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Good afternoon, everybody my name is Tinh.

As you all know, today I am going to talk to you

about greenhouse gases. Ok firts
What are greenhouse gases?
 As you all know Much like the glass of a greenhouse, gases in Earth’s
atmosphere sustain life by trapping the sun’s heat. These “greenhouse gases” allow
the sun’s rays to pass through and warm the planet but prevent this warmth from
escaping the atmosphere into space. Without them, Earth would be too cold to
sustain life as we know it. When we talk about greenhouse gases, we're talking
about carbon dioxide and the substances that you can see on screens.
How are greenhouse gases changing the climate? 
For thousands of years, the global greenhouse gas supply was essentially stable.
Natural processes removed as much carbon from the atmosphere as they released.
Human activities like burning fossil fuels have added huge quantities of carbon
dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide to our atmosphere, creating a “greenhouse
effect” that traps energy from the sun and causes Earth’s temperature to rise.
Deforestation and intensive agriculture also contribute greenhouse gas emissions,
but not nearly as much as fossil fuel production, which accounts for 75 per cent of
greenhouse gas emissions in North America.
Let me turn now to What problems doest it cause?
As a result, the climate is changing worldwide. That change has increased the
severity and frequency of storms, heat waves, wildfires and heavy rains. Climate
disruption is also causing sea level rise, ocean acidification, plant and animal
species extinction and permafrost melting. As the level of greenhouse gas pollution
in Earth’s atmosphere continues to rise, these effects will worsen.
It’s clear that climate change is here — the last decade has been the hottest on
record. We’ve known about it for over a century but have delayed taking action
again and again.
It’s crucial that we act now.
If we can cut our emissions in half this decade and reach net-zero emissions by
mid-century, we still have a chance to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of
climate change.
How can we reduce greenhouse gas emissions? 
In order to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, we need to:
• Stop wasting energy.
• Electrify everything so that the building, transportation and industrial sectors
run on electricity instead of fossil fuels.
• Clean up electricity grids.
• Prioritize what really matters.
• Find ways to take carbon emissions out of the atmosphere. Wetlands, forests
and other ecosystems can absorb and store carbon dioxide if they are healthy and
intact, so we must protect and restore them.
• These “nature-based solutions” reduce emissions and protect communities
from flooding and drought.
Reuse and recycling
And there are many ways we can reduce greenhouse gases, just whether or not
humans will act. So we have to act now or in the future people will have no place
to live and the earth will perish. Well that’s it from me thank you very much
for listening.

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