Design of Steel Structures Module 1 Notes

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Properties oF Bo“ pq: 13 15 boosent | Connections » (18 80 : 2004 page 73) | | | Grade 46 ty = 240 lem dub = 0 Non Grade 4-8 fyb = 320 nf men ty = 4uo from Grade 56 ty = 300 al dub > 500 hmm | lvade 5-8 Ae 400 nf mm dub = 520 lame | | ln prpee clus, 46, dhe number 4 indicates Vest ce the. | rominal ullimale -ensile shenagth tr Nfmei and He number 6 | inclicates the rato et yeaa Soe b uttimale lass, 1 &prened os | poser lege | Design STRENGTH oF BOLT Clawe 10.3.2 = 98 A | KRISHNENDU S,Asst. Professor, UKFCET Dess sheenglt bo It ov Bol} valu = “ab r 4 heast +4 4 shear sh Aenglt of bolt Beowing danghfik SHEAR STRENGTH OF BOLT (Cause 0.33 18 rad whew: shoay sling th 4 belt ink - nea suas, ope ale hb > patil oofelf factor of Mee eaal ep 30 Table 9 Vs = fap (Hy Anb + Ms Asb) i3 twhae:— fy = ulimale tensile. strematte bolt My = no: of sheow plomes peri thao A Hhscad per Anb = Net dheay ana of, belt at Raced poxkin te. | Anb = 0-48 gat wis = No: & shear plomes paxing Heo an Ls pete f P “4 aie shank Achy = Nominal shank are of bolt: iNest Ne NAB fe Ur athe plame: posses Resudy “Read portcim, r cm E hoon, Plane fc Hoong ~fhaead. © 0 In Butt TJomtT, Shear, “thea gh cthasad portin and that near ee Hoa dank pce at 7 fie - shear plane. powing HBoeugh shank Db 8 boar, plane. passes “tbroude tread | | an mm | ee plane pace Heougi asad lane roar [ower caver plate pastes Bearing STRENGTH of Bort :— (Clause Io.3-4 18 g00 we | Yapd S Ma t Vapb = ie bene ingl = Vapb = nome Deere] Ee Aa ly & na z Tabs portal safely itr b & Smallest . o more fii penta (YY Bae e; irom) 3do e= od fap Pi lias “4 bolt hole” ae » akmake tensile shanglh of bolt. f,. what nail off. of Ta dl -din of bolt t: eb Re oa Sumneaite “ Connected jit “) ks here) 7 Jo cose etvité — > ff botfe plate a are fare ree t= dRicknes of plel > det eent Piatebnes, + t, and t2 Incase Butt jornks ja HRieknen of > Single coverplaté joint 4 = Bmallet o lal hale cme Ge § Tae |> Double coverplali jor’ te smallest of x 2x thickness ®. ickress 4 pale a m2 STRENGTH OF PLATE (Clause. 6-3 IS Sr0°aeT py+a2) Re.” det tensile. strange of lal” tm “the. fort & te Shreve th of -fhinnest onomber against rupture - The at ana & qiew Bone Tea = St dah ann tohere— Yep = partial sola facen slune iat MEG, Ere oa fe 2! utimale slam ath. Peter Am = Net effectire a lta at ott aett “ $ * Pp Am Eb wa It be wet of the plal= += +thicknex d the plale do- diameter 4 bott fale n= to: of bolk Role & edth'al sechén. EFFICIENCY oF TomNT t- = Strenatte o jon x too Strength of solid pla Shrenoth foht = amalle, of t> shear strength of bolt “s 4 a b +> Beart Teng bol | +7 Teniile. Aangth of plole | ates Strength of sold _plafe is qouemed by gieading to ; (is 0:24 Caue 6-2 = 4 £ | P——__ ss rae) Ymo | € hg = Geos Area of tale = wta th 4 plate _x Thickness of plate ty . grea chr lo E- Yoo = posteal safelz fotos for foils fn fensién By afar Cpage: 50 Tab 5, 1s vo) x x Find the efPteten ri of the lap fone shew & foyere Gitar | Magy) DBott* of Bnd, 456 audices4to plates ake. used. cm aomm oo mr] Wy T Given | DATA — Moo Belt:- d= &o mm ° do = nominal dia of belk + clearence. Is avo Fable '4 pg? = aote =admm Grade 4-6 Fab = 240 nifomme fub = 400 fmm Fe 4to plate. = ft = sD N[onm a 410 N froma Rom féqure:— usta b = [go mame thickness ++ 20mm patch pe Go ram e = Boomm Step 4:— Shean siren oF BolT :- Vash) = Mush, Ghali 18358971 She! Zot pa 8) Toul ° ee mm Ant + ns Met) Lap font shea, fan “ty rough te (exomrnsd) He fly Vnsb ms) =_ 334.54 kv} rab = | 25> (ry 3018 d00:204) Va = 3349.54 (-25— = 241.63 kn — a Step:2. Beaemy STRENGTH ©F Bont Clause to. 24 '$ 80 Po: Vapb = Vapb Vrolo Vip = 25 ky dt fe be = salon of 0 §, +t, - O2- Bde fab fu = &malley 4 Bo 0 F54 BXRL Co 25> Ob54 3x22 foo pe Onda) Alo 4 F 0-484 e Voph = &S xXO454 x 20x 20x Flo = (86.14 kal por Gott 1ee14 v = “ink st = 148.412 kal ps ote Deston strength of 6 bolt = 6x 14¢-412. t mq 4 = 843. 442 kN | Step a: Bolt = small shean strength of Bolt 4 | 3: Bolt shength ees “rrengih of bolt «Bol value = 24h F€ ken oe Step 4: STReno Th OF PLATE IN A_JosNT Clause 6.3:) (S $00:2004 32) Tan = 0: An fe “a Pint = (b- ode) t n= no: _ bot Roles tr cathier b= 18 mm ee Seatsu do = 2% mm t= 2o mm Am = (1% = Soa) 20 = Qe) BO ane Tan = ©-4x 2280 x Flo 12s- = 643. 056 kN 3: STREN fo NNT. shear streng 1 ok bolt R ahah OL bol Torte stroma th + plate Crem of oink = snaller of fic = 24! 58 kn) 6:— GEEFICLENLY OF JOINT = Shee fee * too Shang the 4 solfd plate. shrngir of solid pte Mg fy Ino " |S x20 x 250 ty = 318-1¢ EN = BENS x 100 BIe-1e = 3319 % O Efrem imt = Strength a jorst meltco! 4 “ # Strength of plate @ Streugit ° t = smallest of shear abrength of bolt be $ b= Beant ty sre fil “onde shength of plal= Shear mea % boll: 18 G:2084 Clawie. [0-2-2 27 Bearurg sb bolt: 13 800-200F Clause 10-34 Pq. Tensile. wet of, plate: 18 Sv:204 claue 62:1 Pq’ 32 © SlFeyg th ok pla, = ,'8_amizer4 Clause. 6-269: 32 Desi a lap Gem betwen lave plates each t wot the [20 mm Ff thiéckn ess 1 plate & 16 pea and the ollex & (2mm. he orrt Ras te tramufer TER 0 160 kt. the plates Ate ts fe tio qnade- - Use. bearing tight bolt Asswme— Mw belt “4 Grade 46 Bata Mg belt— d= le dg = 16 + aver (s go Table 14 = 1mm feos Fe 410 — fu = 410 N]nm— fy = osu Nom Opede 4-6 °- fy- 240 front tug = 400 Wimm To git me of balks, we rend fe find Bolt Value ln dest woblor we Rae té amume that |} 1 bob is uted to find belt value. 1$ G8 +2000 | iep 1 SHEAR STRENGTH OF BOLT — Clawe [0 8:3 ad Vacb S Vp rm (~» tna +964 pe pee ae e alge tenush m,) = Wt) SI\f — | poole), i me "Mosh = 400 (1x ote xt x IE 1a_(weoseenet) = 36.23 kn Mas = 36:23 L2s~ Shep 2: = 2¢-4¢kN (one bolt) BEARING STRENGTH OF Bory Yap ~ Nop va Veph = 27 by db Ae Clause (0.2.2 18 800:2004 pysds = mip ey “i(pttel> 2 sq p= 25x16 = 4o™™ Clause 10-2.4-2 18 0: 2004 a4 Cmachtie flore cut) ee adend dislnee ex Sd, = slg ce = 2#mm ky 2 bmaller af op 3d, pos Bde fab : fo ' = amaller a 24 _ os 3x8 7 40.259) ORG BXIt 4m. 0-4 lo <= = 049 . Venpb = QT X0-47 x 16K IZK4AlO = 96-432 kN t= amaller of plat | ——— and platz 2 = (te, 12) "Mage = 46.482 sien has apiq kel Bolt value = smaller of Vigeb and Vapb = 98.96 kn Step 3:- No: oF Bois No: of bell& ~ Design load Bot value. = Mo | = 552 & 6G bollr 24.95 =—_ So provide Se Ne: ek bo pth = to mw # mot 16 me | - Ti to eael Shep 4: Cheek for: Steenaty of Pats arg TINT Tay = OTAn fe Lot An = b- nde) & fi 5 No-re:= pica = [20 — 2xt®) 12 Sted = (008 mm fret Bad bee ates thaw Then = 0-4 x le K 410 Teige Is ads [257 Il, leas, Ban reel = 29756 kN > danger load fil enneean safe 2 Design he following fore ving orenang black belts belweer wo plate 0 width 2op mm omd thickneses lomm and (8mm rupectoel 45 dyamsmib a factored load of 150 KN. (Use Beato plates) @) Lap Jom (&) Single cover brett joint with aver fate J, 8 mm se J © Deukle cover butt got with 2mm cover plates . Solution : (a) LAP gONT fesume: Mik bolt of Gaede. fb Given data:— width b= doomm t= lo mm and |6&mm- MiG bolt -— d= 16mm do = Ue Keoery ~8 800:20074- ° Tasre 19 = _ 18 em pace: #3 fe ato = Ls 410 otlonm —, tee ube £ {09 Mp, 15 800 287" PIS Veesotas i yet) SE RSOND * Grade ABI fyb = 24d rife pool Bye to md) OQ weet Fautored load = 150 kn Dai = Noeg bells" —> Bott value. We havets axeume thot Tbelt & used fo find bolt value. Step 4- Steak stkengTy oF Bott | Clause (0-33 rg te Vash = Vash 7 Fo Lap jout oO Yo. A — po ae Me (om Ant ae At) Shear plome- Rous thread Assume n=) —— facaiae n ne O Mosh = 400_((xor zx '6) te. Anh: 0:48 fring v3 shank asco = 36.01% kN . 7 Shed > ae - ah = _ 56 PP Vip = 25 e 30 Dy " lee = 99a kn \bo =_aa kal Nap = Mopb Tn Vggh = 27 hy dt fu SHI MESIDLLSIVAD ABR ASets F (Clause 104122 (p92%3) P ‘d P 7a OxN d atom) Cage amd enol dishame. = @ = ts de F sxig = Qt my = 3-360 kn Yapb = 8: 360 27 = 64.98 kal » Bolt-yalne = 4nalles of Va omd Vapb eg kn kal Step Novel, Bolte Nee abellcae Design ov factored lend, b Bolt value Step 4 Check — “Tonsele. Sha thaw dests load, # less Haun ved een. Th 2 0:1 4a I + (Reo ~ axre)lo — I TF = 1640 nw} Wn = 24x 1eto x 410 - 443 KN > 150 kN tae Hone safe. 4y = (b-mdo) L rd 4 ee | op £6 aa mgt OE A plate Should be gules prone cover plate Solution (b) Single Coven Bust jen cover pal 10 Given data: (Game) clawe 03-3 pay ws STEP 1 _stear steenqTy oF BLT Osingl. sheap Nach = Mosh == Tab y Vosb = fe ( Any + yh Assuming shear planes v3 fone rough Mia = 400 (txo.gexT yley No=) (‘eotextyg) mr = BCT Kad “slo = Sea peat bn wa kal aD AS aS Step2= Bearmg smengm of BLT Clase to.3-4 1479) Vaph = Napb # (plate) p =a smaller of. of Efe (peat Yn 3 Cloves pts) Var = 2-5 ky Whe (kp same as (a) port) k= 04g Vipb = PSXKONIRX EX SK 4LO = 64.23 kal Vb = Ghar = St43 kel bas Brttvalin + smaller B Yay amd Yop = 2 ko) Sep 3: Not 2 bol ta No‘ of bolls = Daiyn or -factered load Bolialues 5 isu 57 wl b baw (even . 24 — ws. Verom_f |4 = tow Step 4: cheske'= Tensile. ahength pol Should) be > desfroloa Ty = 1A Fe we m7 2 3 es (Hid Gon ane | Eom HEB mows yy m= O-Ax1IG RK FIO 2s , = 2hy 7150 ko) ‘Heow ef las Eoluckion ml: V Double. cover gf at per pote Do sneer te VE nm TT tom coves plate Owen lata: ame) _ Step {SHEAR STRENGTH of BOLT Clause (0-3-3 page FS. Mysp = Nosh, mb Vrs = fu fo FO te + ms Ast) Tivo sheos fev one, belt, =I ee plomes mg = Wg - 420 44 yt) (oar d) sb = {txe wi) Ee) = 3a6s kn Nag = 2865 = 66.19 kn) , [as” = je te. 3: 33: 6 G00: 2004 pa: 4G) Pe. ir tb _ aking plate thickness > Cann, Aecelcing peal bP ? theese thee be maltrolied by Redudén Lil ba = Coons ty) =¢- 0-0125x8) Ge: peckin plale = 0-4 Picknen how) “ b> Vaa* Bre = Gb12K0-F = 5451 kN Step 2:-_ Bl Bearing STRENGTH or BOLT (Clause (0-3-4 Py %) Nine = Voopb Voy om owt 18 oe Vb = 26k dO [ete th = Come) 2 kpe og 2x covecpla % mm = . oO Virb = RsxK0-47 x 1X IOXAIO = 8.360 bn Napb = 36 = 64.2 kn) tS i Bolt value :— smaller 4, Vds, amd pl = 54-St kil sTep 3:— No: oP Bolls~ Ne: ab Bole = deta land _ Bolt Value CX TeLAisel Eraisesar sears 37-4 "Ce (mil 24 mm) lemm thick are. Connected (5) Two cover plates (0 mm and Emm Cover plate. by clouble cove, butt jak usin as shown iv fq ave. End strength of of quale. 4.6 andi-fe #10 plates. aque, gr? gant | qe 20 bolt Given data — M20 bolt: d= &o\mm Table (4 - page @. d= et = kot P =_? mn (rade 4.6 = 240 tol mr 3B 13 Goo: 200- AN = tw fmm § rg! * Fe 4lo WL Ge Froth URE Fe bee Oo & = 260 mm parking plate fricknas = 8 men. STEP A SHEAR CAPACITY OF BOLT SHEAR CAPACITY OF BOLT Clause [0.33 pq: 35 “et, = _Mosb Yabo Vins = cub [my Anb ts tet) V3 ols Ghia ang le. plate fells, Hence we fave. do consider bolts un con ee later re. 6 bolls. 4D A> KD shoes 7 a plomes pomins Mn = 6 L - 1 Stkagh sank ms = ‘ af ore Aob = _ nu. adiod Rd? xots bs 4) te ean Ash md* ° e 4 ° 0 Mi 2 te [exeaexd® + exad®) V3 + A dz 20 mm = Avo 6 xoAsxTxad + Gerx2e | V3 4+ 4 = 494-44 kal Vash =. F497 = e183 kal bas— ne anken late: Reducten fuxtey Uause lo 333 partidg plate: Redusten -farte ’ Ppy te Pre = (i- 00125 tk) ¢ — o-osxs) ~ 24 Applgeng Fre =0-4 Vash = 619-83x0°¢ = 55% @sknl _STeP 2 BEARING CAPACITY oF BOLT Clause [0-3-4 Pets Vv, apb = Vapb "Vb Vorb = ask, dt fe” ky = Smaller hip On = 22 . 0606 MK Bdo —- BK4Q pp 08S =_60_ —025= 0:6S~ 3do Bx Q | fu . 400 = 0-99S— fe 410 ky = 0-606 A 2 ome ape pwn plale 18 ro ce pled to mini + = lo mm ‘Bi eve pale ae oe Fy np SSH POE LOK 10% 410 = 124230 N = [24,23 kN for one bolt . Vapb = 124-23 99-384 kN has for 6 boll = 19-324 x8 = 546-304 kn STEP 3:— STRENGTH oF “TSTEENATH OF PLATE IN JOINT” — Clauy 6.3 py Tin 2 0-4 Ante Yoo Pn = (b-~da)t " (22 - 3X22) 10 = 1340 sony —_ Un > Axx $10 b2s= = 345500 N = 345. 96¢ KN Sbength of fork crinirnsemof (vas , aa) = min (554-65, 796-304, 395-562) ae even JomTs : BUTT WELD fn 18mm -Hick plale is yoined do lb mm pee by 200 mm lrg butt weld. Determine the shenath oly the gent ae @ Double v butt weld or seq (8) Single v Butt weld ts uted. Asume Hat fe tio plats are usec! and weldis done at shop Se luhon — Given data~ Plate Ahicknes + 18 mm, 16 ma Leah of, bute : 47 re Fe 4, plates 5 tus 410 Uni Vhs @o:a00% at] 4 ee § r% 4 | tl shop weld, Is 2 ba (IS 800-8004 p Table 5°) To brid: Strength 4 joink (a) dole v.butt wed “0 J ( sigle V-butt weld. (a) Dovsle v BUTT WELD DESIGN STRENGTH oF WEED (Clause 105-41 p-#L) Design Strength weld fay = Pom d “4 4 a x Qe % wel hae A va cohne as caller of attimale gkeu 0 efevrld or paseect mot > potead “he fee etsy [ Anew of weld = sgh, wid x Throat thicknets.| - > e [Me pp it ke _ VB Ymes hy = Ato fan” 18 pe diy = Boo men . ‘tes effectabe Resact fRickmes ~Rteknes Buber plate Gr complete pernetrailror) : te + Ie mm Shop weld ayy = bOS : : Deine shrenath = 4loxawxle 605-48x10 N V3 x 1-257 = bos-4e kN (BLeimate” “Ve BdtT JOINT’ Clrrnplele pemelration weld): Dusr teenth = fy aio te (=P Te te fu flo Noma dy = Bomm te- e-ffeckine ARscat thicknest er.comp Cele~ bretvon & thickness Ch thinner ea pe é 7 ~ Fy tb ma = lomm Y shop weld Vg < 12S 3 ” Desi Shength = _#Oxtoxlo _ 349.44) xm N Vax par 348.74 kN . ae etlet> weld -fo connect plates’ Design a suitable longitudinal fill °" as a a Rue > transmit a pall equal lo fall sfrengl jof smatt plate. Giver plate are. 12mm thick Gade of- | plate Fe 410 and welaieg is made th shop - loo m™ . Solution — Given data, “the fillet weld & fo be designed ouch dhat the food fe be -hansmitted is equal to fhe strength oo plate Given: Fe NDS NER A Seid ostinato plate bes pone is Plate thickhes = 12 mm Fe 410 plates fa = 41b a ; 4: l4 18 Sxp:aovF 4 > 50 [ron Shep weld > Ynys bm (pase 30. Table 5) [To bod “Pos” mean fied“longth shld” (hs) Solution Hnength of weld = sheng. of plate Comallerplalz) STRENGTH OF — PLATE:—~ 18 800: R00 F Page 3a Clause 6-2. ki : axea. of cress. deifiorn érraller lala ee b IWoo ne 8 . z 4, = 250 Nm ¢ plate) Yros V1 (Tables, pllz) Thy = 120? X oso d rl = Ate. 42 kn) Strenary ef werd = tu ly te V3 Tn Gusen strength of, weld = sheng af, te = ks Se fillet sige Ki et C3) + bebweern- minimum and may. size dy weld. Be 4 hy Minimut size 4 weld g— G B00: dvoF pe Table al) & = mm TRicknes = Richa of fat ‘ge 4 a Helm greet plale = 12 mm 4% Fey ltamm Pucknes, Minimum size a4 Pe Tobie 2] = 5mm Maximum size of weld ~(Befor Is So :8004 Figure IA page 8) ee Channel sectin ~ Square ed = Thicknes Gy ehannel dection 1S =» 6F-1S~ pian) ot = o-FS ~O-4xs7 = 39 my doi = tox tox oe V3 x ee hy = WRG AS i yy 1630 29) py 630 0, tohen channel] dein & welded nsec 300 © = 30 vers) te ve | Tuy L aa Actual available Nenagh of weld = (2x 250) + eee = twowm < 1620mm% _—— mon (given) “thoy foe th needg olor werd Minimum afdth 4 slot weldl:— Uysnites “b 3x ty [ mm- = 3x Fz Lo} 1630 = 350 +350 +30 +40 Q = 159-5 mm e158 mm | Arie member of a (Run consist of Fog sein 14 do 65 X65 X6 op Fe 410 made do be wel a &mm Gusset plali. Design an weld Lo load equal to fall, shreng th of member. Aesume shop welds. Vino atl Trev = 1-25 tse 18h aa | tT | 69mm fe 410 fu> 410 Nfoni. wh LEX comma a, i fy +25 fron _- — eesnm : Le Given data: 1SA 65 65%6 6r 6 re? Sechima) area date 44 om = FAb x1o- = 44 mm lec eete CG, le dtetion % vT 2 Tyy aa om = |&\ mm Solution :~ ote of angl Pectin ?— %y ; Ae ~+ Vino =_Jayx 250 Vy = 169.09 kn flog sane tx 6 — (eed =o P= I6q.09xto ales ir) = laa kh kN mere, 2575 Nol P= We kN = PoP = 16909 — 129 Q = 4-097 KN iB Homer we have te find corrapendig Length 4 weld ok Lap and beflom Kéngth, of weld ale dpe Re tramsmilfed eae vhs slingth of weld at lap Be Weoq = fe ley le Xt Vax Venue, tee kee cet (pa. Taba) Se Size cf welol :- between UR vt [ a eee oe 6mm oungle mow. SiZ~e_ . Chae 10.5.8 Frgute 14-B. p-80) may size = x Risers 7 4 ot 400 = 3x4 sume Sige Bsa as fom Aye ks 2 OFKY = 2-8 mm Be AF 09 00 = tox does V3x re = 888m & JFomm —— © een Actual longth ojweld = 4y tas 9 + (2x4) = 48 mm i homat of weld adr beter :- 7 5 tromimittc act bottom . Re 19anie oe dee cite V3 Tus = dlox hoy 28 - “\NBix Pasicss = 230.085 mm & 235 my Actual length gyreld = dy fees = 235t(2x4) = 043 mm hun manise 1 Welded Joints © Buse wad /pilter weld /slet weld. Dusign Hrenath = fe dole VS Gnu mus- 4) Buttweld:-— Y Cable 5 5) “thinner plete t, sing : v buts weld —hnownpleler penebaleen 1 v b) fillet weld — tf = kg Butt welds complet Stet, Se Sige f tet weld = between m&nimum and moimum size Ds Tala ze: | (Tamléa) Ril sees, Fraxinauin 6196 | Clause 0-5-6 and Clause (0.63 edge Square = Ricknes Jahon —S— Found = 44, tRicknas af be Ke oF Custa bg anumed) . 60~9o"- angle - Design omearnd "hig" do be @Y@ Sevpion . Bf hgitoggtaed do rane shre_wetde 8 nendad coluulated « a distrbuted os per CG. of eokin | omit ob Compared aveilable,, Par

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