Section-A: Physics: 1. Column-I Column-II

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This section contains 12 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has four choices (1), (2), (3) and (4) out
of which ONLY ONE is correct.
1. Match the following devices and their energy transformations.
Column-I Column-II
1 Electric fan a electrical to light and sound
2 Electric bulb b chemical to electrical
3 Petrol engine c electrical to mechanical
4 Television d electrical to light
5 Battery e chemical to mechanical
(1) 1 - a, 2 - d, 3 - e, 4 - c, 5 - b (2) 1 - e, 2 - c, 3 - a, 4 - b, 5 - d
(3) 1 - c, 2 - d, 3 - e, 4 - a, 5 - b (4) 1 - d, 2 - c, 3 - a, 4 - e, 5 - b
2. What is correct thing to do during earthquake?

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

3. The illustration below shows the Sun, Earth and the Moon in a straight line.


What does the illustration above indicate?

(1) a lunar eclipse during full moon (2) a lunar eclipse during new moon
(3) a solar eclipse during full moon (4) a solar eclipse during new moon
4. A man completes three rounds along the outer edge of a walking track as shown in the figure given
below. The distance covered by the man is
200 m

100 m 100 m

200 m
(1) 1200 m (2) 1600 m (3) 2000 m (4) 1800 m
CLASS-V / Paper Code - T

5. The portion of earth which is made up of all the earth’s physical materials such as rocks and soil is
called _____.
(1) Atmosphere (2) Lithosphere (3) Hydrosphere (4) None of these
6. The force with which Earth attracts everything towards it is called force of _______ .
(1) Gravity (2) Magnetism (3) Lift (4) Friction
7. Rohan wants to find out which box of balloons has the greatest mass. Which tool could he use for it?

(1) (2) (3) (4)

8. Which of the following is a gaseous planet ?

(1) Mercury (2) Mars (3) Earth (4) Saturn
9. Select the odd one out.

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

10. Complete the map shown below.


Length A Time B

Unit : Metre Unit : Kilogram Unit : C Unit :

and centimetre and gram °Centigrade

(1) Mass Time Minutes
(2) Volume Time °C
(3) Mass Temperature Seconds
(4) Volume Temperature °C
CLASS-V / Paper Code - T

11. In severe droughts, people die due to shortage of food and water, such a condition is called ______.
(1) Floods (2) Famine (3) Tsunami (4) Trauma
12. Smaller quantities of liquid are measured in
(1) litres (2) millilitres (3) kilolitres (4) tonnes
This section contains 11 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has four choices (1), (2), (3) and (4) out
of which ONLY ONE is correct.
13. Which of the following properties is shared by all the above items?

Brick Bones Baseball gloves Ice cube

(1) All are solids. (2) All are flexible.
(3) All have the same weight. (4) All have the same hardness.
14. Sara took water and dissolved some salt in it. Later she placed the salty water under sunlight for three days.
She found only crystals of salt but no water. The process demonstrated in the above experiment is
(1) filtration (2) freezing (3) condensation (4) evaporation
15. In cold weather, water vapour condenses into fine droplets and settles on dust particles in the air. These
condensed droplets hang in the air and make it difficult for us to see clearly. This is called
(1) snow (2) mist (3) dew (4) hail
16. What is the measure of the amount of material in an object ?
(1) Distance (2) Mass (3) Matter (4) None of these
17. The given figure shows three different ways that a sugar cube can undergo a physical change. Which
characteristic of the sugar cube does not change?
Sugar Cube

Crushed Melted

Dissolved in water
(1) Shape (2) State (3) Weight (4) Texture
18. In which of the following the particles have lowest force of attraction ?
(1) Gold (2) Glass (3) Oxygen (4) Water
19. Match the following:
Column A Column B
(I) Clay [A] Dead plants and animals
(II) Humus [B] Does not hold much water
(III) Loam soil [C] Best soil for growing plants
(IV) Sand [D] Sticky and soft soil
(1) (I - D), (II - C), (III - A), (IV - B) (2) (I - C), (II - A), (III - D), (IV - B)
(3) (I - B), (II - A), (III - D), (IV - C) (4) (I - D), (II - A), (III - C), (IV - B)
CLASS-V / Paper Code - T

20. When we look around us, we see house, cars, trees, people, animals, birds, etc. All these things are
of different shapes, sizes and colours. All these are called matter. Which of the following is the property
of matter?
(1) No mass but occupies space. (2) Mass but occupies no space.
(3) Mass and occupies space. (4) No mass and occupies no space.
21. Which of the following plays an important role in the formation of soil?
(1) Rain (2) Sunlight (3) Wind (4) All of these
22. Day and night are caused by the :
(1) Rotation of earth (2) El Nino (3) Climate change (4) All of these
23. Which process is necessary for the formation of igneous rocks?
(1) Erosion (2) Deposition (3) Metamorphism (4) Solidification
This section contains 12 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has four choices (1), (2), (3) and (4)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
24. Find the missing part of this food chain.

(1) Frog

(2) Lion

(3) Deer
? Owl

(4) Leopard
25. Tigers have stripes on their bodies. This adaptation helps them to
(1) Keep their bodies cool (2) Keep their bodies hot
(3) Mix with surroundings (4) Look beautiful
26. The figure shown below is an example of reproduction through which part of plant ?

(1) Root (2) Stem (3) Leaf (4) Fruit




Which part of plant first comes out from germinated seed?

(1) Radicle (2) Plumule
(3) Radicle and Plumule comes together (4) None of these
CLASS-V / Paper Code - T

28. Match the given animals with their adaptations that help them to survive in winter and select the correct
Adaptation Organism
(i) Migrate long distance (P) Arctic tern
(ii) Undergoes hibernation (Q) Polar bear
(iii) Have blubber (R) Frog
(iv) Have short ears (S) Arctic Fox
(1) (i)-P, (ii)-R, (iii)-Q, (iv)-S (2) (i)-S, (ii)-P, (iii)-R, (iv)-Q
(3) (i)-P, (ii)-Q, (iii)-R, (iv)-S (4) (i)-Q, (ii)-P, (iii)-R, (iv)-S
29. (i) I am very small in size. (ii) I have green, tender stem.
(iii) I do not have long branches.
Who am I?
(1) Herb (2) Shrub (3) Tree (4) None of these
30. Teeth used for chewing and grinding of food are known as
(1) Canines (2) Incisors
(3) Only Molars (4) Both molars and pre-molars
31. Identify a, b, c, d in the given flow chart.
rich source (a) leads to
Vitamin A (b)

rich deficiency
(c) source dairy products leads to weak bones
and eggs tooth decay

rich deficiency
Vitamin C source citrus fruits leads to (d)
Choose the correct option
(1) (a) Green leafy vegetables, (b) Night blindness, (c) Calcium, (d) Bleeding gums.
(2) (a) Lemon, (b) Scurvy, (c) Iron, (d) Beri Beri
(3) (a) Sunlight, (b) Rickets, (c) Vitamin C, (d) Scurvy
(4) (a) Green leafy vegetables, (b) Scurvy, (c) Iodine, (d) Night blindness.
32. Which of the following plant does not need soil to grow?
(1) Cactus (2) Fern (3) Water hyacinth (4) Pitcher plant
33. Which structure helps certain plants to make seeds?
(1) Stem (2) Flower (3) Root (4) Leaf
34. Look carefully at the diagram of a plant given below.
What do the arrows indicate?
(P) Water
(Q) Minerals
(R) Sugar
(S) Light
(1) Only P and R (2) Only P and Q
(3) P, Q, R and S (4) Only R and S
35. Which of the following is a deficiency disease ?
(1) Malaria (2) Marasmus (3) Polio (4) All of these
CLASS-V / Paper Code - T

This section contains 25 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has four choices (1), (2), (3) and (4)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
36. Which of the following can be the shape of a brick?
(1) Sphere (2) Cuboid (3) Cylinder (4) Cone
37. Ravi cycles 5 km 75 m in the morning and 8 km 280 m in the evening. How much does Ravi cycle
(1) 14.355 km (2) 13.355 km (3) 12.365 km (4) 10.355 km
38. Which of the following figures have exactly the same number of circles and rectangles?

(1) P and R (2) P only (3) Q and S (4) R and S
39. When the value of Roman numeral DCCXCVII is subtracted from the value of Roman numeral M,
the result in Roman numerals is
40. How many corners are there in the given shape?

(1) 7 (2) 14 (3) 8 (4) 5

41. Smita wrote two digits of a three digit number on the blackboard as shown below:

1 ? 3
Find the missing digit if it has 11 and 13 as factors.
(1) 2 (2) 4 (3) 6 (4) 8
42. Aakash's age is a factor of 14. Next year his age will be a multiple of 5. What will be the least possible
age in years of Akash in 6 years of time?
(1) 15 years (2) 21 years (3) 14 years (4) 20 years
43. A man has five thousand three hundred two rupees. He purchased a book of two hundred rupees.
The amount remaining with him is _________ .
(1) Rs.0512 (2) Rs.5002 (3) Rs.5302 (4) Rs.5102
44. How many straight lines are there in the given figure.

(1) 10 (2) 11 (3) 12 (4) 13

CLASS-V / Paper Code - T

45. If Varsha, Priyanka and Ravi bought same chocolate from the shop.
• Varsha borrowed Rs.100 to pay for her Chocolate.
• Priyanka borrowed Rs.80 to pay for her Chocolate.
• Ravi borrowed Rs.50 to pay for his Chocolate.
Find who is the richest among three.
(1) Varsha (2) Ravi (3) Priyanka (4) Can’t say
46. A roll of electric wire contains 80 m of wire. If 36 m 40 cm wire is used, how much wire is left on
the roll.
(1) 41 m 60 cm (2) 42 m 60 cm (3) 40 m 61 cm (4) 43 m 60 cm
47. The smallest six digit number using the digits 2, 0, 4, 5, 7, 1 is
(1) 102547 (2) 210457 (3) 102457 (4) 012457
48. Which of the following has no edges?

(1) (2) (3) (4)

X is a multiple of 6
49. Study the information given in the box. . What can be the value of X?
X is a factor of 84

(1) 42 (2) 28 (3) 21 (4) 24

50. The diagram shows some of the factors of 60. What can be the possible values of a and b?

a 60 b

5 3 10 12

(1) a = 2, b = 16 (2) a = 4, b = 20 (3) a = 6, b = 25 (4) a = 8, b = 30

51. Armaan planted six trees along one side of a fence. The width of each tree is 1 m and distance between
two trees is 6 m. (width of first and last tree to be included)

Then distance from the first tree to the sixth tree is _____
(1) 16 m (2) 30 m (3) 20 m (4) 36 m
52. Which shape is obtained when several bangles, of same size, are stacked one over another?
(1) Sphere (2) Cylinder (3) Cone (4) Circle
CLASS-V / Paper Code - T

53. The floor of a hall is completely covered by 16 carpets, each measuring 3 m by 2.5 m. What is the
area of the floor of the hall?
2 2 2 2
(1) 100 m (2) 110 m (3) 120 m (4) 130 m
54. The expanded form of predecessor of largest four digit number is ______
(1) 9000 + 900 + 90 + 9 (2) 9000 + 900 + 90 + 8
(3) 90000 + 900 + 90 + 9 (4) 90000 + 900 + 90 + 8
55. The area of the figure shown here is

1 cm

3 cm
2 cm 2 cm

2 cm

3 cm

1 cm

(1) 13 sq. cm (2) 15 sq. cm (3) 16 sq. cm (4) 18 sq. cm

56. Tank A contains 6 times as much as tank B. How much water must Mohan transfer from tank A to
tank B so that each tank contains 70 litres of water ?
(1) 50 litres (2) 60 litres (3) 25 litres (4) 30 litres
57. Longest chord of the circle is ____________ .
(1) Diameter (2) Chord (3) Radius (4) Minor chord
58. In the given figure, if ABCD is a square whose one side is 7 m long, then find the area of the unshaded
region if AH = BG = DE = FC and AI = DJ = BK = CL.



2 2 2 2
(1) 25 m (2) 36 m (3) 30 m (4) 23 m
59. In a right angled triangle, if one acute angle measured 35º, then the measure of the other acute angle
is _______ .
(1) 55º (2) 65º (3) 45º (4) 30º
60. If the side of each square on chess board is 2 cm. Find the perimeter of the chess board.
(1) 54 cm (2) 64 cm (3) 68 cm (4) 48 cm
CLASS-V / Paper Code - T


This section contains 20 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has four choices (1), (2), (3) and (4)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
61. If there was no lamp in the picture, the chair would be the___item from the left.

(1) 5th (2) 4th (3) 3rd (4) 2nd

62. Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between India, Rajasthan, Kota?

(1) (2) (3) (4)

63. Which one comes next?

9 11 14 18 23 ?

(1) 32 (2) 27 (3) 29 (4) 36

64. In a certain code, ‘N O S E’ is written as “H V R Q’. How is ‘C H I K’ be written in that code?
(1) F K N L (2) N L K F (3) K N L F (4) N L F K
65. In the given sequence the element ______will be three to the left of the chair.


(1) T (2) P (3) W (4) V

66. A is 10 Km towards the South of H, G is 20 Km towards the East of A and N is 20 Km towards the
East of H. In which direction is N from G?
(1) East (2) West (3) North (4) South
th th
67. In the following alphabet series, which of the following is 6 letter to the left of the 10 letter from
the right end?
(1) P (2) K (3) L (4) M
68. Rishabh is going towards North to watch his favorite movie “The Lion King” at fun Cinema. He travels
12 km, turns right and walks 6 km then turns left. In which direction is he moving now?
(1) North (2) South (3) East (4) West
69. Arrange the given words in the alphabetical order and choose the one that come at last?
(1) Repoint (2) Repent (3) Repeat (4) Record
CLASS-V / Paper Code - T

70. Find the missing term in the given series.

3, 7, 11, 15, 19, ?
(1) 21 (2) 22 (3) 23 (4) 24
71. Neena started walking straight facing West. After walking some distance she took a left turn and again
after walking some distance she took a left turn. Which direction is she facing now?
(1) West (2) East (3) South (4) North
72. Arrange the following words according to dictionary arrangement.
1. Road 2. Code 3. Bank 4. Line
(1) 1, 2, 3, 4 (2) 2, 4, 1, 3 (3) 3, 2, 1, 4 (4) 3, 2, 4, 1
73. Study the diagram and identify the people who can speak only one language.

French A D B German

(1) D + E + G (2) C + B + A (3) A (4) C

74. Which one comes next?

(1) (2) (3) (4)

75. Find the mirror image of given word.

(1) (2) (3) (4)
76. In the following question, select the odd word from the given alternatives.
(1) Dog (2) Cat (3) Parrot (4) Rat
77. Find the water image of the given figure.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

CLASS-V / Paper Code - T

78. In the following question, select the odd word from the given alternatives.
(1) Rectangle (2) Square (3) Triangle (4) Parallelogram
79. Find the mirror image of the given figure.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

80. Find the water image of the given word.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

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