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Away from the hustle and bustle of the metropolitan city, one of the

goals in this special Indonesia is a solution and a peace solution. Raja

Ampat is a fact that cannot be contested. Raja Ampat, a Regency and is
part of the Province of West Papua. Raja Ampat is beautiful place in Papua
which I wanna Visit because Raja Ampat waters are one of the best diving
destinations in the world. Not only the underwater beauty is extraordinary,
but also the scenery above the surface is no less charming, and Raja
Ampat also offers local community hospitality that will make you feel at
home. Raja Ampat is very Famous In The World palce so that it become
the reason I wanna visit there.
Raja Ampat is one of the best diving destinations in the world.
According to a report by an international environmental social organization.
This destination has a high species richness and uniqueness with the
discovery of 1,318 species of fish, 699 species of molluscs , and 537
species of coral reefs. The types of coral reefs in Raja Ampat are generally
fringing reefs with sloping to steep contours. But also found the atoll type
and the burnt or taka type. The unique species that can be found when
diving are several types of dwarf seahorses, wobbegongs, and Manta rays.
There is also an endemic fish of Raja Ampat, namely Eviota raja, which is a
type of gobbie fish.
Raja Ampat is very Famous In The World palce so that it become the
reason I wanna visit there. Visiting Raja Ampat islands, You must first take
a flight from Jakarta or other major cities to Sorong, Papua. Arriving at
Sorong Airport, you can continue your journey to Raja Ampat by sea.
There are three entrances as well as checkpoints to Raja Ampat, namely
Falaya Harbor in Wasai, Yellu Harbor on Misool Island, and Marindi Airport
on Waigeo Island. There are lots of lodging options and tourist attractions
that you can enjoy while in this tourist village, such as seeing the making of
Arborek's famous woven handicrafts, which are well known to foreign
countries, to tasting various kinds of traditional Papuan culinary specialties,
such as papeda or sinole.

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