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The Institution of Structural Engineers July 1997 Manual for the design of plain masonry in building structures Published for the Institution of Structural Engineers Constitution of Task Group K C White BSc(Eng), FEng, FlStructé, FICE (Chairman) (Travers Morgan Consultancy Group) JK Beck CEng, FiStructE, MICE, (Curtins Consulting Engineers)" P Beckmann CEng, FlStructE, MICE, MingF, HonRIBA (formerly Ove Arup & Partners) PR Benson BSc(Eng), MSc, CEng, MiStruct, MICE (Oscar Faber Consulting Engineers)" RE Bradshaw MSc, CEng, FlStructE, MICE (Bradshaw Buckton & Tonge)* R GD Brown CEng, MICE (Banks Brown Associates) B Humphrey BSc(Eng), CEng, MIStructE (Jenkins and Potter)® K Hunter CEng, FlStructl, MICE (Lovell Construction Services Ltd) TB Pearce CEng, MIStructE (formerly Ove Arup & Partners)" RJ Saunders CEng, MIStructE! (Harris & Sutherland) WH Sharp CEng, FlStructE (formerly Lancashire County Council) SB Tietz BSc(Eng), FEng, FiStructl, FICE (SB Tietz & Partners) A Trueman CEng, FiStructE (Austin Trueman Consulting Engineers)" J Willbourne BSc, MSc, CEng, FiStructE, MICE (Kenchington Ford ple)! CR Witt BSe(Hons), CEng, MiStructE, MICE (Travers Morgan Consultaney Group) RJ W Milne BSc, (Secretary) (The Institution of Structural Engineers) * Until his death in March 1989 © Denotes member of Editorial Panel chaired by Professor A R Cusens OBE, BSc(Eng), PhD, FEng, FlStructE, FICE (University of Leeds) Published by SETO Ltd, 11 Upper Belgrave Street, London, SWIX 8BH. ISBN 1 874266 344 © 1997 The Institution of Structural Engineers Reprinted with amendments February 1999 ‘The Institution of Structural Engineers and the members who served on the Committee which produced this report have endeavoured to ensure the accuracy of its contents. However, the guidance and recommendations given in the report should always be reviewed by those using the report in the light of the facts of their particular case and specialist advice should be obtained as necessary. No liability for negligence or otherwise in relation to this report and its contents is accepted by the Institution, the members of its Committee, its servants or agents. No part of this publication may be reproduced. stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission of the Institution of Structural Engineers who may be contacted at 1 Upper Belgrave Street, London SWIX 8BH IStructE Masonry manual Contents Foreword .....- Bee ee ee ee eee ene te eee eee § LIntroduction 2.6... eee eee eee eT 1.1 Aims of the Manual 7 1.2 Scope of the Manual pee 7 1.3 Use of the Manual... . aaa 7 1.4 Contents of the Manual 7 ween ed 9 9 23 Cellular plan form 9 2.4 Crosswall construction . 9 2.5 Spine-wall construction 10 2.6 Geometric sections . 10 2.7 Robustness i 2.8 Movement joints. 12 2.9 Interaction with other parts of the structure 13 2.10 Infill masonry to framed structures 13 2.11 Openings 14 3 Choice of materials... 6... 60. ee ee eee eee vee 17 3.1 Design coordination 7 3.2 Structural units. 7 3.3 Mortars and mortar joints 17 3.3.1 Mortars 17 3.3.2 Mortar joints 19 3.4 Durability . : 20 3.4.1 Frost resistance 21 3.4.2 Soluble salt content 21 3.4.3 Liability to efflorescence 21 3.4.4 Concrete blocks/bricks . 28 3.4.5 Lime bloom 28 3.5 Fire resistance 28 3.6 Wall ties and straps : 28 3.7 Dampproof courses... 2 3i 4 General principles of limit-state design for masonry walls and columns .........- iebetetiede Peta He te uaie Lie re tebabca eee He arate 32 4.1 Loadings .... bene . 32 4.2 Serviceability limit state 33 4.3 Characteristic strengths 33 4.3.1 Characteristic compressive strength . a3: 4.3.2 Characteristic flexural strength... . 38 4.3.3 Characteristic shear strengih.... . 38 Characteristic strength of wall ties 40 4.4 Design strength 4l 5 Design of loadbearing masonry... ......00 0000-008 42 5.1 Load combinations. . 42 5.2 Design procedure . . 42 ISuructE Masonry manual 5.3 Walls and piers subject to vertical load . cee a 5.3.1 Lateral supports 2 5.3.2 Effective height . a 47 5.3.3 Effective length... . rere 48 3.4 Effective thickness... . oe os 4 3.5 Slenderness ratio : 48 3.6 Excentricity of right-angles to the wall 49 5.3.7 Vertical load resistance 49 8 Vertical load resistance of solid walls and columns... . 49 5.3.9 Vertical load resistance of cavity walls and columns : a0) 5.3.10 Eccentricity in the plane of the wall and shear wall SI 5.3.11 Horizontal shear resistance eres : SI 5.4 Walls subject to lateral loading . . . eee 52 5.4.1 Limits on wall panel size. Cees ae aurea? 5.4.2 Direction of span and support conditions. ‘| 52 5.4.3 Two-way spanning walls cece 57 5.4.4 One-way spanning walls... Seen tty] 5.4.5 Cavity walls... Gi eaaeeeeaeeraeeae ae or 5.4.6 Geometric walls... « i ern or 5.4.7 Trial sections ; ; : : 62 5.4.8 Shear analysis : 63 5.4.9 Design louding cases. eee 66 6 Details and construction . . 6.1 Sequence of building and how it affects design G2 iTypesiok wall svete sescsaeeeee ce ae 6.2.1 Solid walls. . eee 67 6.2.2 Cavity walls... 2... eee Hon 6.3 Lateral restraint, straps and ties 67 6.4 Mixing of framed construction and loadbearing masonry : 67 6.5 Overhangs, corbels, cornices: difficulties with suspending bricks from ironmongery eae es 69 6.6 Bonding and coursing... . : cena 69 6.7 Lintels and lintel bearings. : 70 6.8 Filling of mortar joints. 6.9 Dampproof courses . 6.10 Chases and holes... 6.11 Movement joint details 6.12 Partition walls 6.13 Tolerances... . ee 6.14 Inspections and acceptance... References... 1.02.60 4 Struct Masonry manual Foreword The increasing use of masonry as a main structural medium for buildings alerted the Institution of Structural Engineers, some years ago, to the need for guidance on the design of plain (i.e. unreinforced) masonry structures The work was begun by a Task Group under the Chairmanship of Keith White, FEng, and culminated in a seminar held in October 1992 to discuss a draft document. This led to the formation of an Editorial Panel which prepared the Manual now being published. The Manual provides design guidance which complies with BS 5628 and can be applied normally to buildings up to four storeys high. It provides the basis for structural calculations for loadbearing masonry or for the masonry infill of a structural frame. The work of the original Task Group is gratefully acknowledged. The members of the Editorial Panel carried out extensive redrafting of the Manual in response to comments made at the 1992 seminar and thereafter. [ would like particularly to express gratitude for their contributions and also to thank all those whose knowledge and expressed views helped to shape this publication Csumt PROFESSOR A R CUSENS, OBE Chairman, Editorial Panel IStructE Masonry manual 5 1 Introduction 1.1 Aims of the Manual This Manual provides guidance on the design of plain masonry in building structures. Masonry designed in accordance with this Manual will normally comply with BS 5628: Parts 1 and 3!, Plain masonry is an assemblage of structural units, either laid in situ or constructed in prefabricated panels, in which the structural units are bonded and solidly put together with mortar or grout, but without reinforcement.! 1.2 Scope of the Manual The range of structures covered by the Manual is limited to building structures that do not rely on bending in masonry columns for their lateral stability. However, the design of individual masonry elements subject to lateral loading and involving bending for their resistance is included, Reinforced and prestressed masonry, retaining walls, freestanding walls and arched structures are specifically excluded from the Manual, as are structures involving disproportionate collapse (i.e. more than 4 storeys) and those for public buildings with clear spans of 9m or more, While the Manual has been drafted for the design of new structures, the principles may be applicable to alterations to existing structures. However, care should be taken when assessing the characteristic strength of existing masonry For structures or elements outside this scope BS 5628' should be used 1.3 Use of the Manual The Manuatis intended to be used by structural engineers in the preparation of structural design calculations. The first decision to be made is whether to adopt a loadbearing, masonry design or to provide a structural frame with masonry infill. Depending on the decision made, one of the routes shown in Fig 1.1 (overleaf) should be followed, 1.4 Contents of the Manual ‘The Manual covers the following design stages: * choice of structural form * choice of materials + general principles of limit-state design for masonry walls and columns * design of loadbearing masonry * details and construction. Previous page is blank {Struct Masonry manual 7 Yes Does building layout suit No Toadbearing masonry? Use framed structure ‘with masonry infil Use loadbearing ‘masonry Consider overall stability Consider accidental damage Determine minimum requirements of masonry urits and mortar for strength and durabiliy Determine minimum requirements for minimum thickness for fire resistance Check requirements for thermal values, sound transmission DPCs and aesthetics etc Select worst case loading situations Prepare calculations ‘and detals for Loadbearing masonry Loadbearing or Loadbearing masonry Non-oadbearing ‘where vertical load nontoadbearing ‘where vertical masonry infill govern design masonry where and horizontal walls not subject horizontal loads loads require to horizontal govern design consideration loads from winds cronds ete Fig 1.1 Alternative routes for masonry design 8 IStruciE. Masonry manual 2 Choice of structural form 2.1 General One engineer should be responsible for the overall design, including stability, and consider the compatibility of the design and detailing of parts and components, even where some or all of the design and details of those parts and components are not made by the same engineer. ‘The structure should be so arranged that it can transmit dead, imposed and wind loads in adirect manner to the foundations. The general arrangement should lead to a robust and stable structure that will not collapse progressively disproportionate to the cause, under the effects of misuse or accidental damage to any one clement. ‘The arrangement and orientation of masonry walling is very significant for the stability and robustness of the overall structure. The layout can aiso have a significant influence on the behaviour of individual elements, particularly with respect to accidental damage. Building forms that consist predominantly of isolated loadbearing masonry walls, piers and columns require careful consideration, since they have minimal alterna load paths. Buildings of this form are not often used, and this Manual does not offer guidance on their design. ‘A good design will take account of the standard sizes of masonry units and courses so as to minimise the cutting of units and making up of levels. The subsections that follow give examples of efficient structural plan forms if loadbearing masonry is to be used. Other layouts may require an independent structural frame for stability. 2.2 Stability Lateral stability in two orthogonal directions should be provided by a system of strongpoints within the structure so as to produce a “braced” structure, i.e. one in which the walls will not be subject to additional eccentricities arising from sway. Strongpoints can generally be provided by orientating the walls uniformly about the two horizontal axes of the structure and in some cases may depend on the walls enclosing stairs, lift shafts or service ducts. Itis preferable for the strongpoints to be distributed throughout the structure and arranged so that their combined shear centre is located approximately on the line of the resultant in plan of the applied overturning forces (Fig 2.1). Where this is not possible, the resultant additional twisting moments must be considered when calculating the load carried by each strongpoint (Fig 2.2). Strongpoints should be effective throughout the full height of the building, although they may be reduced in the upper storeys. If it is necessary for the strongpoints to be discontinuous at one level, provision needs to be made to transfer the forces to other strongpoints. 2.3 Cellular plan form The cellular plan form consists of a number of loadbearing walls parallel to the horizontal axes of the building and usually intersecting to produce an “egg-crate” layout (Fig 2.3). Generally the cellular plan form produces the most stable and robust structure. 2.4 Crosswall construction ‘The arrangement of the loadbearing walls in crosswall construction is an array of parallel walls, usually at right-angles to the longitudinal axis of the building. The IStruci Masonry manual 9 — fee z , C 4 Fe f Fig 2.1 Symmetrical plan strongpoints Fig 2.2 Asymmetrical plan strongpoints Increasing robustness — Loadbearing walls <— Floor span Fig 2.3 Cellular wall plan Fig 2.4 Crosswall plan combined strength of strongpoints and crosswalls relies on the floors acting as horizontal diaphragms (Fig 2.4). 2.5 Spine-wall construction Crosswall construction is appropriate where repetitive floor plans allow the loadbeuring crosswalls to line through on all floors and hence to carry their loading directly down to the foundation. Where such a repetitive floor plan is not appropriate spine-wall construction may provide a suitable alternative, particularly where for overall stability strongpoints are provided by staircases, lift shafts and gable walls. The combined strength of strongpoints and spine-walls relies on the floors acting as horizontal diaphragms (Fig 2.5) 2.6 Geometric sections Geometric profiles can be readily formed in masonry and are particularly suitable for use in tall and stender single-storey structures such as assembly halls, theatres, churches, to IStructE Masonry manus) Partitions, irregularly placed Spine walt | Fig 2.5 Spine-wall plan — Fin wall Orptrogrn wal S = Ss = OE Channel section Chevron watt Fig 2.6 Typical geometric wall sections and warehouses. The scope for such sections is wide and includes diaphragm walls, fin walls, channel sections, chevron walls, etc. The principle employed is to create flexural stiffness in the plan shape of the wall elements (Fig 2.6). The section should be sized to suit brick and block unit dimensions to avoid excessive cutting and poor bonding. For basic design guidance on such walls refer to subsection 5.4.6. 2.7 Robustness A well designed and well detailed structure with an appropriate choice of materials will normally satisfy the requirements of structural robustness. Elements whose failure would cause collapse of more than a limited part of the structure adjacent to them must be avoided, Where this is not possible, alternative load paths should be identified or the element in question strengthened. The adequacy of the junctions or connections between the masonry walls and floors and roofs is an important consideration. In certain circumstances (e.g. buildings with precast concrete or timber floors), all members of the structure should be effectively tied together in both the longitudinal and transverse directions (see section 5.3). Generally the cellular plan form produces the most stable and robust structure, Nevertheless, careful consideration may be necessary over the location and dimensions of openings as well as the position of any movement joints so that the integrity of the structure is not impaired, In its simplest form, crosswall construction has stability only about the minor axis and is basically the least robust type of structure, In the longitudinal direction, bracing to the structure as a whole should be provided, for example, by spine or perimeter walls, by buttressing or by strongpoints, such as stair or lift shafis, located at each end of or midway along the building (Fig 2.5) IStructE Masonry manual u In the case of both spine-wall and crosswall construction the location of movement joints, both primary and secondary, is of significance in the assessment of stability and robustness. 2.8 Movement joints Joints should be provided to minimise the effects of movement caused by drying shrinkage, moisture expansion, temperature variations, creep and settlement. The effectiveness of movement joints depends on their location, In masonry construction there are two distinct types of movement joint: the first is a primary movement joint that should divide the structure into individual sections; the second consists of secondary movement joints that divide the elements into individual portions. The structure or element on each side of the joint should be independently stable and robust. Inall forms of movement joint it is essential to continue the joint through any (e.g. plaster), attached cladding and similar elements, Primary movement joints are used to reduce the influence of overall dimensional changes or distortions of the total structure, and are usually positioned at changes in direction, significant changes in dimension of plan or height, or changes in the form of construction either of the structure or of its foundations. In long uniform structures these joints would normally be provided at 40 to 50m centres and be at least 25mm in width Primary movements joints should pass through the whole of the structure above ground level (Fig 2.7) and be in one plane. Consideration should be given to the need to carry the joint through the foundations. The purpose of secondary movement joints is usually to accommodate differential movements arising from material behaviour and/or local structural distortions. Clay brickwork generally exhibits long-term moisture expansion, whereas concrete blocks and bricks and calcium silicate bricks experience drying shrinkage. The spacing and location of movement joints need to be carefully considered Features of the building that should be considered for determining the joint positions are as follows: (a) at the intersections of walls, piers, floors, etc (b) internal and external covers (c) short return walls (4) window and door openings (e} change in height or thickness of the wall (8) chases in the wall (g)__ beam seatings or other elements imposing concentrated loads (h) areas of cantilevered construction (i) areas of arched construction G) parapets. ‘The uninterrupted height and length of the outer leaf of external cavity walls should be Timited so as to avoid undue loosening of the ties arising from differential movements between the two leaves, The outer leaf should, therefore, be supported at intervals of not more than every third storey or 9m, whichever is less. However. for buildings not exceeding 4 storeys or 12m in height, whichever is less, the outer leaf may be uninterrupted for its full height. Calculations may also be carried out (see clause 29.2.3 of BS 5628: Part 1), and the effects of horizontal movement should also be considered 2 IstructE Masonry manual ] at pigs ee Fig 2.7 Location of primary movement joints (see clause 29.2.3 of BS 3628: Part {'), Further guidance may be obtained from CIRIA Technical note 107°, BDA Design note 10° and BS 5628: Part 3', Appendices A3 and Aa Information may also be found in BRE Digests 227, 228 and 229. 2.9 Interaction with other parts of the structure This section refers to the relative behaviour of the masonry elements with other parts of the structure, particularly at interfaces or junctions or where composite action is required. Compared with most other materials used in the structure of a building, masonry is relatively stiff and brittle. It does not readily absorb distortions arising from movement or displacements nor readily redistribute high localised stresses. Some examples requiring attention are: * masonry panels on suspended beams or slabs that may crack because of the support deflections * diaphragm action of floors transmitting lateral forces to strongpoints or shear walls + Lateral restraint to walls by floors * infill masonry panels (which should be individually supported and connected to the surrounding frame) * uplift and suction arising from wind (special attention needed at roof/wall junctions) * shrinkage of in situ concrete where supporting or supported by masonry units Particularly in cases of precast concrete floor units and timber floor joists and roof trusses (Fig 2.8) the designer must satisfy him/herself that the elements can act as horizontal diaphragms where so assumed and that the connections can transmit the forces resulting from the interaction. Lateral deflections of a reinforced conerete or steel frame may induce cracking of infill cladding; frame shortening may impose load on infill masonry unless a horizontal compression joint is provided 2.10 Infill masonry to framed structures Masonry infilling may be used to provide the bracing to reinforced conerete or stee! framed structures. In such circumstances the walls are not usually required to carry IStructE Masonry manual B Most sturdy (1) In-situ 2-way re | (id Composite precast (2-way) 3 (ili) Precast with lateral g ‘and longitudinal ties} S 1 ci Timber boord and joist | 2 with staggered joints 3 $ | (2) Precast planks with no lotercl ties = continuity or tie bars at supports Least sturdy Fig 2.8 Suardiness of floors gravity loads from the structure but are subjected to in-plane loads. Where the infill also provides the cladding to the building it will also need to resist wind loads normal to the wall. Due consideration must be given to the effects of possible removal of such walls at a later date Infill masonry panels when used as bracing should be fixed tightly to the surrounding structural frame for the efficient bracing of the structure. Regard should be paid to the possible shrinkage of a silicate brick or concrete block masonry panel making the pinning ineffective. Movement joints within the panel, cither primary or secondary, should be avoided. Similarly, openings that might impair the ability of the panel to brace the structure should be carefully examined. Load sharing arising from secondary effects (e.g. frame shortening) must be considered. Infill masonry panels that resist only laterally imposed loads should be adequately restrained, This may be on two opposite sides to avoid an unrestrained comer. The methods of restraint must make due allowance for any relative movement between the masonry infill and the structural frame. Unless the walls are designed to provide principal or secondary stability, itis rarely necessary to consider the influence of accidental damage to masonry infilling since its removal should not precipitate collapse. 2.11 Openings The size and location of openings should be such that the stability of not only the panel under consideration but also adjacent walls (above and below) is not impaired. Special attention is needed to consider the effects of openings in the storey immediately above foundation level with regard to possible variations in bearing pressure. Openings have a major influence on the load paths in masonry walls, affecting the stress distribution ‘The overall effect of an opening, other than one immediately under an identical one above, is to reduce not only the cross-section but also to shift the centroid of the section so as to cause an overall eccentricity of the resultant of the loads (Fig 2.9). ‘The local effect of an opening is to cause increased stresses under lintel bearings ete. (Fig 2.10). Reference should be made to BS 5977: Part 1° to assess the load to be carried by the lintel l4 IStruct Masonry manual CG. load Eccentric ity—>} mT CG section Stress diagram below panel with under opening Fig 2.9 Stress arising from eccentric loading caused by the position of the opening Loaded area for shear in lintel ~ see also BS §877,Part 1 Check bearing ___ stress under lintels Loaded area for bending intintet ~ see also BS 5977. Part 1 Infitled opening -— lintel may be — Opening required over opening below increased load tanferred to lower levels and other ponels Opening le Buttress pana It wallis required os ‘a buttress it snould Consider panel integrity (height thickness limits ) Opening Opening Consider horizontal ‘action on wall not be less than 550 long Nae \ NG - The position of movement points may influence the load spreads indicated Load on foundations may be increased locally where the ‘spread of load is restricted Fig 2.10 Load paths arising from lintels, openings, ete TStructl. Masonry manual Care should be exercised where openings are formed in walls that provide a restraining effect to an adjacent wall. As a general guide, a minimum construction length of 550mm, measured from the internal interface of the wall junction, should be provided in the restraining wall (see clause 28.2.3 of BS 5628: Part 1'). Attention should be paid to providing suitable tying or bonding of wall junctions to achieve the desired degree of structural continuity, New openings in existing walls require a similar evaluation in circumstances where oad intensities and patterns of load in adjacent walls are subject to change. Particular consideration should be given to the effects of infilling of existing openings on the surrounding structure. 16 Struct Masonry manual 3 Choice of materials 3.1 Design coordination The engineer should be satisfied that the materials requirements of other members of the design team are compatible with those governing the masonry design, particularly with regard to tolerances, provisions for movement, and Water absorption of clay bricks. Neither BS 5628! nor the individual British Standards relevant to materials concern themselves with robustness, i.e. resistance to impact and abrasion or the provisions of secure fixings for the attachment of other components. For example, hollow or lightweight blockwork is less resistant to impact or abrasion, which could be a consideration in certain situations such as factories and warehouses. 3.2 Structural units Before a final choice of unit is made, it may be prudent to obtain test results of recent production runs, and evidence of suitability in the form of completed buildings using the units, Where no recent test certificates are available, tests may be carried out to demonstrate that the units satisfy the engineering requirements, Structural masonry units should comply with the relevant British Standards: * Calcium silicate (sandlime and flintlime) bricks BS 187° * Clay bricks BS 3921° * Dimensions of bricks of special shapes and sizes BS 4729” * Stone masonry BS 5390* * Precast concrete masonry units BS 6073: Part 1” * Reconstructed stone masonry units BS 6457"" * Clay and calcium silicate modular bricks BS 6649"! ‘The supply of units should be monitored to ensure compliance with the specification is being met. A guide to the properties of masonry materials is given in Table 3.1 3.3 Mortars and mortar joints 3.3.1 Mortars Mortars should be selected on the grounds of strength, durability and economy. There is no evidence to suggest that the use of a weaker cement mortar gives an increasing ability to accommodate movement. However, where cracking is likely to occur, the use of strong (cement-rich) mortars with weak units can give rise to cracking of the units and should generally be avoided (see Table 3.2). In cavity walls the choice of the same mortar for each leaf is preferred. Designers should be aware of the possible need for cubes to be taken to monitor the strength and durability of mortars, guidance for which may be obtained from BS 5628' Certain fine sands, while conforming to BS 1200", may require further adjustment of mix proportions (see BS 5628: Part 3', clause 23.1(b)). Choice and grading of the sand has a significant effect on workability ‘Masonry cement’ is a mixture of Portland cement and inert fillers, and may contain additives. Because of its likely misuse its adoption in structural masonry is not advised Plasticisers are often used in lieu of lime to improve the workability and durability of mortars. They do not, however, provide the extra gain of strength with time possible IStructl: Masonry manual 7 Table 3.1 Guide to the properties of masonry : Properties, Clay | Calcium | Dense |Lightweight| Aerated [Natural brickwork | silicate | concrete | concrete | concrete | limestone BGs brickwork | blockwork | blockwork | blockwork Weight (kN/n” 16-22 | 20 15-21 | 7:16 49 Compressive i 15-85, 14-35 7-35 3.5-10.5 28-7 10-50 strength (N/mm?) Flexural strengsh N/mm" \ ~ plane of failure 15 09 06 06 06 7 perpendicular to bed joints - plane of failure 05 03 0.25 025 0.25 : parallel to bed Joints ee jie = : Plastic modulus | 5-25or | 14-18) 10-250r 4-16 17-8 Is ckN/mm?) 450-900," 300, Creep factor - 12-40 7 20-7.0 | 20 7 al ereep strain to elastic strain at 1 working stresses He ieee ue Reversible 0.02.64) | 0001-005 (+) 01.02-0.064-10.03-0.06¢- moisture movement (“%) __ | Hee Se settiias Hee Initial moisture [0,02-0.10¢+) 001-005.) 0.02-0.06(-)0.05-0.06€- expansion (+) (0.03 or drying when on shrinkage (-) (%e) site) ee - Coetficient of 58 S14 6-14 7-12 8 4 thermal expansion cto*r'e) | Long-term natural | 3.0-15.0 water absorption (adds : : ‘ ‘Thermal 007-120) 1.2 0.6-1.3 | 0.20-0.44 | 0,100.27 13 conductivity at 5% moisture content | cwim'C) ! i 0.014) 0.01 * Broadly but not linearly related tof. the characteristic compressive strength with lime, Plasticisers should be used only in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, with particular consideration given to the heights of lifts and the risk of loosened ties. Wwhen used in conjunction with retarders, and care should be taken to avoid incompatibility Care should be taken in the use of colouring agents (pigments) to maintain compressive and bond strengths of mortars. To avoid problems of site mixing it is beco: ready-to-use mortar. This is weight-batched at the factory and delivered to site containing a set retarder to enable the mortar to be used overa two working days" period Similarly it is also possible to obtain ready-mixed lime and sand together with any plasticiser and colour pigment as may be required. ing common practice to use retarded, Is IStructE Masonry manual Table 3.2 Mortar mixes From] Mortar designation Types of mortar Mean compressive strength BS | | @roportion by volume) at 28 days (N/mm) 5628: Cement: time: | Cement: | Preliminary | Site tests Lea sand sand with | (laboratory) ae EE __|_plasticiser_j tests Increasin @ | bow 4:3 - 160) 110 strength: Gi) ) 11/24 to 4/2 13t04 65 4S | Gi) 115106 | 15106 25 [ _tiv) 12809 | 1:7108 10, Direction of change in | Increasing resistance to frost | properties is shown by | attack during construction the arrows Improvement in bond and ‘consequent resistance to rain penetration From | NOTE 1. Where mortar of a given compressive strength is required by the designer. the BS mix proportions should be determined from tests following the recommendations of 5628: jappendix A of BS 5628: Part 1: 1978. Part 3| NOTE 2. The different types of mortar that comprise any one designation are approximately equivalent in compressive strength and do not generally differ greatly in their other properties. Some general differences between types of mortar are indicated by the arrows at the bottom of the table, but these differences can be reduced (see BS. 5628: Part 3: clause 23.2.1) NOTE 3. The range of sand contents is to allow for the effects of the differences in ‘grading upon the properties of the mortar. In general, the lower proportion of sand applies to grade G of BS 1200 whilst the higher proportion applies to grade S of BS 1200, | NOTE 4. The proportions are based on dry hydrated lime, The proportion of lime by volume may be increased by up to 50% (V/V) in order to obtain workability NOTE 5. At the discretion of the designer, air entraining admixtures may be added to lime: sand mixes to improve their early frost resistance, (Ready mixed lime: sand mixes may contain such admixtures.) 3.3.2 Mortar joints Mortar joints may be finished in a number of ways. When this is carried out while the mortar is still fresh it is termed ‘jointing’. When the mortar is allowed to stiffen and some is then removed and replaced with fresh mortar (sometimes coloured) before finishing, the process is referred to as ‘pointing’. Jointing is preferable to pointing because it leaves the bedding mortar undisturbed Mortar used for pointing should have mix proportions similar to those used in the bedding mortar. For all types of masonry, itis essential to fill all the joints to minimise the tisk of rain penetration. Tooled mortar joints are more resistant to rain penetration than joints that have not been tooled, and are therefore more durable. Recessed joints increase the risk of water penetration and should be used externally only with frost-resistant units and mortars. Where used, the depth of recess should be related to the distance of any perforation or cavity in the unit from the exposed face of the unit so as to reduce the risk of water penetration, It is also important to avoid pointing over dampproof courses (dpes). This could provide a passage for water to bypass the dpe and cause mortar to crumble as the dpc settles. IStructé Masonry manual i) Flush or Bag Rubbed Joint This finish gives maximum bearing area and is often favoured when coarse textured units are used. With some brick types the finish may appear a ittlo iweegular, Curved Recessed (Bucket Handle) This joint can give an improved appearance over a flush joint with negligible reduction in strength. Its generally considered that this joint gives the best Weather resistance due to the smoothing of the joint and the superior bond this, achieves. It's perhaps the most commonly used joint. Struck or Weathered ‘Weathered bad joints produce an interplay of light and shadow on the brickwork. ‘Such joints when correctly made have excellent strength and weather resistance. Overhung Struck This finish gives a slightly different appearance of light and shade to struck weathered jointing. Unfortunately it allows rain to ladge on the horizontal {aces of the bricks and thus to penetrate the bricks and joints causing discolouration ang possible frost damage. For these reasons it should be confined to lightly stressed interior wails and external brickwork using appropriate quailty bricks ‘Square Recessed ‘Tris joint when used with durable bricks can produce a very pleasing effect but its weather resistance and strength will be considerably less than struck flush or curved recessed joints. With heavily perforated bricks where the perforations ‘occur near to the face a recessed joint may be inadvisable because resistance to water penetration may be impaired. Note: Secause of their toxture and frost resistance some bricks are unsuitable for overhung struck and square recessed jointing Fig 3.1 Principal types of joint profile for brick and block masonry je used for brick and block masonry are shown in ‘The principal types of joint profi "ig 3.1 “Types of finish for jointing and pointing of work should be carefully chosen in relation to the durability of the units and the conditions of exposure. 3.4 Durability For masonry construction the requirements for durability are usually satisfied by the appropriate choice of material qualities and mortar-joit profile, together with an adequate standard of workm: 2» IStruett: Masonry manual 1 Frost resistance Saturation is the major factor adversely affecting frost resistance. If freeze/thaw cycles occur masonry, while saturated, will be liable to frost failure unless appropriate units and mortar are specified. Masonry should preferably be detailed so that the risk of saturation, particularly for exposed locations, is reduced by adopting details that throw water clear of the walls by copings, sills, and roofs with adequate overhangs and drips. Some architectural features. such as flush copings and being exposed and saturated locally. For these features it is essential to select dl units and mortar. Manufacturers are required to state the frost resistance of their clay bricks by classifying them from experience in use as ills, can result in masonry ble + F: which means frost resistant, even when used in exposed positions where they will be liable to freezing while saturated. If there is any doubt it is strongly recommended that the manufacturer's advice as to the suitability of the product should be sought + M: which means moderately frost resistant and suitable for general use in walling that is protected from saturation * O: which means not frost stant. Such bricks are seldom made deliberately: they may be adequate for internal walls 3.4.2 Soluble salt content Most clays used in brickmaking contain soluble salts that may have been retained in the fired bricks, If brickwork becomes suturated for long periods, soluble sulphates will be released. These may cause mortars that have been incorrectly specified or batched and have « low cement content to deteriorate under sulphate attack, Sulphates from the ground or other sources may be equally destructive. Some clay bricks meet limits placed on the level of certain soluble salts and these are designated ‘L’ signifying low soluble salt content. Those that do not meet the limits are designated as “N* for normal soluble salt content. The use of designation L rather than N bricks in brickwork that may remain saturated for long periods may reduce the risk of sulphate attack in the mortar. The most effective way of reducing the risk of sulphate attack is by designing to prevent saturation and where this is unavoidable to use designation (i) mortars, ic. those rich in cement, The use of mortars rich in cement should. however, be balanced against the increased risk of cracking (see subsection 3.3.1). In some cases the use of sulphate-resisting cement is advised, 3.4.3 Liability to efflorescence Efflorescence is a crystalline deposit left on the surface of brickwork after the evaporation of watercarrying dissolved soluble salts, Manufacturers have to state which category the bricks being offered correspond to when subject to the efflorescence test described in BS 3921", namely nil, slight or moderate. Specifiers should be aware that these categories do not relate to the degree of efflorescence to which brickwork may be liable in certain site conditions, The risk of efflorescence, which is harmless and, whilst unsightly. usually temporary, can best be minimised by protecting the bricks in the stacks as well as newly built brickwork from rain (see BS 5628: Part 3': clause 3.5). The minimum qualities of units and mortar that will provide adequate durability are tabulated in BS 5628: Part 3' extracts from which are reproduced as Table 3.3, Further information on brickwork durability can be obtained from BDA Design note 7" [Struct Masonry manual 2 ° - - a ~Mwoy Fu (syieuor | 208) Kaeuipig | “parinstios aq pinoys saumoegnuun ayy “gy U} asn jeeraanesaa gurzoay aiqmuns you are strum Aefo-pouy Aueab AseUIPIO SOW (up zo uy u(y uz or (40] quem gorreames “(PTZ 99S) pasn aq pInoys wawiaD Sunstsa4-oirydyns | _ _ ap aE W203 sw] taMNOe Z]_EsoHEID| “WL epeds| JOANN UBIH Ev “eV 20 ZV UF pasn are syun kryo-pay ArTeab xeUTIPIQ) (syuar auay Ay “AIIM UT XpE|NoMued ‘ou Jo spouad Fuoy soy 1a 1 99s) (H)40 (1) ureuias Lew pure yam aurooeg [[} Aruoseus ware SIU) UT “[OA2| i (sour Grutpag Surza9y pulnos8 poysiuy “Ao}aq UWS] pure “oAOgE WQS) UIEMIEq| (4g) 20.(4)) UE) GD FL oF 40 (1) ynowpas wonRMes pares0| St EV pue ZW UT a]quIaUINA sow AsOSPAL aK 40 (W UL LY 403 SW] MHWL =] ESassHID] “(UL eHads| Jo ySUUBIH ZV THD ti (Syrowiay 295) yo;g pase a t (g¢ asneyo pue gg asnea aas) paatjaoine Jo sada sow (p) Suyzo0uy puv uonrames wouy AIjny pargo104d 910 uONaNUNSUO | Jopun Aauoseuu pure seys0Ur “sulun Aauosew [fe eK SANS 40 wYNL Z ‘01 eNUassa St 11 pash St YOU (AT) WoNBUTISap auayA | YFuams aatssazdwod v Furey (9) “pemolto} 24 plnoUs Ze *LrOL Sal Ur suounpuatuwsoras ayp‘istx9 SuorIpuoD punosd areqdins Jp Jo 788 SH ULM BULK du0> afandae asuap ypia apou (q) poitnstio9 ag pynoys xeanyowpnue ay “2IqeMIDS 29g tou Kew Y90IG @as2U09 parnJer paxeppoine yo sodA aug] +,u/F4QQST < Lasuap Yoo1g 40 (v) (spews (1 20 (9) ut jetaadg 10] (ay ur] Gan ar gor] Gago 9)“ MW/NST Z| €SOSSeID) UL AaMUIpIQ Burzaa4y noxys 30 qauas uowreames JOYS WOT LY sypolg aiaz9u03) (g Hed 29795 $e OF ase 91qUY, SHIP UH SoduAsayAN) SYSOMDY SuONTUs sop avo ommdoudde pay Sun KIUOseEM JO ATEN suut sypug! ments sian areruo3| —wni[e)) 19-POMLy uonemys Jo. uompuos Ksuosmyy 999] PUROIT [oUIDINA T09U10 MOPT PON CV) (ET AIMEL 2 Hed *8I9S SA Woy Dexa) VOHONASUOD paysiUy UF KruoseUT jo AGEING EE AGEL, IStructl: Masonry manual (S¢ pue og sasneja 298) Farzaayy pue uorenyes wiouy €((ny pararoud are wononnsuos sapun ATuoseur pur reuow “sin Aauosea [je 1eyp aunstia 0 ENUASSO SEI pasn S1 AeUOUL (AH) UORBUEISAP Aroq], (oyeurar 208) 30 (symuan 95) (AI) UF UUyN Le (eyremas sey (ap 30°) "INO 30°10 ‘NW L017 Sa8seh.) “TW 'NA “Td "8 AYTARD Jo SONPA] JSUUT PUP TSE PUP Og SasMe|D S38) TuIZaaIy PUL HK oy £11ng paroaioud axe uorHonmsuoo Jopun AAuoseus pur «eysouL stun Amuospus je wip aunsua 0} PHUDSS® SH Pash St SEUOW () UOHRUTTISAp arDK AL {1 pue seyOU atp UE pasn 34 P) jun. Ae]2-Pasly NIN 30 Nef SVM (EIT 925) Aqjensn ame syne paropuary Vv utp s2410) lewsanxe pasapuey, jodered “SBuidor xe pauspuyy (CG) '988) past 9g pynoys 1waUas Tunsisar-areydins eUaIsap Ut pasn are satun Ae]>-pazy Ne 9K *729 Joy seuOUL (g¢ asap pure og avney> 20s) Burzaayy puw uonemyes woy Kauoseut | my parsaioad axe uononasuo> Japun AAuOseUr puE TeUOU ash st seuoU! (M1) HOMeUTTSap 21914, ysnyy qaia seam pan] afze] mojag Yomyauq “Fa ‘sameay iMate urea.) (E°1Z 998) Urs BUIALAp atanas Kr94 Jo SuONNpUOD Ut S|pem 19910xd 200 Xow speiop Busaipam ‘s9x9MOH “UoHBINIES JO YS a1) aunyeay Ruyratoud saypo pur Hueyrado Joos £q para am | Gyrus uy au) yurduy| "Tz ~ (omar sMWUYN L = (€ eg :gz9¢ SH Ov 9m ajar, sypo[q 21919u05 pug s1a1su03 iiaixa palopuaitify (>) (panupuos) gE ae [Struct Masonry manual (Zz 928) 49puan alp Jo 2909 seg ayy U! pur sMOUE axp UE pasH 29 pInoys wtowas Zunsisos-areydyns “pasn axe suun Xe|>-paxty, NIN 20 Na 24244 Buidoo v yum papraoid aq pinoys siadvsed: TV 90§ 2U0 uo powsdH pare|soane Jo SaxlA) wos “Pz 298) papuatuwodar 6|SuoNs st UD SustaL-areqd|NS, Jo 280 Kp *Zf 40} PAS SI IBLOUE (111) HONBUAISAP 194A (spreura 29s) ypo|g porerae poan|aoyne Jo Sadi ou (p) (¢ und 39295 $4 01 am a]qEL, SMP UH SAdURIAIAL) SyTEWIDY | (syseuras | 1) 10 Zf Uy asn oy oN FOU are SHUN Kelo-pagy ArqpeNb KseUIPIC SOP 20s) ,wOWyN £2 yyRuans | (2) ur (sysettar aatssaidutoo v Survey (9) gas) artitpaQ, “('77 998) papuaunuosar é|Guons s} Wauta> Suysisar-oreydns _ £v0l j ureuaa Jo ast 940) (4Z asnn]> 29s) wes Bulauip azanas jo suontpuoa, SEL 40 788 SA Y1m Sursydatro9 40 (syseuas Ur [f 40} pasn ae suiun Av[>-party ApENh KreurPC aroyyy) _AAUTEe asap quan apeur (q) (mur L as} (W), AX OST Z Susuap y901g J (®)|-tuMYNOT Z|_O1 € SA8SHID Suiddea way ZF (Uz asenga e — 208) ff 2¢p Jo aseq auf ye pur sBindoo axp zapum papiroxd aq PInoy sadp pure ajqyssod saxazaym Fendoa e yo aannsadsaut ‘pasodxa au) UL (im) org }) ur (syseuuay) Ajazaaas aq 1 S{ayq] St STA Bumpurrs-aayy uy AUOse YY (ay ur Ary] taeayry $1 Z| OLE SANSPID] 99S) GteMNPI| _FuIdoo MAL LF : - Taurdos pk Sara wep fw USSISN PUP AiBpanog SUIPUTANSALY CP) Sar — ~ TH) ut fs sqien Aauoseu 94) Se TewOW Us (smutar 9as) S014) ‘342 UL pappag aq Pinoys s|fIs pur SBuIdo> “sBuidde> 10} sodq pows9e paav[soqne oul (P) go Lulu £ = TPBUons ' (p7z 998) aatssSsdutoo r Sutary (9) popuatuurodas XjBuons st wuauad Tunstas-syrydjns yo sn 347 JO°LbOT SM | “sypuruuio) Kauuny 10) pasn are suidos 10 sutdde> axay ay 20 788 SELIM BuLspduto>} aredouaie asuap Yirm apeutt (q) ‘paynsuod aq p[noys JauMoejnULUE IL “| UF asM Joy 40 uoa| (yy ue [tts par stuido ayqeuinsun aq Kew s¥20]g ares0U09 paresae paae|poine aUIOg | + wu/Ay OSL I JOP)) sw YE Z| OVP SASMID| (1) UE NA IO ssimddr, a SL? SHUT ASTI 7 aaenit Sypoyg aIUOD aI) wMI|rD) suun de[a-paity, 430 uontpuo> — SUoneutissp ievot aRUoIddE pur situ KivostUT jo Asuosey SES pu Surdoo Suiddey (panupuos) ¢"¢ A14eL [Structl? Masonry manual ‘PayNsuod aq Pmnoys saamoRIMUEHE YL “TY ‘ul asm Joy a]qeIIHs 19U axe S¥90[q B191909| pur sun Avy9-pany Ayjenb Aeurpsg wsoyy, paynsuos aq pynoys saanronynUeAs ULL “TY UL 9st. JOY a}GeUMMS LOU axe YD0IQ aiaiouo> paresar panrjrome Jo sada aunog (Ze 908) avssanau aq Seu juowiao dunsisaz-ayeydjns Jo asn ay) “post| aue suuun ée|9-pasty Karjenb Kiwuipyg asoy,| 31qRUs9p| SEE TTC 998) [Teo ay! Jo da"y FuMUNIAS aya Jo Suyoosdsainsn puv (1Z asnr2 298) adp # yim Burdos eanyoayja ure jo dorstaoud at] peuoiew Bututwap-294] yas poyyuyyaeg 2g stleas yans ae) papuaunuosor é|auons Sty] Jenuassa sf [Z asne]> ul papuawtuoras 221m JO UOISNIOxe JO} spoyaUL 24 OF (opmuiay 22s) 40 (1) Ulan TH 10} Sy {HUN OF = i (ay 20.@) ) UL LOLp sasseyy! ou) Susu eIa1 Amutpig! uo Suyoosdsan, ureyi39, ou ing dinddes saqquigy uone|ar ut sfeuareUr Jo aatoys jryauR,y “YoRNE, GH) a GPRS 9097) aivydjns pur as04j 01 2u0ad Ksepnonaed) —Yo0qq passe paaejoom yo sadév sow (p)| (1) ur persods si sjjem Surueies ur Ksuoseur ‘ainsodxa) -wW/N LZ yTuaNs aatssaiduos v Sutacy (2) 20 (11) 10 (0) Budo STRUTS 249498 OF UOLIDALqNS oF WOHIPpE| ~ LpOl S20 ZR8 SAN ur isyeutss) pur aang Suruieiaa ur-siovem punosd Aq uoneimes pur punors | Suyduion ae@axsze asuap yin aprus(q) (ay 40 (ap 33s) payooudaayns 24) 10s} uOReUIUETUOD a1q:SSod Jo sneO>g Ss"ID) —_aCUPIG GUA IM 1 Souq] Silun esq n 7 a sypoiqaiai5ue3)—a1aioNL) wimg] Sejo-pany aaneni i (¢ Wea 38796 Sa oy age apqe.L sty) UT soouaIajad) SYICWEY, Sioneuaisap sevour Syeudoxdde pue sun AAUOSBW Jo ANTEA)) uonpUoD KeuoseyY (Sourdoa pur sauNEED we BUI) jew BuURMAryg op (panupuod) gE ae, IStructF; Masonry manual 20 Fa zs ais E (10 (0) ] TaaaON ui .wH/84 0g¢ < (sewer wu yim 1seu09 justo ywotu9>) 298) (a) pur (i)| NIN JO “TW ‘NAT [euo1se990) aqeHNS ION Wim UN OFZ ULL Or ¢ s9sseD] “SyOUGTuDOUFUG] —aBeUREIP Nog ET = (a) 40) : : © (Kauoseut ur U/By ose z (pur yun tomuo> juatuos juswias} —(SyseUUD 998)/ NIWOT SNA “Ld snonusu09) aiqeins oN, ADI UN Op Z (u) ury ssefg] ‘syouq Suuaawaug) —adeursp no 77 ‘paynsuos 94 et ¥ oH PImoys soumisejnurw ay, -¢71 40 TTL asn 05 a[qeuns rou a1” you ! SVOIIIS uaniD|R9 Jo sodA aw, parinsuo3| 94 pinous sarmnoeymueU 94417 {9ST 40} AIMS YoU axe 301g payeiae paavjaoine jo sadXi autos | (ay ur : (sxsemar 228) 42014) pamojoy ag pmoys| parease pareyoome jo sada aout (p) PTZ UI suonepuaUIUODAS aX 30 | UU), £ = JSIX@ SuOHpUoD punodd arweydins [| —_PBuauys aatssasdutoo ¥ Bur vey (>) | 40) pasn aq pinoys| “ZF01 SEO ZRB SEL HIN Bus dO (1) ur (sysowar 295) quowao Sunsisai-aieydyns “pasn aieas83e asap yim oprur (q) (a) poe (1) NINJO-TW Nd “ld ‘ze sun Ae|>-pOdy Na DHA] 40 |,UH/AY OOS] Z CUSUOP YOKG JO(K)) CU) MT eM QZ Z)__MEL OVE SOsSRL.Q) “SYPUA RuudaULTUy) —so1eM adeHINE [1 é : aa St (¢ ug :Z95 Se 01 az | 890]q aiasau0; syplug ayesu03} aweouyts wnt9]e.3) sutun Kepp-pauty, uowenis 40 a1geL Styp Ur Souarazad) SMsRUUDY SUOTEUSISAp THOU aTeUTORETE pu sijun AIOSeU JO ‘SpfOyuRW “soquIEYD UOLDadsuT “S'>“OBuIOMAS pue aTeuMIC ("]) TAQ) uoREpUOD K4UOSEP (Panupuos) ee 91464, {Struct Masonry manual 3.4.4 Concrete blocks/bricks ‘Table 3.4 General guidance on the recommended qualities of blocks, bricks and nortar toe ity Eee a Location ___ Strength of eonerete unit (Nim?) Mortar designation i |. _Blocks jictaeticeeeuuaaa General internal: any block | Gil) external above dpe | ee eae e : External below dpe 3.5 dense 20 «iiiy free-standing walls; 7.0 light weight parapets Earth-retaining walls 7.0 dense | 30 (i Sills and copings. consult manufacturer 0 iid NOTE: Where sulphate attack can occur. the use of sulphate- necessary. cement may be 3.4.5 Lime bloom Lime bloom is « white stain occurring on concrete surfaces or surfaces in close proximity fo concrete units caused by lime being leached out of the unit. Lime bloom is not like efflorescence and is not soluble in water but can be removed hy careful washing with an appropriate acid, Brickwork built in wet weather is also sometimes susceptable to this form of staining 3.5 Fire resistance If the required fire resistance of a loadbearing cavity wall with a thickness taken from Table 3.5 is more than 2h, the imposed load should be shared by both leaves: otherwise, if the load is carried only by the leat exposed to the fire, the minimum thickness of that leat should be that given for loadbearing single leat walls. In order fora structural member to be able to carry its load during and after a fire its thickness may need to be greater than that which is dictated by purely structural considerations. 3.6 Wall ties and straps Wall ties should comply with BS 1243" or meet the recommendations of DD 140: Part 2° Jor performance-designed ties. In situations of severe exposure, or where required by building regulations, suitable stainless steel or non-ferrous ties should be used, The most frequently specified ties are either of low carbon steel protected with azine coating to BS 729 or minimum weight of coating 940g/m". or grade 304 austenitic stainless steel. Guidance on the selection of walls ties, material and type. is given in Tables 3.6 43 The materials and type of perimeter anchorages for laterally loaded wall panels should follow the principles described for cavity-wall ties Anchorage straps for tying down roofs or similar should be 19 x 3mm galvanized mild steel or non-ferrous metal as appropriate to the recommended cavity ties Restraint straps for tying in walls should be 30x Smm galvanized mild steel, stainless stee!, oF non-ferrous metal as appropriate. Metal connections, such as joist hangers or straps connecting the inner leaf with & buttressing partition, and which do not pass through the cavity to be embedded in the outer leaf of a cavity wall may be of galvanized mild steel. irrespective of the number of storeys in the building. 2s IStructE Masonry manual Table 3.5 Notional fire resistance of walls - loadbearing single leaf walls Masonry | ‘Type | Minimum thickness (mm) for notional periods of fire resistance unit - 4h | 3h 2h [_90mins | 6Omins 30min solid [ORs | saison 190 | _ 90 90 75% solid i.e. 200 200 170, 170 170 100 “perforated at Concrete sofidcdensey = | t00 | 100 90 | 90 block hollow - 7 - - - 190 |. @ensey eee solid 140 100, 100 90 90 hiweight) Seat 3 hollow - : 100 100 100 90 (lightweight) | _aerated__| 180 igo 100, loo, 90. 90 Concrete solid 190 190 100 | 100 90 90, or calcium: | silicate ; brick __| NOTES Q ae a 1. Thickness can be reduced by approx, 10mm if not less than | 3mm plaster or render is applied to each Face. 2. Non-foadbearing walls can have reduced thickness, especially for 90min, 60min andl SOmin periods: refer wBS5 3, Table 3.5 is a summary extract from Table 16 of BS 5628: Part 3) Table 3.6 Recommended minimum types and qualities of cavity wall ties F 1 “Types of wall and building [Minimum recommended ties (a) 2 storeys or less (i) domestic buildings 10g stainless steel or non-ferrous butterfly or double triangle Gi) non-domestic and not pricultural 10g stainless steel or non-ferrous metal butterfly or double triangle tb) Not exceeding 3 storeys i: (i) cavity less than 75mm. 10g stainless steel or non-ferrous butterfly or double triangle ii) cavity exceeding 75mm 19x 3mm stainless steel* or non-ferrous metal vertical twist {c) Exceeding 3 storeys Bie (i) cavity less than 75mm Stainless steel or 8g non-ferrous metal butterfly or double triangle ii) cavity exceeding 75mm 19 x 3mm stainless steel or non-ferrous metal vertical twist * or performance designed alternatives NOTE, All cavity wall fies should comply with BS 1243 or be of equivalent characteristics, Structl: Masonry manual 2» auayrXjod pum saurdjod uaurmyg ‘saurkjod youd “#2 ‘sadp se asn wowMoD ur ase sare>t E861 '86E9 = Be 0 a xipuodde aas quawanour aouepand Joyuny Jog! Jo YSt st azoyp asoqs mad 1WaWIpIBY Jo parog, Ys APY IIA sfeUArEUE LOO (86£9 Sa 40 SSeI>) 430 apt Buoy Au99 aang | : jesse rr peay pur ase 21g pavioddns Any (01 papuant ase 142 | | | 2g pinoys adp aig “Aen| — sBurpping sop arqruns) | 36£9 S40 GSeI9) Auav9 P sh pasn Uay.Ay | stu ame pus al | | : | opp pray pur aseq urIssayy “q_sasse [3 “paqumstpun vonenauad| sn a19}2q] surnutias wouing —_aunistour o1 gounistsau ' (3689 Se ure. “soureaM PIO UI up j Aouaroys| nage o1 $fayqun paqeas : ee 430 €f Seo) asty a1gl | safe 100 S20) sisting ainssaid, pur unugg] | | : ‘ano quia pajforun Huy ing pea | ' | | ataNatd W ! | Pxewumoq, prendy) (un) | F Hinow Tare | ( audy) se suonwsapisuos 210, Sunuanpy worsnnxa o1 Aampger]| — duarasd o1 wouneaM wHL0f i ruawyy Sodp ay sjeso}eut jo apueUtTTOp puv sapaadoad Teostud ¢ age, {Struct Masonry manual 30 3.7 Dampproof courses (dpcs) Despite the widespread use of dampproof courses in masonry elements, their structural properties, particularly in tension, have not been widely studied. Current British Standards do not define structural performance requirements The principal factors to be considered are: * resistance to squeezing out due to compressive loads, * ability to resist sliding and/or shear stresses + adhesion to mortar so that flexural stresses may be transmitted. In general, advice on the resistance to compression, tension, sliding and shear should be sought from the manufacturers. In particular it should be noted that the flexural strengths of dpes are particularly suspect. Commonly used dpe materials and their properties are listed in Table 3.7. 1StructE Masonry manual 31 4 General principles of limit-state design for masonry walls and columns 4.1 Loadings ‘This Manual adopts limit-state principles and the partial factor format of BS 5628: Part 1' The loads to be used in calculations are therefore: (a) characteristic dead load, Gis the weight of the structure complete with finishes, fixtures and fixed partitions (BS 648'°) (b) characteristic imposed load, Qh; (BS 6399: Parts | and 3!” and the appropriate Building Regulations") (c) characteristic wind load, Wy: (CP3: Chapter V: Part 2'”) (@) at the ultimate limit state the horizontal force to be resisted at a particular level should be the greater of: (i) 1.5% of the characteristic dead oad above that level, or (ii) the characteristic wind load above that level multiplied by the appropriate partial safety factor. 7 (see Table 4.1) (e) for the design of structural members affording lateral support to (he masonry elements, including the elements transmitting this force to the members providing stability to the whole structure, the sum of: (i) the simple static reaction arising from the total design horizontal forces applied at the lateral support, and (ii) 2.5% of the total cha support. The horizontal force produced by (d) should be distributed between the strongpoints providing overall lateral stability. according to their stiffnesses. The strongpoints do not need to be designed to resist the horizontal force produced by (c). The design loads are obtained by multiplying the characteristic loads by the appropriate partial safety factor, ya from Table 4.1. ‘The ‘adverse and “beneficial” factors should be used so as to produce the most onerous condition teristic load, applied as a horizontal force at the lateral ‘Table 4.1 Partial safety factors for loads, yr aa Taine combination _ eee dead Gk imposed Qi wind Wi —_|__ adverse | beneficial adverse ber - 1. Dead and 14 09 16 j 0 Ht imposed __ 2. Dead and 14 oo | : Lae wind} J : 3. Dead, wind 12 : 12 - 1.2 ind imposed * For infill wally subject to wind loading only, a factor of 1.2 may be used where removal of the wall will in no way affect the stability of the remaining structure, 32 IStructE. Masonry manual 26 r 2 2 1 20 —— ++ 8 % 12 + strength of masonry (N/mm?) Characteristic compressive 1 20 30 408810 Compressive strength of unit (N/mm?) Fig 4.1 Characteristic compressive strength of brick masonry. fi 4.2 Serviceability limit state Nocalculations are required to check the serviceability limit states of masonry elements. provided that the recommendations of this Manual are observed. 4.3 Characteristic strengths 4.3.1 Characteristic compressive strength ‘The characteristic compressive strength, fi, for brick walls is given in Fig 4.1. For brick walls where the thickness of the wall is equal to the width of a standard format brick. i.e. 103mm, the value given in Fig 4.1 may be multiplied by 1.15 The characteristic compressive strength fi, for blockwork walls constructed of standard format blocks of 100mm, 140mm, und 215mm width, with a height of 215mm, is given in Figs 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4, respectively. For walls constructed with solid and hollow blocks of different sizes, reference should be made to BS 5628: Part 1, Table 2. For walls or columns with plan area less than 0.2m’, the characteristic compressive strength from Figs 4.1 to 4.4 should be multiplied by (0.7 + 1.5A), where A is the loaded cross-sectional plan area in m’, For hollow or perforated masonry units the characteristic compressive strength quoted when tested in accordance with the appropriate British Standard relates to the gross plan area of the masonry unit as though it was solid. Where hollow blocks are filled with in site concrete with a compressive strength greater than the compressive strength of the block, recalculated using the net area of the block, the characteristic compressive strength of the masonry may be determined from Figs 4.2 t04.4, assuming that the blocks are solid and have a compressive strength as recalculated. Where the compressive strength of the concrete infill is less than the recalculated compressive strength of the block. the characteristic compressive strength of the masonry should be determined on the basis of the compressive strength of the conerete infill IStructE Masenry manual 33, % 2 ae) = = g 6 é Bou 2 2 2 0 3 5 8 g 2 6 See 3 B23 1 —| > solid blocks r j ofS 4 >) Hollow biocks 1 0 WS a Wwe weet ls =F o 5 0 % 2 2% 3 35 40 Compressive strength of unit (N/mm?) Fig 4.2 Characteristic compressive strength, fix for blockwork walls built with standard format blocks 100mm wide and 215mm high Solid blocks Choracteristic compressive strength of masonry (N/mm?! Hollow blocks Fig 4.3 Cha 0 5 © B® 20 % 3 3 40 Compressive strength of unit (N/mm?) racteristie compressive strength, fi, for blockwork walls built with standard format blocks 140mm wide and 213mm high IStructt? Masonry manual 8 4 (ay z Solid blocks ee el £2 wo {— Hollow blocks 2 ef BS 64 5 8 poe Aeaeae a eae aa 0 8 0 8 w % % 3 40 Compressive strength of unit (N/mm?) Fig 44 Characteristic compressive sirength, fa, for blockwork walls built with standard format blocks 215mm wide and 215mm high For masonry units laid other than on their bed face, the compressive strength of the units in that direction should be used to determine fi; using Table 2 in BS 5628: Part } When using 100mm x 215mm wide solid block laid flat refer to Table 2(b), If the blocks are to be laid with mortar only on the outer surfaces of the blocks (shell bedding) the design strength needs to be reduced by the ratio of the bedded area to the gross area of the block, Shell bedding is not recommended for structural masonry Increased local stresses may be permitted beneath the bearing of a concentrated load of a purely local nature, such as beams, columns, lintels, ete. provided that either the clement applying the load is sensibly rigid, or a suitable spreader is introduced. The concentrated load may be assumed to be uniformly distributed over the area of the bearing. except in the special case of « spreader located at the end of a wall and spanning, in its plane (bearing type 3, sce Fig 4.5(c)) and dispersed in two planes within a zone contained by lines extending downwards at 45” from the edges of the loaded area. ‘The effect of the local load combined with stresses from other loads (see Fig 4.6(a)) should be checked: (a) at the bearing, assuming a local bearing design strength of 1.25f/Y in the case of bearing type 1 (Fig 4.5(a)) or 1.5fi/Yn in the case of bearing type 2 (Fig 4.5(b)) (b) ata distance of 0.4h below the bearing where the design strength is to be taken as Bfi/Ym allowing for the effects of slenderness, where fx isthe characteristic strength of the masonry he isthe clear height of the wall Yo is the partial safety factor for material strength B is the reduction factor for slenderneys (see Table 5.2) IStructE Masonry manual Beam to span in plane of walt # Edge distance may be zero, b < | Cage distance Vatex

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