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Speakers : Anita Kurniasih

Reg.No : 1930104008
Topic : The Dangers Of Sleeping More Than 8 Hours


Did you know about the danger of sleeping more than 8
attention getter
Many people think that sleeping for a long time can relieve

introduction of the topic,

sleeping more than 8 hours has many negative impacts on
establishmen of credibility,
our bodies
Sleeping too long can actually make us feel less energized
thesis statement and
And has many dangerous for our body
Sleeping too long can actually make us feel less energized,
preview of main points and a person is said to sleep too long if he has more sleep
than ideal sleep needs.

main points #1 The ideal bed time

supporting details #1 The ideal bedtime is eight hours. And we can start sleeping
(reasons and example) at 9 PM until 5 AM.

main points #2 The Dangers of Sleeping more than 8 hours


1. Headache
2. Back Pain
supporting details #2 3. Obesity,
(reasons and example) 4. Diabetes,
5. Mental disorders,
6. Heart disease

main points #3 How to avoid excessive sleep

To avoid some of the diseases above, you must pay attention
supporting details #3
to your sleep time, for example by making a sleep schedule
(reasons and example)
and turning on an alarm to wake up

Okay Ladies and gentlemen, Maybe That’s all for me and

signal to end please Don’t forget to sleep should not be more than 8 hours
if you want your body to be good.
review main points Many The Dangerous of sleeping more than 8 hours, such
1. Headache
2. Back Pain
3. Obesity,
4. Diabetes,
5. Mental disorders,
6. Heart disease
Thanks for you kind attention and don’t forget to remember
memorable closing my speech for you to apply in your life so that it becomes a
good habit for you.

The Dangers Of Sleeping More Than 8 Hours

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb, okay ladies and gentlemen, Let Me introduce. I’m Anita Kurniasih,
today we want to talk about The dangers Sleeping more than 8 hours. Okay all, before I want to
say thank you for all of you, give me the opportunity to make a speech in front of all of you.

Okay Ladies gentlemen, Many people think that sleeping for a long time can relieve fatigue.
However, on the contrary, sleeping too long can actually make us feel less energized. In addition,
there are several dangers of sleeping too long that also need attention, for example the increased
risk of developing certain diseases.

And i want to ask you ? Do you know, the ideal time for sleeping ? yeah, The ideal bedtime is
eight hours. And we can start sleeping at 9 PM until 5 AM.

Okay Ladies and Gentleman, A person is said to sleep too long if he has more sleep than ideal
sleep needs. In addition, sleeping too long is also characterized by frequent difficulty waking up
in the morning, frequent drowsiness during activities, or still feeling sleepy after a nap.

In the long term, there are several dangers of sleeping too long that can occur if you do this
often, Such As:
1. Headache.
This happens because sleeping too long can affect the work of chemicals in the brain
(neurotransmitters) such as serotonin. When the performance of these substances is
disturbed, the neural activity in the brain will be problematic, so that it is at risk of
causing headaches.
2. Back pain
Back pain is generally experienced when you sleep too long in the same sleeping
position, especially the supine position. This can make the spine feel stiff and often cause
3. Obesity,
4. Diabetes,
5. Mental disorders,
6. Heart disease

Okay All, a lot of risk if we sleep more than 8 hours so, To avoid some of the diseases above,
you must pay attention to your sleep time, for example by making a sleep schedule and turning
on an alarm to wake up.

Okay, maybe that’s all for me, thanks for you kind attention and don’t forget to remember my
speech for you to apply in your life so that it becomes a good habit for you.
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

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