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Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 1545±1560

Plant energy saving through ecient retro®t of furnaces

Z. Jegla*, P. StehlõÂ k, J. Kohoutek
Institute of Process and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Brno, Technicka 2, 616 69 Brno,
Czech Republic


Tubular process furnaces belong to energy demanding equipment in the process industry, especially in
the chemical and petrochemical process plants and re®neries. Several ways of energy saving in such
plants usually exist. Retro®t of furnaces can be considered as one of the straightforward and ecient
ways. However, operational and geometrical constraints of an existing furnace are the reasons due to
which the retro®t of a furnace is a very dicult task. Therefore, the process retro®t is usually focused
on heat exchanger network (HEN) retro®t considering maximum furnace duty. Nevertheless, the furnace
retro®t should be considered wherever possible. In some older plants, the placement of new shells or
topology changes in HENs can be expensive due to various reasons and only minimum topology
modi®cations are usually allowed. The furnace retro®t procedure described in this paper is based on an
advanced furnace integration approach using some principles of Pinch Analysis and considering furnace
limitations. It can bring surprising results. This method combines principles of an e€ective design of
both processes and equipment. An ecient methodology for furnaces retro®t, using optimization of
both stack temperature and air preheating system, is applied. An advantage of this approach is
demonstrated through a case study Ð retro®t of furnace in petrol hydrogenation re®ning plant for
energy eciency improvement. 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Furnace; Design; Synthesis; Optimization; Process integration; Pinch Analysis

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +420-5-4114-2366 or +420-5-4114-2373; fax: +420-5-4114-2373.

E-mail addresses: (Z. Jegla), (P. StehlõÂ k).

1359-4311/00/$ - see front matter 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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1546 Z. Jegla et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 1545±1560


FUEL heat supplied by fuel (W)

H enthalpy (W)
kR coecient of heat absorbed in radiation chamber (±)
Q heat (W)
Qcon heat absorbed in convective sections of a furnace (W)
QH, min minimum hot utility (W)
Qrad heat absorbed in radiation chamber (W)
T temperature (K)
Tair air preheat temperature (K)
TBW bridge wall temperature (K)
TDP dew point temperature (K)
TI interval temperature (K)
T0 ambient temperature (K)
TSTACK stack temperature (K)
TTFT theoretical ¯ame temperature (K)
DT min minimum allowable temperature di€erence (K)
l excess air (±)

exist existing
EX1, EX2 existing regime of operation
max maximum
min minimum
new new
opt, OPT optimum
1, 2, 3, 4 fuel gas lines numbers

1. Introduction

Furnaces are frequently used as hot utility systems. They belong to essential components of
most process plants and to large and complex items of industrial units. Tubular furnaces are
primarily used for heating all types of hydrocarbons and also hot oils and steam or for
preheating air. They are major consumers of energy in process plants (approximately 75% of
their total energy consumption). Therefore, even a minor eciency improvement can save a lot
of energy and capital, and consequently, contributes to decreasing emissions production.
Moreover, the cost of the furnace system usually ranges between 10 and 30% of the plant's
total investment. Due to these and other reasons, furnaces can be considered as key pieces of
equipment in many processes. Some types of furnace con®gurations are shown in Fig. 1. A
typical new furnace installation is ®tted with an air preheating system and an NOx reduction
system. Such an economic design can be successfully performed, using a modern furnace
Z. Jegla et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 1545±1560 1547

Fig. 1. Typical furnaces con®gurations.

1548 Z. Jegla et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 1545±1560

integration approach connecting the target with the detailed design of a furnace [1]. This
approach enables to determine geometric parameters of furnace subsystems (like convective
sections, air preheaters) in addition to optimum regimes of operation (like fuel ¯owrate of
burners, air preheating temperature, ¯ue gas stack temperature). Furnaces designed using this
approach are preferable because of their high eciency.

2. Constraints of furnace retro®t

Process retro®t is much more dicult task in comparison with the grassroot design. The
process topology (and also arrangement of a furnace) is already given. Process debottlenecking,
improvement of process energy eciency or changes in feed or products are usually reasons of
process retro®t in most cases. Maximum furnace duty is usually considered as a main retro®t
design constraint. Moreover, the furnace is limited by heat ¯ux density in radiation chamber,
by existing design and construction and by other factors (e.g. utilizable heat of outlet ¯ue gases
is limited by acid dew point). The other constraints involved are space availability and
investment budget.
From this point of view and with consideration of complicated algorithms for modelling and
simulation of furnaces (experiments on industrial process furnaces are not usually feasible), the
retro®t of existing furnaces is a very dicult task. Therefore, the process retro®t is usually
focused on heat exchanger network (HEN) retro®t considering maximum furnace duty.
However, many older plants exist where the placement of new shells or topology changes in
HENs can be expensive due to various reasons and only minimum topology modi®cations are
usually allowed. Moreover, retro®t of furnaces is successfully realized in industrial practice for
a long time [2]. Nevertheless, the level of success of such retro®t strongly depends on know-
how and experience of furnace designers. However, the furnace retro®t based on a furnace
integration approach considering furnace limitations [1] can be feasible and can bring
surprising results. The paper is based on these aspects and provides us with a new insight into
the process retro®t. In order to achieve plant retro®t target (improvement of energy eciency,
process debottlenecking, etc.), a comparison between economic and technical aspects of HEN
retro®t and furnace retro®t is necessary. The most promising alternative is recommended based
on obtained economical and technical results.

3. Furnace retro®t based on process integration

The approach presented below is based on detailed evaluation of degrees of freedom related
to furnaces process parameters and on consideration of the existing techniques for an ecient
solution of this problem. The posibilities of a furnace retro®t by applying Pinch Analysis [1]
comprised the optimization of:
. stack temperature and evaluation of convective sections arrangement using capital/energy
. air preheating system taking into consideration: (i) utilizing exhaust ¯ue gases, (ii) utilizing
Z. Jegla et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 1545±1560 1549

waste heat of process streams or (iii) a combination of both these alternatives (¯ue gases +
waste heat of process streams).

3.1. Algorithm for stack temperature optimization

Let us de®ne our retro®t target as an optimum degree of annual total cost of convective
sections and fuel (and/or hot utility) related to the stack temperature TSTACK.
The principle of this approach (see Figs. 2 and 3) can be characterized by following steps:
1. Determination of the theoretical ¯ame temperature TTFT (based on calculation of
combustion of fuel without air preheating) as a starting point of ¯ue gas line.
2. Using the Grand Composite Curve (GCC; see Fig. 2) de®ned in [3], we determine lower
boundary of the temperature interval for TSTACK and evaluate the minimum value of fuel
consumption (FUELmin). Stack temperature can be limited by process (utility pinch, process
pinch) or by ¯ue gas acid dew point [4].
3. Heat transferred in the radiation chamber can be determined as follows: Qrad ˆ kR  FUEL:
Then we can evaluate the bridgewall temperature TBW (see Fig. 2) which is the temperature
of ¯ue gas leaving a radiation chamber. Coecient kR expresses the amount of heat
transferred in the radiation chamber. In case of retro®t, this coecient can be evaluated

Fig. 2. Stack temperature optimization interval.

1550 Z. Jegla et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 1545±1560

from heat balance of an existing furnace. The bridgewall temperature represents upper
boundary of the stack temperature interval and the ¯ue gas line 2 (Fig. 2) maximum fuel
consumption (FUELmax) for a furnace without convective sections.
4. Now we can perform a number of calculations for TSTACK from this interval. Each
calculation involves following steps:
(i) Heat transferred in convective sections Qcon is determined as QH, minÿQrad …Qrad is
evaluated during each run as follows: Qrad ˆ kR  FUEL). From Qcon and given inlet
temperature of process ¯uid (entering convective sections), the temperature of process
¯uid at the convective sections outlet is determined. (The mean temperature di€erence in a
convective section is evaluated assuming a countercurrent arrangement of convective
(ii) From a given diameter of tubes, tube length, tube arrangement (in-line or staggered),
number of tubes in one row and width of a convective section, heat transfer coecients of
¯ue gas and process ¯uid, and heat transfer area of the convective section and total
number of tube rows are evaluated.
(iii) Annual cost of fuel burnt and annual investment and operating costs of convective
sections are determined.
The procedure described above allows the capital/energy trade-o€ for the optimum stack
temperature (see Fig. 3). Based on the identi®ed optimum important values, like area of
convective section, optimum number of tubes and tube rows, and other parameters, are
evaluated. The results of this optimization have to be compared with existing parameters of the
furnace. Two situations can be identi®ed (see Fig. 3). First, the area of convective sections in

Fig. 3. Capital/energy trade-o€ for optimization of the stack temperature TSTACK.

Z. Jegla et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 1545±1560 1551

the furnace is smaller than that found by optimization procedure (see point EX1 in Fig. 3). In
this case, there is a scope for retro®t of convective part of the furnace (area can be added). On
the other side, if the area of convective section in the furnace is higher than area found by
optimization procedure (see point EX2 in Fig. 3), the retro®t of convective part of the furnace
is not feasible because we cannot remove existing area.

3.2. Algorithm for optimization of air preheating

3.2.1. Considering exhaust ¯ue gases for air preheating

The aim to increase heat absorbed in an existing furnace is usually the core of furnace
retro®t. This is in order to increase the plant capacity (higher ¯owrate of heated medium).
Existing furnace is usually limited by heat ¯ux density at the tube surface in radiation
chamber. Retro®t is then aimed at more ecient utilization of ¯ue gas in convective sections of
the furnace. The procedure for retro®t of convective sections has been described above, and
that for air preheating is as follows:
The theoretical ¯ame temperature TTFT can be considered as an indicator of tube heat ¯ux
density at the tube surface in the radiation chamber for the purpose of fuel consumption
optimization. The principle of the procedure for optimization is to keep the stack temperature
TSTACK, opt and the theoretical ¯ame temperature TTFT constant, while the temperature of air
preheating Tair is being increased. The values of this temperature range within the interval hT0,
Tair, maxi. The overall algorithm is obvious from Fig. 4.
The air preheating optimization algorithm also involves a procedure for optimization of
plate type air preheaters [5] which enables to evaluate optimum investment, operating and
geometrical parameters of air preheater for a given duty Qair. Although the plate type
recuperative preheater can be larger and more expensive than a regenerative type, it has some
important advantages. Such a heat exchanger is relatively simple, requires minimum
maintenance, it is corrosion resistant and does not have any moving parts demanding power

Fig. 4. Principle of air preheating optimization in case of furnace retro®t.

1552 Z. Jegla et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 1545±1560

Fig. 5. Plate type heat exchanger in cross-¯ow arrangement.

supply. A basic block of plate type air preheater is shown in Fig. 5. Air preheating
optimization algorithm results in capital/energy trade-o€ for air preheating system as shown in
Fig. 6. The total cost is a sum of all the costs considered, and the optimum values of air
preheating temperature and excess air can be found. Based on minimum annual cost, the
optimum value of air preheating temperature Tair, opt and the corresponding values of excess air

Fig. 6. Capital/energy trade-o€ for air preheating using furnace outlet ¯ue gas heat.
Z. Jegla et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 1545±1560 1553

lopt , fuel ¯owrate and geometrical parameters and operating conditions of the air preheater can
be identi®ed.

3.2.2. Considering waste heat of process streams for air preheating

Utilization of heat, which is to be rejected by hot process streams, can contribute to both
energy saving and cold utility reduction. Therefore, the cold utility cost is involved in the
capital/energy trade-o€ as well. This alternative can also be considered in conjuction with the
use of heat of exhaust ¯ue gases for air preheating. All the feasible alternatives are necessary to
be considered for evaluation of the optimum air preheating system [1].

4. Retro®t of furnace from plant for hydrogenation re®ning petrol (case study)

The purpose of the process for hydrogenation re®ning petrol consist in hydrogenation of
unsaturated hydrocarbons. The plant has been revamped several times during its operation. A
previous retro®t was performed by heat transfer intensi®cation of both the HEN and the
furnace and/or ®red heater as a utility system. In the latter case, the intensi®cation consisted of
installing an air preheater. Steam from other process with pressure and temperature 1 MPa
and 2108C, respectively, was used as hot medium for air preheating. The retro®t was realized
at a period when steam was relatively cheap. However, since then the costs of fuel, energy as
well as that of steam had increased several times. The cost of air preheating for the company is
very high (due to furnace capacity and amount of product) at present. This fact has a serious
impact on cost of product and the company's competitiveness. Annual cost of air preheating is
approximately $30,000. Moreover, additional costs for operation and maintenance are
consequences of leakages which were found in the system for air preheating. A simpli®ed
scheme of the present process for hydrogenation re®ning petrol is shown in Fig. 7. It has been
decided by the re®nery management to replace the present air preheating system by a new one
with the aim to save fuel, matching the more sweeping emissions limits. A limited investment
cost is available. Further, a minor retro®t of the furnace is considered so that its eciency
would be increased. Based on the analysis of the process, no changes in the HEN are allowed.

4.1. Simulation

A simpli®ed scheme of an existing furnace can be seen in Fig. 8. It is a vertical cylindrical

furnace (backwall type) with horizontal tubes in its convective section. There are 36 vertical
plane tubes (OD = 114 mm, thickness = 7 mm) in the radiation chamber with length of 4.5 m
and shield tubes with staggered arrangement (two rows per four tubes with the same OD and
thickness like the tubes in the radiation chamber and with e€ective length of 2.92 m) at the
furnace bridgewall. The total number of tubes in convective sections is 18 (nine rows per two
tubes in staggered arrangement). Tube dimensions are the same as in case of shield tubes.
However, these tubes are ®nned ones and the height of welded ®ns is 20 mm, ®ns' thickness
and distance are 2 mm and 6.5 mm, respectively. Three dual (combined oil/gas) burners are
installed in the furnace's bottom with overall ¯owrate of fuel 0.116 mN3/s and excess air 1.15.
Selected results of simulation of existing regime of operation are as follows: TSTACK = 3108C,
1554 Z. Jegla et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 1545±1560

Fig. 7. Simpli®ed ¯owsheet of the hydrogenation re®ning petrol plant.

Fig. 8. Simpli®ed scheme of the furnace.

Z. Jegla et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 1545±1560 1555

TBW = 7198C, heat absorbed by process ¯uid = 2946 kW, furnace eciency = 82.9% and
the maximum temperature of tube's outer surface 1 4108C.

4.2. Targeting

Based on the known value of heat absorbed and results of heat and mass balance, a
minimum allowable temperature di€erence can be identi®ed using Pinch Analysis targeting
approach. If we consider the existing hot utility QH, min = 2946 kW, then we can found the
value of DTmin ˆ 62:68C for existing process. GCC of this process is shown in Fig. 9.

4.3. Optimization

4.3.1. Stack temperature

An optimization of stack temperature without considering air preheating including an
economic evaluation, was done. The existing arrangement of ®nned tube banks in convective
section, operating conditions (excess air and humidity, fuel temperature and composition,

Fig. 9. GCC of existing process of hydrogenation re®ning petrol.

1556 Z. Jegla et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 1545±1560

conditions of combustion, etc.) as well as the cost data were available. A plot showing results
of optimization is in Fig. 10.
An optimum value of the stack temperature TSTACK, OPT = 3458C can be identi®ed as that
for minimum total cost. The related value of fuel ¯owrate is 0.122 mN3/s, and convective
section for this case should have eight tube rows (i.e. 16 tubes considering unchanged
dimensions of the convective part of furnace with two tubes per row). Investment cost which
would be in relation with the existing arrangement is marked by point ``EXISTING'' on the
curve for investment cost in Fig. 10 (i.e. nine tube rows with two tubes per row, total number
of tubes = 18). However, it means that results of the optimization procedure for TSTACK
cannot be utilized because removal existing area would not be considered as an economic
approach. Therefore, the existing arrangement of convective section is maintained without any
change as a starting point for the air preheating optimization using outlet ¯ue gas enthalpy.

4.3.2. Air preheating

It is necessary to consider some constraints of the existing furnace identi®ed in the above
paragraphs (maximum heat absorbed (2946 kW) and approximate maximum temperature of
tube's outer surface (4108C)).

Fig. 10. Capital/energy trade-o€ for optimization of the stack temperature and size of convective section.
Z. Jegla et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 1545±1560 1557

An optimization of the air preheating for real operating conditions (excess air and humidity,
fuel temperature and composition, etc.) and known cost data was performed. The capital/
energy trade-o€ is obvious from Fig. 11a and b. An optimum value of air preheating (Tair, opt
= 1908C) was identi®ed, and consequently, the optimized plate type air preheater with area of
76 m2 was designed (see Figs. 11 and 12). Excess air and fuel ¯owrate for this optimum
alternative are 1.254 and 0.114 mN3/s, respectively.

4.4. Detailed design

Identifying a possible alternative of retro®t can be considered as a main result of the above
optimization approach which belongs to the stage of synthesis. This alternative is characterized
by realization with minimum investment cost in a minimum period achievable and should
bring the expected reduction in steam and fuel consumption provided that NOx emissions limit
is maintained.
Using the simulation computer program, a detailed furnace design with an air preheater was
formed. Parameters found by optimization in the stage of synthesis (Vfuel, OPT = 0.144 mN3/s,
Tair, OPT = 1908C, lopt ˆ 1:254† and the existing arrangement of the furnace were considered.
Total annual costs (for the retro®t realization, operation and maintenance) of the system for
air preheating were de®ned more precisely ($5800/year) as well as the furnace eciency
(88.4%). A simpli®ed ¯owsheet of the unit for hydrogenation re®ning petrol after retro®t is
shown in Fig. 12.

4.5. Evaluation of results

Optimum utilization of ¯ue gas exhaust heat for air preheating together with a minor change
in operating parameters (excess air increase and fuel ¯owrate decreases) resulted in
approximately 20% reduction of energy (see Table 1). Therefore, using steam for air
preheating can be eliminated and replaced by a new system for air preheating using a plate
type air preheater. This results in fuel saving, provided the main parameters of the furnace
operation, like heat absorbed (2946 kW), are maintained and the maximum temperature of the
tube's outer surface is not exceeded. Moreover, without a dependence on heating steam
supplying the process, the operation is more ¯exible, and it is either not necessary to generate
the steam or use it for other processes. This can contribute to improve the re®nery economy.
Heat absorbed in the radiation chamber is slightly decreased and heat absorbed in the
convective section is slightly increased after retro®t. However, 88.4% furnace eciency is
achieved which is 5.5% more than before retro®t.
Temperature of ¯ue gas at the air preheater outlet (1638C; see Fig. 12) is well above the ¯ue
gas dew point (which is given by H2SO4 dew point Ð 1378C). Therefore, it is on the safe side
due to H2SO4 condensation at the ``cold end'' of the air preheater [2].
Economic bene®t of the retro®t is obvious from Table 1. Furnace retro®t is based on an
optimum utilization of ¯ue gas exhaust gases for air preheating, provided minimum annual
total costs for air preheating system are achieved. A complete elimination of the use of heating
steam as a hot utility for air preheating and fuel reduction by 1.7%, provided 2.2 months of
1558 Z. Jegla et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 1545±1560

Fig. 11. Capital/energy trade-o€ for air preheating by furnace outlet ¯ue gas.
Z. Jegla et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 1545±1560 1559

Fig. 12. Simpli®ed ¯owsheet of the unit for hydrogenation re®ning petrol after retro®t.

Table 1
Comparison of selected parameters before and after retro®t

Characteristic parameters Before retro®t After retro®t

Excess air, l (±) 1.15 1.254

Temperature of combustion air, Tair (8C) 140 190
Fuel ¯owrate, Vfuel (mN3/s 0.116 0.114
Flowrate of steam for heating (kg/s) 0.083 0
Maximum temperature of tube outer surface (8C) 410 410
Bridgewall temperature, TBW (8C) 719 749
Stack temperature, TSTACK (8C) 310 316
Heat absorbed by convection section (kW) 432 474
Heat absorbed in the furnace (kW) 2946 2946
NOx produced (ppm) 138 166
Furnace eciency (%) 82.9 88.4
Annual cost for fuel ($/year) 130,500 128,250
Fuel saving (%) ± 1.7
Annual cost for heating steam ($/year) 29,340 0
Heating steam saving (%) ± 100
Total annual cost for fuel and steam ($/year) 159,840 128,250
Annual cost for steam and fuel saving ($/year) ± 31,590
Annual investment and operating cost for the new air preheating system ($/year) ± 5820
Payback (months) ± 2.2
1560 Z. Jegla et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 1545±1560

payback, can be considered as a main bene®t of retro®t. Results show the e€ectiveness of
applying process integration for the retro®t of furnaces.

5. Conclusion

A method contributing to energy (fuel) saving in the process industry plants is based on
process integration using Pinch Analysis. This approach combines principles of an e€ective
design of both processes and equipment. An ecient methodology for furnaces retro®t using
optimization of both stack temperature and air preheating system is described. An application
of this method is shown through a case study Ð retro®t of a furnace from the hydrogenation
re®ning petrol plant. Utilization of ¯ue gas exhaust heat for air preheating together with a
minor change in operating parameters resulted in approximately 20% reduction of annual
plant energy costs.


[1] Z. Jegla, P. StehlõÂ k, J. Kohoutek, Furnaces integration into processes based on pinch analysis, in: 13th
International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA '98 Prague, 1998.
[2] A. Garg, Revamp ®red heaters to increase capacity, Hydrocarbon Processing 77 (6) (1998) 67±80.
[3] B. Linnho€, D.W. Townsend, D. Boland, G.F. Hewitt, B.E.A. Thomas, A.R. Guz, R.H. Marsland, User Guide
on Process Integration for the Ecient Use of Energy, IChemE, Rugby, UK, 1982 (latest updated reprint,
[4] B. Linnho€, J. de Leur, Appropriate placement of furnaces in the integrated process, in: IChemE Symposium
``Understanding Process Integration II'', 22±23 March, UMIST, Manchester, 1988, pp. 22±23.
[5] P. StehlõÂ k, Z. Jegla, J. Kohoutek, Optimization of plate type air preheaters in process furnaces, in: 1997
National Heat Transfer Conference, Baltimore, USA, 1997.

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