Minority Grants

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Who qualifies for Minority Grants?


The government and foundations across the U.S. offer certain grants that benefit minority
populations in different fields of work, businesses, and research groups.  Although there are
various minority grants available, you must meet the eligibility requirements.     

African Americans
African Americans have experienced an increase in college grant opportunities over the last
decade, including:  
1. United Negro College Fund
2. Frederick Douglass Scholars Program
3. Mordecai Wyatt Johnson Program
4. The National Black Nurses Association
5. The March of Dimes Nursing Scholarships
6. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
7. The American Psychological Association's minority fellowship program
The United Negro College Fund (UNCF) is by far the most impressive minority college grant. The
UNCF was found in 1942, but it was not until 1972 when the all time familiar phrase “a mind is a
terrible thing to waste” came into acknowledgement across the United States. This minority
college grants funds three dozen historically African American colleges and universities.   

Hispanic Minority Grants

Hispanic minority grants are few in comparison to other minorities.  The U.S. has acknowledged
this deficit, contributing $15 million dollars towards start up costs for the development of
Hispanic universities and colleges.  In addition to the $15 million in start up funds, the
government has also contributed $70 million towards already established Hispanic universities
and colleges.  The U.S. may have gotten a late start on funding this minority, but there has been
dramatic enrollment with the implementation of these grants listed below:     
1. Hispanic Nurses Association grants and scholarships
2. March of Dimes Nursing Scholarship program
3. Scholarship for Disadvantaged Students program
4. Nursing Education Loan Repayment program
5. The Hispanic Scholarship Fund Institute
6. Silicon Valley Scholarship
7. Jose Marti Challenge Grant

Asian Minority Grants

The minority grants listed below pertain to one of the fastest growing minority groups in the
United States, Asians. The Luisa Mallari Fellowship is by far the most influential Asian minority
grant, which allows Asian students the opportunity to study their surrounding countries.  There
are a wide variety of Asian minority grants, including:
1. Association for Asian Studies, Inc
2. Asian American Federation of New York
3. Asian American Journalists Association
4. Southeast Asian Studies Regional Exchange Program
5. Luisa Mallari Fellowship

Native American Minority Grants

To qualify for Native American college grants, you must present your proof of your Certificate
of Indian Blood (CIB), as well as belong to a well-recognized tribe. 
If you are like most Native American descendents, you will not have proof, as many tribes
changed their names and did not keep documentation.  However, if you one of the few who
possess a CIB and belong to a tribe, then you should qualify for the grants listed below:
1. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: 2008 Tribal Wildlife Grants
2. Tribal Colleges Education Equity Grants
3. Indian Adult Education
4. Minority Science and Engineering Improvement
5. Special diabetes program for Indians: Diabetes Prevention & Treatment Projects

Disadvantaged Groups Minority Grants

If you have a disability, there are various grants that are specifically geared towards assisting
your educational endeavors, whether for college, rehabilitation, or preschool.  Some of the
most popular disadvantaged group grants are:
1. Harry Truman Scholarship Program
2. Rehabilitation Training: Continuing Education
3. Tech-Prep Education
4. Training Interpreters for Individuals Who Are Deaf & Individuals Who Are Deaf-Blind
5. Special Education Preschool Grants

As with all grants, you should check the eligibility requirements before applying.  The
government has set aside a significant value of funds, along with other foundations, to enable
minority students the opportunity to attend college and universities, perform research, and

- Azain Tariq

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