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B.E / B.


Third Semester
Biomedical Engineering
(Regulation 2017)

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks 100

Tabulation/ Viva –
Apparatus required/ Observation/Results Record Total
Drawing voce
25 20 (20+15) 35
10 10 100
(a) (a) (a+b)

1. (a) Explain the aim, principle and procedure involved in examination of urine sample by
conducting suitable experiment.
(b) Write a comment on Slide A
2. (a) Identify the type of bacteria by conducting gram staining for the given bacterial
culture and elaborate the aim, principle and procedure involved in grams staining.
(b) Write a comment on Slide B
3. (a) Perform capsule staining of given bacteria and explain aim, principle and procedure
for performing capsule staining.
(b) Write a comment on Slide C
4. (a) Examine the given tissue sample by trichrome staining method.
(b) Write a comment on Slide D
5. (a) Describe aim, principle and procedure involved in identifying the given bacteria by
acid fast staining.
(b) Write a comment on Slide A
6. (a) Identify the morphological structure of given bacteria by performing simple staining.
(b) (b) Write a comment on Slide B

7. (a) Explain the aim, principle and procedure involved in determining specific antibodies
for different antigens by immunoelectrophoresis.
(b) Write a comment on Slide C
8. (a) Describe the principle for hematoxylin and eosin staining for given tissue sample in
(b) Write a comment on Slide D
9. (a) Examine the given bacterial sample using differential staining technique. Elaborate
the aim, procedure and principle in detail.
(b) Write a comment on Slide A
10. (a) Examine and interpret the physical and chemical examinations of the given clinical
urine sample by conducting experiment.
(b) Write a comment on Slide B
11. (a) Analyze and interpret the result of given bacterial sample by AFB staining method
and brief about procedure and principle in detail.
(b) Write a comment on Slide C
12. (a) Differentiate the given bacteria by performing gram staining technique.
(b) Write a comment on Slide D
13. (a) Determine the cell shape and arrangement by performing simple staining method.
Explain aim, principle and procedure in detail.
(b) Write a comment on Slide A
14. (a) Perform Ag-Ab immunoelectrophoresis and interpret results for determining the
antibody specificity.
(b) Write a comment on Slide B
15. (a) Elaborate the aim, principle and procedure of staining method by Cresyl fast violet
dye and examine the given tissue sample by special staining method.
(b) Write a comment on Slide C
16. (a) Determine the given bacterial sample using capsule staining.
(b) Write a comment on Slide D
17. (a) Identify the given bacterial sample by performing grams staining technique. Explain
in detail about the principle and procedure of grams staining.
(b) Write a comment on Slide A
18. (a) Conduct and elaborate the aim, principle and procedure involved physical and
chemical examination of pathological urine sample.
(b) Write a comment on Slide B
19. (a) Write the aim, principle and procedure of simple staining and identify the
morphology of given bacterial sample.
(b) Write a comment on Slide C
20. (a) Write in detail aim, procedure and principle of immune electrophoresis. Determine the
specificity of antibody by performing Ag- Ab
(b) Write a comment on Slide D
Slide A – Malarial Parasite
Slide B – Micro filarial / Leishmania donavani
Slide C – Anemia
Slide D - Leukemia

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