New Strategy or HRM Wing or Policy Implementation by BRAC Bank Limited

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“New Strategy or HRM wing or Policy implementation by

BRAC Bank Limited”

Prepared For
Dr. Tarnima Warda Andalib
BRAC Business School
BRAC University

Prepared By
Tandin Dorji
Student ID: 20104170

Program: BBA
BRAC Business School
BRAC University

Date of Submission:
20th November, 2020
LR TABLE on HRM FUNCTION : Remuneration Policy

Jafrul Islam, 2021 Gratuity Fund If an employee has worked for the firm for more than one year
without interruption, he is eligible for a gratuity fund. According
to section 2 (10) of the BLA, which deems any period of time
greater than six months is constitute as full year. From the
second year forward, completion of more than six months of
service will be counted as one year and a person will received
gratuity fund. Thus, the gratuity amount is determined by the
length of service. The amount of gratuity grows as an employee's
service time increases. Henceforth, gratuity is determined at the
rate specified in section 2(10) of the BLA based on the workers'
most recent basic earnings for each completed year of service. It
should be noted that by establishing a gratuity plan inside a
company, the corporation may claim a tax rebate against the
gratuity fund, and the employee is exempt from paying income
tax on the amount. (Islam, 2021).

LR TABLE on HRM FUNCTION : MIS & Strategic management

Akhter UJ Jaman E-System A MIS help a firm to run themselves efficiently and effectively.
Galib, 2013 Management information systems (MIS) are computer systems that
are frequently used to manage five essential components: hardware,
software, data (for decision making), processes (design,
development, and documentation), and people (individuals, groups,
or organizations). Management information systems differ from
other types of information systems in that they are used to analyze
and support strategic and operational activities (Galib, 2013).
Dr. Mukesh Kumar E-System The banking activities or services may become faster or more
Mahawar, 2018 efficient as a result of computerization, but it still requires a human
interaction and ability. To provide adequate service to customers, it
is consequently vital to upscale the skills and knowledge of bank
staff. Maintaining a client base is a challenge in the fast growing
pace of financial world. The only way to increase company chances
is to provide an excellent distinctive service to keep competitive
edges over other financial industries. The MIS helps in shaping
training courses for the employees to improve their intellectual
about financial world.
Linda Tucci, 2020 E-System An organizations have to assess their strategies whenever there is
change in business activities. Thus, strategic management come in
to make necessary plan, monitor, analyze and do assessment to
uphold company common goal. Henceforth, the strategic
management process assists businesses in taking stock of their
current condition, developing plans, implementing them, and
assessing the efficacy of the management strategies that have been
Pre- Post state during covid-19
BRAC Bank Internship Report, Gratuity According to the internship report, the gratuity fund is
Ltd. 2017 Fund key aspect that is entrenched in the remuneration policy
and each qualified employee who has served the firm fo
more than five years receives a gratuity fund based on the
most recent monthly salary. For instance, if an employe
works for a bank for six years and subsequently resigns o
retires, his gratuity calculation will be: let's assume hi
basic salary is 20,000 Taka, then 20,000 Taka is multiplie
by six years, where he will receive 120,000 Taka as
gratuity fund. It should be noted that by establishing
gratuity plan inside a company, the corporation may claim
a tax rebate against the gratuity fund, and the employee i
exempt from paying income tax on the amount. If a
employee has worked for the firm for more than one yea
without interruption, he is eligible for a gratuity.
E-system MIS and strategic management focus on creating an e
system environment within an organization in order t
promote the usage of technology and incorporate new idea
into day-to-day operations. I found that MIS and Strategi
management team are maintaining an "E-Learning" system
to upscale online training and evaluation. The employee
take online exams within the workplace and the MIS team
evaluate the electronic scripts and distribute the results. W
must know that e-system is an important factor embedde
in MIS and Strategic Management wing by HR departmen
to digitalize more and work efficiently.  Therefore, MI
department is now working on two computerized systems
"E-Attendance" and "E-PM," one for employee attendanc
management and the other for employee performanc
BRAC Bank Latest press E-system
I found that BRAC Bank and Global Linker are partnerin
Ltd. release of Brac to uphold the digital platform SMEs, which is a form of e
Bank Ltd, 2021 system where it will help to digitize product catalogue an
integrate the payment systems to make them ecommerce
ready. Beside, this partnership will open an avenue fo
SMEs to explore and expand overseas market. Therefore
the MIS team will manage and navigate negative economi
hurdle faced from covid-19 and ensure future growth of e

Gap Table
Brac Bank Gratuity Brac bank is still providing gratuity fund to eligibl
fund employees and

Building a profitable and socially responsible financial institution focused on market and business with growth
potential, thereby assisting BRAC and its stakeholders to build a just, enlightened, healthy democratic and poverty
free Bangladesh.


Achieve efficient synergies between the bank’s branches, SME unit offices and BRAC field offices for
delivery of remittance and the bank’s other products and services;

(Hints: Compare and Find gaps in terms of the organization’s vision, mission, strategy and
implementation in the organization)

4. In Covid-19 situation, what will be your recommendation to the company’s hr.

manager to deal with this

The Human resource department of BRAC Bank Limited (BBL) is strong, supportive to its
employees as well as the HRD coordinate the other department in an effective way so that
the organization goals can be achieved. It is is not the head count of people working in an
Organization. It is sum total of their knowledge, skill, creative abilities, talents and aptitudes
as well as their values attitude and beliefs and positive frame of mind. The corporate culture
at BBL grew over last 9 years is such that the members of the staff have ample opportunities
to take initiative and responsibilities. The challenge is to maintain a business like committed
corporate culture that matches BBL’s mission. Organization success depends on the skill
manpower and skill man power provided by the human resources department. Now-a-days
the role of HRD is very important. The biggest multinational company control there large
amount of employee through HRD. Organizations throughout the world are quickly changing
and improving the quality. This quality is control by the appraisal process, which include a
Varity of assignment. Bank views the employees as most valuable capital of the organization
and is endowed with unique qualities and if thoughtfully and inspiringly led the workforce
can bring superior result with creativity. In line with the growth aspiration of the Bank, the
management of the Bank carefully identifies potential future leaders amongst its employees
and takes extra ordinary effort to build them.

Jafrul Islam, (2021), Understanding the gratuity scheme, The Daily Star:


The human resource department of BRAC Bank Limited (BBL) is running wealthy. But some
factors should be included. According to revision of the SWOT analysis & questionnaire
analysis, I would like to recommend on some of the factors. ⎫ Transportation facilities should be
given to the junior officers. ⎫ Make the salary structure attractive to the employee. ⎫ They
should increase the manpower of HRD in recruitment wing. ⎫ Managerial control should be
implemented perfectly. ⎫ Arrange proper training for the employee & training should be
motivational. ⎫ Better MIS support is needed for smoother operation. ⎫ There is not any specific
place for intern where they can work. Interns have to roam around and search for a place so this
should be improved and a fix place should be given to the interns so that they can work
comfortably. ⎫ BRAC Bank has to make proper succession planning to promote the eligible
employee to the higher level and it also work as motivational factor. ⎫ They should improve
their Performance Management system to track the employees‟ performance to the point. ⎫
There must implement rule, policy or guideline provided to the recruitment officers for the CVs
which are rejected after an interview. ⎫ There must have transparency at the time of recruitment.
⎫ Arrange co-curricular activities for employee’s refreshment which is motivational and reduce
the turnover rate. ⎫ Extra benefits should be provided like overtime, performance bonus,
increment and should be rational. ⎫ They should go for the newspaper advertisement whenever
they need manpower. ⎫ BRAC Bank need to more focus on quality over quantity when they
recruit new staff

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