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opening the angle at a joint ______________ flexion

7. circular movement around an axis ______________ plantar flexion
8. bending a limb ______________ extension
9. turning the palm upward ______________ rotation
10. bending the sole of the foot downward ______________ supination
Root Meaning Example Definition of example
my/o muscle myositis inflammation of muscle
muscul/o muscle musculoskeletal pertaining to muscle and skeleton
in/o fiber inotropic acting on muscle fibers
suturing of a fascia to a tendon or
fasci/o fascia fasciodesis
other fascia
tendon tenorrhaphy suture of a tendon
having a strengthening action on
ton/o tone cardiotonic
the heart
kinesi/o, movement dyskinesia abnormality of movement
I. Match the word parts on the right with their meanings on the left.
Meanings Word parts
1. condition a. –cele
2. fascia b. –ia
3. fibrous connective tissue c. fasci/o
4. hernia, swelling d. kines/o, kinesi/o
5. movement, motion e. fibr/o
6. coordination f. my/o
7. muscle g. –rrhexis
8. rupture h. –tax/o
9. tendon i. –ton/o
10. tone j. –tend/o

The Muscular System 28

II. Write the noun of each of the following adjectives.
1. muscular ________________ 3. tendinous ________________
2. fascial ________________ 4. kinetic ________________
III. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.
1. Myoedema is accumulation of fluid in a(n) ______________________.
2. Dystonia is abnormal muscle ______________________.
3. Tenostosis is ossification of a(n) ______________________.
4. Kinesitherapy is treatment by means of ______________________.
5. Fasciitis is inflammation of ______________________.
6. Inosclerosis is hardening of tissue because of an increase in _____________________.
7. Myofibrils are small fibers found in ______________________.
IV. Define each of the following terms.
1. atony _______________________________________________________
2. myalgia _______________________________________________________
3. musculotendinous _______________________________________________________
4. tendinitis _______________________________________________________
5. hypermyotonia _______________________________________________________
6. kinesiology _______________________________________________________
7. fasciorrhaphy _______________________________________________________
8. myofascial _______________________________________________________
9. tenomyoplasty _______________________________________________________
V. Write a word that has the same meaning as each of the following definitions.
1. inflammation of many (poly-) muscles ________________
2. any disease of muscle ________________
3. excision of fascia ________________
4. incision of a tendon (use ten/o) ________________
5. inflammation of a muscle and its tendon (use ten/o) ________________
VI. Word building. Write a word for each of the following definitions.
1. study of muscles (use my/o-) ________________
2. pain in a muscle (use my/o-) ________________
3. incision of fascia ________________
4. inflammation of fascia ________________

29 The Muscular System

5. study of movement ________________
6. plastic repair of a tendon (use ten/o-) ________________
7. pertaining to a tendon ________________
VII. Create the terms in the following sentences based on these word parts.
Poly- Card/o -algia
Fasci/o -ectomy
Herni/o -itis
My/o -necrosis
Sphincter/o -otomy
1. An abnormal condition of skeletal muscles is known as ________________.
2. Pain in several muscle groups is known as ________________.
3. The death of individual muscle fibers is known as ________________.
4. Surgical suturing of torn fascia is known as ________________.
5. A surgical incision into a muscle is a/an ________________.
6. The surgical attachment of a fascia to another fascia or to a tendon is known as
7. Inflammation of the muscle of the heart is known as ________________.
8. The surgical removal of fascia is a/an ________________.
9. The surgical suturing of a defect in a muscular wall, such as the repair of a hernia, is
a/an ________________.
10. An incision into a sphincter muscle is a/an ________________.
VIII. In the space provided, write the words that each abbreviation stands for.
1. CTS __________________________________
2. DTR __________________________________
3. ROM __________________________________
4. RSD __________________________________
5. SCI __________________________________

The Muscular System 30

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