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To place a strong element at the end of

LEGAL WRITING the sentence for emphasis
ATTY. MAUREEN PATAJO d. When you want to muddy the waters
CB_Reviewer 8. Avoid gaps between subject, verb, and object
To make your writing easier to understand, most of
your declaratory sentences should follow normal
REVIEW ON PLAIN ENGLISH english order: Subject - Verb – Object
1. Omit surplus words
Work on lessening the glue words Example: 
a. Working words – those that carry the Gap - This agreement, unless revocation has
meaning of the sentence occurred at an earlier date, shall expire on
b. Glue words – holds the working words November 1, 2020.
together to form a proper, grammatical Closed - Unless sooner revoked, this agreement
sentence expires on November 1, 2020.
Original – (A) trial jury (was) requested (by the) 9. When necessary, make a list
defendant. a. Items in the list must be parallel in
Improved – The defendant requested a jury substance
trial. b. Items must be parallel in grammar

2. Avoid compound construction 10. Use strong nouns and verbs

Use simple words instead Example: He walked quickly – He dashed
a. Compound construction – three or four
words to do the work of one or two words 11. Split long sentences
Example: a. Lists of basic information - if facts do not
- At that point in time. (Then) have a strong connection, there is little to
- For the purpose of. (To) be gained by making them all one
- Inasmuch. (Since) sentence
- In favor of. (For) b. Sentences beginning with although,
- In order to. (To) because, despite, etc. - sentences
- In the event that. (To) including two separate ideas with a
specific relationship 
3. Avoid word-wasting idioms c. Timeline or disease progression - proper
Do not add meaning to the words use or transition words and/or clear
VERBOSE CONCISE sentence subjects can keep the process
The fact that she died Her death united as a single concept
Despite the fact that Although
In many cases you will Often you will find 12. Maintain consistency in verb tenses
find Take note of past, future, and present tenses
That was the situation There the court
in which the court 13. Avoid overstating your argument
Can undercut an argument if used
4. Focus on the Actor, the Action, and the Object
Sentence becomes stronger and shorted Example:
Original: I’m completely certain that the current
5. Use base words, not nominalizations economic climate is definitely going to lead to a
Sentences become stronger and shorter recession.
a. Nominalizations – base verbs turned into Improved: Evidence shows that the current
nouns economic climate will likely lead to a recession, as
Example: Complain to complaint evident in the fact that

6. Prefer the active voice LEGAL WRITING

a. Active – subject acts upon the verb 1. Understanding legal writing
b. Passive – subject is the recipient a. Scope
Example: i. As a student - case digests,
Active – The union filed as complaint. answering exams
Passive – A complaint was filed by the union. ii. As a lawyer - pleadings,
motions, oppositions, replies, rejoinders,
7. When to use passive voice memoranda
a. When things done is important iii. As a judge - decisions and
b. When you want the subject of the reasons for the decision, announcement of
sentence to connect with words at the end result
of the preceding sentence a. Purpose

i. Identify and put together facts
on which the issues of the case will be 1. Parts of a traditional form of a decision
decided a. Case title (include ponente)
ii. Find the law or rule (i.e., Republic of the Philippines vs. Court of
statute law and case law or jurisprudence) Appeals and Roridel Molina, G.R. No.
that applies to the case given the nature of 108763, February 13, 1997
the legal dispute involved Panganiban, J. (En Banc Decision)
iii. Correctly identify the issue or
issues of the case b. Facts of the case
iv. Help pack power into your  Events between the parties during the
arguments litigation
v. Show how to edit your work,  How the case came to the court before
tighten your sentences, and make your deciding it
writing come through to your reader clearly  Include actions and basis of the plaintiff
vi. Help write better and defendant
 Include rulings of the MTC RTC and CA
2. Understanding legal dispute whether they are affirmed or reversed
a. Definition c. Arguments of the parties
i. Exists when one party d. MTC decision if applicable
complains of a violation of his right by e. Action of the party
another who, on the other hand, denies f. RTC decision
such violation g. CA decision
ii. It is the denial that tenders a h. Action of the party
legal dispute i. SC issues
iii. An alleged violation of a legal  Question court must decide to resolve on
right and a denial of such allegation j. Discussion per topic raised in the decision
b. In criminal cases k. Dispositive portion
i. State’s claim that the accused  “fallo”
has violated its right to compel obedience  What actually constitutes the
to its laws and in the latter’s denial of the resolution of the court and which is the
claim during his arraignment subject of execution
 Other parts of the decision
3. Significance of legal dispute in legal writing may be resorted to determine the ratio
a. You cannot properly end a dispute decidendi
without knowing what it is
b. Resolution of the dispute ends it 2. Minimum elements of a brief
c. Incorrectly identifying a dispute a. Facts – contains the name of the case and its
contributes nothing to its termination parties, what happened factually and
procedurally, and the judgment
4. Legal dispute and the principal issue b. Issue – what is in dispute
a. The legal dispute, recast in the format c. Holding – the applied rule of law
of an issue, provides the principal issue in d. Rationale – reasons of the holding
every case
3. Other elements that may be included
5. Importance of principal issue a. Dicta – commentary about the decision that
a. A case is decided for or against based was not the basis for the decision
on the issue b. Dissent – if a valuable dissenting opinion
b. The significance of every argument is exists, the dissent’s opinion
judged by its relevance to the principal issue c. Party’s arguments – opposing argument
concerning the ultimate issue
DRAFTING YOUR CASE BRIEF d. Comments – personal commentary
− Functions as a tool for self-instruction and
referencing 4. Facts may also be divided into the following:
− “Cheat sheet” for class participation a. Facts of the case
− Elements included in the brief depend upon i. What actually happened
the need of the maker ii. The controversy
− Tool intended for personal use b. Procedural history
− Reminder of the important details that make i. What events within the court system
the case significant in terms of the law led to the present case
− Process of summarizing a case and putting it ii. Important to civil procedure cases
into your own words within a brief provides for an c. Judgment
understanding of the law and of the case that i. What the court actually decided
cannot be gained through the process of
highlighting or annotating
ii. Factual determination by the court, in - Legal writing - last step wherein the legal research
favor of one party, such as “affirmed”, and analysis are assembled in a written form to
“reversed”, or “remanded” record and communicate the answer
iii. Holding is different in a sense that it is
the applied rule of law that serves as Importance of writing skills
the basis for the ultimate judgment - Produce finished product in a shorter period of
time which results to greater productivity and
5. Extracting the relevant information enhanced value to the firm
a. Include in the brief whatever is relevant - Affects the quality of a written product
b. What is relevant to the judge to make his - Avoid miscommunication
decision is not always relevant for you to - Legal research and analysis are meaningless if the
include in the brief results cannot be communicated clearly and
c. Memory aid concisely
d. Facts
i. Necessary to remind you of the story Goal of legal writing
ii. Dispositive of the decision in the case - To convey legal information clearly, concisely, and
e. Issue and conclusion completely in a manner that accomplishes both the
i. Distinguish the issues from the following:
arguments made by the parties  Addressing the topic fully in as few words as
ii. One for which the court made a final possible
decision and which are binding  Emphasize your points quickly
f. Rationale  Allowing the reader to gain a clear
i. Basic reasoning that the court used to understanding of the information in as little
come to its decision and the key time as possible
factors that made the decision favor  Quicker time to decide
one side or the other - The two points should be read in isolation
g. Annotating cases
i. Mark off different sections to allow you Legal writing process
to clear your thoughts and providing - Organized structure 
an invaluable resource when briefing - Helps develop writing skills, and facilitate the
and reviewing conduct of research and analysis
ii. Reference the original case in order to - Helps provide the means for organizing legal
reread dicta that might not have analysis and research material
seemed important at the time, to - Provides a framework that helps capture ideas and
review the complete history or set of record them in their proper place
tasks easier - Provides a stepped approach in order to overcome
iii. Provides a road map for the important difficult areas of writing
sections - Not absolute, but essential to adopt some
iv. Textual markings and margin notes
will refresh your memory and restore Pre-writing stage
specific thoughts you might have had - The stage where the assignment is organized,
about either the case in general or an researched, and analyzed
individual passage  Assignment
v. Medium for personal comments which  Identification of the type and purpose of
helps you remember forgotten the writing assignment
thoughts and random ideas  Is the assignment clearly understood?
h. Highlighting i. Understand the task that is
i. Makes case easy to digest, review, given
and use to extract information ii. Ask rather than perform the
ii. Takes advantage of colors to provide wrong task
a uniquely effective method for  What type of legal writing (document)
reviewing and referencing a case is required?
iii. Include those that represent the i. Each type of legal document
needed information for your brief has a different function and
iv. Color code different requirement

THE LEGAL WRITING PROCESS Law Office Research and analysis of the law
Legal Research applicable to a case. It is designed to
Introduction and Analysis inform the reader of the results
- Legal research, analysis and writing are all related  Memoranda
- Each are designed to answer the legal questions Correspondenc Demand letters, settlement proposals,
and lead to the resolution of disputes e notices of events, etc.
Court Briefs Document filed with the court that
contains an attorney’s legal argument
and the legal authority in support.
5. Include in the outline a reference to or some
Trial Court Briefs notation for transition sentences
 Submitted to a trial court
 Presents the legal authority  Use
and argument in support of a i. Value of an outline is
position advocated by an attorney determined by its use
ii. Of greatest value when actively
Appellate Court Brief integrated into the prewriting
 Submitted to a court of stage
appeals iii. Invaluable guide
 Presents the legal analysis, iv. Integrated use of an outline in
authority, and argument in support
the prewriting stage simplifies
of a position that lower court’s
decision or ruling was either the writing stage
correct or not - Use of an outline in the pre-writing stage
Step 1 Convert the outline into a usable form -
 Who is the audience? expanded outline.
i. Reader’s ability to understand  Allows integration of all research,
the writing will depend on the analysis, and ideas into an
legal sophistication of the reader organized outline structure while
and the manner in which the research and analysis are
document is written conducted
ii. Ensures that the legal  Facilitates preparation of a rough
communication is crafted in a draft
manner commensurate with the Step 2 Integrate all research, analysis, and ideas
ability of the reader to into the outline while you are conducting
understand the contents research and analysis.
 Constraints
 Time Writing stage
 Length - Actual drafting
 Format/Organization - Assemble to a written product
 Organization  Guidelines:
 Outline: skeletal structure and  Prepare the writing location
organizational framework of a writing  Write during the time of day when you do
 Value your work best
i. Organize ideas and prepare an  Limit interruptions
approach   Begin writing; do not procrastinate
ii. Think through all aspects and  Begin with a part of the assignment you
take a global view feel most confident about
iii. Saves time  Do not try to make the first draft the final
iv. Provides an organized draft
framework for the structure of  Do not begin to write until you are
the assignment and for prepared
conducting research and  If you become stuck, move to another part
analysis of the assignment
v. Breaks complex components  Establish a timetable
into manageable ones
 Creation Post-writing stage
i. Prepare a skeletal framework - Revising and editing
ii. Should provide an overall  Revising
picture of how all the places  Review all initial drafts to improve quality
relate and fit to each other and clarity
 Is the writing well organized?
NOTE:  Is the writing well organized?
1. Keep the facts and issues of the assignment  Is it written in a manner the audience
in mind while developing the outline will understand?
2. Be flexible when creating and working with  Is the writing clear? Does it make
an outline sense?
3. Do not be surprised if it is necessary to  Is the writing concise? Are there extra
reorganize the outline as a result of the words that can be eliminated?
research  Is the writing complete? Are all the
4. The basic organizational format for most aspects of the assignment covered?
legal writing that requires legal analysis is  Are the legal authorities correctly
IRAC format (issue-rule-analyze-conclusion) cited?

 Editing lack or excess of jurisdiction. The failure to
 Focuses on technical writing issues show any arbitrary or despotic act on the
 Be prepared to edit several times part of respondents made the relief
 Read the document aloud unwarranted
 Ask a colleague 3. The Waiver Clause in the Peace Treaty
- Plagiarism and rules on citation bound the Philippines. 
CASE: Vinuya vs. Romula, G.R. No. 162230, April 4. Individuals did not have a direct
28, 2010 international remedy against any State that
violated their human rights except where
Facts: An original petition for certiorari under Rule such remedies are provided by an
65 of the Rules of Court with an application for the international agreement. The formal apology
issuance of writ of preliminary injunction against the and the reparation of the Government of
Office of the Executive Secretary, the Secretary of Japan are sufficient to recompense the
DFA, and the Secretary of DOJ, and the OSG. petitioner’s claim.

Petitioners are all members of the MALAYA LOLAS Ruling: Motion for reconsideration and
which were established for the purpose of providing Supplemental Motion for reconsideration denied for
aid to the rape victims of the Japanese Military being devoid of merit.
during World War II.
Held: The Constitution has entrusted to the
They claimed that since 1998, they have Executive Department the conduct of foreign
approached the Secretaries of DFA, DOJ, and OSG, relations for the Philippines. Whether or not to
requesting assistance in filing a claim against the espouse petitioners' claim against the Government
Japanese officials and military officers who ordered of Japan is left to the exclusive determination and
the establishment of the “comfort women” in the judgment of the Executive Department. The Court
Philippines. However, the officials of the executive cannot interfere with or question the wisdom of the
departments declined their request arguing that the conduct of foreign relations by the Executive
claims for compensation had already been satisfied Department. Accordingly, we cannot direct the
by the compliance to the Peace Treaty between Executive Department, either by writ of certiorari or
Japan and the Philippines.  injunction, to conduct our foreign relations with
Japan in a certain manner.
Petitioners pray that the Court reconsider its April
 Rule 10 of the Code of Professional
28, 2010 decision, and declare:
1. That the rapes, sexual slavery, torture, and
other forms of sexual violence committed  Canon 10: A lawyer owes candor,
against the Filipina comfort women are fairness, and good faith to the Court
crimes against humanity and war crimes  Rule 10.1 - A lawyer shall not do any
under customary international law; falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any
2. That the Philippines is not bound by the in Court; nor shall he mislead, or allow the
Treaty of Peace with Japan, insofar as the Court to be misled by any artifice.
waiver of claims is concerned;  Rule 10.02 - A lawyer shall not knowingly
3. The Secretary of Foreign Affairs and the misquote or misrepresent the contents of a
Executive Secretary committed grave abuse paper, the language or the argument of
of discretion in refusing to espouse the opposing counsel, or the text of a decision
claims; and or authority, or knowingly cite as law a
4. That the petitioners are entitled to the provision already rendered inoperative by
issuance of writ of preliminary injunction repeal or amendment, or assert as a fact
against the respondents that which has not been proved.
 Rule 10.03 - A lawyer shall observe the
They also stressed that it was highly improper for rules of procedure and shall not misuse
the April 28, 2010 decision to lift commentaries from them to defeat the ends of justice.
at least 3 sources with improper attribution and
make it appear that such commentaries supported GETTING THE FACTS OF THE CASE
its arguments for dismissing the petition.
Facts of the case
The respondents disagree with the petitioners and - Getting a complete understanding of what the case
stated in their comments the following: is about in every angle
1. The alleged plagiarism were already lodged - Studying the position of the client as well as that of
with the Committee on Ethics and Ethical the opponent
Standards; hence, it should not be
discussed herein Random notes vs. Summary
2. A writ of certiorari did not lie in the absence - Random notes:
of grave abuse of discretion amounting to  Often uncorrelated write downs
 Does not give a complete picture of the case
material Source of law or rule
 Usually useful only in one sitting - General sources of laws and rules:
 Cannot be used as a permanent catalogue of  Statute law – consists of laws and rules
the facts that you want to go back to enacted by duly constituted rule-making
repeatedly at various stage of the proceeding authorities
since meaning may be lost after a long  Case law:
duration  Consists of decisions of courts and
- Summary: persons or agencies performing judicial
 Systematically prepared notes that functions
adequately capture the entire factual image of  These decisions interpret and apply
the case statute law to specific situations
 Important points are properly marked  Rulings in these cases become legal
 Serves as a detailed map and guide in precedents that become part of the law
negotiating your way through the dispute itself
involved - How to locate the right law and legal precedents:
 Compress information needed  Identify the general nature of the legal dispute
 Compels the writer to assess the importance involved
of the statement in the issue  Search for legal precedents that have more or
 Take out non-essential facts from the written less parallel facts and find the rulings in those
material and leave only the essential ones cases
 Match the applicable laws or rules with the
Facts seen through the issue relevant facts of the case
- Key to pre-work is to identify preliminarily the Facts re-examined
principal issue or issues involved in the case - Having discovered the laws or rules applicable, re-
- Identifying the issue is necessary to extract the examine the summary to omit or add facts that
relevant facts from the material may be necessary
- Not knowing what to look for, different people tend
to get different impressions out of the same GETTING INTO THE ISSUES
material read
- Example: Issues in multiple legal disputes
 In discussing the constitutionality of an - Not all cases present one legal dispute that
ordinance, the particular no, section and place converts into one principal issue
of the ordinance are not necessary. - A lawsuit could involve multiple legal disputes and,
therefore, multiple principal issues
Cluttered facts - Multiple legal disputes could converge into one
- Raw materials are often filled with details that are controlling issue
not connected to the issue - What is essential is to spot the controlling issue,
- Many items can be omitted which will not affect the the resolution of which serves as the key to
essence of the story resolving the multiple legal disputes

Facts set in sequence Subordinate controlling issues

- Putting events in order helps get rid of irrelevant - The resolution of the principal issue in a case
matters depends on how a subordinate issue raised in
- When the sequence of events is in disarray, the connection with it is resolved
writer is likely to get confused - Subordinate issues may also become the
- Keep in mind how the story logically begins controlling issue that would decide the outcome of
- Benefits of arranging facts in sequence: the case
 It is easier to understand since it follows a  Example: A tenant who did not pay rents
natural order or logic because he has in the meantime acquired
 You see how each fact relates to or connects ownership of the property from the bank that
with others. Each fact acquires deeper foreclosed the mortgage on it
significance when viewed along with related  SUBORDINATE ISSUE: W/N the tenant
facts. subsequently acquired ownership of the
 You would be able to see clearly the areas leased property
where the respective versions agree and  PRINCIPAL ISSUE: W/N the tenant
disagree thus furnishing you with balanced should pay rent
appreciation of each opposing claim.
 It helps prepare you for the work of writing up Relevant and irrelevant issues
the facts of the case. - Only issues that when resolved determine the
 It helps create a compact index to the facts of outcome of the legal dispute are relevant to the
the case. case


- Irrelevant issues have no value in a case even if ROUGHING OUT THE ARGUMENT
they are debated and resolved since they are of no
consequence to the outcome of the legal dispute Balanced presentation
- Distinguish between relevant and irrelevant issues, - Composition:
dropping the irrelevant and focusing only on the  A clear statement of your thesis or where you
relevant stand on the issue to be resolved;
 Discussion of the irrelevant issue produces no  The arguments that can be made against your
advantage to the case position but with an explanation that those
 Dropping of relevant issue might cause you to arguments do not doom such position;
lose your client’s case  The argument in favor of your positions;
 An appeal to the good sense of the person or
A list of all the issues persons who will resolve the issue
- An issue arises when the contending parties do - Rough out your arguments to see how they
not agree on a given point balance
- Compare the facts and the laws that the two sides - List the supporting evident of your arguments
claim and identify the areas of disagreement  Credible witness
 Eye witness evidence
Factual and legal issues - Examine if the party’s version is consistent
- FACTUAL: Contending parties cannot agree that a - All the requisites of defense or claim should be
thing exists or has actually happened proven in accordance with the law
 Example: Complainant claims that a traffic - Write only the gist of the arguments because it is
enforcer demanded a bribe in exchange or during the write-up stage that you will develop and
returning his driver’s license while the enforcer expand it.
claims he did not
- LEGAL: Contending parties assume a thing exists (where you stand on the issue)
or has actually happened but disagree on its legal
significance or effect on their rights (arguments against you) (arguments in your
 Example: Both the prosecution and the favor)
defense agree that the male organ of the
accused merely touched the sex organ of the
victim and did not penetrate it, yet they could
disagree on whether or not the fact amounted
to rape

Correct statement of the issues

- Uses introductory words “whether or not” to
automatically incorporate the opposing views into (appeal to your reader’s good sense)
one statement of the issue making a fair statement
of such Anatomy of a legal argument
- Defined in terms of affirmative claims - ARGUMENT: Reason you offer to prove your
 RATIONALE: Plaintiff or the accuser in any thesis of proposition
case always bears the burden of proving the - Classic categorical syllogism:
affirmative of his claim  Major premise: generally accepted truth or rule
 Exemption: When the defendant, the  Minor premise: statement that brings a
respondent, or the accused in the case admits particular thing or individual within the class or
the facts constituting the claim against him but situation covered by the generally accepted
raises a defense that exempts him from liability rule or truth
- Fair, not slanted in favor of a party  Conclusion: follows after the major and minor
- Comprehensive, leaving no relevant point outside premises, deducing that the generally
its embrace accepted rule or truth applies to the particular
- Specific and clear thing or individual
- Capture the gist and essence of the specific - Every sound legal argument is a combination of
violation of right that the defendant committed the right rule and the right fact
- Composition of an argument: (building block)
Threshold issues  Rule statement – Crossing the red light is
- Threshold issues are those that could slam the punishable by law
door to any judicial consideration of the case on its  Case fact statement – Jose crossed the red
merits light
 Falls outside the scope of authority  Conclusion statement – Jose should be
 Filed in the wrong place punished by law
 Outside the prescriptive period
- Resolution takes precedence over the main legal The key fact in rules
disputes - A rule statement contains a fact component for its
subject on which it will operate (KEY FACT)
- When the key fact component of the rule  Argument is contrary to common experience
statement is present in the case  Claims that go against ordinary human
experience are bizarre and cannot be
Case fact believed
- When preparing your argument, begin by  Argument is inconsistent with undeniable facts
ascertaining the facts of the case  No assertion can defeat facts that cannot
- It is the fact of a particular case that determines lie
what will govern it  Argument is inconsistent with a prior claim
- Although facts are facts and it cannot be altered,  When one claims one thing now and
identifying the correct facts can be difficult since another thing later cannot be relied on to
the evidence of the facts can be marred by the tell the truth
witness’ bias, human error and other factors
- Prepare to deal with issues regarding what your Pre-worked reviewed
case fact truly is 1. Ascertain legal disputes
2. Make an outline of the relevant facts
Meaning of “Rule” 3. Identify the issues
- Examples of legislative rules: 4. Rough out your argument
 Constitutional provisions
 Statutory provisions INTRODUCING THE ISSUES
 Rules of Court provisions
 Judicial precedents or case laws Need for introduction
 Widely accepted truths derived from logic, - You cannot just hit your reader with your point of
common sense or common experience view regarding an issue without telling him the
circumstances of the case that brought about the
Creative thinking issue
- Resort to when you have exhausted legislated - Do not assume that the judge has the background
rules and court precedents already of facts or that he will remember such each time
 Be sure that your mind gets all the data and he reads a party’s pleading
inputs about the case that the source materials  Attention span of humans is limited
would yield  Hearings are piecemeal. Judge hears the
 Pose the problem to your mind testimonies over some period of time
 Forget about the case, rest and be ready for  Possibility that judge had gotten the facts
ideas that will pop out of your mind after wrong. You have to correct the wrong
impressions by recalling the facts.
Arguments that build up  Justices of the appellate court need to be
- Favorable testimony comes from a credible apprise of the facts of the case because they
witness did not hear the evidence. They rely on the
 Unbiased witnesses are preferred lawyer’s summaries.
- Party’s version is inherently credible and
consistent with common experience Sufficiency of introduction
 Truth of narrative stories is judged by its - Put only as much background facts as are needed
compatibility with common experience for an understanding of the issue that the parties
- All the elements or requisites of a valid claim or present
defense have been proved - Standard of sufficiency
 Some laws prescribe factual elements or  Statement of the case
requisites in order for claims or defenses to be  PURPOSE: provide a clear and concise
operative statement of the nature of the action, a
 You make a good argument when you prove summary of the proceedings, any
that you have established them all challenged order or decision issued, and
other matters necessary to an
Arguments that destroy understanding of the controversy
- Point out that the opposing party invokes the  Simply mention the basic legal disputes
wrong rule or he has failed to prove the “case fact” that the claims of the parties produced
to destroy his thesis or proposition  Quotation of criminal information is
 Argument raised is irrelevant unnecessary unless the allegations in the
 Does not help resolve the issue one way information are in issue
or the other  Statement of the facts
 Argument has little weight given the other  Describe nature of action and proceedings
consideration in the case it had gone through
 A valid argument has been made but you  Narrates events that create the legal
hasten it to state that other considerations dispute and that led to the filing of the suit
outweigh the argument  Show conflicting claims of the parties
 Argument is baseless  Issues are a product of disagreement
 Claims made with no facts as support

 Required in Section 13(d), Rule 44, of - An essential element can be omitted when it is so
the Rules of Court evident that it goes without saying
 PURPOSE: provide background - In case of doubt, include all essential elements
 TEST OF SUFFICIENCY: ability to enable
the judge or reader to understand the Closing statement
issue that you want to be resolved and the - Depart on a good note
arguments that you adduce on those - Must not appear to argue
issues with minimum words - Recall to readers the truths that underlie every
 When conflicting versions, extract the facts good decision in identical cases
solely from the direct testimonies of the
witnesses from either side EFFICIENT PAPER RULE (A.M. NO 11-09-04-SC)
 Direct testimonies embody versions
that the parties espouse Rationale
 When cross-examination have done some - Save the environment; lessen the use of papers in
damage to the testimony of your courts
opponent’s witnesses, use these in the
argument portion Applicability
- All courts and quasi-judicial bodies under the
Short introduction administrative supervision of SC
- Introduction of incidental issues - All pleadings, motions and similar papers intended
- Brief background of the facts and issues to enable for the court and quasi-judicial body’s
the court to recall what the case is about consideration and action
- Introduction in the reply must not repeat the - Reports submitted to courts
introduction made in the petition - Transcripts of stenographic notes
- Keep in lean, serving as a reminder and not a - Decisions, resolutions and orders issued
Format and style
WRITING THE ARGUMENT - Single-space with one-and-a-half space between
Jump-off points - Easily readable font style of the party’s choice
- Start with an opening that signals or defines the - 14-size font
direction of the argument. Two ways: - 13-inch by 8.5-inch white bond paper
 Briefly state the opponent’s claim with the
intention of defining the area that the argument
will attempt to assail Margins and prints
 State the thesis or proposition and support it - Left: 1.5in
with the argument that follows - Upper: 1.2in
- Right: 1.0in
Three statements of an argument - Lower: 1.0in
- Rule statement - Every page must be consecutively numbered
 Applies to a given fact or set of facts
- Case fact statement Copies to be filed
 Opens up a case or closes it to the application - Sec. 5: Unless otherwise directed by the court, the
of the rule number of court-bound papers that a party is
- Conclusion statement required or desires to file shall be as follows:
 w/n the rule applies to the particular case  Supreme Court
 1 original (properly marked)
Persuasive arguments  4 copies
- Argument is based on convincing another to buy  If referred to the Court En Banc, file 10
your point of view additional copies
- Being able to write a good statement helps you  For En Banc and the Division, the parties
become more convincing need to submit 2 sets of annexes, 1
attached to the original and an extra copy
Correct conclusion statement  All members of the Court shall share the
- Draw an inference that the fact of a particular case extra copies
opens it up or closes it to the application of the rule  Parties are further required to submit,
that governs such case simultaneously with their court-bound
papers, soft copies of the same and their
Positioning variation annexes (the latter in PDF) by email or by
- Conventional sequence: rule, fact, conclusion CD
- Need not be followed as long as the three  Voluntary – first 6 months following the
essential elements are present effectivity of the Rule
 Compulsorily – onwards
Omitted statement  Court of Appeals and the Sandiganbayan
 1 original (properly marked)  A statement that the witness is answering the
 2 copies with their annexes questions asked of him, fully conscious that he
 Court of Tax Appeals does so under oath, and that he may face
 1 original (properly marked criminal liability for false testimony or perjury;
 2 copies with annexes  Questions asked of the witness and his
 On appeal to the En Banc corresponding answers, consecutively
 1 original (properly marked) numbered, that:
 8 copies with annexes  Show the circumstances under which the
 Other courts witness acquired the facts upon which he
 1 original testifies;
 Stated annexes attached  Elicit from him those facts which are
relevant to the issues that the case
Annexes presents; and
- Annexes served on adverse party need not  Identify the attached documentary and
enclose copies of those annexes that based on the object evidence and establish their
record of the court such party already has in his authenticity in accordance with the Rules
position of Court;
- If requested, party who filed the paper shall comply  The signature of the witness over his printed
within 5 days from receipt name; and
 A jurat with the signature of the notary public
JUDICIAL AFFIDAVIT RULE (A.M. NO. 12-8-8-SC) who administers the oath or an officer who is
authorized by law to administer the same
- Reduce time needed for completing the Sworn attestation of the lawyer
testimonies of witnesses in cases under litigation - Executed by the lawyer who conducted or
 Judicial affidavits (JA) are now required to be supervised the examination of the witness to the
attached in the Complaint and Answer effect:
 JAs serve as substitute to direct testimonies of  He faithfully recorded or caused to be
witness recorded the questions he asked and the
Scope corresponding answers that the witness gave;
- All actions, proceedings, and incidents requiring and
the reception of evidence before:  Neither he nor any other person then present
 The Metropolitan Trial Courts, the Municipal or assisting him coached the witness regarding
Trial Courts in Cities, the Municipal Trial the latter's answers.
Courts, the Municipal Circuit Trial Courts, and - False attestation shall subject the lawyer
the Shari' a Circuit Courts but shall not apply mentioned to disciplinary action, including
to small claims cases under A.M. 08-8-7-SC; disbarment
 The Regional Trial Courts and the Shari'a
District Courts; Application of rule to criminal actions
 The Sandiganbayan, the Court of Tax - When to apply:
Appeals, the Court of Appeals, and the Shari'a  Where the maximum of the imposable penalty
Appellate Courts; does not exceed six years;
 The investigating officers and bodies  Where the accused agrees to the use of
authorized by the Supreme Court to receive judicial affidavits, irrespective of the penalty
evidence, including the Integrated Bar of the involved; or
Philippine (IBP); and  With respect to the civil aspect of the actions,
 The special courts and quasi-judicial bodies, whatever the penalties involved are
whose rules of procedure are subject to - Affidavits serve as direct testimonies of the
disapproval of the Supreme Court, insofar as accused and his witnesses when they appear
their existing rules of procedure contravene before the court to testify
the provisions of this Rule - Submission of judicial affidavits:

Contents of judicial affidavit Prosecution Accused

- Prepared in the language known to the witness When Not later than 5 Within 10 days
- If not in English or Filipino, accompanied by a days before pre- from receipt of
translation trial judicial affidavit
- Contains: from prosecution,
 Name, age, residence or business address, if desires to be
and occupation of the witness; heard on his
 Name and address of the lawyer who conducts defense
or supervises the examination of the witness Attachment Marked as Marked as
and the place where the examination is being s Exhibits A, B, C Exhibits 1, 2, 3

10 | P a g e
Effects of non-compliance with the Judicial Affidavit - Not all disputes are best resolved through judicial
Rule remedies
- Failure to submit is deemed as waiver of - Legal confrontation could irreparably damage
submission relationships that may be fa more valuable than
- Late submission may be waived once provided the benefits derived from a judicial resolution of the
that delay: dispute
 Is for a valid reason
 Would not unduly prejudice the opposing party CASE NOTE
 Defaulting party pays a fine of not less than
P1,000 nor more than P5,000 at the discretion Chan vs. Century Bank
of the court - Substance over form
- Courts shall not consider the affidavit of any
witness who fails to appear at the scheduled Minimum requirements of content:
hearing a. Background facts that adequately introduce
 Failure of counsel to appear without valid the issues in the case
cause despite notice is deemed waiver of his b. Statement of what those issues are
client’s rights to confront by cross-examination c. Position you take on the issue
- Judicial affidavits that do not conform to the d. Arguments that may be made against you
content and attestation requirements shall not be e. Arguments in your favor
admitted as evidence f. What you want your reader to do under the
- Submission of a compliant replacement may be circumstances
allowed only once before hearing or trial provided
that delay: Example:
 Is for a valid reason Date
 Would not unduly prejudice the opposing party
 Public or private counsel responsible for their Name
preparation and submission pays a fine of not Company
less than P1,000 nor more than P5,000 at the Address Line 1
discretion of the court Address Line 2


Informational letters
Demand letter Here is the opinion you requested.
Legal opinion
The facts, as I gather from you and your documents,
Using statutes and cases as a cohesive part of writing;
Organization of legal documents Xx
Writing the argument Xx
Writing clearly Xx

WRITING LEGAL OPINION The question you pose is xx xx xx

What to keep in mind In my opinion, xx xx xx

- Ascertain the purpose for which your client seeks
your opinion I based my opinion on the following:
 Avoids giving the wrong answer Xx
 Get client’s trust Xx
- Do pre-work Xx
 Ascertain the legal dispute involved and write
down the principal issue A word of reservation: I base my opinion on xx xx xx
 Make a summary of the relevant facts and put
time in correct sequence. A wrong factual Please let me know if I can be of further service to
premise will produce a wrong legal diagnosis. you on this matter.
 Identify issues to be resolved and rough out
the arguments to support your thesis Very truly yours,
- Do the write-ups ATTY. XX XX
 Introduce the issues by providing the
background facts
 Prevent misunderstanding with client by
summarizing for him the facts on which you
rely in


11 | P a g e

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