Codex Mandatum 1.1.2

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Codex Mandatum v.1.1.

Codex Mandatum
Options for Ruling Kingdoms, Building Strongholds, Waging War , and all that in between
Version 1.1

ampaigns and adventures could lead characters to occupying a kingdom‘s throne, command of an
army, a head merchant, or a guild master. In many cases, players and Dungeon Masters lack the
background or the mechanical familiarity to cover these circumstances, falling to earlier editions or
into separate sub-systems that cover one individual aspect of this higher tier of play.
This supplement establishes integrated rules to simulate, generate, and manage various concepts and puts
them into a cohesive framework, allowing characters to run anything from simple mayoral positions in a
distant village to an emperor who rules kings, a leader of a knightly order, or a lord of a magical tower.
The Codex Mandatum also covers adjacent subjects such as establishing organizations (ranging from
knightly orders to mage academies, and from thieves guilds to traveling merchants); logistics (from
paying and outfitting soldiers to crop yield and restoring farmlands); landing nobility and granting titles;
binding with a stronghold to create magical castles (stronghold attunement), spending downtime on
training characters (player characters, character allies, or troops), new uses for existing skills and tools,
new spells, and trade goods and economics.

CR adjustment table for troops has to change

Auras on troops overlap and don‘t stack
Accuracy. A troop has an accuracy score equal to 8 + its attack bonus. A troop attack is an automatic
attack roll (such as a dozen sword slashes or a volley of arrows), and succeeds without rolling for attack.
However, the damage taken is determined by comparing accuracy against armor class, as described above.

Accuracy AC
+10 or higher x2 damage
+5 to +9 x1.5 damage
+0 to +4 Full damage
-5 to -1 x0.5 damage (half damage)
-10 to -4 x0.25 damage (quarter damage)
-11 or lower No damage

Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

Developer. DM Shade
Artists. Alexstoneart, AMK Fernandez, Cecil Kim, Egor Klyuchnyk, Emmanuel Shiu, JKR-Pottermore,
Kenichiro Tomiyasu, Kirsten Zirngibl, MariusBota, MikeCoombsArt, Neal Hanson, Noodle Li, PK Olson,
Raymond Minnaar, Samarskiy

Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

Credits .............................. 2 Composite Strongholds Next Generation of
How to Use These Rules ...3 ..................................... 65 Characters ................... 91
Change in Perspective .. 4 Managing Strongholds ... 66 Chapter 6: New Skill and
Chapter 1: Settlements ........ 6 Stronghold Features ....... 66 Tool Uses ............................. 93
Establishing a Settlement 6 Lair (Stronghold) Alchemist‘s Supplies ....... 93
Sample Settlements ..... 9 Actions ........................ 68 Crafting Potions .......... 93
Managing Settlements .... 12 Regional Actions How to Use Potions ....94
Discoveries and Goody (Effects) ....................... 70 Potion Miscibility Chart
Huts ............................. 16 Chapter 4: Organizations ... 73 .....................................94
Settlement Features, Establishing an Potion List ................... 95
Events, and Infrastructure Organization ................... 73 Special Potions ............96
......................................... 17 Sample Organizations 75 Crafting Creatures...... 98
Noble Titles ................. 18 Managing an Organization Chapter 7: Spells ...............100
Chapter 2: Armies and War 21 ......................................... 78 Optional Rule: Cabal
Establishing a Troop ....... 21 Organization Features, Sorcery...........................100
Sample Troops............ 24 Events, and Infrastructure New Spells ..................... 101
Sample Swarms .......... 33 ......................................... 80 Spell Lists .................. 101
Managing Armies ........... 36 Faction Cards .............. 82 Spell Descriptors ....... 101
Aerial and Naval Combat Chapter 5: Downtime and Expanded Uses of
..................................... 39 Training .............................. 82 Existing Spells ........... 104
Sieges ........................... 41 Heist ................................ 83 Chapter 8: Trade Goods and
Army Features, Events, Manage or Lead .............. 84 Equipment ........................ 105
and Hiring Soldiers ........ 46 Rally ................................ 84 Foreign Trade................ 105
Preparing a War Recuperate ...................... 86 Magic Items................... 105
Campaign .................... 49 Spellcraft ......................... 86 Treasures ....................... 105
Upgrading and Train ................................ 86 Sample Trade Goods ..112
Customizing Troops ... 50 Training Students and Equipment .....................112
Chapter 3: Strongholds ..... 52 Mystic Presence .......... 86 Slaughter for Meat .....113
Establishing a Stronghold Travel .............................. 87 Changelog ......................... 114
........................................ 52 Work................................ 87 Inspirations ....................115
Stronghold Functions 54 Training List (Activities) 87
Feature Modifications 59 Troop Traits ................ 90
Sample Strongholds ... 63 Retiring a Character ....... 91

How to Use These Rules

These rules introduce an integrated structure for how to handle several niches in D&D, such as ruling
anything from vast kingdoms as a high king to being a mayor of a small hamlet, managing mass combat
and warfare, etc.

Ruling settlements changes how a campaign is run, and provides advantages in wealth, manpower, and
influence in a region. Settlements provide markets and a place to sell goods or gain services, as well as the
ability to influence its population.
Making a settlement sheet (and by extension, learning of the settlement‘s capabilities) requires basic
information about the size of the settlement (in number of people). Other factors, such as history, culture,
demographics contribute to in-game events. Creating a settlement sheet should also involve the players,
as backgrounds of natives to the settlement will be affected by the settlement‘s own traits (fame, calamity,
theme, etc.), which can further help provide instances of character development.

Strongholds provide shelter, tools, and useful mechanisms for characters of influence (such as areas to
craft in, various bonuses for skills, or even affecting the region if attuned).

Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

Strongholds are also treated as control points (equivalent to hit points) for settlements, headquarters for
organizations (giving them a modifier for the organization‘s activity), as well as the area where troops can
be housed and trained.

Armies can be used to effortlessly crush rivaling forces and perform tasks that require manpower.
Whereas heroes are vulnerable to large masses of enemies that might overwhelm them if they do not rest
to replenish their resources, an army can step in to bring down the pain.
Armies are not as capable against creatures that deal area damage (such as dragons, who can use breath
weapons and fly over most melee weapons) or supernatural foes that do not fight normally on the field
(such as fey or demons), necessitating that heroes with specialized abilities step in and prevent a

Organizations are entities made by pooling manpower together, and can serve as sources of funding
(companies, markets), orders (mercenary army, knightly order), or guilds (thief guild, alchemy hall) that
influence the setting, provide money, and serve as tools to their leaders, as well as a place to work (if an
employee). Most organizations have internal mechanisms for management (such as titles and
responsibilities) that alter pay given or steps of membership in the organization.

4X Dungeons and Dragons

With these rules, D&D 5th edition does not have to turn into a 4X game, or Explore (overland travel,
map, search for resources), Expand (settlement building, stronghold construction), Exploit (set up
organizations, rack up cash), and Exterminate (conquer and defeat enemies).
The framework of the rules, however, support the direction if taken by the players and Dungeon Master.

Change in Perspective
Rulers can empty their treasuries of wealth to fund decedent pleasures or the purchase of items that
provide personal power (scrolls, potions, etc.), send armies to complete their quests, hire assassins to kill
their rivals, and command vast amounts of manpower for vain projects such as monuments to their
power. As such, it may be difficult to incorporate a normal adventurer‘s expectations with the power being
a ruler provides.
Ruling comes with its own difficulties, however. Coin comes with tax, and tax comes with economic
activity of the settlement. Soldiers require compensation, leadership by good officers, outfitting, and food.
Not every task can be solved by throwing an army at it, and a badly mismanaged state could end a
character‘s career or fuel drama for character development.

Ambitious upstarts challenging an established ruler, a quest for special materials, a crisis that require a
hands-on approach, or a collapse in order and civil conflict are all situations that allow a ruler to exercise
personal strength (such as from their class, skills, and ability scores) instead of giving orders.
End-campaign villains may also be leaders of their own; leading secret organizations, vast armies, or
powerful kingdoms who have magical strongholds—confronting them this way becomes a multi-faceted
affair that involves fighting on multiple layers (the kingdom and military layer, the personal tactical layer,


Just as in the Dungeon Master's Guide (page 93), loyalty can be applied to settlements as an optional rule.
In this case, the collective population is treated as the NPC (or the majority of population), and loyalty is
affected by governing and the actions and events that take place in the settlement. In case of an
organization such as a company or military order, loyalty can represent the general state of the members
or the attitude of various factions. Some factions may warrant their own loyalty scores, such as
commoners, the military, the elites, or the religious establishment.

 Commoners. Adding or maintaining holidays and festivals (and paying for settlement-wide
entertainment), lowering taxes or collecting less than the full amount, treating the populace with

Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

respect/within their alignment, and providing protection for the people increases loyalty, making
the populace and the average member of them more cooperative. In best-case scenarios, when
great people distinguish themselves among the populace, they will be keen to offer their services
to the ruler.
Removing established holidays and festivals, increasing taxes, treating the populace with derision
and dismissal or in ways opposing their alignment, and failing to protect them decreases the
loyalty of the populace, making them less cooperative. In worst-case scenarios, exceptionally-
gifted or organized rebels might arise from disloyal settlements, funded in secret by dissident
 Military. The military may lobby for certain leadership or command of a respected veteran over
a less familiar (but more loyal) officer, and may take a position when military action is pointed at
their native areas or against the soldiers‘ personal beliefs. An exceptionally strong military that is
not loyal may overbear on the government, demanding more say in public affairs and even
removing rulers and replacing them.
 Elites. The elites of a settlement include skilled labor, merchants, nobility, and individuals of
great personal power and influence (such as wizards and bards). Elites may lobby for certain
policies or positions for the government to take, and their personal wealth and influence makes
rolling back their power a difficult and delicate affair. An exceptionally strong elite class that is
not loyal may put its interests above that of its rivals, creating factionalism to trickle down to the
streets and popular culture, causing a schism even between regular people that could lead to civil
 Religious Establishments. A religious establishment includes faiths that are both centralized
and popular decentralized ones. An exceptionally powerful religious establishment that is not
loyal may execute its vision for the ideal world over the current order, the result (and approach) of
which varies depending on the faith‘s tenants and its mortal (or immortal) leadership.

Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

Chapter 1: Settlements
A village, town, or city makes an excellent backdrop for an adventure. The adventurers might be called on
to track down a criminal who's gone into hiding, solve a murder, take out a gang of were rats or
doppelgangers, or protect a settlement under siege.
When creating a settlement for your campaign, focus on the locations that are most relevant to the
adventure. A nation has several statistics, one for every major settlement or region, which interact with
one another, not unlike a party of adventurers, who have separate character sheets for each member.
If the settlement may instead be considered a region for simplicity (or when controlling multiple
settlements, as rulers of nations). In this case, the rules are unchanged, as a region is a certain
geographical area where several settlements exist. In case of a region, any improvements and
infrastructure to the settlement is applied instead to the region.
For example, a settlement sheet that has 10,000 people can represent one large city or a collection of
several villages in a single region (such as a valley).

Establishing a Settlement
A settlement or region establishes itself naturally (Sarren‘s Hill), its most distinct stronghold (the
with sufficient population of creatures, such as Gray Tower), or even kept nameless (Capital
migrating settlers, explorers bringing their City).
families, or drifters.
There are settlements for all races (even savage Population. The population of a settlement
ones), although certain concepts may be unusual determines most other statistics. Population can
to uncivilized races (such as formal taxation or a increase or decrease with several in-game
stable government structure). events, such as by diseases, influx of settlers,
Population determines several features, such as absorbing another settlement, or even normally
economic activity (showing how large the over time by birth rates. Population determines
economy is), tax money (which can be drawn the settlement‘s size multiplier to the economic
from by various strongholds and governing activity, as larger settlements usually allow more
bodies), military protection (which is significant specialized laborers to function, making
when armies march and bandits pillage), and a business smoother and tasks more efficient
host of other elements. (represented by the economic multiplier).
Most settlements also show a demographic and
Settlement Name. This is the name of the racial distribution of the population (in
settlement. A settlement can be named after percentages or in numbers).
anything from the founder‘s name or title

Settlement Size Population Economic Activity Multiplier

Hamlet 50+ x1
Small village 200+ x2
Large village 1,000+ x3
Small city/town 5,000+ x4
Large city/town 10,000+ x5
Metropolis 25,000+ x6

Growth and Death. Population is by no means  Deaths and regular immigration are average
static in a settlement or region. Numeric of 5 (1d10) people per 1,000 populace (0.5%
increases to population represent new births, decrease).
while decreases represent deaths. Random Exceptional circumstances (plagues, influx of
growth or decline could also represent immigrants, war and civil conflict, etc.) can
immigration, exile, and other events. cause a direct increase or decrease in population
The population increases by 1% per year. This number as determined by the DM.
covers growth and death. For instance, the City of Thieves has a normal
 Births and regular immigration average 16 population of 10,000 people. Five years pass in
(3d10) people per 1,000 populace (1.6% the campaign, resulting in an annual increase of
increase). 5% (or 510, total of 10,510 populace). This
increases the economic activity and economic
maximum, and by extension, several attributes

Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

of the settlement. As usual, round down economy for the day, affecting the businesses
fractions. that take place in it.
In effect, the iron bars (or value thereof) will
Routine changes in population numbers do not rapidly circulate through the economy, paying
usually warrant recalculating the settlement‘s debts, serving as credit, be traded in for fixed
economic activity, although it is necessary when assets, and otherwise occupying the economy
large numbers of populace settle or leave too much that economy cannot further process
permanently or for an extended period (such as further sales for the day.
a refugee crisis, post-war baby boom, severe
plague, or civil unrest). Military units who leave Economic Prosperity
a settlement in a military campaign are deduced The average economic activity is 2 silver pieces
from the population only if they die or are per day for each person in the settlement. This is
abroad for an extended period (usually more termed average prosperity, assuming a populace
than 6 months, but can depend on the of average skill, education, wealth, and
settlement‘s attitude towards war). motivation. A few rare circumstances modify
Economy A populace that is well-educated, highly skilled,
The economic activity of a settlement represents rich, or motivated can have 3 to 4 sp of economic
the size of the economy and its ability of to make activity per day, while an unskilled, uneducated,
purchases and absorb sales. The daily economic poor, or otherwise disadvantaged population has
activity of a settlement is equal to 2 silver pieces 1 sp or even 5 cp of economic activity per day.
for each person in the settlement times the Highly prosperous nations have more willful,
settlement multiplier. less loyal, and more independent people.
The value of economic activity also represents Low investment in education, large, weakly
the most valuable item the settlement can policed frontiers, and bad economic conditions
create (such as a rare magic item, a stronghold, reduce base economic activity, but makes the
or ship, as determined by the DM). This can also population more pliable, more loyal, and more
represent grand projects such as monuments. reliant on rich or powerful individuals.
Things of higher value than the economic Changing the population‘s base economic
activity is not in circulation, either in the activity is a long and arduous process that
possession or under the protection of a wealth involves many factors, and is usually out of reach
individual or organization, or is otherwise not of players unless embarking on grand projects
easily reached. and with extensive infrastructure over
Economic Maximum The purpose of such as rule is to represent
The economic maximum is a value five times smaller and more productive nations as opposed
that of the economic activity, which is the to larger and less productive ones (historic
maximum amount of value the economy examples could be the Italian States versus
can process in one day. This value is placed Scandinavia in the 13th century). This is known
adjacent to the economic activity value after a in grand strategy circles as building wide (larger
slash (40/160 gp in the below case). The area, less productivity) versus building tall
settlement cannot process more money than the (smaller area, more productivity).
economic maximum (soon lacking liquidity,
demand, or causing a glut in the product in Tax
question). This represents liquefiable wealth that circulates
in the economy that is quickly available for
For instance, a small village of 200 people has taxation. Tax is usually up to a maximum of 25%
an economic activity of 80/400 gp, or 200 of the settlement‘s economic activity.
(population) x 2 (silver pieces) x 2 (size Out of the tax, two-fifths (10% economic
modifier). activity) is per capita tax or land (or salt) tax,
The most expensive item it can create is worth one-fifth (5% economic activity) is protection
80 gold pieces (or 800 silver pieces), and it can tax, one-fifth (5% economic activity) is a
absorb a limit of 400 gold pieces (or 4,000 silver religious tithe or charitable tax, and one-fifth
pieces) every day. (5% economic activity) is a tax on trade.
A trader selling 400 gp worth of iron bars in the Strongholds usually claim part of these taxes to
settlement would quickly strain the settlement‘s sustain themselves—a general in a keep claims
the military tax from the ruler of the settlement,

Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

and uses the money to pay for the soldiers and regiment) or sub-organization (25 guards, or 62
troops, while a priest in an abbey or church army), or left as a number (53 soldiers, or 12
claims the religious tax as a tithe to maintain scouts).
religious buildings or pay for healing in certain
occasions; land taxes are usually claimed by the Reinforcements
ruler himself to maintain government functions Usually, the military is ready to be called upon
and pay for various useful strongholds. instantly, but in most cases, only one-third of the
force is ready for combat, with the rest as
reinforcements that can be drawn upon within
hours of calling upon them or raising the call to
Scattered military units must be notified
individually, making it prudent for military
commanders to settle soldiers in strongholds
where they can be easily outfitted, notified, and

This shows the system of government or
common traits it has. There are many systems of
government, ranging from representative city
councils, military dictatorships, tribal
monarchies, to democratic states.
The system of government in of itself has no
Tax Collector direct mechanical impact on the system, but it
makes its impact shown through programs,
Centralization administrative acts, how they confront issues,
The ruler can claim all tax income (such as and internal policies by the leaders (which in
establishing a state church to siphon donations turn is naturally influenced by the system of
and tithes, claim military tax to pay for troops, government).
etc.). If distributing it in an unfair way or not in An absolute monarch is more naturally inclined
its intended means, there is a chance this will be to prevent factions to arise in his demesne, and
discovered and cause disloyalty. However, if is more likely to suppress such factions than
distributed well, this is described as increased integrate them into a government structure as a
centralization. democracy would.
Increased centralization this way has its Ultimately, all governments intend to exist in
benefits, but usually results in less skilled perpetuity, and when an element cannot be
organizations in the settlement, as well as coopted, it usually becomes a battle to the death,
increased risk of corruption or theft (since one winner-takes-all.
claims all).
Ruler’s Status
Transporting Tax This shows the status of the ruler in a given
Tax is usually transported in chests or other settlement. This provides quick insight into the
means to the capital or the ruler‘s treasury—each political status of the settlement‘s leadership.
chest (see the Player‘s Handbook) can carry up
to 15,000 gold pieces (30 pounds of gear times 1 Strongholds
pound per 50 gp). Alternatively, a single gold bar This lists any major strongholds present that
(27 pounds) is worth around 1,350 gp. must be controlled to claim the settlement.
In some cases, tax money can be claimed Although there is no upper limit to strongholds
without currency, such as claiming ships, in a settlement, the ones that provide significant
valuable items, gems, or other mediums of value. influence are few (and sometimes change or
compete with one another for prominence).
Military In most settlements, one stronghold for each
This lists any troops stationed in the settlement size category of the settlement is considered a
under the ruler‘s control, plus the command focal point this way (usually the seat of the
structure. Military forces may be organized by settlement‘s government, economic or cultural
regiment (1 cavalry regiment, or 2 archer centers, and strongholds of religious, historical,

Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

or ideological significance). Taking control of  Threats. This details the most common
these focal points represents control of the entire possible issue arising in the settlement, from
settlement, with less control corresponding to social to military issues such as corrupt
less control. guards, frequent goblin raids, to friction
between rival mage schools that could
Settlement traits (Race Relations, Theme, explode into all out civil war, usually
Notable Traits, Treats, Fame, Calamity, detailing the creature or monster.
Factions) Settlement features show common  Calamity. Calamities indicates severe issues
traits in the settlement, such as internal politics, the settlement or region is currently
aesthetics, history, or dangers associated with suffering from, such as rampant banditry,
the settlement. political turmoil, or war. This is often the
 Fame. This covers what the settlement is case when a threat cannot be handled in a
best known for—aesthetics, cultural traits, reasonable time, or when catalysts propel a
history, or otherwise the most distinct normal event to terrible proportions.
feature among other settlements.  Factions. Every settlement usually has at
 Race Relations. This represents current least three effective factions. This usually
relations between different races, or sub- represents the legitimate government, major
races or ethnicities if one race dominates. organizations, and people of interest.
 Theme. This represents the theme of the
settlement, such as ‗decedent city resisting Description
reform‘ to ‗failing farming village suffering The description of the settlement could provide
devastation from war‘. This provides insight to the mechanisms of the settlement‘s
guidance on what adventures and tasks can governance, location, intrigue, and trade.
be accomplished in the settlement.

Sample Settlements
Capital City academy), 1 fortified church (grand cathedral), 1
Population 18,000 (14,000 humans; 1,000 guildhall (merchants‘ guild)
dwarves; 1,000 halflings; 500 elves; 1,500 Race Relations Harmony Theme Prosperous
other), large city (x5) and idyllic city Notable Traits Verdant parks
Economic Activity 18,000/90,000 gp and orchids Threats Faction intrigue among
Tax 5,400 gp (1,080 each sector), 10% land, 5% nobility
mil (city soldiers), 5% religious, 5% trade Fame Tough warriors Calamity Nobles
Military 540 soldiers, under command of ruler: planning a coup Factions King, Merchants‘
5 battalions (18 sergeants, 6 lieutenants, 2 Guild, infighting nobles
captain) Description The Capital City is a grand city
Government Feudalism Ruler’s Status that holds the seat of the king, and is surrounded
Respected, fair, and just by walls that seem more for artistic design than
Strongholds (5): 1 castle (royal palace), 1 for defense.
garrison (army barracks), 1 college (royal magic

Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

Waterdeep Population 10,000 (6,000 humans; 1,500

Population 133,000 (79,800 humans, 13,300 halflings; 1,000 half-orcs; 750 dwarves; 750
dwarves, 13,300 elves, 21,280 others), other), large city (x5)
metropolis (x6) Economic Activity 10,000/50,000 gp
Economic Activity 159,600/798,000 gp Tax 2,500 gp (500 each sector), 10% land, 5%
Tax 39,900 gp (7,980 each sector), 10% land, mil (neutral police), 5% religious, 5% trade
5% mil (city guard), 5% religious, 5% trade Military 250 soldiers, under command of
Military 3,991 soldiers, under command of hidden council: nearly 8 companies or 25 squads
council: nearly 4 legions, or 133 companies (133 (8 sergeants, 1 lieutenant)
sergeants, 44 lieutenants, 14 captain) Government Kleptocracy Ruler’s Status
Government Cryptocracy (council) Ruler’s Weakling manipulated by others (the enchanter)
Status Mysterious, anonymous cabal Strongholds (5): 1 castle (ruined sultan‘s
Strongholds (6) 2 castles (Castle Waterdeep, palace), 1 tower (enchanter‘s spire), 1 residence
Piergeiron's palace) 1 fortified church (temple of (bustling bazaar), 2 guildhalls (two rival thief
Oghma), 2 residences (Yawning Portal Inn, and assassin guilds)
Mirt‘s Mansion), 1 tower (Blackstaff tower) Race Relations Racial minority are refugees
Race Relations Tension or rivalry Theme Theme Decedent city resisting reform Notable
Trade hub suffering from layers of intrigue Traits Sinister reputation Threats Cutpurses,
Notable Traits Large shipyards Threats corrupt guards, assassins, religious sect rivalry
Underground war between rival guilds Fame Gambling Calamity Underground
Fame Powerful guilds Calamity - Factions sectarian war Factions Enchanter, rival thief
Ruling Cabal, Blackstaff, Major Guilds and assassin guilds, alliance of good-aligned
Description. Waterdeep from Forgotten clerics.
Realms is one of the greatest cities in the setting, Description. The City of Thieves is a sorry pit
and is a major trade hub between mineral-rich of crime and lawlessness. As thieves‘ guilds,
states and those who trade in luxuries. orders of assassins, and ruthless mercenary
companies break the law brazenly in the day and
Dwarven Mining Town run a corrupt semi-government, a righteous
Population 2,000 (900 dwarves; 600 humans; band of churches attempt to bring the settlement
200 elves; 200 halflings, 100 other), large village back onto the path of righteousness, while facing
(x3) down criminals, entrenched corruption, and
Economic Activity 1,200/ 6,000 gp priests and cultists of dark powers allied with the
Tax 300 gp (60 each sector), 10% land, 5% mil enchanter from his spire.
(guild guards), 5% religious, 5% trade
Military 30 guards, under command of guild Maritime City-State
master: 3 companies (1 sergeant) Population 55,000 (31,000 humans; 10,000
Government Council (Various guilds) Ruler’s halflings; 8,000 elves; 2,000 half-elves; 1,000
Status Racial majority are conquerors gnomes; 1,000 merfolk, 3,000 other),
Strongholds (3): 1 guildhall (smith‘s guild), 2 metropolis (x6)
residences (travelers‘ inn, miners‘ hall) Economic Activity 66,000/ 330,000 gp
Race Relations Harmony Theme Tax 16,500 gp (3,300 each sector), 10% land,
Mountainside town arising around a mine 5% mil (guard force), 5% religious, 5% trade
Notable Traits Well-lit streets Threats Military 1,650 soldiers, under command of the
Rampant banditry in the countryside, kobolds in senate: nearly 16 battalions, or 55 companies (55
the mines sergeants, 18 lieutenants, 6 captains)
Fame Great hero/savior Calamity Bandit lord Government Republic Ruler’s Status
in the countryside Factions Council, Smith‘s Contested leadership, open fighting
Guild, Traveler‘s Inn Proprietor Strongholds (6): 1 castle (senate), 1 keep
Description Dwarven mining towns dot (trade guild), 1 tower (sea-witch‘s spire), 2
mineral-rich hills, mountains, and riversides. residences (market hub and trade route inns), 1
Mining in deep caverns, panning rivers for gold guildhall (goldsmith‘s guild)
nuggets, or establishing open-air mines, Race Relations Racial majority oppresses
dwarven mining towns are small settlements minority Theme Trade republic weakened by
that often strike valuable metals and find infighting and xenophobia
important resources. Notable Traits Canals in place of streets
Threats Racial tension, corrupt officials
City of Thieves

10 | P a g e
Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

Fame Delicious cuisine Calamity Political Fame Wines Calamity Evil witch moved into
battle spilling to the streets Factions Senate town Factions Baron, Elven Witch, Merchants‘
Majority, Senate Minority, Sea Witch Guild
Description The Maritime City-State is a Description Elven river ports are common in
powerful center of trade, but is plagued with lands under the control of the fair folk. Although
corrupt officials and weak leadership. As racial famous for its elven absinthe, the river port is
tensions rise and senators cynically employ this also notable for its frequent festivals.
for political gain, trade passing the settlement
slows as the political battle spills over to affect Fishing Village
trade. Population 270 (143 humans, 61 halflings, 36
elves, 10 half-elves, 10 half-orcs, 10 other) small
Isolated Farming Hamlet village (x2)
Population 60 (50 humans, 4 elves, 3 dwarves, Economic Activity 108/540 gp
3 other), hamlet (x1) Tax 27 gp (5 gp, 4 sp each sector), 10% land, 5%
Economic Activity 12/60 gp mil (militia), 5% religious, 5% trade
Tax 3 gp (6 sp each sector), 10% land, 5% mil Military 2 soldiers, under command of sheriff
(farmers‘ militia), 5% religious, 5% trade Government Militocracy Ruler’s Status
Military 2 soldiers, appointed by regional Feared tyrant
governor Strongholds (2): 1 prison (sheriff‘s office), 1
Government Patriarchy Ruler’s Status Iron- residence (fishery inn)
willed but respected Race Relations Racial minority are rulers
Strongholds (1): 1 residence (elder‘s hall) Theme Fishing village suffering the fallout from
Race Relations Harmony Theme Idyllic a terrible war Notable Traits Destitute
hamlet with significant history Notable Traits Threats Frequent flooding, poverty, gang
Site of mythical or magical event Threats activity
banditry, high taxes Fame Rude people Calamity Gang war in the
Fame Piety Calamity settlement defenseless streets Factions Sheriff, Inn Proprietor, Gangs
against bandits Factions Elders, Sheriff, Elven of Half-Orc Bastards
Pastor Description This village is suffering between
Description Farming hamlets dot the plains an overbearing and tyrannical halfling sheriff
and grasslands of kingdoms, usually protected who thinks he knows everything and is stronger
by a larger settlement two to three days away. than he looks, a flood that sunk several cottages
This farming hamlet is especially isolated, and is and ruined the fishing docks, an overall
built on a site where a battle against undead economic downturn that resulted in rapidly-
once took place decades ago, where a paladin approaching famine, and the organization of the
stood alone against a necromancer and seventy half-orc residents (conceived during the war)
of his skeletal minions. into gangs that cause mischief, who are often
manipulated (or outright bought) by the sheriff.
Elven River Port
Population 1,300 (1,000 elves; 100 gnomes; Crossroads Trade Town
100 half-elves; 100 other), large village (x3) Population 560 (202 humans, 148 halflings,
Economic Activity 780/3.900 gp 101 elves, 75 dwarves, 24 half-orcs, 10 other),
Tax 195 gp (39 each sector), 10% land, 5% mil large village (x3)
(levy), 5% religious, 5% trade Economic Activity 336/1,680 gp
Military 19 soldiers, under command of the Tax 84 gp (16 gp, 8 sp each sector), 10% land,
baron 5% mil (guard), 5% religious, 5% trade
Government Monarchy Ruler’s Status Military 8 soldiers, under command of the lord
Religious leader Government Oligarchy Ruler’s Status On
Strongholds (3): 1 keep (Baron‘s fort), 1 tower deathbed, claimants compete for power
(elven witch‘s tower), 1 residence (elven Strongholds (3): 1 keep (lord‘s keep), 1
brewery) residence (market hub), 1 guildhall (bank)
Race Relations Harmony Theme Elven wine- Race Relations Racial minority are refugees
making port Notable Traits Excellent product Theme Crossroads trade town populated in the
(elven absinthe) middle of transition of political power Notable
Threats Trolls under bridges, banditry Traits Headquarters of a powerful family or
guild Threats Intrigue between offspring of
powerful factions

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Fame High fashion Calamity Ruler succession rival guild masters and the government, a threat
crisis Factions Bankers, Merchants‘ Guild, Son that can spill into economic sabotage, targeted
of the local lord theft, and may even escalate to assassinations. If
Description This trade town appears stable the heirs of the guilds decide to settle the
and prosperous on the outside, but underneath matters of control and succession, the trade
its surface strife and ill will simmers between town might manage to survive the calamity.

Managing Settlements
Settlements and regions provide a rewarding If sold, this yields 36,000 gold pieces every 365
challenge when ruled, providing wealth and days (9,000 gold pieces every 90 days, or 100 gp
influence, but require management. per day).
In some settings, the unit of food that can feed a
Food and Water person for one day is named. The Japanese, for
Food and water are critical resources for instance, have the term of koku, which is the
settlements of living individuals. In most cases, food required for the sustenance of one person
independent farmsteads provide food for nearby for one year (or 1 masu for the sustenance of one
settlements, occupying vast stretches of the person for one day).
countryside in exchange for protection or for
money. Land Fertility
Without the required food and unclean water, Depending on fertility of the land, weather, and
the population of a settlement gradually various other factors, the yield can be modified
dwindles over time, either due to sickness, by half (50% more or 50% less). The Plant
starvation, or outgoing immigration. Growth spell doubles the farm yield for 1 year,
On the other hand, when there is more than although independent druids who see
sufficient food and water, the population may population growth holistically are picky on who
experience occasional inbound immigration. they aid (which contributes a little on why they
When a settlement is present, you may assume are often mistrusted and disliked by civil
the settlement has enough farmland to feed itself authorities).
+ 25% surplus residents (with investments in
farmlands required for further development). Farmers and the State
Farmlands require protection, otherwise the
Farms and Farmsteads yield can be stolen or scavenged by travelers,
One farmer and two helpers or family members bandits, monsters, and other beings.
(one skilled and two unskilled workers) can Farmers are often either hired or protected,
work a farm of 30 acres on their own, providing which affects the relationship between the ruler
food enough to sustain 15 people over the year of a settlement and the farmers on their land.
(treat as 15 rations per day; 5,500 rations over If protected, the farmstead is protected by the
365 days). settlement‘s ruler, who has their soldiers guard
The produce can be sold for full price for 2,750 the farmlands by regular patrols (military
gold pieces every 365 days, or 90 gold pieces protection) and applying justice on thieves (legal
every 30 days, or 3 gold pieces every day. protection). Operated farmlands provide up to
A full farmstead can host up to 13 farmers (plus one-half their income or yield to the settlement
2 assistants each), and can sustain 200 people or stronghold master who protects them for no
per square mile farmed. additional cost. This is often the case with feudal

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nobles. They are not trained to follow orders, and

If less no military protection is done but legal sometimes, cannot even understand them (if
protection is applied, the income or yield is one- communication is by banners, horns, or drums).
quarter instead of one-half. Militia are reduced from the population of their
If no protection is provided, farmers do not yield settlement as normal, and sufficient losses cause
anything, having no income of their own. them to scatter, which may lead to chaos and
If hired, the ruler pays the farmers‘ lifestyle breakdown of society as the populace flees the
expenses (2 gold and 4 silver per day per farmer settlement into the roads, wilds, or to other
and 2 assistants, or 31 gp 2 sp per farmstead) settlements as refugees.
and provides military and legal protection, the
farmstead yields its full income willingly. Combat Orders
In most cases such as these, the population feel
Regional Population Limit threatened enough that small orders (see
The DM may decide that there is a maximum Chapter 4: Organizations) appear to protect
population the region can support on its own, them, usually in the form of irregulars, trained
requiring that the ruler of these settlements militia, secessionists, or revolutionaries (either
secure additional food to support more homegrown or supported by an enemy patron).
population (either by establishing more
farmlands, securing food by foreign trade, or by Raiding
increasing the efficiency of existing sources of A hostile troop that enters a settlement can be
food). ordered to loot and raid, claiming anything that
isn‘t nailed down, capturing goods, or finding
Investing in Farmlands and acquiring treasures. The required number of
Like organizations, farmlands require an initial attackers is equal to the required number of
investment to be ready to provide yield, with an defenders of the settlement (1 raider per 50
investment of 450 gp per acre (or 300,000 gold populace, with higher Challenge foes covering
per one square mile) of arable land turned into more populace).
farmland. Especially fertile lands are cheaper to While being raided by a force that poses a threat
invest in, reducing the cost of investment to the settlement, the economic activity is
(subject to DM approval), and in rare cases even reduced up to half for that day, and the raiders
waiving it entirely. gain half the daily tax income plus an additional
2d100% in easily liquidated items (usually trade
Military Protection goods).
Every 50 people of a settlement require one full- The raiders cannot gain the tax wealth if
time soldier (use the statistics of the guard) to measures are taken (fight takes place outside, or
provide a reasonable feeling of protection. if the tax collector is protected). If there is
Thus, losing soldiers to war or serial murders meaningful military or militia resistance, the
can have terrible ramifications, with the amount of harm to economic activity and stolen
common folk less ready to fork out taxes, tax income is reduced appropriately (DM‘s
farmers taking matters into their own hands adjudication).
(becoming militia), and bandits ravaging the Raiders may also kidnap or kill segments of the
lands. population (usually by engaging them and
In the case of having stronger military units entering houses by force), which is resolved as
(instead of a soldier), the population protected is normal combat (grappling, carrying, etc.).
50 people per every Challenge rating of the Burning houses, however (such as by throwing
dedicated military unit, for a minimum of 50 torches on thatched roofs) causes random
(150 people per knight, etc.). deaths inside instead.
Economic recovery usually takes 1 month, but
Militia can be longer or shorter depending on which
If a settlement does not have a military force to preparations or actions are being taken from
protect it, the leader can attempt to raise a both sides (deliberate destruction of property by
militia (see the Rally downtime activity), but raiders beyond looting increases the duration,
these are usually ill-trained and ill-equipped while providing insurances or making an
Commoners (with only what is at hand or what example of raiders decreases the duration).
the commoner inherited or bought). Lingering economic, societal, and political
fallout are left to the DM, but usually involve a
calls for a change in political leadership, loss of

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population as some of the town leave to join the protected farmers provide less yield (either
bandits, leave the town, or are slain while intentionally or due to being robbed), and the
attempting to prevent raiders from taking their lack of prosperity is reflected in less tax income,
possessions, and a permanent penalty to the morale, and loyalty.
economic activity of the settlement until Laws affect also gathering supporters for causes
reparations are done, or even reduction of the (see the Rally downtime activity), as more
base value of economic activity (from 2 sp to 1 legitimacy makes gathering supporters simpler.
sp), as the population is not secure enough to
work at their full capability, which returns in a Leading
while. Leading a settlement is a full time occupation. It
For instance, a company of 30 bandits descend is prohibitively difficult to both lead a settlement
on a Dwarven Mining Town, defeating the or organization (or a similar political entity) and
defenders and looting the settlement. The adventure, train, or perform other tasks
bandits only kill who intercept or oppose them, requiring downtime.
causing minor deaths, but mostly steal. Leading does have its perks, however—not only
The economic activity is reduced to 600/3,000 does power allow a player to confront challenges
for the day, and half the tax income (150 gold) is differently, but leading also provides experience
taken by bandits. Furthermore, when rolling as if fighting monsters.
2d100 resulted in 55%, for total loot of 232 gp
and 5 sp if they are able to leave without being Challenge and Leveling Up
intercepted. In most cases, a king conquering another nation,
leading the kingdom out of a terrible disaster, or
Vigilantism even simply forming a lasting peace with its
In rare occasions, settlements with insufficient neighbors can provide experience as if normal
protection give rise to vigilantes who take it combat or a quest (with each major battle or
upon themselves to provide protection for the decision providing experience).
settlement. This represents talented soldiers, When such a challenge arises, the DM can assign
and provides military protection as described. a challenge rating (as a monster‘s Challenge),
A vigilante is usually free-willed, however, and with the XP granted on defeating it rewarded to
may choose to guard only a caste of people or the leaders of the settlement or organization.
those only in their area of activity. Furthermore, Optionally, armies gain experience for enemies
turning a blind eye towards a vigilante has risks, they defeat (see the optional rule under Chapter
as those under the vigilante‘s protection do not 5: Downtime and Training).
consider themselves sheltered by the
settlement‘s ruler (and thus do not often yield Titles and Jobs
tax and crop to them, instead to the vigilante). A ruler of a settlement or organization may
delegate duties to people with special talents to
Legal Protection perform tasks of governance, such as countering
Nations have laws and protocols that limit who heists, investigating crimes, supervising
can rule, what they can rule, and how they go holidays, and managing military forces.
about while ruling. Although it may be tempting In this case, the responsibility is tied to a title. A
for a ruler to disregard established law and person with this title is legally empowered to
custom, going against it rarely ends well, perform such duties, and is the one who rolls
robbing the ruler of the moral legitimacy that relevant skill checks instead of the ruler directly.
keeps many a rebel content to merely complain For instance, a thieves‘ guild smuggles
instead of taking up arms. Even a tyrannical contraband into the Elven River Port settlement
mage-king cannot risk precious time and the must succeed on the appropriate skill check
kingdom‘s stability putting down dozens of petty against the settlement‘s marshal or warden.
revolts and ending feuds by violence, as any Special. If the governing body of the settlement
resources lost in the fighting is less resources he is aware of the method or attempt, they have
can use to defend his interests later on. advantage to their check. If the organization
Laws and a justice system also facilitates develops a new method or finds a counter, they
economic activity. Without legal protection, cancel the advantage.

Administrative Titles

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Below are sample administrative titles. Not every settlement requires occupation of each title, as small
villages might not have the forces that warrant a full-time general. In this case, the general title refers not
to the commanding force of the kingdom they are in, but only of the forces in the settlement.
Some rulers are primarily generals, and assign a second-in-command to manage the ruler‘s tasks. Most
Nobles can exchange their skill proficiencies with title-appropriate skills.

Ruler (Charisma, Wisdom; Persuasion, Insight, Investigation, and History). Rulers perform political
maneuvers, negotiate peace, and identify and analyze and manage the populace. In the case of having a
liege or higher-up, the ruler usually pays a tax to the liege (if a medieval feudal system, may reach up to
50% of the net income).
 Second in Command (as Ruler). A ruler may have a second in command, such as a regent, grand
vizier, or consort who attends court or rules when the ruler is unavailable (due to being abroad,
sickness, or being occupied in other things such as training, combat, or adventuring).
 Heir (as any other Title). A ruler may also have an heir (if ruling is a hereditary position). In many
cases, the heir can serve as a second in command.
Councilor (Charisma, Wisdom; History, Insight, Persuasion, and Performance). Councilors perform
internal negotiations, and understand intentions of various internal forces, and to represent the other
leaders‘ interests inside the settlement and before the populace.
Court Chaplain or High Priest (Charisma, Wisdom; Arcana, History, Insight, Religion). Court chaplains
represent religious interests to or for the authority, perform religious duties such as watching over holy
grounds or holy days, counter unorthodoxy (such as rival or enemy faiths from gaining traction), and
interpret signs and omens from the higher realms, and are sometimes the highest-ranking regional official
in the religion (in cases where the temporal authority does not fall to the ruler themselves).
Court Mage or Magister (Intelligence, Wisdom; Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation). Court magi
oversee magical education, perform spellcasting duties in service of the settlement, counter rival or enemy
magicians or magic, and serve as the go-to advisor in cases of magical anomalies.
General (Charisma, Intelligence; Athletics or Animal Handling, Insight, Perception, and Survival).
Generals identify enemy maneuvers, command, control, and inspire their troops in times of war and
peace. They are officially responsible of leading military forces.
Grand Diplomat (Charisma, Intelligence; Deception, Investigation, Insight and Perception). The grand
diplomat or foreign minister represents the settlement‘s interests abroad, negotiating peace, and
conducting diplomacy. Grand diplomats lead envoys, perform negotiations, and understand intentions of
various forces.
Grand Healer or Doctor (Intelligence, Wisdom; Arcana, Insight, Medicine, Nature). Grand healers
investigate illnesses, develop medicines to counter diseases, and heal members of the settlement. The
grand healer works in conjunction with the councilor and marshal to institute quarantines, inspect
imports for unusual diseases, and keep the settlement calm and wary in the face of plagues, and seeks
advice with the court mage in cases of plagues having magical natures.
Marshal or Warden (Dexterity, Wisdom; Insight, Investigation or Intimidation, Perception, Stealth).
Marshals investigate crimes, capture fugitives, enforce laws and punishments, and protect (or control) the
populace. The marshal enforces the settlement‘s laws and customs, watches and secures the settlements‘
borders, performs patrols, protects the other leaders of the settlements against harm. They are officially
responsible for legal matters.
Spymaster (Dexterity, Intelligence; Insight, Investigation or Sleight of Hand, Perception, Stealth).
Spymasters gather and analyze information and conduct espionage, shadow criminals‘ movements if they
are more than mere lawbreakers, train and maintain agents inside enemy territories, and sometimes
performs assassinations against the enemies of the settlement. The spymaster also works in conjunction
with the grand diplomat, councilor, and marshal to coordinate activities to prevent the interests of the
settlement from being compromised.
Treasurer, Steward or Grand Accountant (Intelligence, Wisdom; Insight, Investigation, Perception,
Persuasion). The treasurer monitors the state of the settlement‘s treasury and possessions, protects assets
(solid and liquid) from theft, counters (or manages) corruption, enforces economic policies, tracks debts
and credits with guilds and other settlements, manages tax collectors, and allocates the money to its
appropriate place. The treasurer also works in conjunction with the spymaster and councilor to identify
organizations performing hostile economic activities against the settlement.

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Tolling per every 20 people of the settlement. Or if the

Watching over and maintaining a pass or toll on Capital City (18,000 population), it is 9 gold per
a bridge, mountain pass, or other bottleneck day.
provides income. A pass has average traffic of 1
per every 20 people on both sides of it, and Trading
usually claims 1 copper piece per day per person During exploration of a terrain or a region,
in income. resources such as trade goods can be harvested.
The income can be increased by increasing the When settlements are made near such resources,
toll, but cannot normally exceed 0.01% of the it takes a dedicated organization to harvest the
Economic Activity of the larger settlement trade good, which can provide an increase in
except in favorable circumstances (such as a economic activity, or can be spent instead of raw
refugee crisis or war). materials for item creation. If the trade good is a
For instance, a mountain pass on a road between food supply (as a surplus in wheat), this could
the Dwarven Mining Town and Elven River Port provide a modifier to the food gathered by farms
caters to a total of 3,300 people, or average in the region harvesting the same product.
traffic of 165 people every day for 1 gp, 6 sp, and See Chapter 8: Trade Goods and Equipment for
5 cp each day. more details on how the trade tax works.
A toll gate can also be placed at the entrance and
exit of a city, in which case the toll has traffic of 1

Discoveries and Goody Huts

A concept found in many 4x games is the goody hut concept, but expanded for these rules. Discoveries can
be anything from a large grove of alchemical herbs (which can be harvested) to happening across a battle
or small town.
Engaging with the discovery can usually yield a reward, so long as the visiting representatives of the
settlement are strangers. In some cases, gaining the discovery reward requires a skill check or minor
settlement-related quest (such as defeating a squad of harassing goblins or roving pack of timer wolves via
the mass combat rules, or extending a trade route, building a road to them, or sending a mediator to solve
an internal problem).

Discovery Table
Roll Discovery Size1 Reward
1 Settlement Tiny 1d4% of income storage (treasury)
2 Organization2 Small 1d4% of food storage
3 Battle Average 1d4% of population3
4 Resource Large Renown4
5 Danger Huge Information5
6 Activity (see below) Colossal Roll twice for rewards and take both results

1 A tiny settlement can be anything from a hamlet to a single cottage. Large and huge settlements are
never found alone, and must be near other smaller ones
2 Includes appropriately-sized strongholds
3 Limited in number to the discoverer‘s numbers
4 Renown with independent villages and towns could result in alliances, which could allow
5 Information can include anything from a secret with the discovery itself to foreshadowing future events

Settlements. Settlements‘ size modifier is a determining factor, with tiny settlements being hamlets (up
to 50 population), small being small villages (200), average being large villages (1,000), large including
cities (5,000), huge including large cities (10,000) and colossal including metropolises (25,000+). A
settlement meeting a larger power or strangers usually has a friendly or at best neutral reaction, and the
reward could be anything from a celebration to gifts and assistance given to travelers, with food and
money being the primary goods. Sometimes, a segment of the population could choose to leave (often less
than the travelers), taking place as immigrants, settlers, adventurous youth, or even an exodus of a certain
class or subset of the populace.
Organization. Organization‘s sizes usually range from the sample organizations (see chapter 4), with
larger ones having more influence and a larger stronghold. Renown with organizations is often more

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rewarding that renown with settlements, as friendly organizations could provide training, knowledge, and
even protection for allies.
Battles. Average sized battles including anything from 400 combatants to a total of 1,000 (with smaller
ones called skirmishes and larger and longer-duration battles called fronts). If you wish to roll randomly
for the combatants, you may use the Creature Activity table as well for details on what creatures are
fighting and for what reason.
Danger. This includes anything from a current hazard (quicksand), difficult weather (storms and sleet,
as appropriate to the season) to diseases and plagues striking the region, with the size determining the
danger of the hazard (and damage it would deal or effect it would have) and the reward usually being
survivors of the discovery who would gift whoever saved them.

Settlement Features, Events, and Infrastructure

Settlements also have features and infrastructure that could be an expense the ruler has to contend with.

Demographic calculations is applied per as with a ruler or kept safe in a school or chapel).
continent or world, not per settlement. This Usually only metropolis has a legendary magic
applies to rarity of hirelings and NPCs, as well as item.
rarity of items.
Events. Various events can apply modifications
Rarity of Heroes and High-level Hirelings to settlements. If a settlement ruler attempts to
Average demographics are as follows (50,000 encourage businesses, provide charters, clamp
populace). This applies for the entire populace, down on monopolies, allow trade to flow, or to
not once per settlement: allow private control of trade goods, this could
70% commoners (35,000) cause the Booming Businesses event.
20% children (10,000) Booming Businesses. Organizations in the
0.8% tier 1, or level/Challenge 1-4 (4,000)1 settlement take a +10% to their income.
0.02% tier two, or level/Challenge 5-10 (100)2 Diseases. Diseases are a serious danger to a
0.0002% tier three or level/Challenge 11-16 (10)3 settlement, depriving it from population or
0.00002% tier four or level/Challenge 17-20 (1)4 forcing migration. Diseases reap a percentage of
Tier 1. This includes guards, thugs, and adepts the populace every 365 days equal to 1 per DC of
Tier 2. This includes assassins, gladiators, and the disease.
veterans For instance, an outbreak of the shrieks (DC 13)
Tier 3. This includes archdruids, archmages, and can affect 13% of a population of an elven river
warlords port (1,300 populace), annually culling 169
Tier 4. This includes powerful adventurers or people, or 14 people per month (1 per every 2
ancient powers days).
Healing services must be able to catch up with
Rarity of Magic Items the disease DC. If the vector of transmission is
Settlements and regions have a number of magic ingested or contact, the effective DC increases by
items appropriate to their population (usually 5, as such insidious means are more difficult to
random or non-combat related, such as Lanterns guard against.
of Revealing or Periapts of Health). No fresh water or access to stagnant water
increases the effective DC of diseases further by
Populace Magic Item Maximum Rarity 5. Races resistant to diseases or poisons reduces
100 Uncommon the effective DC when applied to themselves by 5
1,000 Rare points.
10,000 Very Rare Weak Businesses. Organizations in the
100,000 Legendary* settlement take a -10% to their income.
1,000,000 Artifact* Good harvest (requires farmers/fishers).
Good circumstances cause harvests or food-
* A magic item with this rarity is not necessarily gathering efforts to be unusually productive. The
available, but might be, usually reserved with a total food gained in the settlement is increased
powerful organization, in an important (up to double normal harvest).
stronghold, or with an influential person (such

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Noble Titles
With the feudal system, ruling land also usually comes with noble titles. See the Dungeon Master‘s Guide
(page 19) for alternate names for noble titles depending on civilization or language.
In many cases, titles do not come with land, but are indicators of prestige within the lineage, such as
knighthood for a knight-errant (wandering knight) or a title for a samurai who served his master but held
no land (to keep him financially dependent and focused on the art of war).
The following statistics all assume average land sizes. In smaller lands (such as valleys or islands), it is
very possible for a king to rule an area as large as a baron in another realm (such are often known as petty

Vassals are people who swear fealty to the realm and are tasked with governance. Various governments
have different laws to manage vassals, what happens to their titles upon they die, and the scope of their
Where some realms allow their vassals to rule as mini-kings in their lands, others constrict them. Vassals
usually resolve their disputes with one another by diplomacy or force of arms, and infighting is common.
Larger vassals may declare their own wars against powers outside the realm for purposes of expansion,
wealth and loot, or for more noble reasons.

A knight‘s fee (or fief) is usually 1,000 to 5,000 acres (average 2,500 acres), of which much (usually 60%)
is uncultivated land or terrain of dubious utility. For most fiefs, it takes 675,000 gp to make the most out
of the terrain (in terms of arability and farming).
Assuming 2,500 acres, an average knight‘s fief has the following statistics.

Knight’s Fief (2,500 acres) – Region

Population 500 (400 humans; 50 dwarves; 30 halflings; 15 elves, 5 other), small village (x2)
Economic Activity 200/1,000 gp
Tax 50 gp (10 each sector), 10% land, 5% mil (city soldiers), 5% religious, 5% trade
Military 5 soldiers, under command of ruler-knight
Strongholds (2): 1 residence (manor), 1 guildhall (town hall)
Description This represents an average knight‘s fief, which can provide the knight and their family
members (and retainers) the monies and influence they need to serve their liege. In some cases, half the
surplus income the knight receives is paid as scutage (a mix of tax, vassal obedience, and temporary
exemption from military service) to his direct lord.
Assuming only 40% of the land is readily arable, the knight‘s fief has 1,250 units of food.

A knight usually uses their demesne‘s pay to arm and armor themselves and their soldiers, and especially
enterprising ones expand their holdings by absorbing other lands (either owned by a neighbor or lord-
less) by way of war and conquest; inviting enterprising talents to establish organizations (to tax their
income and increase the settlement‘s quality of life) or train their offspring (usually to become wizards,
clerics, or fighters and aid their family by their newfound powers). A knight‘s connection to his liege lord
(which could be the king directly or assigned to a baron) can be a source of strength or tension.

A barony is typically composed of 20 knights‘ fiefs. This can be under direct control of the baron (known
as their demesne) or be given to a knight to have them for service (known as tenanted). The knight does
not have to be paid for the service, and provides additional manpower in times of war.
A baron usually has knights under their command, and answers either directly to the king or assigned to a
count (or higher-rank noble).
Assuming the average baron has 10 knights in his service and 10 fiefs as a demesne, the barony has the
following statistics.

Barony (50,000 acres) – Region

Population 5,000 (4,000 humans; 500 dwarves; 300 halflings; 150 elves, 50 other), small city/town
Economic Activity 4,000/20,000 gp

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Tax 1,000 gp (200 each sector), 10% land, 5% mil (city soldiers), 5% religious, 5% trade
Military 100 soldiers, under command of ruler‘s captain of the guard
Strongholds (4): 1 keep (baron‘s castle), 1 guildhall (town hall), 1 fortified church (chapel), 1 tower
(advisor‘s tower)
Description This represents an average baron‘s lands. In some cases, half the surplus income the baron
receives is paid as scutage to his direct lord.
Assuming only 40% of the land is readily arable, the barony has 10,000 units of food.

The above statistics assume a single region owned, and not a single settlement.

A county is typically composed of 3 baronies. As the barony, this can be under direct control of the count
(as demesne) or tenanted to barons or knights. In many cases, counts held more than one county (usually
by marriage alliances, inheritance, or conquest), creating counts of great influence who can even
command or threaten their superior or king.
In some cases, a count can also be independent, but choose to declare themselves as a count instead of a
king because of social, political, or demographic concerns (as an expression of loyalty or political

County (150,000 acres) – Region

Population 15,000 (12,000 humans; 1,500 dwarves; 900 halflings; 450 elves, 150 other), large city/town
Economic Activity 15,000/75,000 gp
Tax 3,750 gp (750 each sector), 10% land, 5% mil (city soldiers), 5% religious, 5% trade
Military 375 soldiers, under command of ruler‘s captain of the guard
Strongholds (5): 1 keep (count‘s castle), 1 guildhall (town hall), 1 fortified church (church), 1 tower
(advisor‘s tower), 1 school (academy)
Description This represents an average count‘s lands. In some cases, half the surplus income the baron
receives is paid as scutage to his direct lord.
Assuming only 40% of the land is readily arable, the county has 30,000 units of food.

The above statistics assume a single region owned, and not a single settlement.

A dukedom usually ranges from slightly larger than a county to the size of 3 counties. As a county, this can
be under direct control or tenanted. Also similarly to a county, a duke can be independent or under the
king‘s command.
In many cases in history, a dukedom absorbs several surrounding counties and war with one another,
making most dukedoms fluctuate wildly in size (from as small as one county to eight counties; or 150,000
acres to 1.2 million acres).

Dukedom (450,000 acres)

Population 45,000 (12,000 humans; 4,500 dwarves; 2,700 halflings; 1,350 elves, 450 other), metropolis
Economic Activity 54,000/270,000 gp
Tax 13,000 gp (2,700 each sector), 10% land, 5% mil (city soldiers), 5% religious, 5% trade
Military 1,350 soldiers, under command of duke‘s general
Strongholds (6): 1 palace or large castle (baron‘s estate), 1 fortified church (cathedral), 1 tower (mage‘s
tower), 1 guildhalls (thieves‘ guild), 1 garrison (army barracks), 1 school (academy)
Description This represents an average duchy‘s lands. An especially large duchy usually has a legitimate
claim to be an independent kingdom, but in many cases, marriage alliances or political considerations
make independence less desirable than staying subservient.
Assuming only 40% of the land is readily arable, the duchy has 90,000 units of food.

A kingdom can be any size (usually two or more larger duchies), and is generally a realm that has the
political legitimacy to claim to be independent. In some cases, an influential duke may create their own

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kingdom, but often finds it more politically stable to draw legitimacy from a previous kingdom
(necessitating they annex or vassalize lands known to belong to the old kingdom (or it‘s de jure territory).
A king usually has the legitimacy to grant lands and titles, and even fabricate them.

An empire is often a larger kingdom, or a realm where kings themselves are vassals to an emperor, over-
king, or high king. An empire‘s borders and features usually shift constantly, as the plans of the multitude
of vassals can result in expansion or contraction of the empire‘s borders, and various powers in the realm
struggling against one another and against powers outside the empire can make an emperor‘s head ache.

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Chapter 2: Armies and War

Wars, sieges, and armies fighting in the background are often featured in adventures. Adventurers may choose to
command soldiers to repel an invasion, rally their fellow villagers to hunt down a maiden-stealing dragon, or
relieve a besieged stronghold or settlement from a withering siege.
These rules provide a framework for how to handle mass combat and hordes of troops without requiring to track
each soldier‘s initiative, hit points, or general statistics.


It is recommended to apply the Cleaving through Creatures optional rule (Dungeon Master‘s Guide, page 272) to
make fighting troops slightly easier. If you deal damage equal to the hit points of a component creature, you can
ignore the reduction to damage from your damage roll the troop trait (in effect, you are targeting multiple
creatures anyway).

Establishing a Troop
Armies are created by applying the troop template to several similar and identical combat-ready creatures. Troops
may also be known as herds, packs, hordes, or other names that are appropriate to the creature.
A troop of dragons is a wing, for instance, while a troop of orcs is a horde. The troop template is similar to the
swarm template.
Any creature can enter a troop by standing adjacent to them and spending 5 feet of movement, so long as they are
similar statistically to them or are attempting to hide with them.

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Guard Medium humanoid troop (any race), any
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment alignment
Armor Class 16 (chain shirt, shield) Armor Class 14 (chain shirt, shield); 16 each
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10); 11 (2d8 + 2) each
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
Skills Perception +2 Skills Perception +2
Senses passive Perception 12 Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Any one language (usually Languages Any one language (usually
Common) Common)
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Challenge 3 (700 XP); 1/8 (25 XP) each
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to Troop. A troop takes half damage from any
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target effect that does not target at least half the
Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage component creatures. If the effect does not deal
damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the
When at least ten guards gatherz into a troop, effect targets an area, the troop is affected
they form a guard troop, as the following. normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the
effect deals damage.
A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target.
Hit: 22 (5d6 + 5) piercing damage; 4 (1d6 + 1)
Spear Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Attack:
Accuracy 11, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft.
Hit: 22 (5d6 + 5) piercing damage; 4 (1d6 + 1)
Guard Troop (10 unit squad)
Applying the troop template takes the following steps:
1. Calculate the Combat Modifier. The combat modifier is a value that affects several troop statistics, increasing
hit points and damage, and determining the Challenge of the troop. The combat modifier is a value equal to
one-half the number of creatures in the troop (5 for a 10-unit squad, 15 for a 30-unit company).
2. Apply the Combat Modifier to Hit Points, Challenge, and Damage. Multiply the troop‘s combat modifier by
the hit dice and bonus hit points from Constitution, recalculating hit points (2d8 + 2 becomes 10d8 + 10).
Lastly, multiply the damage of any direct damage abilities the troop has by the combat modifier (1d6 + 1
becomes 5d6 + 5). The individual hit dice is unchanged for a component creature.
Whenever an ability the troop uses is based off hit points, such as healing, damage, or reduction to damage
taken (such as the Goliath‘s Stone Endurance), multiply the hit point by the combat modifier wherever logical.
Abilities that deal damage in an area, however, overlap in area and do not stack (see the troop trait), and
abilities that reflect or deal damage to an attacker (such as a fire elemental‘s aura) deal the normal amount of
damage to each attacker (not counted as an area attack if attacked by troops, but as a normal attack for each
attacking creature).
Reduce Troop AC by 2. Due to the more clustered formation that is required by troops, the troop‘s AC is
reduced by 2 so long as they are within a troop.
3. Add the Troop Trait. As following.
Troop. A troop takes half damage from any effect that does not target at least half the component creatures.
If the effect does not deal damage, it is unaffected instead. If the effect affects an area, it is affected normally,
and takes 50% extra hit damage if it deals damage.
For instance, a magic missile‘s damage is halved against a squad unless it is cast from a 2nd level slot, and if
all 5 missiles target the same squad. This applies to healing effects as well. A charm person spell must be cast
from a 5th level slot to affect a squad (targets 5 creatures).
A troop always counts as if it makes one attack for every two creatures within it for the purposes of effects
added to an attack (damage dice from poison is similarly increased, and a wolf pack‘s bite can knock a troop of

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humanoids down if of equal or smaller size than the pack), while their Pack Tactics trait allows them
advantage against any creature they confront so long as the troop is maintained.
4. Add Troop Attack and Calculate Accuracy. Besides their normal attack, troops have a special troop attack.
This represents the grouped efforts of all the component units in the troop making attacks over their turn in
the round, and does not require an attack roll. It instead has an accuracy score, which is compared against the
targets‘ AC (see the Troop Accuracy table below). The accuracy score is equal to 8 + the troop‘s bonus to attack
(or to-hit modifier). It is affected normally as attack bonuses by cover and other effects.
In the case of ranged attacks, this troop attack resolved as a volley. A troop‘s volley attack damages all
creatures in an area equal to the size the troop occupies (each medium-sized soldier deals damage in a 5x5
foot square). This is not treated as an area effect, however, and has no DC to reduce damage, instead relying
on accuracy. For the purposes of ability mechanics, a troop attack acts as a normal melee attack (affecting
accuracy instead of attack bonus).

Troop Accuracy
Accuracy to AC Effect
Equal to or greater than AC by less than 5 points Deals weapon damage
Equal to or greater than AC by more than 5 points1 Deals weapon damage plus half (150%)
Equal to or less than AC by less than 5 points2 Deals half weapon damage (50%)
Whenever you make a troop attack, roll 1d20. On a roll of 20, the effective accuracy of the troop attack increases
by 10 for that attack. If the component creature would land a critical hit on a lower result, then the dice result is
what counts for this purpose instead.

5. Calculate final Challenge of the Troop. Depending on the challenge rating of the component creature, the
troop CR is altered as follows:

Original Challenge Change

0 1/2 (100 XP)
1/8 to 4 Increase Challenge by the Combat Modifier (CR 1/8 squad becomes Challenge 3)
5+ Multiply Challenge by one-half the Combat Modifier (CR 5 squad becomes Challenge 10)

Accuracy increases by 5 if the troop normally has difference of 10 points, dealing one-quarter their
advantage (such as attacking while hidden), and normal damage (6 instead of 27). If further
decreases by 5 if having disadvantage (such as disadvantaged by any way (such as by being at
shooting against concealment). If the troop is at half hit points or less, or by the dragon having
half hit points, they automatically decrease cover), their accuracy drops to 7, making the
accuracy by 5 points. dragon immune to the weapon damage from
1 For every 5 points above AC, the weapon their troop attack.
damage increases again. For instance, exceeding Note. For the purposes of damage threshold
the target‘s AC by 10 doubles the weapon (such as attacking ships or objects that require a
damage. minimum amount of damage to lose hit points),
2 For each 5 points below AC, the weapon refer to the individual damage dealt by a
damage is reduced again from half to quarter. If component creature instead of the troop attack.
less than the target‘s AC by 11 points or more, For instance, a sailing ship has a damage
the attack deals no damage. threshold of 15, making it immune to damage of
For instance, a squad of skeletons has an an individual soldier. Although when grouped as
accuracy score of 12 (8 + 4) with their short a troop, guards deal 22 damage, the individual
bows. Attempting a volley troop attack against damage (or 4) is what is compared against the
an ancient red dragon, they compare their damage threshold.
accuracy with the dragon‘s AC of 22 for a

Adventurers. Adventurers may join armies, usually choosing to lead forces, conduct battle-magic, perform
assassinations against enemy commanders, or even heading to the field to fight as a normal soldier. In most cases,
adventurers are unique individuals, and cannot be formed into a troop unless there are others with similar
capabilities (such as a berserker joining a troop of berserkers, or a mage joining a mage troop).
Armies have advantages over single creatures, and disadvantages. These assume the troop is the average Guard
(the most available troop type). Special traits may alter advantages and disadvantages.


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 Armies can hold positions and protect large
areas such as settlements and special Disadvantages
locations from hostile troops, sabotage,  Armies are unable to handle non-standard
raiders, and monsters and supernatural threats with efficiency or
 Armies can provide security enough to allow without massive losses (such as spellcasting
allied adventurers to rest and replenish fey, phasing ghosts, teleporting demons, and
resources, such as regaining spells and hit dragons), or creatures that create others
points (shadows‘ creating other shadows, or
 Armies are able to deal a lot of damage in werewolves creating more of its kind)
optimal conditions, taking down threats that  Armies are vulnerable to area effects and
individual soldiers (and even heroes) cannot spells, such as fireball, siege weapons, and
possibly face alone, such as sieges, monster effects such as a dragon‘s breath or a harpy‘s
hordes, and wars luring song.
 Armies (being a swarm of multiple  Armies are expensive to maintain, in terms
creatures) are resistant to single-targeting of soldier‘s pay, food, and housing, requiring
effects, such as a ghoul‘s paralysis, a dedicated organizations to provide financing
mummy‘s curse, and the medusa‘s petrifying or settlements (military tax) and
gaze, allowing them to gang up on a monster strongholds.
 Victory in battle against another troop is  Armies are not normally capable of
profitable, as looting yields a lot of gold, and negotiating difficult terrain, and are blocked
looting settlements (via raiding) is another by normal obstacles the component creature
way of gaining wealth and sabotaging an finds difficulty in negotiating (such as high
enemy walls or pits).
 Armies can be trained and specialized,  Armies are not normally proficient with
making elite troops that focus on one task skills, and require skilled leaders to provide
over another, such as conducting special guidance and command.

Armies do not have separate statistic sheets from troops, but it is useful to maintain a minor amount of
bookkeeping (such as origin settlement in case of deaths, equipment, and leadership).

Sample Troops
Troops can be created from many units. Below are a few sample troops that are commonly employed or

Soldier Troop (10 unit squad) Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5
Medium humanoid (any) troop, any alignment ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target.
Armor Class 14 (chain shirt, shield); 16 each Hit: 22 (5d6 + 5) piercing damage; 4 (1d6+1)
Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10); 11 (2d8+2) each each.
Speed 30 ft. Spear Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Attack:
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Accuracy 11, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft.
13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) Hit: 22 (5d6 + 5) piercing damage; 4 (1d6 + 1)
Skills Perception +2 each.
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages any one language (usually The soldier is the most common component
Common) creature (and therefore troop), and can also
Challenge 3 (700 XP); 1/8 (25 XP) each represent the town watch, guards, lawless
Traits bandits, and militiamen.
Troop. A troop takes half damage from any The above statistics are derived from the Guard
effect that does not target at least half the (Monster Manual, page 348).
component creatures. If the effect does not deal Depending on the race, the soldier can gain
damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the ability score modifications, proficiencies, and
effect targets an area, the troop is affected traits, access to an armory, the soldier can
normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the change their equipment.
effect deals damage. Troops can be upgraded by the expenditure of
A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5 gold, time, and it is possible for them to be
feet. increased in hit dice or level (subject to DM‘s
ACTIONS approval), usually by adding hit dice (1d8+2
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Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2
additional hit points for each component Antimagic Susceptibility. The armor squad
creature‘s hit dice), trait, or even feat. is incapacitated while in the area of an anti
magic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the
Acolyte Troop (10 unit squad) armor must succeed on a Constitution saving
Medium humanoid (any) troop, any alignment throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall
Armor Class 8; 10 each unconscious for 1 minute.
Hit Points 45 (10d8); 9 (2d8) each False Appearance. While the armor squad
Speed 30 ft. remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA a normal suit of armor.
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) Troop. A troop takes half damage from any
Skills Medicine +4, Religion +2 effect that does not target at least half the
Senses passive Perception 10 component creatures. If the effect does not deal
Languages any one language (usually damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the
Common) effect targets an area, the troop is affected
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP); 1/4 (50 XP) each normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the
Traits effect deals damage.
Troop. A troop takes half damage from any A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5
effect that does not target at least half the feet.
component creatures. If the effect does not deal ACTIONS
damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the Multiattack. The armor squad makes two
effect targets an area, the troop is affected melee attacks.
normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
effect deals damage. ft., one target.
A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5 Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) bludgeoning damage; 5 (1d6 +
feet. 2) each.
Spellcasting. The acolyte troop is a 1st-level Slam Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Attack:
spellcaster troop. Their spellcasting ability is Accuracy 12, reach 5 ft.
Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) bludgeoning damage; 5 (1d6 +
attacks). The acolytes have following cleric spells 2) each.
Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, Bugbear Haunt
thaumaturgy Medium humanoid (goblinoid) troop, chaotic
1st level (3 slots): bless, cure wounds, sanctuary evil
ACTIONS Armor Class 14 (hide armor, shield); 16 each
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 Hit Points 137 (25d8 + 25); 27 (5d8 + 5) each
ft., one target. Speed 30 ft.
Hit: 12 (5d4) bludgeoning damage; 2 (1d4) each. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Club Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Attack: 15 (+2) 14 (+2) l3 (+1) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 9 (-1)
Accuracy 10, reach 5 ft. Skills Stealth +6, Survival +2
Hit: 12 (5d4) bludgeoning damage; 2 (1d4) each. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Goblin
Animated Armor Squad Challenge 6 (2,300 XP); 1 (200 XP) each
Medium construct troop, unaligned Traits
Armor Class 16 (natural armor); 18 each Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its
Hit Points 165 (30d8 + 30); 33 (6d8 + 6) each damage when the bugbear haunt hits with it
Speed 25 ft. (included in the attack).
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Surprise Attack. If the bugbear haunt
14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 1 (-5) surprises a creature and hits it with an attack
Damage Immunities poison, psychic during the first round of combat, the target takes
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, an extra 7 (2d6) damage from the attack.
deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, Troop. A troop takes half damage from any
petrified, poisoned effect that does not target at least half the
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this component creatures. If the effect does not deal
radius), passive Perception 6 damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the
Languages - effect targets an area, the troop is affected
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP); 1 (200 XP) each normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the
Traits effect deals damage.

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A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5 normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the
feet. effect deals damage.
ACTIONS A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5
Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, feet.
reach 5 ft., one target. ACTIONS
Hit: 55 (10d8 + 10) piercing damage; 11 (2d8 + Multiattack. The doppelganger society makes
2) each. two melee attacks.
Morningstar Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5
Attack: Accuracy 12, reach 5 ft. ft., one target, troop attack (accuracy 14).
Hit: 55 (10d8 + 10) piercing damage; 11 (2d8 + Hit: 37 (5d6 + 20) bludgeoning damage; 7 (1d6
2) each. + 4) each.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 Slam Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Attack:
to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Accuracy 14, reach 5 ft.
Hit: 45 (10d6 + 10) piercing damage in melee or Hit: 37 (5d6 + 20) bludgeoning damage; 7 (1d6
27 (5d6 + 10) piercing damage; 9 (2d6 + 2) in + 4) each.
melee or 5 (1d6 + 2) at range each. Read Thoughts. The doppelganger magically
Javelin Troop Attack. Melee or Ranged reads the surface thoughts of one creature within
Weapon Attack: Accuracy 12, reach 5 ft. or range 60 feet of it. The effect can penetrate barriers,
30/120 ft. but 3 feet of wood or dirt, 2 feet of stone, 2
Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) bludgeoning damage; 5 (1d6 + inches of metal, or a thin sheet of lead blocks it.
2) each. While the target is in range, the doppelganger
can continue reading its thoughts, as long as the
Doppelganger Society doppelganger's concentration isn't broken (as if
Medium monstrosity (shapechanger) troop, concentrating on a spell). While reading the
neutral target's mind, the doppelganger has advantage
Armor Class 12; 14 each on Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma (Deception,
Hit Points 260 (40d8 + 80); 52 (8d8 + 16) Intimidation, and Persuasion) checks against the
each target.
Speed 30 ft.
11 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) Medium, humanoid (dwarf) troop, lawful evil
Skills Deception +6, Insight +3 Armor Class 14 (scale mail, shield); 16 each
Condition Immunities charmed Hit Points 130 (20d8 + 40); 26 (4d8 + 8) each
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Speed 25 ft.
Languages Common STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP); 3 (700 XP) each 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 9 (-1)
Traits Damage Resistances poison
Shapechanger. The doppelganger society can Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
use its action to polymorph into Small or Languages Dwarvish, Undercommon
Medium humanoids it has seen, or back into its Challenge 6 (2,300 XP); 1 (200 XP) each
true form. Its statistics, other than its size, are Traits
the same in each form. Any equipment it is Duergar Resilience. The duergar troop has
wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts advantage on saving throws against poison,
to its true form if it dies. spells, and illusions, as well as to resist being
Ambusher. The doppelganger society has charmed or paralyzed.
advantage on attack rolls against any creature it Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the
has surprised. duergar troop has disadvantage on attack rolls,
Surprise Attack. If the doppelganger surprises as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
a creature and hits it with an attack during the rely on sight.
first round of combat, the target takes an extra Troop. A troop takes half damage from any
52 (15d6) damage from the attack; 10 (3d6) effect that does not target at least half the
each. component creatures. If the effect does not deal
Troop. A troop takes half damage from any damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the
effect that does not target at least half the effect targets an area, the troop is affected
component creatures. If the effect does not deal normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the
damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the effect deals damage.
effect targets an area, the troop is affected A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5

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ACTIONS effect targets an area, the troop is affected
Enlarge (Recharges after a Short or Long normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the
Rest). For 1 minute, the duergar magically effect deals damage.
increases in size, along with anything it is A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5
wearing or carrying. While enlarged, the duergar feet.
is Large, doubles its damage dice on Strength- ACTIONS
based weapon attacks (included in the attacks), Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5
and makes Strength checks and Strength saving ft., one target.
throws with advantage. If the duergar lacks the Hit: 45 (10d6 + 10) piercing damage; 9 (2d6 + 2)
room to become Large, it attains the maximum each.
size possible in the space available. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: Accuracy 10, reach
War Pick. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, 5 ft.
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 45 (10d6 + 10) piercing damage; 9 (2d6 + 2)
Hit: 32 (5d8 + 10) piercing damage; 6 (1d8 + 2) each.
each, or 55 (10d8 + 10) piercing damage while Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
enlarged; 11 (2d8 + 2) each. ft., one target.
War Pick Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Hit: 35 (10d4 + 10) slashing damage; 7 (2d4 +
Attack: Accuracy 12, reach 5 ft. 2). If the target is a creature other than an elf or
Hit: 32 (5d8 + 10) piercing damage; 6 (1d8 + 2) an undead, it must succeed on a DC 10
each, or 55 (10d8 + 10) piercing damage while Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1
enlarged; 11 (2d8 + 2) each. minute. The target can repeat the saving throw
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. on itself on a success.
Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) piercing damage; 5 (1d6 + 2) Claw Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Attack:
each, or 45 (10d6 + 10) piercing damage while Accuracy 12, reach 5 ft.
enlarged; 9 (2d6 + 2) each. Hit: 35 (10d4 + 10) slashing damage; 7 (2d4 +
Javelin Troop Attack. Melee or Ranged 2). If the target is a creature other than an elf or
Weapon Attack: Accuracy 12, reach 5 ft. or range an undead, it must succeed on a DC 10
30/120 ft. Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1
Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) piercing damage; 5 (1d6 + 2) minute. The target can repeat the saving throw
each, or 45 (10d6 + 10) piercing damage while at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
enlarged; 9 (2d6 + 2) each. on itself on a success.
Invisibility (Recharges after a Short or
Long Rest). The duergar magically turns Gnoll Pack (10 unit squad)
invisible until it attacks, casts a spell, or uses its Medium humanoid (gnoll) troop, chaotic evil
Enlarge, or until its concentration is broken, up Armor Class 13 (hide armor, shield); 15 each
to 1 hour (as if concentrating on a spell). Any Hit Points 112 (25d8); 22 (5d8) each
equipment the duergar wears or carries is Speed 30 ft.
invisible with it. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
14 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)
Ghoul Shroud (10 unit squad) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Medium undead troop, chaotic evil Languages Gnoll
Armor Class 10; 12 each Challenge 5 (1,800 XP); 1/2 (100 XP) each
Hit Points 112 (25d8); 22 (5d8) each Traits
Speed 30 ft. Rampage. When the gnoll pack reduces a
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA creature to 0 hit points with a melee attack on its
13 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) turn, the gnoll pack can take a bonus action to
Damage immunities poison move up to half its speed and make a bite attack.
Condition immunities charmed, exhaustion, Troop. A troop takes half damage from any
poisoned effect that does not target at least half the
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 component creatures. If the effect does not deal
Languages Common damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP); 1 (200 XP) each effect targets an area, the troop is affected
Traits normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the
Troop. A troop takes half damage from any effect deals damage.
effect that does not target at least half the A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5
component creatures. If the effect does not deal feet.
damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the ACTIONS

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Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 Scimitar Troop Attack. Melee Weapon
ft., one target. Attack: Accuracy 12, reach 5 ft.
Hit: 22 (5d4 + 10) piercing damage; 4 (1d4 + 2) Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) slashing damage; 5 (1d6 + 2)
each. each
Bite Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Attack: Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
Accuracy 12, reach 5 ft. range 80/320 ft., one target.
Hit: 22 (5d4 + 10) piercing damage; 4 (1d4 + 2) Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) piercing damage; 5 (1d6 + 2)
each. each.
Spear. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach Shortbow Troop Attack. Ranged Weapon
5 ft., or range 20/60 ft., one creature. Attack: Accuracy 12, range 80/320 ft.
Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) piercing damage; 5 (1d6 + 2) Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) piercing damage; 5 (1d6 + 2)
each or 30 (5d8 + 10); 6 (1d8 + 2) if used with each.
two hands to make a melee attack.
Spear Troop Attack. Ranged Weapon Attack: Hobgoblin Troop (10 unit squad)
Accuracy 12, reach 5 ft., or range 20/60 ft. Medium humanoid (goblinoid) troop, lawful evil
Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) piercing damage; 5 (1d6 + 2) Armor Class 18 (chain mail, shield)
each or 30 (5d8 + 10); 6 (1d8 + 2) if used with Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10); 11 (2d8 + 2) each
two hands to make a melee attack. Speed 30 ft.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
range 150/600 ft., one target. 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 9 (-1)
Hit: 27 (5d8 + 5) piercing damage; 5 (1d8 + 1) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
each. Languages Common, Goblin
Longbow Troop Attack. Ranged Weapon Challenge 5 (1,800 XP); 1/2 (100 XP) each
Attack: Accuracy 11, range 150/600 ft. Traits
Hit: 27 (5d8 + 5) piercing damage; 5 (1d8 + 1) Martial Advantage. Once per turn, the
each. hobgoblin can deal an extra 7 (2d6) damage to a
creature it hits with a weapon attack if that
Goblin Gang (10 unit squad) creature is within 5 feet of an ally of the
Small humanoid (goblinoid) troop, neutral evil hobgoblin that isn't incapacitated.
Armor Class 13 (leather armor, shield); 15 Troop. A troop takes half damage from any
each effect that does not target at least half the
Hit Points 35 (10d6); 7 (2d6) each component creatures. If the effect does not deal
Speed 30 ft. damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA effect targets an area, the troop is affected
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the
Skills Stealth +6 effect deals damage.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5
Languages Common, Goblin feet.
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP); 1/4 (50 XP) each ACTIONS
Traits Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
Nimble Escape. The goblin gang can take the reach 5 ft., one target.
Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on Hit: 27 (5d8 + 5) slashing damage; 5 (1d8 + 1)
each of its turns. each, or 32 (5d10 + 5); 6 (1d10 + 1) each if used
Troop. A troop takes half damage from any with two hands to make a melee attack.
effect that does not target at least half the Longsword Troop Attack. Melee Weapon
component creatures. If the effect does not deal Attack: Accuracy +11, reach 5 ft.
damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the Hit: 27 (5d8 + 5) slashing damage; 5 (1d8 + 1)
effect targets an area, the troop is affected each, or 32 (5d10 + 5); 6 (1d10 + 1) each if used
normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the with two hands to make a melee attack.
effect deals damage. Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5 range 150/600 ft., one target.
feet. Hit: 27 (5d8 + 5) piercing damage; 5 (1d8 + 1)
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, Longbow Troop Attack. Ranged Weapon
reach 5 ft., one target. Attack: Accuracy +11, range 150/600 ft.
Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) slashing damage; 5 (1d6 + 2) Hit: 27 (5d8 + 5) piercing damage; 5 (1d8 + 1)
each each.

28 | P a g e
Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2
Horse Herd (10 unit squad) ACTIONS
Large beast troop, unaligned Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
Armor Class 8; 10 each 5 ft., one target.
Hit Points 65 (10d10 + 10); 13 (2d10+2) each Hit: 22 (5d4 + 10) piercing damage; 4 (1d4 + 2)
Speed 60 ft. each.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Dagger Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Attack:
16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 11 (+0) 7 (-2) Accuracy 12, reach 5 ft.
Senses passive Perception 10 Hit: 22 (5d4 + 10) piercing damage; 4 (1d4 + 2)
Languages — each.
Challenge 3 (700 XP); 1/8 (25 XP) each Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
Traits 30/120 ft., one target.
Troop. A troop takes half damage from any Hit: 22 (5d4 + 10) bludgeoning damage; 4 (1d4
effect that does not target at least half the + 2) each.
component creatures. If the effect does not deal Sling Troop Attack. Ranged Weapon Attack:
damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the Accuracy 12, range 30/120 ft.
effect targets an area, the troop is affected Hit: 22 (5d4 + 10) bludgeoning damage; 4 (1d4
normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the + 2) each.
effect deals damage.
A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5 Kobold, Winged Flight (10 unit squad)
feet. Small humanoid (kobold) troop, lawful evil
ACTIONS Armor Class 11; 13 each
Hoof. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 Hit Points 37 (15d6 - 15); 7 (3d6 - 3) each
ft., one target. Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.
Hit: 40 (10d4 + 15) bludgeoning damage; 8 (2d4 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
+ 3) each. 7 (-2) 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 8 (-1) 7 (-2) 8 (-1)
Hoof Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Attack: Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
Accuracy 11, reach 5 ft. Languages Common, Draconic
Hit: 40 (10d4 + 15) bludgeoning damage; 8 (2d4 Challenge 4 (1,100 XP); 1/4 (50 XP) each
+ 3) each. Traits
Pack Tactics. The kobold has advantage on an
Kobold Pack (10 unit squad) attack roll against a creature if at least one of the
Small humanoid (kobold) troop, lawful evil kobold's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and
Armor Class 10; 12 each the ally isn't incapacitated.
Hit Points 25 (10d6 - 10); 5 (2d6 - 2) each Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the
Speed 30 ft. kobold has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
7 (-2) 15 (+2) 9 (-1) 8 (-1) 7 (-2) 8 (-1) sight.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 Troop. A troop takes half damage from any
Languages Common, Draconic effect that does not target at least half the
Challenge 3 (700 XP); 1/8 (25 XP) each component creatures. If the effect does not deal
Traits damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the
Pack Tactics. The kobold has advantage on an effect targets an area, the troop is affected
attack roll against a creature if at least one of the normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the
kobold‘s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and effect deals damage.
the ally isn't incapacitated. A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the feet.
kobold has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well if it has an ally within 5 feet.
as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on ACTIONS
sight. Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
Troop. A troop takes half damage from any 5 ft., one target.
effect that does not target at least half the Hit: 27 (5d4 + 15) piercing damage; 5 (1d4 + 3)
component creatures. If the effect does not deal each.
damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the Dagger Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Attack:
effect targets an area, the troop is affected Accuracy 13, reach 5 ft.
normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the Hit: 27 (5d4 + 15) piercing damage; 5 (1d4 + 3)
effect deals damage. each.
A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5 Dropped Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
feet. hit, one target directly below the kobold.

29 | P a g e
Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2
Hit: 32 (5d6 + 15) bludgeoning damage; 6 (1d6 + Spiked Shield. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to
3) each. hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Dropped Rock Troop Attack. Ranged Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) piercing damage; 5 (1d6 + 2)
Weapon Attack: Accuracy 13, one target directly each.
below the kobold. Spiked Shield. Melee Weapon Attack:
Hit: 32 (5d6 + 15) bludgeoning damage; 6 (1d6 + Accuracy 12, reach 5 ft.
3) each. Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) piercing damage; 5 (1d6 + 2)
Lizardfolk Squad (10 unit squad)
Medium humanoid (lizardfolk) troop, neutral Mastiff Pack (10 unit squad)
Armor Class 13 (natural armor, shield); 15 Medium beast troop, unaligned
each Armor Class 10; 12 each
Hit Points 110 (20d8 + 20); 22 (4d8+4) each Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5); 5 (1d8 + 1) each
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. Speed 40 ft.
15 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 7 (-2) 12 (+1) 7 (-2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4, Survival +5 Skills Perception +3
Senses passive Perception 13 Languages -
Languages Draconic Traits
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP); 1/2 (100 XP) each Keen Hearing and Smell. The mastiff has
Traits advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
Hold Breath. The lizardfolk can hold its breath rely on hearing or smell.
for 15 minutes. Troop. A troop takes half damage from any
Troop. A troop takes half damage from any effect that does not target at least half the
effect that does not target at least half the component creatures. If the effect does not deal
component creatures. If the effect does not deal damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the
damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the effect targets an area, the troop is affected
effect targets an area, the troop is affected normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the
normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the effect deals damage.
effect deals damage. A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5
A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5 feet.
feet. Challenge 3 (700 XP); 1/8 (25 XP) each
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. ft., one target.
Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) piercing damage; 5 (1d6 + 2) Hit: 22 (5d6 + 5) piercing damage; 4 (1d6 + 1)
each. each. If the target is a creature, it must succeed
Bite Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Attack: on a DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked
Accuracy 12, reach 5 ft. prone.
Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) piercing damage; 5 (1d6 + 2) Bite Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Attack:
each. Accuracy 12, reach 5 ft.
Heavy Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, Hit: 22 (5d6 + 5) piercing damage; 4 (1d6 + 1)
reach 5 ft., one target. each. If the target is a creature, it must succeed
Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) piercing damage; 5 (1d6 + 2) on a DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked
each. prone.
Heavy Club Troop Attack. Melee Weapon
Attack: Accuracy 12, reach 5 ft. Ogre Torment (10 unit squad)
Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) piercing damage; 5 (1d6 + 2) Large giant troop, chaotic evil
each. Armor Class 9; 11 each
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 Hit Points 297 (35d10 + 105); 59 (7d10+21)
to hit, reach 5 ft., or range 30/120 ft., one target. each
Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) piercing damage; 5 (1d6 + 2) Speed 40 ft.
Javelin Troop Attack. Melee or Ranged 19 (+4) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 7 (-2) 7 (-2)
Weapon Attack: Accuracy 12, reach 5 ft., or Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
range 30/120 ft. Languages Common, Giant
Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) piercing damage; 5 (1d6 + 2) Challenge 7 (2,900 XP); 2 (450 XP) each
each. Traits

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Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2
Troop. A troop takes half damage from any Greataxe Troop Attack. Melee Weapon
effect that does not target at least half the Attack: Accuracy 13, reach 5 ft.
component creatures. If the effect does not deal Hit: 47 (5d12 + 15) slashing damage; 9 (1d12 +
damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the 3) each.
effect targets an area, the troop is affected Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5
normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the to hit, reach 5 ft., or range 30/120 ft., one target.
effect deals damage. Hit: 32 (5d6 + 15) piercing damage; 6 (1d6 + 3)
A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5 each.
feet. Javelin Troop Attack. Melee or Ranged
ACTIONS Weapon Attack: Accuracy 13, reach 5 ft., or
Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 30/120 ft.
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 32 (5d6 + 15) piercing damage; 6 (1d6 + 3)
Hit: 65 (10d8 + 20) bludgeoning damage; 13 each.
(2d8 + 4) each.
Greatclub Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Shadow Stalking
Attack: Accuracy 14, reach 5 ft. Medium undead, chaotic evil
Hit: 65 (10d8 + 20) bludgeoning damage; 13 Armor Class 10; 12 each
(2d8 + 4) each. Hit Points 82 (15d8 + 15); 16 (3d8 + 3) each
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 Speed 40 ft.
to hit, reach 5 ft., or range 30/120 ft., one target. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Hit: 55 (10d6 + 20) piercing damage; 11 (2d6 + 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)
4) each. Skills Stealth +4 (+6 in dim light or darkness)
Javelin Troop Attack. Melee or Ranged Damage Vulnerabilities radiant
Weapon Attack: Accuracy 14, reach 5 ft., or Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire,
range 30/120 ft. lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and
Hit: 55 (10d6 + 20) piercing damage; 11 (2d6 + slashing from non-magical weapons
4) each. Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion,
Orc Rage (10 unit squad) frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified,
Medium humanoid (orc) troop, chaotic evil poisoned, prone, restrained
Armor Class 11 (hide armor); 13 each Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30); 15 (2d8 + 6) each Languages -
Speed 30 ft. Challenge 5 (1,800 XP); 1/2 (100 XP) each
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 7 (-2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) Amorphous. The shadow can move through a
Skills Intimidation +2 space as narrow as 1 inch wide without
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 squeezing.
Languages Common, Orc Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP); 1/2 (100 XP) each darkness, the shadow can take the Hide action as
Traits a bonus action.
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc troop Sunlight Weakness. While in sunlight, the
can move up to its speed toward a hostile shadow has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability
creature that it can see. checks, and saving throws.
Troop. A troop takes half damage from any Troop. A troop takes half damage from any
effect that does not target at least half the effect that does not target at least half the
component creatures. If the effect does not deal component creatures. If the effect does not deal
damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the
effect targets an area, the troop is affected effect targets an area, the troop is affected
normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the
effect deals damage. effect deals damage.
A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5 A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5
feet. feet.
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, Strength Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to
reach 5 ft., one target. hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 47 (5d12 + 15) slashing damage; 9 (1d12 + Hit: 45 (10d6 + 10) necrotic damage; 9 (2d6 + 2)
3) each. each, and each target's Strength score is reduced
by 1d4. The target dies if this reduces its

31 | P a g e
Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2
Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts Armor Class 13 (natural armor); 15 each
until the target finishes a short or long rest. If a Hit Points 420 (40d10 + 200); 84 (8d10 + 40)
non-evil humanoid dies from this attack, a new each
shadow rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later. Speed 30 ft.
Strength Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Accuracy 12, reach 5 ft. 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 20 (+5) 7 (-2) 9 (-1) 7 (-2)
Hit: 45 (10d6 + 10) necrotic damage; 9 (2d6 + 2) Skills Perception + 1
each, and each target's Strength score is reduced Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
by 1d4. The target dies if this reduces its Languages Giant
Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts Challenge 10 (5,900 XP); 5 (1,800 XP) each
until the target finishes a short or long rest. If a Traits
non-evil humanoid dies from this attack, a new Keen Smell. The troll has advantage on
shadow rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later. Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Regeneration. The troll stench regains 50 hit
Skeleton Drudge (10 unit squad) points at the start of its turn; 10 each. If the troll
Medium undead troop, neutral evil takes acid or fire damage, this trait doesn't
Armor Class 11 (armor scraps); 13 each function at the start of the troll's next turn. The
Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20); 13 (2d8 + 4) troll stench dies only if it starts its turn with 0
Speed 30 ft. hit points and doesn't regenerate.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Troop. A troop takes half damage from any
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 5 (-3) effect that does not target at least half the
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning component creatures. If the effect does not deal
Damage Immunities poison damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned effect targets an area, the troop is affected
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the
Languages understands all languages it knew effect deals damage.
in life but can't speak A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP); 1/4 (50 XP) each feet.
Troop. A troop takes half damage from any Multiattack. The troll stench makes three
effect that does not target at least half the attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.
component creatures. If the effect does not deal Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5
damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the ft., one target.
effect targets an area, the troop is affected Hit: 37 (5d6 + 20) piercing damage; 7 (1d6 + 4)
normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the each.
effect deals damage. Bite Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Attack:
A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5 Accuracy 15, reach 5 ft.
feet. Hit: 37 (5d6 + 20) piercing damage; 7 (1d6 + 4)
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5
reach 5 ft., one target. ft., one target.
Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) piercing damage; 5 (1d6 + 2) Hit: 55 (10d6 + 20) slashing damage; 11 (2d6 +
each. 4) each.
Shortsword Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Claw Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Attack:
Attack: Accuracy 12, reach 5 ft. Accuracy 15, reach 5 ft.
Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) piercing damage; 5 (1d6 + 2) Hit: 55 (10d6 + 20) slashing damage; 11 (2d6 +
each. 4) each.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
range 80/320 ft., one target. Wolf Pack (10 unit squad)
Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) piercing damage; 5 (1d6 + 2) Medium beast troop, unaligned
each. Armor Class 11 (natural armor); 13 each
Shortbow Troop Attack. Ranged Weapon Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10); 11 (2d8+2) each
Attack: Accuracy 12, range 80/320 ft. Speed 40 ft.
Hit: 27 (5d6 + 10) piercing damage; 5 (1d6 + 2) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
each. 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4
Troll Stench Senses passive Perception 13
Large giant, chaotic evil Challenge 4 (1,100 XP); 1/4 (50 XP) each

32 | P a g e
Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2
Keen Hearing and Smell. The wolf has 13 (+1) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 6 (-2) 5 (-3)
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that Saving Throws Wis +0
rely on hearing or smell. Damage Immunities poison
Pack Tactics. The wolf has advantage on attack Condition Immunities poisoned
rolls against a creature if at least one of the Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
wolf‘s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and Languages understands all languages it knew
isn't incapacitated. in life but can't speak
Troop. A troop takes half damage from any Challenge 4 (1,100 XP); 1/4 (50 XP) each
effect that does not target at least half the Traits
component creatures. If the effect does not deal Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the
damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a
effect targets an area, the troop is affected Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the
normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or
effect deals damage. from a critical hit. On a success, the zombie
A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5 drops to 1 hit point instead. If this attack is from
feet. a troop, divide the damage by 5 before setting
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 Troop. A troop takes half damage from any
ft., one target. effect that does not target at least half the
Hit: 35 (10d4 + 10) piercing damage; 7 (2d4 + 2) component creatures. If the effect does not deal
each. If the target is a creature, it must succeed damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the
on a DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked effect targets an area, the troop is affected
prone. normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the
Bite Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Attack: effect deals damage.
Accuracy 12, reach 5 ft. A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5
Hit: 35 (10d4 + 10) piercing damage; 7 (2d4 + 2) feet.
each. If the target is a creature, it must succeed ACTIONS
on a DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5
prone. ft., one target.
Hit: 22 (5d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage; 4 (1d6 +
Zombie Horde (10 unit squad) 1) each.
Medium undead troop, neutral evil Slam Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Attack:
Armor Class 6; 8 each Accuracy 11, reach 5 ft.
Hit Points 112 (15d8 + 45); 22 (3d8 + 9) each Hit: 22 (5d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage; 4 (1d6 +
Speed 20 ft. 1) each.

Sample Swarms
Troop rules can also be used to create dynamic swarms. If the component creature deals 1 hit point with
their attacks, the damage dealt can be turned into a dice roll (with the result being an average). If the
component creature (such as the rat or a bee) deals 1 damage, it instead deals 2d6 damage.

33 | P a g e
Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

Rat Rat Swarm (10 unit)

Tiny beast, unaligned Tiny beast troop, unaligned
Armor Class 10 Armor Class 8; 10 each
Hit Points 1 (1d4 - 1) Hit Points 7 (5d4 - 5); 1 (1d4 - 2) each
Speed 20 ft. Speed 20 ft.
2 (4) 11 (+0) 9 (-1) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) 2 (4) 11 (+0) 9 (-1) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10 Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages- Languages -
Challenge 0 (10 XP) Challenge 1/2 (100 XP); 0 (10 XP) each
Traits Traits
Keen Smell. The rat has advantage on Wisdom Keen Smell. The rat swarm has advantage on
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
ACTIONS Troop. A troop takes half damage from any
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 effect that does not target at least half the
ft., one target. component creatures. If the effect does not deal
Hit: 1 piercing damage. damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the
When forming into a troop (usually called a effect targets an area, the troop is affected
swarm), rats end up as follows. normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the
effect deals damage.
A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target, troop attack (accuracy 8)
Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing damage; 1 each.
Bite Troop Attack. Melee Weapon Attack:
Accuracy 8, reach 5 ft.
Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing damage; 1 each.

Making a swarm with troop rules end with a result different than normal swarms; these swarms are not
immune to the conditions swarms are normally immune to (such as charmed, frightened, paralyzed, etc.),
nor do they have natural resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

For example, the rat swarm is slower (20 feet down from 30 feet), and have much less hit points (7 down
from 24).
Accounting for troop abilities, however, the rat swarm takes half damage from all targeted effects such as
weapon attack rolls for an effective 14 hit points. The swarm is also immune to non-damaging effects
unthey, as troops, cannot be affected by any non-damaging effect unless at least half their number is
affected. They also deal automatic damage to all creatures in their space, and do not require an attack roll.
Furthermore, they are also very effective when appearing from hidden areas and swarming against a
target, increasing the swarm‘s Accuracy to 13.

Owl Swarm (10 unit squad) Keen Hearing and Sight. The owl swarm has
Swarm of tiny beasts, unaligned advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
Armor Class 9; 11 each rely on hearing or sight.
Hit Points 7 (5d4 - 5); 1 (1d4 - 1) each Troop. A troop takes half damage from any
Speed 5 ft., fly 60 ft. effect that does not target at least half the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA component creatures. If the effect does not deal
3 (-4) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 7 (-2) damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +3 effect targets an area, the troop is affected
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13 normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the
Languages - effect deals damage.
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP); 0 (10 XP) each A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5
Flyby. The owl swarm doesn't provoke feet.
opportunity attacks when it flies out of an ACTIONS
enemy's reach.

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Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2
Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach Mimicry. The raven can mimic simple sounds
5 ft., one target. it has heard, such as a person whispering, a baby
Hit: 8 (2d6 + 1) slashing damage; 1 each. crying, or an animal chittering. A creature that
Talons Swarm Attack. Melee Weapon hears the sounds can tell they are imitations
Attack: Accuracy 11, reach 5 ft. with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check.
Hit: 8 (2d6 + 1) slashing damage; 1 each. Troop. A troop takes half damage from any
effect that does not target at least half the
Poisonous Snake Swarm (10 unit squad) component creatures. If the effect does not deal
Tiny beast troop, unaligned damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the
Armor Class 9; 11 each effect targets an area, the troop is affected
Hit Points 12 (5d4); 2 (1d4) each normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. effect deals damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5
2 (-4) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) feet.
Senses blindsight 10 ft., passive Perception 10 ACTIONS
Languages - Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP); 0 (10 XP) each ft., one target.
Trait Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage; 1 each.
Troop. A troop takes half damage from any Beak Swarm Attack. Melee Weapon Attack:
effect that does not target at least half the Accuracy 12, reach 5 ft.
component creatures. If the effect does not deal Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage; 1 each.
damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the
effect targets an area, the troop is affected Vulture Swarm (10 unit squad)
normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the Swarm of medium beasts, unaligned
effect deals damage. Armor Class 8; 10 each
A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5 Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5); 5 (1d8 + 1) each
feet. Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 4 (-3)
ft., one target. Skills Perception +3
Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the Senses passive Perception 13
target must make a DC 10 Constitution saving Languages -
throw, taking 25 (10d4) poison damage on a Challenge 1/4 (50 XP); 0 (10 XP) each
failed save, or half as much damage on a Traits
successful one; 1 each plus 5 (2d4) poison Keen Sight and Smell. The vulture has
damage. advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
Bite Swarm Attack. Melee Weapon Attack: rely on sight or smell.
Accuracy 13, reach 5 ft. Pack Tactics. The vulture has advantage on an
Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the attack roll against a creature if at least one of the
target must make a DC 10 Constitution saving vulture's allies is within 5 feet of the creature
throw, taking 25 (10d4) poison damage on a and the ally isn't incapacitated.
failed save, or half as much damage on a Troop. A troop takes half damage from any
successful one; 1 each plus 5 (2d4) poison effect that does not target at least half the
damage. component creatures. If the effect does not deal
damage, the troop is instead immune to it. If the
Raven Swarm (10 unit squad) effect targets an area, the troop is affected
Swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned normally, and takes 50% extra hit damage if the
Armor Class 10; 12 each effect deals damage.
Hit Points 7 (5d4 – 5); 1 (1d4 - 1) each A troop always counts as if it has an ally within 5
Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft. feet.
2 (-4) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5
Skills Perception +3 ft., one target.
Senses passive Perception 13 Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing damage.
Languages - Beak Swarm Attack. Melee Weapon Attack:
Challenge 0 (10 XP) each Accuracy 10, reach 5 ft.
Traits Hit: 12 (5d4) piercing damage; 2 (1d4) each.

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Managing Armies
Organizations and strongholds are necessary Three-quarters cover includes arrow slits found
considerations when commanding armies— in forts and castles, granting a +5 bonus to AC
organizations can provide financing, leadership, (which translates to one step of accuracy). There
and training. Settlements relieve the monetary is usually 1 arrow slit every 5 feet of a war-ready
burden of holding an active force, as the military wall.
tax can be requested from the ruler of the Full cover includes standing behind walls or
settlement to finance the force. Strongholds host under trapdoors, and makes them immune to
troops when they are not deployed, and can being targeted directly.
serve as a rally point when the call to arms is War-ready strongholds provide various types of
raised. cover, as detailed under Chapter 3.
Concealment (or obscured) allows a troop to
Battle Scope and Scaling the War hide as with the Stealth skill. Heavily obscured
When individual creatures are not involved in imposes disadvantage on attack rolls (reducing
mass combat (such as players or dragons), it is accuracy by one step as well).
usually simpler to use the component creature or
smaller troops to represent larger ones instead Feeding
of using full troops. Troops consume rations and drink as normal for
When 300 orcs face down 200 human soldiers, creatures, with one pound of food and one gallon
for instance, it is simpler to use 3 orc squads of water per day (or 10 pounds and 10 gallons
(one for each 100 orcs) instead of using the per squad, 30 pounds and gallons per day for
statistics of a battalion. The troop rules are companies). Starvation and exhaustion applies
necessary once individual creatures enter the for troops as it does for normal creatures.
fray and are able to influence the battle‘s Container capacities provide guidance on how
outcome. With high-level characters or high much supplies can be carried in normal
Challenge creatures, using the full scale of the containers (such as 40 gallons of liquid per
war is necessary, as their abilities can tip the barrel, or 120 pounds of solid).
scales alone. Due to concerns about managing food (and
prevent poisoning or ration-theft), commanders
Consequences of Battle (Troop Victory often distribute rations for each soldier to carry
and Defeat) with them (on average enough for one week or
Upon being reduced to 0 hit points, a troop is the duration of the mission), though longer
unable to fight and is dismissed from the campaigns involve drawn wagons and supply
battlefield. lines. In other armies, food distribution is
Roll death saving throws for each troop that is centralized, which risks poisoning and ration-
reduced to 0 hit points after the battle is over. theft, but also helps keep discipline and order.
Each failed death saving throw causes one-third Supply wagons usually carry enough supplies to
of the troop to perish (if they die upon 0 hit cover the troops‘ need until the next wagon (or
points). The saving throws are done with as much as they can carry), although supply
disadvantage if the troop‘s side was defeated in wagons are vulnerable to bandits, sabotage, or
the combat encounter, or if the victorious side is hostile creatures seeking to impose starvation on
pursuing survivors. The saving throws are a troop.
instead done with advantage if the troop‘s side is
victorious, or if it is being healed and supported Leading and Organization
by a character with proficiency in the Medicine Leading a troop does not require a class or a
skill. One character can support 10 people per certain level, although a good Charisma and
point of proficiency in the Medicine skill Intelligence bonus is recommended to cover
(doubled if applying double proficiency bonus to skills required by leaders. The organization of
the check). the troop is on several levels.
 10-unit squad (modifier x5), corporal
Cover and Concealment  30-unit company (modifier x15), sergeant
Troops benefit from cover and concealment as  100-unit battalion (modifier x50), lieutenant
normal creatures, and usually take control of  300-unit division (modifier x150), captain
structures such as towers, castles, and forts to Corporal. A corporal is of the same level or
gain this benefit. Challenge as a unit (with slightly more hit points
Half cover includes all battlements atop towers, than average, but within the normal maximum).
alongside walls and on high ground, granting a Sergeant. A sergeant is two levels above the
+2 bonus to AC. normal unit (or 2 Challenge higher). Common
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Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2
sergeants use the Scout, Thug or Spy statistics, refugees can slow an army immensely, while an
or a Bugbear Chief (for Bugbear Haunts). all-mounted force runs circles around them.
Lieutenant. A lieutenant is two levels above the Troops can be ordered to forced march, in which
sergeant (or 4 Challenge higher than the case a failed Constitution saving throw imposes
component unit). Common lieutenants are the one level of exhaustion on all the component
Berserker, Bandit Captain, Cult Fanatic, Druid, units of the troop if the troop fails the saving
or Priest. throw.
Captain. A captain is two levels above the
lieutenant (or 6 challenge higher than the Name and Organization
component unit). Common captains are the This shows the name of the troop‘s component
Gladiator, Knight, or Veteran. unit (plus the term ‗troop‘ or similar word), and
Troops of larger size are usually distributed onto includes information on how big it is (10 unit
one of the above organizations, but the names of squad, 30 unit company, etc.). It is possible to
larger units are as below. consolidate several smaller-sized organizations
 1,000-unit legion (30 battalions) into a bigger one (squad to company) or vice
 3,000-unit corps (3 legions) versa, although it requires a recalculation of hit
 10,000-unit field army (10 legions) points and weapon damage.
The troop rules assume skirmish-level combats
(where individual creatures can make the most Quartering (or Housing)
impact), but at higher levels, it is entirely A troop can be quartered in a settlement where
possible for legions of soldiers to engage with they are not required for combat. Recalling
dragons and powerful stronghold masters, troops is the same as summoning
although the inevitable cost of such losses will be reinforcements.
terrible for their home settlements. If quartered in a stronghold, the troop can be
made ready in 1d4 rounds for combat once the
Logistics alarm is raised (with troops usually heading into
A soldier carries enough ammunition to make its a courtyard or similar function of the
ranged attacks as if a normal monster. You can stronghold). This does not count putting on
assume that a creature has 2d4 pieces of armor, although in most cases troops at the
ammunition for a thrown weapon attack, and ready have their armor on and weapons at hand
2d10 pieces of ammunition for a projectile (or within short reach).
weapon such as a bow or crossbow. A soldier A hostile troop defeated in combat can
also carries enough food and supplies for 7 days, interrogated, ransomed, or even integrated or
or the duration of the mission (if planned well), converted.
as described under feeding.  Interrogation. This is resolved with a skill
Any more ammunition requires logistical check (usually Intimidation) against the
preparation. commander of the troop or its component
creatures to yield information about their
Maintenance stronghold, numbers, or distribution.
It is assumed that each soldier can tend to their  Ransom. Ransoming a troop can be a good
own weapons and provide replenishment source of income, assuming the victor has
ammunition when camped and taking a long enough manpower to watch over them and
rest. the means to hold them from escaping or
Most camps allow a small economy to arise (See staging a riot.
camps and camp followers under Managing A ransomed soldier can cost anything
Armies) that provide replenishment negotiated between the two parties, but
ammunition, although spent magical or special commonly averages in most established
ammunition must be tallied as normal. kingdoms to an exchange of prisoners or the
individual unit‘s pay for 7 days (or 14 gold
Movement pieces per soldier, or 140 gold per squad).
Troops move as normal units, with the overland Another form of ransoming is enslavement.
speed of creatures of the component creature In this case, the individual unit‘s cost is
type. For the normal guard or soldier, this is 24 usually multiplied by their pay for 30 to 90
miles per day (3 per hour) on a normal pace. days (60 to 120 gold pieces per soldier, or
An army is only as slow as its slowest member, 600 to 1,200 gold per squad).
however, and hauling siege engines, slow The ransom of a ruler is often percent of
wagons, or moving with camp followers or their treasury—the expression ‗a king‘s
ransom‘ sometimes meant the contents of

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Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2
the ruler‘s treasury for one to five years, If the spell has an area, the damage cannot
whichever has a better chance of success). overlap in the same area, but this allows
 Integration and Conversion. This is coverage of a very large area. If a creature is
resolved with a skill check, usually done with large enough to be damaged by adjacent areas,
Persuasion against the leader of the troop or they take damage multiple times.
their subordinates. In some cases, the troop For instance, a troop of acolytes casting the Cure
may join the victor without a check required. Wounds spell heal 32 (5d8 + 10) hit points; 6
It is wise to distribute integrated soldiers (1d8 + 2) each.
among different combat units to prevent If the same troop casts the Sacred Flame cantrip,
infiltration efforts to succeed. As normal for they deal 22 (5d8) radiant damage, affecting up
soldiers, they can be integrated as populace to 5 creatures, ignoring cover.
in a settlement instead, which can cause A troop of mages casting the Lightning Bolt spell
anything from a cultural clash to unrest to create a 25-foot wide beam of lighting 100 feet
enriching the settlement‘s culture and long, dealing 8d6 damage in each line.
society. An exception is spells that conjure creatures.
These act as if every troop member cast the spell
Recruitment (so an animate dead spell cast by a troop of
Recruitment for troops can be done with the necromancers creates one skeleton drudge or
downtime Rally activity (see Chapter 5: one zombie horde.
Downtime and Training).
Signaling Most tactics reward troops who successfully
As normal for creatures, a troop needs orders execute them with advantage or inflict
communicated to them by their commander, or disadvantage on foes subjected to them. Below is
they otherwise act independently and are not a list of tactics.
automatically aware of their allies‘ actions. Ambush tactics. Attacking from hiding grants
Signaling can be done visually (with flags, the normal bonuses to troops: the surprised
banners, and codes in smoke clouds), aurally party loses their action and reaction, and
(via war drums, trumpets, or through runner- attackers that are hidden from them gain
messengers), or even magically (Message, Light, advantage to attack rolls.
or Faerie Fire spells). Flanking/Encircling. If using the flanking
optional rules, then flanking grants the troop
Skill Use who executes it advantage.
Skills can be used by the troop or by their Encircling follows the same rule, but can be
captain to benefit their troop. The commander done against a target smaller than the troop
rolls normally, but with disadvantage. The roll (effectively, the troop sections off to encircle an
result is the result of their troop for the purposes enemy). This allows a troop to automatically
of the skill. flank a smaller target, but this requires 5 feet of
This way, a stealthy commander can use their movement and provokes an opportunity attack
Stealth to infiltrate their troop into a settlement, from the smaller target (as if moving away).
while an athletic one can use Athletics to help Volley or Fusillade (arrows or firearms,
their troop swim through a moat and climb a respectively). If the area of a troop‘s ranged
wall beyond it. attack is larger than the target (such as a squad
attacking a single target), the attacking troops
Spellcasting Troops gain advantage for the purposes of resolving
Spellcasters, just as exceptionally-trained damage.
characters, rarely appear as troops, and instead Porcupine/Shield Wall. If having their backs to
are more common as commanders and leaders one another or holding up shields, this imposes
of soldiers. However, in the case of a soldier disadvantage on attackers.
possessing spellcasting, it is resolved with Phalanx/Formed Ranks. If standing adjacent to
similar rules to the troop trait. one another and if each component creature has
Whenever a troop casts a spell, a number of a shield, the troop benefits from half cover.
spells manifest equal to the combat modifier. If Withdrawal. This acts as the Disengage action.
the spell is resolved with an attack roll, it can be Withdrawal, Guarded. The troop moves at half
treated as a normal spell attack or troop spell speed. While moving this way, the troop can
attack (affecting a number of creatures equal to cause the terrain they move over to count as
the combat modifier, or one creature with that difficult terrain (breaking the ground, creating
amount of castings). small pits and ridges, whenever possible). This

38 | P a g e
Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2
destruction is too quick to be lasting, however, populace, who usually serve as camp followers,
and is restored with minimal effort (count as 1 performing various duties such as cleaning,
action). feeding, repair of goods and equipment, or
Other Tactics. Other tactics are possible to use, various other services.
such as scorched earth (troops are commanded In cases where the camp remains for an
to burn and destroy sources of foraging and extended period or has a large number of non-
scare off game), espionage (sending false combatants such as refugees, a small economy
reports, killing enemy scouts), and psychological may grow, creating a small settlement based on
warfare (using illusions or deploying skeleton servicing the camp. The army‘s leadership is the
camps to magnify the size of your army, de facto ruler of this mini settlement, which it
reanimating enemy troops and leaders, etc.). can use to gather taxes (although the legality
may be in question when already in a settlement
War-Camps, Camp Followers, and with an established ruler). This is described
Extended Camps more under Planning a Journey and Camping
Setting up camps is a normal activity most below.
armies are adept at performing. Camps attract

Aerial and Naval Combat

Combat on airborne and naval vehicles acts as normal tactical combat, the difference being is that the
terrain is that of the ship‘s deck. Beyond the terrain, other features such as siege weapons (usually ballista
or cannons in gunpowder-familiar settings) are present, affecting characters and troops in equal measure.

Attack. A ship can make an attack by ramming Boarding. The crew of a vehicle are not always
into an object (such as another ship) or creature. combat-ready. Each vehicle requires a minimum
The accuracy (to-hit bonus) is a Dexterity check of one-half its crew to be occupied in managing
made by the captain. You may add your the vehicle even in combat. Statistics for skilled
proficiency bonus if you are proficient with hirelings are identical to that of guards or
Vehicles (ship type). bandits (assuming they are equipped by an
This deals the damage listed under the ship‘s available armory or are carrying weapons).
description (under actions). The point of impact Combat can take place on one ship over another,
may be modified to deal a different type of with combatants boarding a rival vehicle and
damage (such as by being spiked deals piercing attempting to intimidate, defeat, or capture the
damage, or being bladed deals slashing damage). enemy‘s forces.

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It is far more profitable and efficient to capture accommodations (shared hammocks in tight
enemy ships rather than sinking them, quarters). This can be customized as normal
necessitating that raiding ships also employ beds.
marines (soldiers trained in naval vehicles) or Speed. Most vehicles depend on currents of air,
train their soldiers in commandeer captured water, or a crew‘s manpower to move. When in
vehicles or compel defeated crew members to do favorable conditions, the ship moves on the
so (usually under the command of a trusted specified speed (such as having the proper
subordinate). amount of rowers in a galley, or good winds in a
Cargo. The table indicates the maximum sailing ship).
tonnage each kind of ship can carry. Very favorable conditions in terms of following
Crew. A ship needs a crew of skilled hirelings to currents (such as by going downstream of air or
function. A soldier trained in naval vehicles can water currents), add the speed of the current
double as both a skilled hireling and a soldier (in (typically 3 miles per hour) to the speed of the
which case they are called mariners). vehicle. Lighthouses also provide guidance (see
The minimum number of skilled hirelings strongholds).
needed to crew a ship depends on the type of In addition, after 8 hours of being rowed, the
vessel, as shown in the table above. vehicle can also float an additional 16 hours
If at least half the crew becomes disloyal during (adding this distance to the total travelled).
a voyage, the crew turns hostile and stages a These vehicles can‘t be rowed against any
mutiny. If the ship is berthed, disloyal crew significant current, but they can be pulled
members usually leave the ship and never upstream by draft animals onshore or in the sea
return. or air (beasts of burden, such as by a druid
Damage Threshold (DT). A ship has compelling marine or flying creatures).
immunity to all damage unless it takes an Ship Repair. Repairs to a damaged ship can be
amount of damage equal to or greater than its made while the vessel is berthed. Repairing 1 hit
damage threshold, in which case it takes damage point of damage requires 1 day and costs 20 gp
as normal. Any damage that fails to meet or for materials and labor.
exceed the damage threshold is considered Visibility. A relatively calm sea offers great
superficial and doesn't reduce the ship's hit visibility. From a crow's nest, a lookout can spot
points. another ship or a coastline up to 10 miles away,
Passengers. The table indicates the number of assuming clear skies. Overcast skies reduce that
Small and Medium passengers the ship can distance by half. Rain and fog reduce visibility
accommodate. Accommodations consist of poor just as they do on land.

Aerial and Naval Vehicles

These rules replace and supersede the ships rules and chart available in the DMG, page 119. As stated in
Chapter 3, a vehicle can also be turned into a stronghold (in which case, outfitting it halves the amount of
siege weapons it can carry).

Ship Cost (gp) Speed Crew Passengers Cargo (tons) AC HP DT

Airship 20,000 8 mph 10 20 1 13 300 -
Galley 30,000 4 mph 80 - 150 15 500 20
Keelboat 3,000 1 mph 1 6 ½ 15 100 10
Longship 10,000 3 mph 40 40 10 15 300 15
Rowboat 50 1.5 mph 1 3 - 11 50 -
Sailing Ship 10,000 2 mph 20 20 100 15 300 15
Submarine 20,000 8 mph 10 20 1 15 300 10
Warship 25,000 2.5 mph 60 60 200 15 500 20

Airship. In a campaign without air travel, an

airship might be an arcane device built by clever Galley. Galleys represent most row-based
gnomes or wizardly engineers. waterborne vehicles, such as the trireme. Most
 Siege Weapons. Airships can carry any galleys had sails that could aid in favorable
siege weapons they can carry as cargo in winds, but manpower was the main propulsion
the underside of the airship itself. method. Due to this, the construction of the
 Ram. 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage galley does not allow a lot of space for heavy
siege weapons (1/2 a ton and more).

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 Siege Weapons. Up to 5 tons of siege advanced variant. Commonly 40 to 60 feet long,

weapons. sail ships are best in open waters.
 Ram. 33 (6d10) bludgeoning damage  Siege Weapons. The top deck allows up
to 3 tons of siege weapons.
Keelboat. A cargo-capable working boat suited  Ram. 22 (4d10) bludgeoning damage
best for rivers and closed waters (such as lakes),
or a small-to mid-sized sailing ship. Keelboats Submarine. In a campaign without underwater
are row or sail-based. This includes knaars. travel, an airship might be an arcane device built
 Siege Weapons. This can only hold light by clever gnomes or wizardly engineers.
siege weapons (less than ½ a ton).  Siege Weapons. Submarines can carry
 Ram. 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage any siege weapons they can carry as
cargo in the underside of the airship
Longship. A cargo-capable ship capable of itself. Not every siege weapon is suitable
navigating all waters, the longship is a versatile for underwater combat, however
ship that is usually used in cold waters, although (although ballistae can be outfitted with
it is incapable of carrying siege weapons. harpoons).
Capable of being rowed or sailed.  Ram. 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage
 Siege Weapons. The design does not Warship. Carracks and galleons are often
allow any type of siege weapon. known as warships, which are sometimes ships
 Ram. 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage involved in maritime trade commissioned and
outfitted for war. Commonly sail-based,
Rowboat. A small boat or raft, rowboats are warships can carry several siege weapons due to
row-based vehicles. This includes barges, skiffs, freedom of space in their frames and hulls.
and canoes. Bigger (and more expensive) variants include
 Siege Weapons. None the man-o-war.
 Ram. 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage  Siege Weapons. The warship can carry
up to one-quarter its cargo in siege
Sailing Ship. Sailing ships cover most sail- weapons.
based waterborne vehicles, such as the dhow, the  Ram. 44 (8d10) bludgeoning damage.
junk, the cog, and the caravel as a more

Sieges (as well as most mass combat encounters in general) are troop battles take place on a local map
scale and involve attacking a stronghold or settlement (map including the settlement, stronghold, and
surrounding areas).
A fully-fledged siege takes place when an army surrounds a settlement or takes control of key land and sea
routes to the settlement, preventing it from exercising influence, military action, and gathering food to
feed its population.
Usually the attacking army takes up positions outside the besieged settlement, far from projectile range
(arrows, siege weapons, and range of spells), usually in a defensible location as well to protect their backs
against relief sent to help the besieged city.

The purposes of sieges is to stress the contents of a settlement‘s granaries, as each settlement must spend
food on its population to avoid starvation. If the besiegers do not have the time or resources for a
sustained siege, or if the defenders are already exhausted (from starvation) or their defenses are weak
(from siege bombardment to open holes in walls, or from sabotage, or from being vastly outnumbered),
an attack can be ordered.

Victory Points. Controlling strongholds are major victory points for sieges.

Strongholds in Sieges. Strongholds grant various advantages for troops, such as high ground, holding
a chokepoint, etc. This can yield several circumstantial bonuses, such as:
 Advantage on attack rolls for ranged attack rolls (high ground)
 Allow their troops to focus fire or funnel enemies in tight locations (limiting the number of enemies in
an area while maximizing the number of allies)
 Employ tactics such as charge, flank, or volleys from behind difficult terrain or obstacles

41 | P a g e
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 Impose disadvantage on enemies‘ attacks

Bonded strongholds can also prove to be solid defenses, with the innate magics of a stronghold helping
defenders better protect whatever is inside the stronghold.

Breaching a Stronghold
Breaching is resolved in 10x10 foot sections to bring down wall panel. When enough is breached to
remove the benefits of the stronghold, an attack usually takes place. Sieges can be done without siege
weapons by starving the enemy or inflicting diseases on them, which is a major strategic decision, as
sometimes the attacker or defender do not have enough supplies.
Each wall panel has AC and hit points relevant to its material, and is immune to poison and psychic
damage. Reducing a section to 0 hit points destroys it and might cause connected sections to buckle and
collapse at the DM‘s discretion (usually if the attacker has the plans of the stronghold or is knowledgeable
of masonry, such as having proficiency with the relevant artisan tool). A destroyed section suppresses a
stronghold function (such as punching into a storage room or prison wall, exposing the contents or
releasing prisoners, respectively).
A stronghold can be damaged with one spell that affects all sections in the spell‘s area. If the effect or spell
affects only one side of the stronghold (such as from the outside), add all hit points together, with the
damage causing an indent equal to the amount of increments of damage compared to inches.
Therefore, a cottage made of wood that is enveloped in the area of an Earthquake spell applies its damage
to all sections (50 damage per round, or 2 inches of dents); bringing down the stronghold with the single
spell if concentrating for more than 6 rounds.
If attacking with a Fire Bolt spell cast by an 11th level spellcaster (3d10, average of 16 damage), however,
every two hits cause 32 damage, equivalent to 1 inch of wood burnt out.

Material AC Hit Points/Inch Wall (1 foot) Damage Threshold

Ice 10 5 60 -
Stone 17 30 360 10
Wood 15 25 300 5

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Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

Other materials can be used to create walls and rooms, which have different AC values, hit points per
inch, and damage thresholds. Strongholds are made of the primary material in the land‘s surroundings,
but can be imported (in which case the stronghold‘s price can be increased by d00% or according to
material availability).
Increasing thickness increases the total cost of the stronghold by 10% per doubling of thickness (+50% at
x5 thickness), which also affects how sound travels. This affects all walls or only walls the builder

Siege Weapons and Bombardment

Siege weapons take a number of rounds on average, to destroy or breach a wall section. Setting up siege
weapons is therefore a critical step that stronghold defenders must prevent, such as by sending outriders
to harry or defeat the crew, sabotage with thieves‘ tools, use their own siege weapons, building the
stronghold in marshy terrain or behind moats, or preparing (or digging) tunnels that end behind enemy
lines. The below chart assumes average damage, and walls one foot thick. Interior walls are half as thick
(and take half the time to destroy).
Note. This assumes concentrated bombardment on the same 10 by 10 foot section. Usually in war,
attacking commanders open multiple points of entry to overwhelm and demoralize defenders.

Weapon Damage/minute Stone (1 foot thick) Wood (1 foot thick)

Ballista 160 2 minutes 1 minute 6 rounds
Cannon 440 9 rounds 7 rounds
Trebuchet 440 1 minute 7 rounds
Mangonel 270 1 minute 4 rounds 1 minute 2 rounds
Ram 160 2 minutes 1 minute 6 rounds

It is assumed the attacker has a full crew to maintain one attack per round (crew ranging from 3 to 5, 1
action each).
Without a full crew for the siege weapon, the damage takes longer (five times the normal time for
trebuchets, for example).

Carrying and moving siege weapons requires manpower. A mule (the most common beast of burden) can
carry 420 pounds, or drag 840 pounds (or nearly ½ a ton). This makes them able to cart around siege
weapons, although it requires time to stabilize the weapon before being used (otherwise, the recoil or
shock from using the siege weapon could cause it to sink into the ground, or the instability could throw off
the aim by imposing disadvantage, subject to the DM‘s adjudication).

Siege Weapon Cost (gp) Siege Weapon Cost (gp)

Ballista 1,000 Mangonel 2,000
Cannon 3,000 Ram 500
Cannon, Swivel 1,000 Siege Tower 5,000
Cauldron, Suspended 1,000 Trebuchet 5,000

BALLISTA (1 ton) Large object

Large object Armor Class: 19
Armor Class: 15 Hit Points: 75
Hit Points: 50 Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic A cannon uses gunpowder to propel heavy balls
A ballista is a massive crossbow that fires heavy of cast iron through the air at destructive speeds.
bolts. Before it can be fired, it must be loaded In a campaign without gunpowder, a cannon
and aimed. It takes one action to load the might be an arcane device built by clever gnomes
weapon, one action to aim it, and one action to or wizardly engineers.
fire it. A cannon is usually supported in a wooden
Bolt. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range frame with wheels. Before it can be fired, the
120/480 ft., one target. cannon must be loaded and aimed. It takes one
Hit: 16 (3d10) piercing damage. action to load the weapon, one action to aim it,
and one action to fire it.
CANNON (3 tons)

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Cannon Ball. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to be fired, it must be loaded and aimed. It takes
hit, range 600/2,400 ft., one target. two actions to load the weapon, two actions to
Hit: 44 (8d10) bludgeoning damage. aim it, and one action to fire it.
A mangonel typically hurls a heavy stone,
CANNON, SWIVEL (100 lbs.) although it can hurl other kinds of projectiles,
Small object with different effects, such as corpses to spread
Armor Class: 15 disease or even characters that can survive or
Hit Points: 40 ignore the impact of hitting the ground (same
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic damage as the stone‘s impact).
A swivel cannon (or swivel gun) is a mounted Mangonel Stone. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5
cannon that propels small balls of cast iron at to hit, range 200/800 ft. (can't hit targets within
destructive speeds. In a campaign without 60 feet of it), one target.
gunpowder, a cannon might be an arcane device Hit: 27 (5d10) bludgeoning damage.
built by clever gnomes or wizardly engineers.
A swivel cannon is usually mounted on a wooden RAM (½ ton)
frame and nailed down. Before it can be fired, Large object
the cannon must be loaded and aimed. It takes Armor Class: 15
one action to load the weapon, and one action to Hit Points: 100
fire it. Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
Cannon Ball. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to A ram consists of a movable gallery equipped
hit, range 200/800 ft., one target. with a heavy log suspended from two roof beams
Hit: 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage. by chains. The log is shod in iron and used to
batter through doors and barricades.
CAULDRON, SUSPENDED (1 ton) It takes a minimum of four Medium creatures to
Large object operate a ram. Because of the gallery roof, these
Armor Class: 19 operators have total cover against attacks from
Hit Points: 20 above.
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5
A cauldron is an iron pot suspended so that it ft., one object.
can be tipped easily, spilling its contents. Once Hit: 16 (3d10) bludgeoning damage.
emptied, a cauldron must be refilled-and its
contents must usually be reheated before it can SIEGE TOWER (50 tons)
be used again. It takes three actions to fill a Gargantuan object
cauldron and one action to tip it. Armor Class: 15
Cauldrons can be filled with other liquids, such Hit Points: 200
as acid or green slime, with different effects. Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
Boiling Oil. The cauldron pours boiling oil A siege tower is a mobile wooden structure with
onto a 10-foot-square area directly below it. Any a beam frame and slats in its walls. Large
creature in the area must make a DC 15 wooden wheels or rollers allow the tower to be
Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) fire pushed or pulled by soldiers or beasts of burden.
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage Medium or smaller creatures can use the siege
on a successful one. tower to reach the top of walls that are 40 feet
If using Alchemists‘ Fire, this requires 5 flasks high. A creature in the tower has total cover
(or 250 gp worth), dealing 12 (5d4) fire damage. from attacks outside the tower.
Creatures that fail the saving throw are also set When employed with wheels and gears (such as
on fire for the same amount of damage at the a rack and pinion), the effective weight for the
beginning of their turn every round. The DC is 15 purposes of dragging is divided by 15, or 3 tons
instead of 10. for dragging (7 mules or 14 soldiers).

MANGONEL (2 tons) TREBUCHET (20 tons)

Large object Huge object
Armor Class: 15 Armor Class: 15
Hit Points: 100 Hit Points: 150
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
A mangonel is a type of catapult that hurls heavy A trebuchet is a powerful catapult that throws its
projectiles in a high arc. This payload can hit payload in a high arc, so it can hit targets behind
targets behind cover. Before the mangonel can cover. Before the trebuchet can be fired, it must

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be loaded and aimed. It takes two actions to load projectiles, such as barrels of oil or sewage, with
the weapon, two actions to aim it, and one action different effects, as described with mangonels.
to fire it. Trebuchet Stone. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5
A trebuchet typically hurls a heavy stone. to hit, range 300/1,200 ft. (can't hit targets
However, it can launch other kinds of within 60 feet of it) one target.
Hit: 44 (8d10) bludgeoning damage.

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Army Features, Events, and Hiring Soldiers

Melee non-magical units make up the backbone of armies in most settings, although in some, conjured
creatures or bound undead form the rank-and-file. In this case, the leader of the settlement must be able
to conjure and control the soldiers, usually by employing the Animate Dead, Create Undead spell or
similar spells.

Army Name natural barriers allows them to cover ground

An army‘s name can be numbered (2nd regiment quickly and aid encirclements, chase down
of the City of Thieves), referred to by its leader stragglers, or help perform a precision blow
(Tareq‘s raiders), or left with a generic title against a fragile component of an enemy army
(horsemen regiment). (such as a leader standing on high ground to
It is usually beneficial to have a distinctive mark observe the field, or a troop of spellcasters
for an army to increase morale and help create a standing at the optimal range of their spells).
spirit of cooperation (or esprit de corps), such as Infantry Force. Land soldiers are the backbone
a banner or method of dress, which can help of any army, useful to keep the peace in
inspire the soldiers to remain together or reform settlements and hold positions during wars.
in the case of stress. They do not require additional resources beyond
Depending on the training and equipment of training or equipment such as special weapons
troops, furthermore, certain regiments can be or mounts.
named and referred to. For example, mounted Infantry equipped with ranged weapons can be
soldiers with heavy armor and lances, and also used flexibly, employed to provide support.
increased Constitution and Strength ability Although exceptional ranged weapons such as
scores can be called the Cavaliers Regiment, the longbow require proficiencies normal
while foot soldiers with longbows, shortswords, soldiers do not normally have without training,
and camouflaging cloaks can be called the crossbows perform the task ably (besides being
Hunters Regiment. cheaper and having slightly more damage).
These regiments can be tallied separately on a Guerilla or Special Force. Guerilla or Special
sheet which lists the hit points, number of Forces keep their numbers few and are trained
soldiers, training, leader‘s name, and current for specific skills (such as athletics, perception,
location for easy reference on the battlefield. stealth, and survival), given equipment that
helps hit-and-run tactics, and traits to boot
Army Equipment (skirmisher, bravery).
This details the armor, weapons, ammunition, Guerilla forces often employ hit-and-run tactics
and other gear (rations in days, gold, trinkets in and ambushes, and good leaders of guerilla
soldiers‘ possessions, loot, etc.) held by the armies often take personal time to complete
troop. missions such as destroying an enemy army‘s
food source (by destroying a stronghold or
Army Description poisoning it), sabotaging leadership (attempts of
The army‘s description usually shows where it assassination or infiltrating and placing spies),
came from, and the race, ethnicity, or religion of and general asymmetric warfare (causing chaos
its most common members, which usually in enemy settlements to move public opinion
factors in when issues of personal loyalty come against enemy leader, gathering supporters,
to play (such as whether an army will obey an etc.).
order to raze or pillage a town from the same In high-magic settings, such troops are deployed
country, or whether they will choose to stay loyal by teleportation behind enemy lines, dropping
and report to duty when a crisis occurs). them from flying mounts or vehicles, or
Furthermore, by using specific tactics, an army infiltrating with the aid of an Illusionist or an
can end with an archetype or theme. Below are Assassin.
sample themes. Monster Force. Recruiting monsters can be done
Cavalry Force. Mounted forces benefit from as well, depending on how the relations are and
mounted combat rules, which confers on the how they are managed. Trolls‘ regeneration and
forces increased maneuverability (in speed with great strength allows them to be extremely
horses, or flight with exotic mounts) at the cost resilient troops (where fire and acid are not
of increased cost (the cost of purchasing and available), and while centaurs can prove to be
housing the mounts). Land cavalry has an excellent skirmishers, doppelgangers can serve
advantage in open fields, where the lack of

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as excellent ambushers and infiltrators who can advance their own interests, or even
assassinate an enemy troop and take their place. altruistically serve the realm.
In other cases still, troops may only their
Hiring or Recruiting Mercenaries lifestyle expenses paid for (naturally, demanding
Just as normal hirelings have costs (skilled better lifestyle the higher level they are).
hirelings costing 2 gp per day and unskilled 2 sp
per day), soldiers require their wages paid. The Inspired Soldiers
most common soldier (the guard) costs 2 gp per In the case of guards and soldiers—in some
day as a skilled hireling, although other, more cases, those who flock to a powerful fighter or
skilled or specialized troops can be recruited and hero may wish to share a part of their spoils, or
hired. swear allegiance.
The pay may be given every day, or once every In these cases, the soldiers ask for much less pay
other period (monthly or weekly), and in some (usually stopping short of being paid as an
cases, the payment is task-based (sometimes unskilled hireling, however). Zealots following a
equivalent to the projected time the task will be paladin on a crusade may require only the
completed). In others, the payment can be money to keep clothes on their backs and food in
arbitrary or based on other factors. their bellies (or a squalid lifestyle).
Delays in pay naturally test the soldier‘s loyalty. In most of these cases, loyalty is a harder
The soldiers below are more common in commodity than gold, and a dissatisfied or
settlements of their origin; assassins are more betrayed ally will do worse than leave from lack
common in large cities or in cities with criminal of pay.
organizations, bandits are found anywhere in the
wilderness or are kept in dungeons, knights are Hiring Troops
valuable assets in feudalistic societies (usually Hiring a troop costs the pay for each unit in the
ruling minor settlements, strongholds or leading troop (or 20 gp/day for a 10-man squad of
troops), while tribal warriors are similar to guards). Troops may appear by the Rally
guards in statistics (being guards with different downtime action, appear in response to
armor and weapons and the pack tactics trait). recruitment or in-game events.

Friendly Troops
Although paid muscle (mundane or magical)
require pay, some individuals may offer their
services for a markedly less cost as an ally or
Not every Knight, for example, requires the full
daily pay of 40 gp, but may instead request a
parcel of land and/or a stronghold, and offer to
serve the ruler of the settlement as a vassal
(giving 50% of the stronghold‘s income but
serving for no extra cost).
An archmage or druid may offer services in
return for a paltry sum instead of the expected
rate of 600 gold pieces per day, but intend to use
employment to give themselves personal power,

Hired and Allied Soldiers

Soldier Pay (gp) Source Soldier Pay (gp) Source
Abjurer 250 VGtM 209 Bandit Captain 20 MM 344
Acolyte 5 MM 342 Berserker 20 MM 344
Apprentice Wizard 5 VGtM 209 Blackguard 200 VGtM 211
Archer 40 VGtM 210 Conjurer 100 VGtM 212
Archdruid 600 VGtM 210 Champion 250 VGtM 212
Archmage 600 MM 342 Diviner 200 VGtM 213
Assassin 200 MM 343 Druid 25 MM 346
Bard 25 VGtM 211 Enchanter 75 VGtM 213
Bandit 2 MM 343 Evoker 250 VGtM 214

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Gladiator 75 MM 347 Spy 10 MM 349

Guard 2 MM 347 Swashbuckler 40 VGtM 216
Illusionist 40 VGtM 214 Thug 5 MM 351
Knight 40 MM 347 Transmuter 75 VGtM 217
Mage 100 MM 347 Tribal Warrior 2 MM 351
Martial arts adept 40 VGtM 216 Veteran 40 MM 351
Master Thief 75 VGtM 216 Warlock, Archfey 60 VGtM 219
Necromancer 250 VGtM 217 Warlock, Fiend 150 VGtM 219
Priest 25 MM 349 Warlock, Old One 100 VGtM 220
Priest, War 250 VGtM 217 Warlord 600 VGtM 220
Scout 5 MM 349

Soldier Wages
Challenge Pay (gp/day) Challenge Pay (gp/day)
1/8 2 10 400
1/4 and 1/2 5 11 500
1 10 12 600
2 20 13 800
3 40 14 1,000
4 60 15 1,200
5 75 16 1,500
6 100 17 2,000
7 150 18 3,500
8 200 19 5,000
9 250 20 7,000

Common rates for pay for every point of Challenge is the

below. This assumes no special contacts, friendliness,
favors, or competition from mercenaries driving prices

Leadership Scores
Optional Rule
This optional rule allows a character to sustain free
troops. In effect, a character has a leadership score,
which they can use instead of paying gold for soldiers
and mercenaries. Leadership is not permanent, and is
usually tied to an event, such as rallying for the defense
of a settlement, crusade, or raid against a hated foe.

A character‘s leadership score is 3 (1d6) for every

character level. Each point of Leadership counts as 1 gold
piece per day of pay (3 gold pieces per day on average). A
character‘s leadership score could increase by a flat
amount or a percentage due to various circumstances.

Circumstance Bonus to Leadership

Campaign history1
Won campaigns +10% (stacks)
Failed campaigns -10% (stacks)
Magic weapon/armor +1 per step of rarity (up
to +6 with artifact)
Has stable stronghold +10% (+20% if rules a
Moves around a lot -10%
Reputation -

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Great Renown2 +20%

Fairness/meritocrat +10%
Genius3 +1 per ability score modifier (choose one)
Cruelty -20%

1 Campaign history does not necessarily mean having won all battles—it is possible to win a war while
losing individual battles (even most of them).
2 Renown is any recognition that is not based on military success (such as campaign history), such as
coming from a prestigious military lineage (in cultures and areas where that is recognized).
3 You may choose one ability score modifier to add to your Leadership score, such as Strength (if you lead
by warrior example), Charisma (if you command with character and personal magnetism), or Wisdom (if
you lead by unusually sound judgment of character). You may also explain your ability score by a task
(such as using Constitution if you won by out-drinking your peers and officers).

For instance, a level 20 character with 20 (+5) Intelligence and proficiency with History can impress their
followers with their mastery of historical uses of tactics and strategy, resulting in Leadership of 75 (20d6
+ 5), which can cover the pay of 37 guards, or a small army of one veteran (40 gp), 10 guards (20 gp), one
acolyte (5 gp), and two scouts (10 gp).
A character cannot inspire a character of level or challenge equal to or higher than their own.
Furthermore, soldiers inspired by the character have names, certain expectations, and are NPCs under the
DM‘s control and under your command. Inspired soldiers form an excellent elite troop among other
hirelings, and often expected to be treated as such.

Preparing a War Campaign

The cost of preparing a war campaign can be done by the ruler (or the state), as well as by contributions
from powerful organizations such as a church, business, guild, or even by affluent individuals such as rich
merchants or nobility. This requires a few steps, usually in outfitting, feeding, and paying a soldier, before
they are commanded to go on a mission (such as harassing an enemy, marching and occupying a town, or
participating in a siege).

A soldier when outfitted will need a spear (1 gp), a longsword (15 gp) and a dagger (2 gp) for weapons.
Then, he‘s also going to need a set of scale mail (50 gp) and a shield (10 gp), as well as a non-combat kit,
such as a backpack (2 gp), a bedroll (1gp), a mess kit (2sp) and a whetstone (1cp).
Outfitting one guard has a minimum unit cost of 81 gp, 2 sp, and 1cp (varies with equipment).

A settlement (or stronghold, or organization) with a weapon mill can half the costs of outfitting a soldier
by crafting their armor and weapons.

The simplest way to feed soldiers is to procure rations – one day of ration is 5 sp. For a prospective 6
month campaign, a soldier requires 90 gp in rations (or 360 pounds of food, or about one barrel of food).
The soldier will also require 180 gallons of liquid (or 4 barrels of liquid), for a total stockpile of 5 barrels (1
food, 4 water) for a soldier per 6 months.

Ration costs may be waived if the settlement provides food, if foraging, or if the soldiers feed themselves
by raiding farms and settlements.

Before setting on a campaign, commanders often stockpile rations in excess to what their soldiers need,
usually to cover cases of enemy sabotage (who destroy or steal food supplies as an action of asymmetric
warfare), unexpected food shortages, or even to feed prisoners. A stockpile usually has 50% extra supplies,
or 7 barrels of feed (2 food, 5 water) per soldier.


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Living off the land can be done with the survival skill, although the DM may decide that the region has a
maximum limit of a certain number of people foraging in the same area at any given time before it begins
suffering (usually 500 soldiers in a given area).

A soldier (statistics of the guard unit) is paid 2 gold pieces per day, or approximately 360 gp for a
campaign (usually 180 days, or 6 months).

Instead of providing full pay for a soldier, they may be given only half pay and the leave to raid.

Soldier Expenses
For a single soldier, the cost of outfitting, feeding, and paying them for a 6-month campaign costs 531 gp,
2 sp, and 1 cp.

The following resource provides great insights to warfare and how to design specific troop compositions.

Upgrading and Customizing Troops

Troops can be customized by adding racial traits, special training (see Chapter 5: Downtime and Training), or
even by adding class levels when their levels increase for further customization.
Equipment must be provided for each unit in the troop for it to be applied. The below examples assume the Guard
unit, and do not factor in selling the guard‘s starting gear (chain mail, shield, spear), or assume that the guards are
somehow already equipped.

Armors  Mastiffs (250 gp). Equips 10 units with a

 Chainmail (750 gp). AC becomes 14; 16 pack of mastiffs
each.  Riding horses (750 gp). Equips 10 units with
 Splint mail (2,000 gp). AC becomes 15; 10 riding horses
17 each.  Warhorses (4,000 gp). Equips 10 units with
 Full Plate (15,000 gp). AC becomes 16; 10 warhorses
18 each. Elephants with this price are not trained for
 Shield (+100 gp). AC increases by 2 combat. Combat-training war-elephants have a
(already applied to the Guard/Soldier price of 10,600 gp each (or 106,000 gp for a full
troops). squad troop). Elephants not trained for war flee
These values include the normal -2 penalty to AC from combat and damage they take, and resist
from troops in formation. commands to push them back in, requiring a DC
15 Wisdom (Handle Animal) check every round
Class Levels (Optional) as a bonus action to force them to remain.
See retraining under Downtime and Training for
more details on adding class levels to troops. A Racial Traits. Applying Race Traits to troops
DM can restrict this to regiments who changes their statistics appropriately, giving
accomplish exceptionally in war or time-tested ability score increases or racial traits.
Troop Traits
Mounts or Pets Troops can gain traits by training (see Chapter 5:
This provides the troop with mounts to carry Downtime and Training). This assumes the
them or pets to fight with them normal guard (and is modified for racial traits
 Camels (500 gp). Equips 10 units with 10 normally, if applied).
 Donkeys or Mules (80 gp). Equips 10 units Weapons
with 10 donkeys or mules  Longsword (150 gp). Add the
 Elephants (2,000 gp). Equips 10 units with following action.
10 elephants* Longsword. Melee weapon attack: +3 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target.

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Hit: 27 (5d8 + 5) slashing damage; 5 (1d8 + 1)  Lance (100 gp). Add the following
each, or 32 (5d10 + 5); 6 (1d10 + 1) each if used action.
with two hands to make a melee attack. Lance. Melee weapon attack: +3 to hit, reach
Longsword Troop Attack. Melee weapon 10 ft., one target.
attack: Accuracy 11, reach 5 ft. Hit: 37 (5d12 + 5) piercing damage; 7 (1d12 + 1)
Hit: 27 (5d8 + 5) slashing damage; 5 (1d8 + 1) each.
each, or 32 (5d10 + 5); 6 (1d10 + 1) each if used Lance Troop Attack. Melee weapon attack:
with two hands to make a melee attack. Accuracy 11, reach 10 ft.
Hit: 37 (5d12 + 5) piercing damage; 7 (1d12 + 1)
 Greatsword (500 gp). Add the each.
following action.
Greatsword. Melee weapon attack: +3 to hit,  Pike (50 gp). Add the following action
reach 5 ft., one target. Pike. Melee weapon attack: +3 to hit, reach 10
Hit: 40 (10d6 + 5) slashing damage; 8 (2d6 + 1) ft., one target.
each. Hit: 32 (5d10 + 5) piercing damage; 6 each.
Greatsword Troop Attack. Melee weapon Pike Troop Attack. Melee weapon attack:
attack: Accuracy 11, reach 5 ft. Accuracy 11, reach 10 ft.
Hit: 40 (10d6 + 5) slashing damage; 8 (2d6 + 1) Hit: 32 (5d10 + 5) piercing damage; 6 each.

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Chapter 3: Strongholds
Strongholds is a general term for buildings and structures tied to a specific purpose. A stronghold
provides shelter, areas for certain tasks (called stronghold functions), and a place for hirelings to work
and gain income. A stronghold can also be turned into the headquarters of an organization, which
increases its ability to project power and influence.
Players wishing to leave a lasting mark on the world may wish to establish or take over a stronghold.

Class Common Stronghold

Bard, rogue Guildhall (thief guild, adventurer guild, gambling den), dungeon (bandit hideout)
Cleric, druid, monk Abbeys (churches, wild shrines, monasteries), fortified churches (war church, cult
Fighter, barbarian Forts (mercenary hold, knightly estate, borderland barony), dungeon
(brawling pit)
Wizard, warlock, sorcerer College (magic academy), fortified tower (mage tower), dungeon
(necromancer‘s den)

Rogues and bards excel in ruin delving and urban life, discovering secrets and attaining wealth without
being exposed to direct threats. They are usually the first to know of new threats and the ones who can
exploit such information the best way. Rogue strongholds are usually out of the way, although bandit
fortresses staffed with many fighters and led by rogues are common, while bardic strongholds are
commonly schools, guilds, and inns.

Clerics, druids, and monks bring people around them in wilderness and cities, gaining wealth and direct
power to confront otherworldly threats. They are versatile and supportive of other strongholds and are
centers socio-political power and magical and spiritual strength.

Fighters and barbarians lead with ease from the front, having the required talents and abilities to take
beatings and dish them out in turn. As armies are made out of diminished fighters, training acts as a
significant force multiplier.

Wizards, sorcerers, and warlocks establish academies or research eldritch secrets that might discover new
resources or special features (planar breaches, arcane conspiracies, lost histories)
Rangers and paladins usually combine aspects of the second and third classes; establishing border forts,
organizations, or strongholds at the edge of civilization to protect against evils or unnatural beings.

Establishing a Stronghold
Should a character wish to acquire a stronghold, A single cube can act as a single large room,
it can be done by one of several methods, such as several small booths, a domed courtyard, or even
taking over an existing stronghold (an a small shack. For instance, a stronghold made
abandoned fort, an inherited manor, or a gifted of two 20 foot by 20 foot cubes can be adjacent
farmstead), or constructing it in a location to one another (40 x 20 foot) or atop one
chosen by the player (see Chapter 5: Downtime another (20 x 20 foot, 20 feet high), creating a
and Training for more details). building with two floors.
The area of a stronghold is reflected on local and
Designing a Stronghold city maps, and is important when sieges are
Area of a Stronghold involved (see sieges under chapter 2).
When establishing a stronghold, determine the
general area of it (in individual 20-foot wide, 20- Area Expansions
foot tall, and 10-foot high cubes). The area Expansions of existing strongholds cost the same
determines the general space a stronghold has, as adding a new area, but prevents full use of the
which in turn determines the maximum area until the expansion‘s construction is
functions the stronghold can serve. complete.
Each cube costs 2,500 gp and 30 days to
construct, and can serve a specific function. Land Costs
In most cases, each square foot of land costs 1
silver piece to buy, or 400 silver pieces for a

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square 20 feet on each side, but could range weapons or how it interacts with spells, as
anywhere from 5 coppers to 2 gold pieces per detailed under Sieges in chapter 2.
square foot instead (200 to 8,000 sp) depending
on the location, proximity to important people Staff
and resources, and other factors. Strongholds require maintenance, or they
otherwise fall to disrepair.
Size Modifiers Each function requires two skilled hirelings and
A DM may require that expansions done to four unskilled hirelings to maintain it at
existing strongholds cost an additional modifier. operative capacity. This covers replacing broken
This is usually 25% per size above Tiny (0% for tiles, cleaning materials, minor repairs, etc.
Tiny, 25% for Small, 50% for Medium, etc.) to Without sufficient staff, the stronghold suffers
account for the complexity of adding and eventual wear and tear until it falls to ruin,
integrating new areas to existing strongholds. which causes loss of functions and taking
Functions of Strongholds
Functions is one of the most important features Each skilled worker costs 2 gold pieces per day
strongholds grant. Each function provides a of work, while unskilled workers cost 2 silver
distinct benefit, such as supporting a certain pieces instead (for a total of 2 gold pieces and 4
artisan trade or help host guests. silver pieces per active function).
A single function can occupy large area or
collection of cubes (such as a dance hall being Resident Staff
much larger than normal for a carousing area), If the number of residents in the stronghold is
in which case the function can host more people equal to or less than one-half the full shelter
than the area can normally house (as capacity (round up), such as a cottage
appropriate). maintained by 2 occupants in moderate beds
(and children in poor beds), the maintenance
Size (Cubes) Area and number of staff is either halved or waived
Tiny (1) 20 x 20 feet entirely if the occupants maintain a lifestyle
Small (2-4) 40 x 20 to 40 x 40 feet appropriate to the stronghold (wherever
Medium (5-8) 80 x 40 feet appropriate).
Large (9-15) 100 x 60 feet
Huge (16-30) 200 x 60 feet Shelter
Strongholds provide shelter for 5 creatures per
For instance, a town or city guildhall is small- function of the stronghold. This represents
sized stronghold (ranging from a 20x40 building average accommodations.
to one 20x20 building with two floors), costing
5,000 gp. Accommodation Class
A farmer‘s cottage, on the other hand, is a tiny Most strongholds give average accommodation,
stronghold (20x20, or 10x40) that can hold only which represents the services and relative luxury
cube, costing 2,500 gp. Adding a greenhouse of the stronghold for such individuals.
function to either costs as much as a new or The accommodation class can be decreased to
expansion (or 2,500 gp). host more individuals. Where five people can
have comfortable accommodation, fifteen can
Stronghold Features have poor (communal) accommodation in the
Bathrooms, lavatories/privies, kitchens, same space.
balconies, storage rooms, attics, or bedrooms,
stained glass windows, balconies, long hallways, Poor Beds Accommodation Class
stairs, and similar features are not functions, but 2 1 modest
are added for no cost (unless pieces of art or 3 1 comfortable
magic items, see Chapter 8). 5 1 wealthy
See Stronghold Functions below to choose the 7 1 aristocratic
capabilities of the stronghold.
For convenience, the costs of rent of a room are
Resilience reflected below.
The materials of which the structure is built also
dictates its resilience to being attacked by siege Class Rent cost/day
Squalid 7 cp

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Poor 1 sp Security Threat

Modest 5 sp Rulers of castles and similar large structures
Comfortable 8 sp may be tempted to rent out excess bed space to
Wealthy 2 gp travelers to help alleviate the costs of running
Aristocratic 4 gp such a stronghold. It has the unfortunate side
effect, however, of allowing travelers frequent
Renting Bed Space access to these quarters, which might jeopardize
Excess shelter or bed space can be rented away the security or privacy of the structure and of the
for additional income from the stronghold. people within it.
Each rented space can provide rent appropriate
to its accommodation type. Communal housing Stronghold Forms
counts as poor accommodation, and comfortable Not every stronghold is a standing structure.
housing counts as modest accommodations. This can take many forms.
This includes renting out a summer cottage, an
inn room‘s spare bunk beds, or even providing Fluid Strongholds
the service of jailing criminals to a local ruler (if A stronghold may be made of several areas not
a dungeon is run privately), or this entrance fees in direct contact with one another (such as
to a museum or library (treating the shelter as through bridges, ropes, or tunnels). This
space for visitors, with quality of includes a series of caves or a dungeon.
accommodation acting instead as quality
services). Mobile or Moving Strongholds
Most days, only half or one-quarter a A trade caravan (or even a train) may be counted
stronghold‘s housing space is booked or rented, as a stronghold, in which case it is too mobile to
but increases or peaks in times of festivals or benefit from land-based features (such as having
during holidays or events. any farming-based functions), with each coach
or wagon counting as an area or function.
The average inn (Residence, 10,000 gp), for Ships, airships, and similar vehicles can also act
instance, after accounting for hirelings‘ work as strongholds.
spaces has 40 surplus poor beds (1 sp), 5 average In this case, divide the cost of the vehicle by
ones (5 sp), and one comfortable bed (8 sp). If 10,000 gp, with the result being the number of
fully booked, this yields 7 gp, 3 sp/day. functions it can contain (minimum 0). For
The inn‘s owner may decide to turn the example, a galley is worth 30,000 gp, providing
communal accommodations into higher-grade 3 functions (wherever reasonable).
rooms by increasing their size and outfitting. If
turning all accommodations into comfortable Racial Strongholds
ones, for example, (40 + 10 + 3), a fully booked The race of the builder usually confers some
inn ends with nearly 17 comfortable beds, which minor feature on the stronghold. Dwarves (or
yields 13 gp, 6 sp/day. If designed for high-end any character with proficiency in mason‘s tools
patrons, this results in nearly 7 aristocratic-level who trained with them) can hew strongholds
accommodations (for a staggering 28 gp/day)! from stone, while elves can carve homes into
Most inns do not expect many wealthy patrons trees. In most cases, this only affects the
(besides the normal limitation on booking in material from which the stronghold is built, but
non-seasonal or festive days), however, and in favorable circumstances (as dictated by the
therefore choose to have a 40:5:1 arrangement, DM), the total price of the stronghold may be
but expectations are affected by the general reduced up to half cost (if the cave the dwarven
wealth of the settlement. mason builds in has natural tunnels retrofitted
Generally, greater economic activity results in as rooms, or if the building is done with aid of
wealthier residents. The expected number of earth elementals, or if the trees the elf uses is
visitors from each category class is ultimately guarded by a friendly dryad who bends the tree
left to the DM and helpful circumstances. to aid them).

Stronghold Functions
Each area of a stronghold can be dedicated to a purpose, such as social gatherings (carousing area), item
crafting (crafter‘s area), or rest and comfort (comfort area), among others.

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Carousing Area (1 cube)  Crafting progress is doubled (10 gp of

This room is designed to entertain carousers, progress per day, as detailed under crafting,
guests, and visitors, and is designed for social page 172 in the Player‘s Handbook). You can
interaction and entertainment of any type. also assign the two workers in the area to
A carousing area can be organized to perform assist you for a maximum of 30 gp of
any social event or serve a social interaction, progress per day. This does not stack from
usually for one of the following: different crafter‘s areas (even if they focus
 Dances on the same tools).
 Dining and drinking  Tools and kits that are consumed or
 Oratories, speeches, and plays destroyed by use are replenished daily
 Parties and festivities without cost so long as the stronghold is at
An event (such as a dance, seasonal banquet, full staff for maintenance (and if the tools
social gathering, theatrical play), held here can cost less than or equal to 10 gp).
provide one of the following benefits to the
owner. Artisan’s tools
 This provides inspiration to attendants. A  Alchemist‘s supplies
character can benefit from this once every 7  Brewer‘s supplies
days.  Calligrapher's supplies
 This is an optimal place to gather contacts,  Carpenter‘s tools
rumors, or information about the region or  Cartographer‘s tools
events occurring (see Chapter 5: Downtime  Cobbler‘s tools
and Training).  Cook‘s utensils
 You have advantage to Charisma checks to  Glassblower‘s tools
improve a target‘s attitude if you are a host.  Jeweler‘s tools
This can represent public houses, ball rooms,  Leatherworker‘s tools
theaters and play houses, dining halls, tavern
 Mason‘s tools
common rooms, and especially-fancy courtyards
 Painter‘s supplies
or balconies. To represent a classroom, see
Training Area.  Potter‘s tools
 Smith‘s tools
Comfort Area (1 cube)  Tinker‘s tools
This area is designed for meditation, reflection,  Weaver‘s tools
sleep, or relaxation.  Woodcarver's tools
Any creature that takes a short rest or prepares  Disguise kit
their spells within this area also gains a number Forgery kit
of temporary hit points equal to their hit dice. Herbalism kit
These temporary hit points last until they are Poisoner’s kit
lost, or until the next long rest. Thieves’ tools
This can represent especially well-prepared
bedrooms, luxurious bath, steam baths or This can represent anything from a workshop,
saunas, incensed meditation halls, or manicured cannery, forge, lumber mill, mint, windmill,
and well-aired gardens. smithy, a witch‘s cauldron room, a poisoner‘s
grotto, a cobbler‘s space, calligrapher‘s corner, a
Crafter’s Area (1 cube per 2 tools or kits) leatherworker‘s shack, brewery, alchemist lab,
Choose up to two tools or kits to be dedicated and even especially large and well-maintained
and served in the area. For convenience, the list kitchens, depending on the tools chosen.
of qualifying tools are reflected below (from the
Player‘s Handbook, page 142). Any roll or Crafter’s Area: Alchemy Lab
crafting with the chosen tools has the following You can choose to make the Crafter‘s Area serve
benefits in the area: only Alchemist‘s Supplies, making it into an
 Any ability check that requires proficiency in Alchemy Lab. An Alchemy Lab allows a
a tool allows you to make the roll with character proficient in Alchemist‘s Supplies
advantage if the skilled hirelings special uses of the tool, as described in Chapter
maintaining the area assist you, and if you 6.
already have proficiency.
Crafting Magic Items

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The Dungeon Master‘s Guide provides details on grown plants. The garden provides 15 gp worth
crafting magical items (page 128), using the of potion or poison ingredients every day,
same rules (in creation costs, spell slots, and usually towards a specific potion, poison, or
special ingredients chosen by the DM). For class of which (such as all healing potions, or all
convenience, the data is reflected below. poisons derived from a certain root).
The DM may decide that certain formulae for a
CRAFTING MAGIC ITEMS potion or poison includes unusual herbs,
Rarity Cost Min. lvl requiring that you procure the seeds (either as a
Common 100 gp 3rd valuable purchase or requiring a quest to
Uncommon 500 gp 3rd secure). These ingredients may be sold instead
Rare 5,000 gp 6th (in which case this area functions as a base for a
Very rare 50,000 gp 11th farming organization).
Legendary 500,000 gp 17th This also represents farm segments, reagent
plantations, mushroom farms, or a druid‘s
Crafting a magical item in the Crafter‘s Area is orchard of rare herbs.
50 gp of progress per day. The value of progress Without the required seeds, this function cannot
is increased by 50 gp for each character that be employed or maintained.
assists that meets the minimum requirements.
Barring time and money, the limitations of Magic Nexus (1 cube)
whether an item can be crafted are knowledge With this function, you attune your stronghold
(in terms of a recipes, training, or formula) and with magic. The stronghold becomes attuned to
special ingredients. one spellcasting class, magical school, or list of
For example, crafting a cloaks of elvenkind may spells (chosen from the bonus spells granted by
require finding a formula scroll of the cloak, a a domain, warlock patron, sorcerer bloodline, or
mentor who gives details to its creation, or similar feature).
reagents drawn from a special flower that grows You may choose one of the following benefits to
in elven woods (DM‘s discretion). affect such spells, so long as the spell is cast in
your stronghold:
Crafting in Tandem  Aligned. The spells for the class are prepared
With this optional rule, you may craft multiple 25% faster (if the spellcaster is a prepared
consumables at the same time. You may have up spellcaster). This reduction can also apply if
to three consumables being crafted at a given retraining to change a spell (if the spellcaster
time, so long as the consumable has a ‗brewing is not a prepared spellcaster).
time‘, such as potions, poisons, and single-use If casting a spell from the class list and if the
wondrous items. spell is a ritual, it can be ritually cast in 5
Effectively, the crafting progress is applied to all minutes instead of 10.
three consumables, which could result in some  Bolstered. If the spell from the attuned class
consumables ending at different times list conjures creatures, the creatures‘ hit
(depending on total cost). point maximum increase by an amount
For example, a crafter begins brewing serpent equal to your level, and the creatures add
venom (200 gp; or 20 days) and two doses of your proficiency bonus to its weapon
assassin‘s blood (150 gp; or 15 days) in tandem. damage rolls. This can stack with similar
After 15 days, the two doses of assassin‘s blood features. This bonus does not apply if the
are complete, and 5 days after that, the serpent creature leaves the stronghold‘s area.
venom is complete (total 20 days).  Efficient. You may halve the material cost of
If you supervise the work until it ends, and have the spells of the spell list.
the hirelings focus on assisting, the crafting  Eternal. You may double the maximum
takes 5 and 6 days instead of 15 and 20, duration of spells from the chosen spells. If
respectively. the spell is a concentration spell, it remains
This requires the recipes for both poisons as for an additional number of rounds after you
normal, which may be granted as rewards for cease concentrating equal to one-quarter
rogues who accomplish their missions (or be your level, instead of increasing the
stolen from rival guilds). duration. You can have up to three spells
active this way.
Greenhouse (1 cube)  Strengthened. If the spell is instantaneous
This area is designed to serve as a specialized and does not cost materials (such as most
farmland for an eclectic assortment of herbs and

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evocation spells), the DC of the effect A medical area is a room built to accommodate
increases by 2. If it requires a spell attack and aid the process of healing or surgery. You
instead, increase your bonus to attack by +2. gain the following bonuses when in a medical
Spells that leave the nexus retain the benefits of area:
the feature outside the stronghold, but this ends  This room always has a fully stocked
prematurely if the nexus is breached. For Healer's Kit (see the Crafter's Area for the
instance, a meteor swarm spell can be purposes of replenishing kits).
strengthened, with the benefit remaining even  While taking a short or long rest within this
outside the stronghold (such as a wizard casting room, creatures regain double the normal
it atop their tower). This does not apply to hit points from using hit dice (including
creates or objects that leave the stronghold, those granted by Constitution modifiers).
however.  The recuperate downtime action (see
You can have multiple magical nexi at the same Chapter 5: Downtime and Training) has its
time in a single stronghold, which can be DC reduced by 5 points when in the area.
attuned to multiple classes, schools, or lists of This can represent a hospital, medical bay,
spells. treatment room, surgery room, house of healing

A nexus can represent anything from an arcane- Observatory (1 cube)

attuned lay line (wizard), alter, chapel, or spirit This room is built for observation of the heavens,
lodge (cleric), an enchanted audience chamber the earth, or the planes, and is outfitted with the
(bard), obelisk marked with astrological symbols appropriate tools, such as powerful lenses,
(warlock patron of the stars), a chamber open to measurements, and even planar-attuned objects.
the moon (druid circle of the moon), an Choose one target for the observatory.
interrogation chamber (enchantment school), a  Heavens. This room has telescopes, records
fire-lord‘s spire (evocation), house of mirrors and notes, and other devices to aid in
(illusion), court of bones (necromancy), or a celestial observation via a retractable roof, a
planar crossroads (conjuration). skylight, or is directly open to the heavens.
Special. Areas that are dedicated to holding Those in this room can observe the
planar prisoners (such as creatures to be movement of celestial bodies clearly (which
targeted with the planar bind or planar ally can aid in telling the time, seasons, and
spells) are better represented with the Lodging viewing celestial activities) and have
function. advantage to any check to predict the
Chapels and Arcane Sanctums  Earth. This room has telescopes and
The nexus is a powerful function of a stronghold, measuring devices that aid in observing the
and is usually warded and locked, such as via the ground, objects at a distance, and the
Hallow spell (if it serves a cleric), or a Circle of regions nearby. Those in this room can
Power if it serves a wizard, wherever observe objects viewed through the
appropriate. observatory‘s lenses to be twice to four times
their size.
Creating a Magic Nexus
 Planar. This room is attuned to a specific
A magic nexus is either done by building the
plane, and is equipped with items that have
stronghold in an area of existing magic (a holy
planar resonance. This attunement requires
site, a lay line, or an area of special magical
you or a hireling to be able to cast the
significance), performing a special ritual (100
contact other plane or plane shift spells.
days and 5,000 gp), or having the stronghold be
A contact other plane spell cast in the
the site of a significant magical event.
stronghold has deals the possible half
A magic nexus can also be declared in place of
psychic from the spell, and you have
any stronghold function, with the nexus being
advantage to the saving throw. You are also
the only active effect (instead of the normal
not rendered insane if you fail your saving
function). For example, a ball room (carousing
area) that witnesses a duel between two
Overlapping Planes. If the plane attuned to
powerful wizards may later become a magic
the observatory is a plane that overlaps or
nexus instead.
exists along the material plane (such as the
ethereal plane, as if with the true seeing
Medical Area (1 cube)
spell or the plane of shadow), the

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observatory sees into said plane so long as inverse magical circle), which affects how they
what the area it can see in has a negotiate with the master of the stronghold.
corresponding location in the material A summoned large fiend, for example, may chafe
plane. Seeing into the ethereal plane has its on being given poor accommodations, so the
own dangers, attracting the attention or ire wizard chooses to turn the 7 poor
of ghosts, hags, and other planar creatures. accommodations for large creatures into one
Independent Plane. If the plane observed is aristocratic accommodation to make negotiation
of another type (such as the astral plane, an easier.
inner plane, or an outer plane), the
observatory can see into one random point Variant: Necropolis
in it once constructed. The point of The lodging can also hold corpses, becoming a
observation can change by attuning the catacomb, grave, or mausoleum. In this case,
planar observatory with different treat the lodging area as normal, but holding a
coordinates in the same plane. number of corpses in similar accommodations
Planar coordinates are gained from planar travel (squalid accommodations represent mass
or are traded as treated as valuable pieces of graves, while aristocratic accommodations
information, or can be calculated by studying represents monuments atop them or private
material taken from the specified area in another entombment in in stone.
plane (for instance, a stone taken from a While buried this way, most stronghold masters
mountain in Elysium allows a planar choose to have the area warded with the Gentle
observatory to look from that mountain). If you Repose spell.
have multiple coordinates, changing the
observatory‘s focus takes an action and referring Storage Area (1 cube)
to the coordinates. This area is organized to hold a stockpile or
This can also represent an observation tower, present materials, usually for one of the
sentry point, astral mirror, or ethereal window. following:
 Armor, ammunition, and weapons
Lodging Area (1 cube per 10 comfortable (armory/arsenal)
accommodations)  Adventuring gear (inventory)
This area can be dedicated to providing shelter  Crafting warehouse (crafter‘s storage)
for creatures, such as humanoids (extra beds,  Siege weapons (siege weapon store)
inn rooms, barracks, servants‘ quarters), beasts  Wealth and treasure (treasure vaults)
(stables, kennels), and other creature types The storage area can hold up to 20 tons of load
(dragon rookery, ooze pit, summoning circle). in good organization (or more if crowded and
The number of creatures sheltered is equal to cluttered) in 1 cube of stronghold space. Usually,
double that of a normal area (10 comfortable the storage area can hold enough in its stock to
accommodations, or 30 poor ones). equip and replenish lost resources without
For each size category of the creature, halve or tracking individual uses (such as soldiers
double the number of creatures contained (7 replenishing lost arrows or changing their
huge creatures, 15 large creatures, 60 small weapons and armor, or replacing a consumed
creatures, etc.). healer‘s kit).
The lodging can also benefit from the Sealed or If equipped for siege weapons, this can hold a
Warded modifications for half the normal cost number of siege weapons equal to its cargo (ten
(one only). ballista, three cannons, etc. as detailed under
Siege Weapons in Chapter 2: Armies and War).
Variant: Prisons If sealed or warded, the storage area can also be
If used to hold creatures against their will, protected against thieves, which is necessary if
lodging can cover jail cells, slave cages, mental the storage area contains wealth (such as a bank
health wards, beast cages, to prisons for vault, siege weapons, or a vault of dangerous
unnatural creatures (dragon pit, demon binding magical items).
Wizard towers usually have a lodge dedicated for
holding summoned creatures (warded with an

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o Intelligence-based spellcasting
Training Area (1 cube) training
This area is dedicated to the service of one skill  Wisdom
proficiency and provides training in areas that o Obstacle course for Animal
use that skill. This can also represent areas Handling
dedicated to teaching and education (such as o Rooms for Insight, Medicine,
classrooms), or arenas and battlegrounds, or Perception, and Survival
even obstacle corses. o Wisdom-based spellcasting training
This has several forms, depending on the skill or  Charisma
training type the area is dedicated to (see o Auditorium for Deception,
Chapter 5: Downtime and Training for more Intimidation, Performance, and
details on training), but is usually one of the Persuasion
following: o Charisma-based spellcasting
 Strength training
o Arena or battle ring for weapon,
shield, and armor proficiencies If training in an area optimally designed for the
o Obstacle course for Athletics skill or application, the final training time is
 Dexterity reduced by 10% (or has the time reduced by a
o Target range for ranged weapons further 10% after adding other modifiers).
proficiency A training area can also serve as a headquarters
o Gymnasium for Acrobatics for an organization, while a library can also serve
o Trap room for Sleight of Hand or to provide income (see special rent) or
Stealth information (in some cases, the DM may declare
 Constitution that a piece of information is found
o Endurance training room for Hit automatically, if appropriate).
Points training Changing a class can be done with any training
 Intelligence area that utilizes one of the class‘s prime ability
o Libraries, archives, or museums for scores.
Arcana, History, Investigation,
Nature, and Religion

Feature Modifications
Individual rooms and even entire strongholds can be modified. Modifications also include unusual
features in strongholds, such as exterior walls, special traits, and other abilities.

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Clocks (2,500 gp, 30 days). Having a  Traps. Filling the pit with simple spears
displayed clock of the stronghold, as well as it creates something of a pit trap, dealing 1d8
being timed with an audible or visual sign (such damage (plus any fall damage), or can host
as a bell chime, rotating flags, or a color change) other traps which must be purchased
reduces maintenance of the entire stronghold by separately.
10 gp (or 10% if maintenance is more than 100 This feature acts as a separate building.
gp). Maintenance cannot be reduced to less than
2 sp per skilled worker, or 2 cp per unskilled Hidden Function (250 gp, 3 days for every
worker). cube, or 10% of the area cost). This
Special. This requires access to clockwork stronghold function is hidden from view, either
technology. disguised behind a false opening, between floors,
or by a hidden switch. This requires a DC 15
Extra Dimensional (7,500 gp, 45 days). Intelligence (Investigation) check to find, and a
This modification can spirit an area as large as 1 DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) to open. A
cube away into a pocket dimension, altering the hidden function may also benefit from the
laws of time and gravity. Sealed or Warded modifications (adding a layer
Gravity can be half to double as strong, and time of protection), or be protected by a trap.
can move at half to double the normal pace Alternatively, this can represent passages
relative to outside the room. Anything inside the connecting different areas within the stronghold,
room is also treated as if in another dimension, or leading outside it.
barring scrying, tracking, and similar abilities. This represents hidden rooms, tunnels, passages
This extra dimensional space interacts with hidden behind walls or fireplaces, and safe-
similar effects, creating a gate to the Astral rooms.
Plane, sucking in the contents of the room
releasing them into a random place in the Astral Reinforced (cost by material). The area‘s
Plane. If this happens, the room is destroyed and components can be reinforced. This acts as the
the gate is closed (opening to nothing). Sealed modification (see below), but increases
This requires you or a hireling to be able to cast the components‘ resilience, such as providing
the rope trick or plane shift spells. mithral or adamantine doors or reinforcing
windows with said materials.
Exterior Walls and Moats (160 gp, 15 days This can be applied to individual doors or all the
for 80 feet long walls). Also known as doors in the room (such as all vault doors in a
defensive walls, these exterior walls come with bank).
turrets and minor towers (these cannot serve • Mithral (AC 21, 50 hit points, threshold
functions). 15) 2,500 gp and 15 days
The four wall panels are 20 feet wide, 20 feet • Adamantine (AC 23, 100 hit points,
high, and one foot thick. Each minor tower is 40 threshold 20), 5,000 gp and 30 days
feet high off the ground, with an interior space of
10 x 10. Multiple applications of walls can be Sanctified (as Ward). A sanctified area is
incorporated together (such as three ‗walls‘ hallowed as the spell of the same name. The
creating an extra-heavy wall). sanctified area acts and costs the same as a ward
The cost of exterior walls is calculated of the same spell, but can be specific to one area
independently from the stronghold itself. or the entirety of the stronghold.
Alternatively, the price can be spent into If the sanctification is specific to one area, it is
creating a pit or moat (80 feet wide, 20 feet high, suppressed if it is breached. If the spell is woven
and 20 feet deep). The pit can be filled with to the stronghold itself, it can be suppressed if
liquid or traps to make bypassing it a challenge the room where the spell is center is breached
on its own. (usually a Magic Nexus dedicated to a chosen
 Liquid. Filling the pit with water creates a deity).
moat, which can then house marine life such This requires you or a hireling to be able to cast
as dangerous fish or creatures such as the hallow spell.
crocodiles and giant crabs, or be a simple
obstacle for non-swimmers. Sealed (500 gp, 7 days for every 20 x 20
Alternatively, filling it with hazardous area or function sealed). This modifies an
liquids (such as lava, diseased water, or tar) area designated by you. This room is sealed by
can be hazards on their own. mundane locks, chains, and bars, which are

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unlocked by keys. For magical protection, see Normal lights (such as torch holders in rooms)
Warded. are assumed to be placed as part of building and
Any number of components of the room can be furnishing the function.
locked (such as a jail cell, doors, windows,
creature pen, or treasure vault), and the keys for Trapped (variable cost). You can set a trap in
each is provided to the owner of the structure. a room or area of the stronghold as response to a
Without the key, a creature proficient with trigger (such as a pressure plate, lever, a failed
thieves' tools can pick the lock with a successful attempt to open the Sealed feature, or tied to a
DC 15 Dexterity check. If also employing the trap Ward). See Sample Traps on pages 122-123 and
feature, you may make the trap trigger can a Random Traps on page 297 of the Dungeon
failed thieves‘ tools check. Master‘s Guide for inspiration, reflected here for
Each additional time this modification is convenience. A trap may also be hidden (see the
applied, the sealed component(s) of the room hidden modification), sealed (to lock after being
requires another successful check, or the DC triggered, such as a pit trap), or warded (to cast a
increases by 5 (maximum 3 successful checks or spell after being triggered).
a DC of 25). In terms of making your own trap, the strength
This can apply to gates, the pen room, or secret of the trap is limited by your level.
entrances and exits of the stronghold.  Collapsing Roof (2,000 gp, 30 days).
The roof can be restored with a days‘
Teleportation Circle (as Ward). This work.
modification acts and costs the same as a ward  Falling Net (100 gp, 1 day)
of the teleportation circle spell, but can target  Fire-Breathing Statue (as Ward,
other area inside the stronghold (even a hidden Evocation Spell)
room).  Pit, Simple (100 gp, 1 day). The simple
The rooms that can be teleported to (and not pit can be modified with the Hidden
from) must be declared when this room is first feature, Sealed, or Warded features to
built. It is possible for there to be multiple create hidden, locked, and magical pits.
command words (one for each room). If a room  Pit, Spiked (200 gp, 3 days)
is breached or destroyed, the teleportation circle
 Poison Darts (100 gp, 1 day). The poison
spell can no longer reach it. The spell is woven to
darts deal 2 (1d4) piercing damage as
the stronghold itself, and can be suppressed if
detailed under the Dungeon Master‘s
the room where the spell is center is breached
Guide, but you must provide the poison.
(usually a Magic Nexus).
Once applied, the poison remains until
This requires you or a hireling to be able to cast
the teleportation circle spell.
 Poison Needle (100 gp, 1 day). As above,
but deals 1 piercing damage, and is
Torches (2,500 gp, 30 days). This area is
designed to emit exceptionally strong light, such
as by employing fires, arcane light, or a similar  Rolling Sphere (2,000 gp, 30 days). The
mechanism. This light can usually be seen up to sphere can be restored to its position
10 miles away if standing at least 20 feet from with 3 days‘ work.
the ground, varying slightly depending on how  Sphere of Annihilation. This requires
high it stands from the surface it is built on you or a hireling supply the Sphere of
(usually up to a maximum of 20 miles). The Annihilation legendary wondrous item.
lighthouse can be used for long-range signaling You or your allies have a +5 bonus to
(for troops or warnings, such as those mounted their Intelligence (Arcana) check to
on walls or towers) or aiding navigation (see control it and to contest control against
ships below). those who attempt to take over it
Ships utilizing the lighthouse increase their
movement speed by 25%, and are provided Warded (500 gp per spell level, 7 days for
guidance to areas of danger, harbor entrances, every 20 x 20 area or function sealed).
and help avoid shoals. This acts as the sealed modification, but
Alternatively, lighthouses can be used to mislead modifies the area with magical wards and
ships the same way, reducing the speed and abjurations. Wards are conditioned to function
increasing the chance of harmful events. on triggers (mundane or magical) specified by
Also known as a beacon, signal tower, warning you or your hireling. These spells are considered
light to be cast at the lowest level possible, with you to

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be considered as the spell‘s caster in terms of  Alarm. The alarm can notify you or be the
how the spell targets, but a static area in the trigger for another spell.
stronghold to be considered the casting point  Animate Objects. The spell treats you or one
(for the purposes of position and line of sight). ally who you‘ve designated to guard the
The saving throw DC of these spells are 15 room as the caster.
(unless the spellcaster‘s DC is higher) to resist,  Antimagic Field
with the same DC to notice with a Wisdom  Arcane Eye. You may use an action to
(Perception) check. Wards are treated as magical activate the sensor for up to the maximum
traps, and can be disabled with the dispel magic duration of the spell (concentration as
spell. A ward also has a mundane way of being normal) for 24 hours. Most strongholds that
suppressed (such as by moving around a have this ward also have small 1-inch spaces
pressure plate trigger after seeing it, or hiding to allow the eye to enter various areas.
from a magic sensor with a Dexterity (Stealth)  Bestow Curse
check, or jamming a spike in a fire-breathing
 Circle of Power
statue‘s mouth to disrupt the magical weaves
 Contact Other Plane. Most strongholds that
with a Dexterity check with Thieves‘ Tools).
have this ward center it in the Observatory
The method to disable a ward must be specified
Area (see above).
beforehand when the ward is drawn, and is
discovered with a successful Wisdom  Dispel Magic. Most strongholds that have
(Perception) check. Once a ward is triggered, it this ward trigger it to anyone passing the
can be re-activated after 1 day of it being threshold of the stronghold without being
dispelled. Re-activating a ward takes the same invited in or speaking a password.
casting time to cast the spell normally, but does  Evocation. Any instantaneous evocation
not require the ability to cast the spell, so long as spell can be made into a ward and attached
the master of the stronghold (or a designated to a trap or feature. If triggered, the
castellan) is who does it. If the ward is a cantrip, evocation spell discharges. See Fire-
it can be triggered multiple times. Breathing Trap for comparison and
Making a ward requires you or a hireling to be inspiration.
able to cast the chosen spell, and is magically  Guards and Wards
grounded in the area it is built in. Some wards  Gentle Repose. The spell is usually focused
have a larger area of effect, in which case are on graves or mausoleums.
active outside the chosen area, but are still  Glyph of Warding
grounded in one area (usually a Magic Nexus  Hallucinatory Terrain. This spell affects the
area), and is suppressed if it said area is stronghold and also radiates up to 300 feet
breached. away. The master or the allies they designate
Warding an area costs 500 gp per spell level for may change the details of the illusion with
every area (or room), with cantrips costing 250 an action. Once changed, the ward changes
gp instead. Each additional time this to the new illusion over the course of three
modification is applied, another ward can be rounds.
applied. If the spell has a material component, it  Mage Hand
must also be paid when building the ward (pay  Magic Circle
the cost of the material component times 25).  Prestidigitation
For example, establishing multiple dispel magic  Telekinesis
wards allows multiple dispelling attempts to  Reverse Gravity
unwanted visitors (possibly stripping them of
 Hallow
several beneficial spells).
 Unseen Servant. Most strongholds that have
Wards made out of spells with the ritual tag are
this ward treat the unseen servant counts as
permanent, but cannot reach outside the
an unskilled hireling. Unlike most unskilled
hirelings, they do not require maintenance.
Otherwise, the ward acts as the glyph of
This is usually used to perform various
warding spell.
services to the stronghold.
The below spells are common as wards. You may
also develop different wards, subject to DM  Zone of Truth. When this modification is
approval. In some cases, a ward does not need to placed, the master can specify whether it
be re-activated (even if not a ritual), and remains affects the master and their allies, all
until dispelled or disabled. creatures in the area, or enemies of the

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master. It is a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check Charisma score of 6. This entity can act as the
to sense the ward. master of the stronghold in the capacity the
master designates (such as using stronghold
War Ready (10% of the stronghold’s total abilities or commanding wards). If the
cost and total build time) stronghold also has wards, the stronghold can
A structure designed to be war-ready has arrow act in the capacity described under the
slits, murder holes, battlements, and is overall modification itself (the mage hand ward, for
well-prepared for combat. Troops occupying the instance, can retrieve papers, the prestidigitation
structure can benefit from the following benefits ward can clean windows and toilets, etc.).
(provided the area they are positioned within The awareness of the stronghold can be noticed
makes sense). with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check
• Arrow slits provide three-quarters cover to notice an intangible presence.
to creatures inside the structure against attacks If the master of the stronghold is also attuned to
made from outside it (1 arrow slit every 5 feet) it, the master can act through the stronghold‘s
• Murder holes act as arrow slits, but own actions as if it is his own mind. This is
provide the benefit from upper floors against usually limited by various stronghold abilities, or
lower floors (1 murder hole every 5-foot square) wards. This cannot take place if the master is
• Battlements provide half cover for unconscious, incapacitated, or if they suffer at
creatures atop them least one level of exhaustion.
If drawing a map of the structure, the architect
often places killing fields, which are bottlenecks Whimsical Enchantment (2,500 gp, 30
and exposed areas an invading force must days). The stronghold is woven with an eclectic
survive before entering the structure, usually number of
also allowing defenders to take advantage of Telekinesis, Light spells, Prestidigitation (to
battlements or arrow slits to rain arrows, bolts, clean and preserve), can take a book, scroll, or
or spells from a distance or behind cover for at paper stack you offer, send you a book you want,
least a few rounds. re-order papers, or reorganize a stock of books.
This can organize a cubic area up to 50 feet on
Awareness (2,500 gp, 30 days). The each side. This can also summon a specific book
designated area (or stronghold as a whole) is or spellbook.
suffused with awareness, and gains an
Intelligence score of 6, Wisdom score of 8, and

Sample Strongholds
Strongholds commonly built by adventurers, rulers, and organization leaders include a wide range of
On average, for each 2,500 gp of cost of a stronghold, it can hold one function. A stronghold can be made
of several sub-strongholds (see composite strongholds below), such as keeps, abbeys, and castles.

Cottage If designed to house several farmers at a center

Size Tiny Area 20x20 of a field, choose the lodging to outfit the cottage
Cost 2,500 gp (30 days) with spare cots and tiered beds. The housing
Functions (1). Any one function changes to the following:
Shelter 3 (modest) 9 (poor) Staff 2 (skilled) 4 Shelter 7 (modest) 16 (poor)
(unskilled) In this case, the farmhouse can host 6 farmers
Maintenance 4 gp, 8 sp (4 gp skilled, 8 sp and 13 farmhands. These can farm up to 180
unskilled) acres, feeding 90 people (see Feeding under
Description. The cottage can represent a small Chapter 1: Settlements).
house or hovel.
Depending on the function chosen, this can Dungeon
represent anything from a warehouse (storage Size Small Area 20x80
area), farmstead house (lodging), to a small Cost 10,000 gp (120 days)
workshop (crafter's area). Functions (4). Lodging x4 (three sealed, one
Cottage: Farmstead

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Shelter 8 (average) 14 (poor); Sealed Shelter comfortable shelter for 1 distinguished person
10 (average) 70 (poor) Staff 6 (skilled), 12 (organization or guild official).
Maintenance 14 gp, 4 sp (12 gp skilled, 24 sp Residence
unskilled) Size Small Area 40x40 (or 20x80)
Description. This can represent a prison, Cost 10,000 gp (120 days)
barrow, debtor's jail, torture chambers, or Functions (4). Carousing Area (common
sacrificial hall. The dungeon can provide average room), Lodging (living quarters), Storage area
shelter for 10 prisoners and poor shelter for 70. (warehouse), and any one of the following
These rooms are sealed. (Crafter‘s Area (any), Greenhouse, Lodging
If representing magical prisons or if designed to (stable or extra beds), Medical Area, Storage
hold magical enemies, change the sealed Area, or Training Area (any))
modification to the appropriate ward (such as Shelter 3 (comfortable) 13 (average) 44 (poor)
Antimagic Field or Magic Circle), or add Staff 6 (skilled), 12 (unskilled) Storage 20 tons
additional layers of protection. (any)
Maintenance 14 gp, 4 sp (12 gp skilled, 24 sp
Garrison unskilled)
Size Medium Area 40x80 Description. This can cover inns, taverns,
Cost 20,000 gp (240 days) restaurants, manors, middle- or upper-class
Rooms (8). Carousing Area (mess hall), homes, public houses, orphanages, squats, or
Lodging x5 (one stable, two barracks, one even a gambling den depending on what the
officer's quarters), Storage Area (armory), carousing area and last function is.
Training Area (Strength, training grounds) A residence is usually built to accommodate a lot
Shelter 1 (comfortable) 17 (average) 131 (poor), of people in a state of relative comfort, and
Stables 5 (average) 20 (poor) Storage 20 tons sometimes caters to specific professions (a
(common weapons, armors, and ammunition) crafter‘s area could serve a weapons-focused
Staff 14 (skilled), 28 (unskilled) trade route, a training area could provide a
Maintenance 33 gp 6 sp (28 gp skilled, 56 sp battle ring to become an arena, and a garden
unskilled) may cater to alchemist patrons or provide
Description. Also known as a warrior lodge, healing potions as an additional service).
combat quarters, training camp, soldier base. The residence can provide communal shelter for
The garrison can provide communal shelter for 40 people, average shelter for 5 guests, and
100 soldiers (one battalion), average shelter for comfortable shelter for 1 distinguished guest
3 visiting officers, and comfortable shelter for 1 (visiting noble or merchant). If fully booked, this
distinguished guest (high-ranking officer or yields 7 gp, 3 sp/day, but is usually only half-
settlement official). booked (for 3 gp, 6 sp, and 5 cp).
If the final room is a lodging (extra beds or
Guildhall stable), this can provide extra 15 (poor) beds for
Size Small Area 20x40 guests or their horses.
Cost 5,000 gp (60 days)
Functions (2). Carousing Area (mess hall),
Crafter's Area (any chosen tools)
Shelters 1 (comfortable), 6 (average) 13 (poor)
Staff 4 (skilled), 8 (unskilled)
Maintenance 9 gp, 6 sp (8 gp skilled, 16 sp
Description. This can represent anything from
a hunting lodge, thieves' den, adventurer‘s guild,
potion shop, brewing house, to lumberjack's
The guildhall often houses members of a single
organization, class, or order, typically of the
same profession or adventurous bent. The
guildhall can provide communal shelter for 5
guests or temporary workers, average shelter for
2 guests or visiting guild members, and

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School built shorter (3 floors, up to 30-50 feet high), it

Size Small Area 20x60 can cost the same as well.
Cost 7,500 gp (90 days)
Rooms (3). Lodging (students' quarters), Composite Strongholds
Training Area (Intelligence or Wisdom), and one For simplicity, you may create a stronghold by
of the following (Crafter's Area (any chosen crafting multiple smaller strongholds rather
tools), Infirmary, or Magic Nexus) than choosing a function for each area. When
Shelter 1 (comfortable) 7 (average) 43 (poor) creating a composite stronghold, add the prices
Staff 6 (skilled), 12 (unskilled) of all component strongholds together, as well as
Maintenance 14 gp 4 sp (12 gp skilled, 24 sp the benefits (provided shelter, area,
unskilled) maintenance, and features).
Description. This can represent a temple,
collection of classes, small academy, music Abbey
academy, or study hall. The school's training An abbey is built from a Residence and a School
area and final function determines what it Description. This can represent large temples,
teaches (Intelligence and a focus on evocation homes of ascetics, grand shrines, religious
could be an evoker's school, while Wisdom and retreats, monasteries, or libraries dedicated to
dedication to clerical magic could represent a religious study. Plain or ornate, made of local
holy study hall or a chapel). wood or stone, this stronghold is often visited by
The school can provide communal those ill hoping for healing, pious seeking
accommodations for 31 students, average solitude or reflection, or those for deeper
accommodations for 1 guest or special student, meanings or mysterious truths.
and comfortable shelter for the headmaster or Abbeys are often dedicated to a particular
distinguished guest. religious or monastic order, and sometimes
houses organizations that provide income
Tower enough to sustain its populations‘ lives (such as
Size Large Area 20x20 (six floors, up to 60-90 vineyards, cheese-making, and even
feet high) bookmaking).
Cost 15,000 gp (180 days)
Functions (6). Carousing Area (theater or College
banquet hall), Lodging (living spaces), Magic A college is built from a Residence and a School
Nexus (any), Training Area x2 (library, plus (using the carousing room as a lecture hall)
any), and any one of the following (Crafter's Description. This can represent large
Area (any chosen tools), Observatory (any), academies, universities, or a grand institute of
Lodging (students' quarters, extra beds, or learning.
warded summoning circle), Comfort Area The college focuses more skills than a school,
(meditative chamber), or storage room for and joining it is usually more prestigious and
confiscated magical items). respectful. If adding more scope to the college,
Magic Nexus (any one focus) add an extra school per topic the college offers
Shelter 1 (comfortable) 14 (average) 74 (poor) proficiency or training in.
Staff 12 (skilled), 24 (unskilled)
Maintenance 28 gp 8 sp (24 gp skilled, 48 sp Fort
unskilled) A fort is built from a Dungeon and a Garrison
Description. This can represent a mage's spire, Description. This can represent a military
watchtower, or wizard tower. A tower stands outpost, small castle, or high-security prison
high, giving good line of sight on surrounding complexes.
lands. In some cases, a spellcaster master may Forts typically stand on the borders of nations,
choose to add wards and traps (such as the and debilitated strongholds of this type often
alarm, fire-breathing statue, and teleportation host bandit groups or raiders. Larger forts may
circle wards). be constructed by additional Garrisons.
The tower can provide communal
accommodations for 50 students, average Fortified Church
accommodations for 2 guests or special A fortified church is built from an Abbey
students, and comfortable accommodations for (Residence and School) and a Garrison, and is
the headmaster or distinguished guest. often protected by exterior walls
Note. A tower can also double as the school
stronghold (if choosing the same features). If

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Description. This can represent temple-holds, count), paying for its maintenance from a
a guarded mosque, or a war chapel. settlement or farmlands‘ income.
A fortified church is usually held by paladins,
clerics of the war domain, or be a religious, Palace or Large Castle
cultural, and military center of a borderland A castle is built from one to two Keeps (two
region. Garrisons and two Residences), a Fort, two
Towers, one Fortified Church, and ten Cottages
Keep (outfitted with lodges to become living quarters),
A keep is built from a Garrison and a Residence and is often protected by exterior walls
Description. This can represent noble manors, Description. This can represent a sultan‘s
royal villas, fortified mansions, or town halls. palace, warlord‘s fortress, protective citadel, a
Keeps reside near settlements and important royal castle, or a star fort.
locations, and sometimes house nobles or serve Castles are powerful defensive fortifications that
as centers of governance, as well as the protect critical areas, and are usually reinforced
headquarters of the city or house guard due to constantly from nearby forts, keeps, and
the Garrison. settlements.
In some cases, keeps overlook farmlands Larger castles include more sub-strongholds,
(especially if ruled by a noble such as a baron or counting the total benefits separately.

Managing Strongholds
Breaching and Damaging a Stronghold. stronghold with the percent of damage the
Strongholds that suffer intense damage (such as stronghold took.
by siege weapons, spells such as earthquake, or For example, an abandoned tower that is
are left unmaintained for years) become damaged enough to lean and sway has lost major
damaged. An area can be breached when it loses components. The DM assigns 50% damage.
a wall (dining tables are destroyed, tools are Fixing said tower will cost half that to create it
scattered and broken, and greenhouse herbs are from scratch in gold and time.
trampled). Breached areas provide no benefit Merely renovating or modifying the appearance
from the chosen function, and lose the ability to of a stronghold costs 10% of the total stronghold
maintain a ward, trap, or seal. (such as making a regular stronghold war
A breached room cannot hold back invaders or ready).
provide full cover to those within it (unless they
take cover behind ruins found on the spot). The Organization Headquarters. Allowing an
DM is the final arbiter on whether a function‘s organization to take shelter and maintain
benefit can be kept, however (if the breaching residence in the stronghold increases the
was only surface-level). organization‘s efficiency (See Chapter 4:
Organizations for more details). Often, the
Fixing and Renovating a Stronghold. organization‘s leader and the master of the
Strongholds left to the mercy of the elements or stronghold come to an agreement regarding the
abandoned long ago can be renovated and fixed. service (usually rent plus a share of the
Multiply the cost of the fully functional organization‘s profits).

Stronghold Features
Attunement. Just like dragons, liches, and below‖ principle, where, just as the gods exert
other powerful beings who are attuned to their power on the world, the ruler exerts power in
hoards, tombs, and woods, a master of a their realm.
stronghold can attune to their stronghold, Strongholds have no rarity, but the bond
gaining power over it and its surroundings and between master and hold is magical in nature,
treating it as a magic item. regardless of the master's actual class.
This provides the master with several powers, Attunement to a stronghold and extending the
giving the master a supernatural influence over effects to a region is an expression of
their stronghold and surrounding space, and supernatural sovereignty, therefore, a region
providing access to lair and regional actions. cannot be attuned to more than one master.
This represents a ruler's authority manifesting in As such, not every stronghold master or
the very earth they rule, and is sometimes settlement ruler is able (or knows how) to
known in most settings as the ―as above, so establish attunement—a minor noble in a keep

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may not wish to rouse powerful rivals or The master cannot make use of their attunement
adventurers, awaken evils slumbering under the outside the stronghold or its maximum range. So
earth on which his stronghold stands, or infringe long as a stronghold is attuned to its master, its
on their king‘s place as a sovereign of a realm. regional effects remain active, even if the master
Indeed, it is a blatant statement of seditious is on another plane or is imprisoned. Otherwise,
ambition (at worst) or arrogance (at best) when the abilities fade over time (such as a dragon‘s
a vassal establishes attunement in their lord‘s influence fades after their death).
land. As an area effect, a stronghold must be stable
and immobile to provide this benefit. With DM-
Stronghold Abilities. When attuning to a Player adjudication, this may extend to
stronghold, the master may choose up to four exceptional vehicles and mobile strongholds,
stronghold abilities. The stronghold abilities such as a ghost ship that brings stormy weather
include two lair (stronghold) actions, and two with it, or a caravan of the damned that wanders
regional actions (effects). the desert, raising the dead to protect it.

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Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

Lair (Stronghold) Actions

On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), you can take a lair action to cause one effect from the below
list. The area affected by a lair action is equal to one cube (20 feet each side) up to 120 feet away from you,
unless otherwise specified.
You can‘t use the same effect two rounds in a row. Each action typically cannot be used until all actions
are used, and any lasting effects usually reset at the top of the count.
The DC of any ability is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma bonus.
Similar abilities can be added with the DM‘s approval, but are to be roughly equivalent in strength and
area to existing effects.

Ailment. You may impose a negative condition Greater Ward: Blessing of Great Health.
on all creatures in the area. A creature can make When a creature casts a spell or uses a magical
another saving throw against an ongoing effect that causes another creature to regain hit
condition to end it once at the beginning of their points, the target regains the maximum number
turn every round. The condition inflicted takes of hit points possible for the spell or effect, only
the form of your spellcasting power, or even the if their alignment or intentions match yours.
sentient will of the stronghold itself. This does not require an action or your
o Poisoned for 1 minute (Constitution save awareness, but can be suppressed if you wish it.
negates) A creature can benefit up to three times per long
o Push the targets up to 10 feet, or knock rest from this blessing.
prone (Strength or Dexterity save negates, Greater Ward: Curse of Ill Health. A
respectively) creature within 120 feet of you cannot regain hit
o Restrained for 1 minute (Strength or points from healing spells or regenerative
Dexterity save negates). The saving throw effects. A Constitution saving throw negates this
can be repeated at the end of the creature‘s effect. If centered on you, this effect radiates up
turn every round if the creature spends an to 30 feet away instead.
action. Greater Ward: Mislead Divinations.
If centered on you, this effect radiates up to 60 Divination spells cast within the lair by creatures
feet away instead. If used to knock prone or other than you or your allies have a 25% chance
push, this is often known as ‗knockdown‘, a to provide misleading results, as determined by
localized tremor, or a strong current or shifting the DM. If a divination spell already has a
stronghold. chance to fail or become unreliable when cast
Difficult Terrain. Make an area (square 20 multiple times, the chance increases by 25%.
feet on each side or a single cube) within the lair This does not require an action or your
difficult terrain until the start of the next round. awareness, but can be suppressed if you wish it.
Famine. Food instantly molders and water Greater Ward: Loyalty Eternal. Creatures
instantly evaporates when brought into the lair, allied to you in the stronghold have advantage
so long as it is exposed to the air. Other non- on saving throws against being charmed or
magical drinks are spoiled-wine turning to frightened, and against features that turn
vinegar, for instance. This does not require an undead (if undead). This does not require an
action or your awareness, but can be suppressed action or your awareness, but can be suppressed
if you wish it. This affects all food and drinks in if you wish it.
the stronghold are affected unless crafted by you Greater Ward: Planar Lock (requires the
or in your kitchens. Observatory Area or the Antimagic Field
Greater Ward: Alignment Attunement. Ward). The lair is warded against the magical
Curses affecting any creature that has similar travel of creatures that you haven‘t authorized.
aims or alignment to you are suppressed in the Such creatures can't teleport into or out of the
stronghold. This does not require an action or stronghold area or use planar travel to enter or
your awareness, but can be suppressed if you leave it. Effects that allow teleportation or planar
wish it. travel work within the stronghold as long as they
Greater Ward: Anti-magic (requires the aren't used to leave or enter the area. This does
Antimagic Field Ward). You target one not require an action or your awareness, but can
creature it can see within 60 feet of it. An be suppressed if you wish it.
antimagic field fills the space of the target (as the Greater Ward: Revelations. Each creature
spell of the same name), moving with it until within 120 feet of you is pinpointed if they fail a
initiative count 20 on the next round. Stealth check against you. You can bestow this

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revelation on any number of allies, but this effect Hush. Open flames of a non-magical nature are
ends at the end of your next round. extinguished within the stronghold. Torches and
Greater Ward: Spell Block. Any creature campfires refuse to burn, but closed lanterns are
hostile to you in the lair is wracked with pain unaffected. This does not require an action or
whenever they try to cast a spell (at your will). your awareness, but can be suppressed if you
The creature can choose another action, but if it wish it. Your own sources of light (as well as
tries to cast the spell, it must make a those built into the stronghold) can be excluded.
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it Master's Protection. Creatures native to the
takes 2d6 necrotic damage per level of the spell. stronghold‘s terrain type have an easier time
The creature must succeed on a second hiding; they have advantage on all Dexterity
Constitution saving throw to keep the spell (DC (Stealth) checks made to hide. This does not
10 or half the damage taken), and lose the spell require an action or your awareness, but can be
(and spent resources) on a failed saving throw. suppressed if you wish it.
This is limited to a spell level equal to or less Obscure Sight. A specified area or a cube
than one-quarter your level. For example, if you within the lair is lightly obscured (by fog, dust,
are 6th level, you can spell block 1st level spells. or another visual obstruction) until the start of
If taken again, the spell level is equal to one-half the next round or unless extended with an
your level. action.
Greater Ward: Spell Dampening. You may Unlike most lair actions, you can extend this
choose a creature within 120 feet from you has action and maintain up to three obscured areas
advantage to one saving throw, or gains at a single same time (each action maintains and
resistance to one damage type. adds an additional obscure). Obscuring an area
Greater Ward: Spell Exposure. A creature that is already obscured makes it fully concealed
within 120 feet of you has disadvantage to one (imposes blindness).
saving throw, or gains vulnerability to one Lair Magic. You may cast one of the following
damage type (this can reduce immunity to spells on a creature within 120 feet from the
resistance, resistance to normal damage, and following spells.
normal damage to vulnerability). o Charm, phantasmal force, or sleep
Inflict Harm. The lair deals damage a cylinder If a target succeeds on the saving throw or if the
5 feet wide and 20 feet high within 120 feet from effect ends for it, the target is immune to this lair
you. Choose one energy or physical damage type action for the next 24 hours, although such a
specified by you upon attunement (or one energy creature can choose to be affected. The spell‘s
or physical damage you can deal with an ability level is equal to one-half your character level
or spell), and choose one of the following (minimum 1, maximum 9).
damage types, with a Dexterity saving throw to Light and Darkness. The lair's light level
half damage. changes by one step from its ambient lighting,
o 1d8 nonmagical bludgeoning, slashing, or following the below progression
piercing damage o Deep darkness (as darkness spell);
o 1d6 magical bludgeoning, slashing, or darkness; dim light; normal light; bright
piercing damage light (as daylight spell)
o 1d6 acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison Sinkholes. Sinkholes form in and around the
damage (if choosing poison, the saving stronghold. A sinkhole can be spotted from a
throw is based on Constitution instead) safe distance with a successful Wisdom
o 1d4 thunder, radiant, necrotic, force, or (Perception) check. Otherwise, the first creature
psychic damage to step on the thin crust covering the sinkhole
For every 3 levels you have, this deals an must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall
additional dice of damage (for example, 3d6 fire 1d6 x 10 feet into the sinkhole. This does not
or 3d4 radiant damage if you are 9th level). require an action or your awareness, but can be
You may also affect a creature entering for the suppressed if you wish it.
first time with this ability. This does not require Thief-Curse (requires the Bestow Curse
an action or your awareness, but can be Ward). A creature who steals something
suppressed if you wish it. You can indefinitely valuable to you is cursed until it is returned. The
suppress this effect with an action, so long as cursed target has disadvantage on all saving
you are within 1 mile of their stronghold. If throws. The curse lasts until removed by a
further away, you can no longer choose to remove curse spell or similar magic. The curse is
suppress or re-instate it (and it remains on the also applied to any who acquire the treasure and
last setting). knows that it was stolen (skipping over innocent

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middlemen in the process, but applying once the awareness, but can be suppressed if you wish it.
realizing it is cursed and not returning it). This otherwise acts as a Ward to inflict the
This does not require an action or your bestow curse spell (same DC).

Regional Actions (Effects)

Unless otherwise specified, regional effects extend to 1 mile per every 3 levels you have (to a maximum of
6 miles at level 18).
Some regional abilities can be taken multiple times, each time adding another sub-ability or additional
effect (if available, as ruled by joint DM-player adjudication).
Regional effects fade when a creature or object leaves the area of the stronghold‘s effect.

Altered Weather/Terrain. The weather or Bountiful Harvests/Blight. The fields within

terrain is affected within the region. Choose 1 mile of the stronghold either benefit from the
from the below effects. plant growth spell (providing double the normal
o Small earthquakes and shakes are frequent yield), or wither and provide half normal yield
o Thunderstorms and heavy clouds often (leaving their stems and branches to become
hover in the sky, darkening the realm twisted and thorny).
o Rainstorms (either hot or chilly, depending Regardless of which you choose, you may cause
on the terrain) form often, sometimes plants (both terrestrial and underwater) within 6
turning into tropical storms or blizzards miles of the stronghold have unnatural
when you are agitated, angry, or wish it. pigments, ranging on dim and gray to dazzlingly
o Clear blue skies and warm sun dominate the brilliant hues (such as blue lettuce, white apples,
year-round. Rain falls only at night, and etc.). They are identifiable as normal plants, save
thunderstorms avoid the area. the pigmentation. Choosing this regional effect
o The land is filled with heavy plant growth or also requires the altered weather/terrain
marshes. Traveling in this area by creatures regional effect.
not approved by you take twice as long to Earth Attunement. Underground surfaces
traverse. within 1 mile of the stronghold can become
o The land is blanketed with a heavy or chilly difficult terrain (either rocky and spiked, or
fog, imposing light concealment. The fog slimy and wet) at your design, or revert to
occasionally takes forms (as dictated by your regular un-hindering terrain. Also, within 6
alignment, personality, or dreams, if also a miles, the earth can carve itself into tracks or
dreamer). trails at your design. These may be used to lead
o Once per every 24 hours, you can alter the travelers to safe shelters and hidden water
weather as the control weather spell. You do sources or to traps, but the tracks are not deep
not need to be outdoors to perform this act, enough to alter river flow.
but you can usually affect up to two weather Cursed Land. Water and food sources within 1
types (see the spell for more details). mile of the lair are supernaturally fouled.
If opposed to similar effects (such as the Creatures that drink such water or food vomit it
earthquake or control weather spells), the within minutes.
spellcaster must succeed on a spellcasting check Dreamer. When you sleep, minor warps in
against the stronghold‘s effect DC. Attuned reality occur within 1 mile of your stronghold,
Waters. Water sources within 1 mile of the usually vanishing 24 hours later, and influenced
stronghold are supernaturally hot, warm, or by your dreams. Marks on cave walls might
cold, and has a distinct taste (acidic, sulfuric, change subtly, an eerie trinket might appear
perfumed, or tastes like rosewater) or color (as if where none existed before, harmless slime might
pigmented or unnaturally reflective). coat a statue, and so on. These effects apply only
Attuned Winds. Flying creatures within 120 to natural surfaces and to nonmagical objects
feet of you and the stronghold must succeed on a that aren't on anyone's person. Creatures who
Strength or Constitution saving throw or sleep in the area have a random chance to tap to
immediately land from powerful winds. They your dreams, allowing you to speak with them
cannot take off again for one minute as the through portents or through cryptic speech. You
winds batter them down. After being affected by can shut off these visitations, or choose to keep
this ability, a creature has advantage to the your dreams accessible. If a creature within the
check for the next 24 hours. region casts the dream spell within the region,
you can detect it and intrude upon the dream

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with a successful Wisdom saving throw against passing within 5 feet of them, relaying what
the spell DC. If the vision is a hostile one, you they see to you.
can dispel its possible damage if you successfully o The winds whisper of any creatures that fly
intrude in the dream. If you are the target of the higher than 60 feet from the surface of the
spell, you have advantage to your saving throw ground, and such winds buoy creatures that
against the spell‘s negative effects (which is fall, so long as you will it. Such creatures
cancelled by disadvantage if the caster has a descend at a rate of 60 feet per round and
body part, clipping of a nail, or similar portion of take no falling damage.
your body). Mastery: Divination. Creatures hostile to you
Ego. Magic carvings bearing your likeness or within 1 mile sometimes feel that they're being
events that you instigated can be seen worked watched (even if they aren't). You are instantly
into the terrain (in stone, wood, or even aware of the presence of any creature that has a
buildings). If you can cast the scry spell, you can similar or opposed alignment to them, or one
center the sensor at any area you know of in the that challenges you openly in your region, so
region, and can move it once up to 1 mile long as they have at least 6 hit dice. This
without losing the spell. awareness may manifest in the stronghold (such
Any attempt to scry you or a place you consider as alteration of light level, or candles being lit or
to be protected allows you to make a saving blown out).
throw with a +5 bonus. On a successful saving If you can cast divination spells (either by an
throw, you may dismiss the spell as normal, or ability or by spellcasting), the feeling of being
you may direct the scrying sensor to something watched causes exhaustion over time. When
else within the region‘s area that you have seen. resting, hostile creatures must roll a
Guarded Land. Within 1 mile of its lair, you Constitution saving throw at the end of a long
leave no physical evidence of your passage rest to avoid gaining one level of exhaustion
unless you wish making tracking you impossible from performing constant patrols and paranoia.
except by magical means. In addition, you ignore They cannot gain more than one level of
movement impediments from terrain and plants exhaustion this way. This may instead take the
in this area that are neither magical nor form of constant visual strain or an exhausted
creatures. ‗sixth sense‘ instead of physical fatigue.
In case of an urbanized area, crowds Mastery: Enchantment. Creatures with an
subconsciously make way for you even without Intelligence of 3 or higher within 1 mile of the
registering your presence. stronghold are more prone to one emotional
Information. Creatures in the realm, indeed, expression over others (laughter, sorrow,
the realm itself serves you within 1 mile of the stoicism, whimsy, attachment, anger, etc.), but
stronghold by granting you awareness of various the tendency is not overwhelming enough for
things. Choose one of the below effects. them to lose their sense of self. This effect
o Certain tiny beasts (such as rats, birds, fish, radiates further to envelop settlements within 1
small cats or dogs, etc.) serve as your eyes mile of the stronghold
and ears, relaying information to you, and If you can cast enchantment spells (either by an
magically gaining the ability to speak and ability or by spellcasting), creatures that have an
understand your chosen tongue (though Intelligence score of 2 or lower are charmed by
they do not often speak with strangers). The you and aggressive toward intruders in the area.
creature must have an Intelligence of 3 or The master may choose up to two types of
higher. You may choose two beasts or beast creature to gain such loyalty (fish, birds, rodents,
types (canines and corvids for all dogs and etc.)
crows, for example). Mastery: Illusion. Illusions haunt the land
There is also a noticeable increase in the within 1 mile of the stronghold, drawn from the
populations of these beasts. Upon leaving land's history or your dreams or visions. These
the region, they lose their ability to speak, illusions move and appear real, although they
but not their recognition of you. Migratory can do no harm, and usually follow a theme in
creatures often return to the region. On rare existence (beasts on a hunt, ghostly apparitions
occasions, prominent beasts of the chosen dancing, soft music, strange echoes, recreations
type gain a measure of awareness as the of ancient events, or will-o-wisps in the bogs). A
awaken spell, and are loyal to you. creature that examines an image from a distance
o Water sources (natural or manufactured) of can tell it's an illusion with a successful DC 15
width of at least 10 feet can sense creatures Intelligence (Investigation) check. Any physical
interaction with an image reveals it to be an

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illusion, because objects pass through it. o Challenge 1/4 if you are level 10 or higher
This ability may instead manipulate existing o Challenge 1/2 if you are level 15 or higher
shadows, making them abnormally gaunt and o Challenge 1 if you are level 20 or higher
sometimes move by their own accord. Choose daily conditions for each of the two
If you can cast illusion spells (either by an ability beasts. In this circumstance, you gain the ability
or by spellcasting), you may create illusory to call these beings to serve you with an action,
images or shadows of themselves within 1 mile usable once before a long rest. You must call
of the lair, anywhere the master has seen before them from an environment they reasonably
(either directly or through magic). This is a survive in. Common conditions (such as daytime
concentration effect, and the illusion or shadow or nighttime) will provide 2d4 of these creatures,
can convey your speech. You can also use an while less common conditions (cloudy or exactly
action and see through the projection‘s eye (as midnight) will provide 3d6 of such creatures.
the find familiar spell). While using this ability, These servitors arrive in 1d4 rounds, acting as
you are blinded and deafened. If the image is allies and responding to spoken commands, and
discovered as an illusion (if an illusion) or is remain for 1 hour, until the master dies, or until
subjected to light bright enough to remove the dismissed as a bonus action.
shadow (if a manipulated shadow), the effect For example, a barbarian gaining this ability
ends and you cannot use this ability again for chooses wolves and owls, and chose the first
one hour. condition to be daytime for wolves (common)
Servitors. You are attuned with two beasts of and the second to be (a nighttime clear sky) for
your choice, and who fight to serve you. Their owls. At day, he may summon 2d4 wolves to
strength depends on your level. serve him, and 3d6 owls at clear-sky evenings
o Challenge 1/8 if you level 5 or higher (less common than day).

If you are deposed, cease the attunement, or are slain, all lair effects fade over the course of 1d10 days for
each 5 levels (2d10 at level 5, 4d10 at level 20). This does not occur if you are alive but are sealed or

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Chapter 4: Organizations
Organizations provide characters with tools and resources to conduct many special operations, such as
training, providing services, and general income. These include knightly orders, magic schools, thief
guilds, companies, markets, and anything from the simple (a small herb shop) to the complex (an
international criminal syndicate).

Organizations can be taxed by settlement leaders independently from the normal settlement (applied to
the final income), though organizational leaders can usually leverage their economic, political, or military
power to pay less taxes or gain political support when needed.
Organizations usually operate within settlements, and generate benefits based on their activity (which can
be production of objects such as weapons or structures, food, or even providing a service such as
information, training, or protection), which is affected by various factors that conclude their efficiency
Organization leadership is not restricted by class, although a company leader who knows how the guild
they control operates is less likely to be easily usurped by an ambitious underling.

Establishing an Organization
An organization can be established by gathering several like-minded characters and pooling an amount of
capital to operate it.

Organization Statistics
Name, Capital, Organizational Activity (Efficiency)
Stronghold statistics (if available)
Net Income (minus maintenance)

Name. The name of the organization is usually income as if with the negotiate prices skill use
affected by its activity. A knighthood that focuses (see Chapter 6: New Skill Uses).
on protection may be named after its founding  Gathering/Hunting
member, a patron saint, or its flag (Order of the  Influence
Dragon, Order of the Red Saint), while a thieves‘  Investment/Loaning
guild may be named after its icon or a historical  Trade/Mercantilism
symbol (Gray Council, Listeners‘ Society).  Refinement
Capital. The capital of the organization
 Service
determines the maximum income it can gain
Organizational activities are described with
(after deducting maintenance). An organization
greater detail below (under Managing an
cannot have an income greater than 1/300th its
capital (or 3 cp per 10 gp of Capital), otherwise
Efficiency. The organization‘s efficiency is a
they have too much demand for their supply,
catch-all value that represents its ability to
and need additional capital to seize the
implement its plans using the least expenditure
for maximum gain. This is a percentage that is
Organizations starving for Capital (and those
applied to the final net income of the
who have more potential net income than what
organization (before deductions from
they are getting) are more willing to take loans
or partner up with an investor (who can claim a
Efficiency starts at 50% (average efficiency), and
part of the income as a share).
increases in increments of 5-10% when the
Organizational Activity. The activity the
organization‘s leader takes actions that increase
company provides partially determines its
its effectiveness. Some increases in efficiency are
income and efficiency, allowing organizations to
temporary, but most are permanent. Besides the
make income with certain downtime activities
normal effects that increase efficiency, exercise
(see Chapter 5: Downtime and Training). In all
cases, activity with high demand may increase

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judgment whether or not an event would alter and workers. Settlement taxes (if determined by
efficiency. the ruler of the settlement) are usually applied to
For instance, a production-based organization the net income.
such as the Weapon Workshop can increase its Net Income. The value of an organization‘s
efficiency when the organization‘s leader daily net income is a number of gold pieces
diversifies into explosives and siege cannons as equal to the following:
well as firearms and seeks out (and employs) Income of an Organization in gp = Leader‘s
workers with that skill set, conducts research skill bonus x one-half the number of employees
(and spends money for downtime the DM deems (round up) x 2 (average productivity of the
sufficient), or succeeds on a mission or quest to settlement, change as appropriate) x the
convince their customers to purchase new Efficiency of the organization – maintenance
products. costs.
Staff. As with strongholds, an organization has
staff. Staff can be gained when starting the For instance, a 3rd level bard manages her
organization, employed by recruitment, or as a hereditary tavern, with an organizational activity
random event. of food and entertainment (service), conducting
Housing and Staff. This determines number of business in a friendly and open work
workers, which is required to calculate income environment (Persuasion, bonus of +6). She
(see below). A stronghold must be able to host employs 5 skilled hirelings and 10 unskilled
all the staff (ideally with comfortable residence hirelings between cooks, cleaners, barmaids, and
for skilled workers and communal for unskilled various other careers, with a maintenance cost of
workers) to gain the benefit of a stronghold. 12 gp. Her net income from the tavern is as
Uncomfortable hirelings may demand increased follows:
pay (see unruly underlings below) or have their 6 (her Persuasion bonus) x 3 (half the number of
discomfort represented via the optional loyalty skilled hirelings) x 2 (productivity) x 50%
rules. This does not assume that the staff live in (efficiency rating due to stronghold) – 14 gp 4 sp
the stronghold, only that they have the space to (workers‘ maintenance), for 3 gp 6 sp a day,
work normally. enough to maintain a comfortable lifestyle (with
The initial employees or organization members 1 gp 6 sp surplus to be saved every day). Her
may be rolled randomly on the NPC table Capital must be at least 1,080 gp for her to gain
(Dungeon Master‘s Guide, page 89). the full benefit of income.

DM NOTE: UNRULY Organizations‘ incomes are limited by Capital.

UNDERLINGS An organization cannot gain more income than 1
Hirelings who see their pay (2 gp for out of 300th the Capital (or 3 cp per 10 gp).
skilled, 2 sp for unskilled) as a small If the organization‘s income is equal to or
fraction in comparison to the net income greater than one-quarter of the settlement‘s
may attempt to increase their economic activity, it bends the settlement‘s
maintenance costs. This is usually economic activity to revolve around the
subject to negotiation, but skilled organization, such as wealthy mine makes a
hirelings that know how to do their jobs nearby town cater to miners.
are not common, making impromptu This usually has story ramifications, with
firings and finding replacements character backgrounds appropriately affected by
difficult or even impossible (subject to this organization (positively or negatively).
joint player-DM adjudication). Leadership. This shows the organization‘s
For instance, a trading company that leadership, such as a mercenary captain,
makes double digits daily may be the knighthood‘s leader, or the managing guild
subject of his employees‘ agitation, and master. Organization leadership is not restricted
may experience an event (or be by class, although a company leader who knows
presented a quest by the DM) to settle how the guild they control operates is less likely
with the employees on one solution or to be easily usurped by an ambitious underling.
another. You may choose one skill relevant to running or
managing your company, and apply its bonus to
Maintenance. As with strongholds, an determine net income as above. This can be the
organization has a staff of hirelings, which relevant ability check and proficiency bonus
covers payments, such as employee pay and from tools (smithing tools for metal refining,
other things. Expenses are influenced by assets etc.) to a charisma-based skill to represent

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businesses more based on advertisement and engaged with by enemies). Possessing a

goodwill (or deception and intimidation) than stronghold increases the organization‘s
solid skill use. efficiency by 25%, so long as it can house the
Features (if any). There are many features of staff (for 50% baseline efficiency).
an organization, which usually affects the Military. Organizations can have their own
statistics of the organization, and is limited in a military forces, usually in staff members or
way by the organization‘s primary activity. See hirelings that are formed into troops. Knightly
Organization Features for more details. orders and thieves‘ guilds‘ soldiers are usually
knights or thugs respectively. This follows the
Optional Statistics normal rules for military in settlements.
Stronghold. Although establishing an If the staff member is also a combatant (such as
organization does not require a stronghold, a Guard who is proficient in a relevant skill),
dedicating one to the organization to serve as its they can choose only one task at any given day.
headquarters increases the organization‘s Hence a hireling that is used for combat for a
efficiency, ability to organize itself, and its number of days does not count in the calculation
production (at the cost of being more easily for net income.

Sample Organizations
Jeweler (Astral Gems), Capital 3,000 gp (10 Shelter 1 (comfortable) 17 (average) 131 (poor),
gp/day limit) Stables 5 (average) 20 (poor) Storage 20 tons
Organizational Activity Refinement (common weapons, armors, and ammunition)
Stronghold (guildhall) Size Small Area Staff 14 (skilled), 28 (unskilled)
20x40 Cost 5,000 gp (60 days) Military 13 soldiers (2 sergeants; 7 staff + 6
Functions (2) Carousing Area (mess hall), hirelings)
Crafter's Area (Jeweler‘s Tools) Maintenance 33 gp 6 sp (28 gp skilled, 56 sp
Shelters 1 (comfortable) 6 (average) 13 (poor) unskilled, 12 hirelings)
Staff 6 (skilled), 12 (unskilled) Net Income 8 gp 4 sp
Maintenance 14 gp, 4 sp (12 gp skilled, 24 sp Leadership Sir Sarren Elwyth (level 10 half-elf
unskilled) fighter, Intimidation +6, final training reduced
Net Income 8 gp 7 sp by 20%)
Leadership Lady Castella Anan (level 10 elf Features (50% efficiency) Stronghold
wizard, Jewelcrafting tools +7) (garrison)
Features (55% efficiency) Stronghold Description. Also known as a mercenary hold
(guildhall), demand (common, +5% efficiency) (for barbarians or rangers), a private army,
Description. Jewelers employ gold and temple knights (for paladins, fighters). This
silversmiths, as well as artisans proficient in the organization also provides training to soldiers,
refinement and cutting of precious and semi- and may provide protection to a settlement in
precious stones. Jewelers make their business in return for its military tax.
large or rich settlements, with their patrons A knightly order can provide sufficient
usually being nobles, other merchants, or protection for a settlement of 650 people,
adventurers who seek to buy magical amulets or enough for a Crossroads Trade Town. If claiming
sell loot plundered from old crypts. the military tax of the settlement in return, the
This can represent anything from a gold market, order gains an additional 16 gp and 8 sp per day
silver shop, to a ring-smith. as protection money.

Knightly Order (Order of the Dragon),

Capital 5,000 gp (16 gp/day limit)
Organizational Activity Protection
Stronghold (Garrison)
Size Medium Area 40x80
Cost 20,000 gp (240 days)
Functions (8). Carousing Area (mess hall),
Lodging x5 (one stable, two barracks, one
officer's quarters), Storage Area (armory),
Training Area (Strength, training grounds)

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resides in, or simply crafting special items and

selling them.

Noble House (House Regoran), Capital

30,000 gp (100 gp/day limit)
Organizational Activity Influence
Stronghold (Keep; Garrison and Residence)
Size Medium Area 40x80 plus Size Small
Area 40x40
Cost 30,000 gp (360 days)
Functions (8 + 4). Carousing Area x2
(common room and mess hall), Lodging x6 (one
stable, two barracks, one officer's quarters, one
living quarters), Storage Area x2 (armory and
warehouse), Training Area (Strength, training
grounds), and any one of the following (Crafter‘s
Area (any), Greenhouse, Lodging (stable or extra
beds), Medical Area, Storage Area, or Training
Area (any))
Shelter 4 (comfortable) 30 (average) 175 (poor)
Stables 5 (average) 20 (poor) Storage 40 tons
Mage School (Gray Tower), Capital 12,000 gp (common weapons, armors, and ammunition
(40 gp/day limit) plus general warehouse) Staff 25 (skilled), 50
Organizational Activity Training and (unskilled)
research Maintenance 70 gp (50 gp skilled, 20 gp
Stronghold (Tower) unskilled)
Size Large Area 20x20 (six floors, up to 60-90 Net Income 44 gp 4 sp (divvied up between
feet high) eight heads of house for 5 gp 5 sp 5 cp each)
Cost 15,000 gp (180 days) Leadership Lord Lionel Regoran (level 7
Functions (6). Carousing Area (theater or human fighter, Intimidation +8)
banquet hall), Lodging (living spaces), Magic Features (55% efficiency) Stronghold (keep),
Nexus (any), Training Area x2 (library, plus old money (+5% efficiency)
any), and any one of the following (Crafter's Description. This represents typical noble
Area (any chosen tools), Observatory (any), houses, clan, or tribes. Such organizations are
Lodging (students' quarters, extra beds, or powerful and exclusive gatherings that vie for
warded summoning circle), Comfort Area political, economic, and military power, trading
(meditative chamber), or storage room for in secrets, favors, demands, and financially
confiscated magical items) supporting the scions of the noble house, often
Magic Nexus (any one focus) competing with one another for political power,
Shelter 1 (comfortable) 14 (average) 74 (poor) gaining land to rule, armies to order, and
Staff 12 (skilled), 24 (unskilled) compete in a deadly hidden game to place their
Maintenance 28 gp 8 sp (24 gp skilled, 48 sp scions on thrones.
unskilled) Noble houses usually have many auxiliary
Net Income 36 sp (divvied up between six sources of income, such as controlled
heads of the school; for 6 gp each) settlements and farmlands, donations from
Leadership Archmage Kor Vesden (level 10 affluent family members (1% of total income of
gnome wizard, Arcana +9, final training reduced all family members), and taxes.
by 20%)
Features (60% efficiency) Stronghold Potion Shop (Sprites and Spirits), Capital
(tower), rare service (+10% efficiency) 600 gp (2 gp/day limit)
Description. Mage schools can also represent Organizational Activity Refinement
an arcane sanctum, magical university, magic Stronghold (cottage) Size Tiny Area 20x20
school, alchemical society, or warlock pact. or 10x40
Mage schools usually make their wealth from Cost 2,500 gp (30 days)
educating students (as training), making special Functions (1). Crafter‘s Area (Alchemist‘s
contracts with the leadership of the settlement it supplies and Healer‘s Kit)

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Shelters 3 (average) 9 (poor) Staff 3 (skilled) 6 Staff 3 (skilled), 6 (unskilled)

(unskilled) Maintenance 7 gp, 2 sp (6 gp skilled, 12 sp
Maintenance 7 gp 2 sp (6 gp skilled, 12 sp unskilled)
unskilled) Net Income. 1 gp 6 sp
Net Income 2 gp 8 sp Leadership Elsa Reiner (level 2 human fighter,
Leadership Elizabeth Regoran (level 1 human Persuasion +4)
alchemist, alchemist‘s supplies +5) Features (55% efficiency) Stronghold
Features (50% efficiency) Stronghold (guildhall), demand (common; +5% net income)
(cottage) Description. This can represent a pawn shop,
Description. Potion shops, minor alchemy small caravan, and minor struggling businesses.
stations, or witch huts can be found in the The general store trades in goods and minor
wilderness, dark alleyways, or could display their services that are in common demand.
wares in colleges and as organizations built in
existing strongholds. Famous Inn (Rusty Dragon Inn), Capital
4,000 gp (13 gp/day limit)
Holy Order (Order of the Blessed Hand), Organizational Activity Entertainment and
Capital 3,000 gp (10 gp/day limit) Food
Organizational Activity Training and Size Small Area 40x40 (or 20x80)
Protection Cost 10,000 gp (120 days)
Stronghold (School) Functions (4). Carousing Area (common
Size Small Area 20x60 room), Lodging (living quarters), Storage area
Cost 7,500 gp (90 days) (warehouse), and any one of the following
Function (3). Lodging (students' quarters), (Crafter‘s Area (any), Greenhouse, Lodging
Training Area (Intelligence or Wisdom), and one (stable or extra beds), Medical Area, Storage
of the following (Crafter's Area (any chosen Area, or Training Area (any))
tools), Infirmary, or Magic Nexus) Shelter 3 (comfortable) 13 (average) 44 (poor)
Shelter 1 (comfortable) 7 (average) 43 (poor) Staff 6 (skilled), 12 (unskilled) Storage 20 tons
Staff 6 (skilled), 12 (unskilled) (any)
Maintenance 14 gp 4 sp (12 gp skilled, 24 sp Maintenance 14 gp, 4 sp (12 gp skilled, 24 sp
unskilled) unskilled)
Net Income 9 gp 6 sp Net Income 7 gp 2 sp
Leadership Hand of the Light (level 7 dwarf Leadership Ameiko Kaijitsu (level 5 human
cleric, +8 Religion, training time reduced 15%) bard, Persuasion +6)
Features (50% efficiency) Stronghold Features (60% efficiency) Stronghold
(school) (residence), exotic cooking (+5% efficiency) and
Description. Holy orders can also represent a famous attraction (+5% efficiency)
monkhood in its abbey, a religious sect, or a cult. Description. Inns usually specialize in one
Paladins, monks, or clerics are commonly form of entertainment or food over another,
members in holy orders. such as inviting an exotic bard, dancer, or
Holy orders usually have additional sources of serving foods and drinks their competitors do
income, such as the religious tax of the not have.
settlement (in the form of various tithes and This represents a fairly popular inn with a
donations), and can spend the wealth in training special trait that increases demand (in this case,
additional members, conducting grand rituals to unusual cooking), who has no serious rivals in
benefit the settlement (such as free healing), or the settlement it is established in.
can finance or support armed forces (for a Inns usually have additional sources of income,
crusade or similar military expedition). such as providing rent for money. See Shelter
under Establishing Strongholds (Chapter 3:
Shop (General Store), Capital 1,500 gp (5 Strongholds) for guidelines on offering shelter
gp/day limit) for rent.
Organizational Activity Trade
Stronghold (guildhall) Size Small Area Thieves’ Guild (Raven Court), Capital 3,000
20x40 Cost 5,000 gp (60 days) gp (10 gp/day limit)
Functions (2) Carousing Area (mess hall), Organizational Activity Influence
Storage Area (warehouse) Stronghold (Guildhall)
Shelters 1 (comfortable) 6 (average) 13 (poor) Size Small Area 20x40
Storage 20 tons (warehouse) Cost 5,000 gp (60 days)

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Functions (2). Carousing Area (mess hall), Organizational Activity Refinement

Training Area (any) Stronghold (guildhall) Size Small Area
Shelters 1 (comfortable), 6 (average) 13 (poor) 20x40 Cost 5,000 gp (60 days)
Staff 4 (skilled), 8 (unskilled) Functions (2) Carousing Area (mess hall),
Maintenance 9 gp, 6 sp (8 gp skilled, 16 sp Crafter‘s Area (smithing tools)
unskilled) Shelters 1 (comfortable) 6 (average) 13 (poor)
Net Income 10 gp (10 gp, 4 sp, reduced due to Storage 20 tons (warehouse)
insufficient Capital) Staff 5 (skilled), 10 (unskilled)
Leadership Master Raven (level 5 human Maintenance 12 gp (10 gp skilled, 20 sp
rogue, Stealth +10, training time reduced 15%) unskilled)
Features (50% efficiency) Stronghold Income 10 gp (11 gp 4 sp, reduced due to
(guildhall) insufficient Capital)
Description. Trading in secrets and rumors, Leadership Morodoth Ironbeard (level 5 dwarf
thieves‘ guilds either provide the role of rogue, smithing tools +6)
organized criminals, intelligence agencies (such Features (65% efficiency) Stronghold
as a spymaster's web), or can represent illegal (guildhall), backwards integration (+10%
movements such as criminal syndicates, an efficiency), common demand (+5% efficiency)
underground rebellion, to a secret society. This Description. Weapon workshops companies
particular one is led by an extremely competent flourish in mining towns and in settings with
leader but is held back by insufficient Capital war.
and lack of skilled hirelings. This particular workshop is known for
Thieves' guilds usually expand into a manor developing and manufacturing gunpowder
house (residence) or gain larger guildhalls, but weapons, increasing the demand on it due to no
keep from expanding too quickly due to competition. After securing a mine containing
cutthroat competition. sulfur deposits and iron, they gain the bonus
from backwards compatibility to increase
Weapon Workshop (Ironbeard Munitions), efficiency.
Capital 3,000 gp (10 gp/day limit)

Managing an Organization
Income and influence an organization gains (such as a
knightly order, a silversmith‘s mint, or a thieves‘ guild)
or can be used to further the aims of the organization‘s
leader, such as by leveraging the power to affect the
settlement‘s government, cause or instigate settlement
events, or spent the income to gain a private army. The
optional rule Renown in the Dungeon Master‘s Guide
(page 22) can be employed to represent the
organization‘s influence with other factions in the
settlement. In this case, the organization has its own
Renown score, though its initial score is affected by
that of the organization‘s leader.

Organizational Activities. An organization can

cover multiple activities, but usually focuses on one
and creates branching organizations (or sub-
organizations) to manage other interests.
An organization can spend its income to gain specific
benefits as appropriate to its organizational activity.
An organization usually has only one or two activities,
before the dilution of responsibilities begins to reduce
organizational efficiency.
 Gathering/Hunting. These organizations are usually farmers‘ or fishers‘ guilds, unions or societies
that determine the crop of the settlements (so long as the organization has farmers as supporters).

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Organizations that provide food often wield immense influence in nations where food production
does not fall to nobles.
Better Investments. Income from gathering/hunting organizations is multiplied by 3 for the purposes
of any purchase or investment in such venues. A farmers‘ guild that spends 450 gp by investing in
farmlands (to create farmland out of arable land) gains the benefit as if it invested 1,350 gp (or 3
acres) instead, or can invest 1 acre of farmland with 150 gp instead of 450 gp.
 Influence (faction intrigue, information, advocacy or interest groups, spy
organizations). Influence yields secrets, pieces of lore, and favors with greater efficiency.
Influence includes anything from familial clans who gather from anything from shared interests
(exemplified in noble house coalitions) to structured goings-on (from a caste system‘s to organized
Also, instead of gaining a helpful contact when performing the downtime action, you may gain a favor
from a random existing contact, or become the target of hostilities by a random existing enemy. If the
carousing is done in the organization's stronghold (such as holding a dance in a keep), invitations to
specific individuals increases the chances of gaining them as contacts.
Better Contacts and Secrets. When spending income gained from influence organizations, the
effective payment is multiplied by 3 for the purposes of any payment, bribes, or other payment to gain
influence (in other words, 1 gp of bribes from an Influence organization counts as 3 gp of bribes).
 Investment/Loaning. Income based on investment or loaning requires initial capital, and provides
1d4% (or 2%) of the Capital every 30 days so long as there is access to a nearby settlement with an
active economy.
 Trade/Mercantilism (Caravans, traders, traveling merchants). Staff of mercantilism
organizations are usually spread out across several areas. A stronghold in the center of the
organization‘s power provides the normal benefit, but merchant and trade organizations have the
added advantage of performing business in every location they are present in, and can manage
purchases and sales across every settlement the organization has permanent presence (or an outpost).
They may also establish supply lines and networks of contacts that can buy from every settlement the
organization has a presence in (although paying for it may require physically moving money or a
letters of credit). Military forces employed by merchants also double as caravan or merchants‘ guards.
 Refinement (weapons, armors, potions, etc.). Refinement organizations can be integrated
(backwards and forwards integration features), and are more likely to gain special activities and
contracts (see below), and are more likely to gain special contracts (such as mass weapon
manufacturing from military organizations, or potion orders from a mage academy).
 Service (baths, entertainment, healing, training, serving pilgrims, transport). Most
service organizations have the benefit of being affected by events more commonly than other
organizations. For instance, entertainment flourishes in times of decadence and peace, while military
training peaks in the months that precede war or the recovery afterwards.
Service organizations, therefore, are the easiest organization to start up, and are more effected by
increases in efficiency (gaining and losing efficiency at 1.5 the normal rate).
If choosing research as a service, the efficiency of every payment made is multiplied by 3 for the
purposes of research. In other words, researching new spells by a mage academy costs a third of the
normal cost.

Special Activities and Contracts. The income from organizations represent normal work. A special
activity (such as a large contract for produced weapons, training an army of wizards or a noble‘s son, or
proactively defeating a threat) can yield a different value of income.
This is a different activity from normal, and the income is treated as the special activity is all the income
the organization takes.


Special Contracts can be anything from several times the normal income, to the military tax of
several settlements in case of protection, to a percentage of a product‘s cost (percent of a
stronghold‘s cost if a masonry guild), magical items (in case of a knightly order retrieving a lost
artifact), or as a downtime activity‘s income (a thieves‘ guild attacking a certain individual or
blackmailing an enemy).

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Special activities are usually resolved as quests the organization accepts. If an organization‘s
income is based on special contracts, consider preventing normal income except save special
contracts (an assassin‘s guild may only get its income after a difficult job, but may gain several
times the normal value).
For example, investment or loaning can be the organization‘s activity.

Titles and Jobs. As settlements, organizations can have internal titles and jobs. When a check is
required, the character with the appropriate title performs the roll. In cases of there being no job or title,
the leader of the organization can delegate the task or perform it themselves.

Organization Features, Events, and Infrastructure

The DM may provide events during Downtime. The nature of the event can be a response to campaign
events (such as criminal activity in times of war or unrest, or deadly accident if the business is hazardous),
or when a rescued character provides entertainment or advertising.
The benefits or penalties of all events remain for one month unless specified otherwise. Events may be
capitalized or mitigated with a successful check.
Whenever workers are lost in a month, you may replace them, but the DM may impose a cost (ranges
from the percent of workers lost to a flat amount to represent recruitment costs).
Can use the organization's net income for the following instead of gaining it as wealth.
Other downtime activities may gain bonuses, usually in terms of increased efficiency due to organizational
professionalism or the number of skilled workers.

Features. Each organization has features it gains by interacting with the settlement, making purchases,
or succeeding on checks (left to joint DM-player adjudication, as well as the initiative of the player and
possible quests).
o Demand. Demand and competition alter an organization‘s efficiency, with greater demand and lower
competition increasing its efficiency from 5% (common demand) to 25% (very high demand), and
competition lowering income by similar rates.
Despite the fact that competition lowers efficiency, it may force organizations to develop into different
activities in which they introduce new products (hence altering the competition modifier for
o Integration (production activity). Integration is a measure of an organization with a productive
activity (such as crafting companies) expand their operations. Integration can either increase
efficiency or lower maintenance. Below are two examples of integration.
o Backwards Integration. Possessing the raw materials of the produced end product (such as a
smithy owning a mine or a winery owning vineyards) increases the organization‘s efficiency
by 10% and prevents loss of raw materials by most events (unless the mine or vineyards are
directly attacked).
o Forwards Integration. Possessing an outlet for sale of the end product (such as a smithy
owning a weapons shop) allows the organization‘s leader to perform negotiations to increase
prices (as the Negotiate Prices activity).
o Stronghold. Possessing a stronghold counts as a feature, which increases efficiency by 25% so long as
all the employees have space in the stronghold.

Events. Certain events in-game may have ramifications on organizations. A control weather spell cast by
a mad druid on a settlement negatively affects everyone, including organizations, while an endorsement
from a famous diva can provide operational leverage. Below are sample events that could occur and affect
organizations. By default, you may roll an organization event once per month, and its benefits remain for
the entire month.
Roll on the following table for the event, or the DM may choose one to represent an in-game event.

d% Event
1-5 Accident or disease
6-10 Bad Weather
11-15 Criminal Activity
16-20 Damage to stronghold

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21-30 Rivalry
31-60 No event
61-75 Good event (weather, windfall, or high morale)
76-85 Special Order
86-90 Discovery
91-98 Famous visitor or endorsement
99-100 Roll again twice, take both results and apply both

Accident or Disease. 3d10% of the staff are

exposed to an accident or disease. A successful
Wisdom (Medicine) check or expenditure of the
appropriate spell can negate this event.
Employees that are exposed to the accident or
disease cannot participate in organization
activities, or require a 20% increase in pay
(calculate per staff member).
Bad Weather. The organization‘s activities are
negatively affected by bad weather. This causes
2d10% decrease in efficiency, negated with a
successful Survival check (DC determined by
severity of weather).
Criminal Activity. The organization is
targeted by a criminal to be heisted (as the
activity of the same name). The leader of the
organization must successfully counter their skill
Damage to Stronghold (requires a
Stronghold). A random room or number of
rooms in the stronghold is affected by a fire,
infesting with vermin, or crumbles, reducing the
bonus income from the stronghold by half until
repaired, fumigated, or otherwise tended to. A
survival check (DC determined by severity of
damage) can negate this effect.
If your organization‘s activity is based around
dangerous items (such as potions and other
alchemical objects, or gunpowder), the event
that takes place is related to the organization‘s the visitor falling out of favor or if the
product, and the damage is appropriately larger endorsement being withdrawn).
than normal. Good Event (Weather, Windfall, or High
Discovery (Craft skill only). A worker makes Morale). Increase efficiency by 20% for until
a discovery. The manager gains a new schematic, the next roll or until the positive event ends
formula, or similar plans for a crafted item. Most (whichever is sooner).
workers expect to be rewarded (usually Special Order. Your organization gains a
equivalent to a being given a day‘s pay to a special order (see Special Contracts). If your
month‘s pay), and this can diversify the products organization is normally funded by special
(increasing efficiency as described above). contracts, the next one is instead more
Famous Visitor or Endorsement. Increase productive.
efficiency by 1d20% for one day. This can exceed Rivalry. The organization is targeted by a rival
the normal limit for income by Capital. with a similar activity type. Make a skill check
With a successful Persuasion check (DC using your chosen skill opposed by the rival. The
determined by popularity of visitor or victor of the opposed roll increases their
endorsement, starting at 25 from minor efficiency by 10%, and reduce that of their rival
endorsements to 10 from royalty), half the by 10%.
original bonus can remain indefinitely or until If the rivalry is ever diffused, the event ends.
the endorsement is no longer effective, such as

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Faction Cards
A faction card is simple DM/Player planning tool that detail a faction‘s plans and the appropriate
timetable where their plans will come to fruition so to provide an element of unpredictability and racing
to downtime. An ideal number of plans is 4, with overlapping execution times between each faction.

Learning a faction‘s plan requires investigation done by the character or by an Influencing Organization
(which is more adept with the task by virtue of connections and dedicated investigators). If a certain
creature is leading the faction (such as a noble house patron/matron), the skill check is made against
them as an opposed check.

For the DM, faction cards are also useful to determine the downtime allowed for players before the next
event (if they wish to intercede or interrupt a faction plan) or assist in it, allowing them to leverage their
settlement, organization, or army to force or delay a confrontation.

A sabotaged plan may have its duration increased (as determined by the DM) if it is not fully thwarted.

Sample Faction Cards

Hawkish Noble House
Alignment (NE), Manpower (75 members), Organization (Noble House)
Plans (Skill DC)
 Diplomatically isolate other houses/target‘s allies; 6 months (Investigation DC 20, or Insight DC 22)
 Gain support for war; 5 months (Investigation DC 20, or Insight 22)
 Prepare forces for war; 4 months (Investigation DC 20, or Insight DC 17 after 50% finished)
 Strike deals with mercenaries; 1 month (Investigation DC 15)
The noble house might rashly decide to start a war before isolating the target’s allies or gaining support,
but this will likely ruin their chances for full victory.

Rat Cult of Disease

Alignment (CE), Manpower (18 members), Organization (Holy Order)
Plans (Skill DC)
 Develop a new plague; 15 months (Investigation DC 20, or Medicine DC 17 after 50% finished)
 Gather more followers; 3 months (Investigation DC 15, or Intimidation DC 17)
 Expand stronghold; 8 months (Investigation DC 15, or Intimidation DC 17)
 Train followers in spellcasting; 4 months (Investigation DC 15, or Religion DC 17)
The rat cult’s priority is gaining more members, which could accelerate their long-term destructive
plans if not discovered or sabotaged.

Spymaster’s Network
Alignment (LN), Manpower (12 members), Organization (Thieves‘ Guild)
Plans (Skill DC)
 Discover/fabricate scandal on pretender to the throne to delegitimize him; 6 months (Investigation
DC 20 or Insight DC 22).
 Neutralize or absorb new assassination guild (Investigation DC 20 or Insight DC 22)
 Plant agent in suspicious new cult; 2 month (Investigation DC 20 or Insight DC 15 after 50% finished)
 Sabotage overly ambitious duke‘s planned war; 4 months (Investigation DC 20)
The spymaster juggles a lot of difficult plots, but usually has the crown’s support to pull it off, unless a
monkey wrench falls into the gears (such as rebel adventurers). If all goes according to plan, the
spymaster intends to continue to sabotage both the rat cult of disease and the hawkish noble house to
drain their resources before executing the king’s order to fully thwart their plans.

Chapter 5: Downtime and Training

The following rules supplant and replace the existing rules in the DMG and Xanthar’s Guide to

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A wizard learning spells from their master, a rogue going through agility courses or being mentored under
the eye of the thieves‘ guild, or a peasant being trained by a great fighter to stand up to a tyrannical lord
are all activities included under this chapter‘s downtime and training rules.
Training requires setting the day aside from other activities, such as exploration, fighting, leading a
company or settlement, or research. An organization or settlement leader, when training, hands the reins
of power to their second-in-command.
Downtime can also be used to make money, such as having a full-time job, which can alleviate lifestyle
expenses and provide surplus when adventuring is not required.

Downtime can be spent on various activities.

The below activities augment those in the Dungeon Master‘s Guide.

Optional Rules: Alternate Crafting Rules

Using tools, you may craft objects with an investment of time and money. This depends on the complexity
of the project, not on the cost of the end product. This alters the normal crafting rules (where the cost of
the material determines the crafting time).
Complexity Time
Very simple 10 minutes
Simple 1 hour
Moderate 1 day
Complex 7 days
For each step of complexity beyond complex, add 7 days. For example, a complexity 4 task takes 28 days
(7 times 4).
When having a Crafter‘s Area, the speed of production is increased in the same proportion as increased

Construction Supervision. You reduce the total construction time of a stronghold or building by 10%.
If you have proficiency in the relevant tool (such as Mason‘s Tools), you lower it a further 10% (total 20%).

A heist is a catch-all term for covert action against a target (creature, organization, settlement, etc.).
Choose three skills that represent your chosen tactic for the heist (Stealth for infiltration, Deception for
scams, Survival for hiding tracks, etc.), and a heist objective.
The DM (or target of the heist, such as a settlement's security official or Marshal) must choose three skills
to counter (Perception by having a night‘s watch, Investigation for general awareness of criminal activity,
Intimidation for history of dealing with assault and theft, etc.).
A heist attempt triggers Criminal Activity event with the leader of the targeted organization or settlement,
or the appointed character (such as a settlement‘s marshal or warden, or an organization‘s watchman or
chief of security), as follows:
 Heist Contest. The two parties roll their opposed checks, one for each skill they choose (can
choose whichever order). If you failed in all three rolls (0/3), the heist fails, and your team of
agents trigger a combat encounter to determine whether or not they will escape, and you leave
three clues of your identity (regardless if the agents managed to escape).
If you succeed in one out of the three rolls (1/3), the heist fails, and your team of agents trigger a
combat encounter to determine whether or not they will escape, and you leave one clue of your
identity (regardless if the agents managed to escape).
If you succeed in two out of the three rolls (2/3), the heist is successful, and you get away cleanly,
but a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) skill check determines one clue of your identity or
methods. DC 20 discovers two clues.
If you succeed in all three rolls (3/3), the heist goes out without a hitch, and the Investigation
check‘s DC is 30 instead for one clue, and 35 for two clues. You also gain 50% increased benefit
from the heist (however appropriate).
You gain advantage to your rolls if you know the place‘s defenses, have taken a significant
measure to make the heist succeed, or have sympathizers on the inside. You suffer disadvantage
to your rolls if you are performing the heist blindly (having not scouted the place, being fed false

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information, having contradictory plans, and having not enough time to prepare the agents),
having too much heat (several heists in succession), or having a mole in your organization.

 Heist Objectives. Heists can have one (or more) objectives. Each objective beyond the first adds
another required skill roll (and an opposed one for the target). The DM alters the success
parameters appropriately.
o Capture/Assassination1. Rescue, kidnap, or assassinate a target; success is being able to
capture or kill them
o Espionage. You learn a secret or piece of information (such as battle plans or a message)
o Theft (Petty). You gain up to 20% of a settlement‘s tax income (for one day) or one day‘s
income from an organization. This represents tax robbery from collectors or posing as one, to
impersonating a member of an organization and intercepting their daily income.
o Theft (Grand). You can steal up to 10% of an organization‘s capital, or 2% of the settlement‘s
treasury. This roll is done against the leader of an organization or settlement directly (instead
of an underling), even if they are not present.
o Theft (Specific). You steal a specific item held in the target‘s possession or guardianship.
Note. The heist action can cover low to medium-importance missions, not high-profile or ones
critical to the success or survival of the organization. These are resolved as full quests, and not as
a downtime events (though they do take time to plan, in which case the heist action can provide
information, plant agents, or support the mission financially), but can use a similar base system
(of opposed rolls and combat encounters triggered by failures).

Manage or Lead
A character who manages a settlement or organization (usually the head of the settlement's government
or organization‘s leader) can make the decisions when it comes to handling events, where to spend
income, and similar actions. They are also the one to contribute their skill bonus to the organization‘s rolls
and income.
This is considered a full downtime activity and is required to contribute the skill bonus for income (and
most other skills). A second-in-command may be assigned as regent (or secondary leader) while the ruler
is busy with another activity (such as training, magic research, or recuperating, or is abroad adventuring
or traveling).

A character may perform rallies and gather supporters and like-minded people to garner monetary or
personal aid (such as volunteering recruits). Rallying requires a three days per size modifier of the
settlement for news to spread (could take less or more depending on the effort spent or circumstances).
This provides a number of supporters, or an amount of monetary aid that scales with the settlement.
 Monetary Aid. A successful skill check (relative to the point being made) may grant you a 1d5% (roll
1d10 and divide by 2, round up) of the tax income of the settlement. This is drawn from any of the tax
types of the settlement instead of going to the relevant sector (ruler, military, religious, or trade).
For example, if you are a shaman, you may raise funds to appease agitated spirits and gathering
donations. If a priest, you may require money to re-consecrate a desecrated chapel. In either case, you
may raise funds and draw from the religious tax in the settlement (from the 5%).
The monetary aid is drawn from a similar source to sector. Drawing from the military sector, for
example, will require a military-related rally. Military-based strongholds may raise funds from the
military tax. If the ruler of the settlement provides approval, monetary aid may be automatic (to the
full value), such as sanctioning an official state religion.
 Recruitment. You may equip commoners with weaponry and drill them in combat, turning them into
soldiers (as the Guard) and granting them proficiencies with any two weapons you are proficient with
and one type of armor. This takes 125 days (half an easy training task) for any number of potential
soldiers so long as you have the manpower and staff to provide guidance. These guards keep old
proficiencies and increase their ability scores appropriately from training. This costs 2 sp per
commoner trained every day (or 25 gp per commoner at the end of 125 days) to feed, shelter, and
train them.

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Charisma (Any): Rally. A character can attempt to rally supporters for a cause (such as funding the start of
a company, call to arms to protect a settlement, encourage an exodus from the settlement to another one,
or even join an armed force).
The base DC of this check is 10 (subject to special modifiers), and takes time as appropriate to get the
word out (usually one day per size category of the settlement, but is otherwise variable).
This is usually a Charisma-based skill check (such as Persuasion or Intimidation), but can be modified by
different ability scores (such as Strength or Wisdom).
Rallying is affected by cause and reception, which provides a bonus or penalty to the character‘s check
result. If it exceeds the DC, it is a success, and the character gains supporters in the settlement,
organization, or stronghold equal to 1% per point of success in the check. This can be repeated, but this
usually causes rivals to pop up, polarization to occur, and other events that eventually cause rallying to
become less efficient over time. Usually, at least one person in the settlement is affected by the rally
attempt, but their personal influence may be less than desired (such as the weaker or marginalized parts
of society).
After the initial rally, the percent of supporters can fluctuate with events; disregarding supporters or
rewarding them may decrease or increase sympathizers.
Supporters give aid, usually randomly determined or based on the supporter‘s personality or the culture.
The amount of aid a supporter can give is proportionate to the percent of supporters a cause has, as well
as the passion of individual supporters as NPCs.
• Funds. Supporters can provide donations. This is equal to the amount of religious/charity tax
multiplied by the percent of supporters. If the religious tax is already claimed by a church, stronghold, or
the government, said targets get wind of this quickly.
• Manpower. 1 out of every 5 supporters are willing to leave their jobs to perform a task (such as
watching for enemies or even taking up the sword fighting). Most supporters use the statistics of
Commoner (Dungeon Master‘s Guide, page 346), though supporters among armed forces occasionally
yields guards or soldiers, supporters in guilds may be smith‘s apprentices, and supporters among
churches and mage academies may provide acolytes and apprentices, respectively.
• Information. Supporters freely give information to those they sympathize with. This is usually
treated in-game as rumors, with the more the supporters, the more likely the rumor is true.
• Shelter. This provides shelter for the character and any ally, up to one person provided shelter per
every 3 supporters (with the quality varying on the type of supporter).


Reputation, legitimacy, risk, and reward all contribute to the rallying attempt. These grant bonuses and
penalties that could spell the difference between successfully raising funds, rallying soldiers, or being ran
out of the settlement in shame. Each of the four aspects can provide a bonus or penalty up to 5 points of
difference to the DC or ability/skill check.
For example, a low-risk (+5), high-reward (+5) venture from a legitimate and respected party (+5) for a
good cause (+5) gains a bonus of +20 to the check, which is in most cases an acceptable bargain (unless
the target has other reservations they have not voiced due to lack of trust).
A risky (-5) and unprofitable (-5) venture from a suspicious or unknown party (-5) for dubious causes (-5)
suffers a -20 penalty to the check.
Risk in this case represents any damage or inconvenience the supporter suffers.
Reward is a direct and tangible return (usually in the form of reduced taxes or monetary or spiritual
Reputation covers anything from legitimate bloodline to just character.
Cause covers any ideological, historical, or cultural belief or conviction the supporter has (such as loyalty
to a certain faith, vengeful feelings, to abstract concepts such as justice or righteousness).
For example, a just and respected head of a dwarven mining town is usurped by a conclave of depraved
criminals and demon-worshipping cultists. The head returns to the settlement in disguise, and begins
rallying the townsfolk to fight. Fighting is high risk (-5), no reward (+0), from a legitimate party (+5), and
a good cause (+5), for a total modifier of +10 to the Persuasion check.
With a dice result of 15, the total roll is 25, which translates to 25% of the town‘s 2,000 population are
supporters (1 out of every 4, or 500 total).
If the head also promises rewards for those who aid him (such as a promise for less taxes), or has enough
troops to convince the populace that this is not a high-risk venture, the final modifier increases further.

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A character may recuperate with 3 days of full rest. Make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a
successful save, you can choose one of the following results:
o End one effect on you that prevents you from regaining hit points, so long as the effect doesn‘t
have a specific requirement.
o For the next 24 hours, you gain advantage on saving throws against one disease or poison
currently affecting you.
If you perform this downtime action in a stronghold‘s Medical Area, the DC to recuperate is reduced to 10.

This includes copying spells to a spellbook as well as researching new spells.
A day of spellcraft can transcribe up to 4 spells from one spellbook to another, and 200 gp. If you are
scribing from your own spellbook (such as to make a back-up spellbook or gift one to an apprentice), the
cost is halved for the same number of spells (Normally 50 gp and 2 hours per spell level).
Researching a new spell takes 2 weeks per spell level, and 1,000 gp.
A character that has access to cantrips to change a single cantrip to another one your class can cast. This
costs only 25 gp, but takes 1 week to purge the old cantrip and cement the new one.
If you have a limited allotment of spells and cannot change spells by consulting a spellbook, you can spend
1 week per spell level and 500 gp to change a known spell to another.

Each day of training increases the lifestyle expenses the
character has to pay by 1 gp. This does not include a
soldier‘s income. Training can provide a character with
bonus features and proficiencies at a cost of increased
lifestyle expenses and time. See the Training List below for
bonuses from training and the time required.
A character can reduce their training time by employing
their full potential (leveraging ability scores) or having a
 Aptitude. Ability scores also represent the
incorporation of new skills related to the ability score in
question. Choose an ability score. The total training
time is reduced by 10% per point of the ability score
If the trained objective is not related directly to an
ability score (such as gaining a new contact, armor or
weapon proficiency, or feat), the training time
reduction cannot benefit from ability scores except
upon DM discretion (such as having an exceptional
training who unlocks your true potential).
 Experience. Having a mentor, or being tutored by a
professional organization reduces the time spent
training by 5% per proficiency bonus of the master (or
tutoring leader of the organization).
For instance, an Intelligence score of 14 (+2 modifier) can
help learning new languages. The total training time is
therefore reduced by 20%. If the character is training in an
academy studying old languages, with a master whose level is 9 (proficiency +4), the training time is
reduced by a further 20% for a total of 40% less time (or 150 days, down from 250 days).

Training Students and Mystic Presence

Upon gaining levels, a character develops something of a mystic presence. This can augment their
maximum age if they are spellcasters, or exude an aura of power that psychically binds their students with
them and helps inspire followers.

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Depending on your maximum spell level accessed, your maximum age increases. Modify your maximum
age according to the table below. Characters who cannot cast spells can instead train their students better
(see below).
Characters who have less-than-full spellcasting refer to their appropriate spell level when calculating
student level (spellcaster) and maximum age increase.
A character can choose whether their mystic presence contributes to enhancing their students (stronger
students) or maximum age.

Students and Followers

All classes can train others (NPCs). Switching to playing an NPC is a reliable way to have a replacement
character ready in case of an untimely character death or retiring a character (see below). A character can
have a number of students equal to their ability bonus in one ability score (Wizards and Rogues usually
choose intelligence, Fighters and Clerics usually choose Wisdom, Bards and Sorcerers use Charisma, etc.).
The student chosen can be any NPC, and they are friendly, but are controlled by the DM (who also
determines how fast they catch up to the maximum level dictated by your mystic presence). Choosing to
increase maximum age reduces the maximum potential of students (requiring they eventually split from
you and develop skills on their own after leaving your presence).

Level (spell level) Student level (spellcaster/not) Maximum age increase1

1 (1) 0/0 0%
3 (2) 1/1 0%
5 (3) 2/3 15%
7 (4) 3/6 25%
9 (5) 4/8 50%
11 (6) 5/10 75%
13 (7) 6/12 100%
15 (8) 7/14 150%
17 (9) 8/16 300%
19 (9) 9/18 500%

1 This stacks with increases due to high Constitution and Wisdom scores. This does not slow aging, but
increases the maximum age. So a human who would normally live up to 100 years reaches a maximum of
500 years if 20th level. The character can choose to appear as any age they reach upon gaining this age
increase (with most male spellcasters preferring a more aged appearance, and female spellcasters often
preferring a younger one, though this has many exceptions).

Travel is treated as a downtime activity; during days of travel, a character cannot easily train, craft, or
work in a stable environment. If attempting to do so, the character must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion.
While traveling overland, the character consumes carried food and drink at the normal rate, or else risks
starvation or dehydration (which also imposes levels of exhaustion), but does not need to pay for lifestyle
expenses (since lifestyle expenses also include things such as minor taxes, housing, etc.).
See Foraging and Becoming Lost (Dungeon Master‘s Guide, page 112) for rules regarding navigation.

A character can work for one day for an organization, person, or perform a task that provides them 1 gold
piece per day for every point of proficiency bonus. This requires proficiency in a skill or tool that provides
employment. Working does not also pay for lifestyle expenses, which must be paid according to the
income the character gains.
Most characters proficient with at least one tool or skill that provides employment to maintain a modest
lifestyle (and have 1 gp surplus per day). Higher-level characters can maintain a wealthy lifestyle at
proficiency +4, or at level 9.

Training List (Activities)

Benefit Segments1 (Days)/Task Complexity

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Ability Score Increase -

 +1 (up to 11) 1 (250 days)
 +1 (up to 13) 3 (750 days; or 2 years)
 +1 (up to 15) 6 (1,500 days; or 4 years)
Feat 6 (2,750 days; or 4 years)
Helpful Contact 90 days
Hit Point Training2 10 days per hit point
Memorize Reference 90 days
Proficiencies -
 Armor3 3 (750 days)
 Language 1 (250 days)
 Tool4 1 (250 days)
 Skill 3 (750 days)
 Weapon proficiency 1 (250 days); or 2 months (60 days) if a simple weapon
Research Creature 28 days (50 gp worth in research materials)
Research Potion 14 days (50 gp per spell level or base rarity, if the potion is not spell-based)
Research Spell 14 days and 50 gp (per spell level)
Retraining 7 days per character level
Troop Trait 1 (250 days)

1 A segment represents nearly 8 months of training (or 250 days).

2 So long as the character‘s existing hit point total is less than half their average (taking the normal roll),
training takes half the normal time for each hit point.
3 Armor requires proficiency in the lower level (medium armor requires light, heavy armor requires
medium, and shields are counted as weapons)
4 This includes vehicle proficiencies

Ability Score Increase. This allows a character to improve an ability score by extensive training
(physical endurance for Constitution, research for Intelligence, etc.). This increases the ability score by +1,
up to the maximum allowed by the time trained.
Feat. A character can gain a feat after the training period ends. Training with a skilled mentor who can
unlock your potential is nearly required to reduce training time (and subsequent costs).
Hit Point Training. You can increase your maximum hit points by 1, up to the maximum possible
allowed to you by your hit dice and Constitution modifier. If your current maximum hit points is below
your average (such 10 hit points for 2d10 + 6, or average hit points of 17), the training time is reduced by
half until you reach the average.
Memorize Reference. A character who memorizes a spell or recipe that requires to be scribed down no
longer needs their spellbook (or similar tome) to refer. This does not allow a character to prepare more
spells than they normally can. Spellcasters without a spellbook (or equivalent) cannot memorize spells,
but can learn different ones (as normal training).
Proficiency. Training to gain proficiency allows a character to gain armor, language, tool, skill, or
weapon proficiencies not gained by class, race, or background.
Research Creature. Researching a creature allows a character to understand it fully, identifying its
weaknesses and strengths. If also proficient in Alchemist‘s Supplies and in possession of an Alchemy Lab
(specialized Crafter‘s Area), a character can spend the research time to learn and create new monsters
(monstrosities, undead, and homunculi).
Research Potion. Researching a new potion allows you to scribe the formula of a potion of your choice.
You be able to craft the potion (casting the required spell or having the required ability).
Research Spell. Spell research includes discovery of new spells and development of them. These are
separate from the spells a wizard gains by leveling up, and can be scribed at the end of the duration
without additional cost.
Retrain. This allows a character to change their class or a chosen class feature (such as a Fighter‘s
Fighting Style or a Cleric‘s domain). This takes 7 days per class level of the character. If the retrained
feature is a learned spell that cannot be changed by referring to a spellbook, see Spellcraft above for
changing spells.
Troop Trait. Unlike normal training, this can only be granted to troops. Troop traits are detailed below.

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Each trait 250 days of training and 1 gold piece per component unit for training. A trainer can provide
instruction to as much troops as they have the resources to handle and supervise at the same time, but the
training cost must be paid per unit (10 gp per squad every day; or 2,500 gp to train a squad).
Troop traits can be paid with a troop‘s gained XP.

Optional Rule: Troop XP

Troops can gain XP as a normal character with this optional rule. With this rule applied, veterans of war
or champions of a battle have an advantage in training. Each 10 points of XP count as one free day of
training the troop does not have to experience (in time or training costs).

For example, three hundred elven warriors corner and defeat an adult red dragon (18,000 XP). If the XP
is divided between the three, it yields 6,000 XP each, or 600 days of free training. This can pay for two
troop traits (250 days each) with 100 days to spare (such as an additional simple weapon proficiency).
This represents historical battles that allow the establishment of elite units, allowing soldiers who survive
tough engagements to ‗level up‘.

Optional Rule: Troop Classes

In certain cases, a troop greatly outperforms itself and what was expected of it. If the DM approves it, a
troop that has at least 300 XP (for each component unit) can spend it to instead gain a class level (gaining
1 level in a class for 300 XP). This changes the component unit, and grants the troops the appropriate hit
points, class features, and starting proficiencies atop their normal statistics. Alternatively, you can rebuild
the troop to act as if they are 1st level characters to make the transformation complete. When gaining a
class level, the creature‘s Challenge is equal to its original Challenge plus 1 per level in the class.
For instance, a 10-man guard force somehow manage to defeat a stone giant for 2,900 XP (290 XP each)
and a gnoll commanding it 100 XP (10 XP each), for a total of 3,000 XP (300 XP each). This allows each
component unit to gain a level in Fighter.
The guard therefore is changed to the following from the default guard to gain a fighter level.

Guard (Fighter 1) Languages Any one language (usually

Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment Common)
Armor Class 16 (chain shirt, shield) Challenge 1 (200 XP); 1/8 (25 XP each)
Hit Points 22 (2d8 + 1d10 + 3) Traits
Speed 30 ft. Second Wind (1/rest). On your turn, you can
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to
13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 1d10 + 1.
Saving Throws +3 Strength, +3 Constitution Fighting Style (Protection). When a creature
Skills Athletics +3, Perception +2, Survival +2 you can see attacks a target other than you that
Senses passive Perception 12 is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction

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to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You Skills Athletics +3, Perception +2, Survival +2
must be wielding a shield. Senses passive Perception 12
ACTIONS Languages Any one language (usually
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to Common)
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Challenge 6 (2,300 XP); 1 (200 XP) each
Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage. Traits
Second Wind (1/rest). On your turn, you can
If formed into a squad, they take the following use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to
statistics. 1d10 + 1.
Fighting Style (Protection). When a creature
you can see attacks a target other than you that
is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction
to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You
must be wielding a shield.
Guard Troop (Fighter 1; 10-unit squad) ACTIONS
Medium humanoid troop (any race), any Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to
alignment hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target,
Armor Class 14 (chain shirt, shield); 16 each troop attack (accuracy 11).
Hit Points 125 (10d8 + 5d10 + 15); 17 (2d8 + Hit: 22 (5d6+5) piercing damage; 4 (1d6 + 1)
1d10 + 3) each each.
Speed 30 ft. Spear Troop Attack. Melee weapon attack:
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Accuracy 11, reach 10 ft.
13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) Hit: 22 (5d6+5) piercing damage; 4 (1d6 + 1)
Saving Throws +3 Strength, +3 Constitution each.

Specialized troops such as these usually demand additional pay as appropriate to their new Challenge, and
are more independent-minded and have confidence owing to their training. Dissatisfied guards trained
with class levels may see their potential wasted as soldiers, and may pick up adventuring or join a
mercenary organization.

Troop Traits
Below are traits troops can gain via training. A troop trait is not also owned by the component unit, as it is
drilled into them by using teamwork.
Bravery. The troop has advantage to saving throws against fear effects.
Crushing Charge. If the troop moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a
melee attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + the troop‘s
proficiency + the troop‘s Strength modifier) or be knocked prone. If mounted, the mount can make an
additional attack against a prone enemy as a bonus action if knocked down in the same turn.
Keen Senses. The troop has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on one sense (smell,
touch, taste). If choosing hearing or seeing, this requires two training periods (as if two traits).
Pack Tactics. The troop has advantage on an attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the troop‘s
allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
Resilient Spirit. The troop gains proficiency in one saving throw. This can be taken twice (up to two
saving throws).
Shield Training. The troop is superbly proficient with mass shield use, and gains the following abilities:
o Shield Bash. The creature may, after attacking a target with a melee attack, bash them with their
shields as a bonus action, pushing them 5 ft. away.
o Shield Wall (reaction). When the troop is targeted with an effect that allows for a Dexterity saving
throw for half damage, the creature may spend a reaction to negate by blocking the effect entirely with
their shield they succeed on the saving throw.
o Projectile Shield (reaction). The troop automatically blocks the first projectile attack that targets them
so long as the attack roll‘s result is no more than 10 points higher than their own Armor Class. The
troop must be aware of the attack beforehand.
Skirmisher. When the troop makes a melee attack against a creature, they don't provoke opportunity
attacks from that creature for the rest of the turn, whether they hit or not. This is also known as Ride-by
Attack or Fly-by Attack (depending on the medium of movement).

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Retiring a Character
A character that has suffered mental trauma, survived serious wounds, or merely accomplished their
personal objectives can be retired. Ideally, a character has a certain amount of money to retire. The
character can spend their downtime in work (gaining additional wealth as per the downtime action) or
any other activity. This assumes a reasonable degree of investment. If customizing the organizations and
returns of investment, do not assume regular income; calculate the return of investment instead.

Money Result
500 gp Relatively modest lifestyle, stable work in a small organization and comfortable
residence; income of 3 gp/day
1,000 gp Comfortable lifestyle, stable work in a medium organization and a small house (Cottage
or similar stronghold); income of 6 gp/day
5,000 gp Wealthy lifestyle, owning several small or a medium organization and a medium house
(Residence or similar stronghold); income of 12 gp/day
15,000 gp Aristocratic lifestyle, owning several small or a large organization and a large house (Keep
or similar stronghold); income of 30 gp/day

A retired character benefits greatly from normal downtime activities, improving their ability scores and
training so to pass off their naturally-high innate abilities off to their offspring. A human who managed to
delve into a dungeon and unearthed 2,000 gp worth of gold in ancient coins and artifacts can comfortably
retire and spend years improving their Strength and Constitution scores, and then give the advantage to
their offspring in the form of higher Ability Score Aptitude, or return to the fray after decades of study
(such as described by many long lived races like elves and dwarves).

A character in downtime gains 2 XP points per every week of downtime upon reaching adulthood (most
people at the age of 40 are level 3). This is usually applied for retired characters (to keep them relatively
relevant in comparison to others) or those who perform challenging jobs.

Next Generation of Characters

When a character is retired, a good option for another character is either their student (as described under
Training Students and Mystic Presence) or the character‘s offspring.

Normally, person's child inherits their possessions. Beyond that, they also inherit a degree of their
parents‘ ability scores. When generating children of characters, whenever you roll for ability scores, you
may enhance the offspring‘s chances for good scores by adding both ability scores of each parent, and
dividing by 6 to find the value of Minimum Aptitude. You may replace the Minimum Aptitude value
with any dice roll to determine ability scores. Always round down for Minimum Aptitude values.

Inbreeding (or producing offspring with family members closer than first cousins) has a 20% chance of
reducing Minimum Aptitude values by 1 point (roll once for each ability score). This creates lesser stock
over generations, causing more insular communities to eventually cross genetic lines and yield people
with inferior ability scores.

For instance, a couple get together and produce offspring.

The mother has the following ability scores: Str 11, Dex 9, Con 9, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16
The father has the following ability scores: Str 13, Dex 6, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 9

The Minimum Aptitude for Strength for the child is 11 + 13 divided by 6 (for 4). When rolling for the
child‘s Strength, the dice that would result with 1, 3, 1, and 5 should yield a result in 9 (roll four times,
drop lowest roll). Due to Minimum Aptitude, however, one dice roll (the dice roll of 1) is replaced with 4
for a result of 12. If the child was of close family members (such as core family), there is a 20% chance the
child‘s Strength is reduced by 1 point (to 11).

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Such genetics usually warrant recognition from various forces in the world, especially if at least two
minimum aptitude values are higher than 3. Such bloodlines may be described beforehand, with the
aptitude value cemented on the appropriate ability scores.

Sample Bloodlines
Yours is the blood of priests, prophets, and far-seers. Until your bloodline thins from breeding with lesser
stock, bad luck, inbreeding, or loss of the blessing, the minimum aptitude values are 4 for Wisdom and 3
for Charisma.

Yours is the blood of a conqueror. Until your bloodline thins from breeding with lesser stock, bad luck, or
inbreeding, the minimum aptitude values are 4 for Strength and 3 for Charisma.

You come from a long line of sages and wise people. Until your bloodline thins from breeding with lesser
stock, bad luck, or inbreeding, the minimum aptitude values are 3 for Intelligence and 3 for Wisdom.

You were born with the arts sung to you, and a line of minstrels and painters. Until your bloodline thins
from breeding with lesser stock, bad luck, or inbreeding, the minimum aptitude value is 5 for Charisma.

Hale Pioneers
Your clan is very much used to harsh conditions, such as extreme cold, extreme heat, or high places. Until
your bloodline thins from breeding with lesser stock, bad luck, or inbreeding, the minimum aptitude value
is 5 for Constitution.

Pact Makers
Magic has suffused your bloodline, leaving a trail of power that cost your ancestors dearly. Until your
bloodline thins from breeding with lesser stock, bad luck, or inbreeding, the minimum aptitude values are
2 for Constitution and 5 for a mental ability score of your choice.

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Chapter 6: New Skill and Tool Uses

Besides the normal expected skill and tool uses are options more relevant to topics handled by this
ruleset‘s framework.

Strength or Wisdom (Mason’s or Smith’s

Tools): Excavate. A creature can excavate and Wisdom (Survival): Locate Minerals. A
dig a number of cubic feet of dirt equal to its successful check allows a character to find clues
Strength score per hour. of a resource in a 1-mile square that is near the
An average creature (Strength 10) can excavate surface. Resources require an organization
10 cubic feet per hour. (usually based in a stronghold around the
Stone takes five times as long (1 cubic foot per resource) to extract it.
hour of stone), and other materials vary (joint
player-DM adjudication). Charisma (Persuasion): Negotiate Prices.
A pit dug in dirt that is 5 feet wide, 5 tall, and 10 You may alter prices for a single item or
feet deep has a volume of 250 square feet, taking commodity (or bundle of similar objects) you
25 hours to excavate (of nearly three days if choose by up to 1d10% (increasing sale price or
alone). If in stone, it takes five times as much reducing buying price).
effort. The more workers aid the character, the This requires 1 day of downtime of trading,
less time it takes. interacting with merchants, and testing
Soldiers in exploration missions are usually economic waters. The DC is equal to 15 or
trained with to excavate so to dig trails or roads, opposed to the buyer‘s Charisma (Persuasion)
trenches to defend from, or to infiltrate a roll.
besieged stronghold. You may also use this roll to increase an
Note. See Racial Strongholds for guidelines organization‘s efficiency if you have an outlet to
when building into existing ground. negotiate prices (forwards integration) and focus
on trade or selling and buying objects. In this
Wisdom (Survival): Locate Water. You case, a successful roll increases your
may detect or find evidence of underground organization‘s efficiency until the economic
water resources (which can then be exploited by circumstances in the settlement change or until
excavating wells). This can be useful when a character succeeds against you in negotiating
establishing a settlement or attempting to build prices.
farms in dry land.

Alchemist‘s Supplies
Alchemy in 5e is relatively simple; treated as proficiency with Alchemist‘s Supplies. With this rule,
proficiency in alchemy provides the ability to craft potions that replicate spell uses, and crafting creatures
such as cross-bred species or other creatures.
To craft a potion, you must fulfill the following prerequisites:
 Be proficient with Alchemist‘s Supplies,
 Possess Alchemist‘s Supplies,
 Have the required proficiency bonus for the potion‘s rarity,
 Have the potion formula (takes two weeks and 50 gp per rarity step to research),
 Pay the potion‘s crafting cost as appropriate per rarity (see table below),
 Spend the required downtime in crafting

Note. If you have a spell formula (such as a spell written in a spellbook) that is also on the potion list, you
can refer to that instead of looking for a separate potion formula. Potion formulae must be written down
and kept safe, although budding alchemists are usually taught at least three formulae by their masters
(random or as preferred by that instructor).

Crafting Potions
All potions (regardless of form) weigh 1 pound (unless the container is heavier), and can be used by
imbibing or pouring on a creature or object (whichever applies better).

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Having multiple potions in contact or mixing potions (such as when drinking multiple potions or mixing
vials) risks miscibility. Potion miscibility can have multiple effects ranging from an alchemical explosion
to augmenting both potions and increasing their efficiency.

Item Quality Crafting Cost1 Proficiency Spell Level

Common 20 gp +2/Student 0 (Cantrip)
Uncommon 80 gp +2/Apprentice 1-2
Rare 320 gp +3/Journeyman 3-4
Very Rare 1,280 gp +4/Expert 5-6
Legendary2 5,120 gp +5/Artisan 7-8
Artifact 20,480 gp +6/Master 9+

The cost of purchasing a potion is double the crafting cost.

On average, it would take a character of the highest proficiency about 2-3 months to craft a potion from
downtime harvesting at the highest proficiency bonus.

Downtime Harvesting
Proficiency Materials/day Materials/week
+2 1 gp 7 gp
+3 7 gp 50 gp
+4 25 gp 175 gp
+5 100 gp 700 gp
+6 375 gp 2,625 gp

Sometimes, the materials harvested can only serve a particular potion concept, such as fire, healing, or
death (for potions that protect against or deal fire damage, materials that can only heal or recover, etc.).

How to Use Potions

A potion can be activated by use, which is a Use Object action, such as drinking a bottle's contents, coating
a spray on the user, or splashing an oil on a target. Potions can also be thrown to release their effect on
impact, in which case they are a thrown improvised weapon at a range of 20/60 ft. If the spell originally
affects an area, the potion affects the area as well.
The character can add their proficiency bonus to attack if they are proficient in Alchemist's Supplies.
Potion DCs is equal to 8 + the crafter‘s proficiency bonus + the crafter‘s Intelligence bonus.
For instance, the alchemist's fire potion stores the fire bolt cantrip, dealing 1d10 fire damage to the target
it hits.
If the spell stored in the potion has a casting time more than 1 Action, it starts activation on the user after
the original casting time is completed. For instance, an imbibed resurrection potion activates after 1 hour
(if the target still qualifies). Potion miscibility applies normally if trying to activate multiple potions.

Concentration Spells. The duration of a potion with a duration of concentration does not require
concentration; it instead runs up to 2d4 x 10% the maximum duration.
One creature cannot benefit from more than one concentration potion. In effect, ingesting a potion is
treated as concentrating on it, and if drinking another potion that demands concentration, the newer one
takes precedence and dispels the effects of the old one that required concentration.

Potion Miscibility Chart

Can mix out of combat or roll for miscibility when a target drinks more than one potion in the span of 1
hour (or has two potions in one vial to be consumed by one action). You are not instantly aware of the
results of the potion until used.

d100 Result
1-5 Explosion! The mixed potions cause an alchemical explosion which deals 5d10 arcane damage to
the target or imbiber, and 1d10 arcane damage 5 ft. away from the target or imbiber.
6-10 Toxicity: The mixed potion becomes a poison of DM's choice

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11-15 Minor Toxicity: One potion works, the other becomes a milder poison of the DM's choice (target
has advantage to saves)
16-25 Birth from Chaos: The mixture instead conjures a random aberration, elemental, or ooze, with a
CR equal to the average level of both potions (or of the appropriate quality relative to rarity). It is hostile
to the closest creature, and disintegrates when reduced to 0 hit points. Otherwise it remains for 1 hour. If
one of the two potions was of a cantrip, it conjures a creature of CR ¼. This creature can be bound.
26-30 Cancellation: Both potions in the mixture lose effect.
31-35 Minor Sync: Both potions in the mixture work, but their benefit and durations are halved; if can't
be halved, has no effect
36-40 Minor Cancellation: Only one potion works normally
41-70 Proper Sync: Both potions in the mixture work normally
71-80 Birth from Order: The mixture instead conjures a random aberration, elemental, or ooze, with a
CR equal to the average level of both potions (or of the appropriate quality relative to rarity). It is allied to
the closest creature, and disintegrates when reduced to 0 hit points. If one of the two potions was of a
cantrip, it conjures a creature of CR ¼. This creature can be bound.
81-90 Greater Sync: Both potions in the mixture work, and have their numerical benefit and maximum
duration doubled; if they can't be doubled, the potion can be reused if salvaged with a successful DC 15
Intelligence check with Alchemist‘s Supplies as an action.
95-99 Superior Sync: Both potions work, and the target can benefit from a third random potion of DM's
100 Augment! One potion works and its duration becomes permanent. If the effect was instantaneous,
such as a healing potion, this may cause an increase in maximum hit points, with the reverse happening if
it dealt damage. At the DM‘s discretion, this effect may be dispelled as an active spell effect or be
suppressed with a potion which deals an opposite effect. A cantrip cannot gain this miscibility result, and
instead reverts to Greater Sync.

Potion List
The spells that can be replicated by potions are detailed below. Spell levels from 1-2 are uncommon rarity,
3-4 are rare, 5-6 are very rare, 7-8 are legendary, and 9 are artifact-level rarity.

Cantrips (0 level) Disguise Self Aid

Acid Splash Dissonant Whispers Blindness/Deafness
Blade Ward Endure Elements Blur
Create Bonfire EE Entangling Roots Calm Emotions
Disrupt Undead Expeditious Retreat Continual Flame
Fire Bolt Faerie Fire Corpse Explosion
Guidance False Life Darkvision
Light Feather Fall Dust Devil
Mending Fog Cloud Enhance Ability
Mold Earth EE Elemental Armor Enlarge/Reduce
Poison Spray Grease Gentle Repose
Produce Flame Heroism Hold Person
Frost Bolt Hideous Laughter Invisibility
Shocking Grasp Identify Lesser Restoration
Spare the Dying Illusory Script Magic Weapon
Thunderclap EE Inflict Wounds Pass Without Trace
Vicious Mockery Jump Protection from Poison
Longstrider Ray of Enfeeblement
ALC 1 (1st Level) Magic Aura Aganzzar‘s Scorcher EE
Alarm Protection, Good/Evil See Invisibility
Burning Hands Purify Food/Drink Shatter
Cause Fear XGtE Ray of Sickness Silence
Command Sanctuary Spider Climb
Charm Shield Suggestion
Color Spray Silent Image Web
Conjure Modified Sleep Zone of Truth
Chromatic Orb Thunderstorm
Cure Wounds ALC 3 (3rd Level)
Detect Poison/Disease ALC 2 (2nd Level) Animate Dead
Detect Magic Alter Self Conjure Animals

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Conjure Food and Water Tenser‘s Transformation XGtE

Daylight ALC 5 (5th Level) True Seeing
Feign Death Cone of Cold
Fear Cloudkill ALC 7 (7th Level)
Haste Creation Etherealness
Nondetection Contagion Firestorm
Plant Growth Dominate Person Regenerate
Protection from Energy Dream Resurrection
Remove Curse Geas Simulacrum
Revivify Insect Plague
Slow Modify Memory ALC 8 (8th Level)
Speak with Dead Mislead Antipathy/Sympathy
Stinking Cloud Greater Restoration Clone
Vampiric Touch Skill Empowerment XGtE Dominate Monster
Water Breathing Raise Dead Feeblemind
Wall of Thorns Abi-Dalzim‘s Horrid Wilting EE
ALC 4 (4th Level) Incendiary Cloud
Blight ALC 6 (6th Level) Mind Blank
Compulsion Awaken
Confusion Create Homunculus XGtE ALC 9 (9th Level)
Charm Monster Create Undead Foresight
Death Ward Disintegrate Shapechange
Greater Invisibility Flesh to Stone Trap the Soul
Polymorph Heal True Polymorph
Stone Shape Heroes‘ Feast
Stone Skin Mass Suggestion

Special Potions
The following potions are not based on spells, but follow similar rules in terms of crafting and minimum
proficiency, as well as time to research formulae.

Acid Neutralizer Some antitoxins only function against plagues.

Potion, common These are known as antiplagues instead, but
This lotion can treat an object or a creature. provide the same benefit.
When subject to acid damage, the creature
reduces the damage by a number equal to 1d6 + Crackle Powder
3 points. This applies once per round. The acid Potion, common
neutralizer remains until 1 hour passes per dose This alchemical powder creates a loud crackling
applied. noise, like a snapping branch, whenever it is
jostled or struck. A dose of the powder covers a
Antiodor 10-foot-radius area with an action, and imposes
Potion, common disadvantage on Agility (Stealth) checks.
This lotion can treat an object or a creature. The powder remains active for 4 hours.
When treated, the target‘s odor is muffled and It can be spent at once instead with an action, to
neutralized. The creature does not have a normal create a loud thundercrack-like sound that can
scent until the lotion fades after 1 hour, or after be heard 300 feet away.
the creature gains (or excretes) a scent (such as
if sweating after running or touching a perfumed Crystallized Air
object). Potion, common
This lotion is often employed by rogues who This alchemical item crystallizes breathable air.
anticipate opposition against creatures with When consumed, the potion grants 1 minute‘s
strong olfactory senses, such as bloodhounds or worth of breath in one dosage. Crystallized air is
waterproof if unused, but spoils when the
Antitoxin (or Antiplague) creature otherwise opens their mouth or allows
Potion, common new air entry into the body (such as by breathing
This vial of antitoxin gives the imbiber normally or talking).
advantage to any saving throw against poison for
1 hour. It confers no benefit to undead or Dark Powder
constructs. Potion, common

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The gray powder has no special quality when Gunpowder

seen in normal light, but glows brightly when Potion, uncommon
viewed in darkvision, despite the surrounding This potent combustible powder is the fuel for
light level. most firearms and explosives, and some
Each dose contains enough powder for a combustion engines. When set aflame
reasonably lengthy sentence or a moderately- gunpowder combusts and deals 1d6 fire damage
large drawing. This remains permanently or to each creature in 10 feet per 1 pound of mass
until wiped away by soap or similar cleaning (up to 10d6 fire damage). Setting an ounce of
product. gunpowder causes it to burn brightly, shedding
bright light in 30 feet for 1 round, and dim light
Defoliant in the same radius for another round, before
Potion, common extinguishing. A creature in the area of effect can
This vile liquid has a muddy brown hue and attempt a DC 10 Agility saving throw to half the
smells of rotten plant life. Contained in one damage taken.
potion flask is enough defoliant to remove plant If set aflame in a container, gunpowder instead
life from one 5-foot square. deals the damage in concussive damage, and its
Light vegetation (anything but trees) dies within radius increases by 10 feet for every pound of
1 hour of exposure, leaving behind scarred and mass.
sterile soil (as if blighted). Unlike most uncommon alchemical products,
Medium vegetation (anything but massive trees) gunpowder costs 12 gp per pound in most stores,
dies in 2 hours and can be cleared at a rate of 1 and costs 6 gp to craft if not a specialist.
hour per 5-foot square. Unlike most potions, gunpowder also counts as
Large vegetation (including trees) can usually an explosive, and can be crafted by those
survive a single dose of defoliant, but the dose proficient with engineer‘s tools, and can‘t be
scars a 5-foot portion of the tree. If it can scar consumed by an alchemical engine.
one-half the tree, the tree rots from within and
dies. Phlogiston
If targeting a plant creature, this potion harms Alchemical product, uncommon
them, reducing the plant creature‘s maximum This unusually potent combustible is perfect fuel
hit points by 1d4 + 1, halved on a successful for most combustion engines.
Stamina saving throw. This can stack for each Unlike most uncommon alchemical products,
application. phlogiston costs 50 crafting points (or 50 gp) in
An area affected by defoliant can be cleared by a most stores, and cost 25 gp to craft if not a
creature proficient in Alchemist‘s Supplies or an specialist.
Herbalist‘s Kit. It takes 10 minutes to clear a 5- The recipe for phlogiston is known to most
foot square of defoliant. alchemists and scholars who live alongside
tinkers (usually selling for about 10 gold pieces).
Flash Powder Unlike most potions, phlogiston also counts as
Potion, common an explosive, and can be crafted by those
This pinch of powder is a mixture of proto- proficient with engineer‘s tools, and can‘t be
gunpowder and alchemical flares. It can be consumed by an alchemical engine.
thrown at a range of 30/60 ft. Creatures 5 feet
away from the point of impact are blinded on a Potion of Rest
failed Agility saving throw against a DC of 10. If Potion, rare
thrown further than 30 feet, creatures have Provides the benefit of a short rest. Can be used
advantage to the saving throw. A creature can once per 24 hours.
repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn
every round. Potion of Rest
Alchemists, rogues, and hunters often use this Potion, legendary
cheap product as a distraction to hide or for a Provides the benefit of a long rest. Can be used
quick combat advantage if they have the Flash once per 24 hours.
Bomber talent.
Unlike most potions, flash powder also counts as Potion of Youth
an explosive, and can be crafted by those Alchemical Product, rarity varies
proficient with engineer‘s tools, and can‘t be When you drink this potion, your physical age is
consumed by an alchemical engine. reduced by 2d10% in years. You can reach a
lower age threshold via this potion (such as from

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being venerable to middle age, or adulthood to could consume another potion of youth but
childhood). Your mental scores and abilities are increase their age by 2d10% years.
unchanged, but the DM may rule that your
physical body changed enough to warrant The potion‘s strength is affected by its rarity
change in physical ability scores (such as
increasing Agility but reducing Strength). Rarity Age
When created, the potion of youth can be instead Rare 1d10%
a potion of aging, in which case it increases your Very rare 2d10%
physical age instead of decreasing it. If the Legendary 3d10%
physical age is increased beyond your maximum Artifact* 100% (at any point desired)
age, you die of old age. Whenever this potion is
used, there is a cumulative 10% chance that the If an artifact, an inversion causes instant death
potion inverts the intended result. of old age.
For instance, an aging wizard that used 3
potions of youth (for 30% chance to invert)

Crafting Creatures After the duration is fully spent, the creature

When proficient in Alchemist‘s Supplies and dies, disintegrating and leaving behind a fading
having an Alchemy Lab (see Crafter‘s Area in pile of alchemical fluids. An imperfect copy is
Chapter 3), you can craft creatures. always sterile and not fully aware of its
An Alchemy Lab allows you to craft creatures surroundings, regardless of its mental ability
such as owlbears (cross of bear and owl), scores. This copy can survive indefinitely in the
bulettes (cross of snapping turtle and armadillo), Alchemy Lab (incapacitated, and suspended in a
or other monstrosities, or craft an undead such vat or pit of fluid) or in a potion vial, but only for
as zombies. 2d4 x 10 minutes when leaving it. The vat can
This requires spending the downtime to research fully sustain the creature indefinitely (requires
a creature, as fully knowing a creature also 1/10th the normal amount of food for its
allows you to create an imperfect copy. creature type, dissolved in the fluid).

Imperfect Copies. If you have access to an Homunculus. If you choose to craft a creature
Alchemy Lab, are proficient in Alchemist‘s that is not a monstrosity or undead, you can
Supplies, and have researched a creature and are make it into a homunculus.
able to reference your research, you can craft a A homunculus is the same creature type as its
potion that is the base form for the imperfect origins (beast in this case), but is sterile and
copy. This potion usually appears as a tiny psychologically impressionable.
version of the creature or the creature in pseudo- This requires spending the downtime to research
fetal form, becoming its full size when leaving both creatures (and usually living specimen of
the liquid. both). After researching the component
creatures, you must succeed on a DC 15
Bound Copies. You can craft a potion that can Intelligence ability check with Alchemist's
bind an imperfect copy of a creature. The potion Supplies. If you succeed, you create the birth
takes 20 minutes to fully affect an imperfect formula (as if you researched the homunculus
copy, allowing it to become stable and to survive creature, automatically scribing it).
for extended periods outside a hosting unit (vat,
large pot, potion, etc.). This potion is of the same For instance, a mad wizard chooses to make a
rarity as the one to craft an imperfect copy, and guardian for their secluded mage tower in the
requires 100 gp worth of materials per Challenge high mountains. They find that native creatures
rating of the creature. The creature can be bound of the area are panthers and owls, and captures a
to you, in which case it obeys your commands to black panther and a black-banded owl.
the letter (and not necessarily the spirit, He spends the downtime to research both
depending on its mental ability scores) for 1 beings, and succeeds on the DC 15 check, and
month, afterwards it can either be bound again naming its new creation the ‗Owlcat‘. The DM
or released to live out its life. Monetary costs for crafts a monster of appropriate Challenge to the
a re-binding is usually in the form of treasures or maximum accessible by the wizard.
materials the creature desires or consumes. The wizard then binds the creature to serve the
wizard, and releases it to patrol the mountain,
flying and using its dark fur to camouflage.

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After 1 month, the wizard is satisfied with the source, or one that comes to power one way or
Owlcat‘s service, and may allow it to be released. another (surviving in an area of Wild Magic,
A released homunculus can survive up to an age eating mortal spellcasters, or living in a place of
appropriate to its base creatures. magical significance) can lose their sterility and
breed more of their kind, and can become
You cannot create a creature with a CR higher stronger than its original Challenge rating. Their
than your Proficiency bonus. A cross-bred age, method of delivery, and brood size is similar
creature that manages to live long enough on its to that of their originating races.
own without dying, becomes blessed by a divine

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Chapter 7: Spells
The following chapter includes new spells aid and support settlement rule, company management, army
leadership, and stronghold control or support, and spells for terraforming, as well as expanded uses of old
Using expanded uses of spells may come with an increased cost, such as in material components or
increased casting time.

Optional Rule: Cabal Sorcery

Witches and necromancers of various settings are known to organize cabals and circles of power to
channel their strength into beyond their normal limits. This rule is intended to provide a mechanical
framework for such esoteric concepts.
When casting a spell and having a number of friendly spellcasters who can cast the same spell or a spell
up to two spells level lower, you can direct them into a concentrated casting effort, called cabal casting.
When directing the effort, each spellcaster spends the resources to cast the specific spell (or their highest-
level spell, if the difference between the two spell levels are two or less) to empower your own spell. When
the spell‘s casting time is up, you must roll an Intelligence (Arcana) skill check against a DC of 10. On a
success, the cabal‘s efforts succeeded, and the spell is cast as if cast from a higher level (increasing the
spell‘s effects as normally described). On a failure, one random person in the cabal (may include you) is
subject to system shock (as described in the Dungeon Master‘s Guide, page 273) or a Wild Magic Surge (as
described in the Player‘s Handbook, page 98). If there is another skill that is more appropriate than
Intelligence (Arcana), use that skill instead.

The spell acts as if you cast it for all purposes (such as who must concentrate, who a conjured creature
obeys, etc.). This rule also allows you to normally use spell scrolls if your highest spell level is increased to
a level that accesses the spell scroll normally.
Depending on the number of allies with you, the potential number of spell levels the spell you cast
increases (up to a maximum spell level of 9). If the supporting spellcasters cannot cast a spell that is
within two spell levels of the one you are casting, they can form sub-cabals to increase their effective spell
levels the same way, up until reaching your spell level. Sub-cabals heightening the effective spell level of
the leader can act as a higher-level participant, but the required roll is applied to each sub-cabal leader.

Allies Spell Levels Increased

3 +1
7 +2
13 +3

For example, a 9th level wizard casting the geas spell with 7 allies (minimum level to contribute is level 5
wizards for two spell levels‘ difference) heightens the spell by 2 spell levels, allowing the spell to act as if a
7th level spell. The duration of the spell becomes 1 year instead of 30 days (a feat which normally requires
a 13th level wizard and a higher-level slot).
If the wizard does not have access to such allies, they may reach to lower-leveled participants and organize
them into sub-cabals. 13 1st level wizards led by a particularly gifted student (the highest in Intelligence
(Arcana) or the relevant skill) will act as if they access 3rd level spells. There is no limit for the number of
sub-cabals (or sub-sub cabals), but the risk of failing a roll will cause many disruptions or Wild Magic
Surges, which may in of itself cause many other ramifications.
This allows many spellcasters of lower level to challenge with a single spellcaster at higher level with
certain spells, but drains a heavy amount of resources on the supporting cabal.

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New Spells
Spell Lists
Spell level 1 Spell level 3
Telepathic Message Corpse Call
Dismantle Stronghold
Spell level 2
Magical Servant Spell level 7
Planar Attunement
Spell level 3 Summon Vault Resources
Corpse Call
Summon Vault Resources SORCERER
Spell level 1
Spell level 7 Reinforce Object
Planar Attunement Telepathic Message

WIZARD Spell level 3

Spell level 1 Corpse Call
Barrier Dismantle Stronghold
Reinforce Object Summon Vault Resources
Telepathic Message
Spell level 7
Spell level 2 Planar Attunement
Magical Servant

Spell Descriptors
1st-level abjuration (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (material to draw a line
or circle, such as chalk or salt)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 1 minute
You draw a line or circle with your finger,
barring any one designated creature type from
passing (such as humanoids, dragons, undead,
etc.) with a barrier of force magic. The line forms
a clear panel up to 10 feet wide, one inch thick,
and 10 feet high that is fully transparent,
noticeable by seeing the spell being cast and
succeeding on a Wisdom (Perception) check
against your DC, or if detecting magical auras. If
drawn as a circle, it has a radius of 10 feet.
Alternatively, the barrier can be fully visible,
such as a sheet of light or appearing as
suspended runes, to allow your allies to see it.
The barrier has an AC of 10 and 10 hit points. It
is treated as a construct for the purposes of
healing hit points.
This barrier not only blocks the targeted
creature types from passing it, but is also bars
their attacks, blocking effects that can come barrier regains 1 hit point at the start of your
from them (such as ranged attacks or spells) turn every round.
until broken, dispelled, or overcame.  Erasing the Barrier. A creature on the other
 Destroying the Barrier. The barrier is side of a barrier can spend an action to erase
destroyed if reduced to 0 hit points. The

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the spell by touching and disrupting its 3rd-level necromancy

parameter. Casting Time: 10 minutes
 Overcoming the Barrier. The designated Range: Touch
creature type can attempt to bypass the Components: V, S, M (a patch of dirt from a
barrier by pressing it and succeeding on a grave)
Wisdom saving throw. On a successful Duration: 1 minute
saving throw, they ignore the barrier and You touch an open and unoccupied grave. If you
can continue their movement. On a failed are within 3 miles a settlement, old battlefield,
saving throw, they are barred from further or crypt, the spell draws a corpse through the
movement past the barrier until the spell‘s earth to occupy the empty grave.
duration ends. You may specify the direction (north or near a
When casting this spell, you can use a bonus settlement) or a rough description (humanoid)
action at the start of your turn every round to for the spell to fetch, but the spell cannot
empower the barrier. Choose one of the otherwise retrieve a specific corpse.
following empowerment options, which remains This cannot call corpses that are left in wilds,
until the start of your turn in the next round: interred in something other than in soft earth.
 Resistant Barrier. The barrier gains A corpse that is bound, entombed, or one that is
resistance to all damage except force. held in a coffin or that has been targeted by the
 Reflective Barrier. The barrier can reflect a Gentle Repose spell cannot be called.
part of the damage it takes back to the A called corpse leaves its possessions behind and
attacker. When the barrier is damaged, you arrives with only the clothes on its back, minor
may use a reaction and make a ranged spell trinkets, or (very rarely) jewelry or treasures that
attack if the target is within 10 feet of the cannot be separated from them. The spell fails if
barrier. If you succeed on the attack, you it cannot find the required creature or a fair
deal one-quarter the damage the barrier approximation.
took to the attacker. This damage is of the At Higher Levels. The range of the spell
same type that was dealt to the barrier. If it increases by 2 miles for every spell level above
the attack that was reflected has a saving 3rd. At 5th level, you may specify a creature‘s
throw, the target must succeed on the saving subtype or race. At 8th level, you may specify a
throw instead as if they cast the spell on specific creature.
themselves, so long as they are within 10 feet
of the barrier. Dismantle Stronghold
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell 3rd-level transmutation
using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the Casting Time: 24 hours
barrier gains 10 additional hit points, and Range: Touch
increases its AC and amount of hit points Components: V, S, M (Writ of destruction)
regained every round by 1 for every spell level Duration: 6 hours per 20x20 area (or cube)
above 1st. At 2nd level, it also gains a damage You dismantle any building, causing it to slowly
threshold of 2, which also increases by 1 point break apart. Some dismantled materials are
per spell level. usable after the spell ends, for a total value of
Special. If cast as a ritual spell, the barrier spell's one-third the stronghold‘s normal cost of
duration changes to 1 hour. crafting.
You cannot dismantle a stronghold that is
DM NOTE: MULTIPLE BARRIERS attuned to a creature, unless you are the one it is
If cast as a ritual spell, the barrier's duration attuned to. A writ of destruction must be signed
increases to 1 hour instead of 1 minute. That by the owner of the stronghold, or the resident of
means that it is possible for a single spellcaster it for at least 1 year.
to have up to 6 barrier spells active at their
highest accessible spell slot if spending all their Reinforce Object
time ritually casting and maintaining them (for a 1st-level transmutation
line 60 feet long and 10 feet high). Empowering Casting Time: 1 action
one barrier spell also empowers the rest, so long Range: 30 feet
as their areas overlap or they touch one Components: V, S, M
another‘s edges. Duration: Instantaneous
You can use this spell to reinforce an object or
Corpse Call construct of any type, or to heal them.

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 Reinforce. This spell grants temporary 7th level, it can be very rare. If the spell slot is
hit points equal 1d8 + spellcasting 9th level, you may summon a legendary object.
ability score modifier to a construct or
object (including structures, vehicles, or Planar Attunement
gear). These temporary hit points stack, 7th-level conjuration
but cannot exceed a total value of 50% Casting Time: 1 action
the target‘s maximum hit points. Range: Touch
 Heal. You may also use this spell to Components: V, S, M (a forked, metal rod
restore 1 lost hit point of a construct or worth at least 2,500 gp, attuned to a particular
object. In this cast, the spell requires a plane of existence)
material component of 25 gp of diamond Duration: 1d6 days
dust (or similar gemstone) for every hit You specify a target plane or dimension, such as
point restored, which the spell the Elemental Plane of Fire, the Nine Hells, or
consumes. the Shadow Realm, and touch a gate, stronghold,
At Higher Levels. You may grant the target an or portal to attune it. The region up to 1 mile
additional 1d8 hit points, or heal it one from the chosen focus area becomes attuned and
additional hit point per every spell level above anchored to the specified realm of existence. In a
1st level. random direction up to 1 mile away from the
Special. When choosing to heal an object or touched area (called the planar focus), a portal
construct, you must also be proficient in the forms that leads to the chosen plane of existence.
artisan tool that built the target (such as mason‘s The portal does not open in a place already
tools if a structure, tinker‘s tools if a construct, occupied by an object or a creature.
etc.) The portal leads both ways, but is not controlled
by anyone (see Portals in the Dungeon Master‘s
Summon Vault Resources Guide, page 45).
3rd-level conjuration Typically, such a portal allows ld6 + 6 travelers
Casting Time: 10 minutes to pass through, then shuts down for ld6 days.
Range: 30 feet You may specify a command word or key to use
Components: V, S, M (writ of withdrawal from the portal, but it is otherwise out of your control.
the vault) Creatures on the other side may assign
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute guardians. Creatures appearing from such
You conjure a portal that accesses the contents portals may send an ambassador to you to
of a specially-attuned vault (usually the Storage ensure continued passage to this realm.
Area of a stronghold or ship), allowing you to Gaining the material component can draw
withdraw from the vault and deposit it at the feet characters into further adventures as they chase
of the portal. The portal is as wide as the largest down a key item, scour old libraries for
item present, works only one way, and for command words, or consult sages to find the
nonliving objects. You may choose an object to right time to visit the portal.
be drawn out with an action, in which case the
portal shunts it through without you having to
carry it.
A vault must be attuned to as a wondrous item
(uncommon in quality) for you to be able to
withdraw from it with this spell, and you cannot
summon an object or series of objects with a
higher rarity than uncommon.
A sentient object is counted as one step higher in
rarity for the purposes of this spell.
Multiple people can attune to a vault, unlike
normal wondrous items. This requires the same
process of attunement. The vault records
attempted transactions.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can Telepathic Message
summon a rare object as well. If the spell slot is 1st-level divination
Casting Time: 1 action

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Range: 300 feet The spell doesn‘t have to follow a straight line to
Components: V, S, M (pieces of eggshell from the target and can travel freely around corners
two different kinds of creatures) or through openings as large as your eye,
Duration concentration, up to 1 minute however. Magical silence, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch
You point your finger toward a creature within of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet
range and whisper a message. The target (and of wood blocks the spell regardless.
only the target) hears the message and can reply At Higher Levels. If cast from a 2nd level slot,
in a whisper that only you can hear. the duration instead becomes 1 minute (no
Alternatively, you may declare the message‘s concentration) and the range 1 mile. For each
contents as a boom from a point within range. subsequent spell slot above 2nd level, the range
The message is instead clearly heard up to 30 increases by 1 mile (up to 9 miles at level 9th)
feet away from the point you designate. As a and the duration increases by 1 minute (up to 9
bonus action, you can change the creature you minutes).
target so long as they remain within the original
range or are within 30 feet of the original target.

Expanded Uses of Existing Spells

When employing this ruleset, certain spells can perform additional functions.

Guards and Wards

This spell can fully affect one stronghold or building you have resided in for at least 3 days, even if the
area is larger than the spell‘s area.

Gust of Wind
The spell can be cast as a ritual to have duration of 1 hour instead of its normal duration.
If cast upon a ship or other vehicle, you may center the spell to serve the vehicle‘s sails (or similar
movement mechanism). For the purposes of wind strength, the spell is treated as a strong breeze. This can
help a sailing ship move when the winds are weak, or increase its sailing speed by up to 25%. This can
stack with the bonus from having a friendly lighthouse (up to 50% increase in sailing speed).

Unseen Servant
When cast as a ritual spell within a stronghold, the unseen servant can be bound to the stronghold, and
remain for up to 8 hours instead of 1 hour. If it moves more than 60 feet away from the stronghold, it is
dismissed prematurely.
An unseen servant is treated as an unskilled hireling that does not require pay, but does require casting
the spell every time.
Unlike most spells, the Unseen Servant can be prepared as a spell from a different school. This benefits
from school-specific powers you may have, but mostly alters the form of the servant, sometimes making it
 Evocation. The force instead takes the form of a fragile elemental (usually air).
 Illusion. The force instead takes the form of a shadowy creature drawn from the Plane of Shadows.
 Necromancy. The force is instead a fragile skeleton or a semi-ghostly figure. The material component
in this case is a collection of bones or ectoplasm.
 Transmutation. The force is instead an object that can move in rough approximation of a human

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Chapter 8: Trade Goods and Equipment

Foreign Trade
When trading with another settlement or kingdom, all linked economies are treated as if they had access
to the resources of either (unless trade explicitly did not involve certain resources). Certain resources are
required for certain organizations to function (such as metals for blacksmithing businesses).
A settlement that trades with another and gives access to the resource may demand payment in return
(usually negotiated between the two rulers). Valuable resources such as adamantine, mithral, and gold are
usually traded as above, and the products are sold directly between settlements to preserve economic
power and influence.

Magic Items
Some magic items fit this ruleset, such as enchanted thrones, gates, and magic windows, as well as
banners, war-drums, and instruments of management.

Altars. Certain altars give special bonuses. Altars can be placed in a stronghold‘s Magic Nexus to enhance
the power of it. Altars look different for each divine entity (or whichever great power fuels it), some
bearing chains and a sheet of red cloth, while others are austere white.

Banners. Banners give bonuses or abilities optimally usable in mass combat. Banners usually have to be
used or wielded by people, and often do not require attunement, as banner-bearing is usually a task given
to a trusted lieutenant or hireling.

Gates. Gates can replace any door (or even windows), including city doors. The rarity does not change
either way, but they cost the same as a gate of that size.

Passages. Some passages take the form of staircases (such as a staircase of the infinite walk) to
discourage attackers.

Thrones. Thrones, as an expression of sovereignty, usually also require attunement. If attuned to a

stronghold with a throne, the throne is included in the attunement (and does not require separate
attunement). Powers of the throne do not require acknowledgement of the ruler. The owner must be
seated on the throne for at least 3 rounds to use any throne ability, contemplating their responsibilities or

Altar of the Accentuated Nexus This can represent altars dedicated to deities of
Wondrous item, very rare blacksmithing, knowledge, or deception. If
You can choose another bonus to your magic choosing a tool, this does not stack with the
nexus feature for the purposes of an established bonus from the Crafter‘s Area function, but
stronghold. treats any d20 result of 6 or less as if 6.

Altar of Blessed Arms Altar of Religious Questing

Wondrous item, uncommon Wondrous item, uncommon
You can pray for 1 round at this altar or lay a If a geas spell is cast when near this altar, it may
weapon upon it. For the next hour, the weapon be declared as a religious quest. When following
is treated as if magical. Once used, this altar‘s a religious quest, the quester may benefit from
benefit cannot be used again until the next any of the following spells, for a total of 3 spells
dawn. throughout the quest (or for a significant
milestone of it).
Altar of Divine Skill The creature needs to spend an action on these
Wondrous item, uncommon spells as normal, unless they are unaware (in
You can choose one skill when establishing this which case the DM may declare its use at his
altar. Praying at the altar allows your next skill discretion, representing the divinity to which the
check for that skill to have advantage, up to 1 quest is dedicated)
hour.  Cure Wounds

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 Heroism (full concentration duration) If you have the ability to cast spells, you may
 Enhance ability (up to 1 minute or one sacrifice a creature on the altar, gaining a spell
obstacle) slot of a level commensurate with the level or
 Sanctuary challenge rating of the sacrificed creature.
Performing a sacrifice takes the same time as
Altar of Hidden Grace preparing a normal ritual (1 hour), and if
Wondrous item, rare interrupted, the ritual fails.
Praying on this altar grants you the benefits of When you sacrifice a creature, it must be
the invisibility spell for its fullest possible accepted by the power you follow. If not, the
duration, so long as you remain praying. Once sacrifice is wasted and the creature dies
the altar hides you, it becomes invisible as well. normally. If accepted, you gain the spell slot or
Up to three creatures can be hidden this way. can cast a spell from the chosen spell slot for no
Once used, the altar cannot use its invisibility cost, so long as you can access it. Once used, this
power until the next dawn. altar cannot be used again for 7 days.
The altar may also use the mirage arcane spell You do not need to be of a specific class, but you
once every 7 days, but can only change the must offer this to a divine entity, or a creature of
appearance of the area it is in. Both powers can epic power that can cast a spell of the same spell
be used at the same time. level. If you sacrifice an unwilling sentient
creature, you radiate an alignment opposite to it
Altar of Sacrifices that can be detected for 24 hours (as if you were
Wondrous item, rarity varies consecrated or desecrated).

Level/Challenge* Spell Level Minimum rarity

1 or lower 1 Common
3 2 Uncommon
5 3 Uncommon
7 4 Rare
9 5 Rare
11 6 Very Rare
13 7 Very Rare
15 8 Legendary
17 or higher 9 Legendary

* You may sacrifice multiple weaker creatures to Some banners have a maximum number of
gain a higher-level spell, requiring the targets it can affect. A target cannot be affected
appropriate minimum rarity. It requires 3 multiple times in the same 24 hours. If the
sacrifices of the same level to go up one step, 7 to banner has a symbol (such as a house, order, or
go two, and 13 to go three. faith), an allied creature can only benefit if they
For example, sacrificing 13 level 1 loyal cultists consider the banner‘s symbol favorably or
on a rare-quality altar allows their cultist master neutrally, but not if hostile to it.
to gain and cast a spell of 4th level. Instead of providing Inspiration dice, you may
choose up to the same number of creatures and
Banner of Glory roll the inspiration dice. The creatures can
Wondrous item, rarity varies perform a forced march when within 1 mile of
As an action, you may drive this banner into the the banner, and automatically succeed on their
ground (or wave it about if the ground is too Constitution saving throws against a forced
hard). Every allied creature who can see the march, for up to a number of hours equal to the
banner and is within 60 feet gains a d6 Bardic Inspiration dice result.
Inspiration dice that must be used within 10 Depending on the banner‘s rarity, the
minutes (or until the battle or engagement has Inspiration dice and number of creatures who
ended, whichever comes first). If a creature sees can benefit from it increase.
the banner from a further range but is moving
towards it, they also gain the benefit, so long as Rarity Inspiration Targets
the banner is within 1 mile. This can affect up to Uncommon 1d6 25
25 creatures before being exhausted for until the Rare 1d8 50
next dawn. Very Rare 1d10 250

106 | P a g e
Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

Legendary 1d12 1,000 hard). Each creature hostile to you or the cause

of your banner that is within 60 feet must

succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against a DC
Banner of Warded Wizardry
Wondrous item, variable rarity of 15 or be frightened for 1 minute. If the banner
As an action, you may drive this banner into the was planted in the corpse of one of the targets‘
ground (or wave it about if the ground is too member troops or allies, or was planted atop a
hard). Every allied creature who can see the spot the hostile troop considers their own or a
banner and is within 60 feet is warded against ‗control point‘, the range increases to 100 feet. If
spells that deal damage in an area, for up to 25 the banner was planted atop the corpse of a
creatures. This banner reduces the damage commander or general, or if the banner was
taken by allied creatures from area spells by half, planted in the enemy base or gate (and their loss
up to 3rd level spells. is assured), the saving throw is done with
Depending on the banner‘s rarity, the spell level disadvantage and the range becomes 1 mile.
warded against and number of creatures who
can benefit from it increase. Banner of True Command
Wondrous item, rare
Rarity Spell level Targets As an action, the banner can cast the telepathic
Uncommon 1-3 25 message spell. This can be used for a total of 10
Rare 4-5 50 minutes. Once its time is exhausted, the banner‘s
Very Rare 6-7 250 benefit cannot be used again until the next
Legendary 8-9 1,000 dawn.

Banner of Absolute Triumph Banner of Reinforcements

Wondrous item, very rare Wondrous item, very rare
As an action, you may drive this banner into the As an action, you may drive this banner into the
ground (or wave it about if the ground is too ground (or wave it about if the ground is too

107 | P a g e
Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

hard), and demand reinforcements. The banner the dispel magic spell. The rarity of the gate
conjures a 10-man host of creatures, with a determines the level the spell was cast as.
maximum troop CR of 7 (equivalent to an Ogre
Torment or Fighter-Guard Troop). The Rarity Level
reinforcements remain for 1 hour or until the Uncommon 3
banner is lowered (such as by being uprooted or Rare 5
disarmed from you). There are many types of Very Rare 7
banners, usually determining the type of
creatures conjured.

Banner Creatures
Wild Grace Beasts
Dark Grace Fiends
Celestial Grace Celestials

Bell of Time
Wondrous item, common
These bells can tell the time, and can be
instructed to ring on specific chosen periods of
the day, or of the week. When the chosen time
comes, these bells ring.
Bells of time are usually employed by
organization managers to declare the start or
end of a workday, or for military instructors to
enforce discipline during drilling.

Cup of Purity
Wondrous item, common
This glass cup is inscribed with the draconic
word for purity. Any water picked up into the
cup is purified and cleaned of any residual
matter such as dust and minor poisons and
If the cup already has water in it, it can be Gate of the Planes
poured on nonmagical food and drink, purifying Wondrous item, very rare
it as the Purify Water and Drink spell. Once These gates can open to wondrous and alien
used, the cup cannot be used again until the next realms. When these gates are crafted, they must
dawn. be imbued with the plane shift and teleport
spells. Afterwards, they function as described.
Furniture of Obedience If opened, the gates allow transportation to
Wondrous item, common another area to a different plane of existence, or
This piece of furniture (up to 10) is treated as if to a location specified by the teleport spell when
animated by the animated objects spell (for all a creature walks through.
respects), and obey the master of the stronghold. If multiple locales are set, the gate has a
Unlike how with the spell, however, the spell‘s mechanism that can determine where it leads
duration is permanent, and the furniture cannot (such as a dial, pattern of knocks on the door, a
attack. command word, etc., so long as the mechanism
takes 1 action to change). The gate can hold up
Gate of Clarity to 6 specific locales, and they can be changed
Wondrous Item, rarity varies when the plane shift or teleport spells are cast
These gold, silver, and copper-colored gates can into them again.
strip away illusions and deceptions. Whenever a The gate can function for 1 minute every 24
creature or object enters the gate while under hours, before being useless until its power
the effect of an illusion or an effect that hides returns the next dawn.
identities or conceals them from view (such as Alternatively, instead of being able to shift
disguise self or invisibility), they are subject to locales, you can choose only one location, but

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Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

the gate remains functioning for 10 minutes adjacent to it (although the target mirror has the
every 24 hours. same trait, allowing an enemy to possibly hold
an action to grapple you).
 Linking the Mirrors. A Mirror of True
Reflection can also be linked to others,
Gate of Sealing which requires access to two separate
Wondrous item, rare mirror networks, and spending a short
This gate cannot be opened by anything except a rest of study (as if attuning to a magic
special key, acting as if a panel created by the item). Each mirror can be linked to only
wall of force spell, although it does not have to two other networks.
be invisible. The gates of sealing may also have  Mirror Fragments. A single mirror can
multiple keys, up to 4 keys. be shattered to up to 6 pieces. A
shattered mirror-piece cannot be used
Gate of the Void for the passage of creatures, but can be a
Wondrous item, rare linking point for more distant travel (if
This gate is keyed to the master of a stronghold. having three mirrors, you may shatter
It opens normally, but can shut at the mental one, and link the two with 6 mirror
command of the master (no action required). If shards up to 500 feet apart from one
the master uses an action to expel an object or another, allowing you to use two mirrors
creature, the gate of the void opens all other up to 3,000 feet apart; with each broken
non-magical gates between it and the master, mirror giving up to ½ a mile of distance.
and telekinetically drags any creatures or objects This only requires 5 feet for one jump.
the master designated out of the stronghold,
depositing them on the other side of it, moving Passage of the Infinite Walk
at a speed of 90 feet per round. The gate can Wondrous item, rare
instead deposit the creature or object at any This passage or corridor seems to bend space
point between the creature‘s original position once a creature moves into it, seeming to stretch
and the door‘s own on the same path (shortest into an infinite distance that does not allow
possible one). them to continue moving. In fact, the passage
The effect otherwise acts as if a telekinesis spell entraps their mind in a powerful illusion that
(5th level, 1,000 pounds maximum weight, with would make it seem like they are moving (to
the spellcasting ability equal to +10 versus the themselves and to observers), but actually have
creature‘s Strength). Unlike with the normal their speed be 0.
telekinesis spell, the gate cannot perform any Once a creature enters, they may attempt an
task other than grabbing and pulling out Intelligence (Investigation) check against a DC
creatures or objects. of 15. If they succeed, they overcome the illusion
The gate of the void can also, however, drag and can continue to walk the normal length of
creatures in from the outside, but only so long as the passage. If a creature witnesses another who
they are within 10 feet of the gate itself, and can succeeded on the saving throw, they gain
deposit it only 10 feet to the inside. It can drag advantage to the roll, but otherwise cannot find
creatures from any point within the stronghold a way to progress ahead, and may return back.
to the outside, as normally described above. The You can be dragged through, forced, or guided to
gate can be active for up to 10 minutes every 24 move ahead by a creature who succeeds against
hours. the illusion, but the illusion causes the
incapacitated condition until you are either still
Mirror of True Reflection or leave the passage.
Wondrous item, rare
This mirror has a strangely-glittering silver Passage of Preparation
sheen, and is big enough to fit a Large creature. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
When a Mirror of True Reflection is created, up This passage or corridor can be set with armor-
to 1d4 other mirrors also manifest over the next stands, wardrobes, or pieces of cloth and
3 days. When adjacent to a Mirror of True equipment, in up to six arrangements. When you
Reflection, you can spend 5 feet of movement to pass through the passage and speak the
enter it and appear from another mirror, so long command word as an action, you may choose
as the two are in the same stronghold, or are one an arrangement outfit and be changed into
within 500 feet from one another. You may see it. The passage telekinetically dons and doffs
what the target mirror does when you are

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Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

your clothes and equipment with precision and Scales of Purity

quickness, tying shoelaces, pinning brooches, Wondrous item, uncommon
and equipping weapons and armor and These scales can detect magic auras on an item
decorative articles as the arrangement specified. placed upon them, as if by using the detect
This telekinetic effect acts as the telekinesis magic and detect evil and good spell. The scales
spell. The passage can work for a continuous 30 can function for 10 minutes before losing their
minutes every 24 hours. power and regaining its power at the next dawn.

Passage of Rotation Throne of Rightful Authority

Wondrous item, rare Wondrous item, uncommon (requires
This passage, corridor, or staircase can move attunement)
and rotate, swivel in their position to reach You have the benefit of the Heroism spell so long
different floors on different times (or upon some as you are seated on the throne. You can also
other condition, such as a command or use of a cast the heroism spell at any creature you grant
dial). This passage can also alter its slope, your favor to. The spell is treated as if the throne
elevation of its steps, or remove the steps does the concentration (for the full duration).
entirely, becoming a flat slope. A given creature cannot benefit more than once
The item‘s rarity can be very rare instead, in every 24 hours. The spell can be cast a number
which case the passage has its own gravity— of times equal to your Charisma bonus
allowing those who moves in it to walk up-side replenishing at the next dawn.
down, on walls (if the passage twists), or at an
upright angle. Throne of Command
At the master‘s command, the passage can rotate Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
to a different shape, usually also opening a path You may cast the geas or suggestion spell so
to a room (or feature) that is normally hidden. long as you are seated on the throne. The spells
can be cast once, recharging on the next dawn.
Pillows of True Rest
Wondrous item, rare Throne of the Wizard-King
These white silken pillows are soft and yielding Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a
in texture, promising a comfortable night‘s rest. prepared spellcaster, such as a wizard or cleric)
When resting on this pillow, you are affected by This throne is woven with magical runes or
the dream spell, and experience a vivid lucid blessed by a powerful entity. So long as you are
dream you remember perfectly upon waking up seated on it and are able to cast spells, you can
(as described in the spell). This can usually also choose a number of spells you can cast equal to
show hidden desires of the dreamer. your spellcasting bonus. These spells are
Curse. This item is cursed, a fact that is counted as if prepared, even if you later change
revealed only when an identify spell is cast on out the chosen spells.
the item. The curse remains until you are The cleric version of this throne is usually called
targeted by the remove curse spell or similar the Throne of the Ecclesiastic or Throne of the
magic: refraining from using the pillows fails to God-King.
end the curse. While cursed, the dream can turn
into a nightmare (as described under the dream Throne of Warning
spell) on a roll of 11 or above on a d20 whenever Wondrous item, uncommon (requires
going to sleep. attunement)
The throne warns you of danger so long as you
are seated on it. You have advantage on initiative

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Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

rolls. In addition, you and any of your These windows do not reflect the truth of what is
companions within 30 ft. of you (or in the area, on the other side of it. Either sides of the window
if in a stronghold room) can't be surprised, can be transparent, but one side can show
except when incapacitated by something other anything a major image spell can show, such as a
than nonmagical sleep. grassy plain, stormy crisis (complete with
sound), or nothing at all. If multiple sights are
Window of Concealment set, the window has a mechanism that can
Wondrous item, common determine which it displays (such as a dial,
These windows can only show one way in. The switch, command word, etc., so long as the
other side shows a reflective surface, or can be mechanism takes 1 action to change). The
colored to seem as part of the wall. window can hold up to 6 specific sights, and they
Window of Illusory Sights can be changed when the major image spell is
Wondrous item, uncommon cast into it again. The window can function

Optional Rule: Trade Goods and Economic Activity

Whenever a settlement has access to a trade good, it can make use of it on an organized scale
economically. This increases the amount of economic activity appropriately. This optional rule allows for
variables other than prosperity to alter the wealth of a settlement and to balance out larger regions with
less resources with smaller regions with more resources.

Trade Good Abundance

The total economic activity of a settlement or region that has a trade good exploited by an organization
increases by a percent equal to 0.5% for every 1 gp a pound of it is worth (or 0.1% for every 2 sp of value).
For example, if the Dwarven Mining Town (1,200/6,000 gp) strikes gold (value 50 gp per pound), the
economic activity increases by 25% to (1,500/7,500 gp). An unlimited source of Adamantine (5,000 gp
per pound) would increase the economic activity by a shocking 2500% (37,500/187,500 gp), enough to
rival a grand city such as Waterdeep.
Organizations (public or private) must develop and trade in trade goods for this modifier to be applied.

The increase in economic activity can be checked by the quantity of the trade good. Mines that provide
adamantine or gold are not limitless. The DM is free to impose a limit on the final economic activity
multiplier from a single resource (such as ‗cannot increase economic activity more than 1,000 gp‘) to
represent low quantities of valuable materials.
This increase stacks for each trade good. Trade goods that value less than 1 gp, the effect is usually minor
on the greater economy unless the trade good is scarce (which might drive its price up to qualify for
affecting the economy).

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Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

Sample Trade Goods

Minerals (Mines) Beef or mutton
Material Cost/lb. Comments Salt 5 cp Common spices
Adamantine 5,000 gp - Spices 2-3 gp Uncommon spices
Brass 3 sp Copper + Zinc This includes cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg,
Bronze 3 sp Copper + Tin pepper, and sugar
Cold Iron 4 sp - Spices 15 gp Rare spices
Coal 2 cp - This includes saffron and other rare spices
Copper 5 sp - Vegetables 2 cp -
Electrum 25 gp Silver + gold Wheat 1 cp -
Gold 50 gp Includes rare gems
Iron 1 sp - Creature Cost Comments
Lead 2 sp - Camel 50 gp -
Platinum 500 gp - Donkey 8 gp Includes mules
Mithral 2,500 gp - Elephant 200 gp -
Silver 5 gp Includes common gems Horse - -
Steel 4 gp Iron + Coal  Draft 50 gp -
Tin 3 sp -  Riding 75 gp -
Zinc 1 sp -  Pony 30 gp -
 War 400 gp -
Other Mastiff 25 gp Includes other dogs
Material Cost Chicken 2 cp -
Canvas 1 sp/sq. yd. Sheep 2 gp -
Cotton 5 sp/sq. yd. Pig/boar 3 gp -
Clay 2 cp/lb. Cow 10 gp -
Cloth 5 sp/sq. yd. Ox 15 gp -
Hemp 1 sp/lb.
Ink 10 gp/ounce
Ivory 1 gp/lb.
Equipment that is relevant to warfare are
Leather 5 sp/sq. yd.
reflected as below.
Perfume 5 gp/ounce
Moving equipment, ammunition, and food is
Silk 10 gp/sq. yd.
covered by logistics. Usually, this is decided at
Soap 2 cp/lb.
the beginning of a war campaign, with issues
Linen 5 gp/sq. yd.
arising if the enemy attacks chosen supply lines
Wool 3 sp/sq. yd.
or paths.
Food and Meals
Object Cost Weight
Material Cost
Ram, portable 4 gp 35 lb.
Ale -
Tent, 10-person 10 gp 80 lb.
 Gallon 2 sp
 Mug 4 cp Container Capacity
Includes common alcoholic drinks Backpack 1 cubic foot/30 pounds of gear
Banquet 10 gp/person Barrel 40 gallons liquid, 4 cubic feet
Butter 3 sp/lb. solid
Dairies 5 cp/lb. Basket 2 cubic feet/40 pounds of gear
Includes most milk, sour cream, etc. Bottle 1 1/2 pints liquid
Fish 5 cp/lb. Bucket 3 gallons liquid, 1/2 cubic foot
Common, includes herring and bass solid
Fish 5 sp/lb. Chest 12 cubic feet/300 pounds of
Uncommon, includes salmon and shark gear
Flour 2 cp/lb. - Flask/tankard 1-pint liquid
Grains 3 cp/lb. Jug or pitcher 1-gallon liquid
Honey 2 sp/lb. Pot, iron 1-gallon liquid
Meal 2 sp Pouch 1/5 cubic foot; 6 pounds of gear
Modest meal, as detailed in Lifestyle Expenses Sack 1 cubic foot; 30 pounds of gear
Meat 1 sp/lb Common meat Vial 4 ounces liquid

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Waterskin 4 pints liquid Slaughter for Meat

When low on rations or when out of range of a
Tack, harnesses, and drawn vehicles settlement that can provide meals, slaughtering
Item Cost Weight animals (such as the above trade goods) for food
Barding x4 x2 is an important consideration. Meat can usually
Bit and bridle 2 gp 1 lb. be sold this way, though the quality usually
Carriage 100 gp 600 lb. results in all the creature‘s meat selling for the
Cart 15 gp 200 lb. creature‘s normal sell cost (see Sample Trade
Chariot 250 gp 100 lb. Goods).
Feed (per day) 5 cp 10 lb.
Creature Meat (lb.)
Saddle Cost Weight Boar/pig 200
Exotic 60 gp 40 lb. Camel 200-300
Military 20 gp 30 lb. Chicken 1
Pack 5 gp 15 lb. Cow 400-500
Riding 10 gp 25 lb. Deer 70
Saddlebags 4 gp 8 lb. Donkey 200
Sled 20 gp 300 lb. Horse 300-400
Stabling 5 sp - Lamb/Goat 40
As accommodations Elephant 1,000-1,200
Wagon 35 gp 400 lb. Mastiff/dog 60

A drawn vehicle has the carrying capacity of 5 The above values are average. Stock of different
times that of the animal drawing the vehicle. size, feed, and health provide different yield
A donkey or mule, therefore, can draw a cart up appropriately.
to 2100 lbs. (200lbs for the cart itself totaling Usually, a creature is about 40-80% of meat
1900 lbs, or 63 sacks). (average 60%), although other creatures have
A wagon would allow for two drawers (or different masses.
capacity of 3,800 lbs, or rations for over 500 Special. Proficiency with cook‘s utensils increase
soldiers for an entire week). the normal quantity of food served by 25%,
either by watering, mixing good portions, or
using other substances to supplant a diet.

113 | P a g e
Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

+Pre-Alpha. Added core rules, formula for rooms, simple structures, and composite structures
+ Pre-Beta. Added making money. Poisoner's grotto rolled under garden
+ 1.2. Added stronghold and regional effects. Will integrate them.
+ 1.5. Added business rules, integrated with strongholds.
+1.75. Formatted into a file for exchange
Redone as independent project
+ Alpha. Reorganized into 5 chapters (settlements, armies, strongholds, downtime, skills, and spells),
added settlement chapter. Finished all rooms and sample strongholds, statistics for Waterdeep as sample
+ Beta 0.5. Added troop spellcasting, more details on farming, started companies. Added diseases.
+ 0.7. Organization (overhauled companies, clarified and integrated), made merchants work as
organizations and clarified contracts and special activities. Removed demographics, clarified downtime,
establishing troop guidelines, furnishing stronghold into establishing a stronghold, clarify attunement
actions, continue on organizations,
+ 0.8.4. Streamlined strongholds and siege warfare under armies and integrated them with one another.
Chapter 3 is now finished. Work on Chapter 4 is next. Eliminated and integrated most of the old rules.
Integrated warfare with training (with a touch of AD&D) to make training easier.
+ 0.8.5. Streamlined settlements and added optional jobs/titles. Trade tax is moved to chapter 8 to
resolve later, making Chapter 1 and 3 finished. Downtime and Training received work. Clarified economic
activity. Added ‗subscriber/patron‘ model for faction organizations. Revising trade goods and coming up
with own restrictions to balance out rarity. Removed transcendence (does not fit into expert rules,
consider an immortals set).
+ 0.8.9. Changed the formula of organization‘s incomes to scale more with the chosen skill of the leader
(used to be the number of employees primarily). This causes ability scores to matter more, and gave
advice for balancing income (employees who have much less income than their leader may complain and
begin agitating). Added influence and another refinement organization (noble house and potion shop),
gave a little more details on strongholds and potion costs under Alchemy. Also added several organization
downtime events. Need to review downtime activities to clarify.
+ 0.9. Added more modifications (wards). Nearly fully streamlined. Added 2 new organizations. Revised
format to simplify and make more accessible. Moved materials to backlog.
+ 1.0. Massive overhaul. Added new skills and refined chapter (Chapter 6)
 Chapter 1: Clean-up and revision of settlements, clarified growth rates (birth and death rates).
Necromancers will like this. Also clarified economic activity further. Infrastructure possibly next
 Chapter 2: Revised siege rules and moved them to Chapter 2 (with directions from Chapter 3) for
simplicity and consolidation. Added troll, doppelganger, duergar, and other troops, and unified
format to a degree. Added minor planning journey/camping rules that are applicable to players and
armies universally.
 Chapter 3: Removed Rooms, added variable stronghold features and modifications, and overhauled
strongholds‘ pricing mechanics (removing size modifier and simplifying the mechanics). Composite
strongholds are also written simpler. Stronghold chapter is also complete (revised stronghold
attunement). Pricing to 2.5k per area to stay in line with original 5e stronghold concepts.
 Chapter 4: Organizations were also cleaned up, added a holy order (clerics and paladins), mage school
(wizards and sorcerers), thieves‘ guild (rogues), and knightly order (fighters, paladins, rangers,
barbarians), as well as refined Leadership.
 Chapter 5: Added details on training troops and custom training, as well as optional rules for class
levels on creatures. Also refined troop sheets, introduced pay-by-challenge/level, and added the
Leadership optional rule.
 Chapter 7: Added new spells, removed old ones, added barrier.
 Chapter 8: Trade goods increase economic activity (in lieu with most strategy games) for simplicity.
Once the idea of productivity is refined, I may add alter it to be on a per-pound basis (which will make
trade goods much stronger and more valuable). Equipment special relevance to these rules are also
+ 1.1 Second overhaul and cleanup.

114 | P a g e
Codex Mandatum v.1.1.2

Renamed to Codex Mandatum (Book of Command) from Kingdoms, Strongholds, and War, and added
 Chapter 1: Baseline prosperity rules, added titles (knight, baron, etc.) to be integrated with future
rules (koku)
 Chapter 3: Changed challenge calculation from half Challenge to full Challenge (except with Challenge
0 creatures).
 Chapter 4: Changed organization income calculation, added details, and a lot of reorganization
 Chapter 5: overhauled organization, unified rules
 Chapter 6: Cleaned up, will overhaul rally to work by either supporter number or scale with
settlement (former better as more organic)
 Chapter 8: Added magic items for strongholds, such as various banners, mirrors of travel, and others

+1.1.2 Various changes to round up the patch (split expanded uses of spells, added more art), added rules
for retiring a character.
 Added expanded alchemy rules
 Chapter 1: Added discoveries of settlements/goody huts
 Chapter 3: CR adjustment for troops/swarm rules folded into more accurate table; reaction abilities
 Chapter 4: Added faction cards and 3 sample factions
 Chapter 5: Added rules for next gen characters and mystic presence

Kingdoms: World of Warcraft‘s settlement, Pathfinder‘s Kingdom rules, various settlement-ruling games,
Pathfinder caravan rules, ACKS and AD&D settlement guidelines
Strongholds: Walrock‘s Fortresses, Temples & Strongholds
War: Troop subtype from Pathfinder, swarm substype (all editions)
Organizations: Pathfinder Rebellion rules

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