Industrial Training Evaluation (By Industry Supervisor) v2

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Faculty of Economics & Business (FEB)


Name of Industrial Training Supervisor :

Job Title of Industrial Training Supervisor :
Name of Organization :
Name of Student :
Matric No. :
Program of Study :

Section A: Industrial Training Supervisor’s Evaluation

Instruction: Kindly fill in the applicable score for ALL criteria and total them at the end of this section.

Grading Scale
Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent Score
(Score: 1) (Score: 2) (Score: 3) (Score: 4)

Communication Skill Communication Does not consistently Able to communicate Sets high standards in
skill in need of demonstrate effective effectively by oral and communication skill
improvement; poor communication written; for both oral and
level of English skill; satisfactory good level of English written forms;
language level of English language proficiency; excellent level of
proficiency; does language uses English; always uses
not use appropriate proficiency; may appropriate channels appropriate channels
channels of not always use of of communication
communication appropriate channels communication
of communication

Faculty of Economics & Business (FEB)

Grading Scale
Performance Criteria Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent Score
(Score: 1) (Score: 2) (Score: 3) (Score: 4)

Collaboration & Does not maintain May not consistently Establishes and Creates a positive
Teamwork Skill healthy, cooperative contribute to a team maintains cooperative team environment for
relationships at work; environment; often working relationship; others; demonstrates
treats some or all team requires coaching in capable of resolving effective conflict
members poorly; handling workplace conflicts; works resolution for others;
causes conflict with conflict effectively in team recognized by all as a
others at times environment collaborative team

Problem-Solving Shows consistent lack Demonstrates Independently handles Sets high standards to
& Decision Making of initiative to handle responsibility, but challenges and new others in handling
problems on the job; may require problems on the job; challenges on the job;
struggles to take frequent assistance generates alternative takes initiative for
responsibility for work to accomplish job solutions to solve tasks; offers innovative
related problems responsibilities; problems processes and
identifies problems techniques to improve
but takes passive business operations
approach to

Integrity Disregards certain May or may not Accepts accountability Accepts responsibility
& Professionalism assignments and accept responsibility for actions; truthful and for actions without
commitments; may and/or realize impact honest in all being prompted;
not be honest in all of actions; truthful interactions; maintains become a role model
interactions; does not and honest in professional interaction of integrity and
meet attendance, interactions; may not at work; meets professionalism to
dress code consistently meet attendance, dress code others; meets
requirements and attendance, dress requirements and attendance, dress code
deadlines code requirements deadlines requirements and
and deadlines deadlines

Faculty of Economics & Business (FEB)

Grading Scale
Performance Criteria Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent Score
(Score: 1) (Score: 2) (Score: 3) (Score: 4)

Job Knowledge Unable to demonstrate Demonstrates some Demonstrates all Demonstrate extensive
& Work Quality relevant knowledge aspects of relevant aspects of relevant knowledge and
and work quality; knowledge and work knowledge and work proactively fulfill
unable to fulfill quality; able to fulfill quality; able to fulfill project and task
project and task project and task project and task expectations both
expectations with expectations with expectations with little within and outside of
supervision and supervision and supervision the position assigned;
support support takes initiative on
projects and tasks

Total Score (Max: 20):

(Official Stamp of Industrial Training Supervisor & Signature)

Faculty of Economics & Business (FEB)

Section B: Comments or Suggestions for Curriculum Improvement

Instruction: Kindly tick ( ) whichever is applicable and provide your comment & suggestion at the end of this section.

1. In your opinion, how long should industrial training duration be?

A. Less than 3 months

B. 3 months
C. 6 months
D. More than 6 months
E. Other (Please specify) : ________________

2. When is the BEST time for an undergraduate student to go to industrial training?

A. During the period of study (For example: during 2nd year of study)
B. At the end of study (final semester)
C. Other (Please specify) : ________________

3. Do you think a visit from lecturer to the organization during industrial training period is important? Why?

4. Please indicate on how we can improve our industrial training programme.

Section C: General Comments or Suggestions

Faculty of Economics & Business (FEB)

Instruction: Kindly provide any comments or suggestions at below section.

Section D: Declaration of Industrial Training Supervisor

I hereby certify that the above information is true and the student performance has been evaluated fairly.

(Industrial Training Supervisor’s Signature)


Name & Official Stamp:

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