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Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

QUT Beamer Theme



School of Information Systems

Queensland University of Technology

September 21, 2021

Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

QUT Beamer Theme 1 / 22
Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

1 Introduction

2 Literature Review

3 Research Problem

4 Research Plan

5 References

Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

QUT Beamer Theme 2 / 22
Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

1 Introduction

2 Literature Review

3 Research Problem

4 Research Plan

5 References

Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

QUT Beamer Theme 3 / 22
Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

Original Template

• Modify from this theme [unk15]

Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

QUT Beamer Theme 4 / 22
Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

Original Template

• Modify from this theme [unk15]

• Overleaf

Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

QUT Beamer Theme 4 / 22
Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

Original Template

• Modify from this theme [unk15]

• Overleaf
• GitHub Page

Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

QUT Beamer Theme 4 / 22
Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

1 Introduction

2 Literature Review
Beamer Subsection

3 Research Problem

4 Research Plan

5 References

Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

QUT Beamer Theme 5 / 22
Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

1 Introduction

2 Literature Review
Beamer Subsection

3 Research Problem

4 Research Plan

5 References

Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

QUT Beamer Theme 6 / 22
Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

Beamer Features

• More features come from

Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

QUT Beamer Theme 7 / 22
Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

1 Introduction

2 Literature Review

3 Research Problem
How to use Beamer

4 Research Plan

5 References

Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

QUT Beamer Theme 8 / 22
Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

1 Introduction

2 Literature Review

3 Research Problem
How to use Beamer

4 Research Plan

5 References

Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

QUT Beamer Theme 9 / 22
Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

Formatting Samples

Equation without numbers

J(θ) = Eπθ [Gt ] = d π (s)V π (s) = d π (s) πθ (a|s)Q π (s, a)
s∈S s∈S a∈A

Multiple equations1

Qtarget = r + γQ π (s 0 , πθ (s 0 ) + ) (1)
 ∼ clip(N (0, σ), −c, c)

If containing text in equationsïijŇuse \mathrm{} or \text{}
Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT
QUT Beamer Theme 10 / 22
Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

Equation with numbers

A = lim ∆x a2 + a2 + 2a∆x + (∆x)2
+ a2 + 2 · 2a∆x + 22 (∆x)2
+ a2 + 2 · 3a∆x + 32 (∆x)2
+ ...
+ a2 + 2 · (n − 1)a∆x + (n − 1)2 (∆x)2
1 3
b − a3 (2)


Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

QUT Beamer Theme 11 / 22
Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

Figure and Column

1 2 3 A 697 Hz

4 5 6 B 770 Hz

7 8 9 C 852 Hz

* 0 # D 941 Hz

1209 Hz 1366 Hz 1477 Hz 1633 Hz

Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

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Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

LATEX Commands

\chapter \section \subsection \paragraph
Chapter Section Subsection Paragraph
\centering \emph \verb \url
Centre Align Emphasis Verbatim Hyperlink
\footnote \item \caption \includegraphics
Foodnote Item Caption FigP&Pic
\label \cite \ref
Label Citing Referring

Environment Command
table figure equation
Table Figure Equation
itemize enumerate description
Bullets Numbering Description

Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

QUT Beamer Theme 13 / 22
Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

LATEX Environment Command Samples

1 \ begin { itemize }
2 \ item A \ item B
3 \ item C
• A
4 \ begin { itemize } • B
5 \ item C -1 • C
6 \ end { itemize } • C-1
7 \ end { itemize }

Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

QUT Beamer Theme 14 / 22
Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

LATEX Environment Command Samples

1 \ begin { itemize }
2 \ item A \ item B
3 \ item C
• A
4 \ begin { itemize } • B
5 \ item C -1 • C
6 \ end { itemize } • C-1
7 \ end { itemize }

1 \ begin { enumerate }
2 \ item Class 1
3 \ item Class 2 1 Class 1
4 \ item Class 2
2 Class 2
5 \ begin { itemize }
6 \ item [ n + e ] Student 1 3 Class 3
7 \ end { itemize } n+e Student 1
8 \ end { enumerate }

Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

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Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

LATEX Equations

1 $ V = \ frac {4}{3}\ pi r ^3$

3 \[ V = 34 πr 3
4 V = \ frac {4}{3}\ pi r ^3
5 4
\] V = πr 3
6 3
7 \ begin { equation }
8 \ label { eq : vsphere } V = πr 3 (3)
9 V = \ frac {4}{3}\ pi r ^3 3
10 \ end { equation }

• Check more Here

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Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

1 \ begin { table }[ htbp ]

2 \ caption { Definition }
3 \ label { tab : number }
4 \ centering
5 \ begin { tabular }{ cl }
6 \ toprule Table 1: Definition
7 Word & Definition \\
Eq. Def.
8 \ midrule
9 1 & 4.0 \\ 1 4.0
10 2 & 3.7 \\ 2 3.7
11 \ bottomrule
12 \ end { tabular } Please check the definition
13 \ end { table } of Equation (3) in Table 1
14 Check definition of
15 Equation ~(\ ref { eq : vsphere })
16 in Table ~\ ref { tab : number } ãĂĆ

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Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References


• Vector: eps, ps, pdf

• METAPOST, pstricks, pgf . . .
• Xfig, Dia, Visio, Inkscape . . .
• Export Matlab / Excel as pdf
• Bitmap: png, jpg, tiff . . .
• Avoiding using bitmaps

Figure 1: This is a Bitmaps

Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

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Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

1 Introduction

2 Literature Review

3 Research Problem

4 Research Plan

5 References

Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

QUT Beamer Theme 18 / 22
Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

• Year 1
• Year 2
• Year 3
• ...

Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

QUT Beamer Theme 19 / 22
Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

1 Introduction

2 Literature Review

3 Research Problem

4 Research Plan

5 References

Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

QUT Beamer Theme 20 / 22
Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References

[unk15] unknown.
Thu beamer theme.

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Introduction Literature Review Research Problem Research Plan References


Presenter School of Information Systems, QUT

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