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You are going to read about some people who want to book a holiday. First, read the descriptions of eight different types of he best holiday for you? © wiouire exeeRIENce Come andieam about nature on our wildlife adventure holidays. Find out where your favourite animalslive, what they eat and how to protect them. Our guides will show you local wildlife inits natural environment. Don'tforgetyour © FunsamuyHouioays Thisisa great choiceforfamiles looking or un on holiday. Choose from activites at 200s and water parks, as wellas day tripsto local attractions such as museums art galleries and shopping centres. Accommodation and reais reall included, leaving you with more time to enjoy your favourite activities. @ cttici0Us Foo ToURS ifyou enjoy trying new food, you will love this holiday! This isthe perfect chance tovisit popular markets and restaurants withotherfood-overs, attend cookery demonstrations and prepare your own delicious meals with thehelp of local chefs © Aventure HoLioays Areyou looking for areal adventure in the great outdoors? Try one of our mountain cimbing, horse ridingor cycling tours! Our fully qualified activity instructors wil share theirknowledge ofthe area andentertainyouwith tue stories about their past adventures.No previous experiences required, but you need tohavelts of energy Insome exam reading asks, you maybe askedto complete 8 ‘matching exercise where you ‘match descrptionsto people. First, identity key words and ideas foreach person Then, match these words and ideas withthe descriptions, © fay. Which would be the @ weAcHescare This is the perfect holiday for people who simplywanttorelax. Weotfer luxury accommodation in our beach resorts, a variety of restaurants serving delcios local food and perfect cafes to relax and watch the sunset. Water sports, including snorkeling, windsurfing and sailing, are also avaiable @ Lancunce excHaNce Doyou want to improve your language skils while experiencing lfein another country? Our localhost fails will give youtthe chance to practise speaking the language, teach you howto cook traditional food and take you to the bestlocal attractions, The Language Exchange holiday isa perfect way to makenew friends and explore Europe. @ SAILING Experience Whether you area completebeginner ran experienced sailor, wecan give you the perfect sailing experience! Learn the basics of sling or more advanced techniques wth our qualified sallinginstructors. © civvereaxs Doyouenjoyvsting art galleries, ‘museums or famous buildings? Do you wont tovisit other counties? On our cultural tours in Europe, youcan learn about te history ofthe cityyouare visting. Every day includes a diferent cultural vist. uniroa iS again. Then, choose the best holiday for each person. 0 Tomis 19 ands very active. He enjoys all kinds of sports and being outdoors. He. thas done a lot of water sports in the past, like sailing and windsurfing but he would like to try something different for his holiday this year. He went to the beach last year, but got bored after afew days. Bestholiday:_D 1 Julia is 16 and would like to go on holiday with her bestfriend from school during the summer holidays. They want to travel to anew place, visit local attractions and try new food. Their parents will not allow their daughters to be in another country ‘without any adults, but they will allow them to travel on their own. Julia and her friend both study Spanish at school and are planning to take a Spanish exam next year. Best holiday: 2 Charlies 21 years old and has just finished university. He would like to spend the ‘summer doing something interesting with some friends before they start looking forjobs. He prefers holidays in the countryside to holidays in cities or at the beach. He thinks that he would like to get a job working with animals in the future, Best holiday: 3 Joanna is 32 and works as a teacher. She wants to book a holiday in August with her husband, She's usually vey tired after abusy term at school and would like to g0 somewhere hot and near the sea. She wants to relax and not do very much. Bestholiday: 4 Rogeris 50 and wants to book a holiday for his wife and two children. They would like to do some cultural activities, such as visiting museums and art galleries, but also some fun activi Best holiday: to entertain the children. They also love shop, OTED) InPais discuss the questions. 11 Which holiday from Exercise 4 would you most like to go on? Which is the most interesting to you? Why? 2 Which holiday from Exercise 4 would you not like to go on? Why? WEN on ame (O]7Iy Youare going to listen to aradiointerview with a student called Anna, who has recently taken partina summer cultural exchange programme. First, ' tookatthe example question and the answer options, and read the Bullet Box. Then listen toPart of the interview. ‘0 Why did Anna decide to go.on a language exchange programme in Spain? [A She's good at sports. B She studies Spanish and not French. © She wanted to go somewherenew. Answer: C. Po te ‘Now, read what type of holiday each person wants to goon and read theholiday (§4 | Jo] RRememberto ead the Information inthe texts carefully. Some, ut not al of {the information may match (05.0 MINITIP Does Tor ike torelaxonabeach or be more ‘active? Does he want to do ‘watersports ortry something, itferent? (05.1 MINI TIP Are Julia and her triend ableto stayina foreign country without their parents? 05.2 MINITIP Whatisthe ‘most importantinformation about Charlie's interests? 05.3 MINITIP Whatare the two mostimportant things Joannais looking for onher holiday? 05.4 MINI TIP Does Roger justwantto visit museums and galleries? © _somecistenngeramtasis, you a maybeaskedtolistentoan NUH interview. in these asks, you “should: + identity the key wordsin the {question or statement. + identifykey words inthe threemuttiplechoice ‘options. Youmay hear all the ey worésbut only one answers the question or completes the statement. + remember that you may also nothearthe exact words that you see in the question ‘or options. (SI Now, read Part 1 of the interview and the highlighted parts. In pairs, discuss why C is the correct answer in Exercise 7. ‘Welt stuclents can travel to France or Spain on a language exchange, or to the USACon a sports or music exchange. | didn't goto the USA because 'mnot very good at sports. However, study French and Spanish atschool, so | had two options. 'vebeentoFrance before, so!decidedto gotoSpain instead. Listen to Part of the radio interview and answer the questions. For each question, choose the correctanswer, A, Bor C. 1 Where did Anna's host family live? A inanapartment B inahouse C ona farm 2 How long did Anna stay with her host family? A two weeks B three weeks € fourweeks 3 How old do students have to be to take partin the language exchange programme? AB B over 4 C16 4 Students can go on the language exchange programme if ‘A they are 16 or over and their parents allow them. B they study a language like French or Spanish at school, they play ina school sports team or in the school orchestra. '5 Anna thinks that her Spanish A hasn’timproved. B has improveda little € hasimprovedalot. Look at the sentences from Part2 of Anna's interview in Exercise 9, Match the two halves of the sentence. 1 [didn’t goto the USA A. sowe had a lot of fun together. 2 The family had a daughter B_ sol was worried that | wouldn't my age called Carmen, improve my Spanish 3 Ast love animals, €_because|’m not very good at sports. 4 Carmen spoke really good English, D_itwasa really good experience for me. Read the Tip Box and answer the questions. ‘One good way to give more details when youare talkingin aspeaking ‘exam isto give reasons. Use as, soand ‘becouse o help you connectideas. Notice the diferences in Exercise 10, ith the structures and order. 1 Which of the underlined words in the sentences in Exercise 10 come before the reason? 2. Which of the underlined words in the sentencesin Exercise 10 come before the result? ures EY

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