F5 Revision (Chap 1-3)

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Shuctred Questions FS Reu/ejen (es -3) * Soalan 1 Complete the chart below regarding the classification of plant tissues. Lengkapkan carta di bawah mengenai pengelasan tisu tumbuhan, — ————| ») @) q _ Permanent tissue © Tisu kekal ©) @ 1 @ + ®) Meristematic tissue I Tisu meristem ) H@ 2 Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Isikan tempat kasong dengan jawapan yang betul. (a) Meristematic tissue contains cells that are actively by to produce new cells. This tissue can be classified into meristem and meristem. meristem is located at the tips of and shoots while lateral meristem is found around the outer edge of stems and dengan aktif melalui Tisu meristem mengandungi sel-sel yang untuk menghasilkan sel-sel baharu, Tsu ini dapat dikelaskan kepada meristem dan meristem « Meristem terletak di hujung dan ‘pucuk manakala meristem lateral dijumpai di bahagian Iwar batang dan surfaces of leaves, stems and (&) The epidermal tissue forms a layer of cells on the «Most epidermal cells are and have vacualse Tisu epidermis akan membentuk satu lapisan sel-sel pada bahagian daun, batang . Kebanyakan selsel epidermis adalah dan mempunyai dan vakuol yang © cells have relatively primary walls and large Its function is to store and starch, Sel-sel ‘mempunyai dinding primer yang dan yang besar. la berfungsi untuk menyimpan dan kanji. 0) cells have unevenly thickened walls, especially at the that support plants, young stems and petioles. Sel-sel ‘mempunyai dinding dengan ketebalan yang tidak sekata terutamanya di bahagian yang menyokong tumbuhan , batang ‘muda dan petiol. 3 Diagram below shows the xylem tissues, Rajah di bawah menunjukkan tisu-tisu xilem, (a) Name the process that forms the xylem tissue as shown above. Namakan proses yang membentuk tisu xilem seperti yang ditunjukkan di atas. (©) State two functions of xylem tissue. Nyatakan dua fungsitisu xilem, “() Gi) (©) Xylem tissue is a vascular tissue. Name another type of vascular tissue found in plants Tisu xilem adalah tisu vaskular, Namakan satu lagi jenis tisu vaskular yang dijwpai dalam stumbuhan. a Diagram below shows plant tissues with specialized cells labeled X, Y and Z that have undergone differentiation to perform specific functions. Rajah ai bawah menunjukkan tisu tumbuhan yang mempunyai sel Kiusus berlabel X, Y dan Z yang telah (a) Name cell X and cell ¥. Namakan sel X dan sel ¥. (b) State a characteristic for cell X and cell Y, Nyatakan satu ciri bagi sel X dan sel ¥. (©) Why is the companion cell in tissue Z rich in mitochondrion? Mengapakah sel rakan dalam tisu Z mengandungi banyak mitokondrion? WEBB iisuimenisrem oan renrumauHAN MERISTEMATIC TISSUES AND GROWTH Objective Questions Soakan Objektit 1 Which zone in a plant root contains apical meristem’ Bahagian yang manakih dislam akor tumbuhan mengandungi meristem qpeks? A. Zone of cell elongation Zon pemanjangan sel B_ Zone of cell maturation Zon kematangan sel C Zone of cell division Zon pembahagian sel D Zone of cell differentiation Zon pembezaan sel Cell elongation in roots of plants occurs by Pemanjangan sel pada akar rumbuhan berlaku ‘A. producing more nuclei menghasilkan lebih banyak mukleus B_ producing more cytoplasm menghasilkan lebih banyak sitoplasma C producing more glucose menghasilkan lebih banyak glukosa D_ absorbing more water through osmosis menyerap lebih banyak air secara osmosis Which of the following structures produces cork? Struktur yang manakah membentuk gabus? A Pith Empulur B_ Vascular cambium Kambium vaskular © Cork cambium Kambium gabus D_ Secondary phloem Floem sekunder 4 Diagram below shows three zones of growth, P, Qand R ina root, Rajah di bawah mermunjukkan tiga zon pertumbuhan iaitu P, Q dan R yang terdapat pada akar Which of the following are the correct zones represented by P and R? Antara berikut, manakah zon-zon yang betul diwakili oleh P dan R? cg itacass A Zone of cell Zone of cell division elongation Zon pembahagian | Zon pemanjangan sel sel B Zone of cell Zone of cell elongation division Zon pemanjangan | Zon pembahagian sel sel Cc Zone of cell Zone of cell elongation differentiation Zon pemanjangan Zon pembezaan sel sel D Zone of cell | Zone of cell differentiation division Zonpemberaan | Zon pembahagian sel sel Structured Questions Soalan Struktur 1 Identify zone of cell di nad ie 2one of cet division, zone of cll elongation and zone of eel differentiation atthe tips of root Kenal past! z i hajug pecut pembahagian sel, zon pemanjangan sel dan zon pembezaan sel pada hujung akar dan @) () © Tip of root Tip of shoot Hujung akar Hujung pucuk (a) @ © () © © 2. Answer the following questions regarding growth in plants. Jawab soalan-soalan berikul mengenai pertumbuhan tumbuhan. (a) Name two types of growth found in plants. ‘Namakan dua jenis pertumbuhan yang terdapat dalam tumbuhan, @ (ii) (b) Give the definitions of primary and secondary growth. Berikan maksud pertumbuhan primer dan pertumbuhan sekunder Primary growth: a Pertumbuhan primer Secondary growth: es Pertumbuhan sekunder: 3 Identify zone of cell division, zone of cell elongation and zone of cell differentiation in a seed radicle as shown below. Kenal pasti zon pembahagian sel, zon pemanjangan sel dan zon pembezaan sel pada radikal biji berth ‘yang ditunjukkan ai bawah 4 Complete the following chart regarding the three growth zones in plants, Lenghapkan carta berikut mengenai tiga zon pertumbuhan dalam tumbuhan. Zone of cell division Zon pembahagian sel terbentuk, (8) Each cell repeatedly through mitosis until a mass of cells consisting of many cells are formed. Setiap sel berulang-kali secara mitosis sehingga suatijisim sel-sel yang mengandungi banyak sel yang Zon pemanjangan sel Zone of cell elongation (b) The size of cells increases due to the intake of and Saiz sel-sel bertambah disebabkan oleh kemasukan dan Three growth zones (©) The accumulation of water in the causes the primary Tigaton © | all to pertumbhan Pengumpulan air dalam menyebabkan dinding primer (4) The nutrients are used to form in the cell, ‘Nudrien digunakan untuk membentuk dalam sel Zone of cell differentiation Zon pembezaan sel (6) The cells begin to from each other to form groups of cells, sekumpulan sel yang Sel-sel mula antara satu sama lain untuk membentuk 5 Fill in the blanks with the correct answer regarding primary growth, [sikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul mengenai pertumbuhan primer. (a) Primary growth in plants takes place in the meristem of the shoot and the Pertumbuhan primer dalam tumbuhan berlaku pada meristem di pucuk dan di (b) Primary growth occurs in all monocotyledonous and plants. Pertumbuhan primer berlaku pada semua tumibulan monokotiledon can tumbuhan (©) Primary growth will produce xylem and phloem, Pertumbuhan primer akan menghasilkan xilem dan floem ‘Compare the primary and secondary growth in plants. Bandingkan pertumbuhan primer dan pertumbuhan sekunder dalam tumbuhan. Type of cell involved Jenis sel yang terlibat 7 Study the following diagram. Kaji rajah berikut. e-@ (a) Identify the structures above, Kenal past strukturstruktur di atas. P: 8: Q T: Ri U th in the plant's stem, diagram, explain the process of secondary BrOW' - Dee rton| spon saa rorangkan proses pertumbukan sekunder yang berlakw, ‘pada batang tumbuhan. » The ___cambium divides __ to produce xylem and phloem. Kanbum membahagi secara untuk menghasilkan xilem « pe + Asaresult, the xylem will be pushed towards the while the primary phloem Will be pushed towards the epidermis. Hasilnya, xileni_* akan ditolak ke arah___manakala floem primer akam ditolak ke arah epidermis. + The walls of the secondary xylem become thickened with . which gives support to the plant. Dinding xilem sekunder ditebalkan dengan yang akan memberikan sokongan pada tumbuhan. + As the secondary xylem grows , the outside tissue becomes increasingly compressed. Apabila xilem sekunder tumbuh , tisu Iuar akan semakin dimampatkan. + The circumference and causes the epidermis to be stretched sideways. Thaur itit dan menyebabkan epidermis meregang ke bahagian sisi. + Thus, the epidermis and is replaced by which is produced from the activity of cambium, Maka, epidermis akan dan digantikan dengan ‘yang dihasilkan melalui aktiviti kambium @ Draw and label the secondary growth that occurs in the root of a eudicotyledonous plant. Lukis dan labelkan pertumbuhan sekunder yang berlaku pada akar tumbuhan eudikotiledon. Secondary xylem AXilem sekunder Nascular cambium <—— Kambjium vaskalar Se Primary xylem Primary phloem Secondary phloem primer Floem primer Floem sekunder 9 Labe! the structure of secondary growth that occurs in the root of a monocotyledonous plant Labelkan struktur bagi pertumbuhan sekunder yang berlaku pada akar tumbuhcn monokotiledon | -————— @ @ ———— |_| o) ) © o 10 State the importance of primary growth and secondary growth. ‘Nyatakan kepentingan pertumbuhan primer dan pertumbuhan sekunder. ‘Secondary growth Pertumbichan sekunider GROWTH CURVES LENGKUNG-PERTUMBUHAN. Objective Questions Soalan Objektif 1 Sunflower plant is an example of an annual % © plant, What is meant by annual plants? Pokok bunga matahari adatah contoh eotiahan some ‘Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan tumbuan semusin? ‘A. Plants that complete their life cycte in one Jhambuhen yong melengkapkan kitar hidupnya dalam masa setahun B_ Plants that complete their life cycle in two years Tiumbuhan yang melengkapkan kitar hidupnya dalam masa dua tahun C Plants that complete their life cycle in three years Tianiuan yang melengkapkan kitar hidupnya dalam masa tiga talun D_ Plants that complete their life cycle in ten years Tumbuhan yang melengkapkan kitar hidupnya dalam masa sepuluh tahun 2 Which of the following apparatus can be used to measure the growth rate of plants? Antara radas berilat, yang manakah boleh digunakan untuk mengukur kadar pertumbuhan? A Potometer Potometer B Photometer Fotometer C Hydrometer Hidrometer D Auxanometer Auksanometer Diagram bolow shows the growth curve of @ perennial plant. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan lengkung pertumbuhan bagi suatu tumbuhan saka. Hight (cm) Ketinggian (em) “Average growth Purata pertumbuban ee eew oia3s45678 9 Time (yea) ‘Masa (tahun) Which of the following statements is correct about the above growth curve? Antara berikut, pernyataan yang manakah benar mengenai lengkung pertumbuhan di atas? ‘A. The growth rate of a perennial plant is even throughout the year Kadar pertumbuhan tumbuhan saka adalah sekata sepanjang tahun B_ The growth rate of a perennial plant is uneven throughout the year Kadar pertumbuhan tumbuhan saka adalah tidak sekata sepanjang tahun C. The growth rate is slower in summer than in winter Kadar pertumbuhan adalah lebih perlahan dalam musim panas berbanding musim sejuk D The growth rate is faster in winter than in summer ‘Kadar pertumbuhan adalah tebih cepat dalam musim sejuk berbanding musim panas Structured Questions Soalan Struktur 1 Study the following photos of severa! types of plants Kaji foro-foro bagi beberapa jenis tumbuhan yang berth J (a) Identify the types of plants in J, K and Kenal past jenis.jenis tumbuhan bagi L based on their life cycle. ‘J. K dan L berdasarkam kitar hidup masing-masing. Khe J L: (b) State one difference between plant K and plant L. Nyatakan satu perbezaan antara tumbuhan K dan tumbuhan L. average dry mass of tomato seedlings planted for 30 days in a nursery ym each other. bagi anak benih pokok tomato yang ditanam selama ida jarak 15 cm di antara satu sama lain. 2. The following table shows the measuring 1 mx J mat a distance of 15 cm fro Jadual berikat menunjukkan purata jisim kering 530 hari di dalam tapak semaian berukuran 1 mx 1 m pai ‘Tue fyeelo) 0 5 1s | 20 | 25 | 30 Masa (ming) Average dry mass(g) | yg | 16 Purata jisim kering (@) 10 | | | 40 | 7 | 94 | 92 | 8 (@) Based on the above resulls, draw a graph of average of dry mass against time to show the growth curve of tomato plant. Berdasarkan keputusan di atas, lukiskan grafpurata jisim kering melawan masa untuk ‘menunjukkan lengkung pertunbuhan bagi pokok tomato. A vv 3 (b) Why is there an increase in dry mass after week 5? Mengapakah terdapat,pertambahan berat kering selepas minggu ke-5? (©) Explain the growth patter of tomato plant. Terangkan corak pertumbuhan bagi pokok tomato, N Diagram below shows the growth curve of a perennial plant, Rajah di bawak menunjukkan lengkung pertumbuhan bagi tumbuhan saka. Height (cm) Ketinggian (cm) ‘Average growth Puraia pertumbuban Tine ots 34569 8 9 1 Mamcann) Explain the growth pattem of the plant. Terangkan corak pertumbuhan bagi tumbuhan itu + The annual growth for a perennial plant is shown ina curve Pertumtzshan taunan bagi tumbuhan saka ditunjtikkan dalam lengkung . + This is because the secondary growth is each year due to several factors such as light, water and : Hal ini kerana pertumbuhan sekunder pada setiap tahun disebabkan beberapa faktor seperti cahaya, air dan + In spring, plenty of sunlight and water promote the of plants, Pada musim bunga, banyak cahaya matahari dan air yang menggatakkan tumbuhan, + In autumn, the growth rate becomes due to a decrease in intensity. Pada musim luruh, kadar pertumbuhan menjadi disebabkan kekurangan keamatan + In winter, lower light intensity and lead to slower growth rate, This is because the vascular and the lateral meristem are almost in coridition. Pada musim sejuk, kekurangan keamatan cahaya dan menyebabkan kadar pertumbuhan ‘menjadi rendah. Hal ini kerana vaskular dan meristem lateral berada pada keadaan Leaf Structure and Function Struktur dan Fungs! Daun STRUCTURE OF A LEAF J STRUKTURDAUN Objective Questions Soatan Objektit 1 Which of the following is not the intemal structure of a leaf? “Antara erika, yang manakah bukan struktur w dalaman bagi dan? A B c D Petiole Petiol Epidermis Epidermis ‘Spongy mesophyll Mesofil berspan Vascular bundle Berkas vaskular ‘What is a herbarium? Apakah itu herbarium? A c D Which structure of the leaf has the most chloroplast? ‘Struktur dalam daun yang manakah mempunyat Acollection of plants Suatu koleksi tumbuhan ‘A collection of herbaceous plants ‘Suatu koleksi tumbuhan herba L A ‘A collection of dried specimens of plants ‘Suatu koleksi spesimen tumbuhan kering ‘collection of dried specimens of animels 2 ‘Suatu koleksi spesimen haiwan kering paling banyak Horoplas? A B Cc Lamina Lamina Palisade mesophyll Mesofil palisad Spongy mesophyll Mesofil berspan Vascular bundle Berkas vaskular 4 Diagram below shows a cross section of a leaf. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan suatu keratan rentas daun. Identify the structures labelled P and Q. Kenal pasti struktur yang berlabel P dan Q Q Upper epidermis Epidermis atas Vascular bundle Berkas vaskular Lower epidermis Epidermis bawah ‘Vascular bundle Berkas vaskular Mesophyil palisade Mesofil palisad Upper epidermis Epidermis atas Upper epidermis Epidermis atas Spongy mesophyll ‘Mesofil berspan Structured Questions Soalan Struktur 2 1 Complete the following chart regarding the structure of a leaf. Lengkapkan carta berikut mengenai struktur dawn I Internal structure Struktur dalaman ft t y 1 [w ] Co) (® © | ® | l (a) ® 2 Label the cross-sectional diagram of a leaf as shown below. Labeikan rajah keratan rentas daun yang ditunjukkan di bawah. @ @ 14 “EA MAIN ORGAN FOR GASEOUS EXCHANGE ORGAN UTAMA PERTUKARAN GAS a Objective Questions Soatan Objektit 1. Gaseous exchange in plants occurs through the Pertukaran gas dalam tumbuhan beriaku metal! A. cuticle utike! B stomata stomata guard cell sel pengawal D_ spongy mesophyll cell sel mesofil berspan 2 Which of the following ions involves in the ‘opening and closing of stomata? “Antara berikut, ion yang manakah terlibat dalam ‘pembukaan dan penutypan stomata? A. Helium ion Ton heliura B_ Hydrogen ion Ton hidrogen CC Potassium ion Ton kalium D Magnesium ion Ton magnesium 3 Aplant uses carbon dioxide during, photosynthesis. How does carbon dioxide enter the leaf? Tumbuhan menggunakan karbon dioksida semasa fotosintesis. Bagaimanakah gas karbon digksida memasuki daun? A. Diffusion through the xylem Resapan melalui xilem B. Diffusion through the phloem Resapan melalui floem C. Diffusion through the stomata Resapan melalui stomata D_ Diffusion through the epidermis Resapan melalui epidermis 4) Which of the following statements is true for euidicotyledonous plants? “Antara berikut, pernyataan yang manakah benar bagi tumbuhan eudikotiledon? ‘A. The upper surface of a eudicotyledonous leaf has no stomata Permukaan atas daun eudikotiledon tidak ‘mempunyai stomata B_ The upper and lower surface of a ‘eudicotyledonous leaf have an equal number of stomata Permukaan atas dan bawah daun ‘eudikotiledon mempunyai bilangan stomata ‘yang sama The upper surface of a eudicotyledonous leaf has a greater number of stomata than the lower surface Permukaan atas daun eudikotiledon ‘mempunyai bilangan stomata yang lebih berbanding di permukaan bawah daun D. The lowet surface of a eudicotyledonous leaf has a greater number of stomata than the upper surface Permukaan bawah daun eudikotiledon mempunyai bilangan stomata yang lebih berbanding permukaan atas daun 5 How does carbon dioxide and oxygen move in and out of a mesophyll cell? Bagaimanakah karbon dioksida dan oksigen masuk dan keluar dari sel mesofil? A. Diffusion” Resapan B_ Respiration Respirasi C Transpiration Transpirasi D Active transport Pengangkutan aktif 18 Structured Questions Soalan Struktur \gram fa leaf. ‘Diagram below shows a cross section o! ' Rajah di bawah menunjukkan keratan rentas sehelai daun. (a) Name the structures labelled above. Namakan struktur-struktur yang berlabel di atas. (b) State two tissues that form structure Q. Nyatakan dua tisu yang membentuk struktur Q. (©) Identify which structure is involved in the opening and closing of stomata, Kenal pasti struktur yang manakah terlibat dalam pembukaan dan penutupan stomata. (@) Gaseous exchange occurs between the leaf and the surrounding air. Briefly explain how the structure you had mentioned in question 1(c) is involved in the gaseous exhange of the plant. Pertukaran gas berlaku antara daun dan udara sekitarnya. Terangkan secara ringkas bagaimana struktur yang anda sebutkan dalam soatan 1(c) terlibat dalam pertukaran gas tumbuhan. (©) Why is it necessary for the stomata to close at night? Mengapakah penting bagi stomata menjadi tertutup pada waktu malam? Fill in the blanks with the correct answer regarding the mechanism of stomatal opening and closing, Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan betul mengenal mekanisme pembukaan dan pemutypan stomata {fotosintesis dan menghasilkan banyak glukosa The concentration of sucrose in the guard cells Kepekatan sukrosa dalam sel-sel pengawal ‘Opetiliigof stomata) Closing of stomata Pembukaan stomara Penutupan stomata @ (b) + During the day, the cells carry out |+ During the night, the guard cells photosynthesis and produce many glucose. carry out photosynthesis. ‘Semasa hari siang, sel-sel menjalankan | Semasa hari siang, sel-sel pengawal _ menjalankan fotosintesis. ‘The concentration of sucrose in the guard cells ‘Kepekatan sukrosa dalam sel-sel pengawal + Intake of, ions into the guard cells + Potassium ions move out of the cells ‘occurs very into the epidermal cells. Pengambilan ion-ion ke dalam sel Ton-ion kalium keluar daripada sel-sel pengawal berlaku secara ke sel-sel epidermis. + The pressure in the guard cells «The osmotic pressure in the guard cells Tekanan dalam sel pengawal Tekanan osmosis dalam sel pengawal * Water from the surrounding cells + Water from the cells diffuses diffuses through into the vacuole of | out through into the surrounding guard cells. epidermal cells. Air daripada sel-sel di sekeliling Air daripada sel-sel meresap keluar meresap secara ke dalam vakuol sel secara ke dalam sel-sel epidermis di pengawal. sekeliling. + The vacuole of guard cell causes the __ + The guard cell becomes and curves to push into the cell wall. Vakuol sel pengawal menyebabkan Sel pengawal menjadi dan melengkung menolak ke dinding sel. + The guard cell becomes and curves + The stoma will —: Stoma akan Sel pengawal menjadi dan melengkung + The stoma will Stoma akan L 3° Read the following information Baca maklumat berikut: nt typesjof plant haye: finlansore neacen (a) What is the difference in term of distribution of sto eudicotyledonous leaves? “Apakah perbezaan dari segi aspek taburan stomata antara daun monokotiledon dan daun eudikotiledon? mata between monocotyledonous and (b) Explain how the distribution of stomata in aquatic plants allows them to carry out photosynthesis at an optimum rate, Terangkan bagaimana taburan stomata datam tumbuhan akwatik membenarkan tumbuban un'uk ‘menjalankan fotosintesis pada kadar yang optimum. (©) Explain why most stomata ate found in the lower epidermis of the eudicotyledonous leaves. Terangkan mengapa kebanyakan stomata ditemui pada epidermis bawah daun eudikot. 4 Answer the following questions. Jawab soalan-soalan berikut. Y Cold day Warm day Hari sejuk Hari panas (2) What is the function of the cell labeled Y? Apakah fungsi sel berlabel Y? (b) Explain how the changes to the guard cells on warm day help the plant to survive. Terangkan bagaimana perubahan pada sel pengawal di hari yang panas membantu tanaman bertahan hidup. 18 MAIN ORGAN FOR TRANSPIRATION ORGAN UTAMA TRANSPIRASI Objective Questions Soalan Objektit 1 Which of the following instruments is often used to measure the rate of water uptake in plants? Antara peralatan berikut, yang manakah selalu digunakan untuk mengukur kadar kemasukan air ke dalam tumbuhan? A Potometer Potometer B Photometer Fotometer C Auxanometer Auksanometer D_ Respirometer Respirometer Diagram below shows an experimental set-up to investigate the rate of transpiration. Rajah di bawah meraunjuikkaresusunan radas stat eksperimen bagi mengkaji kadar transpirasi. Air bubble Gelembung udara Under which of the following environmental conditions would the air bubbles in the capillary ‘tube move at the fastest rate? Di bawah keadaan persekitaran yang manakah gelembung udara dalam tiub kapilari bergerak ‘pada kadar terpantas? ‘A. Increase in relative humidity Peningkatan kelembapan relatif B Increase in temperature Peningkatan suhu C Decrease in air movement Pengurangan pergerakan udara D Decrease in light intensity Pengurangan keamatan cahaya 3 Choose a correct graph showing the effect of increased relative humidity on the rate of transpiration. Pilih graf yang tepat menunjukkan kesan peningkatan kelembapan relatif terhadap kadar transpirasi. A. Transpiration ate Kader ranspirast Y__. Relative bumidity Kelembapan relatif B Transpiration rate Kadar transpirasi [7 Relative humidity Kelembapan relsif CC Transpiration rate Kadar transpirasi \J Relative humidity Kelembapan relatif ‘Transpication rate Kadar transpirasi L___—_.. Relative humility Kelembapan relaif structured Questions Soalan Struktur 7 1. List the necessity of transpiration in plants. Senaraikan keperluan transpirasi kepada tumbuhan. 2 Complete the following table. @) (b) Lengkapkan jadual berikut, Graphs Details Graf Penerangan is Light intensit ‘ os cola + Asthe intensity oflight___, the rate of transpiration also increases. Apabila keamatan cahaya , kadar tranpirasi juga i: meningkat, §3 i + This is because the stoma is opened which allows more i to be absorbed into the leaves during photosynthesis. 38 ‘Thus, mote water vapour through it. ge Hal ini kerana stoma terbuka untuk membolehkan lebih banyak = ‘meresap ke dalam dawn sewaktu fotosintesis. Maka, taiwan lebih banyak wap air melaluinya. (b) Temperature + As the surrounding temperature + the kinetic energy of She water molecules increases and accelerates the rate of evaporation through the 23 Apabila sulu persekitaran_____, tehaga kinetit moleku!- ef molekul air bertambah dan mempercepatkan kadar penyejatan i vt A «Thus, the higher the surrounding temperature, the higher the rate of until itreaches the _rate. Temperature (0) Maka, semakin tinggi suhu, persekiiaran, semakin tinggi kadar ‘uh sehingga mencapai kadar____- 20 (c) Air movement Pergerakan udara [(@ Relative air humidity Kelembapan relatif udara Transpiration rate Kadar transpiras! Kelembapan relatif + The wind blows the evaporated water vapour from the toother places and __ the rate of transpiration Angin meniupkan wap air yang tersejat dart _ Tain dan ___ kadar transpirasi. When there is no wind, the water vapour evaporated from around the stoma and that area becomes, ke tempat the stoma with water vapour. Apabila ada angin, wap air yong terseja dar! stoma akan “—- disekeliling stoma dan kawasan berkenaan menjad dengan wap air. Therefore, the rate of transpiration will . ‘Maka, kadar transpirasi akan High relative air humidity refers to the air with water vapour. Kelembapan relaif udara yang tinggi merujuk kepada wdara yang dengan wap air. + Therefore, the rate of evaporation of water from the stoma is ‘and the rate of transpiration becomes low. ‘Maka, kadar penyejatan air dari stoma dan kadar transpirasi menjadi rendah. + Low relative air humidity indicates. air, Therefore, the rate of evaporation of water from the stoma will and the rate of transpiration becomes > Kelembapan relatif udara yang rendah menunjukkan dara . Maka, kadar penyejatan air dari stoma akan dan kadar transpirasi menjadi Four similar plants ase growing under different condition of temperature and air humidity. Choose which plant is likely to wilt first. Explain your choice Empat jenis tumbuhan yang sama ditanam dengan keadaan suhu dan kelembapan udai ” span udara yang berbeza. Pilih tumbuhan yang manakah akan layu terlebik dahulu. Terangkan pilihan anda. Era | Low Rendah Low Rendah 21 4 The graph below shows the uptake and loss of water by a plant over a period of 24 hours. Graf di bawah memunjukigan kemasukan dan kehilangan air oleh tumbuhan selama tempoh 24 jam. 50 — — — as key: Prunjuk ‘water loss kehilangan air — water uptake / kemasukan air kehilangan air ‘Time/Masa 000 4.00800 12.00 16.00 20.00 24.00 morning noon evening, agi tengah hari petang (a) At which times of the day were water uptake and water loss equal? Pada masa yang manakah dalam hari tersebut pengambilan air dan kehilangan air adalah sama? (b) At what time of the day did the plant lose water most quickly? Pada masa yang manakah dalam hari tersebut kehilangan air berlaku dengan cepat? (©) Based on your answer in 4(b), give one reason why the maximum loss of water occurred at that time Berdasarkan jawapan anda di 4(b), berikan satu sebab mengapa kehilangan air yang maksirmum berlaku pada masa tersebut. (d) Name the process involved in the loss of water from the plant. ‘Namakan proses yang terlibat dalam kehilangan air daripada tumbuhan. (€) The maximum uptake of water occurred at the same time as the maximum loss of water. Explain why this happened. Kemasukan air secara maksimum berlaku pada masa yang sama dengan kehilangan air secara ‘maksimum. Terangkan mengapa ini berlakw “EZ MAIN ORGAN FOR PHOTOSYNTHESIS ORGAN UTAMA FOTOSINTESIS Objective Questions Soalan Objektif 1 Diagram below shows a cross section of a leaf. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan keratan rentas Sehelai daun, Which of the following structures, A,B, C and D is most active in carrying out photosynthesis? Antara struktur, A, B, € dan D, yang manakah paling aktif menjalankan fotosintesis? 2. Which of the following statements about photosynthesis is incorrect? ‘Antara berikut, pernyataan yang manakah mengenai fotosintesis adalah tidak tepat? A. Energy is released during photosynthesis. Tenaga dibebaskan semasa fotosintesis. B Photosynthesis occurs only in the presence of light. Fotosintesis hanya berlaku dalam kehadiran cahaya. Glucose is a product formed during photosynthesis. Glukosa adalah hasil yang terbentuk semasa fotosintesis. D Starch is a product formed during photosynthesis. Kanji adalah hasil yang terbentuk semasa ‘fotosintesis. 3° Grana is a stack of thylakoids within the chloroplast. What is the function of grana? Grana adalah susunan tilakoid dalam Kloroplas. Apakah fungsi grana? A. Site for glucose production Tapak penghasilan glukosa B. Site for dark reaction Tapak tindak balas gelap C Site for storage for products of photosynthesis Tempat simpanan untuk hasil fotosintesis D Site for energy generation during photosynthesis ‘Tapak penjanaan tenaga semasa fotosintesis . Study the following information. Kaji maklumat berikut. Plants need water and. produce glucose in the and chlorophyll” Mes Tambuhan memerlukan air-dan Karbon... dioksida untuk menghasilkan glikose dengan kehadiran cahaya matahari dan klovafit ox ‘What happens if the intake of water is decreased? Apakah yang berlaku jika kemasukan air berkurangan? ‘A. Production of glucose increases Penghasilan glukosa meningkat B Production of oxygen decreases Penghasilan oksigen berkurang C The usage of carbon dioxide increases Penggunaan karbon diokxide meningkat D Concentration of hydrogen ions increases Kepekatan ion-ion hidrogen bertambah Structured Questions Soalan Struktur ~ 1 Give a definition of photosynthesis. Berikan definisi fotosintesis. 2 State the word equation for photosynthesis, Nyatakan persamaart perkataan bagi fotosintesis. () @ Jo © r) —— + (@) 3 Fill in the blanks regarding the adaptation of internal structure of a leaf to carry out photosynthesis. Isikan tempat kosong mengenai penyesuaian struktur dalaman daun ketika fotosintesis, (b) Epidermal cells are and to (c) Palisade mesophyll cells contain allow light to penetrate the leaf. many to conduct Sel epidermis adalah dan at the maximum rate. untuk membiarkan cahaya menembusi daun. Sel mesofil palisad mengandungi untuk menjalankan CIC Cu | H (@) Spongy mesophyll cells are arranged to create more for more diffusion of carbon dioxide and ‘Sel mesofil berspan tersusun [—* mewujudkan banyak untuk banyak resapan karbon dioksida dan 24 4 Label the structure of chloroplast below. Labelkan struktur kloroplas di bawah. @ o) (©) @ 5. State the functions of the structures in chloroplast. ‘Nyatakan fungsi bagi struktur-struktur dalam Kloroplas. Structures: Functions Strub |. é _ Rangsi Outer membrane | (a) Membram luar Inner membrane | (b) Membrane dalam Thylakoid © Tlakoid Granum @ Granum Stroma © Stroma 6 Answer the following questions. Jawab soalan-soalan berikut. (a) Name a technique used to separate photosynthetic pigments in a leaf. ‘Namakan suatu teknik yang digunakan untuk memisahkan pigmen fotosintesis dalam dawn (b) List several photosynthetic pigments in a leaf that you know. Senaraikan beberapa pigmen fotosintesis dalam daun yang anda ketahi. (©) What is a benefit of the pigments in photosynthesis? Apakah kepentingan pigmen dalam fotosintesis? 25 26 7 Study the following diagram. Kaji rajah dl bawah — 24H —_. 24 O1F a ie Me MH (a) State the main stages in photosynthesis. Noatakan peringkat utama dalam fotosintesis, (b) How are the products of the light-dependent reaction used in light-independent reaction? Bogaimanakah hasil tindak balas bersandarkan cahaya digunakan dalam tindak balas tidak bersandarkan cahaya? (c) Compare between light-dependent reaction and light-independent reaction in the table below. Bandingkan antara tindak balas bersandarkan cahaya dan tindak balas tidak bersandarkan cahaya dalam jadual di bawah. Light-dependent reaction Tindak: balas bersandarkan eahaya Site of reaction Tapak tindak balas Requirement of light energy Keperluan tenaga cahaya Photolysis of water Fotolisis air ‘Substances of reaction Bahan tindak balas End product Hasti akhir 7 Study the following diagram. Kaji rajah di Bawah. (2) State the main stages in photosynthesis, Nyatakan peringkat wtama dalam fotosintesis. (b) How are the products of the light-dependent reaction used in light-independent reaction? Bagaimanakah hasil tindak balas bersandarkan cahaya digunakan dalam tindak balas tidak bersandarkan cahaya? (c) Compare between light-dependent reaction and light-independent reaction in the table below. Bandingkan antara tindak balas bersandarkan cahaya dan tindak balas tidak bersandarkan cahaya dalam jadual di bawah. Light-dependent reaction Light-independentxeaction Tindak balas bersandarkan © Tindak: datas tidak ~ eahaya Liss abersandarkan cana Site of reaction Tapak tindak datas Requirement of light energy Keperluan tenaga cahaya Photolysis of water Fotolisis air Substances of reaction Bahan tindak balas End product Hasil akhir 26 8 The graph below shows the effects of various limiting factors on the rate of photosynthesis. Graf di bawah menunjukkan kesan pelbagai faktor pengehad terhadap kadar fotosintesis. Rate of photosynthesis Kadar fotosintesis graph 4 graft 013% CO, 30°C 0.13% CO, 20°C graph 3 Fo graf3 graph 2 graf? graph 1 raf] 0.03% CO, 930 0.03% CO, at 20°C Light intensity Keamatan cahaya (a) What is meant by the term ‘limiting factor’? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan istilah faktor pengehad'? (b) State the three limiting factors of photosynthesis. Nyatakan tiga faktor pengehad bagi fotosintesis. @ @ Gi) (©) From the graph, state the optimal conditions for the highest rate of photosynthesis. Berdasarkan graf, nyatakan keadaan yang optimum bagi kadar fotosintesis yang tertinggt (@) Suggest why it is important for farmers to understand the concept of limiting factor on photosynthesis. Terangkan mengapa adalah penting bagi petani untuk memahami konsep faktor pengehad bagi fotosintesis. 27 n COMPENSATION POINT Titik PAMEASAN Objective Questions Soalan Objekt? 1 Aplant can possibly reach the compensation point when Tumbuhan mungkin mencapai titik pampasan apabila . [light intensity’is,low keamatan cahaya tdalah rendah TI light intensity is high keamatan cahaya adalah tinggi TI atnight waktu malam TV atdusk waktu senja A Tonly C Land IV Isahaja Idan IV B only D IandIV UW sahaja UW dan IV ‘What is compensation point? Apakah itu titik pampasan? A. The light intensity at which the rate of photosynthesis is equal to the respiration of a plant Keamatan cahaya di mana kadar fotosintesis adalah sama dengan respirasi rumbuhan B The light intensity at which the rate of photosynthesis is equal to the transpiration. of a plant Keamatan cahaya di mana kadar fotosintesis adalah sama dengan transpirasi tumbuhan C The light intensity at which the rate of photosynthesis is higher than the respiration of a plant ‘Keamatan cahaya di mana kadar fotosintesis adalah lebih berbanding respirasi tumbuhan D The light intensity at which the rate of photosynthesis is less than the respiration of a plant Keamatan cahaya di mana kadar fotosintesis adalah kurang berbanding respirasi tumbuhan 3° Which of the following is true about the effect of light intensity on oxygen intake of plants within 24 hours? Antara yang berikul, yang manakah benar ientang kesan keamatan cahaya terhadap pengambilan coksigen tumbuhan dalam masa 24 jam? ‘Oxygen released Oksigen dibebaskan ¢ Noon Oxygen 9] Tengah hari Oksigen digunakan B Oxygen released Oksigen dibebaskan | ‘Oxygen used Noon ‘Oksigen Tengah hart digunatan e Oxygen released Oksigen ibebaskan “ 0 Noon Oxygen used Solsnen (Tengah hari digunakan D Oxygen released Oksigen albebaskan | Noon Oxygen used Oksigen Tengah hari digunakan Structured Questions Soalan Struktur Tick [/] the correct statements on what happens to plants during compensation point, Tandakan [V] pernyataan yang betul mengenai apa yang berlaku pada tumbuhan semasa titik pampasan, (a) The rate of photosynthesis is equal to the rate of respiration. Kadar fotosintesis adalah sama dengan kadar respirasi. (&) Only haifof the carbon dioxide released during respiration is used for photosynthesis. Hanya separuh karbon dioksida yang dibebaskan semasa respirasi digunakan unk fotosiness. () All the oxygen released during photosynthesis is used for respiration. Semua oksigen yang dibebaskan semasa fotosinesis digunakan untuk respirasi. (@ Althe glucose produced by photosynthesis has been used in respiration ‘Semua glukasa yang terhasil daripada fotosintesis telah digunakan datam respirasi. 2. Label the diagram below. Labelkan rajah di bawah. @) © Glucose + oxygen Glukosa + oksigen Refine Carbon dioxide ne + water Karbon doksda Based on the diagram shown in question 2, fill in the blanks with the correct answer. ‘Berdasarkan rajah yang ditunjukkan dalam soalan 2, isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul while we and oxygen needed by all living organisms for Photosynthesis produces for photosynthesis. These two processes help respiration produces carbon dioxide used by and content in the atmosphere. to maintain the Fotosintesis menghasilkan dan oksigen yang diperlukan oleh semua organisma hidup untuk ‘manakata respirasi menghasilkan karbon dioksida yang digunakan oleh untuk fotosintesis. Kedua-dua proses ini saling membantu untuk mengekalkan kandungan dan dalam atmosfera. 29 4. State the comparison between photosynthesis and respiration Nyatakan perbandingangantara fotosintesis dan respirasi. Similarities Persamaan (a) Both processes involve changes of Kedua-dua proses melibatkan perubahan tenaga (b) Both processes occur in Kedua-dua proses,berlaku dalam energy in organic matter _____ dalam bahan organik (c) Both processes are catalysed by Kedua-dua proses dimangkinkan oleh Differences Perbezaan Photosynthesis ~ Fotosintesis Site of reaction Tapak tindak balas ‘Onset of reaction Masa tindak balas Type of cell involved Jenis sel yang terlibat Raw materials Bahan mentah End products Hasil akhir Glucose and energy Glukosa dan tenaga 5. Answer the following questions. Jawab soalan-soalan berikut. (@) Define compensation point. Berikan definisi titik pampasan. (b) Predict what will happen if the plant is at a compensation point for a long time. Ramalkan apa yang akan berlaku sekiranya tumbuhan berada pada titik pampasan dalam suatu masa yang lama. vom “ED MAIN INORGANIC NUTRIENTS J NUTRIEN TAK ORGANIK UTAMA Objective Questions Soalan Objektif 1 Element R is a main component found in chlorophyll. What is element R? Unsur R adalah komponen utama yang dijumpai dalam Horofil. Apakah unsur R? A Iron C Magnesium Ferum ‘Magnesium B Calcium D Manganese Kalsium Mangan 2. Macronutrients are needed in large quantity by plants. Which of the following is a macronutrient? Makromutrien diperlukan dalam kuantiti yang banyak oleh tumbuhan. Antara berikut, yang manakah makronutrien? ‘A. Copper C Manganese Kupram ‘Mangan B Potassium D Chlorine Kalium Klorin 3 Which of the following shows the correct effects of macronutrient deficiency for plant growth? ‘Antara berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan kesan kekurangan makronutrien pada tumbesaran tumbuhan yang betul? Lack of magnesium | Lack of nitrogen Kekurangan ‘Kekurangan magnesium nitrogen A Small leaves Yellow leaves Daun-daun kecil | Daun kekuningan B Yellow leaves Stunted growth Daim akaingan | ectantathan terbantut C| Stunted growth Long roots Pertumbuhan terbantut | Akar memanjang D| Stunted growth Yellow leaves Pertumbuhan terbantut | Daun kekuningan wo a Nutrition in Plants Nutrisi dalam Tumbuhan The following statement describes the effect of a mineral deficiency in a plant. Pernyataan berikut menerangkan kesan ‘kekurangan suatu mineral pada tumbuhan. Leaves ttm yellow Aid stunted growta Dean bertukar huning dan pertuardukarstertartut What is the mineral? Apakah mineral tersebut? ‘A. Copper C Phosphorus Kuprum Fosforus B Nitrogen D Magnesium Nitrogen Magnesium What is the function of manganese in photosynthesis? Apakah fungsi mangan dalam fotosintesis? ‘A. The main component of chlorophyll Komponen utama dalam klorofil B Asa cofactor in the synthesis of chlorophyll Sebogai kofaktor dalam sintesis klorofil C Asan activator of enzymes in photosynthesis Sebagai pengaktif enzim dalam fotosintesis D_ Asa coenzyme in photosynthesis Sebagai koenzim dalam fotosintesis Inorganic nutrients are present in the soil in the form of Nutrien bukan organik terdapat di dalam tanah dalam bentuk A atoms atom molecules molekul organic compounds sebatian organik electrically charged ions ion bercas elektrik uv Structured Questions Soalan Struktur « 1 Give a definition of macronutrient and micronutrient. Berikan maksud makronutrien dan mikronutrien. Macronutrient: Makromutrien: Micronutrients: = = Mikromutrien =. 2 Categorise the following elements into macronutrients and micronutrients. Kategorikan unsur-unsur yang berikut kepada makronutrien dan mikromutrien. tron, boron, nitrogen, phosphorus, zine, copper, sulphur, calcium, potassium, molybdenum, magnesium, manganese, nickel, chlorine Ferum, boron, nitrogen, fosforus, zink, kuprum, sulfur, kalsium, Kalium, molibdenan, mgmesiio, mangan, nikel, Klorin 3 Complete the following table regarding the macronutrients required by plants. Lengkapkan jadual berikut mengenai makronutrien yang diperlukan oleh tumbuhan. Functions, i Effects of deficiency asf | Fangsi: : | Kesan kekurangan — Potassium — | Kalium, Calcium | @ Kalsium ium |) ) Magnesium Phosphorus | 8) ® Fosforus Sulphur | ® Sulfur 32 4 Complete the following table regardin, i ie ig the micronutrients required by plants Lengkapkan jadual berikut mengenai mikromurien yang diperlukan oleh tumbuhan, TS RRR TT [i ieee ararirats | 2 Fumgst Katoh bekiriien, Chlorine | ) Klorin Iron © @ Ferum Manganese | (© © ‘Mangan Boon |® © Boron Zine @ ® Zink copper | o Kuprum Nickel (m) () Nikel Molybdenum | © ®) ‘Molibdenum 5 A group of students carried out They provided four sets of apparatus wit ilankan eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan kekurangan mineral ke atas Sekumpulan murid telah menjal tanaman. Mereka menyediakan seperti berikut: an experiment to study the effects of the lack of minerals on plants. th different mineral content for the plants as follows: empat set radas dengan kanchngan mineral berbeza bagi tanaman a A Nitrate, phosphate, potassium Nitrat, fosfat, kalium B ‘Nitrate and phosphate Nitrat dan fosfat c ‘Nitrate and potassium Nitrat dan kalium D Phosphate and potassium Fosfat dan kalium 33 (2) Observations on the growth of the plants in these four sets of apparatus for six weeks were recorded ina table. Match thaset of apparatus A to D with the observed plant conditions in the table below. Pemerhatian ke atas pertumbuhan tanaman dalam empat set radas tersebut selama enam minggu ‘elah direkodkan dalam jadual. Padankan set radas A hingga D dengan keadatn tananny yang diperhatikan dalam jadual 1 di bawah. The leaves turn yellow and have weak stems Daun menjadi kuning dan mempunyai batang lemah |) Many healthy green leaves Banyak daun hijau yang sihat The leaves tum yellow, the green leaves have red spots Daun menjadi kuning, daun hijau dengan bintik merah Leaves turn yellow or with brown Spots, weak stems and roots Daun menjadi kuning atau dengan tompok perang, batang dan akar lemah (©) By comparing the mineral content in each set of apparatus, which mineral is ceded for root ‘growth? Why do you think so? Dengan membandingkan kandungan mineral dalam setiap set radas, mineral ‘yang manakah diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan akar? Mengapakah anda berpendapat demikian? (c) Predict the effects if nitrate minerals are not supplied to all the plants in the experimental apparatus set above. Ramalkan kesan jika mineral nitrat tidak dibekalkan kepada semua tanaman dalam set radas eksperimen di atas. (@) Predict the effect if the plant is only supplied with distilled water, Ramalkan kesan jika tanaman tersebut hanya dibekalkan dengan air suling sahaja Objective Questions Soalan Objekt 1 The cell sap of a root hair has » higher concentration of nitrate ions than the surrounding soil, Which feature of the cell ‘maintains the higher concentration of these ions in the cell sap? Sap sel rambut akar mempunyai kepekatan ion nitrat yang lebih tinggi daripada tanah sekitarnya, Ciri-ciri sel yang manakah mengekaikan kepekatan ion yang lebih tinggi dalam sap sel? A. Presence of cell wall Kehadiran dinding sel B Presence of cell membrane Kehadiran membran sel C Large vacuole Vakuol yang besar D Large surface area Luas permukaan yang besar Choose a correct pathway of water uptake from the soil into xylem. Pilid:Ialuan kemasukan air daripada tanah ke xilem yang betul A. Epidermal root hair — pericycle —+ endodermis —+ cortex — xylem Epidermis rambut akar —+ perisikel + endodermis — korteks + xilem B Epidermal root hair — endodermis, — cortex —+ pericycle + xylem Epidermis rambut akar —+ endodermis —+ korteks —+ perisikel — xilem C Epidermal root hair + cortex —+ perioycle — endodermis + xylem Epidermis rambut akar —+ korteks —+ peristkel -+ endodermis —+ xilem D_ Epidermal root hair — cortex + endodermis + pericycle > xylem Epidermis rambut akar — kortex + endodermis —+ perisikel —+ xilem s 3 a ORGAN FOR WATER AND MINERAL SALTS UPTAKE ORGAN PENGAMBILAN AIR DAN GARAM MINERAL 7 Which of the following is not the root adaptation for efficient upiake of water and mineral salts? Antara berikut, yang manakah bukan penyesualan akar bagi pengambilan air dan garam mineral yang cekap? A. Presence of cuticle Kehadiran kutikel B Has thin cell wall Mempunyci dinding sel yang nipis C Has small vacuole ‘Mempunyci vakuol yang kecit D_ Has small surface area ‘Mempunyai luas permukaan yang kecil The movement of mineral ions into plant root cells is called Pergerakan ion mineral ke sel akar tumbuhan dikenali A. osmosis osmosis B_ endocytosis endositosis C active transport pengangkutan aktif D_ passive transport Pengangkutan pasif Casparian strips are present in Jalur Casparian terdapat dalam A pith C epidermis empulur epidermis B cortex D: endodermis korteks endodermis Which of the following root tissues gives rise to two secondary meristems such as vascular cambium and cork cambium in roots? Amara tisu akar berikut, yang manakah ‘menghasilkan dua meristem sekunder iaitu kambium vaskular dan kambium gabus dalam akar? A Cortex C Epidermis Korteks Epidermis B Pericycle D Endodermis Perisikel Endodermis 35 Structured Questions Soalan Struktur ~ 1. Label the root structure below. Labelkan struktur akar di bawah. @) (b) © (a) © 2. Observe the two cross sections of root plants as shown below. Perhatikan dua keratan rentas akar tumbuhan yang ditunjukkan di baw, (a) Identify the type of plants for the above cross section. Kenal pasti jenis tumbuhan bagi keratan rentas di atas. Monocotyledonous plant Tumbuhan monokotiledon (b) Differentiate the cross-sectional structures of the monocotyledonous root and eudicotyledonous root. Eudicotyledonoas plant Tumbuhan eudikotiledon Bezakan struktur keratan ventas akar monokotiledon dengan akar eudikot. (©) State one difference between monocotyledonous and cudicotyledonous plants. Nyatakan satu perbezaan antara tumbuhan monokotiledon dan tumbuhan endikotiledon. 36 3 as in ee esi with the correct answer about absorption of mineral salts by root plants. Isikan tempat rong dengan jawapan yang betul mengenai penyerapan garam mineral oleh akar ‘The concentration of mineral salts in the soil is than the concentration in cells. Mineral ions cannot the root hair cells following the concentration gradient. Thus, the _______ protein in the cell membrane pumps the mineral ions into the cell against the concentration gradient through transport. Kepekatan garam mineral di dalam tanah adalah lebih berbanding dengan kepekatan di dalam sel - Jon mineral tidak boleh ke sel rambut akar mengikut kecerunan kepekatan ini, Maka, protein dalam sel membran mengepam ion mineral ke dalam set melawan kecerunan kepekatan melalui pengangkutan 4 Rina is watering the garden behind her house. Water will be absorbed from the root to the xylem part of the plant before it is carried to each part of the plant. Rina sedang menyiram air di taman belakang rumahnya. Air akan meresap masuk dari akar ke bahagian xxilem tumbuhan tersebut sebelum dibawa ke setiap bahagian tumbuhan. {a) Name the process involved for the entry of water from the soil to the root hairs. Namakan proses yang terlibat bagi kemasukan air dari tanah ke rambut akar. (b) State two root structural adaptations that allow for maximum water absorption. ‘Nyatakan dua struktur penyesuaian akar yang membenarkan resapan air berlaku dengan maksimum w Diagram below shows a root hair cell. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sel rambut akar, (a) Describe how the shape of this cell is different from other cells and give a reason why this benefits the plant. Terangkan bagaimana bentuk sel ini berbeza dengan sel lain dan berikan alasan kenapa ini ‘memberi manfaat kepada tumbuhan. (6) Explain how the magnesium ions are taken into « plant and transported to the site they are needed. Terangkan bagaimana ion magnesium dibawa masuk ke dalam tumbuhan dan diangkut ke bahagian yang diperlukan. v7 DIVERSITY IN PLANT NUTRITION Objective Questions Soalan Objektif 1 Camivorous plants use structure X to attract insects. What is X? Tumbuhan karnivor menggunakan struktur X untuk menarik perhatian serangga, Apakah itu X? A Root “€ Flower Akar Bunga B Leaf D Stem Daun Batang 2 Photo below shows a type of epiphytic plant. Foto di bawah menunjukkan swatu tumbuhan epift What is the name of the above plant? Apakah nama bagi tumbuhan di atas? A Fungi Kulat B Venus Flytrap Pokok periuk kera C Money plant Pokok duit-duit D_ Staghom fern Paku-pakis langsuyar 38 3 a KEPELBAGAIAN DALAM NUTRISI TUMBUHAN = What is meant by parasitic nutrition? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan mutrisi parasit? A. Atype of nutrition in which an organism absorbs nutrients from another living organism Sejenis. nutrisi di mana organisma ‘menyerap nutrien daripada organisma hhidup yang lain B A type of nutrition in which an organism ingests food and digests it within the body Sejenis nutrisi di mana organisma memakan ‘makanan dan mencernakannya dalam badan C_ A type of nutrition in which an organism absorbs nutrients from dead organic material Sejenis nutrisi di mana organisma menyerap nutrien daripada bahan organik mati D Atype of nutrition in which an organism synthesises organic compounds using light energy Sejenis nutrisi di mana organisma mensintesiskan sebatian organik menggunakan tenaga cahaya Plant Y lives on stems or branches of large trees to get more sunlight. Tumbuhan Y hidup di batang atau dahan pokok besar untuk mendapatkan cahaya matahari? What is the type of nutrition carried out by plant Y? Apakah jenis nutrisi dijalankan oleh tumbuhan Y A. Parasitic Parasit B Epiphytic Epifit C Camivorous Karnivor D None of the above Bukan semua di atas Structured Questions Soalan Struktur 1 Identify the type of plants b Kenal pasti jenis tumbuhan (a) This plant absorbs nutrients rom host and weakens the host Fonbuhan ni menverap nurien daripada perumah dan melemahkan perumah tersebut ‘ased on the following explanations. berdasarkan penerangan berikut {@) This plant holds on to tree trunks to get sunlight sham pada batang pokok wntuk meridapatkan cahaya matahari Tumbuhan ini mencengl (©) This plant secretes enzymes to digest insects. srembeskan enzim untuk mencernakan serangga. Tumbauhan ini met 2. Diagram below shows two types of plants Rajah di bawah menunjukkan dua jenis tumbuhan. (a) Name plants P and Q Namakan tumbuhan P dan Q. P: Q (b) Describe the nutritional adaptation in plants P and Q Huraikan penyesuaian mutrisi dalam tumbuhan PdanQ. P: Q i) Sae another example of a plant with similar nutritional adaptation as plant P. Vyatakan contoh tumbuhan lain dengan penyesuaian nutrisi yang sama seperti tumbuhan P, 39

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