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Post-Graduate Diploma in Management – Full Time

(Batch 2021 – 23)
End Exam Term: II (Take Home Exam)
Faculty Name: Profs Tapas Ranjan Moharana/ Sapna Popli /Elkana
Ezekiel /Jishnu Changkakoti/ Ram Mohan Dhara /Sheetal Jain
Exam Date: 30.12.2021 Time: 2 Hours 30 minutes
Maximum Marks: 100, Wtg. 40%
Instructions: Answer any four questions out of the given five. The total time allowed is 2
Hours 30 minutes. Marks are indicated at the end of the question. It is suggested to keep
your answers precise and to the point. Please spend good amount of time on creative
thinking and structuring your answers. Answer for each question preferably be within 1
page in Times New Roman font, size 12, and using single line spacing.

Q1. Maruti Suzuki, which started its journey in 1982 as Maruti Udyog – a joint venture
between Suzuki Motor Corporation and Government of India, has taken a huge lead and
maintained dominant market share over the years in the highly competitive yet promising
Indian personal vehicle industry. However, as relatively newer players like Kia, MG Hector
and other existing competitors are making aggressive moves to capture market share, Maruti
may face pressure to sustain its leadership position in the personal vehicle industry.
In your view, how can Maruti provide differentiation through its product offering to sustain
its position as a market leader. Should it go for premiumization strategy? Should it resort to
line filling? Explain your answer in detail. [25 marks

Q2. “Sanjay’s Sandwiches” is a popular roadside eatery, located in a busy commercial area in
Chennai. The owner and sole employee, named Sanjay, notices that he is able to sell
sandwiches and finish all his inventory of bread, vegetables and other ingredients like butter
and margarine every day by 3 p.m. The peak time for business is between 12:30 p.m. and
2:30 p.m. when offices break for lunch. A mini peak is between 4 and 5 p.m. when some
office goers take a short break for tea and a snack. Sanjay does not have any scope to increase
the quantity of his ingredients and therefore sandwiches, since space is limited and cannot be
expanded. In a desire to increase sales revenue and profit he feels he must relook at his
pricing, but he is not sure how to do so and what information he should consider. With this
background answer the following questions.
a) Can you advise Sanjay on the different approaches to setting price that he could consider to
increase his sales revenue? Clearly explain the pitfalls and constraints in each approach.
[12.5 marks
b) Assuming there is no other sandwich vendor in this commercial area, what are the business
implications of Sanjay raising prices by a flat 15%? Note that though he is the only sandwich
seller, he is not the only provider of food for lunch and for tea-time snacks in this geography.
[12.5 marks
Q3. Select any one brand specific advertisement published on YouTube from January 2020-
December 2021 that has impacted you as a consumer of that brand. Which part of the
consumer’s decision journey was the communication focused on and what are the possible
ways to measure its effectiveness? You need to include the link to the YouTube
advertisement you are referring to, without which the answers will not be evaluated.
[25 marks

Performance in Number of Number of Number of Number of

November 2021 potential potential leads conversions
(New business) customers in customers generated
the territory met
Amar 200 125 60 10
Akbar 100 90 50 15
Anthony 150 130 70 21

Performance in Total number Total number Number of Total sales

November 2021 of existing of calls made productive generated
(Existing customers in (standard call calls
business) territory frequency =
Amar 150 500 0 1000000
Akbar 200 650 0 800000
Anthony 150 570 0 650000

Q4. Given below are the details of the performance of 3 sales executives of a company. Their
goals include generating sales from existing outlets as well as opening new outlets. Please
analyse the data about the executives for the month of November 2021 of the 3 people and
rank them in order of their performance. You will need to justify your ranking with data.
[25 marks
There monthly expenses are as follows:
Amar - Rs.2,50,000, Akbar - Rs. 3,00,000, Anthony - Rs. 4,00,000.
Q5. Does It Matter Where You Sell? Some marketers feel that the image of the particular
channel in which they sell their products does not matter—all that matters is that the right
customers shop there, and the product is displayed in the right way. Others maintain that
channel images—such as a retail store—can be critical and must be consistent with the image
of the product.
Take a position and justify with appropriate examples: Channel images do not really
affect the brand images of the products they sell that much versus Channel images must be
consistent with the brand image.
[25 Marks
.. All the best ..

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