The Galgotias University Uttar Pradesh Act, 2011

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The Galgotias University Uttar Pradesh Act, 2011

Act 14 of 2011

Board, Executive Council, Faculty, Hostel, Society, Student

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aT1Alo--91 /2011713

71Tk- 9)TZ

397 ribft MTh-17 WU irnsara
forrift t ffT
(z--d7 -srtvz aiRrtkErcr)
incedkR, 7 3T1;1, 2011
A9 17, 1933 T4WITzg

t4urtir 31-14-117-1

-RTRYIT 309/79-tb-1-11
-1 W-7-2011


%um. cz)l 20a 3.119 71-arq1 Tegi
31-@-- faraitarall
2011 lOR 04 341-6-, 3TWit SR79 -tf 3t7 31f41Wf Ti-0t Z 14
TR-9,20•11 flk4 TOliTURTI1 Thnt TT9Tzt alftRT91 -g-RT ;WPM WTI 1—

TFFritittli IraT 31-Rif449, 2011

[3-.7 rat S TtLv41 14 31-9,20111
(thfr ithr fag@ wRT tifita pTO

-c;471,1-F \nr- ta-ch'ER 9-4 latt TRr crRtre

Giwpm ftty-fta,i41 sitR m-R-4 1-q4-RI-d 31-r-Tffim faciit
-m°1 arstr fo-41

1TR-a Tro-rucTEi m-÷r-6-4 -n-ct aTIOThlim w•Trzu T-dr

1TPt1It1 fa1TT73NLlt7T SI, 2011 7rzi

pftu-40 2—‘3161 Oct, ,-K.)f A al-R.1-24T (VIZTE:111 -9- t411 4 :—

flT 31.11

(s) "f47.untfA44- -r-ozrzi fc-o-414urail ra ft)-41-Auf, g;

(w) "44 M 3TWq-9 VITJ aitr MT.4414
rat 34 .(11 t;
(4) "TFIM4ftr,"rdra, -a.rf'uclk '4%;641t)a1i'4f4---T,3gcrf"
T-IIM-4 r- 8--cr-f47 7) V) 4171: .p,e6f44(tr, 41-tr Te-tritrigc, Tettifti 343
4-1t---ra,trf g;
(u) "Air 4r6H-Li f dA.. 4'?) Ain g;
(u) "f44-4-c5/ 41-vt ra-r urocRI 71 -73•11 trg0c24-4; 343-Pirt
3117 ttcrf ;WM rn‘3 Mni 371--ciftatit 4 nt-1 rauf 4734 ra pR:tRT-r
gq if4ao- u =r-l'ou g;
"ffiltr4 1Egzr-4 3Izzrzr4 1'
1414 t ap-g-4-4
aTur4-9- 3473 3r47,34244
(u) "444vit" rar wurziItireutr(--
d-zf gi-37( f42p4 fra-# arf44r
34` ftt6-14-a r--R i aTtirriTra ra-4-urt <41 37F-4 A-43-4.
3;ft414 g;
p) -ThTTITIPT" MT rc-r-Ri f' d-4 raR rat-44We,
d-cr4ftr- g;
• (sr) "14 - -a414 ggrtrat4c,“t" 4,1 TrrN4 i 9V vr 34-m
t c4:8131-42443 ftur vq-r4 ra-Rur g 2.17( . ft3; f4-741 7%,1-674
t 11, UT z9T724-1 37147 c6, 6r mt-fr-4 g;
.4,H-f Th7 T-. 1-?5 fa-rqfte:ITF27 z
.1 tf g;
(?) "ESIMTTI- rar 06-64 fo-Trafgaura-zr ra ierup11/
toticltff t;
(47:) "742.1717- "13g-rlutelcr" rar Aiwzf 1411444 Attu
HitttlrefTI Tir etr-AT g 4Or tr arfKiRTIT ath trfnzi-Tp-q1 3ITTR
Te.Tdilu TIT 31Tf - ‘.i• '(-1C1 It VT -37-1-M7 T1-EFCM

(3) "edft-7" 71N2I rifte -LiTfT. 1-RT

(u) "atik-Ayrn 3T17 ITh-f " -r6Erzt furt6t1ilw4 315)&140
(LT) "Tiftri7" rar areT4 '41,418 -17- 1-cb7r4 3i1Uftf474 1660 ra
‹ 6 (4) 29-8-1998 ctil g‘
3)4;9 . 1- nMR, '&4*, 3-rr.-"gzr 3mci-ot• 148,A 4
Mvflcçf 3111:1#Vmz9774-Th1W9- 4460/6,.44)1P1
31T-11- a, 5 31-97t Vit47-1 7, flg g

"Piti'dzit 3th 37Ezi - ft' t -r-c-crzl -ffmTrzf

ft8fp r *ra-corr: trit1444t atkamzr
cip A 87 ;
M - nd-4
zrar uroGRI f4-84-1Tha 37,:ii7u3 4(4(f 4-Gt
fra-411 t ;
(4) "f4s-414-triA-4 31E271 LIM" MT dRI1-4 71133-1-414,
grw rcriT att7
7314T-VT-4,I4C 3TRTI4 vrar*r4; g ifirg
1-474frorreT4 7s4u 4,34 ‘4.-cTh>471 ftrefi/orior v6-(4 ,),o4 ra fr ir
f tgcrd ifTh-ZIT 3th Slantrth T.4 7 ofarr ra 647.1-14itu ffrara .;
BR I177,TE 3rflN- 7(1T -Turd, 7 31A7, 2011 3

(g) "--;14@zief", , tei , ftro ATE517

imcbtei4furai 47 t ffastri4zneizr 4)

AAM, 4IUTW-7.75f, 42,cH1fcl, 5 A27-4.-A,ftr strumnt, ,f44-5E4i,

g3TR,91-FLirogaiZIT t ;

(9) 'ThrAq-Cf1T477 151 17A7,1 UTTT-3 3TZ•1)9 TP-ITRET II IT'd7717.11

f4T4t.;'4•71FITT-1, T ;

vk ;in TT T11IR1 Ult 41 el IffieRTATI 14:r4f4talc•fu zgit

3--(1) ITZT• ;TITF5A, -AITTWA 1R,
24 FT4
fa-reck-4-&14, 7iitH At,71 9Af 9RTh Iscircrufe1.4 4tift-rfr m't ,1@-)-411

(2) fatritc@Tpi Rro5 14-4144 f4SITT ttTIT I

4.-7911 ArZi14105 i=474TAT g, aerr4R-TIT 3•T•11. th-1̀*4V ("1A

45 ;03k n T-71frcifiCITE- mi 3-424ff

t474kluidti s f-A4 P4F-g-d- -z.k-47d-4 50 (44,S• 1-M4H ttl IS

ZN ulittc-r ii1cc ;

(-d-) (T) ffiffiz 1-p 47 t .24000 7Tt TiT57 SIT14Z

Aft-Z11 •A Id 4 -1 -1T114, w4 50 T.Tiz 3-47

mtp414.47 4-4>itt. S ia -4 ;•

(TI ) ;2417- (7-4) 1144 4 5FTN-4 3IY tr1Nireu3i) wi

41:4 zw4.5r 79-q4 -4T4 ,3m4,--.r mL-1 sta7P-mTm ;

(El) thfpT 31-1 -FT 3A7=117T m 1q-! (1 9F-14 3•TM1 TSTE TI

ATA -THU f4T-TT9 5c-41-,-F415 fc-44

tThaTT 3fit 31.21TIT 31-
nrcr-t-1ZTc1 f -qh*r ,41.3/17 3447-24474R-it4m31 mr)
.-2.71497 SCA

(•) 1TA%.11c1-74 A, WM-19 3417 f4 4ftTho4 3417

aTE7-14”filI TLII 4Thif ;

(4) Qt.) 3ATI 13111 1. ••141) R7TcTiTha-771 Thml T-4414 S Ekt f•tt

A•?1 3TeRTE if4 A. 7-N4,1 4;1 tr4 . ;

5-0) TITTLI k gr1 fts4f4tr-Jzi AFTIT S fCft •fffttrSt aff

ATPASIT if47A • TM- A) 11Y-41d E)-NrOAth.11c14 14-cl cl -1 3ATTA

-(2) .1\•74.1 Tf•“1,I•C t- ATTEi 3117TA ÷(11a ‘.71 Ti-itT SITE, ART 4
N4-Af Tit id 37-1-ftTu ;Et cry.)
4 -r 4-r145-r7 -ttE *IT 1

6-1iftIeiL AA (3 c€47- .1ffiAl A-2̀11 1t TETGT3 1ra7) ifiaTAit-CfWf Uft171

3F-p21, 34744-r4 3 th-R717 TPtra Thri 'FT 4,1 WH.R 34)T

3114it .477-91 3117 f4f:TTF-4 z5 31'17 3@2.44-4 St cb\I 3.45)Thect

clicir4,on 34R Vtil-r4ZNT9cm4cl,i yviltr Stir .Th

(T) ftur 31-P7-41-- 5R-ur Ø9TR31--0 trrqT?-t, m9 j44-R-i4-4 310.1m4,

4fiTherli 3T1 T;-ITCifvf ftl•d 1). 3fi1Yfi 1‘11).44. ft-4m 5[1-4‘.4-4.. ffim.t aTI
aft•Ti 3TR-I •t, t, ThrTE 97)19 tpj 3th wra-c-4,4 7144; 3L tcHs)._]

TO v.t7TT ;

farkr4 fl-cwrafi- am)=FFT;

(4) 34--
d-sii-dRi 3421-Z17,
4 01 - 777i 3flT1277-7 vi , 7 3.TO, 2011

(Er) TleizT \ r, q-iffuTkum, Trurtf-47 3tR

71-Twq cru -116cbcm m°1 aiThizn,

ir4WIttria-a Mei dtr

7—fd-Terr-- iff#T1 -1-tqa zl 3421t7
(th) itair ItW17.737ffiftf#z7C1tTRTJ ÷HRT—TircEr
aruzuf3a- <.0", ftef# i7:17724T cl-P•11 3117 311‘6c.40-1 th R-41; aati W7- aq
mctaTfI 3th ;RIR* ffifi4m- tirau
() ituru, afrvzilito'Ct citE41-#-Efil, 61c1 Turt ft1TZH %TR,
if ft-17, thT217-if, 1461.27-1, eRra
4-1, tic-4)1,L Me079, ff4
(24,cven cr, miqqz,if at7 eutrzi, tfT zrrfrzj,312.f711-V2f 7[77
-q71-9 cbeir Pazizt q tift#7 iift 1 4uE7, utR-TR I3),
3it? uLiu zrrt wurrg m—f# aTzp# itarr
TrrizFr 9raiT uci-r cr,1 3#7 3.1-Przf4 ,
(#) tharfug'r uccuicr 34-w-cref cht#R, ffajf th ard-t--Tur
(Er) #A1 ataltu Itzultra-u aluurftu
cu -e cre-a#, IFY4icp-r zu titai-ar mct f+-Rti ar-u:r 3T777 ER,
f3i-q# zfr 1,sum—Tr Rr-u# Zn 34-u:r tTftET5 WZittuiff ucHr
31t7afba lAulwr m-rTot 1:25Lyilui, TTrurcr* -1:rrfOzt ait-R It&affEn
faflittoraft e)71. ,

faltu tta, tr Trug ‘3Liff4th ii.apui itrzzTrr# cruru cfrmi ,

zuf4klui Rzcaviefu tiq“r 9t1t t, Jr
aTuvrff-f f c.q ItaTur aivIta r# P-Tru cN-fi fS apM7 -Alt.1 1‘13
3flT 71c1y2-1Z7 ,
(Es) n2caslidzr gm 77, crituzi qc, arr-u-rzi cc
11-&, Trtrzrai auvrtl/cturr ath aT671##
J5T 'R tittam cfrmr 3i17 1/34 -1c1, fe# ff?iivr7. 11 cfruir,
ffifer gifth 34-u4 LIO TryFf- 4>•-11 727 37 izR_
(7) it-{TI &Z1 Ic15.41Qiu zrr 4 ijzf
surr er, wrzit t),-r -A 7T fTh7741 fkffftle Fug-4u
4-vt-IfZn 4117 77 WIN( ,

()• 21 3ft fkJW+ft 31-q:f fc1viq 71 crritt9-7 4r T(727 t'

t÷if 31t7 77t77 th fit ii arutufra 3nrzf''
3T-64-# C.l1 TIT ,(1T.rcr
(a) 3172/17 3177. %au F -F) fatudul-, RfPrFcctufa
crarradrat Zn si-u=r Ft-T4-er mnr 7Qm-NT afrq aiyari# foufErrFtr
mei -a--57zr 317-{17 ct)4 th fTR auustw
(a) aToSt uni-rtz#
c ait7 7TP—dtf7
4-P<-11 3177 7-7T7 ,
-Dzufasuclu arro-TIT arruml, uincn*t Thar 7-27771, 311 \rE1u1 TaTT
IRfkertir cmdi uQu ,f m-lf-rtz# --rTur 377 '01111-4
4)c-4lulc111111?-114)c10-1I th fa-R cri1 ,
, 1-fe, 31", 2011

(Z) 31-Ogr9 traTi -31Wc.T

, .sifirrem
fa-A 3.1- [ Tinriz A 111 f4-t-R 11
t9-1 kfrt fkreaurati 31T-4tia.,(iQ ;
(Tro trre4aFil 4 3IVR trait fA9r9 TIT ftral
El)-Cruff Thi-91 ;
faraltarati A til‘OT fOt TW-ft
iffim-9. ttall3L Thcl Tht4 tr4it WeC t,
(21) Irki 3117-.31-al 79-(tMiiicr;,Ni zt\R 119-

3S1 t'4U T31

(q) -9-ftffa .1TK A fatii acak- iA
-RiT fd-S-6-4 tarAIRI W(lit ;

(q) farafa-araq cp•AtuRiA zftR- -a-r ai-grif-A far4=1-A thiT

atH •4-1 Tmr-4.T krtt 3TT4TRifx very:,
,A9*ir ig
fararcataRlr stra-
(9) fazara- 4,4 9091, ttii,02/ 3/1-R ITRT-4i Th-Fing
f6-q -01--Can Th-T9T ;

(1q) farSti - 9 n-na 3ft

f4Th-71/ TEIZ:a TITT t -9=91" 31-4--A •
craxa 19-9-AiA 4k11 ;

(to -401: ar-191-4-9 Aftzaftrimazi 394ai zin-‘199 Zrf

(9) 1 fdb--# zuzl-R -ER tAi amnr9A an-Ara cifaiba

;ITI 31'
snAP21, 9A9feet, 31td[31\ • ft1-91. cbei I chit& tff5Wf --CtI0 3117 ttt 374:T
-at 0 f4tFer ifff47-4ft1-
611 3c--a-Ft 31-7n1 Th7.- A
-Lktrqm m-N

(R) arr&F1911 31tR SFEIR taf m--cAt 3117


(9) -wccc Th-T4 zt\ ap(iir faS4 9111

mri ATVA zu-q-c4RTT9 jtZIT WITE( 1

8-(1) faR 04M-911,1ar 14-0. f'444. 31Tir f2-q ;r411 3117 111W

146 IP
s it citt II -g1T fat irt
(2) fatro
9ra7w1 "ct, trqrNfa f'S-n zrg@ grthIT 31R1
91-1"4rwi ftritate ZiTTR t I

(3) 3W111:151a 3I71-a faxardcncytil 39-4-1-9 a -9 fa-I:At? tuRisr

ft-s-n—f4A 3TT=R tm
\irkMcDI 3TRINT 4 1vId, 7 3T1", 2011

go c4idEJ flv 1Wrr, fftr, Trff, aErT arf ciflçiq f'&4 B)-ffr
c0if f•4) •Tr - fAtuTicr 40 6)0 , 1 06 WI Witt
fIcItho 41 3art-rft, aTtzircw, Trr VII M 33T# fsk M Err
w arm <fp<4 *1 -4 Err clef cN4 f'a 60)0H cm4
farce Trr \914 Th°1 4-qtur, Err \Jff
arRrerff co .;

&pftw wriffzit 33WItd" 79Wedidi altv -11 cs; ar-q4 fku-4

ancRil Rxcasneitr 40 ffErr cp4T4Rtr i lIv& ff24
Erraym-4 mffl .4kw 41 3iRelyr WRI—t1I14 TRTR anazil
Rf. .41.4cr fit-TIT wrOrr

ftar- io—fficrfaelidu T-1 cr aawit &14

M•sred <t)ei cr

(TO crit.tvra

(Er) sar (t3c1LID


(i6s) ittiErwreT

cpc-gior 7f-t-RnEERT

Ertre4 fkziff-T•


(a) 1=4 - altr-t-t attv

&RI .‘t 414flqii cifdarc,r4 arTh-tit

Enfirff PS-4 Tirrrli

,c•A 41Zr 11-0) Eri.J4 •Tif4Th- qtf 3Taf4* api% mei

Threr Tiffz)ofr

(2) TFrThErit 34IT4 LI< TheAf tftfaId ffi70rcit4Iciti ;a ;Siljni arh

at-RN m-R14134ff iir TicH

(1) 'artfItT 74- ,31.!flito z44-4,4-4 7.94Tr

fict)cir g
:17d#ZurIt 12—(1) 4?-4vm Thr4ff trftrTh• .414ft.11r 71. *
1tit iiTh
Alt-MTe4111, q2s4144Th 1-14-o4 fl6H4c11 W1-9

‘04 11uP_Tr uff-er siTiftE40 taTRT 7-PTRtUr Tpricifff7,ff cr,i4

dyrufff m-)• tikr1Rici
Erfff—ctquitAa s-- Ti
trq CqfI t' tftcIIt'
‘sitt cratlf 3TETz11717f tivit, 7 31",R 2011 7

13-(1) Ta-crft fArod 4d1W11Z-r tea- tr Tatift

- -eft S fad M1 Wzt I
(2) S,FEffa •1- zcl'nsilei41 MT 9(4 4)1 41cict) 3fr-R- te1911--th 3T2M-Tt 6 If
zfrk enc-4 fdEf4=411r; 101 ZWWf Th-T• STaRT 6)4If 3117jqZ1cJle1L1
4:1 EltitEIDT 311i- Thtt2Ilti T41T1 3117 cdcIRkalettf M tortcr
cotacticlita 147 194-
f4r4z-dzA ;RAM

(3) zifk Witt MI VT A fskt A-Ft- V-cf col it cm.-if 3TT-ItitT45

flf 3affka9 URI 1ff31TM - 349. fcaciic141 fSktr wgr-s-rt mt vi
Teof sit?Fri tiocif t 3fi7 ctzcf colzicIA STA-Mit
31-41Td WiTkin ;
ffitg sucitt tI ,t)c-If A .spl-ku, -siiR44-01inarf4yr
nil-kr artird rzrfa ,I5r sgisti t aarr-4-2-r S tea-
,114 $ Ard7 ctriain cr449t€1rg sity mtsar
t s,- ezrra
0-rm-cifa, -s- gru 41c, col4c1Ig1,* rfd mitciii \isA trftalId

ii(port -drzttgekisdItt
(4) %alit S 31774 TAWS ST TralT 311R .(rtt 33WI M:4 ST 'RTP:IT-4-9
cbkir*ft fad fSdr 7rd "

14-(1) reas,-
dAft fe cl;(44 gyd -tit 7rAtft 31-R lasagre
vre4YRA5T 4PTco+if 31t- Mtallmi ti.-uc'i tu 1
-kkr fat fsm
utit-t I
2) ZEITiciT (1) S 349 lttlfatf .1ActpLIR1 3TMT/5 •IL1 lit 310
4-69 S.TINT S
4 ffir
M-4- tc4LmT ThAwd .cok•rr
(a) 4-kk aftk ‘44 crri4a
sdait d-Alt
f4-4-69- A s,- tt6il40T ct)tlf I
(4) SfraM,FErit 3-dt q- 19T mlTITTaTE 11R-1 t WT
M snt fAgf4Yr
15-simfd/f*J- kit tIt 7rArrr wan umitt
ml si-EnTr stl-k NS ml 1t-94-1 4*11 Atir WO sat ‘Attr .•
fAr4Yr •41 teat sci srAT11.1-ti fargd sct srdi dwrIt
16-(1) sr,-d-dfda
(2) s.--g-dedd Tig7nTt tir1 fs. ug.-1=4-sdfdrar6k4 scr stR 31--@-Sr skt
wk?rra trk ndrak 1 &Rol-ford 4,k aftR dg
zfrk ar-Pc-kt 4, 31-R1 41f4wh
Th-T strri 3i4I Th-F11 stir 1-ku fad fstr s-rd

(a) s,--6--erfdd cpRILPtiek zAk fatAi41749c Irra-r -k41"4d- 6141[1

ST fAre•S tlt • t sc't wArrik 911- wg

t-f4Y0 1A-72PT MkTif 31't S M:4 M-f titti4rt f=4-1%d f=sar srd
is-m*9ms s'r S tft mei arr zttk TrfsguLft ThT
mtpT Th-tm 311- -<rt scaAmi ta4T-4-9 cokiir *dr fad ‘Er[ ,41t11
fctm 3TRIWt1
19-(1) fl al-14st Sktf6- (.61 artR, cI6
tre44ml wan- Th-kin tI4-1-11c•i ct)41f 1/4 t1[ ffiltd lw I141
(2) 3TRIM-ft 1"4- iTttit sr tra-d- tThd 61,d1
8 .311H:14axf 3iffitTRui 1M1C, 7 311:, 2011

aTRI zart-rt 20-U ch (-41 I.#MPTIZZILaT, 1:01451 Th0it 3th tg-f cgcrillYIN14) Trita
Yci ClIc10 371 acirm-ritzif Th-Eithfrmet q11.)-, sec 0E4J crru 4--4
4-P6 14,4

farearratr 21- Z4 cleti(*rg'iscr ;II col 5.

salitt-r41 (M)

(•-qxr 4)14 urRurc ;

(Tr) qt.4 urRurc ;

(z,) Ptihjii

ch4 ;

(09 LOU ;

p) =ter ftr' 317

() 31.-q4 _ATM.M.Tt gki qiQiii MT SA chl•?1

41 v1141

iprr 22-0) 3T0-r .If aN •07,h1 met ur-q-4-Rr 4.,11 tuft 1--ift Itta
(2) .31ftf4/71 31TfrcTI 3Ta9. g-4 TRH Mpt 1-1
Pkiq'it17 cr.' 04, 7TIT
(m) qzciRviwr cwwcp. ted-Ent 3th ci) 1 sh1-1) 7 0 4-H4-
H0-14ELTaT <froir wog met ti47heir, \3'1cui 14 3th MMTM
-fq• 3T91741 WaTT4 ;
-1.4ci1t41e.ii1 mfilm Ruh-8 at.t ah 40 A-R34 met
4R <N•ir h .Licogtr ureu
1-14.4 E-Tr Rurit 7 fd-- ;

(Tr) .4-0 itqf T7r-,4 Ti• (43(3aa 7 wont -4 jft

ururrsf 4-4-140 fM-h-
(Er) 37r cr?sql: MT •t11414.-1 cfrfrIl 437 itta War uutr
uo-tr • 23-(1) tid urRIT-q zci crwitr TApr ch144Ielch ThMTTI 6) 4111

(2) (014 1TREIT4 TT. 110.1, Tfl* 31-4W11, tlurcracaafr39Thcf ifliqf

cticei 611 ‘;h4 ftf2 fth-er uitg
Thirr tag • ?4—(1) ftrr ITR44 Ycl Vie14 5T LITT31. teffi:M PNTT )111 3T17 \LI
attv ararrast* alEIR c)- t •krciRchc34 met term *Pah
*Ii'ri-4 itaarrir 7 04,
14 t 4 I1 aN .304414440 cr>.(r
(2) ita qRrzTh-T 410-1, 3TqWII Thrt 7-4Tgif 811R- 311Thet YI1,qi
3ttR. c 4--0 04 *it •ftWr WEri..stNi
flg :11311% 25-0) ?am 0RrItffi tepriet cm4 sum met
dt-0 Th-m-rg t-ufhi•
cfq19. P4-

(2) fam ierft MT 143,3, 114.344 3ft ctrti 4-0 13iT ftftd- r+-ZIT
kJi 1 44
;rat 3MIETRol -0-aZ, 7 a0-6, 2011
T te--rec4ra
t zt f'4R(19 t-011 7:ig f4dit tg

atkm c rq
arawi- r 3117 tt-t fa-St-rat( 3TItfrit

fi-1/tr-,3- ar Trp9 v-4.; tt•trarafa 3t7

(2) net 31- 1
3tR 4-{91 faro
27-0. trftER, ;ItTr tffiatn tRTPrea atl-R fotalssrd-
-u t‘) air-rg ii4z1
q-cfitt fas-aftcrta-z zra crt-sti
r wftptit
-si-f4?Rn afrR -et4 far0 uttat 3iftira

28-(1) Th-T4 ITREK -0 31f0fkact Airt-0-9). tcrt,
-Rrirt 4
(2) 0 3ift+lzkaiR 32-4-4 3Tht@ -e Thl(r-tft0 Tf41
f4ER1 U7V-21T 4
41- t, alen-
ffreCard scrftro-Trt3
. tZir4v RTITEI-
(45) Fra 1TR Tr-d-- f45in
tzrouat ;.
.(g) wr-RrThifi-En -Era Th-sffet
altR 374:1 Tr=n-
liTTO fez) -cl*T ;

(TO :alra 1=44a, - zrWrat 31 -4-4

'1 m
(a) fatzaft-a alzinge. 31-R1 ter- Trurfri:
m--491-W -tt fAiro qfra-freirEri ;
l'iWTHI act-4 3T- 1 taiftv 7-4
m--ikvrtt -0 .tgaer trftM7 [r"
91 -v
f41 ararq r4EsW ; •
(E4) •5-4-41eitEtt tar is-rt Rkartl tryti 3friz
Itaar iz)t- tar, witted tt A 3 T Y 31-gfRT9T m-PlEgif6-En vrEtt
z-cra-41 t ;
(‘3) m-A-e4-0 t4-y m°1 t 'rtza-m vr-t ;
m--tivrir* gt-4i fa-zafeltrra rty• itar-4'1 m`t

(1) faraeaur fait .ai-Wr -ar iSrt

itivirrg ftp-k-Tr -,-514a-RERT\ TP1E Zidtei e-ISII;

-Tair9TE4 IRTh f45-En. ;

-6-21-1k AtTol 113. fa-a{ 7174---r.)) faNfez-Et.
10 \irk A-kW 3RITHR1:11 11vIC, 7 31,F, 2011

(3) 3114F5nArffef, EHWrTilt aft 7,k-1
#Iffam- orrir ;
ut#I Tfut argrraT9-,
(') c•-0 3tiz #N-QTratt/Tro- atfik
3-.2479 cf,mi 3frz #9-er aithicr vrr;

(w) ft:arra-a crriOwrf#4 iat14-aR-E4 ThfloTt s-rWRP chl


(3) 3T-i 4 str atftitapi *3Taff ittfi fz--4

1/;1 trr
Th-fo# fti #-F ,fict,(1 el
ft41 ver-t rt mar -s-
(3) tiel treoic Thrufkura#z Th fit 'Id'-1 zrn cr9T --cr
cp It-at laRktiff m# t tfiRl'ffr aft -di fiNT4 Tts-444 Trr ftrat9
vf,r 04> f"# m-ft-tTtft llftlIRcf 11R4ci,4cvifefa# 'anti 4 amt iq-argfi
atfi-ev Itatr -47.4 e cr-t-F &I-4# m't 441 ft--01 pe.f 4-7 co14,-0
T-R-f ftw itzrr #Rtrrr
cktrr*t fi-crutTrat ar-ficti# tt-t * g 7ft Terfotrt rfit
wryr nf)r4tc. ft-711 4111-1c4 TH:3-4_7 4 Etr4-74 -ucrnt cr,&1 f#cf faY CtIc14.
F4t3 '6001 t 347 wrzitiftc* fttst -sifter * ‘910.
t-d- 4-0 f4t r m'r <44 afffc r m-q.# - af-a7r0 rot g t,
- R
#- rpt wR icrtftut mi
fte-st m-sr cokfir-pcf ch<•). *1 atcrt 3t-e42f-tr *ftErtviftzi f+t 114 Th-R-uft ER,
cr) ,) ticr - 1 -RTR, 1-RTr qo- fiftd #TrA itRf;z44 zi9r
#rm-fir t-Trr‘i\4 t1Cbcif tI
372rtri w1r - tt 29-SH 31trikali 3th 1-1Rn44). WIT-421 t31041* Th-Tif
ITRIT-c 5 IT rH-ra)- .40 ff#44 f"1 dRcfTrTr+fi Trr #94 # ft-t TmT#

(w) faElfZert#Lf urfil crAst at?. 4,a-f •oki -icy .11914,1 ;

(#0 ffirecar-o-zr TA- \3k-p141, ft-k#11-4r ath cp:m/r-trfi * fez)
. 7;
3172R1H, 41g4R)1-1 ch) ThVfitaffi5ZITT9

(Tr) tem ath 4.frc 4Tc_2* ';

(7) wratft,. ftcerrft 1441.1-4fi taff* nRi • 41 IRT9" tarp aftv

#9--er art-fit Itztfitd ‘34wgIl 3-th ;1113
TaTEr-#t fti uilk 41(4 '3414;

(3) facfrZefryfu attzrum- 4uggat, 91 afti 1q1uq (61 trtfurall

ft. t, -13(-114r 3tt? cmpfi-tr -1* -F#4 ;r4-Rf
ffzif, 81.”1?1pri, fZrAiyfaat tr-ct4 aft? LITRaNc#
ugh-r c4"4 mr't ;
(3) 1*i-rail atuict-f Etc ftwrat, citrat-tt
at-1-#1#ThIr urTrfif0- att7 f4f4u mr't tit m-n--a4 ;

(#-) ftsfift-rFT4- iarrY # ftfi-r# mbr VIS ;

(st) urT-341* f4m#, austRT9 art atum:r9- ff#T1 -917:11 fire

its* Da-fi#.7-r4 .11Z ,t4i et, attv lcp f#y 1-0c114frclet ar---rf-fi its*
3rn1fi-9- 4pqq5r4 o-fi m-79-r ;
t4T 3TRIWT171 1-1-Z, 7 31t-a, 2011 11

t4 M-11-4-07th, fe-9-$ ?et 9-run A 9:r9- 9 -991

m--4413-91 ii'-rEft[ 31t3 ;
(9) alar99 t. 3T3zr99 ti31---711-eril 31%999, f'artz
Th-ftrtz sr-Om- draft 3rt3 3r9r trPrea-91 WW9T ;
(Z) 371 fdrar473TWII aftv fIW fo-99 ft*--rtr 3TY3
339 t, TiT0 Tig-zitrf 31'n 33t91:99-r tf9 ;
(z) 1" -314 31t4 ft999 ffi-s9-('911Rtr 1r99 9 319R
fetr arra trim -S 3t3.-9r art3 vtr ;
(9) ttarer, ar-13-TPM 3ft3 trrta1r94 11-iFtEr- f4r-9
er9 9re 9-r1351-11,4 ;
(7) 34urr94 3tY3 arRzr /45-rfftr- m--9- 4tt 441 4 34-9t t414 sr- T
-99 at3 -sr& 4 ErRfktml utr fro
30--(1) S 9Tiit M-10 c zfiti-g fkg-4I 310t9- ktin ftg
izs9-9r trr irci9M.431-19 93q9 7rtrrg thiT
fro - ar er9r9 31- 3 tA r 31urt a tam- A RcrY8 93. far3 I
(2) 711-1 31-crt ft-793T1 379 91=4 T1 tr,- a 13c149
19 9-3-441
31-0) w *urr .gg9-T-El M-10 WRITc ickte -311
ez14-9 %-74 4r 0 3413 994 33 79tarr wri9 19-4i at13
ait T3-r 94 A 4,9 31 9-9 crr tr---g egi t-91,
9-3-r9t wt(14 I .
(2) triztarr 13-48 -4Qr ae-911- 4- 919 aRirc 14a-rur e
e,rar v37 4 4-4-44
32-(1) S m-491t eTTR 7-4-weqt tr-9i
1:919tTgier9r9/424 r(3 Frrrai eitTr 4 TIA
ffiard71 3ft7 TrteO-T - . --z[ f4-Fer , fk3t 9-PWr-44 Aar 999 9te
-W314 f99r9 6- n 4 nitce -Wm -ertrirr 4, 9Fre 39-----Ftff ftt -e
tr J19 Arta 9-4-9/t 4 319333 99-r9 m-3e- 97- 9r9 ff9r9
a m-4-9r.t, 9-031399 3Tthi ittZ TntRrcre6. Tht 3T4'1F
(4)31W1-41 040 311rcin -97 TIT 3-t4Wrra /Tr S 3171-n
Th-r-zna TiWa A 1Wr Th-ar9 31-99r4 3tr3 99-4 ite9T49 -
,r ta -g17- 499-r
(5) 9:,4
-- rt 39-a7 fflT V=I-r0d. Zf ea?[ Tal-Rrqt 341)n crrt
t I S 311E7 - 4 -T-e-r ft919 ZliTfal:9-s-zr arr- i tm af t3 i1t1 Tfc1tt rtr f9f9v99
Trtr -41-0 zscE49r9 m4 9-r9 Rutile-Er A 3-rR7-.9 fsur
33-(1)qtrarr fe9 4-4 BM -11T 311-ZO -9111 3TzTra ctk

trf39c, 94t 9trarr 497(.4' tr-t-4 T3-c

9-r99-9 tkiTi 34 0-1- f9-ar 92:9 str3 - 44, 34 a -94 ear e f'aR
icria7rc.ra trewt344 A -3-rfirr -9- -t9 9-11-9 vac t, 31-99 gni S
4974 trr 349-ezr 4 -9ft -4 crrfeer 933 -R9 9t9-3 Th-ft0 A
97-Ptrea-,g4 aftal
t-dtf4d. TOTit '..R traZA
12 WaTT 3ifi1ZTRIIT 4 1v1C, 7 31.0, 2011

(2) ci3 c4iLl cf STRT itUIT 4Iti1.‘04 ThmtLf aTizi 6 If I

1141 w.itsEr
. .o4, 34-faYcnt.ftd0,•3471* ar4 S tRi'r tit t 317 t÷i1 7rdl.
fkr4 &Taff , 6c). V 014.1 iiffii it -011 eiTR, coe-qiu101) zifs-4r
- zrr
831- coc,tilupcorft T ner-r or{ tvocir t Tru.ta 4141 zism-raff St wrq74)4T crpr ,ercpcfr trr 474
trftEr gar trTh •3•ti? 4-41 3T4n ln‘,111

35-La •Trr c.tU 11Y4-1 ‘30-1-1 Th 4tqf Th-Wzzifim itiqihIc414-1 %-kif

yr-10st zfr 34- 1 Thsrzr Str.0r4 ,,,ny tri-z.v.p, \NJ,"t Tffrt1 trr. Thz,f4tr f0-ar
TIM t TIT c16. 3.9(4-4 d0e44 t)-4•sr 4-0 41-4 Sr fkr4-Ez-
f0zri wzircr, fitmor \itf•faw zr 1-41 -44
, aff-
<4 &HI

mfAreql 36--'Mgt faY514.41r144 ft#inttit Sr ar14-1'444 Tri 14R14i

3T0h i11qf $I a t1. Trt tfir ar-
4-Rru• iffttsier
-o-cr-4N-uS Rforzr, 3t- tiqtu ah Q arR:r v;rfqtr ffijwrO srqt
TmT- # tr4t, "04 •
FTh1T 37-faY4ntliclzi ATRITTt TIT 3.1:1 f4stEr (Ma -r 31-q7441
-F4) trift ttr u:rf07 zrr ffisra
fl ••2.4-r4 13-oTr.• Zn-r1H-f.41=41z zrr ,LwEincr -Wzrr qr
t ffi ,

frn7 S5 Pictti zit ,tiOz1)1jic1 ft-CIT 4141 ef 742.171-471 tit( ITT WtF1TT 1

WRW 38-*F4RC.11044 %-7-1( Frfts-rt 74T 31R4 ThM744 c.tq .071 za,srerst
3t114911MT ‘i0 Tr<tcrt fs# Rmff Tir .f414-k-k41t,sei cokur arfATrrDr ii
f4su 39-aYq1a it4i IS5T1 Zn tf4ft5 fs-di cir-c, 31991
chi 41 , ticbcd-r zfr 3T-4:( 0ec1rc4 aitiO1F4 ti Zffi •alt
jit M'iJPrrf cr),
UT ThTfTn th5zrr 4t4 "t-1. t41- T+11-Ft arr?m-r, WIT, arr -zr, cortitrrel, \-I0c,-r Tit
mar erlt
01St TIT 31 -RZ-4
Aft% St 95.4#1.1cfr ;Rpritzi-24J 79To <T,1 i?f Trcui 1= -2:rr
7074 33N 3Wf arftrfard- 4-1141c4 3th•ticticl6k5r v16( vr ci-R7 fszrr vir4, •Trrazr
iitsr fSzrr - rirrrr

Hrrii aIN 40-(1) alti19 qt-liqf 4 ql Ifc* MR11.r TIT 31&41-4\71 f6fa-d-
wcr d-erl orc.m ' -P)-Trr
3-t 61,11411 41q( TW 1441 all TIT 3-MZIthr 76M
(2) *tr 311Th-TF(
I chi Oro 4910 vii4 IzR zNirtcr crq-M fs-zrr
;241111 41-(1) dl cti4-1 •tf 4.1,4-1 4 c.f) Wcit qTRT 1:t.4 WI-11'4ff
cr) 7-241-41 1=4-
ffiRI (.0441

fds-alturFzr 4,4-rtir Th-Rfrm M-14 01 t-4ir M sc

wrzr, 1t4s-r cr-,4 TT* tlift

dif •4114i14-q fffi

thre-Clif Zi -1-4T573 fi1t ø 1-141

(4) .‘3k-rc.4-7 (1) 4 friitz . ts-9w9. q-97r9r S it-trft

1-1-Tqftr-dir Itsm uz474r.S Rpli; 'thacTO IRT f4-1
icksr .
Litt 31-iiThITTh quid, 7 341F, 2011 13

42-(1) CAW! *0711-0 1:*1 t 4.019T 4-)411 TI1d 111411-0 f4Rr


34.41 f'34 i fQIdTgm •sre49 1:' 5 zn \silo ;

(3r) f+-41 aTRT 3n-9 34 gri?r Sji 7ft w93-rftr ;

(9) atti*J1 gkr Trt Tit anngirr ; 3113

(ET) fdt 3TRI arffi?t ZIT f4El5RT ghtf f'34

oceimo wicti• f19t a-Tr
-n-f4 mitR9 Fth-Trr ntir g) fa4ffim 1%-u)- 94 3T411Si . • •

(2) 7-11111-71 1=4:R1 ‘4411 ThT Wc1101iT .D44141160 Tit 371-0-jf u1171ft
-$ Ic -71T ‘OrTrii

43-(1) 10Y7-11411c14 47R1 f44 1l •P-T1fe19 ct, 1, f -3-#1 1iRsicf Th- ft

49319T ,t4ir m`t 71-Mt; aT2T1-

fam-T3i -u-r) 34 Lie fTh-7:11 iicPc11

(u) Thxci14nd4 f4m-T3i cr91--9)* fth-A4 ai-RT 11141

Szt Trzli tii-vrcr sr93ift.;

(n) gho d Tit 3471C1-1

(E) eTht 314 are4r T fkEbT f --44 dcw-p_r eTht 31-11

Thf ii ThIt r rth-zir •ntir t, fkli'rm f -tr 3P1t 3141-
41Th 311

(3) T-21T711 NO: :Rk 111k1 Th`l 114. 71417-cf 3110 I

(2) 1=0-4-4ii i-11171 11ri ‘4711 *1 UTiTRT 751 B11:10171 gfacieiu

Thm*ffRf 51lTlFAMU

44-WU 41, 42 74 43 3TO'Fi 7-24lfe9 ffif4711 -Th1 7141* TITIF71 lthi

darui im aryalui
3117 1- zi-Aut) 349 6a Itt fk/TThc-r 3n7 3T-grUff fii iN)flr ,113tr
fe8-ff vuzi

45-ffraria7f :Trai •t17c-P1 3121-0T .;701141t19 ifiMtzi
fknunitii9 ar-T f15-r9 3T2T01 tkirrr fT#1716114cH41-1 3124-91 ft-
716114crf faR trr 6141

46-ThT freif4- w4cb-9) ;PintadcWI

3itiT31 -9r --rtrrrr

47-(1) nrall: 31:210.1 faso cnc,ILT ffii# WthT n Sit ThT 7r

49T 3°
zrn 0541v11 )41i 14) clg RYclik1R171* TR07 417:1 3-n7 311- 1 Th-171-Thi
-hi 312101 .10- dT0). fticr,
TRIRIT T1-1913t 711 311P1-47kt Th1 31WTI9 ct ar ,n ,tr •eNctrr.gkr mct ,-itzr Tal
(2) ,fluzr- tmt)vr tiR zi7492;ret t 3T2701 liRnWil
3104Tte wzr9-4 .icivitirr tan t ••9 qfvf 51 E.11(171 41) tti
f.-zr \-M1 <frr -net t, itr7) ci6 3Tr9t4-9 1-14

48-(1) 711=4 raYcli1silci0 310. +16-1 311-i fAiP1-9 031 Med-uftm tm 9T-A ftnft•4--uwn
thRr 317117 3TEF" Rt1C-1Th1 ith(' th c 1Q 71ic4'li Th1 4/4-1
U: Thn1 Ntra 7
14 \37K 11 Z11 3TRITETRur , 7 34-a1, 2011

(2) 31:RTIRT (1) *I f4fftztiii it WW1 6 ER ,Ikrtf Tirt-R

ffivi it ft-
4w at17. a4ciq fzqrav-Herq it 1=441:44 ftuar Err-d-zislt urvi
231"- aqt firiarur iiizrusr4 Trer tf?r t To 9 fds-drkuraq t
trzirt d scr NI It
WM:24 ttr1T tit ch- mc1 v1141
FaTre 49-0) MT 48 it 31tft-ff R) qfcIdq it -4-11:
11N -16 1 ty4 mc1 3444
NqIqur ,l4 it fq alLf
4<1.-1 lcifjjq it TRITTR farrff ffit, TITTIRT fdt
af17 fds-rt t 1Sqr wrthrr
M.TRT (1) 4 f4r414 fdf4 1
(2) iR 31 i,q it I 4-our s79- t'
cflN fzafacrizlq it auf si ,N4it Erthr 9-61 41 7-1:1 m-RT •
\\Lir avi 1iq1acjii tt t1444 (-0441 711 airrththt f4,enNur w7S Tp-r

50— (i) kr161 '<lug tk cON -W. 4 3Tfr4ftzm it 314-C41 31TTR

ftzoneric-rq it JuRf 1 t.z4 it 7T14-Af -4 4,14 thsr44 crrt4 t1 4E- fts4ItzrraTr
cm 91,biLicr it ;lira- *at g4 -aura-4 t *ail st41 IS 04 •r-pfq
lb 1•11TR Tt
M { it 61d I r' cbkur wd-r ffi Th°t qzfl I Li tr A

arci71mict-H wRi
MM (1) it 31t1h tf Mir 41fet DR fare
.114 tR 441Z tHc1W2 vI14 fi5 v2r4sEa1r f4s-q-ftrt4 tt4)14
vurra itv-449 zrr t74 arf4r444 u447,41S treitr-r sr TuTr-ar Trvr t
011 uri4 cr".4 wr arrizr alit fat ift 3ITPTIW wq-1 I
-3-WIRT (2) it 31Effff Wit oiltr -t tit frj-7 NAT \Li
3ar-z149r gkr 41-4 va15-11it iq fstr 3Ift4it z111 AT14-Wq1iM iaftrdsT
disi-E4 * 3314-wim -1 ter v114 * f4zisr

(41 3-cfETRT (3) it 3101-9. crMt 414 3aiZ51ff TIT 1•4Ifchl. t1)1 $H1 3TrWftERT
it 3Ttit91 31114 crrql tiqiqd 4,“4 WILT Mfaef Altai a-dr, 1908 S 3TEIR
01545T 1af311tecl: MI-11,Ac1 /PTA it3TRRT fdrrkui cr)4 q, ftfid -t4H4mtd
ta1 Taff araTt1H

(t) ffijrTiler tY . 1-11-1.1 4rfrt1 3tY1 31[1ffirn 04 S fav sur szdr

aft miReris,r *It! 61girr -11 ;
(s) 1St/ aft-uSd it 3.q,cpuj347 CI iTiff cm4cm 3It4T c.ff ;
(TO fanil slyfoio 711 ertur ZI
(w) zicriti trli 1:R inLa ;

(75) '&t1 3TRT . 4-1/ Nefftffi ?CT WJZ47

(5) qi 444 REir8 Eirfkr *NcerN zit trrrE -EV -4 f
zq Vicki - it31714-41
31111 c v4t.,-1 ftEIT t \z-N4/1R "fritairati
s-1 f41--zr 4t- arazzrs •7J-4:7 cb 3t17 a&fzp it wini it t5'44
qh-qqd it cflt I •

(6) R ar-144 ftql- '41c11tffii li?jq eiwcii tk 31fHThiTH

ThT \iCP1 ?as t ,o,r4 •z-Nsi,r fd-sqfv,z•rer ali<id 34419 .Szd 31171r-4
f-Vs4 .41(itt That +iir/Acil. WWI c4 Tic1,c1) t I
5311 EltZT 31-illithui 7 3aa 2011 15
-3quI3T (6) NAN ibati-(ffA M m`l zra < •fl.,q4
it1RTt1N" iN 41l11 IH1 f*f, *11111-0 ref ZIT Th-T -3-crair fas<
wid-c&pcil 39trfl 44 fcil-4c41(-RE m°t fiRnfr
lciSci tiro * 311)14d EiRT 4),<4 Rtiwt Atf t '<15iTT
agt EkRT <Mt). -Dc fawfacimo mat 311ftTRII. zIT RiErWZI1
ZE1sTRT (6) 34-9 SifT 3TWrir9T a faSIT9. Sci1 -m--4-91
fOzTrzT9 Ek4 wrzlt •
51-a tkctil ti1-RI-it-1'14 ER SI Th"T 4'R.T9-9 imrtf ER i--4•) VICR /1,24)H Th`t
fk-a"11 wrqt 31m 0
-- 1 311 4ft zrA 1:re.1 1 3) anti m A a., 6-g ffittaTh
341lIT45 WTA thk f9tST wr aultirdA r4raftErra f4-4-zr
zi gk11t -4 ,INirr
e-4am idd
3T111)414-1 A thiti ,eck-Acr flff#Rxrvz 31019 flhiciq fravz,i/TrrRrar
ItErtA RQTr a A 1'041 1-al -KC 3TO TTa t 3fI1 eiTRir c4 614 EFS
ferrA ffifk tirriva f)14 -AT 4,14 aTR:r f4fktrIzif t -m11 facntareitt -* cifZcti Eithttielit/
t, 3TfAra 'RT1S-19 WitEll
• sufSssra-
53-(1) .215ic1 ‘11.2c1'k- fV411 45ed9Td Mk ltdcf: ‘ict-N 11 Si .15,-9
3T1Zif94-19 1973 3Eren 31TW4l ,i401-R1 on. Tht1
.c.itr v cr,(A lit9Trei zig ?du t fa, 0 3TRrfkaii
cbreirciRt 6)AI 341-bT A farAfalz 31-ft791 3419- 't5a
tritzuR, Lift-dth Tri Atf -$5 itr-4 -q-c; 3.11-4774-T ZIT T141$9. TPTA SP*
ttit :
tr3 wil4ftrA f'4711-- 3k t) * tirr-Ari fir . Titr
fth--cri utk 111
39STRI (1) 31E1'19 f+-41. vn EfeW Nita Pbc ,m)G114 Zraditct
.flut-1 favrff 4).-4 ii9aT tun ‘,iNirr
311EITRT (1) 34-9 r4t Ell). ffii#3Titz ER WA *t1
&RIR 3Au rf Ati mei wrzlift (IN m-ftmt 4-*A Tr21-R-r 4 t
t.,61 Ati 211 312191 3*'1 c4-11 3TEV49. 9-61 P-IT I

3kfl1 Lc cpkui
ftaA A f41( ceal cm.) .‘1<ani 3:1 tiiqc
3Thr3ficp tif 31RiffizT9 1860 (*41-ZI 31-Ittf4ET9 tic.<4 21, '61 1860) 41. 34E-N- iircsivrqd . 4-9-er
. ‘actiSfricit t 1T#. 4405/6, Ift-RT 34ETTaZ 78-2, 5, 4 -13- 74-Piq '1 fte1
srral AciAlfeRn ffi- Atauley.f. ifloAlcgrm 55cti1'( anirriT9- faycat,flei4
Th-R- 3th qint1 tt1 Tfk4 flIT"TAT t ftzufazt aTurgml q itur
aria a11-as1m clicrickui 3A-R. Tirovlq 14q11 Thr't iN iict; .11:134 1116‘ticisTII Thar
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16 ii Ott- 3rTriziNur tvid, 7 311,1. 2011

No. 309(2)/LXXIX-V-1-11-1 (Ka) 7-2011

Dated Lucknow, April 7,2011

IN pursuance of the provisions of clause (3) of Article 348 of the Constitution

ion of the Galgotias Vishwavidyalaya
pleased to order the publication of the following English translat
a 14 of 2011) as passed by the Uttar
Uttar Pradesh Adhiniyam, 2011 (Uttar Pradesh Adhiniyam Sankhy
Pradesh Legislature and assented to by the Governor on April 4,2011.


(U.P. AcrNo. 14 OF 2011)
[As passed by the Uttar Pradesh Legislature]


sponsored by
to establish and incorporate a teaching University
New Delhi in Greater
Snit. Shalcuntala Educational and Welfare Society,
connected therewith or
Noida,Gaulanibudh Nagar and to provide for matters
incidental thereto.

IT IS HEREBY enacted in the Sixty-second Year of the Republic of India as

Act. 2011.
Short title 1.• This Act may be called the Galgotias University Uttar Pradesh
Definition 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,:
(a)"Academic Council" means the Academic Council of the Univers
or any
(b) "Board" means the Board of Studies or the Planning Board,
other Board of the University;
(0 "Chancellor", "Pro-Chancellor", "Vice-Chancellor" and "Pro-V
"Pro-Chancell or" the
Chancellor" means respectively the Chancellor, the
Vice-Chancellor the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University;
"Court" means the Court of the University;
"Director/Principal" means the Head of an Institution, a College
act as such in
Centre and a School, or the person appointed for the purpose to
his absence;

"Department" means a Departinent of Studies and includes a Centre

of Studies and Research;
"Employee" means any person appointed by the University,.
includes a teacher or any other member of the staff of the Univers
(h ) "Executive Council" means the Executive Council of the University;

(i) "Existing College" means a college or an institution which imparts

ned by
professional education and is proposed to be merged. run and maintai
the University;
() "Faculty" means a Faculty of the University;
(k) "Hostel means Scholar/Students Hostel of the University;
C) "Institution/College" means a college including existing college . „
ent to the
an Institution established or maintained by or associated or constitu
3k117 'COM 3E81%11-71 IoIc, 7 31ta, 2011 17

University in accordance with

this Act and the Statutes
(in) "Prescribed" means prescrib
ed by Statutes;
"Records and Publication" mea
(n) ns the Records and Publication
of the
(a) "Society" means Sint. Sha
kuntala Educational and We
Society,4460/6 Prakash Appartment Part II, 5 Ansari Road. Daryitganj,
New Delhi registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 on 29-08-98
with Registrar of Societies Gov
. of N.C.T. of Delhi;
"Statutes" and "Ordinances" means respectively, the Statutes
the Ordinance of the University
for the time being in force;
"Student" means a student enro
lled in the register of the Univers
(i) "Teacher Of the University"
means Professors, Associate Pro
Readers, Assistant Professor, fessors,
Lecturers and such other per
appointed for imparting educati son s as may be
on/instructions of conducting
research in the
University and arc designated
as Teachers by the Ordinances;
(s) "Treasurer", "Re gist rar", "Deputy Registrar", "Fin
ance Officer",
"Controller of Examinations",
"Librarian" or "Proctor" means
respectively the
Treasurer, the Registrar, the
Deputy Registrar. • the Finance Officer, the
Controller of Examination, the Librarian or the Proctor of the University;

(I) "University" means the Galgotias Unive

rsity, Uttar Pradesh
established under section 3.
3. (1) There shall be established
at Greater Noida, Gautambud Establishment
Pradesh a University by the SO h Nagar Uttar
ciety by the name of the Galgot or the
ias University Uttar
(2) The University shall be a bod
y corporate.
sponsoring body, the Society Conditions [or the
4. The • shall, for the purposes of esta
the University under this Act, fulf establishment of
il the following conditions, nam
ely :- the University

duly possesses minimum 50 acre

(a) s contiguous land earmarked
the University;
construct on land referred to in
(h) clause (a) buildings of at least
sq. metre carpet areas, out of whi 24000
ch at least 50 per cent shall be
for academic
and administrative purposes;
install equipments in offices
and laboratories worth minimu
Rs. Five crore in the building refe m
rred to in clause (b);
appoint teachers and establis
h infrastructure of the departm
school for the purposes of teac ent/
hing and/or research in at leas
t seven subjects
as per standards laid down by the
University Grants Commission
make the Statutes and the Ord ;
(e,) inance for the administration
functioning of the University;
such other conditions as may be
required by the State Governm
be fulfilled before the establishme ent to
nt of the University.
5. (1) The University shall star
t operation only after the Stat Starting of the
issues to the Society a letter of e Government
authorization. for the commencem University
ent of the functioning
of the University.
(2) The State Government sha
ll issue the letter of authorizatio
of an unambiguous affidavit long n after receipt
with documents from the Soc
iety to the effect thil
all conditions rciurred io in sect
ion 4 have been fulfilled..
18 ‘3117 utzT 31lik I I- NIL., 7 31OZ•l, 2011

Objects of the 6. The • objects of the University 'shall be to disseminate and advance
knowledge and skill by providing instructional, research and extension of facilities in
such branches of learning as it may deem fit and the University shall endeavour to
provide to students and teachers the necessary atmosphere and facilities for the
promotion of:-
innovations in education leading to restructuring of courses, new
methods of teaching, training and learning including on-line learning, blended
learning continuing education and such other modes and integrated and
wholesome development of personality;
studies in various disciplines;
inter disciplinary studies;
national intimation,' secularism, social equity and engineering of
international understanding and ethics. •
Powers of 7. The University shall have the following powers, namely-
to provide for instruction in such branches of learning as the
University may, from time to time. determine and to make provisions for
research and for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge and skills;
to impart and promote the study of science, engineering and
technology. Bio and Medical Sciences, Dental Science, Pharmacy.
Management, Hotel and Hospitality Management, Law and other Professional
courses and also History. Culture, Commerce, Economics, Humanities,
Philosophy, Art etc. through ill-campus off-campus offshore-campus and
satellite centres or by conducting 'centres or by distant educational
programmes etc.

to honor educational stalwarts and persons of academic eminence

with the decoration of Professor Emeritus;

to grant, subject to such conditions as the University may determine,

diplomas or certificates to, and confer degrees or other academic distinctions
on the basis of examinations,• evaluation or any other method of testing on
persons, and to withdraw any such diplomas, certificates, degrees or other
academic distinctions for good and sufficient cause;

(a) to confer honorary degrees or other distinctions in the Manner


to provide education and training including correspondence and such

other courses. to such persons who are not members of the University, as it
may determine;

to institute Directorships, Principalships, Professorships. Associate

Professorships, Readership, Assistant Professorships, Lecturerships and other
teaching or academic posts • required by the University and to make
appointments for the same;

(/?) to create administrative, ministerial and other posts and to make

appointments thereto;

(i) to appoint/engage persons of eminence working in any other

University or Organization pertnanently or for a specified period;
LraT 34TiTsr Tgur 41u1s1., 7 2011 19
to co-operate, collaborate or asso
0) ciate With any other University or
Authority or Institution in India
and abroad in such manner and
for such
purpose as the University may dete
to establish and maintain schools,
(k) centres, specialized laboratories or
other units for research and inst
ructions as are in the opinion,
of the
University, necessary for the furth
erance of its objects;
to institute and award fellowships,
(1) scholarships, studentships, medals
and prizes; •
(n) to establish and maintain and
supervise residences, hostels with
the University and promote the
health and general welfare acti
vities for
students and staff:
to make provisions for research
and consultancy, and for that
purpose to enter into such arrange
ments with other institutions or bod
ies as
the University may deem necessar
to declare centre, an institution, a
department, or school, as the case
inay be, in accordance with the Stat
02) to determine standards for adm
ission into the University, which
may include examination, evaluatio
n or any other method of testing:
to demand and receive payment of
fees and other charges:
to make special arrangement in
respect of women and other
disadvantaged students as the Univ
ersity may consider desirable;
to regulate and enforce discipline
(s.) among the employees and students
of the University and take such disc
iplinary measures in this regard as
may be
deemed necessary by the Universit
to make arrangements for promotin
(1) g the health and general welfare
of the employees of the University;
to receive donations and to acquire,
(a) hold, manage and dispose of
any property, movable or immovab
le for the welfare of the University:
(v) to borrow, mortgage or hypothec
ate with the approval of the Society
on the security of the property of
the University, money for the purp
oses of
the University;
(it) to appoint either on contrac
t or otherwise, visiting professo
emeritus professors, consultants, fello rs,
ws, scholars, artists, course writers
such other persons who may cont
ribute to the advancement of the obje
cts of
the University;
(x) to organize and to undertake
extra-mural studies and extensio
(ly) to do all such other acts and thin
gs as may be necessary. incidental
or conducive to the attainment of all
or any of the objects of the Universit
8. (1) Admission to the different Admission and
academic programmes shall be mad
e in
accordance with the laws for the time Standards
being in force.
(9) The University shall ensure that
the academic standards of the cour
20 ‘3-cH craT 3179F-TRui flulc, 7 3-Tfra-, 2011

offered by the University are in accordance with the guidelines of the University
Grants Commission arid other statutory bodies as the case may be.

(3) The teacher-student ratio shall be in accordance with the guidelines of the
University Grants Commission and specific council.

University open to 9. The University shall be open to persons of either sex and of whatever race,
all classes and
creed, caste or class, and it shall not be lawful for the University to adopt or impose on
any person any test whatsoever of religious belief profession in order to entitle him to
be_admitted therein as an officer, a teacher, staff member, student, or to hold any office
therein or to graduate thereat:

Provided that reservation in the posts and recruitment of the employees and
reservation of seats for admission in any course of study in the University for the
students belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other Backward
Classes of citizens shall be regulated by the order of the State Government issued from
time to time.

Officers of the 10. The following shall be the officers of the University:-
the Chancellor;

the Pro-Chancellor;

the Vice-Chancellor;

the Pro-Vice-Chancellor;


09 the Registrar;

the Dean of Faculty;

the Dean of Students Welfare;

the Controller of Examinations;

0) the Chief Proctor;

(k) the Treasurer;

(I) the Finance Officer; and

(in) such other officers as may be declared by the Statute to be officers

the University.
The Chancellor 11. (I) The Chancellor shall be appointed by the Management Committee of
the Society for a period of three years.
The Chancellor shall by virtue of his office, be the Head of the University
and shall constitute interim Executive Council.
The Chancellor may in writing under his hand addressed to the Society
resign his office.
Tbc Pro- 12. (1) The Pro-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Management Committee
Chancellor of the Society for a period of three years.
The Pro-Chancellor shall assist the Chancellor in discharging his duties
and preside at the convocation in his absence.

The Pro-chmeellor may In under his hand addressed to the

Chancellor resign his office.
Tat 31-R91
-3t- TrO-e..", 7 3aa, 2011 21
13. (I) The Vice-
Ch ancellor shall be
appointed by the The Vice -.
manner as may be Chancellor in such Chancellor
prescribed, for a pe
(2) The Vice.Chanc rio d of three years.
ellor shall be the pr
of the University incipal executive an
and shall be the Ch d academic officer
Board of the Unive air man of the Academ
rsity, and shall ex ic. Council and Pl
ercise general supe anning
affairs of the Uni rv isi on and control ov
verSity and give er the
effect to the deci
sions of the auth
University; or iti es of the
(3) The Vice-Cha
ncellor may, if he
necessary on any is of the opinion th
matter, exercise at immediate actio
any power confer n is
University by or un re d on any authority
der this Act and sh of the
all convey to such
authority the actio
him on such matter n tak en by
Provided ths;
at if the authority
of the University or
the University wh any person in the
o is aggrieved by service of
sub-section may pr th e ac tion taken by the Vice-C
efer an appeal to th hancellor under th
e Chancellor with is
communication of in one month from
such decision. Th the date of
e Chancellor may everse
action taken by the confimi. modify
(4) The Vice-Chahancellor.
ncellor shall exercis
e such powers and
perform such othe
functions as may be r
14. (1) The Pro-Vi
ce-Chancellor shall The Pro-Vice -
such manner and be appointed by th
shall exercise such e Vice-Chancellor Chancellor
powers and perfo in
rm such functions
as may be
prescribe d.
The Pro-vice-Cha
ncellor appointed
under sub-section
his duties in additio (1) shall discharge
n to his duties as a
The Pro-Vice-Cha professor.
ncellor shall assis
t the Vice-Chancell
day to day duties or in discharging
as and when require
d by the Vice-Cha
The Pro-Vice-Cha ncellor. -
ncellor shall get an
honorarium of such
amount as may
be determined by
the Society.
is. The Director/P
rincipal shall be 0111N:tor/
exercise such powe appointed in such
rs and perfomi such manner and shal Principal
functions as may be l
16. (1) The Registr pr escribed.
ar shall be appointed The Registrar
in such manner as
The Registrar sh may be prescribed
alt have the pow .
documents and au er to enter into agre
thenticate records einents, sign
on behalf of the Un
other powers and pe iversity and shall ex
rform such other fu ercise such
nctions as may be
The Registrar shall pres cr ibed.
be the ex-officio Se
cretary of the Exec
utive Council
and the Academic
Co cil.
Every Dun ean shall be appo
inted in such man Dean of Faculty
ner and shall exer
powers and perform cise such
such functiohs as m
ay be prescribed.
The Treasurer shall
be appointed in su The Treasurer
ch manner and-sh
powers and perform all exercise such
such function as m
ay be prescribed.
(1) The Finance O
fficer shall be ap Finance Officer
pointed in such m
exercise such powe anner and shall
rs and perform such
funetions as nay be
(2) The Finance prescribed.
Officer shall be th
e ex-officio Secr
etary of the Fina
22 \Sul 31TiTF:1RW 11/4)1 , 7 34tF, 2011

Other Officers Manner of appointment and powers and duties of the other officers of the
University including the Dean of Students Welfare, Controller of Examination and
Chief Proctor shall be such as may be prescribed.
Authorities of the The following shall be the authorities of the University ;-
(a) the Court;
the Executive Council;

the Academic Council;

the Finance Committee;

the Planning Board;

(0 the Boardiif Faculties;

(g) the Admissions Committee;

/(h) the Examination:Committee; and

(i) such other authorities as may • be declared by the Statutes to be

authorities of the University.
The Coon 22. (I) The Constitution of the Court and the term of office of its members
Shall be such as may be prescribed.
(2) Subject to the provisions of :this Act The •Court shall have the following
power and functions, namely,-
to review from time to time, the broad policies and programmes of
the University and suggest measures for the working, improvement and
development of the University;
to consider and pass resolutions on the. Annual Report and Annual
Accounts of the University and Audit Report of such accounts;

to advise the Chancellor in respect of any matter which may be

referred to it for advice;
to perform such other functions as may be prescribed.
The Executive 23. (1) The Executive Council shall be the principal executive body of the
. (2) The Constitution of the Executive Council, the term of office of its
members and its powers and functions shall be such as may be prescribed.

The Academic 24. (I) The Academic Council shall be the principal academic body of the
University and shall subject to the provisions of the Statutes and the Ordinances, co-
ordinate and exercise general supervision over the academic policies of the University.

(2) The Constitution of the Academic Council, the term of office of its
members and its powers and functions shall be such as may be prescribed.

The Finance. 25. (1) The Finance Committee shall be the principal financial body of the
University to take care of the finance matters.

(2) The constitution, powers and functions of the Finance Committee shall be
such as may be prescribed.
AtI 34-TilEITTIT Thal , 7 31ta, 2011 23
26. (1) The Planning
Board shall be the pr The Planning
University. The Board incipal planning body
shall ensure that the inf of the i3oard
meets the norms of the rastructure and academi
University Grants Coinm c sup po rt system
ission or the respective
(2) The constitution, of Co un cil s.
the planning Board, ter
m of office of its memb
its powers and function ers and
s shall be such as may
be prescribed.
27. The constitution
powers and function Board of Faculty,
Admission Committe s of the Boards of Fa
e, the Examination Co culties the Admission
the University which mmittee and of such
may be declared by oth er au tho rities of Committee,
the Statutes to be au Examination
University Shall be suc tho rit ies of the
h as may be prescribed. Committee and
other Authorities
of the University
28. (1) The Executi
ve Council shall ma to make
ke the statutes for ca
rrying out Po ',eies
purposes of this Act.
(2) Subject to the pro provide for all or
visions of this Act :th
e Statutes may.
ny of the folio wing matters, namely: —
the constitution, powe
(a) rs and functions of the
authorities of the
University, as may be
constituted from time
the appointment and
continuance in office
said authorities, filling of the members of the
of vacancies of memb
ers and all other matte
to those authorities for rs relating
which it may be neces
sary to provide;
the appointment, powe
rs and duties of the off
icers of the University
and their emoluments
the appointment of tea
chers of thee University and other academic
and administrative sta
ff and their emoluments
the appointment of tea
chers and other acade
staff working in th mic and administrativ
e University or Insti e
tution for specific pe
riod for
undertaking a joint pro
the conditions of ser
(9 vice of employees inc
retirement benefits, ins luding provisions for
urance and provident
fund, the manner of ter
of service -and disciplinary actions;
the principals governi
(g) ng seniority of service
of employees;
(h) the procedure for
settlement of disputes
between employees
students and the Unive or
the procedure for appe
al to the Executive Co
or students against uncil by any employe
the action of any of e
ficer or other autho
rity of the
the conferment of hono
(/) rary degrees;
the withdrawal of degre
(k) e, diploma, certificate . and other academic
(/) the institution of fel
lowships, scholarships
, studentships, medals
the maintenance of dis
(in) cipline among the stude
24 \irk. Sit4T 31-fiTZITTI11 Tjj 7 alt7, 2011

the establishment and abolition of Department, Centers and othef

constituted institutions/Colleges etc;

the delegation of powers vested in the authorities or officers of the

University; and

all other matters, which may by this Act are to be or may be


The Executive Council shall not make, amend or repeal any Statute
affecting the powers or constitution of any authority of the University until such
authority has been given an opportunity of expressing an opinion in writing on the
proposed changes, and any opinion so expressed shall be considered by the Executive

Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing sub-sections the,

Chancellor may direct the University to make provisions In the Statutes, in respect of
any matter specified by him and if the Executive Council is unable to implenient such
a direction within sixty days of its receipt, the Chancellor may, after considering the
reasons, if any, communicated by the Executive Council. for its inability to comply
with such direction,.make or amend the Statutes accordingly as he may deem fit.
Power to make
29. Subject to the provision, of this Act and the Statutes, the Ordinances shall
be made, by the Executive Council which may provide for all or any of the following
matters, namely

(a) the admission of students to the University and their enrolment as


the courses of study to be laid down for all degrees, diplomas and
certificates of the University;

the medium of instruction and examination;

the award of degree, diploma, certificate and other academic

distinctions, the qualification for the same and the means to be taken relating
to the granting and obtaining of the same.

the fees to be charged for courses of study in the University and for
admission to the examinations, degrees, diplomas and certificates of the

(f) . the conditions for the award of fellowships, scholarships

studentships, medals and prizes;

the conduct of examinations, including the term of office and

manner of appointment and the duties of examining bodies, examiners and

the. conditions of residence of the students of the University;

(0 the special arrangements, if any, which may be made for the

residence, discipline and teaching of .women students and prescribing of
special courses ofstudies for them within the University;

(j) the appointment and emoluments of employees other than those for
whom provision has been made in the Statutes;
‘3-th LItT 3MMITM nuld, 7 alta, 2011 25

(k) the establishment of Centre of Stud

ies, Boards of Studies,
interdisciplinary Studies, Special Centers,
Specialized Laboratories and other
(1) the manner of co-operation and collaborat
ion with other Universities
and authorities including learned bodies or
(in) the creation, composition and functions
of-any other body which is
considered necessary for improving the acad
emic mileage of the University;
the remuneration to be paid to the exam
iners, moderators.,
invigilators and tabulators;
such other terms and conditions of servi
ce of teachers and other
academic staff as are not prescribed by the
30. (1)The annual report of the Univ Annual Report
ersity shall be prepared under the
directiOn of the Executive Council and shall
be submitted to the Court on or after such
date as may be prescribed and the Court shall
consider the report in its annual meeting.
(2) The Court shall submit the annual repo
rt to the Chancellor along with its
comments, if any.
31. (1) The annual accounts and balan
ce sheet of the University shall be Annual Accounts
prepared under the directions of the Exec
utive Council and shall, once at least every
year and at intervals of not more than fiftee
n months, be audited by an experienced and
qualified firm of Chartered Accountant of
(2) A copy of the annual accounts, toge
ther with the audit report thereon,.
shall be submitted to the Court and the Chan
cellor along with the observations of the
Executive Council.
32. (1) Every employee of the University
shall be appointed / engaged as per Conditions of
service of
provisions of the Statutes.
Any dispute arising between the Universit
y and any of the employees
appointed substantively, shall be referred
to the Executive Council who shall decid
the dispute after affording an opportunity e
to the employee within three months from
the date of its reference.
The aggrieved employee may file an appe
al against the order of the
Executive Council to the Chancellor.
Any dispute in respect of any employee enga
ged temporarily or on ad-hoc
or part time or casual basis shall be hear
d and decided finally by the head of the
concerned department.
Any person aggrieved by the order of the
Vice-Chancellor may prefer an
appeal to the Chancellor. The decision
of the Chancellor in such an appeal shall
final and no suit shall lie in any cour be
t in respect of the matters decided by
33. (1) Any student or candidate for an Right to appeal
examination, whose name has been
removed from the rolls of the University
by the orders or resolution of the Academic
Council; Proctorial Board or Controller of
Examinations as the case may be, and who
has been debarred from appearing at the
examinations for more than one year, may
within ten days of the date of receipt- of such order or copy of such resolution by him
in writing appeal to the Vice-Chancell
or to reverse the decision of the aforesaid
authorities or the concerned Committee, as
the case may be.
(2) Any decision taken by the Vice-Chancell
or shall be final.
26 ‘31-k Ira-RT affiltIRTIT tut , 7 3tN, 2011

Employees fit of its employees such

The University may constitute for the bene
provident fund and
or provide such insurance schemes as it
pensions pension or welfare schemes or provident fund
such conditions as may be decided by the
may deem fit in such manner and subject to
Executive Council. .
Disputes as to the n has been duly nominated
If any question arises as to whether any perso
constitutions of
of any authority or other body of the
Authorities and or appointed as or is entitled to be a member
Chancellor whose decision thereon shall
bodies University, the matter shall be referred to the
be final.
Constitution of power under this Act or
Where any authority of the University is given
mittees shall as otherwise provided,
the Statutes to appoint Committees, such Com
erned and of such other persons as the
consist of the members of the authority conc
authority in each case may think fit.
Filling oldie ex-officio members) of any
All vacancies among the members (other than
ersity shall be fined as soon as may be
vacancies authority or other body of the Univ
nted, nominated or co-opted the members
convenient by the person or body who appoi
remaining term for which he has been
whose place has become vacant for the
appointed.or co opted.
Invalidity of University shall be invalid
No act or proceedings of any authority of the
or vacancies among its members.
merely by reason of the existence of a vacancy
Mode of proof of eding, resolution of any
A copy of any receipt, application, notice, proce
University records
or other documents in possession of the
authority or Committee of the University
be received as prima-facie evidence of
University, if certified by the Registrar, shall
eding or resolution, documents or the
such receipt, applications, notice, order, proce
admitted as evidence of the matters and
existence of entry in the register and shall be
d, if produced have been admissible in
transaction therein where the original woul
Publication of r this Act shall be made
(1) Every Statute or Ordinance made unde
statutes and
available in writing.
this Act shall be enforced as
(2) Each new Statute or Ordinances made under
soon as it is made by the competent authority.
Pennanent t endowment fund of at least
41. (I) The Society shall establish a permanen
Endowment fund
rupees ten crore.
t the permanent endowment
The University shall have the power to inves
fund in such manner as may be prescribed.
the general fund or the
The University may transfer any amount from
development fund to the permanent endowment
specified in sub-section (1)
Any amount exceeding the minimum amount
wment fund by the University for the
may be withdrawn from the permanent endo
purposes of development of the University.
General Fund al fund to which the following
42. (1)The University shall establish a gener
amount shall be credited, namely:—
(ci) all fees which may be charged by the University;

(b) all sums received from any other source;

it) all contributions made by the Society; and

(d) ns made is this behalf by any other person or
Ift41 31-E1tI1714 '1 d, 7 3T1,a, 2011 27

which are not prohibited by any law for the time being in force.
(2) The moneys credited to the general fund shall be applied to meet all the
recurring expenditures of the University.
43. (1) The University shall also establish a development fund to which the Development
following money shall be credited, namely;-

development fees, which may be charged from students;

all sums received from other sources for the purpose of the
development of the University;

all contributions the Society;

all contributions made in this behalf by any other person or body

which are not prohibited by any law for the time being enforce; and

all incomes received from the permanent endowment fund.

(2) The money credited to the development fund from time to time shall be
utilized for the development of the University.

44. The funds established under sections 41,42 and 43 shall subject to general Maintenance of
supervisions and control of the Court be regulated and maintained in such manner as Fund

may be prescribed.
45. The University shall not be eligible for any grant in aid °laity, financial Financial

assistance from the State Government or any other body or Corporation owned and Condition

controlled by the State Government.

46. The fees charged for different academic programmes shall be in • Fees

accordance with laws for the time being in force.

(1) It shall be the duty of the University or any authority or officer of the Power of State
Government • to
University to furnish such information or records relating to the administration or
call for
finance and other affairs of the University as the State Government may call for. information and
(2) The State Government, if it is of the view that there is a violation of the records
Act or the Statutes or Ordinances made thereunder may issue such directions to the.
University under section 51 as it may deem necessary.
(1) If the University proposes its dissolution in accordance with the law Dissolution
governing its constitutions or incotporation, it shall give at least six months written
notice to the State Government.
(2) On receipt of notice referred to in sub-section (I) the State Government
shall make such arrangement for administration of the University from the date of
dissolution of the university and until the last batch of students in regular courses of
studies of the University complete their courses or studies in such manner as may be
(I) The expenditure for administration of the University during the taking Expenditure of the
University during
over the liabilities of the University under section 48 shall be met out of the permanent
endowment, the general fund, and the development fund.
(2) If the funds referred to sub-section (1) are not sufficient to meet the
expenditure of the University during the taking over the liabilities of the University,
such expenditure may be met by disposing of the properties or assets of the university
by the State Government.
(I) Where the State Government receives a complaint that the University De-recognition of
the University by
is not functioning in accordance with the provisions of this Act, it shall require the the State
University to show cause within such time, which shall not be less than two months Government
28 . ‘i xi XMaRT 3T9-r4Rvt 4 Jul 7 3111- , 2011

referring a copy of the complaint as to why the University should not be derecognized.

(2) If, upon receipt of the reply of the University to the notice given under
subsection (1), the State Government is satisfied that a prima-facie case of
mismanagement or violation of the provisions of this Act in the functioning of the
University is made out, it shall order such enquiry as it deems necessary.

(3) For the purposes of an inquiry under sub—section (2), the State
Government shall by notification, appoint an officer or authority as the enquiring
authority to enquire into the allegations of violation of the provisions of this Act.

(4) Every inquiring authority appointed under sub-section (3) shall while
performing its functions under this Act have all the powers of Civil Court under the
code of Civil Procedure, 1908 trying a suit and in particular in respect of the following
matters, namely:-

summoning and enforcing the attendance of any witness and

examining him on oath;

requiring the discovery and production of any document;

requisitioning any public record or copy thereof from any office:

receiving evidence on affidavits;

any other matter which may be prescribed.

(5) If, upon receipt of the inquiry report, the State Government is satisfied that
the University has violated any provision of this Act, the State Government shall
direct the University to make necessary improvement and suggest for proper
implementation of the provision of this Act.

(6) If it is observed that the University is violating the Act continuously for
three times the State Government may derecognize the University with prior approval
of the University Grants Commission.

(7) During the period of the management of the University under sub- section
(6), the State Government may utilize the permanent 'endowment fund, the general
funds or the development fund for the purpose of the Management of the affairs of the
University. If the funds of the University are not sufficient to meet the requisite
expenditure of the University, the State Government may dispose olthe assets or the
properties of the University to meet the said expenses.

(8) Every notification under sub-section (6), shall be laid before both houses
of the State Legislature before implementation.

Power of the State The State Government may issue such directions time to time to
Government to
University on policy matters not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act as it may
issue directions on
policy matters deem necessary, Such directions shall be complied with by the University.

Status of Assets/ All assets and properties including permanent endowment fund, general
Liabilities on
fund or any other fund and also the liabilities of the University will belong to the
Dissolution/ de-
recognition Society in case of dissolution of the University under any clause mentioned herein
above in this Act.
Ira-41 3MTUTT°T -111/-43-R, 7 aritel, 2011 -)9
53. (1) The State Gover
nment may for the purpos
es of removing any Powe
difficulty, particularly in r icul
diff to ties
relation to the transition
Pradesh State Universit fro m the pro vis ions of the Uttar
ies Act, 1973 to the pro
visions of this Act, direct
provisions of this Act sha that the
ll during such period as ma
y be specified in the order,
effect subject to such ada have
ptations, whether by wa
y of modification, additio
omission as it may deem n or
necessary or expedient:
Provided that no such ord
er shall be made after two
years from the date of
commencement of this Ac
Every order made under
sub-section (1) shall be laid
before both Houses
of the State Legislature as
soon as maybe after it is
No order made under sub
-section (1) shall he called
court on the ground that no in question in any
difficulty as is referred to
in that sub-section existed
or was
required to be removed.

With a view to encouragi
ng private sector to partici
it has been decided to est pate in the field of higher
ablish and incorporate a tea education,
ching University by the nam
Gautam Buddha Nagar in e of Galgotias University.
Uttar Pradesh sponsored
by Sint. Shakuntala Educa
4405/6, Prakash Apartm tional and Welfare Society
ent. part-2, 5 Ansari Road, ,
Dariyaganj, New Delhi.
Societies Registration Ac registered under the Indian
t, 1860 (Central Act No.2,1
of 1860), so as to provide
the necessary atmospher to the students and teache
e and facilities for the pro rs
motion of innovations in
structuring of courses, new education leading to pro
methods of teaching and per
learning and integral dev
elopment of personality.
. The Galgotias Universit
y Uttar Pradesh Bill, 201
1 is introduced according

By order,
Promukh Sochiv.

or:J1.074,ERTIci--V, " 6:1c, 55 \117.114-'5,1 (R (D)-2011 9-1) 599 •pfty..I1(v' I )I

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