Dominoes: Sherlock Holmes: The Dying Detective

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Quick Starter
Sherlock Holmes: The Dying Detective

SETTING 8 Holmes asks Watson to hide _____ the bed

before Culverton Smith arrives at Baker Street.
Choose the best answer. a □ behind
1 Sherlock Holmes lives at _____. b □ under
a □ 13 Lower Burke Street c □ beside
b □ 221b Baker Street d □ on
c □ Scotland Yard
d □ Rotherhithe 9 A little black and white box from Mr Culverton
Smith to Holmes arrives _____.
2 At the start of the story, Doctor Watson is living a □ in Rotherhithe
_____. b □ at Scotland Yard
a □ with Sherlock Holmes c □ at 221b Baker Street
b □ with Mrs Hudson d □ at 13 Lower Burke Street
c □ in a different street in London
d □ on a plantation in Sumatra 10 At the end of the story, Holmes and Watson are
going to _____.
3 Lately, Holmes’s work is in Rotherhithe, near the a □ 221b Baker Street
_____. b □ Rotherhithe
a □ the river c □ 13 Lower Burke Street
b □ the plantation d □ Scotland Yard
c □ 221b Baker Street
      20 marks 
d □ Scotland Yard
4 Holmes tells Watson that his illness is from
_____. Choose the best answer.
a □ Rotherhithe 11 At the start of the story, Mrs Hudson is very
b □ the Far East _____ because Holmes is ill.
c □ the Middle East a □ strange
d □ Baker Street b □ terrible
c □ sad
5 Mr Culverton Smith is visiting London and d □ weak
Watson can find him _____.
a □ near the river in Rotherhithe 12 When Mrs Hudson tells him Holmes is dying,
b □ at 13 Lower Burke Street Watson _____.
c □ at 221b Baker Street a □ doesn’t want to help
d □ at Scotland Yard b □ sends Holmes a little box
c □ is angry with her and tells her to leave
6 Inspector Morton works in _____. d □ quickly gets his coat and bag
a □ Scotland Yard
b □ 221b Baker Street 13 Holmes doesn’t let Watson go near his bed
b □ 13 Lower Burke Street because _____.
d □ Sumatra a □ Watson is contagious
b □ Holmes is contagious
7 At 13 Lower Burke Street, _____ opens the door c □ Holmes doesn’t trust his friend
to Watson. d □ Holmes doesn’t like his friend
a □ an actor
b □ Mr Culverton Smith
c □ a police officer
d □ a servant



Quick Starter
Sherlock Holmes: The Dying Detective
14 Watson _____ when Holmes locks the door of the DIALOGUE
a □ is in shock Who says this?
b □ respects his friend 21 ‘Please come with me. It’s Mr Holmes. He’s
c □ trusts his friend dying!’
d □ is contagious a □ Doctor Watson
b □ Mr Culverton Smith
15 Holmes thinks there is something wrong about c □ Mrs Hudson
Victor Savage’s death and he _____. d □ Victor Savage
a □ doesn’t trust Mrs Hudson
b □ doesn’t trust Mr Culverton Smith 22 ‘You can’t help me. My illness is from the far East
c □ wants people to move his things and it’s very contagious.’
d □ wants Victor to see a specialist a □ Mrs Hudson
b □ Sherlock Holmes
16 When Watson first arrives at 13 Lower Burke c □ Doctor Watson
Street, Culverton Smith is _____. d □ Victor Savage
a □ happy
b □ angry 23 ‘Dr Ainstree, the best specialist in these
c □ sad illnesses, is now in London. I’m going to him
d □ dying now.’
a □ Mr Culverton Smith
17 Culverton Smith tells Watson that he _____ b □ Victor Savage
Holmes. c □ Inspector Morton
a □ trusts d □ Doctor Watson
b □ is unhappy with
c □ doesn’t know 24 ‘Stop, Watson! Don’t move my things. I don’t like
d □ respects it. Sit down, man! I need to sleep!’
a □ Sherlock Holmes
18 At first, Culverton Smith _____ Holmes when he b □ Inspector Morton
arrives at Holmes’s room in Baker Street. c □ Mr Culverton Smith
a □ is angry with d □ Mrs Hudson
b □ listens very carefully to
c □ laughs at 25 ‘He isn’t a doctor. He has a plantation in
d □ speaks weakly to Sumatra but he’s visiting London. He knows this
illness well because his workers often have it.’
19 When he hears Holmes speak normally, a □ Inspector Morton
Culverton Smith is _____. b □ Mrs Hudson
a □ in shock c □ Doctor Watson
b □ angry d □ Sherlock Holmes
c □ sad
d □ afraid 26 ‘I don’t know Holmes well, but I respect him.
We’re not very different. He studies criminals and I
20 At the end of the story, Holmes says he is a study microbes.’
_____. a □ Inspector Morton
a □ good actor b □ Mr Culverton Smith
c □ bad actor c □ Doctor Watson
b □ terrible murderer d □ Victor Savage
d □ poor criminal
      20 marks 



Quick Starter
Sherlock Holmes: The Dying Detective
27 ‘Now you must hide behind the bed. Don’t speak 34 an illness which is easy to get
or move. Just listen very carefully!’ a □ fever
a □ Sherlock Holmes b □ contagious
b □ Doctor Watson c □ microbe
c □ Mrs Hudson d □ river
d □ Mr Culverton Smith
35 to think someone is good
28 ‘This box is the only proof, and I’m taking it with a □ trust
me! Now you know the truth. Now you can die!’ b □ truth
a □ Doctor Watson c □ monster
b □ Victor Savage d □ stranger
c □ Mr Culverton Smith
d □ Inspector Morton 36 a thin metal thing in a watch or clock
a □ lock
29 ‘After three days without food or drink I’m not very b □ spring
well. But I’m much better than you think.’ c □ key
a □ Doctor Watson d □ box
b □ Victor Savage
c □ Sherlock Holmes 37 a bad person who the police are looking for
d □ Inspector Morton a □ Inspector
b □ actor
30 ‘I arrest you for the murder of Victor Savage.’ c □ criminal
a □ Inspector Morton d □ nephew
b □ Sherlock Holmes
c □ Doctor Watson 38 to go where people can’t see you
d □ Mr Culverton Smith a □ hide
b □ lock
c □ respect
      20 marks 
d □ murder

VOCABULARY 39 a thing which shows something is true

a □ prove
Choose the best answer.
b □ trust
31 not usual c □ truth
a □ terrible c □ sad d □ proof
b □ contagious d □ strange
40 to take a criminal to the police station
32 this person helps people when they are ill a □ arrest
a □ doctor c □ detective b □ act
b □ servant d □ criminal c □ murder
d □ proof
33 a man or woman who finds criminals
a □ actor       20 marks 
b □ specialist
c □ detective
d □ doctor



Quick Starter
Sherlock Holmes: The Dying Detective
PLOT 48 _____ sent to Baker Street from Culverton
Smith has microbes of the illness on a spring.
Choose the best answer. a □ The cab
41 At the start of the story, Holmes _____. b □ The box
a □ has a strange visitor c □ Make-up
b □ isn’t very nice to Mrs Hudson d □ Blood
c □ is very, very ill
d □ visits Doctor Watson 49 Holmes’s face is only yellow because _____.
a □ it is make-up
42 Holmes doesn’t want a doctor, but Mrs Hudson b □ he is hungry after not eating food for three days
visits _____. c □ he has an illness from the Far East
a □ Inspector Morton d □ he locks the door of his room
b □ Doctor Watson
c □ Victor Savage 50 At the end of the story, Inspector Morton arrests
d □ Mr Culverton Smith Culverton Smith for _____.
a □ the murder of Victor Savage
43 When Watson arrives at Baker Street, Holmes is b □ the murder of Sherlock Holmes
_____. c □ saying he is a good actor
a □ hiding behind the bed d □ hiding behind the bed in Holmes’s room
b □ visiting Scotland Yard
      20 marks 
c □ alive, but his eyes are red with fever
d □ dead, and his face is yellow
      Total marks 

44 Holmes asks Watson to _____.

a □ get a specialist in strange illnesses
b □ move nearer so he can talk to him
c □ lock him in his room
d □ not come near him because he is contagious

45 Holmes _____ when Watson moves the things

on his table.
a □ likes it
b □ doesn’t like it
c □ feels sad
d □ feels weak

46 Doctor Watson must come back to Baker Street

_____ Mr Culverton Smith.
a □ with
b □ without
c □ after
d □ before

47 When Culverton Smith arrives at Baker Street,

Holmes _____ .
a □ talks weakly
c □ talks normally
b □ has died
d □ must hide behind the bed



Quick Starter
Sherlock Holmes: The Dying Detective
1 b 41 c
2 c 42 b
3 a 43 c
4 b 44 d
5 b 45 b
6 a 46 d
7 d 47 a
8 b 48 b
9 c 49 a
10 d 50 a

11 c
12 d
13 b
14 a
15 b
16 b
17 d
18 c
19 a
20 a

21 c
22 b
23 d
24 a
25 d
26 b
27 a
28 c
29 c
30 a

31 d
32 a
33 c
34 a
35 a
36 b
37 c
38 a
39 d
40 a



Quick Starter
Sherlock Holmes: The Dying Detective


1 Students’ own answers.
a a young man
b Watson’s best friend CHAPTER 4
c Holmes’s servant
Reading Check
d an important police officer
e a farmer in the Far East a False
f Holmes’s best friend b True
c True
d True
Students’ own answers. e False
f False
Reading Check Guess What
a servant Students’ own answers.
b sad
c visitors
d respects
e house Reading Check
f river a Holmes thanks Culverton Smith for his visit.
g cab b Watson is behind Holmes’s bed.
h dying c Culverton Smith is happy about Holmes’s
d Victor Savage is Culverton Smith’s nephew.
Guess What
e Holmes asks for some water.
Students’ own answers. f Culverton Smith talks about the little box.
g Holmes wants more light.
CHAPTER 2 h Suddenly, Holmes speaks in a different voice.
Reading Check Guess What
a Holmes Students’ own answers.
b Watson
c Holmes CHAPTER 6
d Watson
Reading Check
e Watson
f Holmes a 3
b 8
c 5
Guess What d 7
Students’ own answers. e 10
f 9
h 2
Reading Check
i 4
a 5 j 6
b 3
Guess What
c 2
d 1 Students’ own answers.
e 4
f 6



Quick Starter
Sherlock Holmes: The Dying Detective

PROJECT A Wednesday
1 Mr Holmes isn’t better today. He isn’t eating or
2 drinking anything. He is very ill and I am very sad.
What can I do? He is in bed. His eyes are open and
Name of actor Benedict Cumberbatch he isn’t sleeping. He is very hot all the time. He has
From England a terrible fever. I want to call a doctor but Mr Holmes
Born 1976 says no. I respect him but he isn’t right this time. He
Similarities to Tall and likes music. Has a needs to see someone.
Holmes beautiful voice. Thursday
Differences to Can’t play the violin. He is This is the third day and Mr Holmes is not better. His
Holmes married and has lots of face is all yellow and his eyes are red. What strange
friends. He also likes illness is this? I am going to see Dr Watson. He can
laughing but Holmes does help me and perhaps he can help Mr Holmes, too.
Three days without food or drink. The poor man is
Cumberbatch Sherlock is not always good
dying! Perhaps he is right and this terrible illness
says to Watson. Watson needs
comes from the Far East.
people more than Holmes
does. Sadly, Dr Watson knows nothing about this new
illness. He is a good doctor but he isn’t a specialist.
Interesting A lot of the BBC Sherlock
We must think carefully.
information stories are made in Cardiff,
Wales because it is cheaper 2
than London. b cab
Robert Downey Junior, born in 1965, is an American c voice
actor. He plays Sherlock Holmes in two films d yellow
from 2009 and 2011. e fever
f specialist
Like Sherlock, Downey Junior is a little strange. He
g want
likes doing different things. He also likes
h name
i house
Downey Junior is not English. j dying
His Doctor Watson is Jude Law, an English actor. 3
Downey Junior says, ‘Watson is very different to
Students’ own answers.
Holmes because he is an ex-soldier.
In these films, Holmes talks less and fights more.
The films are full of action.
3 Word Work 1
Students’ own answers. 1
[Starting from example at top left, going clockwise]
PROJECT B 1 servant
1 2 sad
Tuesday 4 cab
7 weak
Today Mr Holmes is working near the river. He
5 lock
comes back at seven o’clock and he is not very well.
6 river
What is the matter with him? This evening, he eats 3 specialist
and drinks nothing.



Quick Starter
Sherlock Holmes: The Dying Detective

b illness
c respect
d shock
e trust
f doctor
g contagious
h strange
i poor

Word Work 2
b inspector
c light
d terrible
e microbe
b handkerchief
c box
d criminal
e voice
f plantation

Word Work 3
b blood
c spring
d actor
e make-up
1 N O R M A L L Y
2 P R O O F
2 E
3 A R R E S T
1 I don’t normally eat bread but today is different.
2 You can’t say, ‘He’s the killer’. You need proof.
3 You can arrest him, Inspector. He’s the killer.
1 The murder of someone is a very bad thing.
2 She isn’t rich. It’s all an act.



Quick Starter
Sherlock Holmes: The Dying Detective
b What
c Where
d How much
e Which
f Who
g When
h Why
b No, she can’t.
c No, she doesn’t.
d No, he doesn’t.
e Yes, he does.
f Yes, they are.
g Yes, he can.
h Yes, it is.
i Yes, they do.
j No, they don’t.
b Yes, he is.
c Yes, he does.
d No, he can’t.
e No, they aren’t.
f Yes, she does.
b but
c because
d so
e but
f so
g and
h so
i but
j because


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