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Fadhillah Zahra

Expert Zikr and Grateful

1 Introduction

- Attention getter Usually after praying, we always dhikr and say a prayer to Allah
- Introducing the topic Of course, in the dhikr and prayer there is a sentence of gratitude
for the blessings that Allah has given us.
- Introducing main Points Actually gratitude is a very simple thing, because just by saying
alhamdulillah means we are already grateful to Allah. So beautiful
Islam makes it easy for its people. Rasulullah SAW taught prayer
for us to always be servants who are experts in dhikr and
gratitude. The prayer reads: "Allahumma ainni a'la dhikrika wa
syukrika, wa husni ibaadatik" which means "O Allah, guide me to
remember you and be grateful to you and to worship you well."
2 Body of Speech
- Main points #1 Allah will multiply favors for his grateful servant.
- Supporting details #1 Like the rice seeds that we plant and then become a clump of rice
stalks that become the way of human life. That is the picture of
Allah multiplying the favors for humans if he is grateful.

- Main points #2 So never be afraid of the blessings that don't exist yet.
- Supporting details #2 Because everything is on the side of Allah SWT. What we should
be afraid of is if we are not grateful for the gifts of Allah that we
have felt so far. Whereas gratitude is like a rope, which binds the
blessings that already exist and attracts the blessings that do not
yet exist. Be afraid if this rope is not in us.
- Main points #3 So actually don't be busy thinking about the blessings that don't
exist yet, but be busy thinking about the gratitude that doesn't
exist for all the blessings that we have felt so far.
- Supporting details #3 Because what is not there is already a promise that Allah will add
if we are grateful.

3 Conclusion
- Signal Ladies and gentlemen
- Summary may Allah bestow His taufik and guidance on us so that we
become experts in dhikr and gratitude.

- Closing Maybe that's all for me thank you very much.

The Expert of Zikr and Grateful

Alhamdulillahi wakafaa, wassholatu wassalaamu ‘alaa rosulihil musthofaa, wa’alaa aalihi wasohbihi
wamanih tadaa, amma ba’du.

First of all, let us praise and thank Allah SWT who still gives us so many favors so that with these
blessings we can still carry out his orders properly. Prayers and greetings may always be bestowed on
our lord, namely our Prophet Muhammad SAW, with the struggle of him and his companions that we
can taste the sweetness of faith and the beauty of Islam. Do not forget to his family, his friends and also
to his followers until the end of time, amen ya Rabbal a'lamiin.

Usually after praying, we always dhikr and say a prayer to Allah swt. Of course, in the dhikr and prayer
there is a sentence of gratitude for the blessings that Allah has given us. Actually gratitude is a very
simple thing, because just by saying alhamdulillah means we are already grateful to Allah. So beautiful
Islam makes it easy for its people. Rasulullah SAW taught prayer for us to always be servants who are
experts in dhikr and gratitude. The prayer reads: "Allahumma ainni a'la dhikrika wa syukrika, wa husni
ibaadatik" which means "O Allah, guide me to remember you and be grateful to you and to worship you

Allah will multiply favors for his grateful servant. Like the rice seeds that we plant and then become a
clump of rice stalks that become the way of human life. That is the picture of Allah multiplying the favors
for humans if he is grateful.

So never be afraid of the blessings that don't exist yet. Because everything is on the side of Allah SWT.
What we should be afraid of is if we are not grateful for the gifts of Allah that we have felt so far.
Whereas gratitude is like a rope, which binds the blessings that already exist and attracts the blessings
that do not yet exist. Be afraid if this rope is not in us.

Because Allah swt. said :

ۡ‫َواِ ۡذ تَا َ َّذنَ َربُّ ُكمۡ لَ ِٕٕٮِـ ۡن َشك َۡرتُمۡ اَل َ ِز ۡي َدنَّـ ُكم‬
" When your Lord declared; Indeed, if you are grateful, surely We will increase (favors) to you.. " (Surah
Ibrahim [14]: 7)

So actually don't be busy thinking about the blessings that don't exist yet, but be busy thinking about the
gratitude that doesn't exist for all the blessings that we have felt so far. Because what is not there is
already a promise that Allah will add if we are grateful. Ladies and gentlemen, may Allah bestow His
taufik and guidance on us so that we become experts in dhikr and gratitude. Amen ya Robbal aalamiin.
Maybe that's all for me, thank you very much.

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