clocktower that when powered by enough souls can fly.
Ranks. Cog > Fly Wheel > Widget > Piston > Sprocket > High Mechanic
Leadership. High Mechanic Tybias Cogsworth

The Oceanic Orators

Description. A seafaring acting troop that travels from coastal city to coastal city doing
performance. Their ship is made into amphitheater from which they delivery their
performances. They desire to tell the tales of the sea to bring joy to people and help bring
about peace.
Motto. “Laughter from sea to sea.”
Headquarters. Their first ship, a floating amphitheater the size of a small town, named The
Stalwart Thespian.”
Ranks. There are no ranks. Everyone is equal, love and peace for all.
Leadership. They have a council chosen randomly from members that serves for a month
before another council is chosen.

Scarlett Mudbellies
Description. This is a group of druids with giant flying insects as mounts, dedicated to
protecting the rivers and sky in their domain. Furthermore, there is an ancient fish-like creature
that lives in a nearby lake that they have sworn themselves to protect. Some of them even
consider this creature to be their deity. The creature is actually an aboleth disguising its true
identity and using the druids for its own evil ends.
Motto. “Over the River in the Sky is where we Fly.”
Headquarters. Near the lake there is a grotto with a shrine dedicated to this ancient fish-like
creature. This serves as a meeting and even worship lace for the druids.
Ranks. Egg > Larva > Pupa > Dragonfly > Queen Dragonfly
Leadership. Queen Dragonfly Shereena Clearwater

Arton Family- Tortle Shop keepers scattered thorough the realm.

Ro’Kel the Cleanser

Male orc
Description. He's a scary, seven-foot-tall orc who smells like the rose petals his mother uses to
sweeten the scent of her laundry. (Yes, he still lives with Mom.) He carries a massive maul—
named Mister Clean—that has the wooden business end carved into a giant block of soap, and
his shield is comprised of several washboards compressed together. He is never without his
chubby tabby cat, Spotless, who he adores for his exceptional grooming habits.
Occupation. He is a mercenary that hires out to the highest bidder, though in the case of ties,
he always sides with party wearing cleaner clothes. When he runs into battle, he yells, “Time to
fluff and fold!” This nonsensical tagline serves to confuse his enemies and has no meaning
whatsoever in the context of battle. He merely yells it because his mother ran a washing service
when he was growing up, and she would yell that at her children after they had finished their
homework and it was time to work at the family business. When torturing prisoners, his
preferred method is washing their mouths with lye soap.

Kibbles Crebbs
Human male, commoner
Description. One of his legs was bitten off by a sea creature, and he know wears a prosthetic
limb made from the bone of a narwhale.
Occupation. He is a trader dealing in fish, jerky, seafood, and other meat commodities. He can
often be found pushing his cart around town and hawking his wares. A clowder of cats follows
him everywhere due to the delicious aroma of fish and seafood that wafts from his cart.
Secret. Sometimes, when times are tough, he sells cat and dog meat, passing it off as beef. (He
is a meowderer.)

Maria Horsebitter
Halfling female, bandit
Description. The left side of her face is caved in from a horse kick.
Occupation. She is a horse trainer and owns a stable in town and a large ranch out in the
Secret. She started her horse training business by acquiring her first horses from adventurers
who went into a dungeon and never came back. Now she employs several young lads who
acquire more horses for her by doing the same: following adventurers to dungeons and nabbing
their horse if they don’t emerge after a day or so. Sometimes the adventurer come out, though,
and naturally begin looking for who took their horses.

Sir Eddy the Tempered

Male halfling rune knight
Description. Sir Eddy wears glimmering plate armor decorated with golden filigrees and wields
a Sword of Lordly Might used to smite the unheard voices of the majority. Upon his right foot is
a Boot of Banishment used to kick those vulgar of mouth. His deep voice reverberates from
within his great helm as though he were a lord pronouncing a condemnation upon the wicked.
Sir Eddy is utterly without mercy, quick to smite and swift to ban. He can often be found
mounted on his war boar, Wellington the Wise, and wielding a Lance of Wallowing.
Occupation. He is the Protector of the Realm, unfailing, ever vigilant, and a paragon of justice.
He rides about on Wellington the Wise, seeking those who have offended their betters or
broken the law. None escape his justice.
Secret. Sir Eddy is deathly afraid of tall creatures, especially giraffes which terrify him.

Boris Porquinyo
Male, pirate wereboar
Appearance: Wears an eyepatch to save night-vision in one eye; broken tusk in wereboar form
and missing teeth in human form; thick coarse dirty dark hair.
Mannerisms: Gruff and brutish; he snorts whenever he laughs or feels confident.
Voice: High pitched like a piglet
Talent: He’s a great chef who specializes in bacon dishes.
Ideal: He will only tolerate a crew of wereboars. When a new crewmember joins, he turns them
into a wereboar on the first night.
Bond: He has a rather "healthy" lady who runs a tavern at a popular port town and keeps a
sizable flock of pigs that she calls her "children.”
Flaw/Secret: He loves bacon. He knows its wrong. He can’t help himself. He’s a glutton.
 He pirates merchant vessels known for carrying food stores, looking in particular for
bacon. He hoards and hunts for all the bacon he can find. This penchant for cannibalism
is put into question on whether this is because of his gluttonous curse or his true nature
as a person.
 BBEG = Big Bacon Eating Guy

Nupluff Williams
Arakocra male
Appearance: A large, fluffy bird-like humanoid with granite-patterned white feathers. Wears a
brown vest made of fine design from upper class and poofy pants with tassels.
Mannerisms: Is always gesturing with a large magnifying glass, even when he’s not actually
using it. When he talks to you his head is tilted to right and only one eye in focus.
Voice: He talks all high and mighty with an occasional crack.
Abilities: Very stealthy.
Talent: He can stand on one talon.
Ideal: He doesn’t have many friends, so he places great value on those he does have.
Bond: He will protect with his life his pet rock, Robert, that he’s had and cared for deeply since
he was a child. When he broke his wing, Robert was the one that helped him get through that
horrible ordeal.
Flaw/Secret: He broke a wing when he was younger and it never grew back quite right. Thus he
cannot fly, but he hates revealing this to others. He doesn't really need the magnifying glass
because his eyesight is so good, but he carries it to hide how well he can really see.
 By day, he is a reclusive detective, and by night he explores hard-to-reach caves and
ruins in the nearby mountains with the intention of looting everything he can get his
hands on.
 He wields a “combat shovel.” It doubles and shove and serrated blade

Kasha the Khemist

Clumsy female kobold alchemist
Appearance: She is missing a few fingers from either failed experiments or sheer clumsiness.
She always has a scorch mark somewhere on her face, and she’s missing a few scales on one
arm. She wears wonky, taped up glasses, and a fake beard.
Mannerisms: She is extremely impulsive and makes quick decisions (often bad ones) which gets
her into trouble more often than not.
Voice: Intrusive and direct.
Abilities: She believes that she’s better at alchemy than she actually is. However, she turns out
to be actually competent if she takes her time instead of rushing.
Talent: Can play the trumpet quiet masterfully despite her missing fingers.
Bond: Her rich father who inherited a dragon’s treasure horde wants her to give up her silliness
and assume her royal role.
Flaw/Secret: She has always wished she were born a gnome instead so that she would get
more respect as an alchemist. That’s why she insists on wearing a fake beard.

Larry the Lurker

A rogue who poses as a librarian by day
Appearance: He wears a worn out suit.
Mannerisms: He rarely if ever blinks. He prefers not to speak, and instead just nods, shakes his
head, or points. Very creepy.
Voice: A heavy thick accent with rolled Rs.
Abilities: His extensive knowledge of doors gives him advantage on checks to pick locks in
Talent: He has a photographic memory and remembers every book he reads.
Ideal: He hopes to one day craft a “master” key that can unlock any door.
Bond: He's a door enthusiast and loves inspecting the woodwork of different doors.
Flaw/Secret: He shoplifts books from the library for his collection.
 He always offers advice on dungeon delving that he’s read about in books but it's rarely
more than generically useful advice.

Moerik "Moe" Caskrell – Barkeep at Buzzed and Burning

Appearance: Male tiefling, black hair, green eyes, medium build, eye patch over left eye (some
flaming ale splashed on it years ago, burning it out).
Mannerisms: Is super clumsy and can trip on anything. (He has spilled countless drinks over the
Voice: High pitched unless angry then it gets low and rough.
Abilities: He can breathe fire using hard liquor and prestidigitation.
Talent: He lights the drinks on fire with prestidigitation before serving to customers.
Ideal: He is jealous of the Huke Lart’s (the village idiot) banana ale, and wants to be able to
make it himself one day.
Flaw/Secret: Drinks half of the tavern’s stock himself. He’s a pyromaniac.
 The tavern’s specialty drink is called a Flaming Moe.
 He gets really angry at dirty people in his tavern and demands they bathe themselves.
 His wife is Celestria Caskrell, the bard.

Celestria Caskrell – Bard (entertainer) at Buzzed and Burning

Appearance: Aasimar with purple eyes and golden hair who plays a hammered dulcimer.
Mannerisms: She’s overly dramatic and will burst out her wings mid song for dramatic effect.
She will constantly pester adventurers for stories as she secretly wants to travel the world.
Voice: Low and smooth, very soothing.
Abilities: She’s good at putting out fires, both literally and figuratively.
Talent: She is exceptionally skilled at the hammered dulcimer.
Flaw/Secret: She indirectly helps Moe start fires, because she is curious about doing "evil",
being a rebellious aasimar who married a tiefling. However, she doesn't do it on her own since
it goes against her instincts.
 Wife of Moerik "Moe" Caskrell, the barkeep.
 She fell in love with Moe cause he was the village "bad boy" when they were young.
Moe was serving and she was singing. It was a match made in heaven and hell.\

Gronz Bhoro
Half-orc male
Appearance: runty and weak-looking, sicky
Mannerisms: scratches eyebrow constantly, always smoking a pipe
Voice: raspy voice in broken Common
Abilities: some low-level spellcasting, including the prestidigitation spell
Talent: genius painter; can blow Gandalf-level smoke shapes with pipe smoke
Ideal: Family first! Find a way to un-polymorph his sister (see bond).
Bond: He is very fond of a little rat named Mono who wears an eyepatch. The rat is almost
always on his shoulder, and he feeds it tobacco. The rat is his permanently polymorphed sister.
Flaw/Secret: addicted to smoking pipes; very protective of his pipes and tobacco

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