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Pre 88

Procedures & Entitlements
Information Booklet for Members

Version Number V 3.0
Release Date March 2014
Copies Unrestricted
Confidentiality Non Confidential – contains no private or
commercial in confidence material
Release Restrictions Police Association Staff and Members Only
File Name Pre 88 HOD Procedures & Entitlements –
PANSW – V 3.0
File Location IOC:\Legal Folder\Booklets
Author Katherine Lally
Reviewer Kim Doherty
Authorised by Julie Carroll
Status (Draft/Out of Draft) Out of Draft

Copyright © 2014 Police Association of NSW
This Document is owned by the Police Association of NSW.
Managed by Legal Services

This booklet provides basic information and should be read as a guide only: it is not legal advice and
should in no way be seen or relied upon as a substitute for independent legal or other professional advice
about your rights, responsibilities and entitlements in your personal circumstances. It does not set out
exhaustively all the options and/or considerations under applicable legislation or Award/s. Given the
document’s nature and intended purpose, it cannot and does not attempt to cover all the circumstances
that may arise. It is incumbent upon each individual to investigate their own rights, responsibilities and
entitlements to ensure they have accurate information relevant to their individual matter. Whilst due care
has been taken to ensure the information in this booklet in accurate at the time of writing, you need to be
aware the information is provided on an ‘as is’ basis. Changes in circumstances after the time of publication
may impact upon the accuracy of the information. You should note the operative date in the “version
control” part of this document to ensure it is contemporary. We will accept no liability for the accuracy of
any information printed and stored by a user.
Please contact the relevant persons listed in the contacts section of this booklet for further advice.

HOD Procedures & Entitlements 2

1. Who is Entitled to HOD Benefits? 4
2. When Should an Officer Submit a HOD Claim? 4
3. When are Workers Covered by Workers Compensation? 4
4. How Does a Pre 88 Officer Lodge a HOD Claim? 5
5. Who Determines if an Injury or Illness is Work Related? 5
6. What Information will be Obtained for a Claim? 6
7. Psychological Conditions 6
8. Who Pays Medical Expenses for a Claim? 6
9. How Long will it Take NSW Police to Determine a Claim? 7
10. Provisional Liability 7
11. Ongoing or Recurring Injuries 8
12. Officers on Extended Sick Leave 8
13. What Happens if a Claim is Approved? 9
14. What Other Benefits Can I Claim Under HOD? 9
15. What is a Section 12D Claim? 9
16. What Can I Claim under S12D? 10
17. Common Law Claims 11
18. What Happens When a HOD is Declined? 11
19. After Exit from NSW Police 12
20. What Happens to a HOD Claim
After Exit from NSW Police? 12
21. List of Contacts 13

HOD Procedures & Entitlements 3

This booklet provides basic 2. When Should an Officer
information relating to a medical Submit a HOD Claim?
discharge from the NSW Police for
members who were attested before 1 When they have sustained an injury/
April 1988. illness at work and/or they have
sought medical advice and their
This booklet is intended as a guide doctor is of the opinion that their
only. It is not conclusive of all options injury/illness is as a result of work. A
arising under relevant legislation and claim should be submitted when there
does not cover all the circumstances is an absence from duty, an expense
that may arise when considering your incurred for treatment, or a permanent
options. It is incumbent upon each impairment to the use of a part of the
individual to investigate their own body.
entitlements and rights further to
ensure they have accurate information 3. When are Workers
relevant to their individual matter. Covered by Workers
Members seeking Scheme information Compensation?
should always contact the fund by Generally speaking, a worker is
phone, email or via the website. entitled to compensation for work-
Contact details are contained at the related personal injuries suffered
end of this booklet. between the time the worker leaves
his or her place of abode for the
1. Who is Entitled to HOD
purpose of travelling to work and
Benefits? until he or she returns home. Workers
Pre 88 Police Officers are those are covered at the workplace and
Officers who were attested prior away from the workplace, provided
to 1st April 1988 and are eligible the injury arose out of or in the
for Hurt on Duty (HOD) benefits as course of employment and provided
prescribed in the Police Regulation the employment concerned was a
(Superannuation) Act 1906, NSW substantial contributing factor to the
Police Act 1990 and the Police relevant injury/illness.

HOD Procedures & Entitlements 4

4. How Does a Pre 88 • Submit treatment expenses/
Officer Lodge a HOD Claim? requests for treatment to Allianz
• Report the Injury as soon as
possible to your Commander/ Please Note: A WorkCover certificate
Supervisor. of capacity must be obtained from
an officer’s general practitioner or
• Complete the P902 online treating specialist. Certificates from
incident notification form within psychologists, physiotherapists and
24 hours of sustaining an injury chiropractors are NOT acceptable
(this can be completed by the because they are not considered to
Officer or the Supervisor if the be medical practitioners under the
Officer is not at work). Officers Medical Practitioners Act 1938.
who are not at work should
submit their WorkCover certificate 5. Who Determines if an
of capacity - and any other Injury or Illness is Work
supporting material - to their
Command ASAP to ensure the
Supervisor can submit the form for The Commissioner of Police is
them (this is the register of injuries responsible for making the decision
form). as to whether or not to accept a HOD
claim. However, the Commissioner
• Where an Officer has incurred has delegated his authority to the
medical expenses or had a period Manager of the Hurt on Duty Unit who
of absence as a result of the manages the HOD liability process.
injury, they must complete the
P124 HOD benefits claim form Hurt on Duty Unit
and submit through chain of Human Resource Services
command. Level 7a
Police Headquarters
• See a doctor and obtain a 1 Charles Street
WorkCover certificate of capacity PARRAMATTA NSW 2124
if unfit to attend work. These Ph: 8835 9219
WorkCover certificates must be Fax: 8835 8347
obtained on the first day of your
absence from work. Backdated
WorkCover certificates of capacity
are NOT acceptable.

HOD Procedures & Entitlements 5

6. What Information will be • With respect to matters relating
Obtained for a Claim? to transfer, demotion, promotions,
performance appraisal, discipline,
When your P902 form and P124 forms retrenchment or dismissal of the
are sent to the Hurt on Duty Unit, and worker or employment benefits.
they have received a copy of your
WorkCover certificate of capacity, this For example: If you suffer a psychiatric
will generate a letter to the Officer illness primarily as a result of being
outlining their claim number and unsuccessful in obtaining a promotion
confirming receipt of their claim. or as a result of a transfer, your claim
may not be approved.
The Hurt on Duty Unit will assess the
claim which may involve the following: 8. Who Pays Medical
• Requesting a comprehensive Expenses for a Claim?
report from the Officer seeking Any medical expenses relating to the
further information relating to the injury/illness should be submitted
incident and reasons for the claim; directly to Allianz Insurance who have
been contracted to make payments
• Interviewing witnesses/colleagues
for medical expenses. Allianz will be
in the workplace;
notified electronically of an Officer’s
• An investigation being conducted injury within 24 hours of notification.
by the HOD Investigator (or local Once Allianz receive the P902 and
workplace Investigator); P124 forms from NSW Police they will
write to the Officer confirming receipt
• Obtaining information from the
and issue a claim number.
Commander at the workplace;
In order for Allianz to meet the
• Seeking written reports from the
medical expenses, pre approval
injured Officer’s treating doctors;
should be obtained from Allianz
• Sending the Officer to an prior to undergoing treatment/
independent medical specialist for investigations, such as x-rays, MRI’s
a report. and CT scans etc. You should speak
with the Case Officer allocated at
7. Psychological Conditions Allianz in relation to the material they
No compensation is payable for a require for treatment approvals. This
psychological injury if the injury was: will usually require a referral from a
general practitioner and a current
• Wholly or predominantly caused
WorkCover certificate of capacity
by reasonable action taken or
recommending the treatment/
proposed to be taken by or on
behalf of the employer;

HOD Procedures & Entitlements 6

Once approval has been given, all 10. Provisional Liability
medical expenses and travel expenses
There is NO obligation on the
related to the claim should be sent
employer to make any provisional
through to Allianz. There is no need to
liability payments for HOD claims
send medical expenses through your
because it is not provided for under
Command or to the Hurt on Duty Unit.
the Police Regulation (Superannuation)
Allianz Australia Insurance Limited Act 1906. However, NSW Police
GPO Box 4056 has adopted a process with Allianz
SYDNEY NSW 2001 of extending provisional liability
Ph: 1300 788 946 payments for HOD medical expenses.
Fax: 1300 788 942 This will allow Officers to seek medical
treatment whilst their claim is being
9. How Long Will it Take determined. In the event of a claim
NSW Police to Determine a being declined, these expenses will not
Claim? need to be repaid and will be covered
up until the date of the decline.
Unfortunately for pre 88 Officers
there are no legislative timeframes In relation to weekly payments (salary),
in relation to determining a HOD NSW Police has adopted a process
claim. Historically the process has whereby it will be entered into the SAP
been very slow and in some cases system as HOD initially which will mean
took between 12 – 18 months that an Officer’s Sick Leave balance
(psychological cases mostly). However, should not reduce. In the event that
significant improvements have been a claim is approved HOD, the SAP
made and delays are reducing. Less system will remain the same recording
complex and straightforward claims absences as HOD.
can be approved more quickly but
In the event of a claim being declined,
is dependent upon the number of
NSW Police will go back through an
stages the HOD Unit Case Officer has
Officer’s SAP history and debit the
to go through in the claims process.
Officer’s Sick Leave, Annual Leave
Officers can assist in expediting
and then Special Sick Leave for
a determination by providing any
any remaining periods up until the
information requested from them
decline date. Officers should not be
quickly and following up their own
required to use extended leave for this
doctors to ensure information
process. Further information relating to
requested has been provided.
declined claims can be found later in
this booklet.

HOD Procedures & Entitlements 7

11. Ongoing or Recurring However, the Commissioner is also
Injuries able to provide the Officer with a copy
of the proposed medical discharge
If you experience a recurrence of an application after the Officer has been
existing injury, you should: on sick leave for at least 8 months
• Obtain a new WorkCover during the previous 18 months, in
certificate of capacity if a period of anticipation that the Officer will
absence occurs where your doctor remain on sick leave for a further 4
has indicated it is a recurrence of a months, again giving the Officer 28
previous HOD claim; days notice to notify of any other
infirmities which should be included in
• A report from the injured Officer the application.
may be required outlining how it is
related to previous claim; The proposed medical discharge
application is to be delivered to the
• Complete a fresh P124 HOD claim Officer by personal service.
form, indicating the previous claim
number. Whilst the legislation provides
mandatory consultation with the
12. Officers on Extended Officer regarding the medical
Sick Leave discharge application and the
infirmities claimed, the application
On 23 November 2010, a Bill passed
itself (after consultation) can be made
through Parliament which provides
by the Commissioner of Police with or
the Commissioner of Police the ability
without the consent of the Officer to
to apply, through STC, for a medical
whom the application relates. It also
discharge on behalf of an Officer.
allows the Commissioner of Police to
The legislation states that an Officer supply medical information to STC
must have been on sick leave for a about the Officer without the need
total period of at least 12 months in the to obtain consent from the Officer,
previous 18 months and whose health is, despite any restrictions in applicable
in the opinion of a medical practitioner, privacy legislation.
unlikely to improve sufficiently to enable
It is important that Officers advise STC
them to return to duty.
of all medical conditions, including
The Commissioner is required to non hurt on duty conditions that affect
provide the Officer with a copy of them performing full operational
the proposed application and give duties. Applications which do not
the Officer 28 days to notify of any address all of the relevant infirmities
other infirmities, and whether those impacting upon an Officer could have
infirmities were as a result of being the potential to minimise future claims.
hurt on duty.

HOD Procedures & Entitlements 8

It is also important that Officers note 14. What Other Benefits Can
that the Legislation provides for I Claim Under HOD?
applications to be made for both non
hurt on duty (Section 8) and hurt on • Reasonable Medical Expenses
duty (Section 10). – Ensure all treatment providers
seek pre approval from Allianz
Nothing in the legislation prevents by providing treatment plans to
an Officer from making their own the Insurer for approval. Ensure a
application to STC for a medical WorkCover certificate of capacity
discharge benefit. is obtained to reflect the treatment
required for the injury.
13. What Happens if a Claim
is Approved? • Domestic and Nursing assistance
– For serious injuries where
If the claim involves a period of
incapacity is above 15% whole
absence the Officer will be notified
person impairment.
in writing through their chain of
command outlining the periods • Travel expenses to and from
which have been approved as HOD. medical appointments – If
In relation to medical expenses, travelling by private motor vehicle,
these will simply be paid by Allianz officers should keep a record
without an Officer receiving ongoing of all travel (km’s) to and from
notice of these payments. Officers all associated treatment and
should continue to confirm with appointments and if travelling by
their treatment providers that their public transport officers should
accounts are being paid. keep their receipts.

Entitlements Whilst in NSW Police • Property Damage

with an Approved HOD Claim
• Lump sum permanent impairment
• When unfit for work altogether, under Section 12D Police
base award wage including Regulation (Superannuation) Act
loading is paid to the injured 1906.
Officer (NO overtime, penalties
and some allowances). 15. What is a Section 12D
Increments continue as per the Crown
Employees (Police Officers - 2013) If an Officer has suffered a permanent
Award. impairment as a result of a HOD
injury, they may be eligible for a
lump sum gratuity payment under
Section 12D of the Police Regulation

HOD Procedures & Entitlements 9

(Superannuation) Act 1906. The 16. What Can I Claim Under
injury must have occurred post 21st S12D?
November 1979 to be compensated.
Section 12D provides for medical
This section correlates to the lump expenses, treatment expenses, and
sum compensation provision arising also lump sum compensation for
under sections 60, 66 & 67 of the loss of use/permanent impairment,
Workers Compensation Act. The provided the injury is duty related.
table of disabilities in the Workers
Compensation Act stipulates the Compensation may also be paid for
amount of compensation payable pain and suffering if:
dependent upon the percent of • You have over 10% of the
permanent impairment/loss of maximum possible amount for the
use suffered. The Legislation also permanent impairment in a 12D
introduced thresholds for certain claim; and
injuries, for example, 15% percent
whole person impairment threshold • If the date of injury was on or after
to access lump sum compensation for 1st July 1987.
psychological and psychiatric illnesses. Section 12D claims are considered by
In June 2012 the NSW Government Allianz Insurance.
made significant amendments The Financial Legal Assistance
to Workers Compensation. Your Scheme provides assistance for
Association successfully achieved an Section 12D claims for ordinary
exemption for police officers being financial members.
affected by any of the amendments.
Therefore the original provisions The following useful facts sheets
of the Workers Compensation relating to Section 12D claims are
Act 1987 and the Workplace available on the State Super website
Injury Management and Workers
Compensation Act 1998 remain for all • Facts Sheet 17 ‘Benefit for
injuries sustained as a police officer. Permanent Impairment resulting
Members should always seek advice from HOD injury (s.12D)’
before pursuing a 12D compensation • Facts Sheet 19 ‘Benefit for medical
claim as it can have an impact on your and related expenses resulting from
ability to remain fully operational in HOD injury (S12D)’
the long term.

HOD Procedures & Entitlements 10

17. Common Law Claims • If the declined claim includes a
period of absence, a right of appeal
A common law claim is when an
exists to the Industrial Relations
injured worker sues their employer in
Commission of New South
Court for damages. To be eligible to
Wales. On receipt of the decline
take action under common law, three
notification, Officers MUST lodge
criteria must be met:
the appeal within twenty eight
1. You have suffered an injury or (28) days at the Industrial Relations
illness; Commission of New South Wales. If
a claim is not lodged within 28 days
2. You are able to demonstrate
it will be statute barred.
negligence of the employer or a
fellow employee. Negligence is a The Appeal notice can be faxed,
failure to take reasonable care of posted or delivered to the Industrial
the worker; and Relations Commission of New South
Wales. Association staff must NOT
3. The injury can be causally related
lodge these appeal forms on behalf
to a breach of duty of care.
of members. The relevant Notice of
NB: There is a three-year limitation Appeal - Police Hurt on Duty may
period, which may be extended in be downloaded from www.lawlink.
certain circumstances. The Association
recommends that Officers telephone
A common law settlement may have
the Industrial Relations Commission
an impact upon any ongoing HOD
of New South Wales to ensure the
benefits. You should always seek the
appeal notice has been received.
advice of a Solicitor before pursuing
these options. • If the decline is in relation to
medical expenses under Section
The Association’s Financial Legal
12D, or a declined HOD medical
Assistance Scheme does NOT provide
discharge, the Officer has a right
assistance for Common Law/Civil
of appeal to the District Court.
This appeal must be lodged within
18. What Happens When a six (6) months of notification of
the decision to decline your claim.
HOD is Declined?
If an Officer does not commence
Written notification will be forwarded proceedings within this time frame
to the Officer’s Commander whose the appeal will be statute barred.
responsibility it is to notify the Officer
of the decision to decline the claim. Under the Financial Legal Assistance
The following appeal periods are Scheme there are provisions for
available: assistance to be granted to assist with
HOD appeals through the Industrial

HOD Procedures & Entitlements 11

Relations Commission of New South 20. What Happens to a HOD
Wales and the District Court for ordinary Claim After Exit from NSW
financial members and in limited
circumstances Associate Members.

It is important to remember that, in Ongoing Treatment Expenses

the event of a declined period of Allianz will continue to cover ongoing
absence, an officer’s own sick leave reasonable rehabilitation/treatment
and then annual leave will be debited expenses for Hurt on Duty conditions.
to cover the entire period of absence. Any receipts/invoices should continue
The officer may find they are placed to be submitted directly to Allianz.
on sick leave without pay if their leave Ongoing treatment plans from
entitlements are exhausted. providers and treating doctors will
still be required by Allianz to approve
Officers may be granted Special Sick
ongoing treatment.
Leave in the event they have exhausted
all other leave entitlements and they It is important to note that Allianz
should refer to the NSW Police Special can review treatment plans at any
Sick Leave Guidelines, or contact the time by referring a member to an
Association, for more information. independent medical assessment to
ensure treatment is still necessary.
Treatment expenses incurred up to
the date of a decline decision will not HOD Pensions
be sought to be reimbursed but any
treatment after the decline date will In relation to HOD/superannuation
be the member’s responsibility. entitlements, Officers should obtain
a copy of the Associations Pre 88
19. After Exit from NSW Police Medical Discharge Information
Booklet for further information
What do I receive after I exit?
regarding medical discharge
• Any accumulated leave entitlements.
entitlements owing from NSW
Police, such as Annual Leave,
Extended Leave and additional
• Superannuation - Officers are
encouraged to contact their
superannuation fund and seek
financial advice in relation to their
accumulated superannuation and
pension entitlements.

HOD Procedures & Entitlements 12

List of Contacts
Police Association of NSW Police Superannuation
(Medical Entitlements Team) Scheme
Ph: (02) 9265 6777 or en 57071 State Super Scheme Administrator
Fax: (02) 9265 6789 Pillar Administration
Website: PO Box 1229
Hurt on Duty Unit Ph: 1300 130 097
Fax: (02) 4253 1688
Human Resource Services
Level 7a
Police Headquarters Industrial Relations
1 Charles Street Commission of New South
Ph: (02) 8835 9219 Level 1, 47 Bridge Street
Fax: (02) 8835 8347 SYDNEY NSW 2000
Postal Address: GPO Box 3670,
Allianz Australia Insurance SYDNEY, NSW, 2001
Limited Ph: (02) 9258 0866
GPO Box 4056 Fax: (02) 9258 0058
Ph: 1300 788 946 Employee Assistance
Fax: 1300 788 942 Program (24hr confidential
counselling service)
NSW Police Workforce Safety Ph: 1300 667 197
Injury Management Advisors Psychology Section
Ph: (02) 9285 3899 Ph: (02) 9285 3434

HOD Procedures & Entitlements 13


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HOD Procedures & Entitlements 15

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